What are the benefits of citric acid, how to make it at home

What is citric acid

Based on the name, we can assume that the substance is made from lemon. However, in reality this is not the case. In modern conditions, the substance is obtained through the biological synthesis of sugary substances and strains of special mold fungi. In other words, the acid is produced artificially - it is much simpler and more profitable than extracting it directly from citrus.

The useful substance belongs to the category of food additives and is known under the code E-330. It is used as a preservative, flavoring and antioxidant in the food industry. Acid is also actively used in other areas. Externally, it looks like a white fine-crystalline powder with a sour taste.


Natural ways to obtain

This acid was named citric acid by the Swedish chemist Carl Scheele, who obtained it in 1784 from unripe lemons. It is found in citrus fruits (6-8%), in shag leaves (8-14%) and many other fruits and berries. Citric acid plays an important role in metabolism in living organisms, including the human body, as it participates in the Krebs cycle.

Receipt in industry

Citric acid is obtained mainly by biochemical method. Its essence lies in the fermentation of sugar or molasses by strains of the fungus Aspergillus niger.

The traditional method of extracting shag leaves or citrus fruits has also retained its significance. A very small role in the production of citric acid is played by the chemical method of producing ketene by reacting oxaloacetic acid anhydride. World production of citric acid is about 2 million tons.

Composition and chemical properties of citric acid

From a chemical point of view, the E-330 additive is a tribasic hydroxycarboxylic acid. It contains citrates - salts and esters, vitamins C, E and A, sulfur, chlorine and phosphorus. Despite the fact that the composition of the substance may seem rather meager, the acid is valued for its high concentration of useful substances.

The chemical properties of citric acid are also of interest. The substance easily dissolves in ethyl alcohol and water, and when heated to temperatures above 175 ° C, it decomposes into carbon dioxide and water. The substance is easily mixed with other components and is not toxic to the environment.


Citric acid is a technical basic carboxylic acid. It is a white crystalline substance that is highly soluble in water. It is a weak acid. Salts of the acid are called citrates. Here are brief characteristics of citric acid:

Molecular formula(HOOCCH2)2C(OH)COOH
Molar mass192
Density (20oC), g/cm31,665
Melting point, oС153
Solubility in water (20oC), g/100 ml133

The formula of the substance looks like this:

Benefits of citric acid for the body

Despite the fact that the health benefits and harms of citric acid complement each other, when used wisely, it is very valuable. Small doses of the dietary supplement have a positive effect on the main systems of the body.

For men and women

The benefits and harms of citric acid for the human body are expressed in many ways. This substance:

  • restores healthy metabolism and helps improve digestion processes;
  • helps with liver function, as it accelerates the production of bile and helps cleanse the body;
  • removes toxic compounds, toxins and even poisons from the body - there are special detox diets based on citric acid;
  • acts as a mild natural laxative, has a diuretic effect;
  • cleanses the blood and improves its composition, reduces blood pressure and strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • reduces glucose levels, therefore it is an extremely valuable supplement for diabetics;
  • has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect both internally and externally;
  • helps enhance the effectiveness of a diet aimed at losing weight;
  • strengthens joints, tendons and connective tissue, protects against the development of joint ailments;
  • strengthens the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria;
  • maintains healthy and youthful skin.

The substance is known as one of the best hangover remedies - it helps to quickly cope with the consequences of intoxication.

For the elderly

It is especially useful to consume drinks and foods with additives in old age. The substance protects older people from joint diseases, prevents the formation of blood clots, and serves as a preventive measure for varicose veins. In addition, acid strengthens vision, which often decreases over the years, and increases the overall tone of the body.

For pregnant and nursing mothers

When used carefully in minimal dosages, the dietary supplement will be of great benefit to pregnant women. The substance will help expectant mothers protect themselves from colds, help relieve swelling and reduce the manifestations of toxicosis.

During lactation, the substance will enhance the production of breast milk. The valuable components in the substance will be useful for both mother and baby, as they will help support digestive processes and prevent constipation.

For children

Citric acid in minimal dosages is quite safe for children. Even on packages of baby food you can often find the E-330 marking - this means that the substance is already included in the mixture.

