Mosquito Raptor: a reliable line of proven products

Insects in the house are always an undesirable phenomenon. And when they strive to share our bed, it’s doubly unpleasant. In addition to physical and moral discomfort, “uninvited guests” can cause harm to health - they are carriers of various diseases. As soon as you notice the “enemy”, you need to immediately begin the fight. Raptor products have proven themselves well in this regard. They are active against bedbugs, cockroaches, moths, flies, mosquitoes and other pests.

Insects have been neighbors with humans since time immemorial - with people it is warm, safe and there is always something to profit from. For example, the oldest mention of bed bugs dates back to 400 BC. e. And it is still impossible to completely protect yourself from these bloodsuckers.

How it works and types

Raptor is a Russian brand that has been producing household products for protection against insect pests for more than 15 years. The company produces insecticides in the form:

  1. Plates for a device or a special flashlight.
  2. Liquids for electric fumigator.
  3. Aerosols.
  4. Spirals and rods.

Each type provides a different duration of protection against bloodsuckers: from 7–8 hours (spiral, spray, plates) to 30 days (liquid).

All brand products are based on the insecticides ethoc (prallethrin), transfluthrin and d-allethrin. These toxins have a detrimental effect on the nervous system of blood-sucking insects, which leads to paralysis and death of mosquitoes.

Safety regulations

You need to protect yourself
When using various mosquito repellents, you must follow the following rules:

  • Drugs should be stored out of direct sunlight.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use expired products.
  • Access to mosquito repellents should be limited to children.
  • When applying a spray or cream, make sure that the substance does not come into contact with your face or mouth.
  • It is prohibited to disassemble fumigators, sprays, etc.
  • Avoid contact of protective equipment with food.

Everyone has encountered such a problem as blood-sucking insects. There are a lot of ways to get rid of them. The most effective are Raptor products. The most important thing is not to harm your health while fighting mosquitoes. To do this, be sure to read the instructions for use. https:


Cardboard strips impregnated with insecticide and activated by heating in an electric fumigator are one of the most popular repellents on the market. Raptor produces the product in the form of a metallized blister of 10 plates separately or in a set with a fumigator.

For the insecticide to begin to act, one plate is inserted into a special groove in the device with the metallized side down and the device is plugged into an outlet.

The product protects a space of 20 m2 from the invasion of bloodsuckers and is effective for 8 hours. After the specified time has elapsed, the plate turns white, which indicates that the product is unusable.

The advantages of this form of insecticide release include:

  1. Ease of use.
  2. Speed ​​of action (insects begin to die within 15 minutes after plugging in the device).
  3. Compact and light.
  4. Low price.
  5. Long lasting effect.

The disadvantages of Raptor plates are considered to be toxicity - if the concentration of smoldering products of the insecticide in the air exceeds, people and pets experience side effects in the form of headaches, nausea and a sore throat.

In case of individual intolerance, asthma, pregnancy or in children under 3 years of age, the drug can cause serious allergic reactions, which can only be relieved by medical professionals.

Description of composition

The active components are low-hazard substances. When used correctly, they do not harm humans or pets. They complement each other’s actions and enhance the effect:

  • Cypermethrin (0.2%). It enters the insect's body through contact, intestinal route. A chain reaction is ensured. An infected house bug crawls into the nest and infects other relatives. The maximum concentration of cypermethrin is maintained for the first 2 hours after treatment. The residual effect lasts 10 days.
  • Tetramethrin (2%). Strengthens the influence of the previous component. The mechanism of action is identical. It disrupts the functioning of the nervous system, blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, and causes paralysis. Death occurs within a few minutes.
  • Piperonyl butoxide. It is a catalyst and improves the penetration ability of active substances.

Raptor spray against bedbugs is available in finished form. There is no need to prepare a solution before use.


Liquid products for the Raptor electric fumigator are odorless and, in different variations, are designed to last 30, 40 and 60 nights without being bitten by blood-sucking pests.

The drug is based on the insecticide ethok, which has a nerve-paralytic effect on mosquitoes, but is harmless to humans if the instructions are followed.

The brand produces liquids in transparent plastic bottles, which serve as a replacement cartridge for an electric fumigator. To activate the drug, the bottle is connected to the device and plugged into the network. When heated, the toxins gradually evaporate, killing and repelling insects.

