How to remove spiciness from a dish with meat, rice, cabbage, potatoes, peppers, adjika

Not all hot peppers are equal in spiciness, and following recipes exactly without spoiling the dish is quite difficult. Before adding the specified amount of pepper, I cut it and taste it for spiciness. However, you should not rely on the sharpness of the tip of the pepper, since the stem can be much hotter.

It’s good if the pepper turned out to be not hot, but what to do if you didn’t test it for hotness first, but it turned out to be terribly hot and now the dish is hopelessly spoiled? Or, for example, you came to a country with lovers of spicy cuisine and discovered that their concept of little spicy does not coincide with yours (and this is often exactly what happens).

In general, what should you do if you really want to try an exotic dish, but it burns you to tears, or you are expecting guests and haven’t quite calculated the spiciness of the prepared dish?

Method number 5

Sugar also handles the heat quite well, especially when combined with acid. If you prepared spicy tomato sauce or spicy beans in tomatoes, a spoonful of sugar and literally a drop of vinegar obviously won’t hurt.

I also wanted to dwell on working with hot peppers. If it is very hot and you got your hands dirty when cutting it, and then forgot about it and touched the skin of your face or eyes, it is best to wash it with milk. Especially the eyes! When working with hot peppers, it is better to wear thin gloves. If they are not there, then it is better to apply a layer of vegetable oil on your hands, which will prevent the burning essential oils from remaining on your hands.

As for taste, I don't know if peanut butter works, but I use the other four methods quite often, so I can say that it works 90% of the time. And the remaining 10% is an incredible amount of pepper that no amount of acid, milk or sugar can correct.

Take some acid

This method comes to our aid from Thai cuisine, which uses a lot of chili peppers. Therefore, to neutralize the spice in most of their dishes, they use citric acid, vinegar or even ketchup. One spoon can work a real miracle and make the taste balanced.

Add sugar

It and other sweeteners add a different flavor profile that can counteract the spiciness. You should be careful here, as the taste can deteriorate and instead of the usual dish, you will get dessert.

Black menace

Most potato soups are usually prepared with black pepper. It can be peas or ground powder. Here, too, an unexpected situation may occur. For example, your hand trembles or the lid of a jar of spices suddenly falls off. What to do if you add black pepper to your soup? In this case, you shouldn’t panic right away either. There is also a way out of this situation. You will have to add boiling water or broth. And if this is not enough, then you just need to increase the amount of vegetables. It's better if it's potatoes or tomatoes. Both of these products absorb aromas well and can save the situation. And if this is not enough, then you will have to serve sandwiches with the first course. Bread and butter will help alleviate some of the heat. At least there won't be a burning bitterness in your mouth. And this is already half the success. But it’s better to be as careful as possible so that you don’t have to waste time correcting your own mistakes later.

How to remove spiciness from a dish with meat

Meat dishes that require the addition of hot seasonings and pepper are often spoiled even by experienced cooks. What to do? It is a shame to throw away a huge portion of meat that is not cheap in price. But, there is no need to be upset. And here you can try to correct the situation. Fried or stewed meat can be coated with sour cream and sprinkled with grated cheese, then put it in the oven for 15 minutes. The food will acquire new flavor notes.

If the kebab is too spicy, you can sprinkle it with freshly squeezed lime or lemon juice. This will not only relieve it from the sharpness, but also supplement it with vitamins. Another proven way to relieve the heat from meat is to add chopped pineapple. Pieces of fruit are mixed with meat pieces and left to stand for 20 minutes. Pineapple will absorb excess seasonings and make the taste of meat more harmonious. You can serve it with fruit or without it - it all depends on the wishes of the cook and the eaters.

Using a fresh side dish without adding salt and spices will also help neutralize the heat. The side dish should be high-starch. This is rice, potatoes, quinoa. The addition of fresh cabbage, boiled mushrooms or semi-cooked rice or buckwheat will help remove the spiciness from minced meat. You can also add grated raw potatoes and zucchini, which will give the minced meat unprecedented juiciness. Attention – the additive is not seasoned with spices, just a little salt. Baking them in the oven under sour cream will make cutlets made from peppered minced meat delicious.

