Useful tricks for the home. Secrets of housekeeping

Cleansing Items

Stains are unsightly. Any neat person, seeing them on any thing, strives to get rid of them. Well, this can be done simply. Here are some tricks:

  • An old, yellowed bathroom curtain will look like new if all its dirty and unpleasant areas are washed with a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide (1:1 ratio).
  • Toothbrushes can be cleaned of tea and coffee stains and germs by soaking them in vinegar for an hour.
  • It is easy to clean the bathtub until it is white by spraying hydrogen peroxide over its surface. After 30 minutes, it should be washed off with warm water.
  • You can also fill the bath with baking soda, and after a few minutes fill it with vinegar. After half an hour, any dirt can be easily cleaned with a brush.
  • Unwanted yellowness can be removed from any surface using a solution of citric acid (1 sachet per 1 glass of water). Apply it with a sponge for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
  • Old plaque can be easily removed with a mixture of salt and vinegar (1:1).
  • Stains can be removed from washcloths by soaking them in boiling water diluted 1:1 with vinegar for an hour.

The best thing about these recommendations is that almost everyone has the above ingredients in their home. And if you don’t have them, then it won’t be difficult to buy them - their prices are low.

Distribution of your time

Many people think that they have limited time and that they cannot complete the task in time.

How can I get everything done? First you need to organize yourself. This can be done in several stages.

— Make a to-do list.

- Stop being distracted by unrelated things. This is especially true in our age of the ubiquitous Internet.

— Determine your capabilities, do not take on too many tasks. It’s better to do a couple, but with high quality, than a dozen, but with alterations.

- Maintain order in the workplace. This is a way to keep your thoughts in order.

- Any business, including homework, can be simplified and optimized.

— Reward for successful completion is a great incentive for motivation.

- Do not accumulate unfinished tasks. They pull more and more along with them, and thoughts about them simply do not give rest. No one has canceled the expression: “If you’ve done the job, go for a walk!”

— If you need outside help, don’t be embarrassed to ask for it.

Get rid of dirt from the toilet!

To put it mildly, the toilet is not the most hygienic place. And for many, dirt on the toilet is a problem that is difficult to deal with. However, you can make your task much easier by using one useful trick. The toilet will sparkle clean if you prepare and throw special “bombs” into it. Here's what you'll need to make them:

  • One glass of soda.
  • Half a teaspoon of vinegar.
  • A quarter cup of citric acid.
  • One tablespoon of 6 percent hydrogen peroxide solution.
  • 20 drops of aromatic oil (any).

Pour the soda into a bowl and mix with citric acid. In another vessel you need to combine vinegar with peroxide. The next step is to add the resulting liquid to the dry soda mixture. This must be done carefully - drop by drop. After this, all that remains is to pour in the aromatic oil and form large balls from the resulting mixture with a spoon. They will need to be placed on parchment and dried, which will take about 6 hours. Then the balls can be used.

By the way, the toilet bowl can also be cleaned by applying a mixture of mustard powder, citric acid and corn starch to it. It should be left on the surface for an hour, and only after the time has passed should you start wiping.

Making life easier

In ancient times, mothers passed on the knowledge they had accumulated to their daughters orally. With the advent of writing, advice on housekeeping began to be collected in special books. The first such work in Rus' was the famous “Domostroy”.

This unique guide appeared during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, and, contrary to popular belief, is mainly devoted to recommendations for arranging family life, saving money and putting things in order.

Now, with modern digital technology, everything has become easier. To learn how to run a household and read useful tips, just visit our website. Here in a special section you can find recommendations, life hacks and videos that can make your life much easier.

Our advice will certainly be useful not only to the female audience, but also to representatives of the stronger sex who are in no hurry to start a family. Moreover, the latter simply need them.

Kitchen secrets

The place where food is prepared should always be clean. First of all, household appliances must be sterile.

No matter how scary the oven looks from soot and grease, you can return it to its former cleanliness. It's simple. The oven must be heated to 150 °C and turned off. Immediately place a pan with boiling water (1 liter) on the lower rack, and a container with ammonia (1 glass) on the upper rack. The door must be closed and left until the morning.

The next day you will need to add a little detergent and water to the ammonia. Use the resulting solution applied to a sponge to wipe the oven, then rinse with water. There will be no trace left of fat and soot.

You can clean the stove until it shines using an eraser. It removes fat perfectly. This trick, by the way, is practiced by employees of professional cleaning services.

And finally, the surfaces. Even the dirtiest tile can be easily washed off if you sprinkle it with vinegar and leave it for about 15 minutes. All that remains is to rinse it with clean water and wipe the surface with a microfiber cloth.

Useful tips for the kitchen

Please note that the kitchen is a place where the average housewife spends a lot of time, and therefore our tips for the home will be very useful to you.

  1. Kitchen counters should be cleaned regularly every day, and this can be done by wiping the surface with a solution of vinegar and water. But if you want to clean your kitchen boards as quickly as possible, you should use half a lemon and then sprinkle the board with coarse salt.
  2. To prevent water from escaping from the pan when cooking pasta, cereal or anything else, you should place a wooden spoon on the open pan. It is able to hold bubbles and this will prevent boiling liquid from spilling out.
  3. You can also freeze grapes to cool wine when poured into glasses. This is convenient and beautiful, because unlike ice cubes, water will not drain from the grapes, diluting the wonderful drink.
  4. If you need to heat 2 plates of food in the microwave at the same time, you should place one of them on top of the cup.

