How to quickly and easily tuck a blanket into a duvet cover

House cleaning is a tedious task. Just changing bed linen costs the housewife a huge amount of effort. Very often the question arises of how to quickly tuck a blanket into a duvet cover without suffering. A detailed analysis of the duvet cover design and a number of useful life hacks will help you finally figure out the problem.

You can put on a duvet cover quickly and easily, our tips will help you with this

Hole at the bottom of the duvet cover

In this version, the wrong side of the linen is usually taken, combined with the corners of the blanket, they are turned out together (the blanket goes in, and the front side of the duvet cover goes out), and they are shaken to ensure complete straightening.

The difficulty arises in the fact that all the weight is on the hands, and it is very easy to get lost in this thickness of fabric. Regular users with remarkable ingenuity have long figured out how to quickly tuck a blanket into a duvet cover.

Expert opinion

Mikhailova Maria Vasilievna

Furniture store manager. Knows everything about comfort and interior design

To do this, just lay out the bedding on the floor from the wrong side, and place a blanket on top. The corners must be carefully aligned.

Next, the linen along with the blanket is wrapped in a tube, starting from the side opposite the hole. The trick will take place when you completely form the “sausage”, screw the edges into the hole and begin to unfold the tube from the front side with the blanket inside.

After watching a master class on this method and a little training, you yourself will be able to educate your friends on how to quickly tuck a blanket into a duvet cover without magic.

If the duvet cover has a slit on the side...

The simplest, but probably the most time-consuming method is the classic one. Today it is also used for modern models of duvet covers, in which the cut is made on the side

Through this incision, the blanket is carefully placed inside, and then its corners are carefully straightened inside. Difficulties arise if the incision is small and the blanket is bulky, for example, made of holofiber

On top of that, the corners of the blanket just don’t want to stay in place. They constantly shift, and thereby significantly complicate the task of the housewife.

There are three ways to quickly tuck a blanket into this duvet cover:

  • call someone close to you for help so that they hold the corners;
  • use special clamps;
  • buy or sew a special model of duvet cover with special cuts for the arms (they are made next to the corners of the cover);
  • buy or sew a model with buttons or a zipper along the entire width of the duvet cover.

The latter option is being used more and more often. And there are two reasons for this: firstly, it is convenient to tuck in the blanket; secondly, the blanket will never fall out of such a cover.

How to quickly and easily tuck a blanket into a duvet cover (video instructions)?

How to quickly and easily learn how to tuck a blanket into a stupid duvet cover with one slot, and not with a square/diamond in the middle? Need video instructions!

How to quickly and easily tuck a blanket This simple video will help you, which I will post below my text answer. In general, you just need to start tucking the blanket from the two narrowest corners of the duvet cover - and from them the other two corners - and then tug hard - and everything will straighten out as it should.

Good question, I know how difficult it is for a fragile girl or woman to cope with tucking a 200x240 size blanket into a duvet cover. I also found a wonderful way to fill it up simply and easily.

Turn the duvet cover inside out, spread it on a flat surface (on the bed), put the blanket on top, carefully align the corners of the blanket and duvet cover and roll everything into a bolster, but so that the cutout in the duvet cover remains on top and not inside the bolster. It’s better to watch the video on how to do it correctly:

and another option for tucking the blanket:

Not everything will go so smoothly the first time, you will have to adjust the corners a little, but over time everything will turn out more accurately and quickly.

Oh, horror, I still remember those times when absolutely all duvet covers had a cutout in the middle)) But in those distant times, now the process of changing a duvet cover does not cause any positive emotions, just dull irritation. Especially if the duvet cover has a small cutout on the side, and my duvets are double!

You can only sympathize with the maids in good hotels who change dozens of duvet covers every day! However, you can also learn some tricks from them - after all, it was they who came up with the famous method of changing a duvet cover by rolling the blanket into a roller! For which I bow to them)) The procedure did not become pleasant, but faster and less annoying - for sure.

So, to quickly and easily tuck a blanket into a duvet cover :

  1. Turn the duvet cover inside out and lay it on the bed.
  2. Lay a blanket over it.
  3. Roll this design into a roll (start from the end opposite the duvet cover fastener, that is, the end without the hole)
  4. Now, as it were, turn the “sausage” out, hiding it completely in the duvet cover (it’s better to watch this moment in the video below).
  5. All that's left to do is unfold it. Ready!
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