Sterilizing bottles in the microwave: simple and clean

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Immediately after the birth of a baby who has just come into this world, he is surrounded on all sides by thousands of a wide variety of dangers, protection from which becomes the main responsibility of parents. One of the important factors in this process is the sterilization of feeding bottles, since in a dairy environment microbes and bacteria multiply extremely quickly and can lead to infection of a newborn baby, whose immune system has not yet formed, with the most unexpected and dangerous diseases, from banal stomatitis to more serious illnesses. The simplest, most accessible, and also effective method is to sterilize bottles in the microwave, so today we want to talk about exactly this.

Sterilizing baby bottles in the microwave

Every mother knows that sterilizing children's dishes is a mandatory rule while her baby is small. This is usually done before the child reaches one year. Since this process helps eliminate bacteria that can harm the body of a small person. The immune system at an early age is poorly developed and cannot provide the child with complete protection. Thus, the absence of this method of disinfecting feeding devices can lead to pathogenic microorganisms entering the newborn’s body and, as a consequence, the formation of colic, stomatitis, and so on.

Sterilization of bottles for newborns. For what? How long? How often?

Naturally, many parents have a question: is this procedure really necessary, or are these just echoes of the actions of past years? Maybe now it’s enough just to wash the bottle with modern detergent? Unfortunately, this is not enough, and sometimes it is unsafe. Bacteria in a nutrient medium such as breast milk or infant formula grow very quickly. And they can be completely destroyed only by exposure to high temperature. Chemicals can also deal with them, but as a rule, they do not completely rinse out on the surface of the newborn's dishes and will have a daily detrimental effect on his health. So it’s impossible to do without the sterilization process. But do bottles need to be sterilized before each feeding?

How often should feeding bottles be sterilized?

If previously it was believed that bottles for newborns should be sterilized after each use, now this issue is not approached so strictly.

Sterilization is mandatory in the following cases:

  • Immediately after purchase, before the first use of new dishes for a newborn.
  • After each treatment of feeding bottles with water from a well or well.
  • After any illness of the child.
  • After using the container for quite a long time.

At what age should a child have bottles sterilized?

It should be understood that the child’s dishes should always be clean. But bottles should be thoroughly processed until they are rendered sterile until the child is at least 6 months old. It would be ideal if you do this procedure longer - up to 1 year. It is by this time that the baby will develop his own immunity to harmful and dangerous bacteria.

Sterilization at home

Previously, children's dishes were sterilized by boiling. Nowadays, when technology does not stand still, there are more civilized approaches. For example, electric sterilizers. They are very simple and easy to use, but they are not cheap either. Therefore, there is a simpler, more effective and cheaper option - sterilizing bottles in the microwave. This method takes very little time, which a young mother already has very little time to spare. You don’t need to put a lot of effort into it, just follow certain instructions, which can be found below.

The microwave oven is no longer an exclusive technology. It greatly simplifies the process of preparing and heating dishes, and at the same time has an affordable price. And the fact that you can sterilize baby bottles in it is a huge plus. At the same time, children's dishes will not crack or deform, which is a big advantage over regular boiling. Bottles must be prepared for the sterilization process:

  • Disassemble the bottle so that all its components are separate;
  • Wash with baby soap, baking soda or a special detergent. To clean dried food, you need to use a specially designed bottle brush;
  • Rinse all dishes thoroughly in warm water.

When sterilizing, it is better to use distilled water so that unnecessary deposits do not appear on the dishes over time.

How does a baby sterilizer work?

This is a special container, ideally “sharpened” for baby bottles, from 4 to 6 pieces. The bottles are placed in a container, a glass of filtered water is poured, and the container is sealed. At maximum microwave power (for 2 minutes), a steam effect is created in the container, and the children's dishes are sterilized. For example, the Philips Avent device allows you to keep baby dishes sterile for 24 hours (with the lid closed).

The set includes special tongs to remove hot bottles. You can get acquainted with the detailed characteristics of the Avent device and reviews on Yandex.Market.

Another great find for new mothers is sterilization bags.

For example, a bag of Dr brown's can be used 20 times. They are light, compact, and can be taken with you on a visit or on a trip. Place washed bottles and pacifiers in the bag, add clean water, close and put in the microwave. Simply and easily!

For those who do not have a microwave, an electric sterilizer is suitable. For example, model Maman LS-B302.

The principle of operation is the same, only the water is heated without “intermediaries”, from the network.

A wonderful new product for disinfecting children's dishes, vegetables, fruits - a universal, cold sterilizer. For example, Chicco SterilBox.

It does not require a network connection, installation in a microwave oven, and can even be used in a car. But for such disinfection you will have to stock up on a special liquid, and the minimum procedure time is 60 minutes.

Types of sterilization processes

There are several options for sterilizing baby bottles in the microwave:

Method 1. Without water

For this method, the dishes must be wiped dry. Then place it in a plastic container, which must first be cleaned of dust with a cloth.

The container is tightly closed with a lid and placed in the microwave for 1 - 1.5 minutes. Then, using a towel, take it out and take out the bottles. They need to be wiped dry.

