Raptor is a modern and safe insecticide against cockroaches

09/27/2018 Category: Cockroaches Author: nelli.frizen

The 21st century is just around the corner, the time of nanotechnology. But there is one misfortune of humanity that can be very difficult to cope with. Cockroaches are the scourge of modern society. They are everywhere: they are the first to meet you in the kitchen before breakfast, they unexpectedly visit you during water procedures, they feast on forgotten crumbs on the table, they climb into the trash can. They eat everything: regular food, gouache from children's drawings, wallpaper glue. And a sea of ​​infection spreads throughout the house on their little paws. Today, the household chemicals market offers a large selection of different products to combat parasitic insects. Raptor products are one of the most popular.

  • 2 Forms of release of “Raptor” products for cockroaches
    2.1 Photo gallery: “Raptor” products for cockroaches
  • 3 Advantages and disadvantages of various types of Raptor product
      3.1 Table: pros and cons of Raptor products
  • 4 Instructions for use
      4.1 Video: how to properly use cockroach repellents
  • 5 Precautions
      5.1 Combination of different means
  • 6 Reviews
  • The effectiveness of Raptor cockroach repellents

    The active ingredient of the insecticidal drug is a synthetic pyrethroid. The composition was developed taking into account the physiology of insects. The chemical helps to quickly eliminate insects. Penetrating through the quinine membrane, these substances have a similar effect to neuroleptic poisons. Under their influence, the nerve cells of insects are destroyed. As a result, the pests die. The Raptor product line occupies a leading position in the market. This is due to its good performance in killing all types of cockroaches.

    Release forms

    In the production of products aimed at eliminating cockroaches, the Raptor trademark uses various methods. They help cope with the adaptive mechanism of cockroaches. Combining insecticides is effective. In situations where tolerance is developed to one drug, another is used.

    Raptor is available in the form of a gel, which is a viscous, colorless substance placed in a tube. An aerosol is a solution placed in a can. The trap is made in the form of a box with poisonous bait. An innovation is an aquafumigator, which is a metal container in a plastic container.

    Analogs from other manufacturers

    Many companies are engaged in the production of poison for cockroaches. The following products are popular among consumers:

    1. . The trademark was founded in 1956, the country is the USA. It produces insecticides. Raid against cockroaches is an effective remedy that can quickly and effortlessly destroy them. It creates a barrier for 4-6 weeks. It goes on sale in the form of aerosols, gels, and traps.
    2. Clean house. A domestic product that easily copes with numerous pests without giving them a chance to survive. Available in different forms: aerosols, crayons, powders, gels, traps.
    3. Battalion commander Brand of the Henkel concern, production facilities are located in Korea. The product in the form of an aerosol has an effect on cockroaches, ants, and bedbugs. Sprays are safe and easy to use. Due to the presence of a flexible nozzle, spraying can be carried out anywhere. The products are sold in the form of gels, traps, and aerosols.

    Dichlorvos Raptor should be used with caution, having first determined whether there is an allergic reaction to its constituent components. When treating premises, do not allow the spray substance to come into contact with the skin and mucous membranes. It is almost impossible to get poisoned by the drug. In case of headache, nausea, or watery eyes, it is recommended to take the sorbent, and if it comes into contact with the skin, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.



    The composition of the product includes an insecticide related to pyrethroids, lambda-cyhalothrin. They are characterized by contact-intestinal influence. The active substance penetrates the pest through the respiratory system. Under its influence the nervous system is paralyzed.

    Mechanism of action on cockroaches

    The substance lambda-cyhalothrin has a delayed effect. The cockroach spreads it, infecting other insects. Prolonged action is ensured by the presence of preservatives. They contribute to a long period of action, since the gel does not dry out.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Raptor is sold in specialized stores. The convenient tube spout helps distribute the insecticide in hard-to-reach places. The insecticide is safe because it does not evaporate. The Raptor tube is designed for 10 m2, which is not economical enough. The insects disappear a few weeks after using the drug.

    Instructions for use

    Apply the gel to areas where cockroaches are concentrated. The composition is applied in dotted lines, at intervals of two centimeters. Disinsection will be effective if adjacent rooms are treated in parallel with the kitchen. Thorough cleaning should be done before using the product.

    Step-by-step instruction

    Shake the can vigorously.

    Calculate the required amount of product for your premises.

    Spray the product in places where insects accumulate

    Pay special attention to baseboards, cracks, kitchen modules, and plumbing and sewer pipes. Also, don’t forget about household appliances; cockroaches prefer to settle in places that are so safe for their life.

    It wouldn’t hurt to treat the surface of the floor, countertops and even walls.