The manufacturer has provided the possibility of enhancing the action of the insecticide by releasing Raptor Turbo liquid. When you turn on a special button on the fumigator, the liquid evaporates 2 times faster, increasing the effect that is destructive for mosquitoes. The only caveat is that this regimen shortens the period of use of the liquid from 40 to 28 days.

In the instructions for the liquid preparation, the manufacturer advises:

  1. Plug in the fumigator 30–40 minutes before bedtime.
  2. Treatment against mosquitoes should only be carried out in ventilated areas, otherwise poisoning by toxin vapors is inevitable.
  3. Remove aquariums and terrariums from the room being treated, as the product is deadly to reptiles and fish.
  4. Do not cover the device with curtains or furniture.
  5. Position the device in the direction of air movement.


The Raptor remedy for bedbugs has an immediate effect. You can see the result during the disinfestation process. Under the influence of poison, the parasites fall immobilized. Within 2 hours of exposure, most of the pests die.

However, this effect is achieved by direct treatment of the nest, when the concentrated poison falls on the insect’s body. Bed bugs kept in secluded areas during treatment may survive. The rate of their death depends on the dose of poison that enters the body.

On a note!

In most cases, Raptor aerosol against bedbugs destroys pests within a week. But a situation may occur when the bug develops immunity to insecticides of this group. Then, a few days after disinfestation, bites will appear on the body again, and repeated treatment with the product will be useless.

How the drug works, the mechanism is known. Whether it helps against bedbugs remains to be seen. The product destroys adults and nymphs of different ages. Does not kill bedbug eggs. The thin layer of poison is weakening every day. The larvae hatch from the eggs after 14 days. To destroy them, repeated treatment with the product is required. The insects do not have time to lay eggs, and the population dies out.


Raptor sprays are designed for collective protection of a group of people outdoors. A preparation based on the insecticide transfluthrin is sprayed near the resting place to protect against attacks by mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, ants and flies.

It is recommended to treat shrubs and trees, outdoor tents and fences of gazebos in the country with an aerosol. Spraying is carried out for 7–8 seconds at a distance of 55–60 cm from the object of application.

The duration of action of the product in dry weather is 8 hours, but decreases in strong winds and precipitation. Aerosol Raptor is produced in 400 ml bottles.

The spray is not recommended for use on skin or clothing, or for use near small children and pregnant women. To avoid the sprayed insecticide getting on the mucous membranes, treatment is carried out in the direction of the wind, directing the stream away from you.


You can buy the product at any kiosk, hardware department of supermarkets, or specialty stores. It is possible to order via the Internet. The price of Raptor for bedbugs places the drug in the middle category. Raptor 225 ml costs an average of 250 rubles.

On a note!

If this product is not on store shelves, Clean House and Combat aerosols may be an alternative.

Spirals and rods

In addition to products for electronic devices, Raptor is also produced in the form of pyrotechnic fumigators - spirals and rods. To trigger their toxic effect, you need to set fire to the free edge of a pressed tube soaked in insecticide and leave it to smolder.

This method of mosquito protection is good because it protects people within a radius of 3 m, lasts 7 hours and is safe for people and pets. D-allethrin kills the first insects within the first 15 minutes and acts until the spiral completely fades.

Smoldering fumigators are used only outdoors due to their toxicity when the permissible concentration is exceeded. Like other insecticides in the series, Raptor is not recommended for use in places where there are children and pregnant women.

When using spirals and rods, it is not necessary to monitor them, but it is recommended to follow fire safety rules:

  • use a metal, ceramic or glass stand;
  • do not install near flammable objects;
  • keep away from animals and children.

Raptor is a trusted manufacturer that produces some of the most popular mosquito repellents in a variety of convenient formats. Depending on where a person wants to protect himself and his family from insects - indoors or outdoors, everyone can find a suitable effective remedy.

Choosing mosquito repellents

When choosing the best option, you need to consider several factors:

  • Under what circumstances is the struggle being waged? If you are planning a trip to nature, then in this case all means of protection will be suitable, except for plates and a fumigator (a device used with mosquito repellent liquid and plates). If an insect attack occurs at home, then it is much more effective to purchase liquid. It is completely odorless and the active substance evaporates faster.
  • Price category. The price of mosquito repellent plays a very significant role. Not every person can afford to purchase an expensive product, even despite all its advantages.
  • Harm to health. The most important factor. Not a single person in the world wants to get burns, injuries, or poisoning while fighting harmful mosquitoes, so it is vitally important to carefully read the composition and follow the rules of use. When using Raptor mosquito repellent in an outlet, the instructions are required to be read.


