What is mica used for in the microwave and how to replace a burnt mica plate

Every microwave has mica, and when it gets damaged, the appliance starts to malfunction. Don't rush to get rid of your faulty furnace; it can still be fixed. Many people do not know why a mica plate is needed and how to replace it if it is burnt, but experts will teach you how to fix the damage yourself at home. When you replace the record, the device works like new and will last for many more years.

Magnetron malfunction

No less often, microwave malfunctions can be caused by a magnetron failure.
This electronic component generates electromagnetic radiation, so even a slight deviation in its operation affects the efficiency of heating the food inside the chamber.

The efficiency of the magnetron radiation always decreases during operation, so if the microwave oven is used for a long time, then to restore the device’s functionality, it will be necessary to replace this part with a new one. In a new furnace, the lack of magnetron radiation can be caused by the following breakdowns:

  • By melting the cap.
  • Breakdown of capacitors to magnetron mass.

In the first case, the breakdown can be determined visually. The cap melts as a result of mica burning. Repair of such a breakdown can be carried out by replacing a cap borrowed from a magnetron that has failed for another reason. If the magnetron is broken, it needs to be replaced.

Melting of the magnetron cap

If you repair a microwave oven yourself, then when replacing the magnetron you must take into account the following features:

  • The antenna diameter and bracket should be ideal for the given microwave oven model.
  • The magnetron is replaced with a similar device, which must be suitable not only in size, but in power and voltage.
  • The magnetron must be fixed to the waveguide as tightly as possible.
  • The length of the antenna of the installed magnetron must be the same as that of the failed part.

Safety precautions

Since the microwave oven runs on electricity, you must follow safety precautions when repairing it:

  • Always turn off the power before starting any repairs;
  • Before touching high-voltage parts with your hands, short-circuit the magnetron leads to the housing. Otherwise, the capacitor discharge will pass through you;
  • install only high-quality mica that has a certificate. Only then can you be sure of the safety of the device;
  • after repair, make sure that there are no drops of water on all parts, otherwise sparking will occur;
  • Do not leave installation debris inside the camera; remove the residue with a dry cloth.

Do not plug in the microwave without the mica plate installed. You can use the stove at home only after you have repaired it and are finally convinced that the device is in working order.

About the causes of burnout

In addition to the above reasons for the failure of the mica screen, there are also less obvious ones. But all of them sooner or later lead to the need to replace mica in the microwave oven.

  • Utensils containing metal or crystal can disrupt the electrical current circuit in the oven and cause sparking “with all that it entails.” Moreover, it does not have to be a completely crystal vase or a metal pan. It is enough, for example, for a spoon accidentally forgotten in a plate, inlay or gilding along the edge of the plate, or a metallized design on a mug. What does crystal have to do with it? Firstly, it cannot withstand microwave loads due to its uneven thickness and can break into pieces right in the oven, damaging our protective screen at the same time. Secondly, crystal almost always contains lead and even silver. That is, they are also metals.
  • Even if the dishes are intended for microwave ovens, but their diameter is larger than the plate of a particular microwave oven, during rotation it will cling to the edges of the enamel walls and mica plate, gradually damaging them. That is, sooner or later, with this approach, you will have to not only change the mica, but also paint the inside of the oven.
  • The same can happen if the dishes are tall. It is less stable when rotating, so it can “fidget.”
  • If the microwave is not installed clearly horizontally, but at an angle (even a very small one, sometimes imperceptible to the eye), when heated, any dishes will “move”, clinging to the enamel.

We recommend: Why is it considered harmful to heat food in the microwave?

Why should there be a mica barrier between the camera and the waveguide?

A necessary condition for the correct operation of the device is the cleanliness of the waveguide. If the walls of this antenna become dirty, oxidation occurs and the performance of the unit decreases. Mica protects the waveguide from contamination.