Method 2. With adding water

The whole process is similar to the first method, but at the same time, a little cold water is poured into the container with the dishes. The sterilization time varies from 5 to 7 minutes.

It is very important to choose the right size container:

  1. It must be placed in a microwave oven;
  2. The dishes to be sterilized must be freely located in it.

If the sterilization process was carried out long before feeding, then the bottles should be placed in the refrigerator.

By using a bottle sterilizer

It is also possible to sterilize baby bottles in the microwave using a special sterilizer. It can be purchased in children's specialized stores.

To do this, water is poured into it to the indicated mark, bottles are placed and sent to the microwave oven. The required time is indicated in the instructions. Usually it's 6 minutes.

Afterwards, you need to wait until the sterilizer cools down a little, take out the dishes and wipe them dry.

It is important to note that each bottle must be opened.

Using special packages

Special packages for sterilizing bottles in the microwave can also be purchased in specialized children's stores. As a rule, such packages can be used repeatedly. The specific quantity is indicated on the packaging and depends on the manufacturer.

This method is very simple. Feeding equipment is placed in the bag, filled with water and closed. After which it is placed in the microwave oven for several minutes. At the end of the time, carefully remove the bag, and if there is a drain for water, then drain it. If there is no such drain, you should wait until the bag cools down. Otherwise, you may get burned.

This type of sterilization is convenient due to its mobility. You can take special bags with you if there is a microwave where you are going.

Using special bottles

The easiest way to sterilize is to purchase special self-sterilizing bottles. Thanks to this method, the effectiveness of sterilization is increased, since this process can be carried out immediately before feeding.

To do this, you need to pour some water into a pre-cleaned bottle, put on all the ingredients and put it in the microwave for 5 minutes. Then wait until it cools down a little, pour out the water and start feeding.

Each parent chooses how to sterilize baby bottles in the microwave, depending on their preferences. The choice also depends on the size of the microwave oven and its capabilities.

Bottle sterilization

This method is very effective in destroying all possible bacteria on the surfaces of children's dishes. If previously it was advised to sterilize a bottle after each use, now this process is considered not so necessary.

And, nevertheless, there is no way to do without sterilization in the following cases:

  • Before using dishes for a newborn for the first time, immediately after purchase.
  • After each wash of the bottle with water from a well or borehole.
  • After a child's illness.
  • After long time use.

Electric and microwave sterilizers

The principle of sterilization in these devices is the treatment of dishes with steam at a temperature of +100 C. Steam at such a high temperature kills all bacteria and microbes on the surfaces of the bottle. To use these devices correctly:

  • The electric sterilizer should be filled with a small amount of water. Place the rings, nipples and bottles inside at some distance from each other. Sterilization takes approximately 10 minutes.
  • With a microwave sterilizer, the actions are essentially the same. After placing all items that require sterilization, place the device in the microwave. Set the microwave to full power and turn it on for 4-8 minutes.

Sterilization in a steamer

A steamer is a fairly common item in the kitchen of a young housewife. With it you can not only prepare healthy and tasty food, but also, if necessary, sterilize children's dishes. For this:

  1. Pour water into the bottom compartment of the steamer.
  2. Place the bottles neck down.
  3. Other elements of the baby bottle can be placed in the upper part of the steamer.
  4. Turn on the device in the “cooking” mode for a period of 5 to 15 minutes.
  5. Wait for the steamer to turn off and cool down.

After this, children's dishes can be used for their intended purpose.

Sterilization in a multicooker

It is very easy to sterilize in a multicooker:

  1. Pour 1 liter of water into the main container of the multicooker.
  2. Place all baby utensils that require sterilization on the steaming rack.
  3. Turn on the “steam” mode, setting the time to 7-10 minutes.

Microwave sterilization

  1. To carry out this process in a microwave oven, it is better to use special bags or additional containers with a lid.
  2. Children's dishes are placed in a container or bag and filled with cold water.
  3. After 7-8 minutes of microwave operation, the baby bottle will be sterilized.


Mothers, grandmothers and their predecessors were not familiar with either microwave ovens or sterilizers in their youth. And yet, they took care of their children no worse than modern mothers. Today, a large number of young parents use the old and proven method of sterilization - boiling.

This is done very simply:

  1. Pour water into a large saucepan and bring it to a boil.
  2. Place all parts of the feeding bottle into the boiling liquid.
  3. Cover the pan with a lid and boil the items - at least 3 minutes.

Cold water sterilization

This process can be carried out using cold water and a special drug that has antiseptic properties. In this case, you need to wash baby bottles to get the sterilization effect with products such as Milton or Bebe Comfort. They are sold in pharmacies. According to instructions?

  1. They are dissolved in cold water and children's dishes are placed in the solution.
  2. After half an hour, the dishes are removed from the solution and thoroughly washed with boiled water.

Microwave sterilization

In a microwave oven, you can not only defrost semi-finished products and prepare delicious dishes - it is also a wonderful device for sterilizing kitchen utensils, household items, and baby bottles. How to sterilize in the microwave - read our article.

