Finish for dishwashers: how to use tablets, types, composition, reviews

Products from Finish have long established themselves as reliable assistants that not only do an excellent job of cleaning dishes, but also take good care of the machine itself. It is not for nothing that this brand is most often recommended by equipment manufacturers, and its samples are included as a gift with purchase.

In this article, we will look at which Finish dishwasher tablets are offered on the household chemicals market today and how to use them correctly. We will also compare the products of this manufacturer with its closest competitors.

Innovation and classics

has developed tablets with a three-level Finish Quantum formula, which contain three active components:

  • Power Gel is a purifier that softens hard water.
  • Enzyme powder - for heavily soiled dishes.
  • Red Powerball - removes stubborn, burnt, greasy stains.

How to use Finish Quantum

The capsule is placed in a dispenser in individual packaging, which dissolves under the influence of water. The layers are activated in turn:

  • Enzyme powder removes impurities.
  • Gel - softens, rinses.
  • Red middle - acts at the end of the cycle, removing contaminants that the previous components could not cope with, rinses, and adds shine.

The series features lemon, apple and lime flavors.

How much do Finish Quantums cost?

  • pack of 20 tablets - 324 rubles;
  • 40 capsules will cost 740 rubles;
  • 54 pieces - 880;
  • 80 units can be purchased for 976.

Original Finish all in 1 tablets

All in 1 are designed for washing heavily soiled appliances in the dishwasher. Contains:

  • sodium percarbonate;
  • oxygen bleach;
  • citric acid;
  • nonionic surfactants;
  • amylase;
  • zinc oxide;
  • do not contain fragrances or chlorine.

Antibacterial agent in a soluble coating. Effectively softens water, gently cares for glass and silverware, removes scale, and prevents streaks. Shelf life: 2 years.


  • 14 pieces - 288 rubles;
  • 25 capsules - 617;
  • 50 pills - 770;
  • packing 65 units - 830;
  • finish 100 can be purchased for 1185.

Finish classic dishwasher safe

The simplest in this line is Finish Classic powder, pressed into tablet form. Contains a special StainSoaker formula that allows you to remove dried stains without pre-soaking. This product is not enriched with salt and rinse aid - to achieve an ideal result, they will have to be added separately.

Tablets are produced in packages of 14 pieces, 28, 48, 56, 70, 90. The average price of 1 piece is 15 rubles.

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Finish dishwasher tablets: reviews

Most buyers praise Finish dishwasher . They note the efficiency and quality of washing dishes, the shine and freshness after washing. This especially applies to Finish Quantum and Finish all in 1. I like the ease of use, the long shelf life and even the compact packaging.

But there are also negative consumers who criticize Finish tablets for being expensive. Like, there are cheaper means for PMM. There are also organic ones - wash the dishes and take care of the environment. But the thing is that Finish tablets have proven their effectiveness in any conditions - no matter how hard the water is, what salts are in it and what kind of dishes you put in the dishwasher - you will get consistently clean appliances. Cheap and organic products cannot always boast of such universal effectiveness - sometimes the water is too cold, sometimes the cycle is not long enough, etc.

Plus, Finish has confirmed its qualities and abilities with laboratory tests and an almost 50-year reputation - this is more than a weighty argument in favor.

Finish Quantum: brief description

“Finish Quantum” is a relative newcomer to the market, but many users have already tested its effect. Form – compressed “3-in-1” capsule in soluble packaging.

What's in it:

  • powder with enzymes (active substances), designed for dishes with heavy and persistent stains;
  • water softener and purifier;
  • Highly concentrated gel (bright red color) for effectively breaking down fat and adding shine to dishes.

In contact with water, the wrapper dissolves in less than half a minute and allows its composition to be gradually activated at different stages of the washing cycle. The powder with enzymes dissolves first, after which the softening and cleaning components act slowly, and only at the very end of the wash, during the rinsing stage, the gel located in the very center of the tablet is activated.

Instructions for using Powerball are on the box.

Quantum finish is sold in packs of 20 to 80 pieces. Price from 700 to 1800 rubles per package, depending on volume.

On a note! It is more profitable to buy the largest package, then the cost of each tablet will be an order of magnitude lower. It’s better to buy a pack of a smaller volume for testing, in case the product doesn’t suit you or you don’t like it.

"Quantum" is imported mainly from Poland, although there is production in our country.

How to properly use Finish brand products

Each product in this line has its own recommendations.

Information about methods of use is usually placed on product packaging.


You can freely dose it at your discretion based on the hardness of the water, the amount of dirty dishes and the degree of their contamination. The manufacturer recommends using about 20 ml of the product for moderate contamination, and for severe contamination - about 25 ml of gel (plus/minus a few milliliters).

When the dishwasher is not fully loaded, more gel is required. A 1.3 liter bottle of gel is enough for 65 wash cycles (this is approximately 2 months if the PMM is loaded daily).

"D" - compartment for detergent. "C" - compartment for detergent used in soak mode

Instructions for using the gel:

  1. Measure out the required amount with a dispenser (according to the instructions).
  2. Pour into the dispenser (the compartment intended for detergents is indicated by the letter “D” in the figure).
  3. Turn on the dishwasher.
  4. Set the water temperature to 60 degrees.
  5. Start the wash cycle.


