15 interesting and practical ideas for storing bags in the kitchen

Each of us, moreover, buys something every day. Most products are packaged in plastic bags - this preserves the freshness of food and protects it from contamination. And sometimes we buy bags ourselves to put all our purchases in and take them home.

Are you familiar with the problem when it’s somehow a pity to throw away a good package every time, but in the end they are collected and kept in complete disarray. This problem is easily solved. After all, there are many options for how convenient, easy and even creative you can store bags in the kitchen.

To store packages, you can use available tools and materials, do something with your own hands, and you don’t have to spend a lot of money on such ideas. Everything is quite simple, easy, and most importantly, convenient to use.

So, you can do:

  • bag doll;
  • containers made from boxes or crates;
  • container for packages in the kitchen from a bottle.

You can also purchase special accessories or storage containers and place them in various places around the house so that they are always at hand.

But before stacking the bags, I recommend folding them into triangles. How to do this in the video:

Textile tube

Neat and compact product made of thick fabric. Hang on a hook anywhere in the kitchen. The bags are inside, so the device looks very neat. You can sew it yourself.

Storage options

For ease of use, bags of different purposes, sizes and densities are best stored using certain methods.

Gift bags

To avoid spoiling the beauty of the gift bag, choose a safe storage location. Make an original organizer for them from a container or large box. You can also keep gift bags suspended by hanging them by the handles on a hook or hanger.

Packaging bags

Small food bags are convenient to store in the kitchen. For storage you can use: a small bottle, a tin can or a tissue box. You can also make your own bag or bag from scrap materials.

Bags are an indispensable thing for any housewife. Sorting and keeping bags in a certain place is very convenient and practical. You can use many options and ideas to organize their storage. It is enough to show a little creativity and imagination.

Pouch with elastic at the bottom

Handicraft lovers will appreciate the fabric bag decorated with appliqué. Thanks to the elastic band, the bags will be securely fixed inside. This product will fit perfectly into the interior of a rustic kitchen.

When choosing or creating a bag, you should use colors that match kitchen textiles - curtains, potholders or tablecloth.

Useful tips

An organizer made from a plastic bottle can be turned into a kitchen decoration. This can be done using paints or fabric: apply a pattern with acrylic paints using a brush or sponge.

A fabric case can be decorated with braid, appliqués, embroidery, and using braid and decorative cord you can make handles for the bottle.

For the hallway you can make a convenient organizer for storing large bags:

  1. Take the box.
  2. Make 3-4 transverse partitions from cardboard.
  3. Roll the bags into neat squares and place them in the compartments.

Plastic bag

Paper, gift, plastic - you can store bags in any convenient way, if you solve the problem of compactness. One of the most effective methods to turn large packages into tiny ones is to form a triangle.

  • The package must be leveled and then folded several times.
  • The bottom corner of the resulting strip needs to be folded.
  • Repeat this process until you end up with a small corner.

By implementing at least one of the listed ideas, you can forever get rid of the problem of storing plastic bags in the kitchen.

How to store?

Some people allocate a separate box for packages. But not all housewives have this opportunity, because according to the layout of apartment buildings, kitchens are most often small, where every centimeter is important, and a separate shelf for polyethylene is an unaffordable luxury. That’s why it’s worth checking out more compact storage options.

Package with packages

A classic option for storing plastic store-bought friends, which is found in 90% of apartments in our country. Yes, it is more compact and more convenient than a separate box, but it still takes up quite a lot of space due to the voluminous contents. The advantage is that the package can be placed on the door of the set - and thus the whole box will be unloaded. Simple, no frills, but voluminous. Suitable for those who have not yet dealt with storage.


This option is already “more professional”. You will need any plastic bottle, optimally 1.5–2 liters. The bottom is cut out, and the neck, if desired. The bags are folded into the resulting container, which can also be hung on the cabinet door. Secure it either with glue or a self-tapping screw, or make a hole in the plastic and hang it on a hook. Hang it in such a way that the neck is at the bottom - you will have to pull the bag out through it.

You can do it simpler - cut off only the neck, creating a “vase” for the bags: put it on top, on top and take it out. And you don’t have to push anything anywhere.

The size of the bottle is selected individually, but most often it is proportional to the size of the package. For example, packaging does not require a six-liter bottle.


There is even more room for imagination here. You can take a ready-made box of paper napkins with a hole in the top. Or you can build something similar with your own hands from a milk carton, shoe box, etc. This option takes up little space and looks so neat that it can be placed directly on the countertop.

You can also hide the box in a closet or glue it to the door of the set. You can use not only cardboard boxes, but also plastic containers for wet wipes.