Advantages of microwave sterilization:

  • Microwave disinfection is safer than steam sterilization.
  • Faster than boiling.
  • More effective than chemical disinfection.
  • Suitable for glass, ceramic dishes, some types of plastic, silicone, cutting boards.
  • An excellent way to disinfect personal hygiene items - toothbrushes, combs, sponges.

Disadvantages of the process:

  • Limited oven space. This is inconvenient during canning, when you need to sterilize many jars. But from this point of view, the traditional method is also far from perfect.
  • Do not place metal utensils, dishes with gold or silver rims, coating, or other metal elements in the microwave.

Types of sterilization

In the microwave

Sterilizing bottles in the microwave takes literally minutes. To do this, you need to remove the remaining milk using a brush and wash the dishes thoroughly.

There are 2 ways of further sterilization:

  1. Place the bottles in a bowl or pan made of heat-resistant glass or ceramics, fill with cold water so that the dishes are completely covered with water and close with a lid. Place the pan or bowl in the microwave and set the operation mode for 6-8 minutes at maximum power. After the water has cooled, the bottles can be removed and dried on a clean towel.
  2. Pour water (preferably filtered) into a bottle 1 cm from the bottom and microwave for 3-5 minutes. The water will boil and the container will be sterilized with steam.
  3. Another helper for parents is a sterilizer for a microwave oven. This is a special container that holds up to 6 standard-shaped bottles. Allows you to sterilize at once everything you used to feed your baby during the day. On store shelves you can find a ready-made kit, which includes a microwave sterilizer, bottles of different shapes and sizes, and tongs for safely removing containers after sterilization.

The bottle processing process is as follows: about 200 grams of cold water is poured into the container. Bottles and nipples are placed on a special stand with the holes facing down. The container is closed with a lid and placed in the microwave. Depending on the power, it is recommended to set the following parameters:

  • 1100–1850 W – 2 minutes
  • 850–1000 W – 4 minutes
  • 500–800 W – 6 minutes

Containers are usually equipped with comfortable handles on the sides that do not heat up during the sterilization process and can be safely removed from the microwave immediately after the procedure is completed.

The advantage of this method is that you can sterilize plastic bottles and nipples in the microwave, which cannot be boiled on the stove.

In a slow cooker

Sterilization in a multicooker using the boiling method gives good results. To do this, you need to fill the water bottles to the maximum and set them at 100 degrees for 15-45 minutes, depending on the multicooker model. If the capacity of the device does not allow sterilizing bottles in a vertical position, then they can be placed on their side.

Another way is to pour about a liter of water into the bowl and place a steaming rack on top. Place the bottles on this grill and close with a lid. Again, if the bottles do not fit in a standing position, they can be laid on their sides. The quality of sterilization will not deteriorate from this. Turn on the electrical appliance for 15-20 minutes. The steam will penetrate inside and kill all pathogenic microbes.

It’s not for nothing that the multicooker bears the prefix multi, that is, multifunctional. Manufacturers, knowing about the need of parents to disinfect children's dishes, include additional functions in the model:

  • water mode for bottle disinfection
  • steam mode for sterilizing nipples, silicone pads and other small items


“I have a multicooker “HOMUS HM-877”. I poured water into the bottom, covered the lid, and left for 15 minutes. The water boiled there and steamed everything, thus sterilizing my bottles and nipples.”

Varya 28 years old, Khimki

Baby bottle sterilizer

The electric steam sterilizer shows excellent results, works efficiently and quickly. The average sterilization time is 8 - 12 minutes. To ensure complete sterilization of the bottle and nipple, they must be placed with the opening facing down. After sterilization is complete, you must wait a couple of minutes and open the lid with caution, as it is very easy to get burned by the hot steam. The main and main advantage of a steam sterilizer is that after treatment with hot steam there are completely no foreign odors or tastes. Bottles and nipples remain sterile for another three hours if they are not removed and left covered.

Sterilization bags

New in the field of sterilization. Among the most famous manufacturing companies are such brands as Philips Avent, Medela, Dr.Brown's. Using Philips Avent as an example, let's look at how the process works.

  1. Wash the bottle and nipple.
  2. Pour about 60 milliliters of water into the bag.
  3. Place the bottle, cap and nipple in the bag.
  4. Close the sterilizer hermetically with a special lock on top.
  5. Place the bag in the center of the microwave for 130 seconds.
  6. Let the bag cool for another 2 minutes.
  7. Remove the bag by grasping the top corner. The manufacturer has marked an area that allows you to safely remove the bag after completing the sterilization cycle, thereby avoiding burns.
  8. Drain the remaining water through the hole and only then open the top lock.

Philips Avent bags have a numbered plate from 1 to 20, which corresponds to the number of sterilizations recommended by the manufacturer in the bag. By crossing out the numbers, you will always know how many times you can use the package.

