Women's tricks and secrets on how to remove smell from a bag

It is difficult to imagine the life of a modern woman without such an accessory as a bag. Every day, dozens of different little things can come in handy at any time. A handbag is not just part of your daily look, but also a functional and practical thing. However, it is not only its presence that is important to us. The bag should look good and, of course, smell good.

This accessory today is made from a variety of materials - genuine leather and leatherette, textiles, suede, synthetics, natural fabrics. There are models made of plastic and even wood. But natural leather and its substitutes can still be considered the most demanding in terms of care. Especially when it comes to smell. Everything may be fine with the appearance of the product, but bad luck - the unpleasant aroma discourages anyone from picking up the accessory. This can be either an unpleasant odor from a completely new product or from an already familiar item.

Let's look at ways to help get rid of bag odor quickly and accurately.

How to prepare the product?

Before you begin removing an unpleasant odor, you need to determine the cause of its occurrence:

  1. If the lining is dirty, the product must be cleaned or washed.
  2. If the lining is simply saturated with some kind of aroma, you can try to ventilate the accessory.
  3. If the bag is originally made from low-quality raw materials, you need to use odor absorbers.

Before the main cleaning, you need to prepare the accessory. Main events:

  1. Check pockets and compartments. They should not contain any objects or valuables.
  2. Turn pockets inside out to remove small debris.
  3. Clean the product from dust using a brush.
  4. If there is to be contact with liquid substances, all oxidizing parts are wrapped in polyethylene.

These simple measures will help maintain the attractive appearance of the product.

Reasons for appearance

It is difficult to get rid of the stench if you do not find out the cause of its occurrence. Only in this case the product will not have to be thrown away.

The smell appears if:

  • carry odorous foods in the bag - meat or fish;

  • milk has spilled inside the product or an egg has broken;
  • during use the bag became very dirty;
  • the accessory is made of low-quality leather; cheap glue, paint or impregnation was used during production;
  • leatherette can smell unpleasant if toxic chemicals are used in its manufacture;
  • the item is stored incorrectly in a damp, closed room, which causes a musty or damp smell.

A new bag may emit a strong smell of polymers, dyes, and glue - this is a cheap, low-quality product. It is better to refuse to buy it.

How to remove an unpleasant odor using folk remedies?

You can get rid of an unpleasant odor using traditional methods. An indispensable remedy in the fight against it is a mixture of soda and salt.

Use it as follows:

  • two components are connected to each other in equal proportions;
  • pour the dry mixture into the inner compartment and all pockets;
  • place the accessory in a plastic bag;
  • after a week, remove it, shake out the salt and soda, and ventilate for 24 hours.

Baking soda and salt will not only absorb foreign odors, but will also absorb excess moisture.

If the cause of the unpleasant odor is organic substances (fish, meat, etc.), then it is more difficult to deal with them; a combined cleaning using potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide will be required.


  1. Several crystals of potassium permanganate and 3 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide are dissolved in a liter of water.

  2. The lining is treated with this solution. Apply it with a sponge.
  3. After 15 minutes, rinse the bag with clean water or wipe with a damp cloth to remove any remaining detergent.
  4. Dry the accessory in the open air in the fresh air.

Weak acids - table vinegar or lemon juice - help get rid of unpleasant odors. Mode of application:

  • dissolve 1 tablespoon of vinegar 9% or 2 tablespoons of lemon juice in a liter of water;
  • Using a sponge or cotton pad, treat the accessory from the outside and inside; there is no need to wet the lining too much;
  • leave the bag open to ventilate for 3 days - during this time the acid will evaporate, taking with it extraneous aromas;
  • if necessary, repeat the procedure again.

Activated carbon can absorb the smell. This well-known and inexpensive sorbent is used even for those accessories that cannot be washed.


  1. 10-15 tablets are ground into powder.
  2. It is packaged in paper napkins or linen bags.
  3. Place them in all pockets and compartments.
  4. After 3 days the coal is changed.

In 2-3 procedures it is possible to get rid of foreign odors, but if they were caused by dirt, pre-washing will be required.

In general, water procedures are the best way to combat any odors. If the bag is made of a material that can be washed, then it is better to resort to this method.


