How to quickly peel sunflower seeds at home: methods, tips. How sunflower seeds are peeled from husks in production on an industrial scale: description, video

Author of the article: Sudakov A.P.

Pumpkin or sunflower seeds are used in the food industry. They contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as a group of vitamins that ensure the normal functioning of the human body, so they are also used for medicinal purposes. It is worth noting that the natural product requires pre-processing, which consists of peeling the kernels. How can this be done in an industrial environment and is it possible to simplify the procedure for preparing products for use in everyday life?

Pumpkin and sunflower seed kernels

Selection and preparation of seeds

When purchasing seeds, you should make sure that they are well dried, as evidenced by the hard husk. There should be no smell of depravity. Damaged seeds have a bitter taste.

Before processing the kernels, they should be washed thoroughly. To check the purity criterion, you can wet your fingers and feel the seeds with them. They will be sticky if not washed enough. It should be noted that if raw materials are processed inappropriately, storage of finished products will be difficult due to the increased likelihood of infection by mold fungi.

Characteristics of husk pellets

Name of indicator Actual value Unit of measurement Heat transfer 4142/5252 kcal/kg Higher calorific value 21.99 kJ/kg Lower calorific value 17.34 kJ/kg Mass fraction of ash up to 7% Mass fraction of water up to 10.6% Total sulfur absent - Granule size( diameter) 5-12 mm Granule size (length) 50 mm Odor characteristic of sunflower husks -

Not long ago, individuals and industrial enterprises chose pellets as a solid fuel. But even in such a short time, the product managed to earn enormous popularity and more and more people began to use it. According to statistics, the demand for alternative fuel is growing every year and amounts to about 30%. For example, the Swedish government has created a program that provides for an increase in the annual use of fuel pellets by at least 7 million tons; in the UK this number is no more than 600 thousand tons.

Thanks to the analysis of various offers on the global network, you can see that wood pellets, for example, in Poland are approximately 110 euros per ton of material, and those made from sunflower husks are five euros cheaper. Of course, such prices can hardly be considered low. But since tariffs for gas, oil, and electricity are constantly rising, for many countries pellets will become an excellent replacement, so the demand for them will rise.

What are the benefits of husk pellets?

Consumers of husk pellets chose this alternative fuel because of their many advantages in contrast to traditional energy resources. Firstly, the material is environmentally friendly, as it does not contain chemicals, spores and plant seeds that cause allergies. Secondly, the use of pellets is economical, since their cost is affordable. Thirdly, they are functional, having low biochemical activity, they can be stored without observing special conditions, transportation of fuel is convenient due to their standard sizes and flowability.


As mentioned above, pellets made from sunflower husks have a fairly high percentage of ash. therefore, they are recommended for firing industrial boilers. There is a myth that they have a very detrimental effect on solid fuel boilers and chimney systems, this is not so. Such problems can only arise in incorrectly calculated systems where the diameter of the chimney is significantly narrowed or its system itself has sharp turns or loose pipe connections, which reduces draft. In such cases, ash deposition will be higher than normal, but this will occur when using any solid fuel.

Essence of the process

The question of how seeds are peeled from husks in production is relevant when planning large-scale activities in this area, focused on making a profit. From this perspective, an entrepreneur can specialize in the supply of raw materials to production workers or independently organize the production of food products, the basic component of which is seeds.

Industrialists clean the seeds using special equipment, which qualitatively separates the elements only when prepared seeds are loaded into it.

If they are not washed and dried, the machine will not be able to efficiently cope with the task assigned to it. The seeds should not be covered in dirt, since, due to their special physical properties, it will certainly stick to the seeds freed from the husk.

After pre-processing the seeds, they are placed in a hopper, from which they are moved in portions to an apparatus, the functionality of which ensures selection by size. The first stage of separating the shells from the seeds is done in a drum, but the result is not clean grains. Some of them may have husks remaining on them due to incomplete drying or due to the characteristics of the grain due to the tight fit of the peel. The separation of elements is carried out using a winnower and a cyclone. For final cleaning, the resulting mass is unloaded onto a special table, where, after vibration, it is finally released from the husk.

Cleaning apparatus

How to quickly peel sunflower seeds at home: methods, tips

It is not easy to peel a large number of seeds at home. We usually crush the seeds with our fingers or teeth. But it is very difficult to clear large quantities of semen this way. Accordingly, non-manual methods are chosen to obtain purified kernels.

Instructions for cleaning seeds:

  • Place a small amount of seeds into the blender and pulse for a few seconds.
  • After this, repeat the manipulation several times. As a result of such actions, the peel is damaged.
  • After this, fill the seeds with water and wait for the peel to float up. Drain the top and refill with water.
  • As a result of such manipulations, most of the peelings will float, and the kernels will remain at the bottom. Now dry the kernels or fry them.

How to quickly peel sunflower seeds at home: methods, tips

Separating pumpkin seeds from the peel

Pumpkin seeds are used in baking certain types of bread, as well as in the manufacture of confectionery.