However, when used in children, it is necessary to carefully monitor the amount of the substance entering the child’s body. The permissible daily dose is only 60 mg per 1 kg of weight; if the dosage is exceeded, poisoning may occur. In this case, the harm to health will be serious, and you will need to urgently call a doctor.

Thus, children are allowed to consume the substance as part of feeding mixtures. But drinks with citric acid can be offered to a child only after reaching 3 years old and in small quantities. At the same time, you need to ensure that the baby does not develop allergies.

Attention! Since in some cases the substance is completely contraindicated for use, you should consult your pediatrician before offering the product to your child.

Where is citric acid found: methods and places of extraction

Citric acid was originally extracted from unripe lemons and other citrus fruits. Over time, the list of acid-containing products has expanded significantly.

The maximum concentration of citric acid was found in tomatoes, certain varieties of artichoke and bell pepper. The content of the substance in other vegetables is minimal. Among fruits, the leaders in the amount of citric acid are pineapples and apricots, but it is impossible to obtain it from any other fruits.

All berries contain citric acid, its concentration is especially high in gooseberries, as well as cranberries, raspberries and blueberries.

Many people don’t realize it, but rye bread made with sourdough includes E330, which is added to flavor the finished product.

Acid is also added during cheese production. It acts as a basic emulsifying component and serves to improve the texture of the product.

Citric acid can be extracted from sugar beets, and black molasses is also extracted (genetically modified raw materials are not used). These are perhaps the best options for obtaining the acid enzyme. In order for the solution to get into the cuvettes located in a special chamber on the shelves, it is necessary to initially dissolve the molasses in water. The solution must be left to ferment by spraying fungal spores over it. At that moment, the mixture begins to become covered with a gray film and bubble. The fermentation process ends after some time, after which the liquid is drained and neutralized with lime.

On a note! Ready citric acid is isolated from calcium citrate. The same acid (citric acid) is used to make bath bombs.

Citric acid for weight loss

Since the substance significantly speeds up metabolism, the beneficial properties of citric acid are used to quickly say goodbye to extra pounds. The way to use citric acid is to stir no more than 5 g of the substance in a liter of water, and then drink the home remedy before each meal. The substance will not only start the process of removing toxins from the body, but will also reduce appetite - this will help you not quit your diet halfway through.

Important! The benefits and harms of water with citric acid directly depend on the volume.

To ensure that the properties of the substance do not cause harm during weight loss, you can consume no more than 5 g per day. In this case, the acid must be thoroughly diluted in water and the daily dose must be divided into several parts.

Use for culinary purposes

This product is very highly valued among chefs for its good solubility, low toxicity, and safety. Citric acid is used:

  • when cooking dishes where it is necessary to acidify them without changing their original smell. This means the following dishes:
  • borsch;
  • main courses with meat and fish;
  • various sauces.

When baking flour products, it is added to make the dough fluffy. It is an essential component in mayonnaise, ketchup, jam, jam, jelly, as well as in canned fruits and vegetables, and sparkling drinks. Canned food to which citric acid is added retains its shelf life longer.

The acid added when cooking processed cheese makes the final product more elastic, making it easier to spread on bread.

When adding this acidifier to sauces, use a dose of 1 g of the substance per liter, and to ready-made dishes - 0.05 g per serving.

How to drink water with citric acid for medicinal purposes

The substance can be consumed in its pure form only in very small quantities. However, even under this condition, it is successfully used in folk medicine.

  1. The benefit of citric acid for gout is that when this substance enters the body, it prevents the deposition of salts in the joints and normalizes purine metabolism. To treat and prevent gout, it is recommended to regularly take citric acid diluted with water before eating.
  2. The benefit of citric acid as an acidity regulator is that the substance relieves heartburn. To eliminate the unpleasant sensation in the stomach and esophagus, you need to dilute the acid with an equal amount of soda, add a glass of water and drink in small sips. However, for chronic heartburn and gastritis with high acidity, it is better not to use the product - its properties can aggravate the condition if taken regularly.
  3. The substance effectively helps with sore throat; it needs to be diluted in water and rinsed every hour.

