Is it possible to throw away a mirror: folk signs, tips and recommendations

Getting rid of mirrors requires careful handling of this piece of furniture. In addition, they are endowed with isoteric properties. This is explained by the accumulation of energy, since the mirror surface reflects all the events happening around and people with different destinies. Old copies store more information, and not always positive information. So where to put the old mirror from the house if the owner wants to replace it or it is broken.

Is it possible to throw a mirror out of the house?

You have to get rid of old and unsuitable mirrors, as well as broken mirrors. The question arises how to do this correctly. Such questions are especially important for superstitious people who are convinced of the magical properties of this home furnishing item.

From the point of view of negative impact on the natural environment, such waste, oddly enough, can also be dangerous. Throughout the progressive world, waste is collected separately. Glass is collected separately from cardboard, metal products, etc. The benefit of separation in this case is the possibility of recycling. But glass containers are a slightly different category. It is for this purpose that the tanks are provided.

Is it possible to throw a mirror in the trash? Its component composition:

  • sheet glass (polished or not) based on sand, soda, limestone;
  • a thin reflective layer of silver, aluminum, chromium, nickel, gold (makes the glass mirror-like);
  • protective layer of copper film with paint and varnish materials;
  • frame made of plywood, wood, fiberboard, metal, plastic, etc.

Important! Leaving chemicals in nature has a negative impact primarily on the condition of the soil. It is recommended not to throw away such waste, but to recycle it.

Placing a new mirror in the house

You should not install it next to the front door. This arrangement will increase the risk of a decrease in positive energy from the home, instead of the necessary accumulation. The front door reflected in the mirror will cause the positive to leave.

It's best when there are no mirrors in the bedroom. This thing in itself does not pose any threat, but its location opposite the sleeping place will attract failures and problems. The risk for couples is expressed in the threat of frequent quarrels, disagreements and a complete breakup.

Placing a mirror too high or, conversely, too low will disrupt the flow of energy in the home. And, of course, you need to choose a position for convenient use of the item by all family members.

How to properly throw away mirrors

If you want to do this yourself, you need to understand how to properly throw away the old mirror. If it is broken, you need to carefully collect all the smallest fragments. If one such grain ends up on the floor, it threatens to injure the skin of the feet of people living in this room. When taking the fragments to the trash, it is better to first wrap it with film or cloth.

This is necessary to ensure the safety of people involved in waste removal. In addition, the landfill is a place for visiting homeless animals and people from the lowest rung of the social ladder.

The person throwing out the garbage does not bear any legal responsibility for all of the above. This is only the moral and ethical side of the issue. If there is a separate trash can for glass at the “trash”, then it is not recommended to use it. It is intended for glass containers.

What to do with someone else's mirror

Many household items, including mirrors, may remain from the previous occupants of the house. In this case, you should not leave this piece of furniture at home, even if it seems beautiful to you and fits well into the living room. Someone else's mirror has managed to accumulate the memories of people completely strangers to you, and therefore it will not bring happiness to your family.

As a last resort, you can perform a ritual of the four elements or place a mirror under running water. But no one can guarantee that cleansing procedures will be sufficient to completely neutralize the mystical object.

You should not sell old mirrors, especially if you do not know their history, as they can bring misfortune to the new owners.

General rules for getting rid of any mirrors

You will not be able to recycle the item yourself. You can only get rid of it: throw it away, sell it. It is impossible to find a place where you can donate such products (like battery collection points). You can order the removal and disposal of something unnecessary from your apartment from companies that specialize in this. But this is more relevant if you need to get rid of at least a few interior items. In addition, such a service must be paid for out of the owner’s pocket.

How to throw away a mirror. Three principles for getting rid of garbage:

  1. Complying with safety rules for yourself and others to avoid injury.
  2. Caring for the environment and using a recycling system.
  3. “Cleansing” a thing by endowing it with isoteric properties.

It is impossible to say how important this last point is. Everyone independently decides whether to follow one or another recommendation.

A similar sign

There are many signs and superstitions associated with mirrors, and an old mirror is a separate topic in magic. Without exception, all experts in witchcraft are confident that any mirror surface carries the accumulated energy of those who once looked at it.


Signs about an old mirror

If you gave away the mirror

It happens that someone you know brings a mirror as a gift, and it is not always clear whether the person gave the gift with good intentions or not. If you took someone else's mirror into your home, first clean it with a simple ritual. It is advisable to sprinkle the mirror with holy water and cover it with salt for three days: this is your guarantee that all negativity will be removed from its surface.

