How to remove a greasy stain from a wall painted with water-based paint

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Cleaning and washing the kitchen takes a lot of time, especially cleaning the surface from grease. Many women, due to the busy pace of life, simply do not have time to take care of the kitchen every day. Regular cooking activities leave behind an unpleasant dirty mark on the countertops, walls, stove, sink and household utensils. These moments cannot be avoided, since the appearance of dust and dirt is inevitable. In our article we will try to answer the question of how to clean old grease from the walls in the kitchen. This can be done in several ways, the recipes for which we will talk about today.

How to remove a grease stain from a painted wall?

how to remove grease stain from a painted wall?
Since I don’t know the origin of your stain, I will describe several options, it could be coffee, traces of dirty fingers and other contaminants. Such contaminants are quite easy to remove. 1. If a stain is spreading on the wall, then you need to remove the old layer of paint and paint it again to such a state that the paint does not stand out against the background of the wall. 2. There are times when you come across low-quality paint, then you will have to repaint the wall. 3. If your wall is white and persistent blackening appears, then it is better to paint over it. Traces of touch-up will be noticeable only in very strong lighting. You can also wash it with a soap solution, there is a special soap for degreasing walls, or just a degreasing agent.

Grease stains from walls can be removed with regular washing powder.

But I do it this way. I take chalk, the chalk must be of high quality, without solid particles, so as not to scratch the surface of the wall. Rub the stain with chalk, after some time the grease will be absorbed into the chalk. Remove the grease with a soft cloth and repeat until the stain disappears completely. For a quick effect, crumble the chalk onto a napkin, press it against the wall and iron it with a hot iron.

You can also use a cleaning agent

Well, since the water-based emulsion on your walls is washable, it will probably withstand the washing procedure. The only condition is don’t overdo it. Dissolve a little washing powder in warm water and first moisten the stain with this solution, let it soak in the solution and soften. After this, using a sponge and the same solution, the stain can be easily removed. By the way, manufacturers of water-based paints claim that the coating can withstand up to 10 thousand washes.

Well, since the water-based emulsion on your walls is washable, it will probably withstand the washing procedure. The only condition is don’t overdo it. Dissolve a little washing powder in warm water and first moisten the stain with this solution, let it soak in the solution and soften. After this, using a sponge and the same solution, the stain can be easily removed. By the way, manufacturers of water-based paints claim that the coating can withstand up to 10 thousand washes.

Well, since the water-based emulsion on your walls is washable, it will probably withstand the washing procedure. The only condition is don’t overdo it. Dissolve a little washing powder in warm water and first moisten the stain with this solution, let it soak in the solution and soften. After this, using a sponge and the same solution, the stain can be easily removed. By the way, manufacturers of water-based paints claim that the coating can withstand up to 10 thousand washes.

How to remove a grease stain from a painted wall?

It is quite difficult to remove a greasy (oil) stain from a wall painted with acrylic or water-based paint. As I said in the preface to the question, the soap solution turned out to be completely useless in this case. However, do not despair, there are ways to solve the problem. I was able to remove grease stains from the wall using regular dishwashing detergent. I applied the detergent to all the stains and left it for 5 minutes, after which I rinsed the dirty areas with a sponge and water. There was no trace left of the stains. I will say right away that greasy stains on the walls need to be dealt with immediately, this way there is a good chance to clean the wall of ugly mistakes.

If the greasy stain on a painted wall is completely old, then using regular soda ash will help get rid of it. For 100 grams of water heated to 50 degrees Celsius, you need to add 5-7 grams of soda ash. After thoroughly stirring the composition, you need to treat the greasy stains on the wall and leave for 5-10 minutes. Afterwards, rinse off the composition with warm water.

If none of the above methods help get rid of greasy stains from the wall, then there is only one way out - re-painting the problem area. Just paint over the greasy stain with acrylic paint (if the wall is painted with this kind of paint). To be sure, you can apply two layers. If the wall is colored, then it is necessary to accurately select the appropriate shade so that the painted area does not stand out against the general background.

How to remove grease stains from washable painted walls.

All of the above methods did not solve this problem. Even 5 layers of painting did not help. All the spots appeared immediately.

I think there is only one last option: peel, putty and paint.

Grease stains on walls are easy to remove

Everything is very simple, you need to prime the places where there are greasy stains and cover the top with paint and that’s it.