Pumpkin seeds are cleaned in production using the same equipment as sunflower kernels, if the entrepreneur has purchased multifunctional equipment that supports such an option. Some equipment models do not allow you to work with different types of raw materials, which must be taken into account when choosing it before making a purchase. Equipment aimed at simultaneous activities with several types of products can increase profit margins, which will allow for a faster return on the funds invested in the business.

Pumpkin seeds in the diet

Pumpkin kernels are not a regular product in our diet. Most will prefer sunflower seeds or simply do without them. In fact, they are very useful, especially for the female body, because... contain healthy fats. The condition of our hair, skin and nails depends on them.

Having decided on your own or as prescribed by a doctor to use seeds for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, remember that the daily norm is 10 g, provided there are no problems with the digestive system. Raw kernels are better suited for this purpose. You can enhance the benefits and add pleasant taste by mixing them with honey.

You can add seeds to baked goods, vegetable salads, and sauces. This way you will not only introduce new flavor notes into everyday dishes, but also make your diet more nutritious.

Regular use of this product increases the level of the body's immune defense, improves tissue quality, replenishes the deficiency of beneficial vitamins, which has a general strengthening effect and even has a strong antimicrobial effect.

About waste-free production

Appearance of the device

The main waste from industrial activities is husks. It can be transferred under a transportation contract for disposal, for which you will have to pay. It is worth noting that kernel shells are a raw material in the production of biofuel. It is also used for growing mushrooms, as well as pontoon and hyxose sugar. Therefore, having concluded a supply agreement, you don’t have to worry about where to put the husks, but transfer them and receive money for it.

Positive properties

Pumpkin seeds are a storehouse of nutrients. The kernels contain antioxidants, vitamins A, C, D, K, E, some representatives of group B, as well as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The seeds are rich in minerals, especially zinc, magnesium, and phosphorus. Ingestion of pumpkin seeds helps treat and prevent many diseases, saturate the body with useful substances, replenish calcium deficiency in the bones, remove parasites, lose weight and slow down aging.

How to get pumpkin seeds? Of course, the best way is to grow organic fruit in your own garden. Cut, separate the seeds from the pulp and dry yourself. However, in the conditions of the city and the pace of modern life, this is difficult to achieve. It is much easier to purchase a small bag of already peeled ones. How it's done?


Seeds are cleaned from the shell in production using special equipment. It is expensive, so its purchase is relevant when planning large-scale production, which will quickly recoup the investment. To simplify the process and reduce its cost, it is recommended to automate the process. When purchasing a production line, you should familiarize yourself with its functionality and opt for those options that can be reprogrammed for processing different types of raw materials, as well as connecting operations for heat treatment, spice saturation and packaging. When cleaning seeds for yourself, you can use home appliances, the functionality of which includes the option of mixing and grinding.

Drying sunflower seeds

Under the influence of moderately hot temperatures, the seeds are dried. Here, too, it is important not to leave moisture. They do this carefully, but it still doesn’t come to the point of frying. Dried seeds are sent to a bunker for further processing. They are transported here by a special conveyor belt, or this is done manually. It all depends on the type of line that will clean the seeds.

Premises, production workshop

There are no serious restrictions regarding the location of the facility. Even buildings on the outskirts of the city are suitable. Thanks to this, it will be possible to save on the rental price. Use the money saved to purchase an effective cleaner.

But there are some requests regarding the premises where the production process is being established:

  1. Passing inspections from Rospotrebnadzor and fire inspections. Sanitary and fire safety standards are the most important to comply with.
  2. Good communications, ventilation.
  3. Power line of sufficient power for processing sunflower seeds.

It is necessary to equip warehouses where raw products and finished goods are stored. The main thing is to organize protection against small rodents getting inside.

The cost of one production line ranges from 700 thousand to 3 million rubles. At the same time, any line requires maintenance by a staff of workers, even if it is automated, for the most part. One equipment requires up to 4-5 people. The automatic line needs at least 2-3 people. Each manufacturer decides for himself how beneficial the automated option will be for him. After this, it is easier to understand how the sunflower will be processed.

Cleaning by hand

The simplest way to clean sunflower seeds is manual processing. This method uses the thumb and index finger. From oriental medicine it is known that the pads of these fingers each have their own active point, by acting on which you can positively influence the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Eating sunflower seeds is useful not only due to the substances inside the kernels, but also the process in which they are cleaned, because when performing actions with the fingers, metabolic processes are activated in the human body. Manual seed processing is also very convenient.

When husking a sunflower grain, it is placed on the tip of the tongue; it will move the nucleolus, which will then end up near the molars in a vertical position on the rib. With light dental pressure you can chew the achene. The husk is spat out using the tongue, and the clean kernel is chewed and swallowed.

In order not to develop stomach diseases, it is necessary to clean the seeds. To preserve tooth enamel and not have calloused hands when shelling seeds, it is better to use special scissors. This device with convenient gaps for kernels of different sizes: small, medium and large, is made of stainless steel. With experience working with scissors, their effectiveness increases.

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