The powder is used in the same way as the gel. It must be dosed based on the degree of contamination of the dishes and their quantity. For dosing, you need a glass that comes with the powder. One load contains from 20 to 25 g of product, depending on the degree of contamination of the cutlery and the hardness of the water.

The measured amount of powder is poured into compartment "D". If the soaking function is used additionally, then another 5 g of the same detergent is poured into the compartment marked with the letter “C”. All dosages are average and may vary depending on the type of machine.

Instructions for using the powder are similar to the procedure with the gel.

Detergent tablets

All four types of cleaning tablets from Finish have almost the same instructions for use. The only point that needs to be taken into account: Classic tablets do not contain water softeners or anti-drip agents, so when using them, you can add salt and rinse aid to the special compartments of the PMM.

Procedure for using tablets:

  1. One capsule is placed in compartment “D” (you must ensure that the compartment and capsule are dry).
  2. Since the contents of the capsule dissolve automatically upon contact with water, there is no need to break the product.
  3. Close the compartment lid tightly.
  4. If the water is hard, you can use additional salt for washing.
  5. Now you need to make sure that the silver is kept separate from the stainless steel.
  6. Set the water temperature to 52-60 degrees.
  7. Turn on the wash start button.


To find out exactly how much salt to use to soften your water, you'll have to experiment. The harder the water, the more salt you may need. Recommendations for use can be found in the instructions for the PMM. Typically, a standard full-size dishwasher requires about a kilo.

It is poured into a special compartment located at the bottom of the machine. It needs to be replenished regularly. The device signals the need to replenish the compartment using an indicator on the control panel. To avoid rust on the internal parts of the PMM, you should use detergents sparingly, avoiding overfilling the dispenser.

Rinse aid

It is poured into a special dispenser, which is located on the door of the machine (not to be confused with the compartment for gel and powder).

In case of an overdose, a small white coating appears on the dishes; in case of a deficiency, smudges remain. The product is added every time the corresponding indicator on the control panel lights up.


The air freshener is the easiest to use. It is installed in a special basket for dishes or hung on the top shelf inside the PMM.

Before starting the wash cycle, be sure to check that the air freshener does not interfere with the operation of the water sprinkler. One freshener is enough for 60 washing cycles. It should be replaced only when the smell of freshness completely disappears.

Shine enhancer and cleaner

The gloss enhancer is added to a specially designed compartment according to the instructions for the PMM. There is no need to dose the shine enhancer - the dishwasher automatically determines the dose based on the set washing mode.

The cleaner is used once every 30 wash cycles separately from all products. It should only be used in an empty PMM (without utensils). The bottle is placed upside down in the basket, and then the normal washing mode is started at a water temperature of 65 degrees.

All dosages indicated are standard. Since there are different models of machines, before using detergents, you must study all the instructions in detail so as not to confuse the dispensers and not harm the equipment.

Finish All in 1

“Finish” All in 1 for the dishwasher is suitable for removing stubborn stains from a variety of dishes. The manufacturer claims that the substance can be used to treat even glass or silverware.

The composition includes sodium percarbonate, citric acid, amylase, zinc oxide and other “chemicals”.

How to use the product is written in detail on the packaging. But usually it is enough to simply load the capsule into the compartment provided for it or put it directly into the hopper.

Important! The composition of Finish All in 1 is much “lighter” than that of Quantum, and the action is rougher, but this does not affect the effectiveness.

The dimensions of each tablet are initially such that it fits into a special cell of the PMM loading hopper. If this fails, you need to divide it into 2 parts. How to cut a dish tablet? It is best to use a stationery knife. It is advisable not to use food knives - due to the aggressive detergent composition, the components of which may remain on the surface of the knife.

You can find varieties of packages of 14, 28, 56, as well as 70 and 100 capsules. How much does the product cost? Depending on the volume of packaging, the price ranges from 400 to 1100 rubles.

Important! Found a package of 100 capsules for 300 rubles, and are you already happily preparing to buy? Inquire about quality certificates for products, as this may be an outright fake. Also, cheap products may have expired.

Production is established both in Germany and Poland, but Polish products are usually imported into the Russian Federation. If you manage to find a German-made product, be prepared to cost 30% more.

Mostly positive reviews are written about All in 1 tablets online.

How to use Finish tablets?

There are several secrets that allow you to use dishwasher tablets most effectively. Take note:

  1. The tablet tray must be dry and so must the water-soluble individual packaging. Then the product will soak evenly and in a timely manner and will not remain in the tray or on the dishes.
  2. It is also worth monitoring the loading of dishes so that nothing touches and does not block the opening of the detergent tray. The slightest difficulty in opening the lid will disrupt the flow of detergent into the middle of the dishwasher and, as a result, the cycle will have to be restarted.
  3. If the tablet cannot cope with tea residue or coffee residues, then it is not the Finish that is to blame, but the hardness of the water. Apparently, the softener chemicals included in each tablet were not enough, which means you should add finish dishwasher salt .
  4. Some experienced housewives advise adding additional citric acid or vinegar to glassware to make it shine. But the finish all-in-1 dishwasher tablets already contain the required amount of these components, which means your glasses will shine after washing.
  5. To extend the life of your dishwasher, do not forget to wash its insides with Finish dishwasher cleaner every six months. If the insides are clean, then the dishwashing process will be more effective.