    You've probably noticed that it only takes a few seconds for cockroaches to scatter to secluded places if you unexpectedly disturb their evening stroll through your kitchen. This “super speed” is explained very simply, each Prussian does not just run away chaotically, but moves strictly along a certain route, along his own well-trodden path. This means that it is necessary to influence their horns so that part of the toxic composites enters the insects’ bodies through their legs and accelerates their death.

    Close windows, vents, doors hermetically and leave the room for 30 - 60 minutes. There is no need to increase this time period, because the chemical elements contained in the composition undergo half-life very quickly.

    After the specified time has passed, ventilate the apartment well. Now you can return to the room.



    The main components are cypermethrin, tetramethrin and piperonyl butoxide. Cypermethrin is considered a second generation pyrethroid.

    The principle of operation of the Raptor aerosol

    The components included in the product have a contact-intestinal toxic effect on the insect. Tetramethrin, an insecticide-acaricide, neutralizes insects through the respiratory tract. When moving, cockroaches infect all insects, which leads to their complete elimination.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Aerosol Raptor is able to provide a quick effect due to the good distribution of the substance on a liquid basis. One can will be enough for 50 m2. Traces from spraying insecticide can be quickly removed from the surface. The disadvantage is the rapid volatilization of the insecticide, which requires re-treatment.

    How to use it correctly

    The room must be prepared in advance. Products must be carefully closed. Windows and doors are tightly closed. Shake the can before use. The room is closed during disinfestation and subsequently ventilated. The disinfestation cylinder is placed vertically and all hard-to-reach places are carefully treated.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The popularity of the gel among buyers is higher than that of aerosol products. The reason is ease of use and less labor intensity with the same destructive force, no harm to the residents of the apartment or house.

    The main advantages of RAPTOR gel:

    • ease of use - once applied, the product lasts up to 6 months, in contrast to the one-time effect of an aerosol;
    • ease of application - a small tube with a narrow spout helps to apply the product to the most inaccessible places, the drug is easy to dose, which is impossible when using a spray;
    • Cockroaches that have eaten the bait are used as agents of infection, thereby achieving complete destruction of the population;
    • does not dissolve, does not lose shape or smell;
    • does not require additional protection other than gloves;
    • used in a specific place, completely affecting insects; when using the spray, some of the substance enters the air;
    • does not leave a smell in the air and does not require ventilation of the room, does not enter the respiratory tract when sprayed;
    • Surfaces after applying the gel can be easily cleaned with a damp sponge.

    The disadvantages of the product include:

    • significant consumption per 1 square meter of area - up to 8 ml. per 1 sq. meter of area with severe infestation;
    • a noticeable disappearance of the population occurs 7-12 days after application of the gel;
    • a month after the first treatment, if there are a large number of insects, re-application will be required.

    The effectiveness of the gel on insects depends on its correct application in accordance with the instructions.


    How the trap works

    It is released in the form of a disc-shaped box. The bait is placed in the middle of it.

    Composition of the poisonous agent

    The active ingredient is lambda-cyhalothrin. New product in the “Double Strength” series with fipronil and emmamectin benzonate.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The Raptor trap is compact and safe. After use, you don't have to deal with marks on the surface. It has a prolonged action. After use indoors, there is no need to clean up, as the box is simply thrown away.

    The cost is 250 rubles, which allows them to be used as preventive measures. The toxic effect of these substances overcomes resistance. The smell attracts insects, which absorb the poison. The active substance of the product is distributed throughout the entire population, which makes it possible to eliminate all insects. A lot of money is spent; up to three devices are needed for 10 m2. Such products destroy insects exclusively in the initial stages of infection.

    Instructions for use

    Traps should be placed in places inaccessible to children. After two months, the device requires replacement. Particular care must be taken to ensure that pets do not chew the box. This will help prevent their poisoning.

    Price policy

    The cost of the drug depends on the form of release and the place of purchase of the product.

    • On average, a 350 ml aerosol can costs about 250 rubles. A bottle is enough to disinfect a one-room apartment.
    • For a package of 6 traps, you need to pay an average of 220 rubles. For 10 sq. m requires 2-3 traps.
    • A 75 ml gel costs approximately 230 rubles. Enough to treat a room with a total area of ​​10 square meters. m.
    • The aquafumigator costs 336 rubles. The action extends to one room.

    Raptor products belong to the middle price category and are accessible to a wide range of buyers. The drugs should be stored in a cool place, away from animals and children. The shelf life is 2-3 years from the date of manufacture, depending on the form of release. Do not use expired product.

    Aquafimugator Raptor


    The product was released in Japan. The main substance is cyphenothrin.

