How to permanently get rid of mold and mildew in the shower stall

Black mold, or fungus Aspergillus niger, grows in damp, dark areas. Spores of these microorganisms can multiply on almost any surface, including wood, concrete, brick and other construction and finishing materials. Black mold is a strong allergen and can cause more than 100 types of respiratory diseases, so it is better to get rid of mold in the shower stall immediately after detection.

Black mold in the shower stall


We install powerful high-quality ventilation, add sources of dry heat (warm floors, heaters, etc.).

We wipe the shower stall and other surfaces on which moisture accumulates dry.

We treat the risk area with antiseptic agents.

Leave bathroom and shower doors open periodically to ensure minimal ventilation.

The bathroom must have a hood. Surely you have it. Place a piece of paper next to it. If the leaf retracts a little, it means the hood is working; if not, your air duct is blocked. In this case, contact the management company and find out why the air duct is not working and when the problems will be fixed.

Cleaning plastic surfaces

To clean the plastic from which the walls and doors of the shower stall are made, you should carefully consider the choice of product. It should not contain aggressive acids, alkalis, alcohols or formaldehyde. You should not use abrasives; it is better to give preference to cleaning creams and aerosols. Before using the product, try it on an inconspicuous area. It is recommended to wash the plastic as often as possible, and wash off the soap scum after each use. If this is not done, the plastic will inevitably darken.

Plastic is a rather unstable material, so use sponges and rags with a soft surface to clean it.

Advice! Dishwashing detergents are effective in combating soap scum and dirt.

How to eliminate mold at an early stage

The easiest way to get rid of mold and mildew in the shower stall is at the initial stage. If your bathroom has high humidity, you need to find its sources. It may be worth fixing leaking pipes or your washing machine. Provide access to fresh air. Then clean the affected areas, treat all surfaces, including bathroom fixtures, with antifungal agents and wipe thoroughly until dry.

Clean the affected areas with a rag or sponge and wipe dry

Harm from mold to human health

There are many types of molds, but they all have in common the volatility of their spores. Even the slightest vibration of air is enough for them to move around a confined space, settling on clothes, linen, towels, toys, and hygiene items.

Why is black mold in a shower stall, bathroom, or living space in general dangerous for people? Penetrating into the human body through the respiratory tract, pathogenic fungi can cause the following serious diseases:

  • upper respiratory tract diseases;
  • pneumonia, bronchial asthma;
  • pathological skin problems;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • nosebleeds;
  • stomach disorders.

Elderly people and young children, due to weakened immunity, are more susceptible to danger. Rarely, but the following consequences occur:

  • Some people may experience nausea, vomiting, dizziness, general malaise and chronic fatigue.
  • When fungal spores settle on the bristles of a toothbrush, diseases of the oral cavity and teeth can develop, among which the most common is stomatitis.
  • Fungi quickly multiply on wet sponges and washcloths, and their continued use causes neurodermatitis, eczema, scabies and rashes.
  • Shaving accessories are not disinfected before use: if cuts occur, they become inflamed.
  • Women have a delicate body, so they can develop thrush, fungal diseases on the feet and nails, and a number of other unpleasant diseases.

Methods for eliminating mold and mildew in a shower stall

Combating mold requires a comprehensive approach.

  1. Eliminate the root cause - humidity, find the source, install high-quality ventilation.
  2. Cover the affected area with PVC film to prevent mold spores from spreading to other surfaces.
  3. If a large surface area is affected, it may be necessary to dismantle the shower stall and tiles and completely disinfect them.

If you don't remove the mold under the tiles, it will appear again. It is necessary to remove the bottom layer of plaster tiles along with the blackness and treat with an antifungal agent. After proper drying, you can lay the tiles using a special antifungal grout.

To avoid irritation of mucous membranes and skin when cleaning the bath, do not forget to wear a face mask that covers your mouth and nose, rubber gloves and goggles.

Don't forget your face mask, rubber gloves and goggles

  1. Treat surfaces.

Treatment with chemicals

To combat black mold, there are many modern means that are easy to find in household or hardware stores.

Let's focus on 2 simple and proven means.


Mix 250 ml of bleach and 4 liters of water, spray the mold-affected areas with this solution using a spray bottle. Leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water, wipe with rags. Remove any remaining product using a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter.

Do not reuse rags after treatment, they may cause a new infection. Throw them away in durable bags.

Copper sulfate

Dissolve 1 tablespoon of 5-10% copper sulfate in 1 liter of water and wipe all affected surfaces. Let dry, wipe again. Repeat the procedure at least 3 times. Treatment with natural remedies

Processing with natural products

Alcohol vinegar

Spray onto the moldy surface without diluting. Don't wash it off.

Alcohol vinegar works great against mold

Tea tree oil

Mix 2 teaspoons of tea tree oil with 400 ml of water, apply to the affected surface using a spray bottle or cloth. Do not rinse off, the liquid must be completely absorbed.

Baking soda

Make a solution of 1 tablespoon of soda and 500 ml of water. Apply it with a spray on the affected surface. Scrub with a brush. After 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Baking soda+salt

Make a solution of 1 tablespoon of baking soda, 1 tablespoon of salt and 500 ml of water. Apply it with a spray on the affected surface. Scrub with a brush. After 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Antifungal mixture

Vinegar - 1 tbsp, ammonia - 1 tbsp, water - ¾ cup

Apply the prepared mixture to the surface. No need to rinse off.

Hydrogen peroxide

Apply a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution to the mold with a spray bottle and wipe off any remaining residue.