Finish All in Turbo 1: Quick Review

How are they different from the previous ones? It's simple: these capsules are created specifically for modes such as “Fast”, “Express”, “Party” (the name differs depending on the model, duration is 29-40 minutes).

Initially, this resembles an advertising ploy, because it is difficult to believe that complex stains can be washed off in a short period of time in almost cold water. But with pre-wash or “Soak” mode this is quite possible.

Packages ranging from 14 to 100 pieces are available for sale, costing from 400 to 2000 rubles.

Important! If you are a fan of traditional modes, you should not spend money on this product, otherwise the active substances will dissolve in the first 20-30 minutes and be washed down the drain, and the washing efficiency will significantly decrease.

Do I need to open the package?

Before using this product, you should carefully read the instructions on the packaging of the product. There is a wide variety of tablets, and each of the drugs has its own characteristics. In addition, tablets come in soluble and insoluble packaging. In the second case, before throwing the product into the dishwasher, you will need to rid it of insoluble packaging.

It is worth noting that completely soluble capsules are usually packaged in thin material, the surface of which does not have stripes for opening. If the tablet is in foil or polyethylene, then it must be opened before use.

Finish Classic - the simplest cleaner

Simple tablets containing only powder. Powerball Classic is more convenient to use than regular powder, but it will cost more. You can learn separately about the properties, composition and characteristics of Finish powder from previous articles.

The main component is a patented Soaker substance that breaks down dried-on dirt. Unfortunately, user reviews indicate that this component does not work as efficiently as the manufacturer promises. At the same time, the expectations of those who tried to wash off tea and coffee stains with the help of the product are justified - “Classic” copes with this “with a bang”, carefully cleans cups made of glass and ceramics.

Packs of 14 to 90 pieces are available for sale. One tablet costs on average from 15 to 25 rubles.

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Features, pros, cons of products from Finish

A number of household chemical products are produced under the Finish brand in different formats. It was this manufacturer that was the first to introduce two-layer tablets for PMM to consumers in 1995. Thanks to the excellent quality of the components in the composition and the constant improvement of properties, Finish detergents have been receiving positive reviews from housewives for many years.

Finish logo

The manufacturer produces several lines of tablets:

All products consist of two layers of multi-colored powder and a capsule with a gel in the center. Users call the main advantages of Finish tablets:

Is a dishwasher profitable?

Oh yes! No

Since the capsule contains regenerating salts and rinsing agents, the product solves various problems.

It is very convenient to use the drug, because each tablet is packaged in water-soluble film. Skin contact with chemicals is excluded.

The disadvantages of using such means are that:

  • Among the components there are phosphates that can cause an allergic reaction.
  • Reducing the dosage of pills is not entirely easy.

It takes more time and water to dissolve the capsule in the hopper.

Expert opinion

Irina. Housewife.

It is worth noting that all types of detergents have their pros and cons. The most budget option - powder - can leave scratches on the dishes. Microparticles of the bulk product easily enter the human body.

Gel-based preparations do not contain abrasives or volatile components, but they are more difficult to dose. An alternative option is gel capsules.

When dishwasher tablets gained popularity, household appliance manufacturers began to produce devices with a special compartment for this type of product.

Typical composition of other manufacturers


The most dangerous element of the tablets is chlorine, used to disinfect water and dishes. It can lead to serious illnesses. In the European Union, the use of some chlorine-containing substances is already prohibited.

Sodium citrate

Sodium citrate, designated E331, is needed to form foam and disinfect kitchen utensils. The substance is part of food additives approved in the Russian Federation.

Sodium percarbonate

Persalt or sodium percarbonate is a derivative of hydrogen peroxide and sodium carbonate. The substance has a bleaching effect, so it can often be found in powders for white laundry. The component makes washing dishes easier by breaking down dirt.

Sodium disilicate or “liquid glass”

Another component that softens water and prevents the deposition of salts on the internal parts of PMM is sodium disilicate or so-called liquid glass. In industry, the substance is used for anti-corrosion and antiseptic treatment. In detergents, sodium disilicate acts as a multifunctional substitute for phosphates.

Sodium gluconate

A well-known food additive, sodium gluconate, has a negative effect on the human body when used in excess. The substance is found in household chemical products and is also used in the metallurgical and oil industries. The main purpose of sodium gluconate is to prevent the formation of limescale.

Soda Ash

To soften hard water, you can find soda ash in the list of ingredients in dishwasher tablets.

Sodium bicarbonate

Baking soda or calcium bicarbonate is a powder used to soften water with high salt content.

Isooctyl glucoside

Washed dishes shine clean thanks to a chemical component such as isooctyl glucoside.


The thickener sorbitol is used in detergents to give the composition uniformity.

Rapeseed oil methyl ester

The resulting surface tension of water is reduced with the help of a component such as rapeseed oil methyl ester.


Glycerin is used to create cosmetics and smoking liquid for electronic cigarettes. In household chemicals it is used as a thickener. Glycerin makes the product viscous and helps maintain this consistency.

