How to remove superglue from your favorite clothes: 10 secrets

People who have dealt with super glue know how difficult it is to get it off their hands. It is even more difficult to remove glue from clothing. These stains are difficult to remove. Attempting to remove it without knowing how to remove super glue from clothing can lead to the formation of holes. Using proven methods, you can remove stains yourself and without damaging your favorite item, if you take into account the icons on the product label.

If you don’t know how to remove glue from clothes at home, then don’t even think about washing the stained item, as removing the glue after washing in hot water will be problematic.

Without delaying

If super glue gets on clothing, you must immediately remove it and lay it out on a flat, horizontal surface to avoid spreading. Place a piece of cardboard or thick paper under a thin fabric. Soak a cotton swab with nail polish remover and carefully remove the glue.

Superglue stains can be removed by soaking the item in warm water with washing powder or stain remover (take an inexpensive stain remover, Vanish will not help in such cases), leave to soak and wash by hand, concentrating on the stain.

The stain on thick fabric must first be blotted with a napkin and placed on a flat place. There is no need to add anything. Then use a knife to try to scrape off the superglue stain. This is usually enough to get rid of fresh dirt. Once cleaning is complete, the clothes are washed as usual. If the attempt is unsuccessful, you need to soak the stain with ammonia, vodka or white spirit, rubbing it with a moistened swab.

Office glue can be easily removed when washing if you first rub the stain with laundry soap before washing.


How to wipe off or wash off an adhesive stain from rubber glue is to use gasoline.

The procedure involves the following main steps:

  • The area of ​​contamination must be moistened.
  • Then sprinkle with talcum powder.
  • Leave in a motionless position for 3-4 hours.
  • Send things to the wash.

When using this method with colored items, you need to test in an inconspicuous area. You also need to wear gloves when working.

How to remove super glue from clothes by cold

Freezing is good because superglue is removed from clothes without the use of additional products. The clothes are placed in a plastic bag so that the contaminated area is visible and placed in the freezer for at least 1 hour. After freezing, the glue that penetrates the fibers becomes brittle. It can be easily removed using tweezers, a nail file, the tines of a fork, or other similar items. If the glue has frozen in the form of a ball, you need to carefully break it with a rolling pin or a wooden hammer. After cleaning, the item is soaked and washed in soapy water.

How to remove glue with an iron

Superglue is contraindicated not only in cold, but also in high temperatures. Starting from 80°C or more, it melts and begins to separate from the fabric. Contamination is cleaned in the following sequence:

  1. The item is laid out on a flat place covered with cotton cloth.
  2. The contaminated area is covered with the same plain material. Colorful fabric can turn your pants or shirt an undesirable shade.
  3. Iron the stain with an iron heated to maximum. Periodically, lifting the fabric, monitor the condition of the glue. As soon as it becomes soft, begin to remove it using the blunt side of a knife, a plastic card, or a piece of thin cardboard.
  4. Then the clothes are soaked in a solution with washing powder or stain remover and after a few minutes are washed in the usual way.

How to remove super glue with plain water

The most affordable method, but it is applicable only for fabrics that can be washed with hot water. This method only removes fresh stains, so you need to act immediately. How to remove super glue is indicated in step-by-step instructions:

  • Carefully remove clothing so that parts of it do not become stuck together.
  • Boil the water quickly. It’s better to use an electric kettle, as minutes count.
  • Pour the heated water into a container of suitable size.
  • Place the clothes in boiling water, stained side down, and let them sit for a couple of minutes.
  • After the stain has softened, take the item out and lay it out on a flat place. Remove the glue using a blunt object, so as not to damage the fabric, wash it in a soapy solution.

First steps with a fresh stain

As soon as the glue has spilled onto the fabric, it is advisable to blot it with paper or a piece of unnecessary fabric. The less adhesive there is on the clothes, the easier it will be to clean.

You can try to scrape off the fresh glue stain with a knife or scissor blade. But this should not be done on delicate textiles.

In the first minutes after the stain is planted, you should try to wash the stained item in running water, since dried glue is much more difficult to remove from the fabric. If you soap the product with laundry soap or sprinkle it with washing powder with bleaching properties, the process will go faster.

Home Remedies

Before you clean the glue on your clothes and remove the stain using household chemicals, you can try to do this with simple home remedies that everyone has in their home.

Table vinegar

This tool is good because it is always at hand. However, using vinegar to clean synthetic fabric is not recommended, as the item may lose its shape. It needs to be mixed with warm water in a 1:1 ratio and soak the contaminated area in the prepared solution for a quarter of an hour. Soaked glue is removed with something sharp.

Lemon acid

If the stain being cleaned is not too old, citric acid will help. Dissolve 1 table. a spoonful of citric acid in a glass of water. Moisten the problem area with a cotton swab and leave the clothes in this form for 30-50 minutes. After treatment, wash by hand in warm water with washing powder.

How to wipe dry?

In a situation where super glue has left a mark on clothing for a long time, washing with powder or washing with laundry soap will be ineffective. Special compounds that can dissolve dried Moment will come to the rescue.

The structure of frozen super glue is destroyed by acetone-containing agents, alcohol, and a solvent based on dimethyl sulfoxide - pharmaceutical dimexide.

By acting on cynoacrylates, these products soften the dried stain . No less effective is an approach such as exposure to low (freezing) and high (iron) temperatures.

If the first application fails to remove traces of glue using home methods, you can try again, but using special preparations.

Using household chemicals

If the glue that gets on clothes has dried a week or a month ago, then the fabric fibers will be saturated with it and glued to each other. The above methods will not cope with such a stain, so the use of chemicals will be required.

