4 ways to get rid of senile body odor for women and men

This will be news to some, but “old man smell” is a real diagnosis. Some languages, such as Japanese, even have a special term for this smell. And this amber not only interferes with normal communication with elderly relatives or living with them in the same house, but can also be a signal that pathological processes are taking place in the body, so you cannot treat the problem leniently, but you need to try to solve it with all available methods, and the website komy-za30.ru will tell you about them.

At what age does the old man smell appear?

There is no single age at which the smell of old age will definitely appear. It appears for everyone at their own time, and this is due to the individual characteristics of a person. On average, it is believed that such a smell begins to appear in a woman after 45 years, that is, when the menopause begins. In men, the aroma usually begins to change even later.

Research shows that women's smell increases with age: if you compare women 45–55 years old and 75–85 years old, the former smell more pleasant than the latter. But for men the situation is different - the smell of 50-year-olds is sharper and more unpleasant than that of 70-year-olds.

Smell of an old man

Such a diagnosis actually exists. The Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia has confirmed that older people do indeed have a distinct odor. It is so recognizable that people can identify them only by body odor.

How did you find out? We selected people of three age groups:

  1. 20-30 year olds;
  2. 45-55 year olds;
  3. 75-95 year olds.

The researchers gave all these people special lightweight T-shirts with pads in their armpits, like those for nursing mothers. Each subject had to sleep in this T-shirt for five nights in a row.

For the purity of the experiment, before going to bed, the subjects had to bathe without soap and shampoo. They were also asked to refrain from drinking alcohol, smoking, and eating spicy foods, garlic, onions, or any other type of food that could affect body odor.

After five days, the pads were removed, cut into quadrants and placed in individual glass jars. Then, 41 young (20 to 30 years old) participants were given two glass jars in nine combinations to rate the flavors. Participants were asked to rate the intensity and pleasantness of each odor. They also needed to either determine which sample came from an older person or estimate the age group each sample belonged to.

Participants were able to identify the odor of older people better than younger subjects. When people tried to classify odor patterns by age, they had a hard time distinguishing between young and middle-aged people, but they almost always instantly identified the smells of old people.

Experience Johan Lundström

Interestingly, despite its uniqueness - and contrary to the stereotype - the smell of an old person is not offensive. Participants rated it as less intense and less unpleasant than body odor in younger donors. Depending on gender, participants rated the smell of middle-aged men as the most intense, and the smell of older men as the most pleasant and least intense. In contrast, the smells of middle-aged women were rated as more pleasant than those of older ladies.

“Older people have a noticeable armpit odor, which younger people rated as fairly neutral and not very unpleasant,” said Johan Lundström, a sensorineurobiologist, commenting on the study.

In Japan, the smell unique to older people is called “kareishū”


Why does the body smell of old age after 50 years and how to get rid of it? Many studies have been conducted on this topic, which have shown that the smell of older people is easily recognizable and distinguishes well from the aromas possessed by a young body.

The point here is the intensity of the functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands, which changes significantly over the years. With old age, the skin begins to produce nonenals - substances that are classified as pheromones. Scientists believe that the production of these substances is inherent in nature, so that even at a subconscious level those partners who are not capable of procreation are rejected. At the same time, a more pleasant smell in older men may be intended to ensure that women choose for procreation those who have a hereditary predisposition to longevity.

If you live with elderly relatives, it will be easier to notice changes in body odor

In addition to nonenals, the appearance of odor is influenced by the predominance of lactic acid flora on the skin and the general imbalance of skin microflora. This occurs due to changes in skin secretions, and in some cases also due to disturbances in carbohydrate metabolism. At this age, overall glucose levels often increase, which is why fungal infections appear.

Water treatments

As for water procedures, you need to take into account that with age, a person’s skin becomes thinner and easier to injure. When bathing a pensioner, use soft washcloths so as not to discourage him from visiting the bathroom. To eliminate unpleasant odors, it would be useful to use aromatic shower gels. By the way, for a good result, an elderly person should take a shower daily. If a pensioner is able to go to the bathroom on his own, take care of his safety:

  • lay down anti-slip mats
  • install a special grab bar in the shower
  • please leave the bathroom door open just in case

Don't let older people skip brushing their teeth every day to prevent bad breath. Important! Keep the clothes of the elderly clean, change their underwear and socks daily. If an elderly relative is sick and on bed rest, wipe them down with a damp towel once a day and change bed linen regularly.

What makes the smell worse?

But it’s not just age-related skin changes that contribute to the appearance of an old smell. There are other factors that influence this.