To prevent fat from getting on the mica sheet, which, in turn, burns under the influence of ultra-high frequency rays, cover the food when cooking. If this is not done, the plate burns out, gaps form in it, through which the radiation goes directly into the furnace. This causes the oven to spark and crackle. If this happens, don't hesitate! Turn off the power and call a technician or change the mica yourself!

Replacing the mica plate

It is not difficult to find a plate that has become unusable. It is located on the right side or top wall of the microwave, painted gray, rough to the touch, and has the shape of a rectangular plate.

During operation of the unit, this part performs a number of important functions:

  • preventing contamination of the waveguide;
  • distribution of microwaves evenly;
  • protection of device parts from overheating.

A damaged plate will not allow household appliances to function fully. If sparks appear inside the appliance while it is running, it probably needs to be replaced.

Completing of the work

To replace you need:

  • open the microwave door, wash the plate and the area around it.
  • Unscrew this element using a screwdriver or simply remove the latches.
  • If the area under the mica is dirty, it also needs to be washed.
  • Install a new plate. Depending on the mounting method, screw it to a free space using a properly selected screw, or insert it into special tabs in the case, snapping them into place.

To do this, take a piece of identical material and cut out a rectangle corresponding to the template.
Be sure to remove any unevenness by sanding the part. Drill holes for screws on the sides if this involves the mounting method. After these procedures, the oven should function properly.

When should you change the mica in the microwave?

The reason for incorrect operation of the microwave may not be mica, but a failure of the waveguide or a breakdown of the magnetron. Therefore, before replacing, be sure to make sure that the part is faulty.

Advice! After removing the record, make sure that it is faulty.

External signs indicating the need for replacement:

  • a large layer of fat on the surface;
  • cracks or chips;
  • partial or complete darkening;
  • rusty or burnt spots.

If these signs are absent, the record should be washed and put back.

The procedure for installing a new part may not lead to the desired result. In this case, you need to call a technician or take the microwave to a service center.

How to replace a mica plate

If you cannot find a suitable element or simply want to experiment with new materials, then you can find an alternative to mica.

But first you need to determine the secret of this substance in order to understand what the replacement should be.

Required qualities

The mica plate functions fully in the microwave oven due to the following properties:

  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • no accumulation of static electricity;
  • the ability to pass steam well through the pores.

Accordingly, the material intended for installation must have these characteristics.

What can be used as a replacement?

At the moment, food grade plastic is becoming the most popular material instead of mica. It is a good alternative, as it has a clear advantage over mica.

  • Compared to standard material, food grade plastic is more resistant to high temperatures.
  • It is stronger and less likely to burn out.
  • This material is more durable and has better performance characteristics.

Its only drawback is its high cost and inaccessibility. It is difficult to make a part made of food-grade plastic yourself, so you only need to make it to order.

However, in some workshops, replacements of this kind are already widely practiced. In addition, the high cost is compensated by a long service life.

Air fryer

A multifunctional device that allows you to quickly heat and cook a variety of dishes. Combines a microwave, smokehouse, deep fryer and double boiler. The heated air is distributed to the food using a fan. In a glass bowl you can place food on several levels.

Kitfort KT-2206 Eva

The original monochrome color scheme is not the only advantage. Electronic control and a lot of useful programs are provided. Options:

Power, W1300
Working volume of the flask, l2,5
Number of auto programs8
Timer1 hour
Power cord length, m0,7
Equipmentmesh tray
Dimensions (WxHxD), cm26x34x33
Weight, kg4,3
Cost, rublesfrom 4 695

Users pointed out the following advantages:

  • high power;
  • ease of cleaning;
  • quality cooking;
  • the dishes are well-fried and tasty;
  • simple controls;
  • interesting design;
  • reliable and thoughtful design;
  • affordability;
  • fast cooking.

Among the disadvantages, consumers noted:

  • large sizes (others say too small);
  • the power cord is too long (someone writes that it is short);
  • The display panel requires special care - the slightest scratches are visible.