Acetic acid

The scale that forms on the parts of the dishwasher over time is washed off thanks to acetic acid. In addition, the substance gives the dishes shine.

Amylase and protease

These components break down carbohydrate and protein compounds, so that even dried food remains are washed off easily.


An element that helps get rid of fatty contaminants is subtilisin.

Various surfactants and A-surfactants

Surfactants clean dishes well due to the fact that they connect water and fat molecules.
But at the same time they are able to break down human sebum. Therefore, these substances can cause serious harm to health. Anionic surfactants are considered the most dangerous. The effect of these harmful components can be enhanced by phosphates, since they facilitate the penetration of substances into the human blood through the skin. According to Russian sanitary standards, the concentration of surfactants in household chemicals should not exceed 5%.

What is Dishwasher Finish?

Finish tablets are, in simple words, compressed dishwashing detergent. Externally it is a capsule with a small “round” in the middle. These are two-layer capsules, which the manufacturer packed in a special film that dissolves in water.

As soon as the tablet enters the water, its packaging dissolves and the contents enter the machine system. This product will perfectly cope with greasy stains, food residues, and other types of dirt.

Almost all housewives praise these tablets because they are very easy to use. Moreover, any contact of the chemical with the skin of the hands is excluded. So, your hands remain clean and the dishes shine.

What are Finish tablets?

Finish tablets are nothing more than compressed detergent powder with a gel capsule in the middle. Externally, these are two-layer cubes packed in organic and water-soluble packaging. After contact with water, the packaging dissolves and the detergent takes part in cleaning your dishes from grease, food debris and other contaminants.

Housewives note that it is very convenient to use the tablet in soluble individual packaging, because skin contact with chemicals is eliminated - hands are clean and the dishwasher is filled and ready for use.

How to save money

Consumers often note that the cost of Finish tablets is too high. And despite the excellent washing results, they switch to cheaper brands. But you can save money! For example:

  • Buy all 3 types and then choose the one that suits the soiling of the dishes and their quantity. There is no point in washing several plates and mugs with the expensive Finish Quantum - it makes more sense to take Classic.
  • Buy large packages - they are more economical. For example, a pack of Finish All in 1 contains 100 pcs. you will pay 17 rubles for a cube, and there are 25 pieces in a package. — 22 rub.
  • Buy during promotions and sales - hypermarkets hold them regularly. For example, Okay always has some offers on dishwashing detergents with 30-50% discounts.

When purchasing, check the manufacturer - for Russia, Finish brand tablets are officially imported from Poland. Counterfeits are common, and little-known online stores are especially guilty of selling counterfeits.

If possible, buy tablets made in Finland for European consumers. There is an opinion that such products are of better quality.

  • Cut the Classic and All in 1 tablets. If you don’t have a lot of dishes, or you have a compact dishwasher, half a cube is enough, everything will be washed.

Important! When cutting, your hands must be dry, otherwise the shell will stick to them and become deformed. The detergent will remain on wet hands, but it is very allergenic and causes irritation on the skin, eye burns if you rub it with unwashed hands, and poisoning if it gets into the mouth.

Keep the product out of the reach of children!

It is best to divide the tablet with gloves - this way there will be no chemicals on your hands.

As practice shows, Finish tablets wash any dishes cleanly and carefully. They are convenient to use and even, as described in the article, profitable. Try different types to make your choice.

How to use Finish tablets

Due to differences in composition, there are certain nuances in the use of each type of tablet.

Finish Powerball Classic

These are the simplest and cheapest in the line: the average price per piece is 11-15 rubles in hypermarkets for a package of 28 pieces. Online stores offer only large packs of 90 pieces, but 1 cube in them is more expensive - 20-23 rubles.

Finish Classic adds a patented StainSoaker that tackles dried-on dirt and tea-coffee stains. However, this is a budget product and consists only of compressed detergent powder. To ensure high-quality washing of dishes, special salt and rinse aid must be added to the machine, which means the cost of one wash increases.

Classic tablets are packaged in individual plastic wrapping - remove it before putting it in the dishwasher. The insoluble shell causes unnecessary trouble, but this inconvenience has a positive side - but the cube can be cut into 2-3-4 parts with a stationery knife and used in small machines, or with an incomplete load.

The optimal washing temperature is 60-65 degrees. It is not recommended to use in short cycles - the tablet will not dissolve completely, and the StainSoaker ingredient will not have time to create the “soaking” effect, which it uses to wash away dried-on dirt.

Finish Powerball All in 1 Max

Versatile in removing grease and stains. Unlike Classic, they already contain salt, rinse aid, anti-scale and anti-corrosion additives. On the packaging, marketers declare “Shine Protect”, i.e. additional protection and shine of the glass, however, the manufacturer indicates in small print that it is recommended to add rinse aid for better drying and shine, and if the water is very hard (over 26°e (21°dH)), you will need to add salt.

Finish All in 1 DO NOT need to be unwrapped: they immediately dissolve in water along with the shell. Thanks to this, “All-in-One” washes well both at a temperature of 50-55 degrees and in short cycles. When doing a quick wash, place the cube in the bottom of the dishwasher next to the filter for better results.

