How to get rid of fungus and musty smell in a wooden house?

10/16/2017 Fungus is the main enemy of wood. If it affects a wooden house, then getting rid of it is very difficult, although it is extremely necessary. After all, the mold and rot that forms due to it provoke the gradual destruction of the building.

There are several methods to combat the fungus, but before you try them, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the causes of its occurrence. If this is not done, mold will appear again. To remove fungus from a wooden house, it is not enough to simply remove visible dirt and regularly do wet cleaning. In order to forget about mold forever, you need to create a microclimate in the room in which it cannot appear.

The smell of fried fish and rotten eggs

If, upon entering the apartment, it seems that fish was recently fried there and it was slightly burnt, this is a reason to check the electrical wiring.
When heated, wires and other plastic parts emit a fried fish smell. Inspect all outlets, switches and light bulbs. Melted or slightly blackened areas are a reason to replace electrical equipment. If the outlet is replaced and the smell of fried fish remains, call an electrician. Remember: wiring problems can cause a fire.

An even more dangerous “symptom” is the smell of rotten eggs. It may indicate a gas leak. If, upon entering a room, you smell hydrogen sulfide amber, leave it immediately. Don't turn on the lights or strike matches. Contact your gas service as soon as possible.

Special preparations

To neutralize odors and aromatize the room, special household chemicals are used. They come in convenient packaging and are mostly effective.

SmellOff Universal

The spray is suitable for eliminating a wide range of odors, acting equally effectively on any surface.

SmellOff copes with odor:

  • tobacco,
  • urine,
  • sweat,
  • missing products and others.

Can be used to process:

  • textiles,
  • cabinet furniture,
  • carpets, etc.

Price – about 700 rubles for 500 ml.

Odorgone Professional

Professional product is a universal preparation in the form of a concentrate that removes odors at the molecular level. Odorgone copes with aromas of any complexity:

  • smells of rotting,
  • dampness,
  • cat marks,
  • feces,
  • gasoline, etc.

Price – from 800 rubles per 500 ml.

Helmetex neutralizer

The neutralizer does not mask, but directly:

  • eliminates unpleasant odors at the molecular level,
  • fights bacteria
  • gives a fresh aroma.

It can be used to freshen textiles and hard surfaces. Dries quickly after application and does not require rinsing. Price – from 600 rubles per 400 ml.

Sewage smell

First, the smell of a latrine appears where there are pipes and sinks - in the bathroom and kitchen. Then, due to the ventilation system, it spreads throughout the house and it becomes unbearable to be there.

The main reasons that cause this smell are errors during sewer installation, leaks and blockages, as well as improper functioning of the water seal.

It is unlikely that you will be able to solve these problems on your own, but you can prevent them. Install strainers over sink drains to trap hair and other debris. Clean the pipes once a month using special chemicals.

Smells like sewer due to improper connection and installation of pipes

The sewer stinks. We eliminate it. Let's prevent it.

When installing a sewer pipeline, you need to pay attention to rational installation. In this case we mean the following:

  1. The gravity drain pipeline must have a minimum number of bends, which avoids a decrease in the flow rate and, consequently, the removal of solid fractions of contaminated water.
  2. “Angle” connections are made with special fittings that have an inclination of 135 or 150 degrees. The connection is made towards the liquid drain.
  3. It is strictly not recommended to connect at an acute angle, as this will disrupt the free flow of liquid.
  4. When installing a drainage system, all pipes must be aligned with the connected pipes or fittings. Otherwise, tension is created at the socket connection, which can lead to the formation of microcracks with loss of tightness. An important role in connecting socket pipes is played by seals, which can leak if distorted.
  5. The installation of the pipeline is carried out with increasing pipe sizes as it moves towards the outlet. If the standard size for the receiving pipe to which the siphons are connected is 50 millimeters, then the riser is already 100-110 mm in size, and the external sewer outlet is 120-150 mm.

Guided by these simple rules, any owner of a private home can independently install their own sewer system.

The smell of decomposition

This is an extremely unpleasant problem that usually occurs in private homes. Rodents and other small animals often become trapped and die in attics, basements, and wall cavities. After a while, a stench begins to spread throughout the house.

The hardest part is finding the source of the problem.