Other useful tips for cooking, kitchen and home. These recommendations are not entirely related to the kitchen, but will also be useful:

  1. If you have cooked compote that has not yet cooled down, you should place the pan with the compote in a large bowl with cool, salted water.
  2. If you decide to make pancakes, we strongly recommend making the batter underneath in a bottle. This way you can pour it into the pan without any problems, and it will be easier to store the leftover dough.
  3. If you are faced with the problem of cleaning sausages after cooking, you should first pierce them in several places with a fork before immersing them in boiling water. As a result, the film will come off without problems.
  4. If you add a little soda to the water when boiling eggs, the shells will be removed from the boiled eggs easily and quickly.
  5. Want to cook chops? It is worth covering the meat with cling film and then beating it. This way you can keep the hammer clean and also protect your kitchen from splashes.
  6. Simple clothespins can serve you well in the kitchen, and it will be convenient to use them to close bags of chips, sugar, cereals and other bulk products.
  7. To prevent the cheese from becoming moldy even if it was in the refrigerator, you should grease the cheese cut with butter. In this case, the top of the cheese will remain unweathered longer.
  8. If you can open the jar, you should put one strip of rubber on it and another on the lid. Then the jar will be easy to open.
  9. If you have an oven, but without a thermometer, you should set the temperature to +200 degrees. To do this, you should pour a little sugar, which begins to melt at a temperature of +186 degrees.
  10. To prevent an unpleasant fishy smell during cooking, you should add parsley root or celery to the water.
  11. Add salt and oil to the salad right before serving, because if you do this in advance, the salad will drain and will no longer be as beautiful.
  12. You can heat food evenly in the microwave by making a hole in the center of the food. This method is only suitable for solid foods, for example, rice, pasta, etc.
  13. It is worth keeping a list of all important purchases on the refrigerator, and then you can add everything that is worth purchasing at any time.

Bed making

There are a few other useful tricks when it comes to cleaning a mattress. A change of linen, of course, is required, but sooner or later you will have to completely refresh the bed. This is best done with a clean attachment for delicate surfaces. It is advisable each time before laying down new sheets.

And if you need to remove the bad smell that appears from the mattress after some time of use, you can simply sprinkle baking soda on it and leave it for half an hour. Then, of course, the surface will need to be vacuumed.

For universal cleanliness

There are some other tips and tricks that are worthy of attention. Here are the ones that are sure to be useful to everyone:

  • It is easy to get rid of scale in a kettle by boiling water in it once with the addition of citric acid (two tablespoons is enough).
  • Pet hair can be removed from carpet/clothing using packing tape. Also, pellets and lint collect nicely on its sticky side.
  • Dirty glass can be easily cleaned with an onion cut in half.
  • Grease is removed from the carpet with a mixture of gasoline and washing powder applied to it for several hours.
  • An unpleasant odor from dishes (from a jar, for example, or a bottle) can be removed by rinsing it with water with the addition of mustard powder.

Lifehacks for storing things

Scattered things will disfigure even the most cozy nest. Looking for effective and simple methods for organizing your space? An unusual life hack will help. Tips for home are as follows:

  • Rings from aluminum cans are useful for creating multi-level structures from hangers for storing clothes in a closet. Attach the top hole of the ring to one hanger, and the bottom hole to the second. This way you can make structures of 3, 4 or more levels. Hang short items (T-shirts, shirts, blouses) on hangers and place even more clothes in the closet. Instead of rings, you can use a plastic chain.
  • Tired of picking up silk and chiffon dresses and blouses that have slipped off? Make hangers with anti-slip coating. Take the rough braid and wrap it around the entire surface of the hanger. Secure the edges with clear tape.
  • If you don’t know where to store already worn clothes, make a separate place for things. Add a few hooks to your closet doors and hang jeans that you don't plan to wash any time soon. You can also store clothes on an open rack in the bedroom (these are used in boutiques and showrooms).

Hanger rack for storing used items: YouTube/Tanya Mutalipova

  • You can store small jewelry and jewelry in special devices. An old tennis racket will come in handy for hanging earrings. If you paint a paper tray of eggs and place it in a dresser drawer, then you can easily find chains, pendants and bracelets in such a box.
  • How to store bed linen compactly? A simple DIY solution for your home: fold a sheet and duvet cover into one of the pillowcases. Now, to find a set, you do not need to pull out each item separately.

Wardrobe nuances

It is impossible not to note useful tips and tricks regarding clothing.

If your jeans become saturated with an unpleasant odor, you should put them in the freezer overnight.

Do your light leather shoes have dirt and dust embedded in them? It is worth mixing washing powder, soda and toothpaste, and then thoroughly clean the unpleasant areas with the solution, applying it to the brush.

But if your new shoes are too tight, you should put a bottle of water in each one, and then put the pair in the freezer overnight.