Important! The dishwasher, dispenser compartment and hands must be dry - dissolving tablets are very sensitive to water.

If necessary, the tablet can be halved and used in dishes that are not heavily soiled: without removing the film, carefully cut in half and place ½ on the bottom of the machine. Proceed in the same way if the cube does not fit into the detergent compartment.

Tools Overview

Finish Quantum

Finish Quantum

The tablets consist of three active components:

  • Power Gel, which softens water;
  • enzyme powder that copes with stubborn stains;
  • red Powerball, which eliminates traces of fat.

The product also contains softening salts and water purifiers. Each tablet is in organic water-soluble packaging, which allows you to reveal its properties in stages.

Finish Quantum is available in bags of 10-80 pieces. Flavor options: lemon, apple and lime.

Finish All in 1

Finish All in 1

The products from the “All in One” series are in greatest demand. This multifunctional product not only removes burnt-on grease from pans, but also protects the metal parts of the dishwasher from corrosion.

The composition includes salts and antifoaming agents. It is only necessary to add additional regenerating salt if the water hardness exceeds 21°dH.

Tablets can be used to treat utensils made of different materials:

The package includes from 14 to 100 pieces and has a long shelf life (2 years).

Finish All in 1 Turbo

Finish All in 1 Turbo

A distinctive feature of this type of tablet is its effectiveness in short periods. In this case, it is advisable to activate the option of pre-soaking dishes.

Therefore, if you prefer classic long programs, Finish All in 1 Turbo is not for you. Its active substances act during the first 30 minutes, then the effectiveness of washing decreases. In stores there are packages with 14-100 tablets.

Finish Classic

Finish Classic

The budget representative of the brand's line of products is Finish Classic. When creating tablets and the powder of the same name, identical components are used. The difference is dishwasher convenience.

The main active ingredient is Stain Soaker - a patented development by Finish. The component is an oxygen bleach that breaks down complex stains.

Expert opinion

Irina. Housewife.

The product does not contain salt and rinse aid; they will have to be added additionally. Packages include 14-90 tablets, the average price of one piece is approximately 15 rubles.

Finish line products and their composition

The main task of the Finish line of detergents is to help the dishwasher wash away all kinds of dirt from the dishes, rinse, refresh them, add shine and preserve the service life of the device itself for many years. Polish products cope with these issues effectively: food debris is broken down, grease is washed away, dirt particles are kept in suspension throughout the entire operation of the machine, without clogging the drain or injuring its parts.

Thanks to the environmentally friendly formula, the process is easy and simple, and virtually no foam is formed. After washing, the dishes sparkle and smell fresh.

The products in the Finish line differ from each other in purpose and composition. A total of 8 types are available:

  • dishwashing tablets;
  • powder;
  • gel;
  • rinse aid;
  • freshener;
  • shine enhancer;
  • cleaner;
  • salt.

Finish Classic Powder

Finish Classic powder is an ideal option for those who care about the family budget, but at the same time want their dishes to always remain clean. The powder can be used in doses, unlike tablets of the same brand, and the effect of washing dishes will be no worse.

The powder breaks down burnt-on fat, dried-on food particles (such as cereal), and also washes heavily soiled pots and pans to a shine. This effect is achieved thanks to the Stain Soaker component (stain remover), which is able to penetrate dried stains and quickly remove them without manual soaking. Even stubborn stains from coffee and lipstick disappear without a trace.

The powder is packaged in plastic boxes, which can weigh from 1 to 2.5 kg. It is available in three types:

  • Finish Classic - has a soaking effect, costs about 450 rubles.
  • Calgonit Finish Classic - suitable for any type of dishwasher, price about 1100 rubles. for 2.5 kg.
  • Calgonit Finish Lemon - differs from the previous one in the smell, which is reminiscent of lemon, costs about 1000 rubles.


  • salts make up 30% of all substances included in the composition (due to this, fats are removed from the dishes);
  • foaming agents (surfactants);
  • more than 5% is oxygen-containing bleach, necessary to remove plaque stains formed, for example, from tea;
  • enzymes - plant enzymes that are involved in the breakdown of carbohydrate and protein stains and allow you to wash dishes even in cold water;
  • flavorings.

The composition is completely free of phosphates, which are unsafe compounds.


The gel product, unlike powder and tablets, has the highest dissolution rate in water. Thanks to this property, the components of the substance penetrate stubborn stains faster and wash dishes in a matter of minutes. Finish gel can be used with any program.

It is easy to dose and therefore can be used for dishes with any degree of soiling. Another advantage is that the gel can be used in water at low temperatures.

The composition of the product is almost no different from the composition of the powder:

  • sodium tripolyphosphate - 30%;
  • phosphates - 5%;
  • polycarboxylates - 15%;
  • surfactants - 5%;
  • preservatives;
  • plant enzymes (enzymes);
  • flavorings.

There are two types of this product: Finish All and Finish Eco Power Gel. The composition of the second differs only in that it does not contain phosphates and fragrances. Both products are packaged in plastic containers, the volume of which varies from 0.65 to 1.5 liters.

It is possible to use the gel for washing porcelain and silver dishes.