  1. The excretory organs work worse. Kidney failure develops, the functioning of the digestive system deteriorates, and the lungs begin to function less actively. All this leads to the fact that the skin begins to perform the functions of getting rid of waste and toxins to a greater extent, and because of this, the smell of the skin significantly changes.
  2. Chronic diseases. By old age, many people develop chronic pathologies of the intestines, gonads, adrenal glands, and diabetes mellitus. These diseases affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands or the microflora, and therefore cause unpleasant odors.
  3. Some medications. When taken, medications break down into active molecules. And with age, not all substances that are not needed by the body are eliminated well.
  4. Nutrition. Since the intestines begin to work worse, not every food is suitable for an elderly person. Complex dishes put additional stress on the intestines, which cannot cope and transfer some of their functions to the skin.
  5. Problems with body hygiene. Sometimes older people begin to wash less often because the skin becomes easily vulnerable and flakes more. And it turns out that after washing a person feels itching and irritation, and not freshness. In addition, in old age, people begin to feel worse about how they smell - this is due to the fact that the number of nerve cells that transmit odors to the cerebral cortex decreases.
  6. Everyday habits. Very often, older people engage in hoarding - they have a lot of clothes, bed linen, rugs and other things in reserve. These things often cause unpleasant odors in the apartment, and due to infrequent ventilation, they are absorbed wherever possible, including into worn clothing.

Hygiene is the first thing people talk about when the body starts to smell

The smell of old age from the body: how to get rid of it

An unpleasant odor from a bedridden patient worsens his psychological state and makes caring for him uncomfortable for others. Therefore, it is extremely important to know how to remove the smell of old age from the room of a bedridden patient, providing him with maximum comfort.

Regular drying and airing of the mattress will not bring the desired effect. Bacteria penetrate into the porous spheres, so the unpleasant odor immediately returns. Persistent odor can be removed using both professional and folk remedies.

Use of chlorine

The most powerful odor remover is chlorine. It destroys various types of bacteria. However, before treating with chlorine, the patient should be removed to another room so that the chlorine pores do not cause poisoning. You can dilute it in water or use ready-made bleach. It is not recommended to use chlorine when working with textile or foam coatings.

Baking soda, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide

Vinegar will help eliminate most unpleasant odors. To do this, you need to dilute it half and half with water, and then wipe the furniture with this solution. After this, you need to thoroughly ventilate the room. Additionally, you can treat the premises with a manganese solution, which will help destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

To eliminate the persistent smell of urine, it is recommended to first apply vinegar to the stain, and when it dries, sprinkle with soda. All that remains is to remove the soda using a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide. This product allows you to get rid of the most unpleasant and ingrained odors.

You can apply a mixture of dish soap and hydrogen peroxide to the urine stain. Apply it with a spray bottle. Wait until the resulting product dries completely. Remove with a vacuum cleaner or wash.

Other folk remedies

There are other equally effective means for removing unpleasant odors:

  1. Coffee. An unusual, but very effective remedy that eliminates and is a good preventive measure against unpleasant odors if there are bedridden patients in the house. It is recommended to pre-fry the coffee beans in a dry frying pan and then grind them. This will make the coffee aroma even stronger.
  2. Banana peel. When banana peels decompose, essential oils are released, which help cleanse the room and give it a pleasant vanilla aroma. The peel should be left until it is completely blackened.
  3. Essential oils. If the patient does not have an allergic reaction to essential oils, they can be dripped onto a cloth, which should be placed on radiators and furniture.
  4. Bay leaf. It has a strong aroma, so it is recommended to use only to eliminate a very unpleasant odor. The bay leaf should be set on fire and the room should be fumigated with it.
  5. Black tea. A natural and very effective odor absorber. It should be placed in bags around the room. Replace with new ones periodically.

Regardless of the chosen method, its effectiveness can only be ensured by preliminary wet cleaning, changing bed linen and other hygiene procedures.

Modern methods of eliminating unpleasant odors

There are more modern ways to eliminate unpleasant odors in a room. For this purpose, various devices and drugs are presented, the choice of which should be based on performance, technology and cost. Such technologies include:

  1. Odor absorber. Affects molecules, blocking odor. The absorbent is available in the form of a gel, spray or powder.
  2. Neutralizer. Promotes the breakdown of particles that cause an unpleasant odor. It comes in the form of a liquid that you spray on a specific area and wait for it to dry.
  3. Dispenser. A device that absorbs unpleasant odor molecules.
  4. Ozonizer. A household air purifier that converts oxygen molecules into ozone.

