How are pine nuts peeled at home, and how are they processed in production? Peeler drawing

Pine nuts are not only tasty, but also very healthy for our body. It contains a large number of different useful substances and elements. In addition, pine nuts have a large energy reserve, which every person needs. That is why, when eating this product, you need to know how to peel pine nuts from the shell. We'll talk about this in more detail in this article.

Types of processing

Speaking about how to shell pine nuts, you should pay attention to the fact that on an industrial scale this product is processed using special equipment. But what to do at home? You can process the cone yourself by removing the nuts from there and peeling them. You can use several methods for these purposes. When considering how to shell pine nuts, it should be noted that each method is very effective and safe, so you can do it yourself at home. These include:

  1. Pine nuts can be processed using a sieve.
  2. If you have a large amount of this product, you can use a grater and fork to process the pine cones.
  3. If you don’t know how to shell pine nuts, you can use a sudden change in temperature.
  4. Some people use water for these purposes.

And if you want to improve the taste of the product, you can fry or roast the nuts a little. This can be done using an oven, frying pan or Russian oven.

How to choose the right one

In markets and stores, pine nuts are sold in shelled and unpeeled form. Less common are nuts in cones.

When purchasing a purified product, pay attention to its color and smell. Preference is given to kernels that are light yellow in color with a pleasant nutty aroma.

Any foreign odors are unacceptable and indicate low quality.

The dark color of the grains indicates a violation of storage conditions or that the product is expired. These nuts will probably taste bitter. A greenish tint indicates that the grains are spoiled. It is dangerous to use such a product.

The shelf life of shelled nuts is short.

Therefore, first of all, pay attention to the production date on the packaging.

When buying nuts in shells, choose beautiful seeds that are bright brown in color. A quality product is heavy and smells good. The shell of a fresh nut is smooth, without cracks or stains.

The tips of fresh nuts in the shell should be light in color. Darkened edges indicate that the product is stale.

Mass procurement of pine nuts is carried out in September-October. If you bought a product with such a production date, then you have fully ripened and maximally healthy nuts.


So, we continue to look at how to peel pine nuts from their shells. Before introducing you to the purification process, it should be noted that harvesting begins after August 20th. For this purpose, cones are collected in advance from cedar forests. With a good harvest, when mature cones themselves fall from the trees to the ground under the influence of the wind, you can collect about 10 bags of nuts per day.

So, how to peel pine nuts from their shells? What tools will be needed for this? You can make your own equipment with which you can process pine cones:

  1. Cone terr. This device has the shape of a square deep iron box without a bottom. Inside there is a roller with spikes. This grater has a handle on the outside. This device works on the principle of a meat grinder. To do this, you need to throw 1-2 buckets of pine cones into the box and twist them. The cones break and end up together with the nuts in a bag specially suspended and prepared in advance.
  2. Sita. For the next step of shelling the pine nuts, you will need a sieve of two sizes. With their help, pine nuts are cleared of husks and debris. The sieves will differ in the diameter of the hole. In a sieve with large holes, primary processing is carried out, and with the help of a fine sieve, the nuts are processed even more thoroughly, clearing them of debris. After grating, the cones should initially be thrown onto a large sieve. The nuts that remain in the product should fall onto a plastic bag or film, which is placed under a sieve in advance. After this, the procedure is repeated, but on another product, with the smallest holes. This processing method will ultimately provide you with clean nuts without debris or husks.
  3. Rubel. How to properly peel pine nuts further? At the next stage of cleansing, you will need a ruble, which is a tool similar to a simple washboard. Using this tool you can quickly peel pine nuts. The cones are placed on the ruble and pressed down on top with a board that has a handle. Using small and quick pressure, the lump is rubbed between the two surfaces. As a result, the nuts are separated, after which they must be cleaned of debris.

In addition, the technology for peeling pine nuts also involves the use of pliers, a hammer, and a garlic press. These devices are used if it is necessary to clean the pine cones.

How to make a peeler with your own hands?

A homemade mill is the optimal solution for those who run a personal business processing pine nuts. Such simple, compact equipment can be used directly in the forest, collecting and immediately processing cones.