Advantages of using sterilization bags:

  • simplicity and ease of use
  • Can be taken on the go, takes up virtually no space
  • can be used up to 20 times
  • can you sterilize plastic bottles?
  • processing time for children's dishes is only 2 minutes
  • Each package contains step-by-step detailed instructions for use
  • destroys 99.9% of germs and bacteria

How to properly sterilize in the microwave - 5 useful tips

  1. To regularly disinfect personal hygiene items, heat the item for 1 minute at maximum power.

  1. Kitchen boards (for cutting fish, meat) accumulate many harmful microorganisms. To sterilize, wash the board on all sides, rub with a slice of lemon and lemon juice (lemon perfectly neutralizes unpleasant odors). Place in the oven for 1–1.5 minutes.

  1. Wet sponges and dishcloths with warm water (you can add lemon juice) and heat in the microwave for 1.5 minutes. After cooling, rinse in clean water. This procedure will destroy all bacteria in the fibers of foam rubber, cellulose, and microfiber.

  1. Instructions for processing cans. Fill a jar with some clean hot water and place it in a suitable container with the same water. Run the most powerful cycle, boil for no more than 3 minutes. To preserve jam, use hot jars; for cucumbers, let them cool on a clean towel, bottom up.

  1. Disinfection of baby bottles. Take the bottle apart. Remove the cap, pacifier, and retainer. Wash everything thoroughly with a light soda (saline) solution, detergent for children's dishes using a special brush. Rinse thoroughly with clean water. Place the bottle (and all accessories) in a thermal glass container, fill it completely with water, and cover with a lid. Run the most powerful mode for 6-8 minutes. A microwave sterilizer for baby bottles is ideal for this treatment.

Preparatory activities: useful tips

photo from the site

Before you can sterilize newborn bottles, they need to be prepared. First of all, inspect the container, and if there are cracks in the plastic or glass, do not waste time and throw away the damaged bottle. Even when it does not leak, it is impossible to properly wash out the remaining formula or milk from the cracks, which means that bacteria will quickly multiply in this nutrient medium. If no defects are identified, proceed with preparation:

Disassemble the bottle completely. Unscrew the safety ring, remove the nipple and valve, if present. Wash all parts thoroughly using baking soda or baby dishwashing detergent.

For these purposes, get a separate sponge, which you rinse thoroughly and dry after use. For bottles with a narrow neck, it is worth purchasing a brush with a long handle to effectively clean the junction of the bottom and walls. Pay special attention to the threads and the inner surface of the nipple; dirt particles often remain on them. If you prefer to wash your baby dishes in the dishwasher, select the highest heat setting and give the items an additional rinse at the end of the cycle.

photo from the site

Bottles should be washed immediately after use, since scrubbing off dried mixture is a dubious pleasure. You can postpone sterilization of already clean dishes and wait until more are collected. Before sterilizing bottles, look around to see if there are other items around that need to be disinfected. Don’t forget about a breast pump, pacifiers, rodents and rattles, just check in the instructions whether the chosen sterilization method is acceptable for a particular product.

Can bottles be sterilized in the microwave?

For my future self (maybe there will be more children) and for you, I am writing my detailed list of things that were useful to me in the first year of my child. I won’t include the clothes, they are in a separate post (link). So, chemistry, devices, etc. first year of life! Continue reading →

Let me start with the fact that my son was bottle-fed from the first day. We discussed the issue of formula, diet and portion size with the doctor; this part, in my opinion, should be discussed correctly with a specialist, and not rely on the personal experience of friends/acquaintances/Internet advisors. However, there is an everyday component of the process, which, for example, at first caused me wild horror: the child is very tiny, everything must be sterile, how not to make a mistake, what to use, how to store it. This is what I would like to talk about in my post. Continue reading →

I decided to pick up my old post and at least re-read what I needed to buy. Eh, only the photos are missing. Although with the second one you look at purchases differently. I hope my post will help you choose what to buy for your baby. All of the following is based only on my personal experience) Extract. 1. Envelope for discharge. We checked out in the summer, and even in 2010, when it was 35 degrees Celsius. So I bought an elegant white slip. Wrapped in a blanket, photographed with a bow as expected and unwrapped. But I bought the envelope because... bought it. Continue reading →

Previous parts are here and here. 1. Bottles. As long as the mixture is diluted a little, 120-125 ml bottles are more convenient. Our first ones are Avent Standard 120 ml (1 pc.), Avent Natural 125 ml (2 pcs.) and 2 pcs. given as a gift from an unknown company. Total 5 bottles, 4 for mixture and 1. Continue reading →

For my future self (maybe there will be more children) and for you, I am writing my detailed list of things that were useful to me in the first year of my child. I won’t include the clothes, they are in a separate post (link). So, chemistry, devices, etc. first year of life! Continue reading →

Girls, explain to me about the sterilizer, I’m reading this and can’t understand. Let’s say the company Avent is for the microwave, that is, you load bottles and water into the microwave. That is, it does not work from the network, but is intended specifically for microwaves, and if I want it to work from the network, then I need to choose another model? I understand correctly? And also about the bottle dryer, I’ll take out the already sterilized bottles and hang them on the dryer, maybe in an hour or two I’ll need them and should I sterilize them again? That is, essentially a dryer. Continue reading →