White Spirit

Unlike acetone, this solvent is intended for cleaning synthetics, but you don’t need to soak the whole thing in it. Just wet the stain and wait a few minutes. Since white spirit can evaporate quickly, it is necessary, without waiting for complete drying, to re-wet the stain until all the glue is soaked. Then remove it with a suitable object without sharp edges and wash the item.

Glue from jeans, shirts and pants made from natural materials cannot be removed with white spirit.


A couple of rags soaked in gasoline are applied to the stain on both sides. To prevent gasoline from spreading, you need to place the item on a horizontal surface. After 10 minutes, you can begin to remove the glue. To remove the smell of gasoline, the item must be washed with fabric softener.


A concentrated solution of the product can be bought without a prescription at the pharmacy. Two swabs heavily soaked in dimexide are placed on both sides of the stain and left for 10-15 minutes. Then try to remove particles of undissolved glue. If unsuccessful, repeat the procedure. This product is harmless to all types of fabric, including thin and delicate ones.

Super Moment Anticley

This product perfectly removes random glue stains and is safe for all types of fabric, but it would be a good idea to check its effect on color. Anti-glue is applied to the stained area on both sides and left for 5 minutes. The adhesive is removed using a suitable metal object. In addition to superglue, the product successfully removes epoxy glue, traces of stickers from clothes, glue from labels and others.

Nail polish remover

It is better to first duplicate this method on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product. Apply to a cotton swab or napkin and apply to the fabric on both sides. The glue should come away from the fabric easily, the fabric will dry and the stain will disappear.


Place the item on a horizontal plane covered with cardboard or thick paper. A pair of tampons are soaked in solvent and applied to the stain on both sides. After waiting a few minutes, you need to try to scrape off the loose glue.

Please note that acetone cannot be used to clean synthetic fabrics, and it can remove paint from natural materials.

The above methods can remove glue from rhinestones from clothes if they were glued with superglue. Even if other types were used (epoxy, thermosetting, hot melt adhesive), these methods will help in most cases to remove glue from rhinestones from clothes.

Proceed with caution! Before use, it is necessary to check the effect of these products on the fabric and its coloring in an inconspicuous area, for example, on the back seam.


Ammonia or, in medical terms, ammonia, will help to carefully get rid of stains and remove superglue from clothes. It is sold in any pharmacy. Apply a drop of alcohol to a cotton swab and leave on the problem area for 10-20 minutes. Remove the stain with a swab or napkin.

Hot melt adhesive

Hot melt adhesive or hot glue begins to show its adhesive qualities only after heating. Therefore, it is usually applied to the surface using a special gun. If a drop of hot melt glue accidentally gets on fabric or clothing and becomes an unattractive stain, you can usually remove traces of glue from clothing in the same way - by heating or in the opposite way - by freezing.

Note! The freezing method can only be used in the case of dense fabrics. For others, it will be ineffective and even harmful to them.

The main stages of stain removal:

  1. Clothes are stored in the freezer for several hours.
  2. Then you just need to break the frozen hot melt glue.
  3. Remove any remaining residue from the fabric with your hands.

If the heating method is used, then additional fabric should be placed on one side and the other of the stain and ironed. Under the influence of high temperature, the hot melt adhesive will begin to melt and be absorbed into the fabric backing.

Recommendations for removing 6 types of glue

To know how to remove glue stains from clothes, you should take into account its properties and how to wash the remaining traces. The following tips will tell you how to remove glue of one type or another:

  1. Stationery (silicate) glue and PVA glue can be easily removed from clothing, since they are made on a water-soluble basis and therefore cannot glue fibers. Simply wet the stain with water, rub with laundry soap and wash. A thing with old office glue, first soak it for 2-3 hours in a soap solution to which a few tablespoons of baking soda have been added. Then scrub with a brush or sponge, followed by washing. Old traces of PVA glue are soaked in alcohol or vinegar and left for half an hour, after which the item is soaked in a warm detergent solution and washed.
  2. Titanium glue is removed with a hammer. The item is placed on a hard surface, the stain is covered with gauze and carefully broken. The debris is removed and the cleaned clothing is washed according to the label directions. The glue that has become embedded in the fabric is soaked with gasoline or ethyl acetate, and how to remove the smell from clothes has already been mentioned.
  3. Label adhesive can be removed from clothing using hot and cold air. Hardened glue is removed by a sudden temperature change. The stain is heated with a hairdryer or iron (ironed from the inside out) and the clothes are immediately placed in the freezer. The disintegrated glue from the fabric is removed with a pumice stone or a nail file, and the remaining traces are removed with ammonia and detergents. This method cannot be used to clean leather and silk items.
  4. In most cases, the glue from the sticker Stickers are often attached to products, which leave marks when removed. You can remove a sticker, for example from a jacket, so that there are no traces left behind, by heating it with hot air.
  5. adhesive tape from clothes with hairspray, an old toothbrush, and a white napkin. Lay out the clothes on a flat surface. Soak the stain with varnish and clean with a soft brush. Wipe off remaining traces of glue on clothing with alcohol or alcohol-containing liquid. Then rinse in cold water.
  6. The glue from the hot-melt gun cleans well if the product is first placed in the freezer, placed in a plastic bag. Frozen glue crumbles from the cold. We remove the remains with a brush.


“Titanium” firmly binds various materials, so it is difficult to remove from clothing.

  • Place the product on a horizontal hard surface and cover with another cloth on top. Gently tap with a hammer or other hard object and use your hands to separate the adhesive from the material. Wash the item in hot water and laundry soap.
  • Natural fabric can be cleaned with acetone or dimexide. Apply a cotton swab soaked in the product to the stain for half an hour, then scrub with a stiff brush.
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