Primer will help get rid of greasy stains

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We were presented with a variety of options for how to remove greasy stains from the wall in the kitchen. As you can see, cleaning the kitchen can take a minimum amount of time, and the results will be simply stunning. May your kitchen always be clean and tidy!

Removing greasy yellow stains from kitchen walls

Stains are always easier to remove when they are fresh. But what to do if the stain appeared on the wall a long time ago and is difficult to remove?

Fat yellow stains that constantly appear on the walls and ceiling of the kitchen are annoying and difficult to remove. There is only one method to prevent them from appearing - frequent cleaning of the kitchen. After all, even the best hood is not able to protect walls and ceilings from them. Such stains appear from the slightest drops of fat that settle on surfaces (this could be a kitchen shelf, an indoor flower, a chandelier lampshade, a window sill). Grease also collects on the floor and on countertops, but these are the surfaces that are cleaned very often, so it seems that nasty, greasy yellow stains appear only on the walls and ceiling. If you wash the kitchen thoroughly every day, then stains may not appear. Or rather, they will not be so concentrated and harsh, because it is easier to remove them before they have time to “grow up.”

But if they are already there, then you need to wash them! There are several options. 1. Use vinegar. We dilute it with water in equal parts and rub it (or rather, we wet the surface). Each stain should absorb the acid. After which it swells, otherwise the greasy yellow spot becomes loose. In both cases, removing old stains is much easier. 2. Instead of vinegar, you can use lemon juice. The juice is applied to a sponge, after which the stains are generously moistened with it. 3. Use Domestos or chlorine (liquid, such as White or similar). The aggressive environment corrodes the fat, after which the stains become looser. After getting wet, namely after 5-10 minutes, you should wipe the stains with a soft sponge or rag. If grease stains are not completely removed, or they are difficult to remove, you will have to wipe them off with a steel wool. When stains are on the wallpaper (even detergent), you should not use such a hard sponge brush. This also applies to situations with surfaces that are easily damaged or abraded when exposed to abrasives (for example, decorative plaster).

Another option is to wipe them with a dry but soft cloth. In this case, you will have to put in some physical effort to remove the yellow spots, but it will be worth the result. True, you will most likely have to throw away the rag, but the walls will become perfectly clean. If the stains are not greasy and cannot be washed off with a regular detergent, then you should use the following method - use Domestos or a detergent with chlorine. But you should check whether the above products will not harm the surface, because such aggressive substances can cause the paint to fade. Therefore, you can first test the effect of the detergent on an invisible area of ​​the same surface.


The product is diluted in water (1 teaspoon per liter of liquid), treated with it, and washed off. But here you need to take care of protection, use rubber gloves and a respirator.

The effect depends not only on the product chosen, but also on how competently the cleaning is carried out. First of all, you need to prepare a stable stepladder and everything you need for washing. After that, you can start working, and to finish everything off, it is recommended to rub the surface (especially glossy) with a soft, lint-free cloth.

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For treatment with a solution of detergent and ammonia:

For treatment with kerosene solution:

How to clean grease from a wall?

It is quite difficult to rid the walls of the kitchen and any other room of grease, carbon deposits and other contaminants. Especially when it comes to old stains. Use our tips and you will be able to deal with the problem faster and easier.

Folk remedies in the fight against fat

To remove grease from walls covered with wallpaper, you can use the following “folk remedies”:

  • Napkins and iron. Place a paper towel on the dirty wall, heat the iron and run it over the sheet. Be careful not to use the iron to burn a hole in the trim. The napkin needs to be changed from time to time - the fat will saturate the thin paper;
  • Stationery eraser. You can try to wipe away grease stains with a regular eraser. But in this case there is also a high risk of damaging the wallpaper;
  • Chalk. Chalk powder perfectly absorbs fats. Rub the chalk into the stains, then brush them off with a brush or soft cloth;
  • Petrol. If you are not afraid of ruining the brightness of the wall color, use gasoline and a cloth. The liquid dissolves fat in literally 1-2 minutes.

Cleaning walls with paper wallpaper

To remove grease and carbon deposits from walls covered with paper wallpaper, use tooth powder. Dissolve it in water and apply the “cream” to the stain. The duration of action is one day, after which the mixture will need to be removed. The powder will absorb all the fat.

Instead of tooth powder, you can use starch. The scheme of action is similar.

Removing grease from tiled walls

The easiest and fastest way to remove grease stains from tiles, which are usually used to cover part of the wall near the kitchen sink and stove, is to use household chemicals. You can even deal with the dirt that has been absorbed into the structure of the material.