Now you know how to heat up any food without a microwave and which technique to choose as an alternative to MVP. All that remains is to decide on the type of electrical appliance and make a thoughtful and informed choice. Happy shopping!

Like any technology, a microwave oven is fraught with not only benefits, but also harm. That is why many seek to replace it with some other device and choose another, no less affordable, fast, but safe way to heat food or drinks. Of course, it’s up to you to believe the myths or not. But in order to certainly not receive additional radiation, not to change the composition of the dish being heated, and not to multiply microbes during defrosting, give preference to the usual methods of heating.

Microwave radiation – how strong is it?

History of appearance

According to legend, the microwave oven (in common parlance it was called a “microwave”) was invented quite by accident. Can you believe it? According to legend, this happened in the United States Army, when one of the military forgot about his hamburger, which he left in front of the radar. And under the influence of radar radiation, a cold piece of meat in a hamburger turned into a juicy, hot and appetizing steak. Thanks to this incident, scientists came up with the idea to create a device that could quickly heat food without taking up much space. This is how the microwave oven was created, which quickly gained popularity among all segments of the population.

The microwave oven has firmly entered our lives and has become an indispensable thing in the kitchen. With its help, you can prepare various dishes using both fresh products and semi-finished products. But, basically, its main purpose is to heat up food. After all, just a few minutes are enough, and your dish will become more attractive and tasty to eat.

However, along with a large number of positive qualities, the microwave has problem areas associated with frequent breakdowns. All this causes inconvenience to their owners and requires additional financial investments and time for repair work.

How can I replace burnt mica in the microwave?

To understand what can be used instead of mica, you need to know its main qualities:

  • High resistance to thermal influences.
  • Ability to transmit radio waves.
  • Safety for cooking food.

Food grade plastic

Food-grade plastic, resistant to high temperatures, can serve as a substitute for mica based on these indicators. A part made from it will cope with the task perfectly because it has high strength and durability. True, this analogue is more expensive than standard protection.

Mica plate repair

The easiest way is to repair a burnt part and you can do it yourself without much hassle. The advantage of such a repair:

  1. It will take 10 minutes.
  2. No material costs are required.
  3. There is no need to look for an analogue of mica.

If a mica plate burns in the microwave, do the following:

  1. Carefully remove the part and clean the burnt area.
  2. Turn it over so that the damage occurs on the wall of the frying chamber.
  3. Don't forget to make a new hole to attach the board so that the latch holds it securely. That's it - you can use the microwave without fear for your health.

Mica plate function and fault repair

Mica is an important part of a microwave oven that prevents sparks.
First of all, it is worth deciding on the purpose of this seemingly simple part. Surely many have noticed that there is a small rectangular plate inside the microwave. If the microwave oven is faulty, scale or dark spots often appear on this plate.

So, what is mica used for in the microwave? To explain briefly, it is the mica plate that covers the hole in the waveguide and prevents it from becoming dirty. This is a kind of protective screen that can fail if used incorrectly.

Without a mica screen, a microwave oven will quickly become unusable

Selection of materials and its features

It is not in vain that manufacturers of microwave ovens use mica, since this material is endowed with all the necessary qualities, namely:

  • heat resistance;
  • the material must transmit waves;
  • cheapness and availability.

But since mica itself is quite fragile, the plate is made using a flexible material with a mica film on both sides.

On the right is damaged mica.

As an alternative to replacing microwave mica, you can use food-grade heat-resistant plastic. As practice shows, it copes well with the task.

But finding the necessary material should not be difficult, although some still have the question of where to get mica for the microwave. Thanks to the development of online commerce, such material can easily be ordered online.

Replacing the plate

Determining the location and condition of a part is not difficult at all; usually it:

  • located on the side (often on the right) or on the top wall of the chamber;
  • has a silvery tint;
  • it is slightly rough to the touch and looks like a small rectangular plate.