    Mechanism of action on cockroaches

    The substance cyphenothrin paralyzes the nervous system of adults and larvae. Contact with liquid promotes the activation of these processes. Thermal reactions are being started. During the process, vapors that are poisonous to cockroaches are produced. The concentration of the substance is high, which destroys all pests. The vapor form facilitates the penetration of the active substance into hard-to-reach places (walls, baseboards, ventilation).

    Instructions for use

    Place the poison in a container and leave the room for two hours. The insects will be destroyed over time.

    Smoke bomb for cockroaches Raptor

    How does a checker work?

    Toxic smoke contains insecticides that paralyze insects. They penetrate everywhere.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The peculiarity of checkers is their size, range and composition. Smoke penetrates into hard-to-reach areas of the room. Differs in the speed of impact on insects. The negative impact is manifested in the long-term persistence of residual odor and high toxicity.

    How to use correctly

    For residential premises, you should take a composition of lower concentration than for use in open areas and industrial buildings. An effective result is achieved through significant concentration due to the high density of smoke. Before the procedure, household items are packed. All doors and windows are tightly closed. The smoke lasts for about a day; upon returning to the room, wet cleaning is carried out.

    Precautions when using cockroach repellents

    To achieve maximum effect, you must adhere to the instructions. Spray cans with the product must not be stored in areas exposed to sunlight or at sub-zero temperatures. Work must be carried out with gloves. A respirator will provide respiratory protection from the negative effects of the product. Safety glasses will help protect your eyes.

    If this cannot be avoided, rinse them with running water and seek medical attention. After inhaling fumes, you need to stay in the fresh air. After a certain time after the action of the drug components, the room is ventilated.

    Knowledgeable people recommend installing special grilles with mesh after exterminating insects. They will become a barrier to the entry of insects into the room. All cracks must be sealed. The apartment must be kept clean. It is forbidden to leave leftover food on the table.


    Precautions when using Raptor products are as follows:

    • Disinsection should be carried out after other people and pets have left the premises. After the drug has been in effect for 2 hours, you should ventilate the room well and wash areas where your hands may touch with soda solution.
    • Be sure to use personal protective equipment.
    • Do not eat food or drink water during disinfestation.
    • Periodically check traps, gel, and promptly renew protection.
    • When using an aerosol, you should protect your respiratory tract with a respirator or mask. Violation of the requirements leads to poisoning of varying severity.

    If the room is heavily infested, you should use several products from the Raptor line, and be sure to carry out disinfestation using an aerosol or aquafumigator. To prevent re-infection and consolidate the result, traps and gels are used.

    How to distinguish a fake from an original Raptor product

    Experts warn buyers that counterfeit products can be purchased at retail outlets. Buyers should be wary of the low cost. To know the real price, you should visit the official website of the manufacturer.

    Buy Raptor products in specialized stores. Sellers will show clients the permitting documentation. If you make purchases in spontaneous markets, the likelihood of buying a fake increases. It is best to make a purchase on the manufacturer's portal. This will eliminate unpleasant consequences, since the product meets quality requirements.

    Before buying, look on the Internet at the appearance of the Raptor spray can. In this regard, the color of the packaging, barcode and inscriptions are taken into account.

    Many people encounter cockroaches in their homes. They are present throughout the room, creating problems for residents. The Raptor product, which has proven itself on the positive side among other household chemicals, can quickly destroy insects.


    Anna, Peter

    “We recently moved to a new apartment. The light was on in the kitchen for weeks - it was scary to go in. The home improvement store recommended Raptor. We bought everything - spray, gel and traps, as recommended by the manufacturer. It didn’t help right away – after a month I could approach the sink without screaming.”

    Olga, Lipetsk:

    “It gets rid of cockroaches, but not for long. The consumption from the tube is high, it takes a lot of money to process everything. Expensive and ineffective. But I liked the smell of vanilla and fruit.”

    Daria, Moscow:

    “Previously, I used company traps to bait cockroaches, they didn’t help much. Then I read on the Internet that gel is better. The store only had this brand, so we bought it. At first I liked the gel, it smelled nice. The cockroaches ate the gel on the first day, then they didn’t even come near. I didn’t see any corpses or a decrease in the number. It’s a pity - this is already the 4th product that was bought in vain, money was wasted. I had to call the poisoner.”

    Julia, Voronezh:

    “I bought the gel in the supermarket section, I didn’t expect it to be effective. For three years now I had been looking for a suitable remedy and did not hope that such a thing existed and would get rid of this muck - I poisoned it with crayons, balls and boric acid, remedies for the Colorado potato beetle. I liked the pleasant apricot smell, after a day I started finding the corpses of cockroaches, they completely disappeared after a month. I’m happy with the drug, I use it all the time.”

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