If the place is easily accessible, remove the animal carcass and treat the surface with a special aerosol product. For example, Bac-A-Zap Odor Eliminator Spray eliminates signs of decay, harmful bacteria and odors. In difficult cases, it is better to trust the pest control service.

How to neutralize external sources of odors

Smoke and fumes, exhaust gases, tobacco smoke enter the apartment through open windows and doors and cause a lot of trouble. It is important to prevent them from entering your home. Clogging doors and windows is not the solution; you need to get rid of the problem using other methods. First of all, it is important to ensure control over the quality of air entering the room. Supply ventilation copes well with this. The unpleasant odor is retained by special filters and does not penetrate into the rooms.

Eliminating unpleasant odors in your home is not difficult if you approach this issue wisely. Having identified the sources of stench and gotten rid of them, it is enough to use professional or folk fragrances to give the room a fresh aroma.

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The smell of dampness and rot

If the air in your home is musty and smells old and damp, like it’s in a non-residential space, mold may be the cause. She is insidious - she hides behind furniture, under wall paneling, under baseboards.

Mold is a living organism and requires appropriate conditions to reproduce. Most often it appears in rooms with high humidity, where it is warm and there is poor air circulation. An unpleasant odor is released during the growth and reproduction of the fungus.

Household mold that is less than one square meter in area is generally harmless. But there are also toxic species that can cause allergic reactions and provoke the development of serious diseases. If you notice a foul odor and feel unwell, contact a professional disinfection service. They will determine the type of fungus and help eliminate it.

In other cases, you can get rid of mold on your own. Here are a few ways to treat the affected area.

  • Dilute chlorine bleach with water in a ratio of 1 to 10. Apply the solution to mold areas. Don't forget to wear gloves.
  • Dissolve a tablespoon of white vinegar in a liter of water. Using a spray bottle, spray the solution onto the mold. Wait a little and then wash off with soapy water.
  • Baking soda also works great against fungus. Dissolve one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Dampen a sponge with this and treat the affected surface. There is no need to wash off the residue - baking soda protects against the reappearance of mold.

But it is better not to remove mold, but to prevent its occurrence. Check if the ventilation in the house is working properly. Carefully monitor hygiene in areas where mold may form. Dirt and grease on the walls are a breeding ground for it. Ventilate dark rooms with high humidity as often as possible.

Getting rid of odors in the kitchen

The kitchen is the main source of unpleasant odors, since it is here that food is regularly prepared, the sink is used, and garbage accumulates. The most accessible method is to pour vinegar into a saucepan and bring to a boil. The room will be filled with a vinegary smell, but it will soon disappear, and others will leave with it (garlic, fried onions, soot).


Before getting rid of the smell in the refrigerator, the shelves and walls must be thoroughly washed and dried. All spoiled food and other sources of stench should be thrown away. Pour some freshly ground coffee into different levels and leave there overnight. By morning the device will smell pleasant.

In devices with No Frost and a drip system, sometimes the drainage hole to remove excess moisture becomes clogged, resulting in a bad smell. As a rule, equipment manufacturers include a special cleaning brush in the kit, which should be used periodically.

The smell of sour foods can be eliminated with oatmeal. Dry cereal is poured into a saucer, which is placed on one of the shelves. Oatmeal will absorb all unpleasant odors, but it is important to change it every 2 days.


If your oven is causing an unpleasant odor, you can freshen it up as follows:

  • wash and dry the oven;
  • place a heat-resistant bowl filled with water and dried citrus zest;
  • close the door and turn on the oven, after the water boils, wait about 15 minutes and remove the container.


The most effective ways to clean a microwave oven:

  • Rub the inside walls of the device with coffee grounds, then remove coffee particles with a damp cloth and wipe dry.
  • Apply toothpaste to the walls and bottom. After a few hours, rinse off the teeth cleanser and wipe all surfaces with a clean cloth until dry.

The smell of cigarettes and other household odors

Cigarettes, pets, food - all of this gives off odors (not always pleasant) that permeate the walls, carpets and furniture year after year.

Light cosmetic repairs every few years are pleasing not only to the eye, but also to the nose. But if you rent an apartment, you won’t be able to paint the walls and re-glue the wallpaper without the consent of the owners.