Grapefruit Seed Extract

Mix 20 drops of grapefruit seed extract with 400 ml of water and apply to the affected surface using a spray bottle. Don't wash it off.


Mix 250 ml of borax with 4 liters of hot water. Spray the moldy area with a spray bottle. After a few minutes, remove the residue with a brush. Don't wash it off.

After applying our recommendations, your shower will sparkle with cleanliness

High humidity, poor ventilation and waterproofing, and poor lighting create ideal conditions for the formation and reproduction of black mold spores. It spoils the appearance of the bathroom, emits an unpleasant odor and poses a threat to the health of people and animals. Take preventive measures to keep these dangerous microorganisms at bay. Regularly ventilate the bathroom and shower stall, and carry out preventive treatment of surfaces with antibacterial and antifungal agents. If you do find signs of an uninvited guest in your home, the above recommendations will help you get rid of mold and mildew in the shower stall.

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Cleaning the tray

When cleaning the shower tray, special attention should be paid to the material from which it is made. It can be enameled steel, acrylic or artificial stone.

Acrylic tray

Acrylic is a fairly popular material for making pallets. It retains heat well, is lightweight and practical. But there is one significant drawback: acrylic is very susceptible to mechanical and chemical influences. Therefore, abrasive and aggressive detergents should not be used to care for it.

Special means

Detergent for acrylic should not contain chlorine, alkali or acid compounds. Give preference to special ones: Cif, Acrilan, Acrilight, Unicum (for acrylic surfaces), Cinderella. With their help, it is recommended to clean them no more than once a week according to the manufacturer's instructions.


And for daily cleaning of acrylic, it is enough to wash it with a sponge and soap after use. This will prevent plaque and rust from occurring. To get rid of grease, you can use dishwashing liquid.

Toothpaste or powder

Toothpaste or tooth powder can help remove various stains on the acrylic surface. Apply the product of your choice to an old toothbrush and gently scrub the stain. The paste or powder should also be white, without abrasive particles.

Lemon juice

A slight yellowing of the acrylic will help remove the lemon juice. Apply it on the yellowed area for half an hour and rinse with water.

Enameled tray

For enameled trays, you can use both gel-based products and cleaning powders, such as Comet and Pemolux.

You can prepare a mixture for cleaning plaque yourself. To do this you will need baking soda, water and lemon. All components are mixed until a paste is formed, which is then applied to the surface to be cleaned for about half an hour. At the end of cleaning, the mixture is washed off with water.

Stone tray

A tray made of artificial or natural stone can be washed with any cleaning products and devices. It is resistant to impacts and does not require any special care. After each use, rinse it thoroughly to remove soap scum. A tray made of artificial stone darkens over time. Toilet cleaning chemicals will help restore it to its original color. Take precautions when using it.

Chemical substances

In addition to solutions that you can make yourself, chemical agents are highly effective. They can be purchased in hardware departments of stores.

As a rule, containers with a chemical product have a volume of at least half a liter and a built-in sprayer.

This design of the bottle allows you to spray the product evenly, getting into hard-to-reach places.

Directions for use are indicated on the packaging of each cleaning product . Spraying is carried out evenly over the surface of the sealant. After allowing a certain amount of time for the reaction to occur, brushing is carried out.

Сillit Bang anti-stain

This liquid product is available in 750 ml bottles. The average cost of Cillit Bang is quite high - 320 rubles.

For normal cleaning, it is enough to leave the product on the surface for 5 minutes, and to eliminate fungus and mold colonies, the required exposure time is a quarter of an hour. After this, Cillit Bang is washed off with water.

ASTONISH Mold & Mildew Remover

ASTONISH Mold & Mildew Remover cleaning product is available in 750 ml bottles. The cost of this drug is lower than the previous one, around 270 rubles.

ASTONISH contains chlorine . The product is designed to effectively remove mold without the need for increased friction. Can be used on various surfaces.

In order for ASTONISH to work, it is enough to leave it for only 3 or 4 minutes, then rinse the area of ​​application with a sponge.

Veksa Bathroom cleaner

This household chemical is intended for cleaning and bleaching surfaces and contains chlorine. It has an affordable price - from 100 rubles per 500 ml package. For normal regular cleaning, Veksa Bathroom cleaner is pre-diluted in water.

If the goal is to eliminate fungal colonies, then the concentrate must be applied in undiluted form directly to the surface of the sealant. The concentrated form of the drug effectively fights mold.

To treat, Veksa Bathroom cleaner is applied for about a quarter of an hour , after which brushing is carried out. If after washing off the product with water the desired result is not achieved, the treatment should be repeated. Do not allow the product to dry completely on the surface of the sealant.


Unicum spray is designed directly for removing mold from various surfaces. The volume of the bottle is 750 ml, its cost is about 260 rubles.

The active components of the drug effectively penetrate into cracks and gaps between the sealant and the tile or bathtub, which allows you to eliminate pathogenic organisms in one application.

If the fungal colony is large, re-treatment may be necessary.


Isocide is a household chemical product that is intended for use against fungus and mold. Bottle volume – 500 ml. The consumption of this product is economical. Despite the price (from 260 rubles), IZOCID completely justifies itself. The product can be used outside and inside the building.

Lemon acid

You can effectively clean a shower head using citric acid. Prepare a container and pour hot water into it. Dissolve about one tablespoon of citric acid. Unscrew the watering can and dip it in the solution for 40 minutes. If the nozzle is removed from the watering can, it must also be unscrewed. After the time has passed, remove all the elements, wipe them thoroughly with a brush and rinse under running water.

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