Which one should I choose? For some reason, boiling the bottle and breast pump began to bother me. What do you think, is it worth buying? And which one is better? Electric or microwave? There are a lot of them there. and the price range is wide. what is the difference? Has anyone tried to sterilize in a slow cooker? Our new multicooker has such a function, but I’m not sure yet. Continue reading →

A very useful thing from Munchkin, bags for sterilization in the microwave: Munchkin, Latch, Sterilizer Bags, 6 Bags For breastfeeding, and in general with a baby, it’s very convenient! Continue reading →

I need a miracle warmer for both bottles and jars of food)) What I want: So that I can use different bottles (both in size and by manufacturer). So that it warms up quickly. Z.Y. I just read that baby formula for newborns should be 37 degrees. I have no idea how to achieve the exact temperature in other sources. Maybe someone can help and advise. Simplicity and efficiency are very important to me. There is a microwave, but it seems harmful to heat formula in plastic bottles for newborns. There is a thermopot, but there the minimum temperature is 45 degrees (for formula. Read more →

Selling a sterilizer in perfect condition. The only thing is without a box. I used it myself 5 times. It’s a very good thing: you pour in a little water, put it in the microwave for 7 minutes, and then take out the bottles, etc. with special tongs and let them cool. Lots of items fit. Can be used for toys, children's dishes, etc. Price: 600 rub. From the manufacturer: Dr.Brown's microwave steam sterilizer is ideal for sterilizing baby bottles and feeding supplies. Simply place the bottles and their components, cover the sterilizer with a lid and place it in the microwave. Behind. Continue reading →

Luxuriously designed, Sunwing Kamala Beach Hotel is conveniently located 35 minutes' drive from Phuket Airport, 10 minutes' walk from Phuket Fantasea and Kamala Village, 10 minutes' drive from Patong Beach, 15 minutes' drive from Laguna Phuket Golf Course, on stunning sandy Kamala beach, in the western part of Phuket island. I would like to immediately say that in this place there was not that terrible tsunami several years ago, because this village and the bay are successfully hidden from the ocean, so in this place. Continue reading →

A convenient sterilizer that fits in the microwave, produced by PHILIPS under the Avent brand, is one of the essential attributes in the kitchen of a young mother. A convenient container that can hold four baby bottles and sterilize them - a must before feeding babies. For their fragile immunity, it is categorically undesirable to interact with lactic bacteria that form in children's dishes. In this case, sterilization is carried out using a medical steam method, without the use of chemicals. This method is the most reliable, safe, and at the same time simple and accessible. Continue reading →

Dilution of formula for newborns

Preparing food for a baby is an important process. You need to know how to prepare formula for a newborn so that your baby receives healthy and tasty food every day that will help him grow and develop.

Proper dilution of formula

To feed your baby high-quality nutrition, you need to buy a good formula that is suitable for his age and other indications. For example, for the little ones, Similak Premium, Nan, Nestozhen and other brands received good ratings from doctors and parents.

Before diluting formula for newborns, you need to purchase bottled water intended for children. It contains a minimal amount of microelements that can overload the child’s kidneys; such water does not need to be boiled. If bottled water is not available, you can use filtered tap water, but be sure to boil it first.

Breeding formula

Infant formula is valuable and healthy for the baby if it is prepared exactly according to the included instructions. They indicate how to properly dilute infant formula and also contain other necessary information.

What to pay attention to:

  1. The proportions of powder and water are most important for a child. The box with the product always indicates how many scoops of powder need to be diluted in a certain amount of water, the age of the baby, as well as the number of servings per day;

Important! Preparing a mixture that is too thick or too watery can harm your baby. The baby’s digestive system may not be able to cope with the increased amount of microelements and protein in one serving.

If you dilute the powder with too much water, the child will not get enough food.

If the manufacturer indicates that the mixture is suitable for consumption within 4 weeks after opening the package, then after this period it must be thrown away; The child grows, so the amount of food gradually increases. If at 6 months of age he needs to drink 180 ml of the mixture, then after 2 months he will drink 210 ml. When diluting more food, the proportions of water and mixture are maintained; Breeding technique. You need to dilute the powder by adding it to a bottle filled with water, and not vice versa, adding liquid to the powder

Then carefully shake the bottle until the mixture is completely dissolved. Vigorous shaking will lead to foaming of the milk; It is important to familiarize yourself with information about the temperature of the water used. If it is too cold, the powder will not dissolve and forms lumps.

Mixture temperature

To make eating effective and comfortable, you need to know what temperature the formula should be for feeding a newborn.

Important! Mixing the powder with boiling water destroys the valuable vitamins and nutrients contained in the mixture. To ensure that the product formula retains its properties, it should not be prepared at high temperatures.

The best formula temperature for feeding a newborn is 36-38°C. The product is usually prepared at a temperature of about 40°C. It is preferable not to provide food for a newborn in advance, but to prepare it right before use. It is also forbidden to leave uneaten milk for a later date - dangerous pathogenic microorganisms can form in food that has come into contact with the baby’s saliva.

