How to get rid of the smell of garlic on your hands after cooking?

Garlic has many uses. Especially popular in cooking and medicine. Added to cold and hot dishes, especially tasty with borscht. Traditional medicine uses garlic to combat many diseases, including the common cold. But few people know that garlic juice is highly toxic and can pass not only through the skin, but also through the bone. If you rub it on your temple, it will easily reach your brain. Below we will figure out how to get rid of the smell of garlic on your hands and mouth. By the way, the aroma lasts 70 hours, not 12 as some claim.

Causes of the problem

Surely many of you have noticed that in its whole form this plant does not emit any aroma. But as soon as you cut or rub a tooth, a specific amber begins to spread from it. This is due to the fact that garlic contains alliinase. After cutting the fruit, this enzyme reacts chemically with alliin, resulting in the formation of allicin. It is this new substance that is the root cause of the characteristic garlic odor.

The aroma emanating from a crushed clove is not as unpleasant as the one that appears when eating a dish that contains this vegetable. Those who want to understand how to get rid of the smell of garlic on their hands will also be interested to know that after entering the human body, this product begins to interact with certain substances. The result of such contact is hydrogen sulfide compounds. They mix with microorganisms living in the oral cavity, as a result of which a nasty odor appears. There are quite simple but effective ways to eliminate it.


Doctors began talking about the negative impact the pandemic would have on the psyche at the very beginning of the pandemic. Isolation and staying at home for a long time did not benefit anyone, and the condition of people suffering from depression and OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) also worsened. A number of doctors talk about an increase in suicidal feelings. Moreover, according to the latest data, changes in the nervous system have taken first place among complications after a coronavirus infection. This was reported by the chief freelance specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for therapy and general medical practice, Oksana Drapkina.

And, apparently, it's not just stress. Coronaviruses have an effect on the nervous system of infected people.

Alina: My husband, who was not at all depressed, began to periodically slip into depression and thoughts about the worthlessness of life. Either age has come, or Covid is really breaking the psyche.

Why is this happening?

“We know from the previous SARS epidemic that those who survived the infection subsequently had an increased risk of developing psychosis and committing suicide. Researchers attribute this to the fact that the SARS pathogen has a direct effect on the nervous system of people infected with it. It appears that coronaviruses have a tropism for nervous tissue, and during infection a person can develop inflammation within the nervous system, which is a) very exclusive and b) very dangerous. This can be fraught with serious consequences, writes Karelian psychotherapist Viktor Lebedev.

How to get rid of the smell of garlic on your hands?

Often, after preparing dishes that contain this vegetable, a pungent, specific “aroma” remains on the palms for a long time. The most interesting thing is that it does not disappear after thorough washing. Therefore, people had to come up with new ways to deal with it through trial and error.

For those who don’t know how to get rid of the smell of garlic on their hands, we can recommend using laundry soap. But this product should not be abused, since it contains alkali, which has a bad effect on the skin. You can also use special products designed to neutralize odors.

If you don’t have laundry soap in the house, you can crush mint leaves, basil or parsley in your palms. They will also help eliminate unwanted odor.

No alternative partner of great power level

In times of crisis, Russia needs a quick transition to an “alternative, eastern option.” However, even earlier, before the events in Ukraine, a number of Russian experts expressed doubts that Russia would quickly be able to diversify supplies to China. The same applied to the interactions between companies: for too long the emphasis of business was on the European market.

In the current situation, Russia, obviously, Andrei Abramov believes, will have no other option but to quickly adapt the economy, including to the needs of the Chinese consumer.

“China will gain considerable profit for itself, because Russia will now be excluded from the political, economic and financial system of the West and will inevitably be forced to “swim” to the Chinese “shores.” On the other hand, in this whole situation, will China be able and willing to take responsibility for deepening political cooperation and increasing investment in Russia. There are still many unknown factors here. But, in any case, China in the current conditions will remain for Russia the only partner of the great power level, which will be able to one way or another promote its conditions and aspirations in bilateral relations from a position of strength,” the expert noted.

Sergei Sanakoev is sure: a good alternative in the form of the East exists for Russia today. Nevertheless, the Russian Federation should think about changing its own economic model. Then the risks of a complete change of business partner will be justified.

“For example, like in China. 70-80% of the gross product is created by small and medium-sized enterprises. And this is exactly what we must pay attention to, then import substitution will go absolutely normally and, on the contrary, buyers will come to us,” the expert concluded.

How to get rid of the smell of garlic on your hands: folk remedies

Fortunately, the advice known to our great-great-grandmothers has been preserved to this day. So, you can eliminate the unpleasant odor by rinsing your palms in a mustard solution. To prepare it, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of powder in a glass of warm water.

You can also rub your palms with coconut, nut or almond oil. If you don’t have any of the listed remedies in your home, don’t despair. In this case, you can use soda or salt. The palms should be moistened with warm water and rubbed with one of these substances. Both of them are considered good adsorbents and perfectly absorb foreign odors.

