What remedies will help get rid of mosquitoes at home and on the street?

Why do mosquitoes appear in human homes?

Typically, mosquitoes live on balconies, garages, bathrooms, porches or basements. In villages, the favorite habitats of insects are barns, cattle pens and cellars. It is not surprising that even in winter you can notice the appearance of several individuals in the apartment. If there was a water leak in the basement of your house and a puddle remained, insects will safely settle in this place, since the air temperature in the basement allows them to lead a normal lifestyle. Through small cracks and holes, insects enter the apartment, where they cause harm to humans.

A mosquito is a blood-sucking insect that exhibits its vital activity mainly in the evening and at night during the warm season. Any warm and humid place is suitable for the full development and reproduction of the pest.

What types of mosquitoes are there?

There are 3,600 species of mosquitoes in the world. In a temperate climate, only 4 types of insects can live near humans: culex, biters, bells, and caramora.

Rod Culexa

A typical representative of the species is the squeaking mosquito. It is this mosquito that we most often encounter in everyday life. Insects have adapted well to life not only next to humans, but also in basements and cellars.


  • feed on both human blood and decomposition products;
  • are able to reproduce in cold weather in warm, damp basements;
  • carry meningitis, malaria, encephalitis;
  • the size of the individual does not exceed 1 cm.

If even several individuals appear in the apartment, start fighting immediately.

Rod Kusaki

Mosquitoes live in tropical and subtropical climates. They settle near humans, in lowlands favorable for breeding offspring. Insects can be distinguished by characteristic white stripes on their bodies. Capable of carrying microorganisms dangerous to human health.

Zvontsy family

Also called jerk mosquitoes or chironomids. The bells got their name from the ringing hum emitted by a swarm of insects. The characteristic sound appears due to the ability to flap its wings up to 1000 times per second. The name “derguns” also appeared due to an external feature. Adult mosquitoes continuously twitch their long front legs.

You can recognize the species of chironomidae thanks to its larvae - bloodworms, which are actively used to feed fish.

Externally, chironomids resemble culex mosquitoes and are distinguished by their large body size, densely feathered antennae, and a special manner of sitting. This species is harmless to human health, but a swarm of ringing mosquitoes can cause aesthetic discomfort with its massive invasion.

Karamora clan

We know this genus as centipedes. Mosquitoes have a terrifying appearance due to their long limbs, which are several times larger than their body size. Despite their menacing appearance, insects are not dangerous to humans. They feed exclusively on plant foods. Genus centipedes can get into an apartment by accident.

What harm do mosquitoes cause to humans?

First of all, mosquito bites can cause an allergic reaction to the human skin. Many people experience itching and a reddish swelling at the site of the bite.

However, it is necessary to fight mosquitoes not only because of allergies. Some types of insects can infect humans:

  • malaria;
  • lymphatic filariasis;
  • tularemia;
  • fever.

All these diseases cause irreversible liver damage, anemia, vascular blockage, intoxication, increased body temperature, and bleeding.

Also remember that mosquitoes can bite repeatedly. This means that the parasite can suck blood from one person and then from another. As a result, the insect becomes a carrier of a number of other diseases if it first bites a sick person and then a healthy one.

How long can a mosquito live in an apartment after being bitten?

It's no secret that it is the female insects that bite. Mosquitoes are not animals that die soon after being bitten. The bite and life expectancy of the parasite are in no way related. A female mosquito lives 42–115 days, and a male mosquito lives 20–60 days.

As soon as the insect smells a person, it begins to hunt for him in order to bite him. The bite itself is a kind of exchange: the parasite pierces the skin and injects saliva, which prevents the blood from clotting, and the person “gives” the blood. The substance contained in saliva is what causes skin reactions, redness, and itching.

Why do mosquitoes appear in autumn and winter?

If a mosquito enters an environment with an air temperature below 0 degrees, it will go into torpor (hibernation). Insects cannot tolerate cold, so in the off-season they try to fly into a warm room, where they continue their life activities.

What else attracts blood-sucking insects?