One of the most corrosive odors is nicotine. If you smoke in the house, the smell of cigarettes permeates literally everything: furniture upholstery, curtains, carpets, wallpaper. We have already written in detail about how to get rid of it here.

Pet urine or burning smells can be eliminated by treating carpets and walls (painted or covered with washable wallpaper) with a solution of white vinegar and water during wet cleaning. It will not only eliminate odor, but also remove stains. You can also dilute half a glass of ammonia in five liters of water and apply the solution to the walls and floor, leave for a few minutes, then rinse. Baking soda works better on carpets. Sprinkle it over the pile, leave it overnight, and in the morning clean the carpet with a washing vacuum cleaner.

Improving the microclimate with air conditioning

You can eliminate excess moisture in a wooden house using an air conditioner with a dehumidifying function. Such equipment is capable of operating in two modes: cooling and temperature maintenance. In the first mode, they dehumidify the air, since condensation is formed as a result of contact of the warm air flow with the cold heat exchanger, which is removed through the drainage channel from the room.

In just an hour of operation, the air conditioner can “remove” from 1.5 to 2.5 liters of moisture from a room. The temperature maintenance mode provides automatic switching on and off of the fan in the system.

Thus, air conditioners perform several functions. They are capable of:

  • maintain a given temperature level in the room;
  • continuously cool/heat the room;
  • dry the air.

The heating function is also useful because dampness in the house is often caused by uneven or insufficient heating. As for the dehumidification mode, it does not affect the temperature in the room. When it increases by at least one degree, the system starts the drying mode automatically. When the temperature drops, it turns off automatically. Thus, the air conditioner not only eliminates excess moisture, allowing you to get rid of rot and mold, but also provides effective prevention of this problem, maintaining an optimal microclimate for wooden house structures.

How to bring a pleasant aroma back into your home

Pleasant smells start with cleanliness. But an even more pleasant atmosphere can be created with the help of automatic air fresheners, aroma lamps and candles, as well as various diffusers.


Wooden sticks absorb the aroma of essential oil and distribute it throughout the room. You can also make natural home fragrances with your own hands. Here are five ideas for preserving scent in a jar.

A few more life hacks:

  1. Soak a cotton pad with essential oil (lavender, lemongrass - any of your choice). When you start vacuuming, suck the disc inside. During the cleaning process, the room will be filled with a pleasant aroma.
  2. If the microwave is saturated with the smell of a dish, such as popcorn or cheese, you can refresh it by boiling a bowl of water and a couple of drops of lemon or orange aroma oil at maximum power.
  3. To make your wardrobe smell nice, pour baking soda into a small cloth bag and add a couple drops of lavender oil. Tie it well and place it between your underwear. This bag can also be hung on curtains.

Do you know other effective ways to combat unpleasant odors in your home? Share them in the comments.

Unpleasant smell at home - reasons

Before you start fighting the “odors” of your home, you need to find out exactly the cause or causes of the bad smell. In most cases, the stench occurs due to the fact that there are:

  • pets;
  • large quantities of dirty things;
  • old mattresses, blankets and pillows;
  • spoiled food;
  • clogged sewer;
  • faulty hood;
  • trash can with waste.

Significantly worsens the smell in the room and cigarette smoke.

Often a bad smell at home appears due to a whole range of reasons, which means that in order to clean your home, the problem will also have to be solved comprehensively. It is recommended to start with general cleaning: it is necessary to wash personal belongings, bedspreads, curtains; clean upholstered furniture and carpets, wash floors (preferably with special products); clean out closets and mezzanines, getting rid of old trash as much as possible.

If the cause of the stench is a faulty hood or problems with the sewer system, you will need the help of a plumber and possibly replacing the pipes.

If the stench is caused by pets, pet care should be taken more carefully. For example, to avoid troubles from the cat litter box, it is recommended to use special cat litter fresheners - they are mixed with the litter and perfectly neutralize the stench of cat urine.

And the most important thing: the home needs to be filled with as much fresh air as possible, arranging long daily ventilation. These measures solve the problem of unpleasant odor in 99% of cases, but they are quite energy-intensive: they require time and effort. In situations where the stench needs to be eliminated quickly (for example, before the arrival of guests), and there is no time to “generalize”, “heavy artillery” will help: special products - air fresheners, which, at a minimum, neutralize (or mask) the odor.

