How to wash dried slime from clothes and remove stains

Slime is a “soft”, “living” toy that can stick to clothes and leave greasy stains on it. When cleaning marks after children's games, you should take into account the type of material from which the item is made. The fastest ways are using hydrogen peroxide and laundry soap. If the slime itself is stuck, you can simply place the item in the freezer and leave it for 2-4 hours.

How to remove slime stains from clothes quickly and immediately

Every home has products that allow you to quickly remove slime stains from clothes - peroxide and laundry soap. But each type of fabric will have its own stain removers.

Type of fabricMethod for removing slime and stains from itPhoto
Cotton, linenGasoline, boiling water and any other methods, but taking into account the color stability of the material

Silk, chiffon, satinHydrogen peroxide, household chemicals (stain removers), a complex composition of sea salt and ammonia

Knitwear, wool, viscoseHydrogen peroxide, professional stain removers, alcohol, laundry soap

All types of fabricsCold method with freezing, if there is not only a stain on the clothes, but also spread slime


Laundry soap

This is the fastest method from the home, non-professional category:

  • you need to grate a small piece of laundry soap;
  • add a little warm water to the “flakes” - you should get a paste-like mass;
  • The finished mixture is applied in a thick layer to the stain and lightly rubbed into the fabric.

Then the item is left alone for 20-30 minutes and washed in warm water. You can not prepare the paste, but simply wet the slime stain and rub it with laundry soap, but in this case the exposure time will be 30-40 minutes.

Hydrogen peroxide (3%)

You need to moisten a cotton pad or gauze pad with a pharmaceutical product - as much as possible so that the product drips. Next, it is applied to the stain and easily rubbed - peroxide is able to “extract” fragments of the toy from the fibers of the fabric. Usually the manipulation takes 20-30 minutes; periodically you need to re-wet the disc or napkin in a pharmaceutical product. After the procedure is completed, the clothes are simply washed in a machine with washing powder.

How to clean slime from a carpet or rug

If a child accidentally left a toy on the floor or in bed, and it got stuck in the pile, then you can easily remove it from there using already familiar methods.

Alcohol. If you choose alcohol, thoroughly wet a cotton pad and rub the stain thoroughly. Don’t despair when the slime doesn’t come off the carpet the first time—try again.

Hydrogen peroxide. A 3% solution, like alcohol, easily copes with stains. The processing method is simple. Apply the product, leave it for a few minutes, and then rub the desired area.

Acetone. Suitable for faux fur and carpet. It has a good effect on the composition of the slime, removing the sticky effect. The toy can be easily removed by hand. I recommend using acetone only for light-colored items. They cannot process nylon and silk.

Vanish. Or any other gentle stain remover is suitable for cleaning stains from blankets. To cope with the problem, you need to soak the area in the product for half an hour and then wash it thoroughly.

Basic methods using improvised means

There are many ways to remove stains from a children's “living” toy, and you don’t need to use professional products to do this.

Household chemicals

You can use regular dishwashing detergents; the best choice would be “Myth”, “Fairy” or “Sorti”. You need to apply a little gel to the slime stain and rub lightly, leave for 60-120 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Clothes must be washed with washing powder. This method “works” especially well on fresh, just left stains from a toy.

Alcohol, gasoline

As for chemicals, using isopropyl alcohol or gasoline (purified) may be a good option. It is enough to wipe the stain with the mentioned means (a cotton pad or gauze napkin is soaked in them) and leave the item “alone” for 10-20 minutes, after which carry out the usual washing in the machine.

These complex chemical compounds are especially effective against “old” stains that were simply forgotten in their time.

Stain remover

Salt, ammonia, lemon juice

From “available” substances you can prepare a special mixture against slime stains:

  • combine 2 teaspoons of sea salt with the same amount of ammonia in a bowl;
  • add 5 drops of lemon juice to the mixture.

The finished mixture should be applied to the problem area, lightly rubbed into the fabric and left for 10-15 minutes. If the mark from a children's toy is “old” and already permanently dried, then the mixture should be on the fabric for 20-30 minutes. The clothes are then washed as usual.

Each of the listed chemical methods can harm the appearance of the fabric, so first the selected product is applied to an area of ​​clothing that is not visible to others (for example, the wrong side near the seam). If after 20-30 minutes the integrity of the fabric and its color remain unchanged, then you can use the product for its intended purpose.

Car cleaner

If the slime remains on your clothes, then you can remove it without a trace... RW-40 is a means for removing contaminants from car parts, to restore their functionality after moisture gets on them. You need to moisten the toy with this product, wait 5-10 minutes - and you can easily remove it. The stain will remain, but it will be much easier to remove.

Watch this video on how to remove slime from clothes:

General recommendations

When it gets on the fabric and is left alone, the slime spreads, taking the shape of the surface on which it is located. If you do not remove the mass immediately, it will penetrate deep into the fibers. The longer it sits on the surface, the deeper it will be absorbed and the more difficult it will be to remove.

It’s worth noting right away that slime does not dissolve in water and, therefore, you cannot simply wash it in a machine. Even more problems arise if the furniture upholstery is dirty, since the sofa cannot be washed.