We recommend reading: Baking soda: beneficial properties, uses, how to take

If you have a hangover, a healthy drink based on soda and citric acid will quickly relieve nausea and tachycardia. You can add a little sugar to it, you need to drink the medicine slowly and in small sips.

Beneficial features

The effect of citric acid on the human body:

  1. It has a beneficial effect on the digestive system: removes toxins, salts, accelerates the burning of carbohydrates under anaerobic conditions and the digestion of food. Promotes systematic weight loss.
  2. Normalizes the functioning of the psycho-, neuro- and endocrine systems.
  3. Strengthens the immune system.
  4. Increases calcium levels in the body.
  5. Gives firmness and elasticity to the skin, stimulates cell renewal, eliminates wrinkles. To eliminate age spots and even out complexion, citric acid is added to peelings and whitening masks.
  6. Reduces food intoxication in the body. Therefore, it is recommended to take it to relieve the symptoms and consequences of a hangover.
  7. Has antiseptic properties. To get rid of a sore throat, rinse your mouth every 2-4 hours with a solution of citric acid (¼ tsp per 250 ml of warm water) for up to 3 days.

The beneficial properties of E330 concentrate depend on the area of ​​its use. However, before using the product for medicinal purposes, consult your doctor, since the acid has strict restrictions on its use and can be harmful to human health.

The use of citric acid in home cosmetology

Lemon powder is most often used in folk cosmetology - the substance E-330 has a very beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair. Of course, the health benefits and harms of citric acid need to be regulated here too and only proven recipes should be used.

Facial peeling

Gentle peeling is one of the most effective procedures for facial rejuvenation. Using citric acid, you can perform this procedure at home. It's done like this:

  • remove all makeup from the face and wipe the skin with acidified lemon water to remove all impurities;
  • then the skin is treated with a small amount of cosmetic oil to moisturize - for a quarter of an hour;
  • then remove excess oil with a dry cloth and distribute pure lemon juice or a solution of the E-330 additive over the skin with a special brush.

After applying the liquid, the skin will immediately begin to tingle. This is completely normal, but you don’t need to endure the unpleasant sensation for long - during the first procedure, the peeling is washed off after just 2 minutes. Apply a nourishing mask to the reddened skin, and then treat the face with a good moisturizer.

If the procedure is carried out correctly, the face will become brighter after it, enlarged pores will narrow, and sebaceous plugs will disappear. The beneficial properties of peeling will have a noticeable tightening and rejuvenating effect.

Important! If you leave lemon peeling on your face for a long time, the procedure will result in a burn and cause harm.

Therefore, the solution should not be kept on the face for longer than 5-7 minutes, even with regular peeling use.

Whitening freckles and age spots

Citric acid is a good remedy for getting rid of freckles and brown spots on the skin. The face and body are treated several times a week with a 2% or 3% solution of citric acid in plain water. At the same time, the home remedy not only makes the skin lighter and removes freckles, but also mattifies the face.

Rinsing hair with citric acid

Substance E-330 strengthens hair well and regulates oiliness at the roots. It is recommended to rinse your hair with the following solution every time after washing your hair - dilute half a teaspoon of citric acid in 1 liter of warm water. Under the influence of the product, the hair will become silkier, stop falling out and acquire a beautiful shine.

Useful qualities of the product

The product is endowed with a whole range of beneficial properties that have a beneficial and healing effect on human skin:

  • The substance rejuvenates the skin due to its antioxidant effect. Citric acid is endowed with bactericidal properties.
  • The acid has a positive effect on the speed of skin regeneration by stimulating cell respiration. Thanks to this, the skin becomes more elastic and wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • Thanks to this natural product, the skin undergoes a cleansing procedure. Cells that have already died are removed, various skin defects are well masked, and skin color is evened out. The use of this substance leads to the removal of harmful substances through the pores of the skin.
  • When it is practiced for hair care, it acquires shine, elasticity and a healthy appearance. There are hair shampoos and conditioners on sale, one of the components of which is citric acid.
  • This organic compound has a beneficial effect not only on the skin. If you apply it internally, the following happens:
  • immunity increases;
  • metabolism is stimulated;
  • metabolic rate increases, excess fat is burned;
  • The digestive system begins to work better;
  • vision improves;
  • calcium is better absorbed in the body;
  • the functioning of the nervous system is normalized.