Using household chemicals is very simple - there are detailed instructions on the packaging of each product. The general scheme is:

  • Rinse the tiles with plain water;
  • Spray or otherwise apply the cleaning compound;
  • Wait a certain time (also indicated in the instructions on the package) during which the product will dissolve fat and plaque;
  • Clean the cleaned area of ​​the wall with a metal sponge, brush or cloth;
  • Wash the surface with a clean damp cloth, removing any remaining household chemicals.

Important! Please note that modern household chemicals for removing grease are designed to work with different materials. Some compositions remove stains from ceramic tiles, others from glass or metals.

Removing grease from walls covered with non-woven or vinyl wallpaper

If your walls are covered with vinyl or non-woven wallpaper, then fresh grease can be removed from them quickly and easily. All you need is a sponge and water. The secret is that these types of wallpaper have a thin water-repellent layer - soot and fats cannot penetrate deep into the finishing materials.

If the grease stains are old, use water and detergent (10 to 1 ratio, respectively). Wipe the dirty areas with a sponge and blot them with paper. A toothbrush can also help you - it will not harm strong wallpaper.

Removing grease from wall panels

If your walls are clad in sealed, varnished or coated panels, maintain them with soap and water. But never try to remove grease with abrasive cleaning compounds. Otherwise, scratches will remain on the lining.

Clean with care: use a sponge or cloth along the wood fibers. If the finishing is expensive, don’t take risks - contact cleaning specialists.

Steam generator – for those who suffer from allergies

A steam generator will help remove even old greasy stains. If you regularly face the problem of soot and grease, buy this device - its high efficiency has been proven.

Using the steam generator is easy: you can pour cleaning products or just water inside. The tool supplies steam at a temperature of approximately 150 degrees. Celsius and under pressure of several atmospheres. Contaminants of any nature under such powerful pressure are removed from the wall in a matter of seconds.

The advantages of the solution are as follows:

  • You not only remove grease, but at the same time kill insects, dangerous bacteria and fungi. The wall will also be free of foreign odors;
  • If the walls have glass or stainless steel trim, the elements will acquire their original shine;
  • The equipment is universal and works equally well with grease and scale, burnt marks and various types of oils;
  • You can clean not only walls, but also kitchen appliances and furniture.

But most importantly, you can stop using household chemicals. This is especially important for people suffering from allergies. The only drawback is the high cost of the equipment. However, you don’t always need to purchase it as your property. You can order the services of a cleaning company - specialists always have such a tool at their disposal.

How to get rid of fat quickly, safely and with guaranteed quality?

If you don’t want to waste time and effort, but want to get perfectly clean walls, free of grease, carbon deposits and other contaminants, contact cleaning specialists for help.

Despite the affordable cost of services, high quality cleaning services are guaranteed to each customer. Professional tools and environmentally friendly products will be used in the work. You can get a consultation and place an order right now by phone.

If you still have questions on the topic “How to clean grease from a wall?” , then fill out the form below or dial 8 (495) 181-99-45 to contact our specialists. We will help you!

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We eliminate pollution

Before using the methods below, it is better to test it on a small fragment of wallpaper remnants. Each material has its own structure and its own specifics. In order not to damage the wall decoration, it is better to play it safe.

It is quite easy to remove a fresh stain from vinyl or non-woven wallpaper. It is enough just to wipe the stained area with a soft cloth soaked in soapy water, and then blot with a sponge. The structure of this type of wallpaper provides a protective water-repellent outer layer that prevents moisture and dirt from penetrating deep into the material. In the case of old stains, a toothbrush . It needs to be soaped and the stain rubbed well. You can wipe off the foam from the surface with a regular dry cloth.

It is much more difficult to remove a greasy stain from paper wallpaper, but nothing is impossible. To do this, you will need to dilute tooth powder with water to the consistency of thick sour cream and apply it to the dirt. After 24 hours, the remaining solution should be carefully removed with a toothbrush. Tooth powder, thanks to its composition, will easily absorb all the fat without leaving a trace on the wallpaper. If there is no tooth powder, regular starch will replace it.