For those who are interested in whether it is possible to give away your mirror, it should become an axiom that this is an item for your personal use, and no stranger has the right to take possession of it. A magical object must serve its owner and carry exclusively positive energy. In the same way, you should not take other people’s mirrors and look in them, otherwise you may run into the wrath of the Higher Powers.

When you look in the mirror, you should experience only positive emotions, so when you are depressed or feeling discouraged, avoid this subject. Any mirror must be washed periodically with running water to remove accumulated negativity. After this, be sure to look in the mirror and smile at your reflection, so you will charge it for favorable changes in fate.

Avoid looking in two mirrors at the same time - this is fraught with illness, loss of strength and a feeling of weakness, brokenness. In order for the mirror to bring only positive things into your life, do not let dust accumulate on its surface. When choosing a frame for a mirror, prioritize a shiny metal one, as it adds shine to the mirror surface and helps drive out evil spirits from the room.

Where to put an unnecessary mirror

Not many people know how dangerous an antique mirror is, and yet its energy can destroy financial well-being, break up a married couple, or seriously damage the biofield of the apartment owner. Buying a new thing is always associated with pleasant emotions, but what to do with an unnecessary mirror that is either obsolete or has absorbed negativity?

An old mirror is not only a dressing table inherited from your grandmother, but also small mirrors in a powder compact or cosmetic bag, as well as gifts from friends, acquaintances and loved ones.

If it so happens that you are faced with the question of where to put the unnecessary mirror, then under no circumstances throw it in the trash bin! Wrap it in an opaque black fabric, take it outside and place it so that someone in need can pick it up. Before you leave, throw a handful of salt on the covered mirror and say the spell: “Take everything bad with you, but don’t touch my family. My word is strong. Key. Lock. Amen!"

If you are wondering where to put an unnecessary mirror, try performing a ritual with holy water and candles from the church. To do this, spray an old mirror with water brought in advance and cross it three times with a lit candle. Say quietly: “Thank you for your faithful service!” After this, you can safely throw the old mirror in the trash, after wrapping it in black cloth.

You will definitely need to know how to update an old mirror, since very often you need to cleanse it of negative energy. Running water will come to the rescue: you need to leave the mirror under the running stream for at least an hour to wash away all the accumulated negativity.

If this is not possible, then find out how to clean an old mirror using salt. Buy salt on Thursday (patron planet Jupiter), prepare holy water, a church candle and a saucer for salt. Place the candle in a bowl with salt and say the spell: “I burn all evil, I renew the mirror, I charge it for joy and happiness. Let it be so. Amen!" After the candle burns out, sprinkle the surface of the mirror with this salt and cast the spell to cleanse yourself of negativity three more times. Leave it like this for three days, after which the salt is swept into running water or into the toilet, and the mirror is used as needed.

In the event that an obvious negative emanates from an old mirror or it suddenly bursts or breaks, then it is necessary to collect the fragments in black cloth and bury the unnecessary item away from the house, in a place where people do not walk. Such a ritual will help ward off sorrows and misfortunes associated with signs of a broken mirror from home.

When to throw away mirrors

Many people often have the question of what to do with an old mirror when it has become unnecessary. Can you just throw it in the trash can or should you first clean it of everything that it has accumulated as a thank you?

There may be many reasons to get rid of your old mirror:

  • if this is an apartment option, then it simply may not fit into the new interior of the house; if it was inherited from the previous owners, then such an item may not be to your liking and will begin to remind you of the previous owners,
  • it may deteriorate - crack or break.

There are several main reasons to understand that the old mirror can no longer be used and needs to go somewhere.

  1. Often, due to time, cloudy spots, barely visible cracks or strange marks appear on the mirror surface. Moreover, this occurs without any reason, when the object itself does not fall, it is not deliberately damaged. In such cases, they say that the mirror took upon itself the misfortunes of the owners, saving them from serious illness or even death. It would be right to get rid of such mirror surfaces, spoiled by fate, not to keep them in the house, but they should be thrown into the trash, and this should be done as soon as possible. Otherwise, if you keep it for yourself, as psychics assure, all the negativity and energy that has accumulated will be transferred in the house to those looking at it.
  2. There should not be anything left that has cracked for no reason or from an impact, or a piece has broken off from it. It also needs to be thrown away; it is not right to leave it for yourself or in the house. A bad omen is the desire to look in a cracked mirror.
  3. What previously belonged to a deceased person must be thrown away forty days after his death, so as not to leave an open gate in the house for the soul of the deceased.
  4. You shouldn’t leave something you inherited from someone if it’s repulsive and it doesn’t bring you pleasure to look at it. The right thing to do is to throw it away and not leave it in the house.
  5. An object that has become an unintentional witness to a crime against life and health should not remain in the home environment. Antique mirrored objects are capable of artificially creating the same dramatic situation with the help of photographic memory, so there should be no doubt that it should be thrown away.