Reviews about Raptor for bedbugs vary. But when used correctly, the product shows excellent results.

In the middle of winter, bites began to appear on the body. While I was gathering my thoughts, I was at a loss, I saw a small insect on the headboard of the bed. When I looked closer at it, I noticed blood inside. I haven't met them before. I found a photo on the Internet - bedbugs. I didn’t know what to do out of horror. Then I lifted the mattress and saw the bedbugs in all their glory. I felt sick. I went straight to the store and bought a Raptor for bedbugs. I sprayed the nest and poured it straight from the can. The rest was sprayed around the room. She closed the doors tightly. After 14 days, I carried out a full disinfestation using this product. This is how we managed to get rid of bedbugs. There is no unpleasant smell.

Polina, Moscow

We bought an apartment. There were bedbugs there. There was no time to select an effective remedy, much less test folk remedies. My wife went down to the store on the first floor and brought Raptor. The fight began. The walls and floor were treated. They closed the apartment for a week and didn’t show up there. When we entered, we saw dead insects on the floor. Most of it was under the socket, and where there was a crack in the wall. Once again we poisoned the bedbugs. Then they carried out repairs, completely peeled off the wallpaper, and re-laid the linoleum on the floor. Raptor helped us. We never saw these parasites again.

Oleg, St. Petersburg

Raptor will help if a nest has been found, or the infection is just beginning. We poisoned with an aerosol 5 times, the effect was enough for a week. Then they noticed again that bedbugs were biting. As a result, the poison stopped working altogether. Switched to concentrates. I saw an interesting picture. The parasite first fell from the poison, and then came to life and ran on. They got desperate and called exterminators to exterminate the bedbugs.

Ksenia, Perm

How to distinguish a fake from an original Raptor product

Experts warn buyers that counterfeit products can be purchased at retail outlets. Buyers should be wary of the low cost. To know the real price, you should visit the official website of the manufacturer.

Buy Raptor products in specialized stores. Sellers will show clients the permitting documentation. If you make purchases in spontaneous markets, the likelihood of buying a fake increases. It is best to make a purchase on the manufacturer's portal. This will eliminate unpleasant consequences, since the product meets quality requirements.

Before buying, look on the Internet at the appearance of the Raptor spray can. In this regard, the color of the packaging, barcode and inscriptions are taken into account.

Many people encounter cockroaches in their homes. They are present throughout the room, creating problems for residents. The Raptor product, which has proven itself on the positive side among other household chemicals, can quickly destroy insects.

The nuances of using an aquafumigator

There are some features that must be taken into account before you start treating a room with an aquafumigator:

  • it is necessary to turn off the fire safety sensors in the room (they may be triggered due to the excessive release of steam);
  • Dishes, food, children's things, and indoor plants must be removed from the room;
  • you need to open all the cabinet doors, pull out the drawers - this will help destroy parasites (the same bedbugs and cockroaches), which usually hide in secluded corners;
  • While the device is operating and the drug is being distributed throughout the room, there should be no people or pets in it.

It is advisable to warn your neighbors about the upcoming treatment so that they do not mistake the steam for smoke from a fire.

Release forms

In the production of products aimed at eliminating cockroaches, the Raptor trademark uses various methods. They help cope with the adaptive mechanism of cockroaches. Combining insecticides is effective. In situations where tolerance is developed to one drug, another is used.

Raptor is available in the form of a gel, which is a viscous, colorless substance placed in a tube. An aerosol is a solution placed in a can. The trap is made in the form of a box with poisonous bait. An innovation is an aquafumigator, which is a metal container in a plastic container.

Terms of use

The procedure for using the Raptor aquafumigator against bedbugs, cockroaches, ants and other unwanted neighbors is described in detail in the instructions. Basic rules for using the device:

  • When preparing the device for operation, act carefully;
  • place the aquafumigator in the center of the room on a flat surface;
  • When calculating the dosage, take into account that with the help of one device you can efficiently process no more than 30 m2 of area; if the room is larger, you will need two devices.

To avoid the reappearance of insects, it is recommended to use Raptor against fleas, bedbugs and cockroaches three weeks after the first treatment.

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