Vanish for cleaning carpets, how to remove stains at home, how to use the spray

Not only the external aesthetics of the house, but also the health of the inhabitants depends on the cleanliness of carpeting. Not only dirt accumulates between the carpet fibers, but also harmful microorganisms - parasites and mold. Not everyone has the opportunity to pay for dry cleaning regularly; fortunately, there is an alternative measure - using Vanish products to clean your carpets at home. Let's figure out what is included in the product line, how to use different Vanish products for carpets, and what is included in their composition.

Vanish cleanser is available in liquid, gel, and powder form.

Product range

Each of the products is adapted for use at home:

  • hand cleansing shampoo;

The product is used up slowly. Therefore, one bottle of Vanish is enough for a long period.

  • dry cleansing powder;

Suitable for colored pile. Even a bright and colorful product will not lose its original appearance.

  • spray to get rid of old stains;

Vanish can handle cooking oil, colored markers, brilliant green and cosmetics.

  • shampoo for using a vacuum cleaner;

No allergic reaction. The composition of the product does not cause any negative reactions from the human body.

  • active foam.

This product does not contain chlorine. Therefore, it can be used to clean the carpet even if there are small children at home.

Vanish carpet cleaning products are based on anionic surfactants - surface active substances, they are especially effective against stains of organic origin. The ability to remove stains of inorganic origin is provided by phosphates and polyacrylates. The properties of a particular product are determined by additives, for example, Vanish antibacterial powder for carpets not only cleans, but also disinfects.

Vanish cleaning product can boast of its high quality.

Composition, principle of action and advantages

Vanish not only removes stains from carpets and upholstery, but also restores the color and brightness of the fibers. To achieve this goal, the substance must contain special components.

All Vanish brand products for carpets contain certain substances.

ZeolitesDissolve lipid compounds and their modifications at the molecular level.
EnzymesEnzymes that actively act on protein compounds and break them down.
Nonionic and anionic surfactantsActive substances that affect the structure of the material, restoring durability and brightness of color. They eliminate unpleasant odors and reduce the level of static electricity.
Active oxygenA chemical bleach that allows you to restore the whiteness of fibers without the use of chlorine.
Disinfectants and flavorsStrengthen the overall effect of the product.

The interaction of the components gives Vanish high efficiency. At the same time, the substance whitens, eliminates bacteria, adds fragrance to products and does not cause allergic reactions.

Thanks to its unique composition and special mechanism of action, Vanish has a number of advantages:

  • active oxygen penetrates into the deep layers of tissue, pushing out contaminants;
  • the absence of chlorine has a beneficial effect on the quality of the material;
  • colorful products do not lose color, but rather gain brightness;
  • copes well with stains of various origins;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • economically used.

Despite these advantages, Vanish for carpets still has disadvantages:

  • not suitable for all types of fabric (handmade items, as well as upholstery made of silk, leather or velvet should not be treated);
  • oxidizes on metal and wood, so it requires maximum care when processing;
  • does not remove all types of contaminants.

How to use the funds correctly?

On the back of the product there are instructions for use; the quality of carpet cleaning depends on how accurately it is followed. You cannot dilute the product arbitrarily, as this will make the effectiveness much lower.

Before cleaning your carpet with Vanish, you should carry out preliminary preparation - clean the carpet of debris with a regular vacuum cleaner. If you don’t vacuum, then as soon as you start cleaning the carpet with Vanish, the dirt will disperse, making the treatment more complicated and taking much more effort.

Clear the carpet of debris.

If possible, vacuum the covering from the fleecy side and from below. Each product performs its own function; if you choose the right product and follow the instructions for use, Vanish for home carpet cleaning will be as effective as professional dry cleaning.

Dry cleansing powder

This product is convenient for cleaning products made from natural fibers - wool and viscose, and other products that are not desirable to get wet. Dry cleaning powder is suitable for thick, massive coatings that are difficult to dry; the same product is used as a means for caring for upholstery of upholstered furniture.

Vanish powder can be used not only for washing, but also for cleaning carpets.

Wet dry cleansing powder does not need to be diluted; it is a ready-to-use product. Shake the box, then distribute the powder evenly over the surface, rubbing in with a brush. Next, you need to let the product dry on the carpet. If you open the windows, it will take about half an hour. Make sure the wet powder is dry and vacuum the surface.

The powder is left to act for 30 minutes, after which the carpet must be vacuumed.

The wet powder for dry processing contains special abrasive substances that capture particles of contaminants. The instructions for Vanish for dry cleaning carpets indicate that it removes five times more dirt than a regular vacuum cleaner.