Without confirming the sympathy of female mosquitoes for a certain blood type, scientists note: there are other factors that are more likely to influence the “favor” of insects:

  • age of the person – young people are bitten more often than older people;
  • hemoglobin level – a person with anemia is less likely to be liked by a mosquito;
  • blood composition - mosquitoes are attracted to people who have a lot of B vitamins in their bodies.

Mosquitoes may be attracted to the dark colors of your clothes

Also, blood-sucking insects willingly flock to:

  1. The smell of sweat. The component that annoying mosquitoes like most about it is lactic acid, which is released by muscles when moving.
  2. Alcoholic amber.
  3. Hair balm scent.
  4. The smell of certain medications, such as heart medications.

There is a high chance of being bitten by a person with a high body temperature (from illness or intense movement), as well as by pregnant women. During pregnancy, women exhale more carbon dioxide, which attracts insects.

Advice. Remember that mosquitoes can see colors. Most willingly, they flock to a “victim” dressed in an outfit of red, black and dark blue tones. Their least favorite color is yellow.

Modern methods of mosquito control

It is impossible to get rid of mosquito infestations once and for all, but it is possible to reduce or eliminate the population for a long time. There are a lot of modern pest control products that can always be found on the shelves of hardware stores and home departments.

Mosquito net

To get rid of mosquitoes, you should first pay attention to protecting your apartment. Mosquito nets are ideal for prevention. A mosquito will not be able to get into the apartment due to the microscopic size of the mesh cells. There is a wide range of designs for windows and doorways on sale.

To prevent the pest from getting into your home, cover all possible openings to the street: windows, vents, doors. Also pay attention to ventilation. You can cover the holes with gauze or a special anti-mosquito cloth.

Fumigators with liquids and plates

One of the most popular devices for protecting premises from mosquitoes is a fumigator. The principle of operation is to heat the insecticidal substance contained in the plate or liquid. The product releases vapors that have a detrimental effect on insects. The device requires an electrical connection to operate.

The drugs begin their effect within 30 minutes after connecting to electricity. One plate is enough for 12 hours of work, and a bottle of liquid is enough for 45-60 nights. The radius of action of the substances is 20 square meters. m.

Before use, carefully study the instructions for use. If there are small children living in the house, use the device with extreme caution, following the prescribed safety measures specified by the manufacturer on the packaging.


The action of the spiral is based on the distribution of toxic substances at the treatment site. To make the spiral work, set its tip on fire and immediately extinguish it so that the smoldering process begins. Use spirals with extreme caution, and only outdoors, such as a gazebo, veranda or balcony. In enclosed spaces, insecticides released can cause poisoning of the body.

Ultrasonic repeller

The device operates from the mains. The repelling process involves the distribution of special radio waves that the insect body cannot tolerate. However, these waves do not affect humans in any way.

Use of traps and baits

Mosquitoes notice humans due to the release of carbon dioxide during breathing. Based on this principle, scientists have invented a special device that releases carbon dioxide. The female insect smells an odor that attracts her and flies to the place where the device is exposed, where she ends up in a special container, from where she can no longer get out.

Magnetic mosquito nets for doorways

Until recently, housewives covered doorways open to the street with curtains. This was extremely inconvenient, since going through the device on the doors was quite difficult.

Nowadays there is a wide range of mosquito nets for doors of various modifications. The most popular of them are magnetic grids. The magnets are located along the central vertical line of the mosquito net. Now, when passing through a doorway, you will not worry about the curtain getting caught or sliding to one side. Once opened, the magnets are attracted again and the mesh closes on its own.

Sonic attack

The operating principle of such repellers is based on the life activity of mosquitoes. The device emits ultrasonic waves identical to the squeak of males when in danger. Females hear this and are afraid to approach the affected area.

Lighting devices

The device proved to be very weak in the fight against mosquitoes. The work scheme is based on attracting insects to ultraviolet light. As soon as the pest lands on the grill of the device, it immediately receives an electric shock and dies. Unfortunately, mosquitoes are not attracted to light. Insects are more attracted to the smell of a person, so they rarely fly close to the device.