How not to spoil the kebab and how to save it if it is spoiled?

The days are getting warmer, and man’s craving for the natural, that is, the natural, is becoming more and more apparent. And more and more often there are trips out into nature with a noisy group or a narrow circle, and the calendar is increasingly looking askance at summer! The only thing that can hinder a good barbecue is heavy rain, and we didn’t order rain for the weekend...

It’s not for nothing that we remembered about barbecue: it was, is and will be the king of outdoor parties. Even student groups will prefer it to sausages from the supermarket: they don’t have enough money for pork, they don’t have enough skills for lamb, they’ll make do with chicken! Therefore, we boldly go to the store for meat .

Let’s agree right away: don’t set foot in the grocery store closest to your house, ignoring the price tags “chicken shashlik”, “pork tenderloin shashlik”, “lamb shish kebab”. In my opinion, creating barbecue, and not just grilled meat, is an art, and you should not trust it to the seller from the stall. If this one gets ruined, you still can’t fix it. And we are not rich enough to use universal recipes.

When our group plans to go out for a barbecue, I always go for the meat myself. Well, I have this peculiarity - to occupy the kitchen, albeit contrary to the opinion that barbecue is an exclusively male activity. I try to appear at the market early, at six o’clock, when there is still an opportunity to buy meat of exceptional quality.

Pork butt is fine; it's easier to cut it yourself. Or lamb loin - it is small in size and will cook evenly over the coals. You can also use pork neck, but not everyone likes it because it is too fatty. Five kilograms of meat is enough for a not very large company.

At home, wash the barbecue meat and dry it. We don't need extra water in the marinade. Then, using a sharp knife, we form the future kebab. Some people like larger pieces, others smaller ones, but the main thing is to make them as square as possible to avoid overdrying and undercooking.

Pork butt is fine; it’s easier to cut it yourself Photo:

Use some vegetable oil.

For example, lasagna, spaghetti and other Italian dishes go well with olive oil. Some other types of food will also not spoil if you add a few drops to them, but even these will be very effective and will help neutralize the pepper.

Regardless of which method you decide to use to save your dish from adding too much pepper, the most important thing is to slowly add a small amount of your chosen ingredient and taste the dish after each addition.


How to neutralize pepper in a dish

If you accidentally overdo it with red pepper, the dish may be ruined. It will be impossible to eat because it is too spicy. However, the situation can be improved. There are several options on how to neutralize pepper and save the dish.

Add more ingredients to the dish to dilute the spice

The easiest way to tone down the heat of peppers is to add a few new ingredients or chop up more of the ingredients already in the dish. If it's a soup or stew, try adding a little liquid.


The peppered ingredients for puff dishes can be mixed with a new portion of ingredients without spices and made a salad on two plates (Photo:
Add additional ingredients. If there are no vegetables left for the salad, season the peppered ingredients with lemon juice and sour cream (you can make homemade mayonnaise based on it).

Sesame seeds, almonds, and flax seeds neutralize the peppercorns in the salad.

See our recipe with photo: Watermelon slice salad.

What to do if you over-pepper your kebab

You need to pepper the meat carefully so as not to spoil the dish.
But if you overdo it with the pepper, you can still save the meat like this: January 23, 2022 Last updated January 23, 2022

Even the most skillful housewife can over-salt or over-pepper a dish. In the latter case, it should be borne in mind that different types of pepper vary in severity. And here you need to correctly calculate the volume of spice depending on the degree of spiciness and taste of the latter. However, if you do over-pepper your food, do not rush to throw the dish away. It is not completely damaged. Several simple methods will help fix the problem.

Add dairy products

Milk and dairy products soothe the stomach and mouth after spicy food. However, fermented milk products must be compatible to taste with the food being prepared. You can add milk or cream to broth or cream soup, and sour cream or yogurt can be added to thick dishes. If the dish does not go well, then after eating it you can drink a glass of milk, which will help “cool down” the oral cavity. You can also grate cheese into side dishes, which helps soften the taste.