Proper carpet care

After cleaning the carpet, you need to properly care for it so that you don’t spend a lot of time and effort on it during the next general cleaning. Proper care will help extend its service life and maintain its original appearance for a long time. Here are some tips for caring for your carpet after cleaning:

  • To prevent the carpet from getting dirty quickly, you need to vacuum it at least 2 times a week.
  • Before each use of the product, it is necessary to check its reaction to fabric fibers. This can be done on an inconspicuous area of ​​the carpet.
  • Any detergent will be more effective if used immediately after a stain appears on the carpet.
  • There is no need to walk on the carpet while treating it. This may reduce the effectiveness of cleaning.
  • When using a vacuum cleaner, you need to clean not only the front side of the carpet, but also the back side. And most importantly, you should not turn on the vacuum cleaner at full power.
  • You also need to beat the carpet by hand. It is recommended to do this at least once a year.
  • From time to time it is also recommended to turn the carpet 90 and 180 degrees so that the pile does not wear off in those places where people walk the most.

Anti-stain spray

Works against old stains on floor coverings. Before first use, you need to test the material's reaction to processing. Apply a little product to a small piece of the product in an inconspicuous place, after five minutes rinse with water. If the test went well, you can start removing stains.

The sponge must be soft, because this is your tool for whipping, holding and applying foam.

The liquid product is sprayed onto the contaminated area so that it is well wet, then rubbed in with a rag or washcloth. After 5 minutes, completely wash off the dirt with a wet sponge. If the stain was old, then after complete rinsing it may require re-treatment.

Shampoo for manual treatment

The most popular product in the line is intended for hand washing and is in demand among those who do not have a washing vacuum cleaner.

Before cleaning the carpet with Vanish shampoo for manual cleaning, you need to remove debris from the surface.

If you use an antibacterial shampoo, not only stains will be destroyed, but also harmful organisms.

If you overuse the detergent or don't dry your carpet properly, you can say goodbye to your favorite carpet.

The instructions indicate how and in what proportion to properly clean a carpet with Vanish; the liquid product is diluted 1 to 9, that is, 100 ml is diluted in 900 ml of room water. When whipping the liquid, a dense foam forms; it should be applied to the surface and lightly rubbed in; for convenience, use a sponge.

It is worth giving preference to a manual brush, since mechanical ones may not lead to the expected result.

Wait until it dries completely, then use a vacuum cleaner, it will remove the dried foam along with the dirt it has absorbed.

Completely remove the product from the carpet after cleaning.

What is vanish

The composition for removing stains and cleaning carpets is designed taking into account the basic needs of the consumer. Vanish contains surfactants of anionic and nonionic nature. This helps to thoroughly remove contaminants from the fabric structure. Geraniol ensures thorough removal of bacteria. Low oxygen bleach content helps maintain color. Auxiliary aromatic components leave a pleasant trail on the carpet product.

The range of Vanish products for carpets is represented by a number of products:

  • Shampoo:
  • for manual cleaning;
  • for washing vacuum cleaners.
  • Moistened powder.
  • Active foam.
  • Carpet stain removal spray

All types of products are available in different sizes. For the first time, you can purchase a minimum amount. If you need to use products frequently, it is better to use economical large-format packaging to clean carpets. Proper use of any of these tools will provide the desired result.

Shampoo for washing vacuum cleaner

Before cleaning the carpet with Vanish using a vacuum cleaner, you need to get rid of debris particles. With this shampoo, cleaning with a vacuum cleaner will become more effective; not only dirt, but also ingrained odors will be completely eliminated. The instructions for the product indicate how Vanish should be diluted for cleaning carpets; for every liter of water at room temperature, add one and a half measuring caps of the product.

For carpet cleaning to be effective, you must follow the exact instructions for this process.

The diluted liquid is poured into a container under water, then the surface should be vacuumed. After treatment, the product will be a little damp, you should wait until it dries and go through the vacuum cleaner again, this time without shampoo.

You must wait until the carpet is completely dry.

How to clean a car carpet with Vanish

In order to clean the carpet in a car, it is better to use liquid Vanish. In particular, this could be shampoo. Surface treatment is carried out identically to wet cleaning of the carpet using a washing vacuum cleaner in a living room.

To make it more convenient, take the carpet outside and clean it. At the final stage, vacuum the surface using a regular tool and lay the carpet in place.

Active foam

This is the most powerful product in the Vanish series. Concentrated foam for carpets, suitable for paths in walk-through areas of the apartment, where there is a lot of stubborn dirt and stains. Before cleaning a carpet or carpeting with Vanish foam at home, you need to vacuum it to get rid of debris and dust. The aerosol can must be shaken thoroughly and sprayed from a distance of 50 cm.

Try to clean as quickly as possible after contamination occurs.

Spread the foam with a washcloth or brush and wait until it dries.

While the carpet remains wet, you should not walk on it barefoot.

Unlike the products listed above, cleaning carpets with Vanish foam at home will take longer. Dense foam will take several hours to dry. When the product is dry, you need to vacuum it.

The product used must be thoroughly removed with a vacuum cleaner so that no foam particles remain in the pile.

Instructions for use

For carpet cleaning to be effective, you must follow the exact instructions for this process. You should prepare for it in advance by preparing all the necessary tools.

This approach to cleaning will allow you to achieve a good effect and cope with any type of dirt.