Finish Quantum tablets

The product appeared relatively recently, but in a short period of time it managed to gain trust among a large number of consumers. Finish Quantum Shine and Protect tablets have a triple effect on dirt and grease, and also protect glassware from corrosion and add shine.

Finish Quantum washing tablet

The tablets are a capsule consisting of three detergents, packaged in a protective shell. When interacting with water, the shell dissolves within a few seconds.

The composition of the product is as follows:

  • a substance that softens and purifies water;
  • powder based on plant enzymes, which helps to wash heavily soiled areas of dishes;
  • A red-colored gel concentrate that can effectively remove grease and add shine to dishes.

The tablets are convenient to put into the machine. The wrapper dissolves in 20 seconds, and then the substances are activated sequentially: first the enzyme powder will dissolve, then the water softener, and at the last stage the rinse aid, which is placed in a red capsule.

Quantum tablets are available in cardboard packs of 80, 60, 40 and 20 pieces. Available flavors are lemon, apple and lime.

Table of average prices for Finish Quantum:

Number of capsules per package, pcs.Average price, rub.

Finish All in 1 tablets

This type of dishwasher tablets is designed specifically for heavily soiled dishes. The composition of Finish All capsules is almost identical to the composition of Quantum, but despite this, the effect of the former is more powerful. They are able to wash away heavily dried food residues, lipstick, coffee, plaque, etc. These capsules are also suitable for washing silver and glassware - they wash away dirt and give a dazzling shine.

Finish All in 1 tablet in dishwasher dispenser


  • amylase;
  • sodium percarbonate;
  • zinc oxide;
  • lemon acid;
  • auxiliary components.

If the capsule does not fit the size of the dishwasher compartment, you can divide the tablet into two parts and only then place it in a cuvette. Finish All is sold in bags and cardboard boxes.

Table of average prices for Finish All:

Number of capsules per package, pcs.Average price, rub.

Finish All in 1 Turbo tablets

They are considered the most effective and fastest-acting. They are designed specifically for fast dishwashing modes at water temperatures not exceeding 40 degrees for 30-40 minutes. The heavy-duty components included in the composition are able to remove almost any contamination during this time.

The average cost of washing tablets ranges from 400 to 2000 rubles. Distributed in cardboard packs of 14-100 pieces. Finish All in 1 Turbo tablets look the same as the previous two types.

Table of approximate prices for Finish All in 1 Turbo:

Number of capsules per package, pcs.Average price, rub.

Finish Classic tablets

Finish Classic tablets are the simplest of the entire series and consist only of powdered dishwashing detergent. Their composition is completely identical to the composition of the powder of the same name, but they are much more convenient to use.

Finish Classic cleaning tablets

The tablets contain the same patented component - Stain Soaker stain remover, whose task is to break down dirt. It also effectively copes with stubborn stains from lipstick, coffee, and tea.

Finish Classic tablets can be used when washing glass and ceramic dishes. They are sold in cardboard packages of 14-90 pieces. The average price of one tablet is 15 rubles.

Rinse aid

Finish rinse aid is designed to protect dishes from stains and smudges that often form on them after drying. This product enhances the effect of Finish powder and helps the dishwasher completely remove all stains and greasy films without leaving streaks.

Main functions of the rinse aid:

  • elimination of smudges;
  • acceleration of drying;
  • adding shine;
  • protection of dishes from limescale.

Composition of the product:

  • 5-15% are non-ionic substances (surfactants), which reduce foaming and prevent darkening of the glass;
  • a small part of the volume consists of preservatives necessary to neutralize odors and prevent the growth of mold and various microorganisms;
  • the rest of the volume is occupied by polycarboxylates, which enhance the effect of all other components.

The product is used only in the last cycle of the dishwasher (rinse cycle), so before this it is necessary to thoroughly wash all the dishes so that there are no food particles or deposits left on them.

Shine enhancer

This composition can be used as a booster for any other detergent. It prevents the formation of stains, greasy film and plaque, and also helps remove stubborn stains.

The shine enhancer guarantees quick and complete drying of any dishes, unlike cases when only powder is used for washing.


  • 15-30% - nonionic surfactants;
  • preservative


There are times when, when loading cutlery into the dishwasher, people forget to start the wash cycle or deliberately delay it. This causes the formation of mold, bacteria and, as a result, an unpleasant odor.

To combat these problems, a freshener from Finish was created. When placed in the dishwasher, it neutralizes all unpleasant odors and gives the cutlery and dish basket the freshness of lime or lemon (depending on the variety chosen).

Freshener Finish inside the machine

The product is usually enough for 60 wash cycles - that's about 2 months. The air freshener is supplied to the market in blisters. The average price is 286 rubles per piece.


Over time, grease, limescale, and dirt accumulate on the internal parts of the dishwasher, as well as on its dish basket, so the quality of washing gradually decreases. To combat this problem, a dishwasher cleaner from the Finish brand was created. This product effectively removes any plaque and greasy film from the internal parts of the device, thereby maintaining cleanliness and freshness in the machine.