Materials and tools

To make a peeler with your own hands, you need the following materials:

  • 2 ball bearings art. 205.
  • St. 3, 4 mm thick for the manufacture of rear, front, two side walls and two sidewalls.
  • 4 steel corners measuring 2.2 x 2.5 cm for the rib stand.
  • 2 bearing housings.
  • 8 M10 bolts with hidden head.
  • 8 M10 nuts.
  • The left and right axle shafts are from Art. 5.
  • 2 side walls made of St.3, 4 mm thick.
  • 32 M6 screws.
  • Pin screw M10.
  • 54 peeling pins with a diameter of 6 mm.
  • Sections of seamless hot-rolled steel pipe: 25 cm 152x7 for the drum;
  • 30 cm 20x3.5 for the handle shoulder;
  • 3 cm 32x3.5 for the handle sleeve;
  • 15 cm 32x6 for a grooved handle.
  • The handle axis is from Art.5.
  • You will also need the following tools:

    • screwdriver;
    • hacksaw for metal;
    • drill;
    • Bulgarian;
    • electric welding;
    • gas welding


    Below is a drawing with a description, using which it is quite possible to independently make a unit for peeling cones:

    • 1 - rear wall;
    • 2 — rib-stand;
    • 3 — bearing housing;
    • 4 — ball bearing;
    • 5 — left axle shaft;
    • 6 - bolt;
    • 7 - nut;
    • 8 - screw;
    • 9 — side wall;
    • 10 - peeler pin;
    • 11 - drum;
    • 12 — sidewall;
    • 13 — right axle shaft;
    • 14 — handle bushing;
    • 15 — pin-screw;
    • 16 — handle shoulder;
    • 17 — handle axis;
    • 18 — corrugated handle;
    • 19 — anterior wall.

    Manufacturing process

    1. First, the drum is made.
    2. Peeling pins are screwed to it in a checkerboard pattern.
    3. The sidewalls in the shape of a disk are welded to the drum, and a hole is made in the center.
    4. Bearing units are manufactured.
    5. The handle that drives the mechanism is placed on the right half of the axle.
    6. The bushing, handle shoulder and grooved handle are made.
    7. The lower part of the shoulder tube, 30 cm long, is flattened, and then a hole with a diameter of 1.8 cm is made in it for the axis of the handle.
    8. The shoulder handle, bushing and axle are welded together.
    9. The finished drum is framed with steel walls, using corners and M6 screws for connections.
    10. Grooves with a radius of 2.5 cm are made in the side walls so that the drum is correctly placed inside the structure.
    11. Install ball bearings as shown in the drawing.
    12. M10 bolts are welded into the side walls, next to the grooves.
    13. Bearing units are placed on the bolts and secured with nuts.


    It is better to order the production of bearing units, as parts of complex shapes, to specialists.

    Small volume technology

    If you are going to peel a small amount of pine cones, you can use the method without any special tools or equipment to peel pine nuts from the shell. To do this, you will only need available tools. This should include weighted objects. You can also use a change in temperature or plain water. Let's consider these methods separately.

    “We don’t compete in Russia”

    Now Kedr Export sells Siberian wild plants to Germany, Italy, France, Slovenia, Jordan, Israel, Latvia and other countries.

    “Supply volumes change significantly,” notes Vyacheslav Danilkin. — Last year, volumes fell, but turnover increased, because the price almost doubled. In any case, we try to ship products every month - for example, last year there were 13 shipments to Germany alone. But in Russia we sell a little and do not compete with anyone. There are established partners - for example, a distillery.

    Export is a priority for Vyacheslav: it is a more marginal market.

    “95% of the pine nut market is occupied by the Chinese, and our company is a grain of sand there,” says Vyacheslav Danilkin. — If a couple more of the same export companies open here in Kemerovo, they will not hinder us at all. We won’t even notice each other on world markets.

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    At the stake

    This treatment is very convenient if people are somewhere in nature. To do this, you need to throw cones into a dying fire, when only coals remain, and then bake them like simple potatoes. This should take no more than 10 minutes. The resin should burn and the cone should become softer, after which the nuts can be easily pulled out.

    Now let’s look at how you can peel pine nuts from their shells.

    In gardening

    The shell helps to successfully fight fungi and insects in the garden. Phytoncides and flavonoids of raw materials destroy pests around plantings. The shell promotes the reproduction of beneficial microflora of the earth.

    The raw material is used as fertilizer, as a natural catalyst for soil alkali. Mulch remains in garden areas for many years. To increase the benefits in floriculture, it is necessary to periodically add new portions of crushed shells.

    Landscape design cannot do without shells. Garden paths are covered with raw materials. First, paths are dug to a depth of 15 cm. The laid first layer of gravel is compacted. A 10 cm high nut shell is poured on top of it.