Before you begin removing stains, you need to make sure that the chosen method is safe for the fabric. Care instructions:

  1. Cotton, linen. These fabrics are stable, they can be immersed in boiling water, treated with gasoline, and solvents. But first you need to make sure that the solvent does not discolor the dye. For example, when processing jeans with organic solvents, the dye may be washed out and a white spot that cannot be removed will remain at the site of contamination.
  2. Delicate fabrics – silk, wool, lace. You can use soap solutions or alcohol solutions.
  3. Knitwear, viscose, synthetics. These fabrics can be treated with alcohol and soap. The use of thermal methods and organic solvents is excluded.

Any type of fabric can be frozen; this method is completely safe. Another universal method is the use of stain removers selected taking into account the properties of the fabric.

Cold way

Sometimes not only stains from the slime remain on clothes, but also the toy itself, since its composition allows the particles to spread and penetrate the fibers. A freezer and a piece of ice will help with this.

By freezing

If the slime is on clothes, then you can remove it in a simple way: you need to place the item in the freezer and leave it for several hours (2-4). Then the problem area is cleaned with a knife or scissors. The slime will become brittle and easy to scrape off, but this must be done carefully so as not to damage the fabric itself.

With ice

If it is not possible to place spoiled clothes in the freezer, then you can use ice cubes - they simply cover the stuck toy with them, periodically change them to “fresh” ones and achieve stable solidification of the mass.

After removing the slime, stains may remain on the fabric; they are removed using one of the methods suggested in the article - cleansing with a knife, then washing. If the slime was large and spread across the clothes in a large stain, then during its removal the toy may “melt”, in which case you will need to repeat the procedure with freezing.

Mechanical removal

First of all, you need to try to remove the slime from the fabric mechanically. The sooner this is done after the substance gets on the material, the easier it will be to deal with the contamination. If the substance manages to be absorbed between the fibers, then more radical measures will be required.

You can use a plastic spatula to remove the slime. If you use a knife or other sharp object, you can easily damage the fabric.

You can use adhesive tape: stick adhesive tape over the separation area and tear it off sharply. In this way, you can remove most of the slime before it has time to soak into your clothes.

How to clean fur after licking with acetone

If a fur item is dirty in a place that is not visible to others, you can use acetone. Soak a cotton pad or gauze pad with it (so that the liquid drips) and wipe the problem area, lightly rubbing the product into the villi. If the slime stain is “fresh”, then after 10 minutes it will disappear.

If there is slime on the fur, you must first use the freezer, then carefully remove the frozen material from the toy (not by jerking, but by scraping, otherwise there is a risk of tearing out the lint).

Experts do not recommend experimenting with fur products at home and trying to clean them of slime yourself, as there is a high risk of damage to the clothing, including fur loss. It is better to contact dry cleaning establishments, where workers will select a suitable non-aggressive but effective product.

Dry cleaning offers

In dry cleaning, specialists select cleaning compositions individually and taking into account the quality of the fabric, color scheme, and the degree of “oldness” of the stain. But you can also use some professional products from the category of household chemicals yourself - for example, stain removers from the manufacturers Vanish and Dr. Beckmann. Their composition can dissolve/remove paints, varnishes, dried chewing gum and other things from surfaces. They also help solve the problem of slime stains; to do this, you need to apply the selected substance locally to the source, leave for 15 minutes and then wash with warm water.

Features of removing stains after slime from clothes

Slime stains from clothing should be removed taking into account the following nuances:

  • The safest methods are considered to be those that do not use chemical components, but even simple substances can leave “traces of presence” on the fabric;

  • knitwear and woolen items cannot be washed with hot water, so using boiling water is absolutely not suitable;
  • gasoline and acetone can corrode even the most fade-resistant colors;
  • When using professional anti-stain products, you need to carefully study the instructions - they are also not universal.

Even if you are confident in the high quality of the material from which the stain from a children’s toy is to be removed, you need to conduct testing for the selected product. To do this, apply a small amount of the substance on the wrong side or in the area of ​​the side seam (armpits) and wait 10-20 minutes. If there are no changes in the tissue, then the “event” can continue.

We recommend reading about what slime is. From the article you will learn about how slime differs from slime and chewing gum for hands, the benefits of slime, how to make it at home, and why the toy is dangerous. And here is more information about how to make slime without sodium tetraborate.

You can remove a slime stain from clothing in a few minutes or within a few hours; you may need to repeat the procedure. But in any case, it will be possible to solve the problem, if not on your own, then at a dry cleaning service.

Remove slime from carpet or sofa

The best place to start cleaning is with regular scraping. If this does not help, it is recommended to use ice or hot water, depending on the type of upholstery and carpet material.

The use of laundry soap is allowed. A small amount of tinder is grated and diluted with water until completely dissolved. Rub the dirty area with soapy water and leave for half an hour, then wipe with a damp cloth.

Advice! If the slime just got on the carpet or upholstered furniture without having time to dry, then it can be removed using the toy itself. Use a slime to collect the slime from the surface, after which the remains are removed with tweezers or a brush.

For light upholstery, a mixture of starch and chalk is suitable. Combine the components in equal proportions and sprinkle the area with slime and leave for 20 minutes. Dried residues are removed with a knife, and the mixture is washed off with a damp sponge or napkin.

Prepare a homemade mixture of water and vinegar (2:1 ratio), pour into a container from a spray bottle and treat the surface. After absorbing the liquid, scrub with a brush. Repeat the procedure if necessary. Remove stains with oxygen stain remover.

All methods are suitable for removal from carpet and upholstered furniture, the main thing is to correctly determine the type of fabric so as not to completely ruin the item.

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