Anti-mosquito bracelets

Special mosquito repellent bracelets are impregnated with various oils and fragrances that repel insects. On the packaging, the manufacturer assures that full protection of the body is guaranteed for 200–240 hours.

In fact, the range of action of the anti-mosquito accessory is so small that for optimal effect you will need to wear a bracelet on each limb. In addition, the smell of impregnation disappears much faster than indicated on the packaging, and, as a result, the device becomes ineffective.


Grow this plant to make the perfect mint mojito, then sip it outdoors without the buzzing mosquitoes. All varieties of mint repel mosquitoes, but there are more varieties than you thought : Learn the subtle differences between mint and peppermint, or be amazed at how chocolate mint smells like candy. Mint grows and spreads like wildfire, so its harvest can easily help in your quest to keep mosquitoes away.

What smells repel mosquitoes?

Insects cannot tolerate certain odors, so you can use fresh bouquets or essential oils of mint, basil, lavender, and elderberry to repel them.


The smell of basil repels not only mosquitoes, but also flies. For humans, the aroma of the plant is more than pleasant, but insects cannot tolerate it at all. The plant is not picky about care and watering. Plant basil under windows or near front doors. You can also plant the indoor version in a pot and place it on the windowsill.


Mosquitoes cannot tolerate the smell of lavender. If you can't find fresh flowers, use lavender oil. Apply a little of the substance to your skin or body accessories, and mosquitoes will not even think about approaching you. If you do not want to apply oil to your skin, soak a napkin with ether and place it on a saucer at the head of the bed.


It has been noted that mint extracts are components of almost all repellents. The aroma of the plant has a repellent effect on insects. Place fresh mint bouquets around the apartment or plant the plant in pots. If you can't find fresh mint, use essential oil. You can add a few drops of the substance to the water for a humidifier - the result will be better.


Elderberry, like other plants, is an excellent mosquito repellent. In this option, only fresh branches work. Arrange bouquets of elderberries around the apartment or plant shrubs in the yard under the windows, you will immediately feel the effect.


Natural lemongrass oils manage to smell like real lemons, only better. Lemongrass is a staple in Asian cuisine, and its subtle aroma also lends citrus notes to some perfumes. This delicate plant will not survive the winter, so when the warm season ends, the container with lemon grass is returned to the room. Even if the plant grew in open ground, if desired, it can easily be transplanted into a pot. Chop the leaves of this plant and sprinkle them around your deck at your next feast, both to repel mosquitoes and add a pleasant aroma.

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Traditional methods of mosquito control

Most housewives, when mosquitoes appear, do not rush to the hardware store for a specialized product, since there are a lot of traditional methods of control, the production of which requires simple plants or products.


Mosquitoes cannot stand the smell of tomato leaves. To get rid of insects, place containers with seedlings on windowsills.

Houseplants against mosquitoes

Some indoor flowers can repel mosquitoes with their scent. For example, if you place geraniums on the windowsill, you can be sure that insects will not come close to the apartment. In addition to repelling parasites, geranium will give you aesthetic pleasure with the beauty of its flowering.

You can also decorate the windowsill with pots of mint, myrtle, rosemary or pelargonium. The oils secreted by the leaves of these plants actively repel parasites.


The substance is sold at the pharmacy. It is made from dried chamomile flowers, the smell of which is not tolerated by mosquitoes.

Prepare 5–10 strips of paper, starch and pyrethrum. Prepare a paste from starch and apply to paper strips. Sprinkle pyrethrum powder on the top layer. After drying, hang homemade repellers around the apartment.

Aroma lamp

When using a lamp with aromatic oils, do not overdo it. Prolonged exposure to strong-smelling ethers can cause dizziness and pain in the temples. Do not set the appliance's heating temperature too high. Air saturation should be light and gradual.

The following oils have proven to be the best mosquito repellents:

  • eucalyptus;
  • anise;
  • lavender;
  • thyme;
  • mint;
  • geraniums;
  • tea tree;
  • valerian.