Any awkwardness and discomfort that manifests itself when using an item may become a reason for you to get rid of it.

How to throw away old mirrors

There are guidelines to help you dispose of your mirror correctly. First of all, never break it into small pieces. Yes, it’s much more convenient to take it out this way. But there is a risk of not only injuring yourself, but also injuring others. After all, quite often stray dogs and people walk near the trash can. Leave the whole item near the tank and head home.

It is best to throw away old mirrors on the waning moon. During the waxing and full moon, you can bring negative energy upon yourself. As an exception, you can only throw away a broken mirror, because under no circumstances should it be in the house.

Only discard the attributes yourself. Don't ask strangers for help. It's better to do it alone. If the size of the attribute does not allow you to carry it out yourself, then wrap it with a dark rag. It is also worth throwing away mirrors if a person has died in the house and this attribute is in his room, because the energy of the deceased person has been absorbed into the piece of furniture and can negatively affect you.

Rituals that allow you to throw away mirrors

If you are wondering how to properly throw away an old mirror, then you can perform the following ritual. To complete it, you must perform the following steps:

  • take the old mirror;
  • put it under a stream of water: you can take a hose and wash it, or put it in the bathroom and turn on the water;
  • It takes a few minutes to wash the item;
  • Now you can throw it away with peace of mind.

How to clean and preserve an old mirror

The old product must be professionally restored. For minor damage, you can do this yourself. If the display layer is damaged, foil is attached to the reverse side. Restoring a cracked mirror is more difficult. You can try priming the scratches with silicone sealant, after treating them with alcohol in advance.

To preserve the visual parameters of the mirror surface, you need to properly clean it. If the owner is not a fan of using store-bought chemicals, you can resort to more natural recipes. For example, take strong tea leaves mixed with a tablespoon of salt. This solution is applied with a sponge, and after hardening it is simply wiped off.

Also for these purposes, cut potatoes are used, followed by wiping the surface with a paper napkin. Another proven method is rubbing with a crumpled newspaper. For better cleaning, you can first use ammonia.

The importance of proper disposal

Why is it important to dispose of your mirror correctly? There are several reasons why this product should be disposed of wisely:

  1. Mirrors contain metals and other substances that negatively affect the environment when released into soil or water.
  2. Such waste (like magnifying glasses and other glass products) can cause fires. It is especially dangerous to throw them away in forests, etc.: a fire can lead to the destruction of vast areas.
  3. Of course, you can throw a broken or simply outdated mirror into a regular landfill, but you need to understand that it will lie there for more than 1 thousand years. Without recycling glass (and other) materials, our world will turn into a huge garbage dump.
  4. Mirror fragments can injure animals and people.
  5. Discarded mirrors can be used to produce new useful products: glass containers for industrial products, windows, fiberglass and other building materials.

Note! Enterprises cannot throw large quantities of mirror waste into landfills; in this case, they cannot do without a furniture recycling certificate. Inspecting authorities can check its presence.

Sometimes old mirrors can be restored. Riga television correspondents talk about the experience of carrying out the campaign for their restoration in this video:

Signs associated with the mirror

Perhaps the most famous sign is the onset of trouble if a person accidentally breaks a mirror. According to one common version, this portends 7 years of misfortune.

Versions of this sign taking into account different circumstances:

  • a broken mirror for a married couple promises discord;
  • and for a person free from relationships - lack of personal happiness in the coming years;
  • if the mirror suddenly fell on its own and broke into fragments, you need to check the owner for damage;
  • a mirror broken by a child indicates the need for some changes;
  • if a guest broke it at your home, you need to be wary of this person;
  • and if the mirror breaks when a person steps on it, this means illness.

It’s not just wall-mounted options that can break. It is not recommended to break even a small pocket mirror, a mirror on a closet or a sideboard. The consequence of a broken mirror in a car can be a breakdown or an accident.

If the owner observes sudden fogging of the mirror (not necessarily in the bathroom), then this portends an imminent move. It can be associated with both bad and joyful events.