Important! Never exceed the recommended dosage. Otherwise, problems with the skin, nail plates, stomach, intestines and mucous membranes may occur.

Use of citric acid in the household

Along with cosmetology, the substance is actively used for household purposes, mainly as a budget cleaning product. The effect it gives is very good. But since a strong concentrate of the additive is used for cleansing procedures, you must remember to be careful and not allow the acid to get into your mouth or eyes.

Cleaning the washing machine

The properties of citric acid powder help remove scale from the internal elements of the washing machine. Cleaning is carried out as follows:

  • 3 large spoons of powdered acid are poured into the powder compartment;
  • set the longest washing mode at 60 degrees.

Of course, the washing machine must be empty. Sometimes there are recommendations to clean at a temperature of 90 °C. However, you should follow such advice only if the layer of scale on the internal elements of the device is very thick, otherwise citric acid and hot water will damage the rubber and plastic parts.

Cleaning the kettle from scale

The substance effectively removes scale from the inner walls of electric and regular kettles. Its properties are used as follows: the kettle is filled to the top with water, 30 g of powder is poured into it and boiled. Then the water is drained.

Advice! After cleaning the kettle, it is necessary to remove any caustic residue from its walls. To do this, you need to rinse it thoroughly and boil it a couple more times and drain the regular water.

Iron cleaning solution

Citric acid will help remove lime deposits and rust from the internal parts and external surfaces of the iron.

  1. You need to dilute 2 large spoons of lemon powder in a glass of water, then pour the liquid into the steam tank and heat the iron to maximum temperature.
  2. After this, the device is unplugged from the outlet, shaken thoroughly, and the steam release button is pressed a couple of times.
  3. When the iron has completely cooled down, you will need to drain the remaining solution from it and repeat the entire procedure two or three more times.

After cleaning with citric acid, the iron will need to be washed by heating ordinary clean water in it. If limescale or rust appears on the base of the device, they can be thoroughly wiped with a damp cloth soaked in acid, and then wipe the base again with clean water.

Removing plaque from silver items

The properties of lemon powder restore shine and beauty to silver cutlery and jewelry. It is enough to dilute 2 large spoons of the substance in 1 liter of water, spray them over the surface of the silver using a spray bottle, wait a little, and then rinse with water and wipe dry.

Disinfection of kitchen surfaces

Citric acid not only removes deposits, but also effectively disinfects. To remove greasy deposits and bacteria from the kitchen apron, countertops and stoves, just dilute the beneficial acid in water in a ratio of 1:9 and wipe all necessary surfaces with the solution. After this, they should be rinsed again with plain water and wiped dry with a cloth.

Rust removal

Citric acid deals with rust as effectively as with limescale. About 25 g of powder should be diluted in a liter of hot water, and then thoroughly treat rusted objects and surfaces with the solution, wait, rinse them with clean water and wipe dry.

Solution for cut roses

Another useful property of lemon powder is its ability to prolong the life of cut plants. You need to pour a liter of water into the vase, add only 0.2 g of citric acid and 40 g of sugar, mix the liquid properly and place live roses in it. The nutrient solution can maintain the freshness and beauty of flowers for several days.

Citric acid in cooking and canning

Additive E-330 is often used in the food industry - it adds an unusual flavor to fruit jams and jellies, sauces and mayonnaise, and marinades. Citric acid is also a good flavoring agent, so it can be found in teas, fruit juices and carbonated drinks; the E-330 additive is used in wine production.

The benefit of citric acid in preservation is that this natural remedy does not allow food to spoil over a long period of time. The substance is added to canned food and semi-finished products to extend their shelf life, and this does not affect the beneficial properties of the products.