To prevent arrows from creeping up your tights, it is recommended to spray them with hairspray before putting them on.

Don't like the fact that dark things fade? Then it’s worth adding ~100 milliliters of vinegar to the water at the end of the wash.

Sweat stains are another problem. To prevent traces of them from leaving, you need to sprinkle the item with lemon juice before washing. This is especially true for gray products. But if something gets dirty with foundation or some other cosmetics, you should apply shaving cream to it and wash it off after a while. Knowing about such tricks, you can make your life much easier with your own hands.

A few examples

If after painting work there is a brush left in the paint, so that it does not dry out, you can put the brush in a plastic bag and close it tightly. Paint on metal objects will crack less if you wipe the surface with a vinegar solution before applying it and let it dry. Washing knives with hot water is not recommended. They quickly become dull from this. But pre-soaking them for half an hour in a solution of kitchen salt will help speed up their sharpening.

When painting window openings, you can rub the glass surface with an onion or vinegar solution. Now paint that accidentally gets on this surface can be easily removed.

No stains!

How difficult it is to get rid of them is well known to every housewife. But there is no limit to the “everyday” cunning of women - a long time ago a lot of ways were invented by which removing stains becomes a simple task.

Traces of acetone, gasoline, as well as anything else that is greasy, must be carefully ironed with a hot iron through three layers of blotting cloth. Then all that remains is to wash the item. By the way, in order to avoid streaks from the stain, you need to clean it from the edges and towards the middle.

Fruit traces are easily removed with hot water. However, it is better to remove them by soaking the item in hot milk.

Has a stain formed on a colored item? It is recommended to mix glycerin with egg yolk and apply this mixture to the mark. After 5-6 hours, wash off.

And wine, by the way, can be easily removed from any item with wet salt. Grass stains are also removed. But it is recommended to wash white items in serum or milk.

Stains are easily removed from woolen products using a solution of glycerin and ammonia (proportions 2:1).

Lifehacks for room decor

Everyone likes to live in a comfortable, cozy apartment. Home life hacks from professionals will help you create unusual designer items from the most affordable and often unnecessary items:

  1. Make shelves from ceiling plinths. Don't know where to place family photos, children's drawings or small decorative elements? Create an original creative corner: glue several plastic or wooden fillets to the wall.
  2. Paint baby food jars, bottles and other containers left over from an older baby in different colors, decorate with decorative ribbon, braid, and inscriptions. Beautiful things will be useful for storing small items, as well as flower vases.
  3. Convert a playpen or bed into a multifunctional table. To do this, turn the structure over, select a suitable tabletop and screw it to the base of the cabinet.
  4. Give new life to wooden boxes. Sand the surface of the drawers, varnish and paint. Then fasten into a structure of the desired size. Such furniture will fit perfectly into the living room, children's room, and hallway.
  5. Recycle old items into useful home decor items. Apartment life hacks will help with this. Well-worn boots can be modified and turned into original flowerpots. An old rake makes a great wine glass holder: paint the item, turn it over and attach it to a wall or kitchen cabinet. Needlewomen can sew an organizer from torn jeans.

Organizer made from old jeans: YouTube/Lika Beloshveyka

Other subtleties

Finally, some secrets and tricks that are basic and useful in everyday life. They may be useful:

  • If you put a piece of soap sealed in paper in a drawer with linen, then a good aroma will always emanate from the clothes.
  • A mirror fogged up after a hot shower will return to its original form, suitable for use (shaving, brushing teeth), if you direct a stream of air from a hairdryer onto it.
  • To prevent the zipper from getting stuck on your clothes, you need to rub it with graphite (a regular pencil).
  • You can clear a clog in the sink by pouring 100 grams of soda and the same amount of vinegar down the drain.
  • If you need to make holes in the surface for a specific item, it is better to make a photocopy of it and secure it - you will get a kind of template.
  • To eliminate unpleasant odor from shoes, you need to put tea bags in them.
  • It is worth putting newspapers at the bottom of the trash can - they absorb the liquid that somehow flows from the thrown items.

There are many other useful recommendations and little tricks that can help in everyday life. The main thing is not to be lazy to recognize them. And it’s worth taking an interest in this topic, as it can make housekeeping much more enjoyable.

How to become a thrifty housewife

Keep a separate book or notebook to record income and expenses. Enter every expense and profit scrupulously and carefully. Such accounting allows you to calculate the main expense items, take reduction measures if necessary, and conduct further budget planning.

Make a list in advance before each trip to the store so as not to buy too much or unnecessary things and at the same time do not forget about the main thing. Make large monthly grocery purchases at once, rather than going to the store every day. With a pre-prepared and thoughtful list of products, there is enough for two or three such purchases per month.

For purchases, choose large hypermarkets or wholesale markets and bases, as prices there are lower than in a regular store or supermarket. Take advantage of special discounts and promotions. Before your trip, go to the store’s website, view the assortment, compare prices, and find out about current promotions. Use special phone applications that inform you about discounts. Don't forget about discount cards.

As for clothes, it is better to choose quality items, even if they are a little more expensive. But they are safer and last longer than cheap products of unknown quality.

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