There are several effective rituals on how to get rid of an old mirror so as not to harm the family and neutralize its negative energy.

  • If you want to throw a piece of furniture into the trash bin, first wrap it in black cloth. After leaving it in the container, throw a pinch of salt on it to get rid of the bad influence.
  • Before taking the mirror out of the house, you need to place it under running water. Water neutralizes energy, including that of your family. Now you can remove it from the house and even give it to someone.
  • Another way to neutralize energy: sprinkle the mirror surface with holy water, and then cross it with a lit church candle.
  • To avoid throwing away your old mirror, bury it in the ground. It is better if this happens in a vacant lot where there are no or few people. Dig a deep hole to safely bury the mystical item.

Before getting rid of your old unwanted mirror, wrap it in a dark cloth. By performing a simple ritual, you will eliminate negativity and get rid of everything bad that the old mirror may carry.

Never throw a broken mirror into the trash can at home, otherwise its energy will affect you until the object is far away.

Do not throw a broken mirror in the house into the trash.

Superstitions and beliefs

There is a difference between the concepts of “signs” and “superstition”. If the former warn a person about something, then the latter are rather a kind of recommendation for action.

Interesting superstitions:

  1. It is not recommended to look into the fragments. It brings misfortune. It is better to cover them with a dark cloth. And collect it in the same form. They need to be buried at night.
  2. When buying a mirror, sometimes our eyes catch on one of them. According to superstition, it chooses the person itself and often brings happiness to the new owner.
  3. When using someone else's mirror, you should first check it. To do this, take a church candle and place it in front of the mirror surface. If the fire tilts away from the reflection or goes out completely, this indicates the need for “cleaning.”
  4. When you throw away your old mirror, you can start a new life. If you try to change your life by leaving him, it will attract the same troubles.
  5. Buying a mirror that has been used by another owner is not the best idea. Especially the old ones. No one knows for sure what it saw. Moreover, magical rituals could have previously taken place in front of him.

Such beliefs do not answer the question “how to get rid of a mirror without consequences,” but they help prevent the occurrence of certain events.

Choice: get rid of it or turn to an alternative option?

An old mirror can be kept in the house if energetic cleaning is carried out correctly. To do this, you need to stock up on the appropriate tools and tools.

This is a pair of church candles of the same type, a small amount of Thursday salt, a red ball of thread, a wooden bowl and new scissors.

To cleanse an item and its energy, you need to place candles on the sides of the item. You need to place a bowl in front of the very center of the mirror. Then you need to do the following: a red thread is placed on the salt, candles are lit.

Standing facing the mirror, you need to say the following words to yourself: “I burn evil, I drive it out the chimney. I close the clean glass with locks. You can’t unlock them, and everything bad will burn out faster.”

Everything needs to be done slowly and extremely correctly. To completely get rid of bad energy in the house, all leftover candles and salt must be thrown into the trash.

Why you can't keep old mirrors

Buying valuable antiques is a prestigious and expensive activity. These are resold from hand to hand in person or purchased at auctions. Their value varies depending on how long ago they were made, whether they belonged to famous owners before, as well as the visual component (materials used, hand-cutting of the frame, etc.).

Some people would like to receive an old item like this with great pleasure. The question of his safety for others in this case is not always raised. However, in esoteric circles it is common to endow a mirror with magical properties.

Often dark. It can not only contain the energy of many owners and related events. If rituals were performed with it, it could even become a kind of portal for otherworldly forces. Therefore, “cleansing” is required.

A similar sign

In every home, situations occur when an old mirror becomes unusable. Signs say that an old mirror should be thrown away according to special rules. The main thing is to follow all the rules so as not to incur negativity.

Throwing away the whole mirror

It often happens that you need to get rid of an old, but no longer unnecessary mirror. There are also rules for such disposal.

First of all, to choose a suitable day, pay attention to the phase of the moon. The most appropriate time to throw out an old mirror will be the waning moon, which, along with the object, will take away everything bad that is associated with it.

They throw away the old mirror alone, without witnesses.

It is advisable to clean the item before throwing it away. This can be done using water. If you can find a flowing river or lake nearby, then you should hold the mirror under water for several minutes. You just need to avoid getting the reflection in its mirror surface.

If there is no natural water in the right place, you can clean the mirror surface with a saint taken from the church.

Before taking your delicate item to the trash can, magicians recommend sprinkling it with Thursday salt and then wrapping it in a dark-colored fabric material. This is done in most cases for the benefit of its new owners. If someone picks up and uses your item, it will not cause trouble for the new owner, but will bring you good luck. In addition to the mirror itself, the place where it hung, including the floor, also crumbles.