    Cedar shells are useful in many areas of human activity. If you have nuts available for consumption, do not throw away the shells. Dry and prepare an alcohol tincture. It can be stored for a long time and is used to enhance immunity and treat diseases.

    Practical advice

    You can process nuts in completely different ways. The main condition is that the method should be convenient for you. It should also be remembered that the peeled product spoils very quickly, so it is recommended to peel the nuts immediately before eating them. Let's consider useful recommendations and tips:

    1. Due to the high content of fatty substances in nuts, long-term storage will not be advisable for peeled kernels. The fact is that over time, this product acquires a bitter taste, losing all its beneficial properties for the body.
    2. When purchasing pine nuts, you should make sure that their expiration date has not yet expired.
    3. After purchasing nuts in a store or after processing, they should be washed in warm water and then dried a little. This must be done in order to remove fine dust from the shell. Additionally, safety and cleanliness are essential before consuming foods.
    4. If you processed the nuts using water, they should be thoroughly dried. It is advisable to do this in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated, warm room. For the most uniform drying, it is recommended to turn the nuts periodically.
    5. Under no circumstances should nuts be stored wet, as they will become moldy.
    6. Please note that not only the kernels, but also the shell itself contains vitamins, microelements, and other useful substances. You can dry such waste raw materials and then use them to prepare various medicinal tinctures, inhalations and lotions. Such home remedies have a very pleasant taste and contain vitamins E and B, as well as resins and fatty acids. Such compositions are used for the treatment of colds, rheumatism, and other joint diseases.
    7. To prevent the nuts from rolling on the table surface during processing, they must be placed in the hole of a wrench with a large diameter. After this, use a hammer or rolling pin to carefully crack the shell, using your hands to remove any remaining residue.
    8. If you are going to extract nut kernels from cones in large quantities, then you need to do this with gloves. This way you will avoid unpleasant resin sticking to your hands.
    9. Gutted cones, processing waste, and scales can be used as fertilizer for growing indoor plants, as well as for seedlings in the garden. In addition, these wastes are used in the field of cosmetology for baths, as well as as a hair rinse.

    In conclusion, it is worth noting that cedar kernels are used for food both raw and fried. In addition, they can be used in cooking to make a wide variety of dishes. In folk medicine you can find recipes for preparing a honey-nut mixture, which is taken in the morning on an empty stomach to replenish your body with energy, as well as useful vitamins and substances.

    Storage conditions

    The shelf life of pine nuts depends on compliance with storage rules and on how they are stored - whether they are stored in cones, shells or peeled. Following the rules will allow you to enjoy the forest aroma of the fruit for a longer time. Properly selected, sorted raw materials must be thoroughly dried for 2 - 3 days. Exclude sun rays and artificial light! Nutrients are lost. Product preservation will be ensured by coolness, darkness, and dryness.

    It is important to remember that grains easily absorb odors. The container must be tightly closed

    Temperature changes are dangerous; good ventilation will not hurt.

    Features of cleaning pine nuts

    To enjoy the amazing taste of the kernels, you should first clean them. Each of them is enclosed in a hard shell, which makes them impossible to eat immediately. There are several proven ways to peel pine nuts at home.

    Most often, a person tries to peel the fruits using the simplest and most proven method - gnawing the shell with his own teeth. It is highly undesirable to do this, as there is a high risk of damage to the enamel. Especially if you have to clean a large number of cores.

    Pine nuts in the shell can be cracked using garlic presses and other available means. This will turn the kernels into a homogeneous mess, which will then be difficult to use. Therefore, it is best to crack nuts using gentler methods that soften the shell, thereby preserving the integrity of the core.

    How to properly extract nuts from a pine cone

    To clear pine nuts from ripe cones as quickly as possible, you don’t need any special equipment. The ripened cone itself easily “gives away” the long-awaited fruits, with the slightest pressure. There are times when it is still necessary to apply more thorough mechanical action.

    Let's approach the process correctly:

    1. We put on gloves - there is resin on the cone, which is very difficult to wash off your hands
    2. Already stained with resin? Then lubricate your hands with rich cream or sunflower oil.
    3. Prepare two containers: a bucket for the husks and a bowl for the kernels
    4. If the nuts do not fall out of the cone themselves, you can slightly twist it or rub it, holding it over a husk bucket
    5. You can resort to light tapping with a hammer. The cone is placed on a wooden board (it is covered with cling film so as not to get stained with resin).