Algorithm for bottle feeding a baby:

  1. Dilute the required amount of mixture in a clean bottle. Sometimes it is necessary to pour in breast milk, which must first be expressed;
  2. Install the nipple and make sure that the milk does not flow out in too frequent drops;
  3. Measure the temperature of the milk by applying a couple of drops to the skin of your wrist;
  4. Give the bottle to the child in your arms. In this case, it should be held at approximately an angle of 45°;

Feeding a baby from a bottle

  1. When the baby has finished eating, lift him upright and maintain in this position for about 5 minutes. This will allow air to escape if the baby burps, and food will not enter the respiratory system.

It is beneficial for the child to come into contact with the outside world and bacteria. This way his body will learn to produce antibodies. Sterile bottles and pacifiers do not weaken the newborn’s immunity, but only protect his digestive system from E. coli and other microbes. While the child is small and weak, it is better not to take risks and regularly sterilize baby feeding equipment and pacifiers.

Why do you need to sterilize dishes for infants?

Before considering the available sterilization methods, it is necessary to answer the question: “Do dishes for babies need to be subjected to any processing?” Russian experts strongly recommend sterilizing containers intended for feeding a baby, as well as baby nipples, before each use.

The thing is that the nutrient medium that forms after milk and similar artificial mixtures is an excellent place for the proliferation of harmful bacteria and foreign microorganisms. In addition, young parents need to understand that a breastfed baby and a formula-fed baby need different protection, since mother's natural product contains all the necessary substances that help to naturally strengthen the immune system of a small child.

Until what age should this be done?

Absolutely all objects with which the baby interacts must be disinfected from bacteria and parasites. Items should be washed with hyperallergenic products and ironed on both sides. Dishes must be sterilized in a microwave oven. This should be done until the baby’s immunity is stronger.

Pediatricians advise disinfecting baby dishes until the baby reaches the age of 6 months, starting from the very first day of her life. Next, the body will be able to cope with possible bacteria. But, the dishes still need to be kept perfectly clean and treated after each feeding with products that do not contain allergens.

Preparing children's dishes for sterilization

Before sterilizing baby bottles in the microwave, let's find out how to properly prepare them for this process:

  1. First of all, you need to disassemble the bottles, separating the nipples from the caps.
  2. For washing, you can use a special detergent for children's dishes “Eared Nanny”, baking soda or regular salt.
  3. Of course, you can’t do this without a brush. For washing baby bottles there is a special brush equipped with an additional small-diameter device for nipples.
  4. Wash all parts of the bottle with a brush, then thoroughly rinse off the detergent under running water.

Advice! If you don't have a small brush, you can pour baking soda into the nipple and press it with your fingers to get it into the holes. The pacifier should be rinsed thoroughly, using kneading movements, to remove any remaining soda from the holes.

Mistakes during sterilization

When carrying out sterilization, it is necessary to follow a number of rules that will help make the process effective:

  1. Mom is obliged to follow the rules of hygiene. Before using sterile bottles, she should wash her hands thoroughly with soap;
  2. In order to sterilize children's utensils, you need to have separate dishes, and not the one that is used for preparing food for all family members;
  3. Don't be afraid to use detergents if the residue on the bottle is greasy and difficult to remove;

Important! The risk of poisoning from dishwashing liquid is incomparably lower (and even impossible with thorough rinsing) than the risk of food poisoning

  1. You need to think carefully before purchasing a bottle. Oddly shaped bottles, such as those with a hole in the middle, are suitable for drinking water rather than milk. They are very difficult to wash;

Bottles of unusual shape

  1. If you put breast pumps in a slow cooker or microwave without adding water, they can become deformed.

Sterilization methods

Currently, there are many ways to sterilize children's dishes. Most of them are time-tested, many are relevant and modern, which is why they completely solve the issue of disinfection of objects intended for babies, including bottle nipples.

It is worth listing the most popular methods of processing children's dishes:

sterilization using a microwave oven;

using a multicooker, etc.

Every mother has the right to choose the method that suits her.


This method gives a 100% result and has been tested for more than one century. It is convenient because you do not need special tools, equipment or facilities to carry it out. But before you start boiling baby bottles, you should definitely make sure that your bottle can be exposed to such a high temperature.

Important! When purchasing a plastic bottle for feeding a newborn, make sure that the material does not contain Bisphenol-A. When exposed to high temperatures, this substance releases toxic fumes that can harm the child. Only if there is no Bisphenol-A in the plastic, the bottle can be boiled.

Procedure for boiling:

  1. Fill the pan with cold water.

Important! It is better for these purposes to select one saucepan in which you will constantly carry out this procedure.

  1. Place all previously washed items of children's dishes in cold water so that the water completely covers all surfaces of the items.
  2. Bring the water to a boil and boil the dishes for 3-10 minutes.
  3. Cool the items and you can use them for their intended purpose.

Important! This sterilization method is only suitable for really high-quality bottles for newborns, otherwise the plastic may melt and the rubber elements may deteriorate.

Using a steam sterilizer

A special microwave steam sterilizer is a small plastic container that easily fits in the oven chamber. The container is equipped with a tight-fitting lid with holes for steam to escape. The container holds up to 6 standard baby bottles.