An equally effective and at the same time quite simple way to get rid of the smell of garlic on your hands is citrus juice. It is enough to lower your palms for a minute into a container filled with this liquid, and the foreign odor will disappear from them. But this juice dries out the skin greatly. Therefore, immediately after this procedure, it is recommended to rinse your hands in warm water and then lubricate them with a rich cream.

Coffee beans also do a good job of eliminating unpleasant odors. You need to rub your palms with them. Regular vinegar is no less effective in combating this problem. You need to rinse your hands in it, wait until they dry, and wash them with any toilet soap.

Step-by-step instructions on how to effectively suppress or eliminate garlic spirit

Let's look at step by step how to prevent the unpleasant smell of garlic from your mouth before and after eating.

  1. Before taking garlic . Eat a green apple; it will reduce the chemical reaction that causes the smell. If you have a choice of how to cook garlic, boil it or stew it along with the dish; the most “fragrant” is raw garlic. Garlic cut into pieces causes a stronger unpleasant odor, so if you eat garlic for preventive purposes, eat the whole clove.
  2. During meals . Drink 1-2 glasses of water with dishes containing garlic. Eat more vegetables and fruits that contain a lot of water (tomatoes, cucumbers), salad, citrus fruits.
  3. After eating garlic . Thoroughly brush your teeth and tongue to remove food particles, rinse your mouth with a special balm, warm water with mint or soda paste (recipe described above). Drink a cup of green tea with mint or eat a few mint leaves; if green tea and mint are not available, coffee beans will do.

Another way

Having figured out how to get rid of the smell of garlic on your hands, you can’t help but mention another simple but quite effective method. To remove the peculiar aroma of this vegetable, you will need stainless steel. Taking an object made from this material, squeeze it in your palms and hold it under running cold water for several minutes.

For these purposes, you can use any item made from stainless steel. In addition, some stores sell special “soap” made from this material. Scientists have not been able to fully study this mechanism. But many of them are inclined to believe that the sulfur contained in garlic reacts with chromium present in stainless steel.

Other effective methods

Not all methods completely eliminate the odor, and it may remain for a long time. But don't worry. There are several more effective recipes.

Works great against a variety of odors:

  • Activated carbon tablets. This product belongs to the group of adsorbents. It absorbs harmful substances, odors and gases. As soon as the meal ceremony is over, you need to take a few tablets. The dosage depends on weight: 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight;
  • tablets with a mild taste. But the effect will not last long;
  • lollipops or anti-police spray. Created to prevent hangovers. But it can also be used to eliminate various unpleasant odors.

If there is a need to quickly remove the aroma from your mouth and freshen your breath, then you can gulp a mug of fenugreek decoction.

To make it you will need a spoonful of seeds and two glasses of water. Place on the stove and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then strain. This method is also good because it will cleanse the kidneys of residual essential oils.

Not everyone can put up with the smell of garlic. He pushes people away during conversations. But it is possible to avoid its appearance and freshen your breath. To do this, you can use available folk methods.

How to refresh your hair?

Now you know exactly how to get rid of the smell of garlic on your hands. After cooking, however, the specific aroma of this vegetable quickly spreads throughout the kitchen. Therefore, not only your palms, but also your hair can smell of it.

To stop your curls from emitting this unpleasant odor, you can immediately wash them using any strongly scented shampoo. Then it is recommended to apply conditioner or conditioner to them. After performing this procedure, you can lightly spray your hair with your favorite perfume, and then there will definitely be no garlic “spirit” left on it.

Not after, but before

You won’t have to “wash” the garlic off your hands if the smell doesn’t stick to the skin at all.

  • To “painlessly” chop garlic, before starting work you should lightly grease your fingers with butter . But don't overdo it—if your hands become too slippery, you'll find it difficult to cook.
  • Olive oil will have the same protective effect .
  • Well, and of course, no one canceled rubber gloves . It’s not very convenient to work in them (especially with small garlic cloves), but after work you won’t have to wash off any smell.

Preventive measures

Having figured out how to get rid of the smell of garlic on your hands and hair, you need to learn how to do it so that you don’t have to deal with a similar problem. To prevent your skin from becoming saturated with the specific amber of this strong-smelling vegetable, all work with it should be carried out wearing thick rubber gloves.

Since hair quickly absorbs foreign odors, it also needs protection. To prevent your hair from becoming completely saturated with garlic spirit, before preparing dishes that contain this ingredient, you need to tie a special scarf around your head. In addition, it is recommended to ventilate the kitchen more often. Then the aromas of the cooking food will go outside and not be absorbed into your clothes, hair, skin, furniture and walls.

Let's summarize

  • The most popular way to refresh the skin of your palms is lemon - you can quickly rub your hands with a piece.
  • Coffee, soda, milk, and “vigorous” mint toothpaste will also help “wash” garlic from the skin.
  • Well, people of science claim that foreign odors can be removed from your hands by rinsing your palms with a piece of stainless steel.
  • Alternatively, lubricate your hands with butter or olive oil before working, and the smell will not “stick”.

Why is garlic so smelly, and is it possible to quickly remove the smell of this product from your mouth? This video will tell you:

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