The ozonizer is the most effective. If a person is constantly in this state, it is best to purchase just such a device so that the room remains clean and fresh. This will destroy pathogenic microorganisms, which will have a beneficial effect on the patient’s condition. Other remedies are not very effective and are recommended only as a temporary measure.

Why young people can smell old

Sometimes young people smell the same as old people. At first the thought comes to mind that they live with elderly relatives in the same apartment, so the smell has been absorbed into their things. But in fact, there are several more reasons for the smell of old age from the body of a young man or woman.

  1. Hormonal imbalance in the body. This occurs more often in women, although men should not discount this possibility. An imbalance of sex hormones causes changes in the functioning of many organs and systems of the body, including the functioning of the sex and sweat glands.
  2. Poor nutrition and bad habits. If the organs of the excretory system cannot cope with decay products, then the skin begins to help with this, which leads to the appearance of unpleasant aromas. The reason may be frequent smoking or drinking large quantities of alcohol, or it may be the frequent consumption of strongly aromatic foods such as onions or garlic.
  3. Some diseases. Many serious pathologies can cause deterioration of body odor. Therefore, if such a smell appears in young people, it is recommended to visit a doctor.
  4. Lack of hygiene. This reason is more common in men than in women. If you wear the same clothes for a long time and do not use the shower, then over time the smell of a young man will become approximately the same as that of an old man.

Most often, there is more than one reason for the appearance of an old smell from a young person - that is, such an amber will not appear only from smoking, notes komy-za30 ru. But if there are any diseases that cause changes in the aroma, and bad habits are added to them, then the probability increases significantly.

What are the causes of these odors?

Scientists make another assumption about the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the age group of people. They associate it with loss of reproduction. The physiological processes of animals and humans are very similar, and by observing animals, scientists have concluded that males choose a female for mating by the smell that sex hormones synthesize. In the aging body of animals, the synthesis of sex hormones that attract males stops.

In the human body at a certain age, hormonal changes also begin, when the production of some hormones fades and completely different substances are synthesized.

Can the smell of old people indicate damage?

Each corruption has its own manifestations. It’s one thing if damage has been done to your health, and quite another if it’s damaged your home. Therefore, in principle, a sign such as an unpleasant odor emanating from the body may appear. But this sign will not be alone; there must be a general deterioration in the condition, pain or unpleasant symptoms, apathy, etc.

However, approximately the same symptoms cause serious diseases, which can also cause the appearance of an unpleasant odor - both pain and general weakness are present in most diseases.

Therefore, first of all, if you have senile odor, you should see a doctor and undergo a full diagnosis of your body, even if nothing has bothered you before. And only if the doctors do not find anything significant, you can try to remove the damage.

Eliminating odor with additional hygiene products

If the old smell is caused by illness, look for an opportunity to eliminate the disease or its consequences. For example, if an elderly person suffers from urinary incontinence, urological pads and diapers for adults can be purchased at pharmacies. An important condition for eliminating stench in an apartment is regularly changing absorbent devices. The discharge of an old person has a rather pungent and persistent odor, so avoid storing used diapers in the house. In addition, you can act on other fronts. Prepare infusions for a pensioner to strengthen the bladder. This may not radically change the situation, but it will be a good preventive measure.

Why you shouldn't eat fatty and fried foods

Some scientists have suggested, based on their studies of sweat samples taken from older people, that the production of lactic acid bacteria and glucose increases as people age. The result of their activity is carbon dioxide (CO2), which has a pungent aroma.

Scientists have concluded that the repulsive aroma that appears in older people is a consequence of eating high-calorie, fatty foods.

In addition, it was noted that fresh fruits and vegetables at this age are also not beneficial and form an unpleasant odor when consumed frequently. This is explained by the fact that the digestive system in the elderly works sluggishly, unlike in a young body, so the rotting of fresh natural gifts begins in the stomach.


Important advice: In order to prevent the body of an elderly person from emitting unpleasant odors, you need to eat low-calorie foods, and eat heat-treated fruits and vegetables (baked, stewed, boiled). Fried foods should be completely excluded.

Removing odor in an apartment using dry fog

The Americans have invented a special generator that sprays dry fog into the apartment. The smallest microparticles of fog are produced by a unique liquid composition. Dry fog does not settle on the surface; its particles penetrate into all hard-to-reach places: gaps between cabinets, cracks, uneven surfaces, fabrics (even into their deep layers). Microparticles of fog completely neutralize the unpleasant smell of the apartment, and the resulting film from them prevents it from appearing again for a long time.

Unfortunately, science has not yet invented ways of eternal youth and old age in everyone’s life is an inevitable natural process. Try to be more tolerant of your aging relatives and help them cope with the unpleasant symptoms of old age.

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