In total, the Finish cleaner has 5 functions:

  • descaling;
  • elimination of fat and greasy film;
  • maintaining stable and high-quality work of the PMM;
  • neutralization of odors;
  • removing dirt from hard-to-reach places inside the machine.

Numerous studies have confirmed the effectiveness of Finish cleaner. Thanks to its unique composition, it copes with both dirt deposits and persistent unpleasant odors. You can use the cleaner after every 30 dishwashing cycles.


In order to avoid the formation of scale on machine parts and the best effect of cleaning products such as powder, tablets, gel, it is necessary to regularly soften the water. It should have a low content of magnesium and calcium, which, when combined, form limescale, thereby reducing the effectiveness of detergents. Finish salt was created specifically to combat lime deposits.

It improves the operation of the machine, enhances the effect of any detergent, and prevents the formation of smudges and white deposits on dishes. Salt is sold in packages from 1.2 to 4 kg. The salt contains no impurities, which ensures an optimal level of water softening.

The salt contains no impurities of carbonic acid, iron and other substances that can contribute to the rapid failure of the PMM.

Tips for storage and use

The effectiveness of capsules depends on storage conditions. The substances included in the detergent are characterized by increased hygroscopicity and lose their properties when exposed to sunlight and in a humid environment. It is not recommended to take tablets with wet hands; the tablet compartment should always be dry.

Buy all 3 types and then choose the one that suits the soiling of the dishes and their quantity.

Rules of application:

  • loading cutlery and dishes into the dishwasher (silver should not come into contact with stainless steel);
  • loading the capsule into a special compartment of the dishwasher;
  • setting the washing temperature to 50-55 degrees;
  • turning on the machine.

If necessary, water softener, rinse aid, etc. should also be placed in the compartment. It is recommended to store tablets in a place protected from children, like all other household chemicals. If the product gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, immediately rinse the affected area with plenty of water, after which you should call a doctor.

Buy large packages - they are more economical.


If we take into account all the factors - the composition, properties and capabilities of this product, then we can be convinced of the fact that Finish dishwasher tablets are the most suitable choice. They will help keep your dishes clean and at the same time allow you to save on the purchase of additional detergents and cleaning products. Using these products will not harm your health, your dishwasher or your cutlery.

Let your dishes sparkle and squeak from cleanliness with Finish tablets for dishwashers!

Characteristics and properties

The company produces several types of finish tablets for dishwashers with different compositions and properties; their quantity in the package also differs. Visually they look almost the same. The tablet consists of two layers of colored powder, with a gel-filled capsule in the center. The capsule is packaged in a film that dissolves in water; contact of chemicals with the skin of the hands is completely excluded. The product not only allows you to clean dishes from grease and food debris, it also contains components that soften hard water.

Fragrances and flavors are present in minimal quantities, so clean dishes do not smell.

The tablets are easy to use; one capsule is designed for one wash cycle. The preparations can be used when washing dishes in low temperature water. The tablet begins to act almost immediately after starting the dishwasher. The products do an excellent job of removing old stains, liquids, and coffee and tea stains. The possibility of limescale deposits forming on the dishes is eliminated; the walls of the machine are reliably protected from limescale deposits. There is a separate compartment for tablets, where they are placed before washing and where they dissolve.

Finish tablets are nothing more than compressed detergent powder with a gel capsule in the middle.


Like any household appliance, the dishwasher gets dirty. Neither salt nor water will save you. Clean your dishwasher every 30 cycles. The device turns on with an empty working compartment. The dishwasher is cleaned with a special product.

For a pleasant aroma, add special fresheners. After the cycle, the dishes will begin to smell like lemon or other aroma.

What's in the tablets?

Finish for dishwashers consists of:

  • enzymes - protein compounds that accelerate chemical reactions;
  • oxygen bleach is the main active ingredient that breaks down dirt and food debris;
  • nonionic foaming surfactants;
  • polycarboxylate is a cleaning and washing component;
  • phosphonates – neutralizers of impurities in water;
  • flavorings.

It should be noted that the composition of Finish tablets is more effective than organic detergents and cleaners, but is also not aggressive, because it does not contain chlorine or other active ingredients. At the same time, the balanced quantity and quality of components allows you to achieve the utmost cleaning of your kitchen utensils and dishes.

Also, one Finish capsule contains salts that soften the hardness of water, which means there will be no white residue or sediment left on your dishes. However, you can always add finish dishwasher salt to be 100% sure of a quality dishwasher wash.

See also -

Dishwasher salt: how to choose

Instructions for use

To get the maximum effect from washing, you should listen to several useful secrets from experienced housewives:

  • The tablet compartment must be absolutely clean and dry so that the coating of the product does not dissolve prematurely. Otherwise, the Finish will get wet, and its remains will remain in the tray, and the dishes will not be washed well;
  • It is also important to monitor the loading of kitchen utensils. They should not touch too closely so that the substance from the compartment is distributed evenly. Otherwise, the tablet will encounter some “obstacle” and the substance will not completely enter the washing compartment. As a result, the sink will have to be restarted;

  • If after washing you see stains from tea or coffee on the cups, then the culprit is not the tablets, but the hardness of the water. That is, there were not enough substances to soften the water in Finish, and you will have to add a little table salt to the sink;
  • Many housewives recommend adding vinegar or citric acid to the car for more shine. But you won’t have to do this with Finish, since it already contains more effective substitutes for these components, and all the glasses will shine like new;
  • To ensure that your dishwasher serves you faithfully for as long as possible, thoroughly clean it at least once every six months with running water, or use Finish tablets for this purpose in the “idle” washing mode without dishes.