They can be used individually or mixed together.

Freshly cut leaves and branches

Not only potted plants, but also cut bouquets are good at repelling mosquitoes. Place twigs around the apartment:

  • mint;
  • lemon balm;
  • carnations;
  • wormwood;
  • basilica;
  • bird cherry;
  • thyme;
  • lavender.

Replace bouquets with fresher ones as the smell fades.

Wheatgrass decoction

Wheatgrass has a mosquito repellent effect. It worked best in a liquid decoction that should be applied to the skin. To prepare the tincture:

  • Grind the wheatgrass root.
  • Fill it with a glass of water.
  • Place the solution on the fire and wait until it boils.
  • Boil the broth for 4-5 minutes and cool slightly.
  • Put it back on the fire and bring it to a boil again.
  • Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.
  • At the last stage, cool the solution and apply to the skin.

Vanillin alcohol solution

The pleasant smell of vanilla to humans is not tolerated by mosquitoes at all. Prepare an alcohol solution from the aromatic additive to apply to the body. To do this, pour 6 g of vanillin into 100 g of vodka and stir thoroughly. Apply the resulting liquid to all exposed areas of the body.


You can make your own mosquito trap using yeast. Its principle is based on the property of yeast to release carbon dioxide during fermentation, which so strongly attracts mosquitoes.

To make a trap you will need:

  • plastic bottle;
  • a piece of dark fabric;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 5 g dry yeast.


  • Cut off the top of the bottle with the neck.
  • Pour warm water into the lower part with the bottom and add sugar.
  • Add yeast and mix thoroughly.
  • Place the top of the bottle, neck down, into the bottom.
  • Wrap the container in a dark cloth.

Insects will be attracted to the carbon dioxide released by fermentation, as well as the lack of light in the container. Once an individual flies inside, it will no longer be able to get out, and will eventually drown in the liquid.

Such traps work for 5–7 days while the fermentation process takes place. When the sugar has completely dissolved and the mixture has turned into alcohol, it will need to be replaced with a new one.


When applying the product to your skin, be extremely careful: the vinegar mixture may stain your clothes. To prepare the solution you will need:

  • table vinegar;
  • sunflower oil;
  • shampoo.

Mix all ingredients in equal proportions and apply to skin.


You can use cloves both as an aroma oil and as a seasoning. Pour 5 g of spice with water and leave to steep for 15–20 minutes. Apply a few drops of ether or tincture to the skin. The mosquitoes will smell the spice and fly away.

Valerian root

It is not recommended to use the product if there are cats or cats near you. The smell of valerian will repel mosquitoes, but also attract the attention of pets.

To prepare a repellent liquid, prepare a decoction of valerian roots. To do this, chop the root and fill it with two liters of cold water. Bring the broth to a boil and let it brew for an hour. Cool the solution and apply to the skin using cotton swabs, wipes or a spray.


This remedy, familiar from childhood, perfectly protects against mosquito infestations. The aromatic additives and camphor included in the composition have a persistent aroma that insects hate. Apply the product to your skin and you will see the results immediately.

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus)

Eucalyptus can grow up to 20 meters in height in just a few years. Because it is a delicate plant that will not survive frost, the best alternative for many gardeners is to grow eucalyptus in a container. For short-term growing, choose the fast-growing species E. globulus bicostata , which will give you plenty of aromatic leaves for harvesting and repelling mosquitoes. For a plant that will live for several years in a pot, choose a slow-growing eucalyptus such as E. vernicosa. Eucalyptus plants love sun and rich soil.

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Herbal remedies that help fight mosquitoes

Among the range of available herbal mosquito repellents, neem, tea tree, eucalyptus and lemon oils, as well as tulsi, garlic and camphor, have performed well.

Neem oil

Neem tree seed oil has proven to be an effective mosquito repellent. In addition, the substance has antiseptic, antiviral and antibacterial properties.