The sterilization process consists of performing simple steps:

  1. Place the prepared dishes in a container on a stand, necks down.
  2. Pour a glass of filtered water.
  3. Close the sterilizer with a lid and place it in the microwave oven.

When removing bottles from the sterilizer, you should use tweezers to avoid getting burned. The device is convenient because the sterility of the dishes in it is maintained for several hours.

The use of special bags for sterilization of production is a simple and inexpensive method available for widespread use. They can be used up to 20 times. The bag fits up to 3 standard bottles.

They are easy to use:

  1. Place the prepared bottles in a bag.
  2. Add water.
  3. Seal the bag and place in the microwave.

A 3-minute steam treatment guarantees the destruction of 99% of germs and bacteria.

The main advantage of a steam sterilizer over its electronic counterpart is its relatively low price. You can purchase a special device for microwave ovens for an average of 1,700-2,000 rubles. The cost of electronic devices is much higher, can reach 10,000 rubles. The steam sterilizer can process 4 large bottles and up to 6 standard bottles at the same time.

The disadvantage of devices designed for microwave ovens is the inability to process metal utensils. Placing such items in the container is strictly prohibited to avoid damage.

How to use packages

Today the market offers special packages that can be used two dozen times. This alternative method is simple and cheap, the packages are inexpensive. The Medela bag, for example, holds 3 standard bottles. Using this method, you can quickly and efficiently sterilize containers. How to use packages:

  • Place the washed containers in a bag.
  • Add water.
  • Close the bag and put it in the microwave.
  • Three minutes is enough to destroy germs and bacteria by 99%.

Conveniently, the package has markings to mark the number of uses.

What to choose - a device for a microwave oven or a stand-alone electrical appliance? Sterilizers placed in a microwave oven are chosen because of their convenience, cheapness and spaciousness: they can hold much more containers than other devices. The main thing that the consumer should pay attention to is the quality and environmental friendliness of the materials used.

When purchasing, ask for a quality certificate for the sterilizer. These devices should only be purchased in specialized stores or pharmacies. It is better to give preference to well-known brands and manufacturers - Dr.Brown, Philips Avent, Maman.

Using a steam sterilizer

Another effective and popular processing method, tested by our mothers and grandmothers, is steam processing of containers. More delicate, but the reliability of its use is slightly lower than that of the previous sterilization method.

Steam treatment can be carried out in several ways:

using a colander over a simmering pan;

using a special sterilizer.

It is worth noting that the latest method of processing children's dishes is currently gaining popularity. Its demand is due to the ease of operation of such devices. Parents just need to press a button. In addition, in children's goods stores you can choose a sterilizer to suit every taste and budget.


It is also worth remembering about modern assistants to young parents in this matter. Special devices that are designed to disinfect all items of children's dishes make the life of mom and dad much easier. By treating tableware with high temperature steam (+100C), all bacteria and microbes on the surface of the bottle are destroyed.

Important! There are convenient electric and microwave sterilizers. Which one is better - each family decides independently, based on its own preferences.

Recommendations for caring for children's dishes

Children's dishes require special attention:

  1. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the bottles: if cracks appear on them, it is better to throw them away. Bacteria can accumulate in cracks.
  2. It is very important to use filtered water for sterilization: the life of bottles and nipples will be significantly extended. When using regular water, the plastic turns yellow and the nipples lose their elasticity.
  3. Pediatricians say that the immune system of children is fully formed by 1-1.5 years. It is up to this age that experts recommend sterilizing children's dishes.

Sterilization in the microwave takes minimal time. After all, it’s better to spend 5-10 minutes processing children’s equipment than to then treat your baby for intestinal infections.

General rules for boiling bottles and pacifiers

Let's look at how to properly boil baby bottles. To do this, you should select a separate pan, which will no longer be used for other purposes. You need to remove the nipples and caps from the bottles, and thoroughly wash the remaining milk under the tap. Then immerse the items in a saucepan along with pacifiers, fill with cold water, and turn on the gas. Don't wait until the water boils. After boiling, remove the items with tongs and place them upside down on a clean towel, without wiping anything.

How long should you boil?

If you don’t know how long to boil feeding bottles, then everything is simple: after boiling, hold the items for an average of 5 to 7 minutes. The nipples can be boiled for no more than 2-3 minutes, otherwise they will quickly become unusable.

How to boil new bottles?

If the child is not yet one year old, then after purchasing a new bottle or pacifier, they must be sterilized for 3-5 minutes. But how to boil bottles for a one-year-old child? After a year, it is enough to wash new dishes with soda and laundry soap, pour boiling water over them and leave for 10 minutes, remove and dry.

Few people know that cheap plastic bottles are not intended for boiling. High temperatures cause the plastic to lose its protective layer and release toxins, which then end up in the milk formula. A baby who eats from such a bottle may experience poisoning, vomiting or diarrhea.

Until what age and how should a baby boil bottles?