Types of Finish tablets

The creators of this detergent have developed several types of tablets so that everyone can choose the most optimal option for themselves. Here they are:

  • Classic. The most inexpensive and versatile option. It will be able to clean dishes without soaking, as it contains an additional component – ​​StainSoaker. The cost of one such capsule is approximately 20 rubles;
  • Quantum. The most common type because when added to the dishwasher it has a triple effect: it quickly removes grease and grease stains, rinses kitchen utensils to achieve a perfect shine, and protects the washing machine from rust.

    Sold in two varieties - regular Finish Quantum, or with the addition of fruity scents. The cost of a tablet is from 30 rubles and above;

  • All-in-One. The most powerful and versatile dish cleaning product. Contains special components that allow you to clean plates and pots from heavily dried fat, makes them as clean and shiny as possible, and also protects the machine from corrosion. You can safely clean silver and cupronickel cutlery with this substance. Also, this is the best option for quick cleaning. Cost – from 20 rubles.


The use of dishwasher capsules, like the use of other detergents, has its own nuances. First of all, all people who have never used tablets before are interested in the question: “how much product is needed for one wash?” Experienced users said that one tablet is enough for one wash with a full load. If the dishwasher is only half full of dishes, then half a tablet is enough. Also, half of it is enough for one wash in a small dishwasher (with a full load).

It is also important to choose the right washing mode. Typically, the instructions for modern dishwashers indicate the mode that is most suitable for washing using tablets. Such modes differ in their duration and can last more than an hour. It is worth noting that tablets cannot be used when rinsing or soaking dishes.

It is important to store the detergent correctly. For storage you need to find a dry place out of reach of children. If the tablets have a soluble shell, then it is important that they are not exposed to moisture, as this will lead to the drug sticking together.

Comparison with competitors

It is not always advisable to rely on customer reviews when purchasing detergent. The frequency of use of the dishwasher and other factors play an important role. Some people wash dishes several times a day, others once every few days. The technical characteristics of dishwashers of different brands also differ. Washing in one machine allows you to achieve excellent results using a single tablet; in another case, to obtain an optimal result, you need to add additional fragrance, rinse aid, and softener.

Buy during promotions and sales - hypermarkets hold them regularly.

The best way to compare is the cost of one washing cycle. The Finish company adheres to one principle when releasing funds. Buying a large number of tablets always leads to a reduction in the cost of 1 piece. According to price comparison data, the Classic tablet is considered the cheapest of the Finish line; one dishwashing cycle will cost 13.18 rubles; the Quantum tablet costs 23.15 rubles; Finish All in 1 costs 21 rubles. Only Frau Schmidt “All in 1” (10.17 rubles) and Lotta All in1 Premium (12.20 rubles) are cheaper than Classic. Other dishwashing detergents in the dishwasher are more expensive than Classic, but cheaper than Finish All and Quantum.

When purchasing, check the manufacturer - for Russia, Finish brand tablets are officially imported from Poland.

According to data from a washing quality check carried out in 2016 by Roskontrol, Finish powder and Fairy tablets turned out to be the best. The test was carried out under the same conditions for all products (same machine, same contamination, etc.). It should be noted that Finish powder has an identical composition to the tablets, which also indicates their high quality.

As practice shows, Finish tablets wash any dishes cleanly and carefully.

Advantages and disadvantages - what consumers say

Most housewives respond positively to Finish tablets. They note this product as effective and powerful, since after washing you can pull perfectly clean dishes out of the machine. Some of these reviews are written about the Finish all in 1 option.

Of course, there are a number of buyers who are negative about Finish, because it is very expensive. Of course, there are a lot of such funds, and cheaper ones will not be difficult to find.

But the main advantage of Finish is that it has confirmed its effectiveness under any conditions of use. So, it doesn’t matter how hard the water flows in the pipes, how many salts and impurities it contains, etc.

Organic substances of low and medium quality cannot boast of such advantages. What can we say about versatility? Moreover, Finish has been sold for more than half a century, and has confirmed its effectiveness through scientific research.

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Where to order and buy

Finish dishwasher tablets are sold online and in brick-and-mortar stores. To purchase, simply add the item to your cart, make payment and order delivery. If necessary, you can also pick up the goods yourself in the store. If necessary, a specialist will help you decide on the choice of product and advise on all questions of interest.

They are convenient to use and even, as described in the article, profitable. Try different types to make your choice.

User reviews

Finish Classic tablets always work perfectly. Additionally, I use mouthwash of the same brand. I buy a large package so that the cost per piece is lower. Therefore, without hesitation, I put in a whole tablet even if the chamber is not full.

Alexandra, Kirov

I have been using various Finish tablets for several years now, but I try to buy them on sale. I’m always happy with the result, and if there are small mistakes, then I understand that I loaded something into the bunker incorrectly.

Natalia, Tomsk



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