    How to quickly peel pine nuts at home

    Cedar kernels are found in cones. To enjoy a truly high-quality and natural product that will have a large number of useful properties, you need to buy or prepare them in this form. Further cleaning activities are carried out in accordance with the following sequence:

    1. Take rubber gloves. It is advisable not to carry out the cleaning procedure with bare hands. Cedar tree resin is very difficult to wash off the skin.
    2. Prepare 2 separate containers in advance. One is for shelled nuts, and the second is for husks. In the future, you can use not only the kernels, but also all the remnants of the pine cone that remain after cleaning. A decoction is prepared from them in the proportion of 1 cup of husk per 1 liter of water. The resulting composition is used as an additional means for taking a bath. It helps a person relax and relieve nervous tension after a hard day at work. After such a bath, the quality of sleep significantly improves.
    3. In order to extract pine nuts from a cone, you first need to twist it. Then rub it in your hands. As a result of this action, the necessary parts will easily move away from the base and they can be transferred to one of the prepared containers, and the resulting husk can be poured into the second.
    4. The extracted kernels should be washed in warm water and then left to dry.

    In order for the nuts to respond better to the cleaning process, they should be slightly dried. If the product is fresh, then 4-6 hours will suffice before proceeding with further processing.

    The easiest way is to buy shelled nuts straight away. But in quality they will be much inferior to fresh kernels. If it is not possible to purchase or prepare the product yourself, then it is better to give preference to securely packaged preparations. You should not eat loose nuts. There is no guarantee that this is a high-quality and fresh product that has been stored correctly.

    Pine nuts, which were obtained with your own hands when cleaning the cone, have a pleasant aroma and taste. Residues of resin remain on their surface.

    How to remove debris and husks from shelled nuts

    During the cleaning process, debris and scales are mixed with the nuts, which requires additional cleaning. The procedure can be carried out in several ways.

    1. Sieve or round sieve. Two screening elements with cell diameters of 7 mm and 3 mm are used. The first time sifting is done using a coarse sieve, and then a fine sieve.
    2. No special tools. A tarpaulin is laid out in the yard and nuts are thrown onto it from a distance of 5 meters with an ordinary shovel. Light debris will not be able to reach its destination, so only clean product will remain on the tarp.
    3. Water. Pour nuts into a bowl of water. The garbage will not sink and will remain on the surface. It is collected, but the nuts will require additional drying.

    Several ways to easily shell pine nuts

    There are several methods to obtain cedar tree kernels that are completely ready for further use. Among them:

    • scald with boiling water;
    • to freeze;
    • fry in a frying pan;
    • warm up under high temperature in the oven;
    • sudden change in temperature. First, the nuts are fried, then sharply lowered into cold water;
    • break it with special tools or improvised means: tweezers for trimming dog claws, a garlic press and other sharp objects.

    Depending on free time and the availability of necessary equipment, each person will be able to choose the best option for themselves.

    Peeling nuts from shells using boiling water

    In order to use this method, you must strictly follow the following sequence of actions:

    1. Place pine nuts in a separate container.
    2. Fill them with boiling water.
    3. Leave the kernels in hot water for 5 minutes to make the shell easier to crack in the future.
    4. Transfer the nuts to a hard surface. A cutting board is best for this.
    5. Roll a rolling pin over them using a little force.

    If everything is done correctly, then after this action the person will hear a characteristic cracking sound from the shell. All that remains is to open it and release the cores. Pine nuts are ready for further use.

    How to peel pine nuts using cold

    Few people know that the process of peeling nuts is much easier if you use the freezing method. To do this, the unpeeled kernels must be placed in a bag and sent to the freezer. Wait until the product is completely frozen.

    Then all the air is released from the bag, and the nuts are evenly distributed in it. Next, you need to take a rolling pin and walk over the kernels. If all the rules are followed, a cracking sound will be heard from the splitting of the shell. All that remains is to manually remove it, thereby freeing the cedar seeds.

    How to clean nuts by roasting

    To quickly soften the shell and release the cedar kernels, you can use a frying pan or oven. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Place the product on the prepared baking sheet or frying pan.
    2. If the first method is chosen, then you need to put the dishes in the oven and heat the kernels at a temperature of 110-120 degrees for 2-3 minutes. In the second option, the kernels are fried in a frying pan for the same period of time.
    3. All that remains is to walk over them with a rolling pin. This will help peel off any excess debris.