It is recommended to rinse salted fish to remove pepper with water (Photo:
Salted fish is easiest to rinse with water. Treat fried and baked meats as you would with meat: sprinkle with lemon or season with sour cream sauce and simmer in the oven for a few minutes. Serve with a neutral side dish without spices.

See our recipe with photos: Marinated mackerel.

Vegetable stew

Add more ingredients to the stew (Photo:
The hot taste will be overwhelmed by an additional portion of ingredients. Add more vegetables, which will take up some of the pepper. Potatoes, cabbage, and eggplants play an excellent role as an adsorbent. You can also add boiled rice without spices to the vegetables.

For stewed or boiled vegetables, prepare creamy or sour cream sauce. Fermented milk products neutralize the burning taste. The “fire” in your mouth can be put out with milk.


Sweet carrots will help soften the burning taste in pilaf (Photo:
Rice absorbs salt and pepper perfectly, so it’s quite difficult to correct the situation. You can neutralize the burning taste with sweet carrots. Just chop finely and add to the dish. Grated cheese or boiled beans will also absorb excess pepper. However, the result will be an unconventional pilaf.

Serve the pilaf with sour cream or cream sauce. It goes great with meat.

How did you put out the “fire” in a peppered dish? Share your life hack in the comments.


Lemon will remove the spiciness of the meat (Photo:
Solving the problem in this case is difficult: the longer the pepper is cooked, the more it reveals its hot properties. You can try to shake off or wash off the excess, but in the latter case the juiciness and aroma of the meat will disappear. Try to remedy the situation with a piece of butter. Place it on the meat and simmer for a while.

A similar method: prepare a creamy or sour cream sauce. You can put a dollop of sour cream on top and put it in the oven for 15 minutes at 180°C. Use cheese instead of sour cream.

Sprinkle charcoal shish kebab or steak with lemon juice. Instead of lemon, use other sour fruits: lime, pineapple, kiwi. You can cut into circles and place on top.

Add black bread, sour cream, semolina to the peppered minced meat.


The spiciness in the soup is neutralized by cream, sour cream, milk (Photo:
Place a cooking bag with raw rice into the pan. Wrap the crumbly cereal in gauze. Let the rice stand for a few minutes; you can boil the soup along with it. Keep in mind that the cereal will absorb not only pepper, but also salt.

If you realize during the cooking process that you have over-peppered the soup, add sweet carrots or bell peppers. Cut the vegetables into large pieces or add them whole (cut the peppers in half). Place peeled raw potatoes into the finished soup and leave for half an hour.

A piece of sugar will soften the sharp taste, and the acid will enhance the effect. Pour lemon juice or apple cider vinegar into the soup. For a three-liter saucepan, just add a teaspoon. If you are making cream soup, add more cream or milk. Season the prepared vegetable or meat soup with sour cream.

Dilute the dish with water as a last resort if there is no other option. In this case, it is better to use vegetable or meat broth rather than raw water.

See our recipes with photos: Vegetable puree soup and Champignon puree soup.


Serve the pepper sauce with neutral side dishes (Photo:
Add more of the main ingredient to soften the flavor. For example, if you prepared a sauce based on tomato paste, add more paste or chopped tomatoes. Add cream to the cream sauce, and more sweet vegetables to the vegetable sauce.

Hot sauce can be served with fresh side dishes and appetizers - rice, wheat or corn tortillas.

Useful tips

Removing spiciness from a dish is not difficult if you choose the right method. Below are basic recommendations on how to make the taste more balanced.

How to fix soup?

The table provides information on the most suitable methods of neutralizing spiciness in first courses.