Eliminating the smell of old furniture

This task is complicated by the fact that furniture perfectly absorbs odors and accumulates them. One of the most effective methods is to wash the interior and exterior of the furniture with a weak solution of vinegar or baking soda. This method is especially effective for treating kitchen cabinets and furniture in which clothes were stored.

Simply wipe the surfaces with vinegar, let the furniture dry, and then air it out. This will reliably eliminate mold, which is likely the cause of the odor.

After removing mold, you can put strong adsorbents, such as activated carbon, into the furniture. This will ensure that the smell of old age is completely eliminated. Absorbs odors well:

  • Salt;
  • Coffee beans,
  • Herbal infusions.

Citrus peels also do a good job, pieces of which can be placed on furniture.

In the case of upholstered furniture, it is advisable to use professional cleaning services.

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Bay leaf

Another option for solving the problem of old and strong odor is bay leaf. You will need to take a dry plant, set it on fire and walk through the rooms in the house.

Such a simple manipulation will fill your home with a pleasant aromatic smoke, which will dissolve over time, leaving behind only a feeling of clean air without any impurities.

In addition, the aroma of a burnt bay leaf improves the energy of the home. After the procedure, a person feels absolute calm, relaxation and tranquility. Also, bay tree leaves help people who from time to time experience a feeling of lack of oxygen.


The smell of old age can come from both people and things. When it comes to people, a heavy accompanying aroma occurs when several factors coincide:

  1. Reduced attention to personal hygiene. Some older people no longer care much about worldly problems, and even everyday procedures can cause difficulties for them.
  2. Wearing the same clothes for a long time. Clothes, like a sponge, absorb body odors and surrounding aromas. As a result of overlapping each other, the smells form a kind of fluid of old age.
  3. Living in a room where cleaning is rarely done, ventilation is carried out, and so on.

Do you know the smell of old age?

Not really

The persistent smell of old age emanating from a person can linger for a long time in an apartment or house (after a visit from relatives from the village).

However, a heavy odor can form without human intervention:

  1. Due to high humidity and mold development. The smell of dampness, which accumulates in a room for a long time, quickly becomes musty and oppressive.
  2. Rarely ventilated areas also develop a specific odor. Dust accumulates in them, the smells of furniture, wood and other furnishings combine, forming a single unpleasant aroma.
  3. In rooms where old furniture is installed. In this case, the smell of old age comes from her.
  4. A similar smell is formed in rooms that serve as a storage room if they are not taken care of. By throwing various trash into a pile, you create a situation where odors overlap, which leads to the appearance of an average smell of decay. Stale paper gives off a particularly heavy aroma, since the cellulose in its composition absorbs everything well.


If you need to remove the musty smell from your country house, you can resort to aromatic coffee, which creates a pleasant atmosphere. To do this, grind the grains using suitable household appliances, then distribute them into saucers and place them in several places in the room where you need to freshen the air. Freshly ground coffee has the brightest aroma.

For greater efficiency, you need to periodically update the contents of the saucers - just heat it well in a frying pan, lightly frying it.

You can carry out this manipulation no more than three times, because the pleasant aroma of coffee will gradually weaken.

Why does the smell of old age appear?

Why does a person begin to smell bad at an advanced age? Surely, many people ask this question, because old age will sooner or later overtake each of us.

There can be many reasons for the appearance of a not very pleasant smell in old age:

  • The person becomes forgetful and less active. He rarely cleans. Where it is dirty, there is musty air (this is an axiom).
  • Many grandparents rarely shower. Some old people are not allowed to do this because of their old age.
  • Therefore, they are washed at best once every 7-10 days.
  • Old age is a period when a person is overcome by many internal diseases, in particular of the genitourinary system, when the bladder ceases to function as it should.
  • Old people generally hate sunlight and rarely ventilate their homes. Thus, dampness appears in the home, which means mold, which aggravates an already difficult situation.

And American researchers have proven that the smell of old age is characteristic of those people who prefer fatty foods. Vegans and those who rely more on vegetables do not smell old at all!

Have you ever encountered this problem?
Not really

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