Application and contraindications

Areas of use of citric acid:

  1. In the food industry. Gives a balanced taste to dishes and drinks, ranging from lightly salted cucumbers to fruit jellies. In addition, E330 is used in the production of processed cheeses (to improve elasticity) and in the preservation of fruits and vegetables (to preserve the elasticity, “crunch” of products, as a preservative). The additive plays a special role in the production of bakery products, since it acts as a leavening agent for dough. The combination of baking soda (E500) and lemon concentrate (E330) causes a violent reaction, accompanied by the release of carbon dioxide, which gives airiness and fluffiness to flour products.
  1. At home. Due to its ability to dissolve calcium, citric acid helps remove scale, plaque, and rust from surfaces, therefore it is included in cleaning products and detergents.
  1. In the cosmetic industry to improve and brighten the complexion, remove freckles, tighten enlarged pores. However, remember - high concentrations of the compound in skin care products cause chemical burns to the epidermis. Citric acid makes the nail plate smooth, shiny, strong, while its too frequent use leads to the opposite effect: softening of the nail.
  1. In pharmaceuticals. E330 is part of drugs that improve energy metabolism. In addition, sodium salt of citric acid (E331) is used in medicine to prevent blood clotting, reduce acidity in peripheral renal acidosis, as a laxative. A 5% sodium citrate solution is used to determine the erythrocyte sedimentation rate using the Pachenkov method, and 4% is used as an anticoagulant during the instrumental donation of donor blood components.

Excessive intake of the compound from food can damage tooth enamel, cause exacerbation of gastritis, ulcers, burns and destruction of the mucous membrane, and bloody vomiting. In case of contact with eyes or skin - redness, burns, allergies. Inhalation of a dry preservative irritates the respiratory tract and is accompanied by a coughing attack. Therefore, for safety reasons, use citric acid with caution only in diluted form, adhering to the concentration specified in the recipe.

Food additives E330 - E333 are a synthetic product that has an aggressive effect on tooth enamel and the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. People with impaired renal function and digestive organs are not recommended to consume citric acid. It can trigger an inflammatory process and cause pain.

To avoid the appearance of microcracks on the surface of tooth enamel, you need to rinse your mouth after each intake of foods, drinks and products containing lemon.

Making citric acid at home

It is possible to make concentrated citric acid in your own kitchen, but it will take a lot of time. The following method is usually used:

  • Squeeze the juice from several lemons into a large saucepan;
  • after this, a small saucepan with water is placed on the fire, and a large one with lemon juice is placed on top of it;
  • The lemon juice is evaporated in a water bath until it has completely evaporated from the top pan.

At the bottom of the container, only a white crystalline coating will remain - this will be homemade citric acid. In practice, the method is rarely used, since the powder obtained is too little, and a lot of lemons need to be used to make it.


Products containing citric acid:

  • black currant;
  • cranberry;
  • cowberry;
  • raspberries;
  • lemons;
  • oranges;
  • grapefruits;
  • pineapples;
  • strawberries;
  • cherries;
  • apricots;
  • peaches;
  • quince;
  • Rowan;
  • citrus juices;
  • tomatoes;
  • plums;
  • barberry;
  • gooseberry.

When baking confectionery and bakery products, citric acid can be replaced with lemon juice, and when canning - with vinegar.

Harm of citric acid and contraindications for use

The benefits and harms of citric acid for the human body depend not only on the dosage, but also on the state of health. It is prohibited to use the substance:

  • for stomach ulcers and open ulcers of the esophagus and oral cavity;
  • if you are allergic to citric acid;
  • with increased stomach acidity;
  • for sensitive tooth enamel.

When using the substance, you must always observe the minimum dosage - no more than 5 g of the supplement per day. When cleaning surfaces, you can handle acid only with rubber gloves, avoiding contact with mucous membranes and eyes.

Is it possible to get poisoned by citric acid?

An overdose of the substance threatens severe harm from food poisoning. Symptoms include abdominal and stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea and signs of internal bleeding. Poisoning with the E-330 additive leads to a surge in blood pressure, headache and fever.

If signs of poisoning are observed, you should immediately consult a doctor. Large doses of citric acid can be deadly - 20 g of the substance can cause death.

Which is healthier: lemon or citric acid?

The acid concentration in the lemon itself is relatively low. However, it is still healthier. It contains a lot of additional components that are not found in food supplements, so citrus has a comprehensive effect on health. In addition, its accidental overdose causes less harm.

Important! At the same time, it is necessary to remember that in cosmetology and in everyday life the additive E-330 will be of great benefit. For all its beneficial properties, lemon is not so good for peeling the face or cleaning household appliances.

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