Mix equal amounts of neem tree oil and coconut oil and apply to skin. The duration of action of the drug can last for 8 hours.

Eucalyptus and lemon oil

Like other esters, eucalyptus and lemon oils are effective in repelling mosquitoes with their aroma. You can use the substances separately or mix them in equal proportions and apply to exposed areas of the body. This combination is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control due to its high effectiveness and antibacterial properties.


Helps get rid of not only adult mosquitoes, but also mosquito larvae. Just a few shrubs planted near the house will help reduce the insect population or get rid of them altogether.


Please note that the substance itself is not toxic, but sleeping in a room where there is a container with camphor is not recommended, as this can lead to intoxication of the body.

For the procedure, you will need an unnecessary frying pan and crushed camphor.

  • Heat a frying pan with the crushed substance.
  • Wait until a little smoke comes out from the camphor.
  • For a more effective effect, walk around the apartment with a smoking frying pan.

Smoking like this will permanently rid you not only of mosquitoes, but also of flies.


The pronounced smell of garlic has a repellent effect on mosquitoes. The product can be used in several ways.

Method 1.

Mash 2-3 cloves of garlic and place in containers. Place plates with garlic paste on the windowsill. Mosquitoes won't even come close to the window.

Method 2.

Chop the garlic and pour boiling water over it. When the tincture has cooled, pour into a container with a spray bottle. Spray around the apartment. The effectiveness of the substance will remain for 12 hours.

Tea tree oil

One of the most powerful antiseptics and antifungal substances, it works as an insecticide against insects. In addition, the drug is good at relieving inflammation at bite sites. Apply a little oil to your skin before going outside or soak several cotton swabs in ether and place them around your apartment.


Thyme rounds out the list of zesty herbs that repel mosquitoes, making you wonder if homemade soup might be the best remedy for all those pests. Plant thyme between rocks in your garden, where the rocks will crush the leaves and release mosquito-repellent oil.

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How to get rid of mosquitoes yourself

In addition to apartments, mosquitoes choose private houses, local areas and basements as homes. Methods of control may vary slightly depending on the location of the insects.

In the basement

As already mentioned, mosquitoes can appear in apartments from basements, where there is an environment favorable for their life.

To get rid of insects in the basement, first eliminate the comfortable environment. There should be no leaks or stagnant water in the room. After removing them, dry them thoroughly and treat the basement.

Basement treatment can be carried out:

  • Insecticides are substances, upon contact with which paralysis occurs and the insect dies. When using such drugs, follow the prescribed precautions.
  • Repellents. The principle of operation of the substances is based on repelling insects. The main thing during processing is to maintain the required dosage of the drug, otherwise the body may be poisoned.

You can also use popular fumigators, repellers or folk remedies to exterminate insects.

If the situation is critical and you were unable to repel mosquitoes on your own, call a special pest control service.

In a private house

To exterminate mosquitoes in a private home, first of all, destroy all possible breeding sites and development of larvae.

For this:

  • Clean all yard buildings: barn, bathhouse, livestock pens.
  • Clean the roof and gutters of debris and standing water.
  • Remove leaves from the yard.
  • Destroy trash that can collect sediment: old barrels, containers, car tires.
  • Ventilate basements, utility rooms and living spaces regularly to avoid excess humidity.
  • Clean dishes and water bowls for livestock in a timely manner.

When the places where the larvae develop are destroyed, begin exterminating the adults. To do this, use repellents, insecticides or folk remedies.

After exterminating insects from your home and surrounding area, protect yourself from repeated invasion. Plant elderberry, lavender or mint in the yard, and install mosquito nets on windows and doors.

Bodinier's beautiful fruit (Callicarpa bodinieri)

The tiny white flowers of the beautiful carp are not very attractive, but the bright bushes with purple berries make this small shrub stand out in the landscape. The aromatic oils released by crushing the leaves repel mosquitoes , and although not common as edible, the leaves and berries are safe to eat.

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What mosquito repellents can be used if there is a newborn baby in the house?

To protect your child from mosquitoes, it is not recommended to use contact products applied to the skin.