Bag doll and other handicrafts

A popular option for storing packages in our country is homemade (sometimes purchased) dolls. Most often, such a doll has two holes on the ties: on the top - for putting bags and making the skirt fuller, at the bottom - to get them out. You can sew such a doll with your own hands, or make an analogue from a children's toy by removing the filler. This way she will have a second and useful life.

If there is no place for the doll in the kitchen, then you can sew a simple bag from a beautiful fabric, or cut off the sleeve of an old thing and sew ties on both sides. This beautiful option for storing bags doesn’t need to be hidden in a closet, but hung near the exit or next to a kitchen towel.

But a bag doll is not the only creative storage option. You can make your own stand from leftover toilet paper rolls. The main thing in such an activity is to show maximum imagination and create a beautiful decor: then the device can be placed on the table.

Ready-made options

Not only handicrafts can be used to organize storage. Manufacturers of household goods have long understood that housewives want to maintain cleanliness and order in the kitchen, and at the same time do with minimal effort, which is why they came up with various containers for plastic store friends.

Typically, such devices are a basket or container with holes made of plastic or metal. They can be hung on the wall, on the door, placed on the countertop - the choice of models is huge, and you can always choose something suitable for a specific kitchen.


This option is best suited for large plastic bags that are given away in clothing stores, shoes, equipment stores, and so on. Due to the density of the material, they do not wrinkle and cannot take any shape, so most often people fold them automatically. Folded specimens can be placed “on edge” in a container, so they will take up little space and will be easy to get out. But the main thing in this case is to carefully fold the package.


To decide which method of storing bags is more rational, how to correctly and conveniently place cellophane products, you need to carefully sort them by material and size. Not everyone will like this, of course: why create unnecessary things for yourself and waste time on it when you can simply throw them away.

Be aware that toxic compounds released during the decomposition of polyethylene products are harmful to the environment.

Start developing good habits and take care of wildlife.

Interesting tube folding technique

In addition to folding a bag into a triangle, you can use the equally practical option of rolling it into a tube.

To do this, you need to repeat the option of folding the bag with a ribbon, then take the product in your hands and, wrapping the bag around two fingers starting from the bottom and leaving 8-10 cm free, thread the fingers of the other hand into the handles to get a loop using a turning movement, wrapping around a rolled up bag. As a result of this action, you will get a miniature flat rectangle.

Tidy in a small kitchen

A small kitchen is not a problem if you know how to properly organize it and how to maximize the free space.

Cabinet doors

You can attach special hooks and holders to the cabinet doors. The main thing is to make sure that when closing, things do not come into contact with the shelves, otherwise they will not close. The method also applies to light items, since heavy items can break the holder.

Ends and external walls of kitchen furniture

These useful devices can withstand both potholders with towels and heavy objects: boards, frying pans, various jars of oils

It is important to choose durable holders and secure them well

Internal cabinet machines

The inner wall of the cabinets can also be equipped with various hooks. It is convenient to hang light objects on them: sets of measuring spoons, attachments for household devices, the need for which arises rarely.

Space under wall cabinets

Under the wall cabinets you can place small shelves for all kinds of spices. To do this, screw the lid with screws at the bottom of the cabinet and screw in jars with various bulk products.

Wardrobe under the ceiling

In a small kitchen where it is difficult to turn around, you can take advantage of the free space from the cabinet to the ceiling by installing additional hanging furniture there. It is inconvenient to use, so it is recommended to place things in it that are practically not used in everyday life, for example, holiday and old sets, conservation.


In order to properly store packages, they must first be distributed into groups: size, purpose, shape, cleanliness.

Sorting method:

  1. Mikey. The most popular variety. Used for collecting garbage, going to the store, packaging small items. Usually they quickly become unusable, creases and abrasions appear on them, so their service life is limited. However, there are ways to maintain them so they stay straight and last longer.
  2. Packing. Small transparent plastic bags come in different sizes. Used for packaging food and small items. The inconvenience is that they easily fall apart when trying to take them out.
  3. Big ones. As a rule, they are dense, high quality, and can be used several times. Suitable for large purchases.
  4. Gift option. Thick colorful bags of various shapes, sizes, colors. Usually they are stored separately so that they do not lose their shape or become wrinkled.

How to store bags in the kitchen? The ideas are interesting and easy to implement, so every housewife can choose the most suitable method for herself.

Ready-made organizers from the store

If you don’t want to make homemade devices, and you don’t like any of the ideas, then use ready-made plastic or metal containers. They can be bought in stores. Structurally, they are half-cylinders or rectangles with moderately large holes. This container has a bottom. The principle of operation is simple - we put bags into a container. If necessary, pull one out through any hole. The container can be mounted on a wall or on the inside/outside of doors.

Photos of organizers for packages

Simple, convenient, hand-made organizers will help you bring order to your kitchen. Crafts with decorative elements will make it elegant and cozy. You just need to turn on your imagination, involve children and the older generation of the family in the work.

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