Before you part with your item forever, which has served you for a long time, it is better to thank it for its work. It protected you from negative consequences, taking on all the energy of others.

In the empty space left by the old mirror, magicians recommend lighting a candle every day for a calendar week and not rushing to hang the newcomer. It will take at least forty days for a new mirror to be built in this location.

Ritual with salt

You can perform this ritual so that negativity does not “stick” to you. First of all, you must prepare Thursday salt. It is Thursday salt that contains the power that allows you to get rid of negative energy. You should always keep salt in the house, which is stocked up on Maundy Thursday.

It is necessary to wrap the mirror with dark cloth and take it to a landfill. Place it there and sprinkle salt three times. You shouldn’t immediately put new furniture in the place of the old item. It also needs to be salted, and sacred candles must be lit for seven days. It is fire that will help you get rid of all negativity.

What to do if the mirror breaks (old)

Before putting a mirror anywhere, you need to take care of the safety of this process and eliminate the occurrence of negative consequences.

Practical recommendations:

  • it is better to assign the responsibility for collecting the fragments to the culprit (except when it was done by a child);
  • Do not remove fragments with bare hands (it is recommended to use thick gloves/cloth);
  • It’s better not to just sweep the floor, but to wipe it with a damp cloth (even when vacuuming, you can miss the smallest fragments).

How to dispel a negative interpretation

Those who believe in folk omens should listen to the following advice:

  1. Mirrors must be properly cleaned of negativity. Only a specialist can completely remove negative energy.
  2. You should not throw mirrors in the trash without wrapping them in a dark-colored cloth. You are allowed to use foil. It prevents the release of bad energy.
  3. A broken mirror must be thrown away. It is recommended to cross yourself three times and say: “All troubles and misfortunes are out!” My home is a happy home! Happy me and my family! Amen". Next, you need to spit on the mirror three times.
  4. It is best to throw away the accessory while wearing gloves. This will avoid cuts.

In any case, you should not succumb too much to the suggestion of signs. A person himself is capable of attracting negativity by thinking about bad things. We must try to reorganize our thoughts and drive away negative thinking. There is no need to think that a discarded mirror can cause something bad.

Still have questions or have something to add? Then write to us about it in the comments, this will make the material more complete and accurate.

How to avoid negative consequences

The question depends on the specifics of the situation. Whether it's selling, buying, getting rid of a whole or broken mirror. When selling, the issue of security concerns not only the buying party, but also the selling party.

So is it possible to sell a mirror from home? If it was purchased as a gift and was in the donor’s home for some short time, then the answer is positive. But reselling and donating your old items is not a good idea. This can affect both parties. If there is malicious intent, you can harm a person using some of his personal items.

There are several points from a mystical point of view. You can't be reflected in the fragments - it brings trouble. It is recommended to bury the fragments. A dilemma arises here, because if you care about the environment, this is not recommended.

If you want to get rid of the mirror, taking into account concerns about the environment and your own well-being in an esoteric sense, you can throw it away. In this case, it is recommended to put the fragments in a bag and sprinkle with Thursday salt. You can strengthen the ritual with a conspiracy and leave for the house without turning around. According to reviews, this helps to avoid problems.

How to get rid of a broken mirror

When throwing something away, it is not always possible to maintain its integrity. The appearance of cracks, scratches or chips on the reflective surface of an object when taken out of the house leads to the release of accumulated negative energy into the surrounding space.

To neutralize the negative impact of a mirror that has broken, you need to carefully collect the fragments, including the smallest ones. Then you need to pack everything in an opaque durable bag to eliminate the possibility of seeing your own reflection in them and not getting hurt. The fragments should be buried in a deserted place.

Whether or not to believe in the negative influence of an old mirror is everyone’s business. But after performing simple actions and cleansing rituals, there is no need to be afraid that the mirror will bring misfortune to the house.

Item Disposal

If a person does not want to throw the product in the trash, it is disposed of. After calling a specialized company, employees will come, disassemble and carefully take it out onto the street, and take it to the recycling area. Recycling mirrors through organizations is a safe procedure, but paid. Not every citizen will allow himself to use such services.

A person can handle it on his own: the whole product is covered with tape and taken to a waste container. The waste removal company will pick up the item. The procedure will be free of charge. To dispose of a broken attribute, the fragments are placed in a thick fabric bag or box and a note is made.