    Industrial cleaning

    1. The nuts are poured into a drum, where the nuts are filtered from debris.
    2. Then the nuts are calibrated by size on a special sieve.
    3. The sorted nuts go into the crushing machine according to size.
    4. The crusher shafts crack the shells.

    There are several ways to free the nut from the shell:

    Finally, the nuts are dried and packaged:

    ODM 994/250 – Machine for shelling walnuts

    Designed for shelling walnuts at processing industry enterprises. .

    manufacturer: SE SKTB IPP NASU, Ukraine, Kiev

    Walnut splitting machine

    Walnut splitting machine with a capacity of 120 kg/hour. Very good quality of nut shell splitting, pre-calibrated.

    manufacturer: Service Pak NPP, LLC, Ukraine, Kiev

    SKOR 180 GR – Machine for splitting walnuts

    The machine for splitting walnuts SKOR 180 GR is designed for splitting hard walnut shells. .

    Manufacturer: Eksprestekhservice, LLC, Moscow. region, Shchelkovo

    Juchao GHT600 – Machine for removing the shell film from pine nut kernels

    Machine for removing the shell film from the pine nut kernel GHT600. .

    manufacturer: Juchao, China (PRC)

    MUK-80 – Nut mill

    Mill for grinding nuts into paste MUK-80 is a vertical industrial colloidal type mill, which is used for grinding into paste.

    manufacturer: Elementary machines (Elemash), LLC, Republic of Belarus, Minsk

    SKOR UNIVERSAL – Machine for splitting nut shells

    The machine for splitting nut shells SKOR UNIVERSAL is designed for working with walnuts.

    Manufacturer: Eksprestekhservice, LLC, Moscow. region, Shchelkovo

    MDR-1 – Nut crusher

    Designed for crushing roasted nut kernels such as peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds in the baking and confectionery industries. .

    manufacturer: Tekhnosphere-2000, LLC, Moscow

    AK-0933 SPLITNUT-300 – Walnut crushing machine

    Machine for crushing nuts AK-0933 SPLITNUT-300 into particles from 2 to 5 mm. .

    manufacturer: Akmalko Engineering, LLC, Moscow

    VAEM – Nut cutter

    The nut cutter is designed for grinding nuts, almonds, seeds, crackers, and cookies into specified fractions. Widely used in confectionery.

    manufacturer: Vaem, ODO, Republic of Belarus, Minsk

    VAEM – Nut sheller

    The machine is designed for removing the soft (red) shell from peanuts and other nuts. The surface soft shell (husk) is cleaned.

    manufacturer: Vaem, ODO, Republic of Belarus, Minsk

    VSC-4N — Vibrating sieve calibrator

    Designed to separate walnut kernels into fractions by size and remove impurities. When replacing replaceable sieves with ones similar to others.

    manufacturer: SE SKTB IPP NASU, Ukraine, Kiev

    MUS-100SSH – Machine for cleaning nuts

    The machine for cleaning nuts (peanuts) MUS-100SSH is designed for mechanical cleaning of roasted nuts from the soft shell. .

    manufacturer: Elementary machines (Elemash), LLC, Republic of Belarus, Minsk

    MDO / MDO-1 – Nut crusher

    The MDO / MDO-1 nut crusher is designed for crushing roasted nut kernels such as peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds at bakery and bakery enterprises.

    manufacturer: Tekhnosphere-2000, LLC, Moscow

    Vibrating sieve calibrator for walnut kernels

    The walnut kernel vibrating sieve calibrator is designed to separate the sorted walnut kernel into fractions: 1/2 (butterfly), .

    manufacturer: Oskol-Agro, LLC, Belgorod region, Stary Oskol

    Leading manufacturers of processing equipment

    Leading equipment manufacturer in Europe – (France). Since 1970, it has been producing powerful full-cycle lines.

    In the USA, Jessee Equipment Manufacturing is the leader. Over its 60-year history, the company has earned a reputation as a manufacturer of high-quality and reliable equipment. The company is actively introducing various innovative technologies, such as calibration of raw materials using a laser.

    Its full-cycle line “CASCADE plus” with a throughput capacity of up to 400 kg/hour and low energy consumption has also proven itself well in the domestic market.

    Tekhnika-Rostov assembles modular equipment systems that are easy to install and transport and meet the requirements of each client. The big advantage of this manufacturer's products is their affordable price and after-sales service.

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