If everything is in order with the part, then it should be clean and free of stains, for example, scale, blackening or yellowed stains.

A burnt plate is unusable

Despite the apparent complexity of the process, even a housewife who knows nothing about electrical engineering can change a plate in a microwave oven with her own hands. The main thing is to make sure that this is the fault and act carefully to avoid damage to the device and the new plate.

The instructions describe the replacement process step by step:

Step 1: dismantling the old record
  • open the microwave door;
  • remove the old mica plate by unscrewing the fasteners, removing the latches... (depending on how the mica is attached).
Step 2: making the part using a stencil
  • clean the old plate of dirt to use it as a stencil;
  • on a new sheet of mica, very carefully cut out a new part, using the old one as a stencil;
  • sand the new part, removing nicks and irregularities.
Step 3: Installation
  • clean the place where the record is installed from grease and dirt;
  • make new holes in the plate for fastening, if necessary;
  • If the mica is held with the help of special tongues in the body, then insert the plate under them, squeezing it a little.
Step 4: Check the operation of the device
  • Place any product or, for example, a glass of water in the microwave chamber and turn it on for a couple of minutes;
  • if all is well, the water will heat up and no sparks will appear in the chamber.

Food-grade heat-resistant plastic is an excellent replacement for mica, and is more durable and lasts much longer. Installing a plastic protective screen is no different from the process described in the instructions above, except that such plastic may cost a little more when purchased.

Heat-resistant plastic can successfully replace mica in a microwave oven


Externally it looks like an oven or microwave, but inside it is designed like a toaster. The chamber has a grate on which the dish is placed. The design usually has two heaters: an upper heating element and a lower one. The lower heating element heats, the upper one performs the function of a grill. The thermostat allows you to adjust the temperature from 60 to 290 degrees, so the roaster can make baked goods. Some have a spit and a fan for blowing, which greatly expands the functionality of the device. How is a roaster different from an oven? – an inexperienced user will ask. It's simple: the roaster is much more compact than an oven and has useful functions in its arsenal.

There are not many offers on the market; let’s consider the most interesting option, from the point of view of our experts.

How to change mica yourself:

Step 1. Remove the old plate.

First of all, you need to remove the mica plate of the diffuser. There is nothing complicated in attaching the plate: one self-tapping screw or two plastic rivets on one side, on the other side (inside the chamber) the corners of the plate are inserted into slots in the oven wall or a special protrusion at the screen plate is inserted into a slot in the wall.

The screw is unscrewed, a knife blade is slipped under the mica plate and the plate is removed. Plastic rivets can also be pulled out with a knife. In some cases, in order to pull all four corners out of the grooves, the plate must be pryed from one edge and bent in the middle of the plate. There are also triangular screens.

The old mica plate must be removed carefully, as it will serve as a template for cutting out a new one.

Step 2. Cut out a new mica plate.

The old plate is placed on the rectangular blank of the new plate, aligned on both sides from the corner, and a line is drawn on opposite sides.

A rectangle is cut out. It is better to cut along the contour with a sharp knife, placing a metal ruler. It is better not to use scissors; they will crumble the edge and break the mica.

We make the holes with a thin, flat, sharpened screwdriver, just pierce the mica around the perimeter and that’s it. Then you need to sand the edges of the entire plate with fine sandpaper.

Step 3. Clean the walls of the chamber.

After this, we wash and clean the inner wall of the microwave oven from grease. If it burns and melts, we clean this place with sandpaper, then it’s not a big deal if the enamel wears off, the main thing is that there is no carbon deposits. It happens that the magnetron cap burns out, it also needs to be carefully cleaned, if there is carbon deposits (carbon deposits are organic residues, but not melted metal), if not, then do not touch it, wipe it with a clean damp cloth, this will be enough. Small burnouts in the magnetron antenna usually do not have any effect on the operation of the stove.