Many mothers wonder at what age a child should boil bottles. Experts' opinions differ here. Some advise boiling baby dishes up to 6 months, while others recommend sterilizing bottles and pacifiers up to 1.5 years.

If the baby is a newborn, then you need to boil the dishes after each feeding until the baby is one month old. This is explained by the fact that the baby still has a weak immune system, and poorly washed milk residues in the bottle contribute to the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria that can cause poisoning. Therefore, regular washing is not enough. After a month, it is allowed to sterilize dishes once a day, for six-month-old babies - once a week.

Can baby bottles be sterilized in the microwave?

Of course, almost every parent is concerned about the issue of processing children's dishes. When asked whether a bottle can be sterilized in a microwave, most experts answer in the affirmative. This is a fairly popular method of processing children's dishes. Its demand is due to the simplicity of the procedure, as well as the absence of the need to use a large number of additional devices and instruments. You only need to have a glass container that will completely fit baby nipples and bubbles.

Sterilizing bottles in the microwave takes very little time, in most cases about 6-8 minutes. It is necessary to take into account the features and characteristics of the electronic device with which the procedure for processing children's dishes is carried out.

Other popular methods

Other popular sterilization methods are strikingly diverse. You can use:

  1. Multicooker. It needs to be turned on to the “Steam” mode, after pouring water into the bowl. Wait until it boils and place a steaming rack in the bowl. You need to place jars or bottles on it that need to be sterilized. Wait twenty to thirty minutes. That's all, the containers are disinfected. By analogy, any steam sterilization is performed, for example, over a pan, using an air fryer or autoclave, etc.
  2. Steamer. You need to pour water into it, and then place the washed dishes in the device so that its neck is at the bottom. Small items are sent to the top of the device. Turn on the “Cooking” mode for fifteen minutes. Then remove the cookware and use it after it has cooled down.
  3. Microwave (microwave oven) or electric oven. The method is convenient for sterilizing any utensils, both plastic and glass. Bottles or jars need to be immersed in a bag or container into which some water (always cold) is poured and placed in the oven. Sterilization duration is up to 10 minutes depending on the volume of the product at maximum temperature. Plastic products need to be sterilized within two to three minutes.

You can use a dishwasher to wash containers. This device is ideal for removing food residues. However, it is not suitable for sterilization. This is explained by the fact that the dishwasher does not heat the water to the temperature required for sterilization, so it cannot kill germs. To disinfect, use the boiling method, use an antiseptic, or use another method.

Features of the procedure. Description

New mothers and fathers who have chosen the method of sterilizing children's items using a microwave need to follow certain conditions and rules during the procedure to achieve the greatest effectiveness. If the process is not organized correctly, it is possible not only not to achieve the desired result, but also to cause significant damage to the appearance of the dishes and nipples.

First you need to unscrew the bottle onto its parts (container, cap, nipple). Then you need to place them in a bowl of cold water and put them in the microwave.

You can sterilize baby bottles in the microwave in special bags with special marks up to which you can pour water. The disassembled bottle is loaded into bags filled with water and then placed in the microwave. The capacity of sterilization bags directly depends on the manufacturer's brand. For example, a Medela bag can hold 3 standard-sized baby bottles at once.

A huge advantage of sterilization bags is that they are reusable. You can carry out the procedure for processing children's dishes in them up to 20 times inclusive. In addition, the procedure time in the microwave when using special packages is reduced and is approximately 3-5 minutes.

You can sterilize bottles in the microwave using a device that fits directly into the microwave oven. This device is called a steam sterilizer. It is a container into which water is poured. The device is quite simple and easy to use. The device is placed in the chamber and the microwave is set to maximum power. The whole procedure takes no more than 10 minutes.

Cold way

If a mother and child are on the road and it is not possible to use one of the above sterilization methods, there is the so-called cold treatment. You will need to buy a special drug at the pharmacy - an antiseptic. It is available in tablets, and its effect is no worse than steam.

To carry out this procedure you must:

  • dissolve several tablets in water in a sufficiently spacious container;
  • place all items that need to be disinfected there;
  • keep dishes and toys in the solution for 40 minutes;
  • then you should take it out and rinse well to remove any remaining antiseptic.

This option should not be used frequently or at home. Its use can only be forced, but not regular.

All proportions must be maintained based on the parameters specified in the instructions. The indicated dosage should not be exceeded, nor should it be significantly reduced.

Preparation process

Before you start sterilizing baby bottles, pacifiers or breast pump parts in the microwave, you need to prepare them. If possible, it is worth disassembling the dishes into individual components, removing handle nipples and other components from them. Each part should be washed with a hot soapy solution or dishwashing detergent marked “from 0” or “from the first day of life” and rinsed thoroughly with clean water.

Be sure to thoroughly rinse the internal walls of the bottle and nipples; it is more convenient to do this using special attachments or a brush. Be sure to examine the integrity of children's utensils. If any kind of damage is noticed on its walls, then it needs to be replaced in order to prevent injury to the baby.

Bottles and nipples can also be processed in the dishwasher, but there should not be any other dishes intended for adult family members in it. It should be treated only with the use of products that are suitable for the age category of the baby.

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