Other ways to remove grease from wallpaper:

  1. Rub regular chalk until a small white layer forms on the surface. Then immediately remove it with a brush or cloth.
  2. We wet a piece of soft cloth in diesel fuel or gasoline , apply it to the stain and hold for about two minutes. During this time, you can secure the “compress” with electrical tape, a pushpin, a needle or tape. After time, remove the fabric from the wallpaper, the stain will disappear. This method has a certain risk: when cleaning low-quality wallpaper, gasoline can destroy not only the dirt, but also the pigment.
  3. To remove fresh grease stains, an iron is also used in combination with toilet paper or napkins. To do this, the paper must be applied to the stain and lightly smoothed with a heated iron. The iron should be warm, but not hot. When a piece of paper becomes saturated with grease , it should be replaced. Repeat the procedure until the stain completely disappears.

We can often see greasy stains on the wallpaper near sockets and switches. They are easy enough to remove with a regular eraser, which is used to remove pencil marks from a paper surface.

How to clean grease from a wall?

Grease stains can form anywhere, not just in the kitchen. It is always difficult to wash off fat, because... its molecules simply do not interact with water. Let's figure out how to clean the wall from grease, taking into account the coating.

The general principle of dealing with greasy stains

From a chemical point of view, fat is a non-polar substance. Therefore, it does not interact with ordinary water. The surface tension of cold water is high, so it simply does not come into contact with it. To stimulate molecules to interact, you need to either heat the water or dissolve some kind of surfactant in it, which will push the water molecules apart and reduce tension. Then there is a chance to remove fat and dissolve it.

This mechanism is valid for any greasy stains. You need either warm water or a surfactant that can dissolve fat. If for fabrics and dishes everything is relatively clear, then when it comes to greasy stains on the wall, there are more questions than answers.

Grease stains on tiles

There is one in every home. Special features: yellow drops on the kitchen apron near the stove. They freeze and cannot be washed off with a regular rag. They look sloppy.

How to wash:

  • Apply dishwashing detergent to the sponge, but not a “drop”, as in advertising, but more. Beat into a strong foam and apply generously to the contaminated area. After 10-15 minutes, rinse off with the hard part of the sponge, applying force. Use warm water.
  • If the stains are not too old, you can simply rub them with the hard part of a sponge dipped in warm water. The main thing is that the sponge does not scratch the tile.
  • Cleaning powder or regular soda works well for removing grease on tiles. Baking soda or powder can be applied either dry or wet, like a paste.

Grease stain on wallpaper

Where does grease come from on wallpaper? Firstly, you can simply drop food on the wall, artistically pour soup, etc. Very often, body care creams or oils get on the wallpaper (just press the tube carelessly). But most often you and I leave greasy stains, having the habit of leaning against the wallpaper. Such spots can be seen above the back of the sofa, where the head touches the wall. Or where there is a habit of throwing your legs over the wall. The basis of such pollution is fat.

How to remove it depends on the type of wallpaper. Modern non-woven and vinyl wallpapers, which can be wiped clean or even washed, are, of course, easier to clean. The fresher the stain, the easier it will be to remove.

Grease can be removed from wallpaper:

  • Soap solution, dish soap solution.
  • Soda gruel.
  • Potato starch paste (it should be left overnight and then removed).
  • Powdered chalk.
  • Gasoline. You need to act carefully and gently, trying not to touch clean areas.
  • If the wallpaper is paper, it is almost impossible to remove a greasy stain without leaving a trace. You can try to apply a piece of white bread crumb to the fresh stain, or cover it with salt.
  • You can also try ironing the stain through a clean white cotton towel.

Other coatings

Walls covered with water-based emulsion are also often covered with grease stains. You can try to remove them with an eraser. If this does not help, use soda porridge - it works well with fat if it is not old.

If stains have dried to the plastic panel, powder, warm water and a medium-hard sponge will do. Wooden walls are washed with a special wood care product. Products for sanded or varnished wood vary in composition - read the instructions on the packaging carefully.

If you're worried that you won't be able to remove the stain from the wall carefully, contact a cleaning service. Your stain may be able to be removed using professional products.

Dishwashing liquid

This universal product, firstly, degreases, secondly, does not leave scratches, and thirdly, does not spoil the color/pattern.

How to use for oily plaque:

  1. Add the gel to a small amount of water and whisk until foam forms.
  2. To make the effect more effective, you can add a little peroxide (but this is only for light-colored surfaces, since peroxide washes off the paint).
  3. Apply the resulting liquid to the desired areas and leave for a couple of minutes.
  4. Wipe with a dry soft cloth.

How to clean grease from a wall?

It is quite difficult to rid the walls of the kitchen and any other room of grease, carbon deposits and other contaminants. Especially when it comes to old stains. Use our tips and you will be able to deal with the problem faster and easier.