Step 4. Install the new plate in place.

We dry all the wiped parts from moisture and put the new diffuser plate in place (sometimes you need to bend it to get the corners into the grooves, do this carefully so as not to break the plate). We check the microwave oven in operation, let me remind you that there must be at least 200 grams of a moisture-containing product in the oven.

Option No. 2: Repairing a burnt plate.

Another alternative way to repair a burnt mica plate in a microwave oven.

Twice the author had to deal with the simplest, but very unpleasant malfunction of household microwave ovens: a breakdown of the protective mica plate covering the exit of the magnetron waveguide into the frying chamber of the oven.

Probably, the mica plate contained inclusions of metal, which evaporated during operation of the furnace magnetron, which led to breakdown of the mica. The breakdown site was charred, and operation of the furnace became impossible. It turned out that self-repair is possible and takes no more than 10 minutes, and without any material costs. The task was made easier by the fact that the plate is located asymmetrically relative to the hole that it covers.

It is enough to turn the plate over (see figure), and the place of breakdown (3) of the plate (1) is covered by the wall of the frying chamber of the oven. Naturally, the damaged area of ​​the plate must be carefully cleaned (mica is very fragile). After turning the plate, it is necessary to use a round file to make a new hole for fastening the board so that the plastic clamp (2) securely holds the mica plate in the pockets of the furnace wall.

Useful tips

  1. When removing the magnetron, follow the safety instructions: disconnect the device from the power supply, short-circuit it and the capacitor for a while.
  2. Mica is fragile, so you need to cut it with a very sharp knife - a shoemaker's, wallpaper, stationery knife.
  3. To prevent the accumulation of fat on the walls of the chamber, do not be lazy to clean it by preheating it for 10-15 minutes at low power. Then wipe the inside walls with a sponge and a detergent that breaks down grease.
  4. When heating food, try not to use too large a container. Let’s say that a large plate does not touch the walls of the chamber, but when the tray moves, it can move. As a result, touching the walls, the dishes will thin and damage the enamel.

There are often articles online that recommend simply turning over the mica sheet. But with this solution, the problem will soon return with additional consequences: the cap and magnetron antenna will burn out. Then depressurization may occur - the stove will simply stop heating food, and repairs will cost many times more.

About the causes of burnout

We can come to the conclusion that failure of such an irreplaceable element is not uncommon. But the question arises, why, what are the reasons for mica burning in the microwave? Is it possible to repair a microwave if the plate is burnt out? Yes, this is real; we’ll look at how to replace mica for a microwave oven later. First, let's go through the key reasons for the failure of such a part:

  1. The main reason why a plate burns in a microwave is that splashes from heated food get on this element.
  2. Operating an oven with a small volume of food, less than 100 g. When the microwave operates without food inside, breakdowns occur due to the increased electric field strength on the surface of the mica screen. It is these breakdowns that increase in size during further operation, acting as a catalyst for plate burnout.

If this breakdown is not corrected in time, this may become the basis for local burnout of the magnetron antenna, up to the complete destruction of this element. This will be followed by destruction of the enamel inside the chamber and complete burning of the walls. In this situation, you will have to pay a tidy sum, since you will need to replace the magnetron, the waveguide cover and additional, professional cleaning of the microwave chamber inside.

  1. After the next cleaning, the record did not dry out, as a result it became wet and began to delaminate and crumble.

Now you know why mica burns out in the microwave. If necessary, each microwave owner can independently replace the part with an identical component or use food-grade plastic for the microwave.

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Why do you need mica in the microwave?

The mica plate acts as a protective screen. A switched-on microwave is home to flying pieces of food. To prevent these residues from affecting the magnetron, a mica plate was created. Mica has the properties of a dielectric, that is, it does not conduct current, but is capable of transmitting ultrahigh-frequency waves through itself.