To avoid getting yourself into trouble, mirrors must be thrown away correctly. The ceremony is performed when the moon is waxing and full. The exception is a broken mirror, which is disposed of immediately. Regardless of the reason, you cannot throw the product in the trash without performing a ritual of cleansing from your own energy.

Signs if a mirror breaks

There are several signs that allow you to determine what danger awaits if a cracked


  • If the largest mirror in the house breaks, this means the imminent death of a close relative or family member, possibly even murder.
  • Break any mirror accidentally

    - to a quarrel with a friend, most often due to moving.

  • Look

    into fragments and seeing your reflection - to illness and other unpleasant events.

  • The mirror cracked on its own in the hands - to a quarrel with the spouse.
  • Damage to the mirror work

    – to a change of place of activity and total changes in career.

  • A broken mirror in a car portends a change of vehicle or an accident.
  • A cracked mirror in a powder compact means failure in your personal life. The best thing powder

    throw away, or carefully remove the fragments, wrap them in paper or cloth and bury them in the ground.

These are just the main popular signs about broken mirrors.

In general, this phenomenon portends negative events, so it is important to know how to properly get rid of fragments, what conspiracies exist and whether misfortune can be prevented with the help of magic.. In some countries, broken mirrors, on the contrary, help cure a sick person:

In some countries, broken mirrors, on the contrary, help cure a sick person:

he is brought to


, he looks there for several minutes to capture the mask of suffering. After this, a new dressing table is hung, where healthy and smiling people look, thanks to which the illness recedes from the unhealthy person and he recovers over time.

Recycle the mirror

This is most relevant for business entities that were unable to sell or give away mirrors. Recycling mirrors at a recycling facility requires a different process than regular glass. There may not be such businesses nearby. And this is the first drawback.

The second drawback is that you will have to transport it to the disposal site yourself. And these are additional costs, and there is a high probability that the disposal of the old mirror will not be free for the owner - you will have to pay for it.

And if a private person can, without worry, break and throw away the products, the company that has the mirrors on its balance sheet is obliged to report on their disposal. Therefore they have to:

  1. Find and contact a recycling company;
  2. Discuss the terms of disposal: its date, in what form to deliver, cost of the service;
  3. Conclude an agreement, pay for the service;
  4. Organize transportation;
  5. Prepare products for transportation as indicated above;
  6. Deliver, arrange acceptance and delivery.

As a result, the enterprise will have a contract, a receipt for payment, acts of acceptance and completion of work. When checked by the tax service and the Rosekolognadzor inspection, it is this package that confirms that the disposal of mirrors was carried out in accordance with the law. The absence of these documents may result in a fine of up to 250 rubles.

Proper disposal of mirrors

A mirror released into the environment can greatly harm nature. Proper disposal is important for the following reasons:

  • metals, nitro varnishes and enamels pollute the soil, water, and harm animals;
  • in a forest or in dry grass, a mirror is especially dangerous: in sunny weather it can cause a fire;
  • The conscious part of the planet's population tries to reduce the amount of garbage to a minimum. Landfills are growing. If food waste rots in a month, then glass waste lies for thousands of years;
  • people or animals can be cut by the fragments;
  • recycling allows you to obtain a secondary product: glass containers, window glass, building materials. The number of processing cycles is not limited.

If you gave away the mirror

It happens that someone you know brings a mirror as a gift, and it is not always clear whether the person gave the gift with good intentions or not. If you took someone else's mirror into your home, first clean it with a simple ritual. It is advisable to sprinkle the mirror with holy water and cover it with salt for three days: this is your guarantee that all negativity will be removed from its surface.

For those who are interested in whether it is possible to give away your mirror, it should become an axiom that this is an item for your personal use, and no stranger has the right to take possession of it. A magical object must serve its owner and carry exclusively positive energy. In the same way, you should not take other people’s mirrors and look in them, otherwise you may run into the wrath of the Higher Powers.

When you look in the mirror, you should experience only positive emotions, so when you are depressed or feeling discouraged, avoid this subject. Any mirror must be washed periodically with running water to remove accumulated negativity. After this, be sure to look in the mirror and smile at your reflection, so you will charge it for favorable changes in fate.

Avoid looking in two mirrors at the same time - this is fraught with illness, loss of strength and a feeling of weakness, brokenness. In order for the mirror to bring only positive things into your life, do not let dust accumulate on its surface. When choosing a frame for a mirror, prioritize a shiny metal one, as it adds shine to the mirror surface and helps drive out evil spirits from the room.

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