Folk remedies in the fight against fat

To remove grease from walls covered with wallpaper, you can use the following “folk remedies”:

  • Napkins and iron. Place a paper towel on the dirty wall, heat the iron and run it over the sheet. Be careful not to use the iron to burn a hole in the trim. The napkin needs to be changed from time to time - the fat will saturate the thin paper;
  • Stationery eraser. You can try to wipe away grease stains with a regular eraser. But in this case there is also a high risk of damaging the wallpaper;
  • Chalk. Chalk powder perfectly absorbs fats. Rub the chalk into the stains, then brush them off with a brush or soft cloth;
  • Petrol. If you are not afraid of ruining the brightness of the wall color, use gasoline and a cloth. The liquid dissolves fat in literally 1-2 minutes.

Cleaning walls with paper wallpaper

To remove grease and carbon deposits from walls covered with paper wallpaper, use tooth powder. Dissolve it in water and apply the “cream” to the stain. The duration of action is one day, after which the mixture will need to be removed. The powder will absorb all the fat.

Instead of tooth powder, you can use starch. The scheme of action is similar.

Removing grease from tiled walls

The easiest and fastest way to remove grease stains from tiles, which are usually used to cover part of the wall near the kitchen sink and stove, is to use household chemicals. You can even deal with the dirt that has been absorbed into the structure of the material.

Using household chemicals is very simple - there are detailed instructions on the packaging of each product. The general scheme is:

  • Rinse the tiles with plain water;
  • Spray or otherwise apply the cleaning compound;
  • Wait a certain time (also indicated in the instructions on the package) during which the product will dissolve fat and plaque;
  • Clean the cleaned area of ​​the wall with a metal sponge, brush or cloth;
  • Wash the surface with a clean damp cloth, removing any remaining household chemicals.

Important! Please note that modern household chemicals for removing grease are designed to work with different materials. Some compositions remove stains from ceramic tiles, others from glass or metals.

Removing grease from walls covered with non-woven or vinyl wallpaper

If your walls are covered with vinyl or non-woven wallpaper, then fresh grease can be removed from them quickly and easily. All you need is a sponge and water. The secret is that these types of wallpaper have a thin water-repellent layer - soot and fats cannot penetrate deep into the finishing materials.

If the grease stains are old, use water and detergent (10 to 1 ratio, respectively). Wipe the dirty areas with a sponge and blot them with paper. A toothbrush can also help you - it will not harm strong wallpaper.

Removing grease from wall panels

If your walls are clad in sealed, varnished or coated panels, maintain them with soap and water. But never try to remove grease with abrasive cleaning compounds. Otherwise, scratches will remain on the lining.

Clean with care: use a sponge or cloth along the wood fibers. If the finishing is expensive, don’t take risks - contact cleaning specialists.

Steam generator – for those who suffer from allergies

A steam generator will help remove even old greasy stains. If you regularly face the problem of soot and grease, buy this device - its high efficiency has been proven.

Using the steam generator is easy: you can pour cleaning products or just water inside. The tool supplies steam at a temperature of approximately 150 degrees. Celsius and under pressure of several atmospheres. Contaminants of any nature under such powerful pressure are removed from the wall in a matter of seconds.

The advantages of the solution are as follows:

  • You not only remove grease, but at the same time kill insects, dangerous bacteria and fungi. The wall will also be free of foreign odors;
  • If the walls have glass or stainless steel trim, the elements will acquire their original shine;
  • The equipment is universal and works equally well with grease and scale, burnt marks and various types of oils;
  • You can clean not only walls, but also kitchen appliances and furniture.

But most importantly, you can stop using household chemicals. This is especially important for people suffering from allergies. The only drawback is the high cost of the equipment. However, you don’t always need to purchase it as your property. You can order the services of a cleaning company - specialists always have such a tool at their disposal.

Effective means


An effective concentrated degreaser, but not the most aggressive. Can remove even very old stains. It has a pleasant aroma and does not leave streaks.


In addition to stubborn stains from grease on furniture, it can also clean household appliances. Maximum delicate, does not scratch the surface. Some people find the smell unpleasant and pungent. But it is economical - the packaging lasts for a long time.

Silit Bang

An excellent concentrate for removing multi-layered fat on kitchen surfaces. Not suitable for use on wooden materials. Valid for half an hour.

Mister Muscle

Suitable for almost all surfaces, even microwaves and vents. Kills harmful microorganisms. Has a pleasant smell.

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