  • dissolve baby soap in cool water; it does not contain aggressive components that can damage the product; it is convenient to use a liquid product;

  • if the lining can be turned out, it is washed separately;
  • then the product is treated from the outside, after which it is rinsed in clean water;
  • To make the bag dry faster, it is stuffed with paper, which is changed regularly;
  • When the bulk of the moisture has been removed, the accessory is taken outside and left for ventilation.

You can’t keep the bag in water for too long, and it’s better to avoid soaking. Otherwise, the parts fixed with glue will come apart. This article will tell you how to wash a bag.

Important nuances

When removing irritating odors, it is important to remember some rules. First of all, you should read the information from the manufacturer regarding washing and cleaning. When considering various ways to combat aroma, one must take into account the degree of its intensity. Don’t forget about the color of the product; some methods are only shown for dark bags. It is important to take into account the color of the lining material of the accessory. Ideally, the cleaning agent is first tested on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the bag.

Of course, it is best to prevent a problem rather than try to fight it. You should not buy low-quality items. When making a purchase, it is important to make sure that the product really is of acceptable quality. Having chosen a handbag, you can not be shy and smell the thing. The pungent smell should alert you. It’s worth thinking about, is this thing really necessary?

If the desired update in the store seemed ideal, but at home it has a terrible aroma, you should not rush to get rid of the newly purchased item. You can always have time to throw away an accessory. It is better to try to test time-tested methods, especially since the components for many of them can be found in every housewife’s home.

Special preparations

You can remove the smell using professional products specially designed for this purpose. Top 3 effective compositions:


Leather cleaner . It is produced in the form of a spray, used for manual processing of the product, and does not require rinsing. The composition is based on nonionic surfactants. Price – 230 rubles.

Salamander Professional cleaning foam Combi Cleaner

The product removes various contaminants well and leaves behind a pleasant lime scent. The foam is applied to a napkin, which is used to wipe the desired area.

It can be used to care for bags made of:

  • skin,
  • suede,
  • lacquerware,
  • textiles,
  • nubuck.

Price 450 rubles.

Nagara absorber Aqua Beads Lavender

The product is presented in a plastic container filled with gel beads. They are able to neutralize various types of odors, including:

  • food products,
  • tobacco,
  • shoes, etc.

The absorber will fill the bag with a pleasant lavender scent. To achieve the optimal effect, the granules are laid for a day. The product is produced in Japan. Price – 220 rubles.

If an absorbent is used to eliminate odor, the bag must first be washed.

Home cleaning rules

First of all, you need to make sure that the chosen cleaning product is suitable for the gloves: compared to other leather items, they are thinner.

For the same reason, only delicate materials should be used to apply cleaning compounds - foam sponges, flannel or cotton swabs.

Next, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • when processing the front side, the glove is put on the hand;
  • cleaning mixtures with a soap base are applied directly to contaminated areas;
  • a product without soap, applied entirely to the product using available material, previously generously soaked in a cleaning composition;
  • to restore elasticity, apply non-aggressive hand cream, glycerin or castor oil to the skin;
  • After creams or oils are absorbed, excess is removed with a dry cloth.

It is strictly prohibited:

  • use of caustic chemicals;
  • abrasive materials;
  • soaking in water;
  • machine or hand wash;
  • high temperature heat treatment.

The advantage of homemade mixtures is the variety of recipes, availability and low cost of ingredients. Every home has components that can be easily mixed to create a cleaning suspension.

In addition, home recipes are compiled taking into account the condition, quality and color of the material. You can easily prepare mixtures for dark, colored, light and white models.

Features of neutralizing amber from different materials

Depending on the material from which the bag is made, methods for eliminating odor will differ:

  1. Leather. The smooth leather accessory is wiped with a soft cloth. It can be moistened in clean water. To remove dirt, use a soap solution or a product based on citric acid (a teaspoon per liter of water). After completing the procedure, the surface of the leather product is wiped with a dry cloth.
  2. Suede leather. This delicate material does not tolerate contact with water; it can only be cleaned using a dry method, for example, using soda.
  3. Leatherette or dermantine . Wipe the bag with a damp cloth. If necessary, use a soap solution. Sorbents, for example, activated carbon or soda, are placed inside the pockets. In this form, the product is exposed to fresh air for ventilation.
  4. Textile. Fabric bags can be washed, but choose gentle cleaning products. It is recommended to use liquid soap and liquid powder.
  5. Lacquered bag . It is unacceptable to treat them with abrasive agents, even soda. To care for such products, use soft fabric wipes and foam.