To keep your newborn safe:

  • Hang mosquito nets on all windows and doors;
  • for walking, use special anti-mosquito devices;
  • do not use fumigators, repellents and insecticides in the apartment;
  • give preference to mechanical traps or folk remedies.

Experienced mothers recommend using diluted clove essential oil or dry vanillin to protect babies outdoors.

Features of the life of mosquitoes

Nature has endowed blood-sucking insects with an excellent sense of smell. It is with its help that they detect the scent of the prey at very long distances.


The diet of mosquitoes varies. Scientists have proven the fact that females drink blood. Males are vegetarians in their diet and do not even have a mouthparts with which to bite.

Before talking about what smell repels mosquitoes, you need to figure out what attracts them and by what sign the female finds her prey.

Mosquitoes are attracted to:

  1. Increased concentration of carbon dioxide. It is secreted by humans during breathing, so it is easy for insects to determine the location of their prey.
  2. Sweat. Especially relevant for stuffy summer nights.
  3. Warm. Body temperature becomes another clear indicator for female mosquitoes.

A person’s task at home is to choose a substance that will smell stronger than its natural odors. In this case, the mosquito will not be able to get close to the victim. When using very strong aromas, the insect completely loses spatial orientation and goes into chaotic flight.

How to get rid of mosquitoes in nature and in the forest

When going on a summer vacation in nature or planning a picnic in the garden, take care of protection from mosquitoes. To avoid applying strong-smelling spray or cream to the skin, especially for children, use outdoor mosquito traps. Destroyers and lamps are absolutely silent and do not emit odors. They will make your rest comfortable, without bites or annoying squeaks.

Nowadays, clothing with special anti-mosquito impregnation is gaining mass popularity.

Do clothes with anti-mosquito treatment work?

Initially, similar clothing was used by the American military. Military uniforms were impregnated with permethrin to prevent soldiers from contracting malaria and other diseases caused by insects.

Now the technology has moved into commercial production, so anyone can buy anti-mosquito clothing.

What to choose: clothes with anti-mosquito impregnation or spray?

Undoubtedly, any clothing can be made mosquito-proof. It is enough to saturate it with a special spray, and you can go for a walk in the forest. However, such impregnation, even with a super-effective substance, will last only 5-6 washes.

Special clothing impregnated with permethrin can withstand up to 70 washes. However, its purchase will cost several times more than the spray.

Are permethrin-treated clothing safe?

Permethrin-treated clothing has been tested in dozens of ways to determine whether it is toxic to humans. All studies have proven that such clothes can be worn by adults, children, pregnant and nursing mothers.

Permethrin is a strong pesticide, so do your due diligence before wearing clothing. If, for example, you are going to the forest with your whole family, it would be more rational to wear anti-mosquito clothing once than to be bitten by mosquitoes or catch a tick.


Fast-growing basil leaves are as mosquito repellent as they are a tasty addition to our pesto and salads. Not all types of basil are created equal when it comes to repelling mosquitoes, and the extra-spicy Thai basil, with its narrow foliage and cinnamon scent, has the best insect repellent ability. All basil plants require sun and warm temperatures, making them excellent companions to tomatoes.

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Anti-mosquito insecticides: for larvae and adults

In the range of chemical mosquito repellents you can find substances both for the destruction of adult mosquitoes and their larvae. Before you start fighting adults, destroy the larvae in nearby water bodies.

Many owners of private houses may have various bodies of water in their yard: a pond, a swimming pool, a rainwater sump. To destroy larvae in standing water, use special bacteria. They are sold in granules or tablets.

Pour the required amount of substance into the reservoir based on the volume of liquid. The drug not only kills larvae already present in the water, but also prevents the appearance of new ones within a month. Such products are safe for pets. In Russia, the production of such bacteria has not yet been established, so only products from American brands can be found on sale.

Once the larvae are destroyed, you can begin to kill adult mosquitoes. To exterminate them, you can use special chemicals based on pyrethrins or pyrethroids. The drugs are very effective, but it is very difficult to buy them without a license. As an alternative, you can use spirals or fumigators.