In order to clean the carpet yourself at home, you need to stock up on some equipment. This includes:

  • Vanish cleaning product;
  • a bucket or basin with clean water;
  • soft structure sponge;
  • dry cloth to absorb excess moisture;
  • brush with soft bristles;
  • gloves;
  • vacuum cleaner.

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All these tools will be needed for comprehensive carpet cleaning, regardless of its size.


The sponge must be soft so that it can be washed and not rubbed with dirt. At the same time, the pile itself should not be wrinkled. So, choose one that has a soft texture, does not crumble into pieces and does not leave stains on the white carpet.


It is important to choose a brush with soft bristles. Cleaning should be gentle, especially if we are talking about long, sensitive pile. Rough bristles will spoil and wrinkle the pile, giving it an unkempt appearance.

Moisture-wicking fabric

When a stain is cleaned with Vanish shampoo, it is usually moistened with plenty of water. Therefore, excess moisture should then be thoroughly blotted off. For these purposes, you need to use moisture-absorbing fabric that absorbs water well.

Vacuum cleaner

To clean the carpet after using Vanish powder or spray, it should be vacuumed. For low-pile carpet, you can use a regular vacuum cleaner. But for carpets that have long, fluffy fibers, a hand-held vacuum cleaner is most suitable.


When cleaning carpet, be sure to use gloves. They can be rubber or latex. This will protect your hands from the aggressive effects of the cleaning product.

Carpet pre-cleaning

The surface to be cleaned should also be properly prepared. Remove all dust and existing debris. Wash the floor under the carpet itself. If the product is distinguished by bright colors, then first you need to conduct a kind of test. Apply the product to a small, inconspicuous area, rub and see if the paint comes off.

Selecting a cleaning method

There are two types of carpet cleaning. And before starting such a process, you should decide what kind of cleaning will be:

  • dry;
  • wet.

These methods have some differences and their own characteristics, which should be taken into account when starting cleaning.


You can manually clean carpet using a dry method using Vanish powder:

  • the composition is applied to the pile using a brush, without prior wetting in water;
  • the powder is aged for twenty minutes;
  • the carpet is vacuumed.


For wet cleaning you need to use Vanish shampoo. A cleaning agent is added to a bowl of water and the liquid is whisked until foam forms. Using a soft sponge, the foam is carefully applied to the perimeter of the contaminated surface. As soon as it dries, the carpet needs to be vacuumed.

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After comprehensive cleaning of the carpet, it should be looked after. The powder used must be carefully removed with a vacuum cleaner so that no particles of the product remain in the pile.

You must check the back of the product to see if there are any stains left if wet cleaning was used. Subsequently, when a fresh stain appears, you can immediately use foam or Vanish spray to prevent dirt from penetrating to the base of the pile.

Important Tips

To clean the carpet and subsequently maintain it in good condition, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • The product should be cleaned regularly, preventing dirt from accumulating;
  • Vanish products are most suitable for carpets and synthetic coverings;
  • after cleaning, the pile must be dried to avoid rotting;
  • Long pile is best treated with a spray.

These simple tips will help maintain the original appearance of the carpet.

Rules for using funds

Even before purchasing, it is important to carefully read the description and understand whether the product will suit your carpet. For example, concentrated foam cannot be used for viscose and wool products. For painted and synthetic carpets, it is necessary to carry out a test before use - apply a small amount of the product to a small, inconspicuous fragment of the carpet. Testing ahead of time will ensure that the paint will not react with the detergent.

Each form of this drug requires compliance with a specific algorithm for use.

All products that require drying indicate that you can walk on the carpet, but do not go barefoot. To prevent the active components from causing irritation to the skin of your hands, you should wear gloves when working with Vanish. If you are susceptible to allergic reactions, then in addition to gloves you will need a medical mask or a disposable respirator - this is a measure to protect against the product getting into the respiratory tract.

When cleaning carpet, be sure to use gloves.

If children live in the house, then it is better not to let them into the room while the carpet is being treated. Chemical components in the composition of the products can cause an allergic reaction; if any household chemicals come into contact with children's skin, irritation may occur.

If there are children and animals at home, they should be kept away from the room in which the carpet is being cleaned.

The same safety measures should be observed for domestic animals; a safe concentration of chemical components for humans will pose a danger to the animal. Children and animals can be allowed into the room immediately after the treatment is completed.

Clean carpet at home in a well-ventilated area.

Carpet pre-cleaning

The main point of carpet cleaning is pre-treatment. Be sure to remove large debris from the floor and vacuum the carpet thoroughly. To prevent the coating from absorbing dust during treatment, wash the floor under the carpet.

If the product is painted with bright colors, try Vanish on an inconspicuous area. If the paint has not washed out or faded, treatment can be carried out.

Also, during treatment, open the windows and take children and animals out of the room so that they do not inhale the vapors of the substance.


Try the method of washing a carpet with shampoo or other Vanish products, and you will want to use it constantly. This is a budget and simple alternative to expensive dry cleaning. Regular treatment of carpets with Vanish will help maintain cleanliness and prevent the appearance of stubborn stains.

Remember that a clean carpet means health, warmth, coziness and comfort in your home!

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