Method three: coffee

Coffee is not only an invigorating and tonic drink, but also an excellent absorbent that can easily remove unpleasant odors. To do this, you need to take ground coffee and pour it inside the accessory, and place whole coffee beans in the pockets. However, it should be remembered that this method is only suitable for accessories made of leather or faux leather, whose lining is made of dark fabrics.

Also, for dark bags, you can use another “coffee” method, which will not only eliminate the unpleasant odor, but also give the item shine. To do this, you need to mix coffee with glycerin and wipe the accessory with the resulting mixture.

If the inside of your new handbag stinks

Sometimes even new bags smell bad. The reason most often is the use of low-quality materials or a violation of production technology.

The smell may also appear as a result of improper storage or transportation of the accessory.

If the bag can be washed, then it is better to do it immediately after purchase . It must be dried and ventilated in the fresh air for at least 3 days. Zips and pockets should be kept open and the lining should be turned out.

If the material does not tolerate contact with water, then you can use sorbents. The most effective remedy is activated carbon. It is laid out in all compartments and changed regularly. Good natural flavorings include coffee and citrus peels.

Main safety rules

Since gasoline is highly flammable when combined with other caustic substances, and also remains very caustic, you should know what not to do if you want to remove stains and unpleasant odors from fabrics:

  1. Do not flush gasoline using chlorine bleaches, as their combination creates dangerous toxic fumes that can affect the respiratory system and cause harm to it.
  2. It is highly not recommended to remove the smell of gasoline by washing in an automatic washing machine, since the substance easily eats into the metal base of the drum, as well as into sealed rubber seals, and each subsequent wash will be accompanied by the same smell.
  3. You can only remove stains and the smell of gasoline using thick rubber gloves, since contact with skin can provoke a severe allergy.
  4. Wearing clothes stained with gasoline is not allowed to work near open flames. This also applies to the processing of the products themselves, since they can easily catch fire.

When working with such odors and stains, it is extremely important to take care of your own safety and completely eliminate the possibility of the items themselves igniting and causing burns.

Use of flavorings

Fragrances for bags are sachets filled with some kind of odorous substance . You can put aromatic herbs, orange or lemon peel, or cotton wool soaked in essential oil in the bag.

Coffee beans have a bright and rich aroma. They are used in ground form, placed in an accessory for several days.

You can use any perfume, but you don’t need to spray it all over your bag. It is enough to saturate a fabric handkerchief with them, which is placed in the inner pocket of the product.

Helpful information

Tips for eliminating unpleasant odors from your bag:

  1. Before you start cleaning your bag with a new product, you need to test the composition on an inconspicuous area to monitor the reaction.

  2. Do not store or carry food in a bag.
  3. To treat dark bags, do not use acids in the form of vinegar and lemon juice. They may cause discoloration.
  4. If the bag cannot be wetted, you can try stuffing it with paper or newspapers and leaving it for a day.

You will find a lot of useful and important information about removing various unpleasant odors from objects and surfaces in this section.

Removing the smell from a leatherette bag

Leatherette bags, while being more affordable than natural leather products, have a significant drawback. Many people know that the smell of such a product is quite specific. But you want the item not only to look nice, but also not to emit any unpleasant odors. So, how can you get rid of the smell from a leatherette bag?

Here, in general, the options are the same as in the case of leather products:

  • If the inside stinks, first of all you need to turn the accessory inside out and ventilate
    . Sometimes this alone is enough to fix the problem.
  • Look for information regarding washing
    , whether it is acceptable or not.
  • Soda
    and natural
    work great . But the second option is only suitable for dark bags.
  • Natural flavors from essential oils or “natural products” (citrus peels, sprigs of lavender or thyme, cinnamon sticks).
  • Special means
    . In stores that sell leatherette products, you can simply purchase a special product that will help cope with the specific aroma of a new item.

Remember that in the vast majority of cases the problem of unpleasant odor can be solved quickly and inexpensively. So there is absolutely no need to give up a new or already favorite thing because of such a trifle.

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