The material from which the mica plate is made is absolutely safe. Mica is a layered mineral transformed into a different form. Its original appearance, well known to all geologists, differs from the plate used in a microwave oven. Although one similarity exists - the shimmering surface.

What to do if a mica plate burns out in a microwave oven

Inside the device is a magnetron that produces microwaves. They penetrate into the chamber through a waveguide. It is covered by a piece of mica, which is a layered, brittle mineral deposited on a flexible base. It is rough, gray in color, located on top or side of the chamber. The plate does not conduct electric current, being a dielectric, but transmits radio waves.

What is a mica plate used for in a microwave:

  • allows the microwave generator and other parts to withstand high temperatures when heating food and cooking;
  • distributes microwaves evenly inside the chamber;
  • protects the magnetron and other important parts from grease, food debris and other contaminants.

Therefore, it is important to keep the product clean. Moisture causes mica to deform and oxidize

Fat and food residues that fall on its surface burn when they are exposed to radiation from a microwave generator. This leads to burnout of the part. Radiation enters the chamber through damaged areas, the current distribution pattern changes, and breakdowns occur. The result is sparks and crackling noises.

There are indirect reasons that lead to the replacement of mica products:

  1. Dishes containing metal - gold-plated plates, cups with metallized designs, etc. - cause sparking and disrupt the electric current circuit in the oven. The same effect occurs from crystal dishes. It cannot withstand loads from a microwave oven due to its uneven thickness. There is a possibility that it will break into pieces right in the camera, damaging the protective screen. Crystal usually contains lead and silver, which are also metals and should not be placed in a kiln.
  2. Containers of large diameters, when rotating, cling to the walls of the device and touch the mica part, gradually damaging it. As a result, you will have to paint the camera and change the mica.

In order not to lead to a breakdown of household appliances, replace the damaged part yourself or contact a specialist. The following signs indicate that it is time to change the product:

  • stains or darkening have formed on the surface of the plate;
  • the part is deformed;
  • the mica has cracked or begun to crumble.

The rotating plate coupler burned out

The plastic “mushroom” (coupler) located at the bottom of the chamber under the microwave plate can also cause the microwave to spark. Over time, an electric arc occurs from accumulated grease and dirt in this place. As a result of sparking, the coupler heats up and melts.

Microwave sparkles under the plate

To eliminate such a malfunction, it is necessary to replace the old coupler with a new, similar one. Most microwave oven manufacturers have typical couplers installed. For some manufacturers, for example Samsung, Whirlpool, the size of the “mushroom” may differ significantly.

How to change it with your own hands

Dismantling and replacing the mica plate is available to every microwave oven owner.

Preparatory work

The microwave oven should be prepared for repair work. It should be disconnected from the power supply. The camera, including the rotating mechanism and the door, is washed with warm water and dishwashing detergent or treated with a professional product. The inner surface of the microwave should be well degreased and dried.

Removing the protective plate

The plate is usually attached to the wall of the microwave chamber using a self-tapping screw and 3 latches. The bolt is unscrewed using a screwdriver and removed from the latches. The area of ​​contact with the chamber wall is washed with a degreaser and dried.

Cleaning the surface from carbon deposits

If the plate is not burned through, then it is enough to clean the charred area. Then rinse well and dry the mica. In this case, installing a new plate is not necessary: ​​the old one is replaced with a working surface, turning it over to the other side. The burnt area is located below the waveguide line. For fastening, new holes must be made in the mica. Their location is transferred to a template, from which markings are made on the plate.

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How to cut a new plate

To cut a new gasket for the waveguide, you will need:

  • knife;
  • ruler;
  • marker;
  • scissors;
  • needle files (round and square).

The failed one is placed on a new mica plate. The perimeter and mounting holes are outlined with a marker. Using a ruler and a knife, cut out a new outline and rectangular mounting slots. Use a round file to make a hole for the self-tapping screw. Use a square file to sharpen the outline and slots. Use scissors to round off the corners of the plate.

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