The plants have a unique odor that can be described as pungent. These mosquito-repellent annuals grow easily from seed and make a beautiful addition to a thriving vegetable garden, where they can even repel other insect pests such as worms. The substance in marigolds that gives them their mosquito-repellent power is pyrethrum, the same substance used in many organic insecticides.

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Is it possible to get rid of mosquitoes forever?

Unfortunately, there is no product that can permanently get rid of mosquitoes. Any devices and drugs lose effectiveness over time. In addition, mosquitoes have the property of resistance (they get used to insecticides).

Regularity and variety are the basic rules of mosquito control. As soon as you stop acting, the mosquito will return to your home, so for prevention purposes, carry out extermination and repelling procedures several times a season. For maximum effect, use several methods together. Also, do not forget to keep your apartment, house, basement and yard clean.


People have used rosemary for years as a natural pest control because insects are wary of its pungent aroma. Rosemary-infused smoke from the grill is especially effective at keeping mosquitoes away from the outdoors, and it will also do double duty for the flavor of your meat.

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To prevent bites from itching

You can avoid unpleasant itching with the help of available remedies. Soda has proven itself to be the best antiseptic. Dilute half a teaspoon of the substance in a glass of warm water, mix and apply to the bite site. Ammonia and potassium permanganate solution also have similar effects.

If the indicated remedies are not at hand, lubricate the affected area with kefir or yogurt.

If the trouble happened in nature, apply a leaf of plantain, mint, bird cherry or parsley to the bite area.

To understand which method of struggle is better, try several methods in turn. You can buy a special device to repel mosquitoes or use traditional methods of extermination. You will achieve maximum effect if you use a couple of methods in combination.

Dill (Fennel)

Dill serves many beneficial functions in addition to its mosquito repellent properties: the fuzzy plants are as ornamental as any tall garden herb, the leaves are delicious in salads and soups, and attract butterflies in the garden.

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Entomologists count more than 3,000 species of mosquitoes and classify them into several large groups:

  1. Common (squeaker) . The most common type. An adult specimen measures 3-8 mm. Bloodsuckers include female squeakers - they require blood components to breed offspring. And males feed on plant juices. Squeakers are carriers of serious diseases such as eczema and meningitis.
  2. Centipede (karamora) . They live in areas of high humidity, near water bodies and swamps. Individuals are large in size - about 4-8 cm in length. Karamors are safe for humans, but they cause great harm to garden plants. Centipede larvae actively eat tender plant roots and destroy young seedlings.

  3. Malarials (Anopheles)

    . Carriers of dangerous malarial plasmodia - the causative agents of malaria. In appearance, Anopheles is similar to ordinary mosquitoes, the difference being the increased size of the hind legs. They live in areas located near water bodies.
  4. Two-lined biter . A small insect, common in almost all climatic zones. The main difference is the bright white stripes on the limbs and body. Individuals are carriers of deadly infections.
  5. Winter (chionei) . They are slightly similar to long-legged mosquitoes and have a length of 10-12 mm. They can be encountered all year round, even during the cold winter months. Their habitats are damp caves, half-rotten trees, rotten stumps, etc.
  6. Bolotnitsa (meadow) . These insects are not “bloodsuckers”; they feed only on plant juices and nectar. Meadowworts live in mossy forests, water meadows, and swampy areas.
  7. Dergun (bell) . Insects that are harmless to humans live only 3-5 days in reed thickets near ponds and shallow rivers and swamps. They are distinguished by their greenish-yellow color and elongated limbs. The main food is plant components.

Mosquitoes are the oldest inhabitants of our planet.
They live on it for more than 150 million years. The growth of the population of parasitic insects is facilitated by the abundance of places attractive for reproduction. Mosquitoes actively breed in stagnant, sun-warmed water, rich in organic matter. Any small garden pond, irrigation barrel, or even a rusty tin can with rainwater becomes an excellent place for the parasite to accumulate.

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