Increased fluid volumeIt is necessary to add up to 500 ml of rich meat broth without spices to the pan of the finished soup.
Introduction of additional componentsTo reduce the spiciness of the soup, you can:
· increasing the amount of ingredients included in the composition; Beans, bell peppers, and tomatoes are especially suitable for these purposes;

· having prepared an additional portion of frying without spices; For kharcho soup, a dressing made from fried onions and honey is suitable;

· using a dressing made from tomato paste and a small amount of sugar, a few drops of citrus juice or vinegar (table, apple, grape);

· It is recommended to add 1 tbsp in portions. l. sour cream or natural yogurt;

· a piece of bread with butter served with the soup will soften the taste of the dish.

Neutralizing spiciness with porous vegetablesYou can remove the spice by putting a bag of rice, vegetables or fruits with a porous structure into the boiling broth:
· potato;

· carrot;

· beet;

· apple.

The ingredients are peeled and left to cook for 15 to 60 minutes until tender, then discarded.

WaitAfter turning off the soup, you should wait 60 minutes, then pour it into another container, leaving some of the broth with spices at the bottom.

How to fix the salad?

You can remove the spiciness from a dish as follows:

  • if it is a salad of fresh vegetables, then just rinse the ingredients: pour boiled water over the vegetables and strain through a colander, then salt and pepper the salad again;
  • increase the number of components by preparing a similar portion of salad without dressing and mixing it with a peppered version of the dish, or if the recipe allows, increase the amount of some of the components (potatoes, rice, eggs);
  • a dressing made from fermented milk products (sour cream, natural yogurt) or citrus juice will soften the taste of the dish;

  • You can add delicate soft cheese (mozzarella, ricotta) to the salad.

How to fix second courses?

The table provides basic recommendations for adjusting the spiciness of main courses:

Meat· peppered raw meat must be separated from the bone, peeled and stewed in a sauce without salt and spices;
· you can soak pieces of raw meat in milk, sour cream or water for 15-20 minutes;

· it is recommended to add additional ingredients to the peppered minced meat: rice, grated potatoes, zucchini;

· the taste of the dish will become more balanced if you prepare a side dish from foods with a high starch content without salt and spices (potatoes, rice, quinoa).

Garnish· Peppered potatoes can be pureed with the addition of butter, milk and raw eggs;
· pasta, rice, buckwheat can be washed with water;

· if the recipe allows, you can supplement the side dish with a portion of vegetables (tomatoes, zucchini, eggplants) stewed without spices.

Mushrooms· It is recommended to stew mushrooms with the addition of sour cream, flour, and onions;
· You can add a small amount of water mixed with lemon juice;

· You can mix mushrooms with mashed potatoes, rice or buckwheat, cooked without adding pepper.

The presented methods will help remove the spice, make the taste softer, more balanced, except when the amount of pepper is many times higher than normal. It will be impossible to correct such a dish.

I went overboard with the spices in the pilaf. What to do, too spicy?)) ))

I think I’ll just cook the rice separately and mix it, there’s no need to rinse it, all the delicious stuff goes down the drain - it’s a shame.
Serve as a side dish with unsalted salad - cucumbers, tomatoes. Serve the pilaf with tomato juice and fresh vegetable salad.

boil the rice. fry the onion. carrots without salt, mix... Divide the pilaf into 2 parts, remove one. the second one mixed with the above, I think, is an option.. you’ll have to throw it in the toilet! The pilaf has completely spoiled!

Lots of salad (preferably tomato) and no salt at all

Add a couple of pieces of sugar, but no more.

It’s okay, next time don’t put everything that is recommended here.

Interesting questions

Is it possible to add water?

You're better off not using anything at all. Capsaicin is an oil, and as we all know, oil and water don't mix well. The only thing water will do is dilute the consistency.

What can you do to stop the burning sensation in your mouth after a spicy meal?

It is best to consume milk, but contrary to what everyone tells you, do not swallow it .

The reason for this is that milk only carries these capsaicin oils through the throat and not from the mouth.

It is best to hold the milk in your mouth for a few seconds and spit it out. This will help get rid of burning much faster.

Can any other fatty ingredients be used?

Believe it or not, milk chocolate makes a great before and after neutralizer due to its sweetness and high content .

Some recipes can use chocolate flavor, while others cannot. You can still eat some after your meal to relieve the burn.

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