TOP 10 best Indesit washing machines: rating 2021-2022 and description of model characteristics + owner reviews

Many people do not pay attention to the operating instructions when purchasing washing machines. It seems that everything is simple: turn on the equipment and use it. However, this issue needs to be taken more seriously. The operating instructions will answer any user question, because the information in it is presented simply and intelligibly.

Users of Indesit washing equipment, as a rule, have difficulties with the control panel, since it is quite complex. In this article we will figure out how to use the Indesit washing machine.

Detergents and types of laundry (Indesit IWSB 5085 (CIS)F062908)

Detergent dispenser.

A good washing result also depends on the correct dosage of detergent: excess detergent does not guarantee more effective washing; on the contrary, it contributes to the formation of deposits inside the Indesit IWSB 5085 CIS washing machine and environmental pollution.

! Do not use hand wash detergents as they create too much foam. Remove the dispenser and place detergent or additive in it in the following order.

Compartment 1: Pre-wash detergent (powder) Before loading laundry detergent, make sure that compartment 4 for bleach is not installed. Compartment 2: laundry detergent (powder or liquid) Liquid detergent is poured in immediately before starting the machine. Compartment 3: Additives (softeners, fragrances, etc.) Do not fill rinse aid compartment 3 above the grid. Additional compartment 4: Bleach and delicate bleach! Do not use detergents intended for hand washing - the resulting abundant foam worsens the washing result and can damage the Indesit IWSB 5085 CIS washing machine. Whitening! Regular bleach is used when washing durable white fabrics; Delicate bleach can be used on colored, synthetic and wool fabrics.

Tray 4 for bleach is inserted into compartment 1 of the detergent dispenser. Do not fill Tray 4 above the max mark (see illustration). To carry out bleaching only, pour bleach into additional insert 4, select the “Rinse” program and use the “Bleaching” function.

To whiten during the washing process, add washing powder and softener, select the desired program and use the “Whitening” function. The use of additional insert 4 eliminates the possibility of using pre-wash.

Preparing the laundry • Separate the laundry according to the following criteria: - type of fabric / designation on the label. - color: separate colored laundry from white. • Remove all items from pockets and check buttons. • Do not exceed the maximum drum load specified for dry laundry: Durable fabrics: max. 5 kg Synthetic fabrics: max. 2.5 kg Delicates: max. 2 kg Wool: max. 1 kg Silk: max. 1 kg How much does laundry weigh? 1 sheet 400-500 gr. 1 pillowcase 150-200 gr. 1 tablecloth 400-500 gr. 1 robe 900-1200 gr. 1 towel 150-250 gr. Items that require delicate washing Wool: in program 7 mode of the Indesit IWSB 5085 CIS washing machine you can wash any woolen items, including items labeled “hand wash only”. For best results, use a special detergent and do not exceed 1 kg wash load. Silk: Use special program 8 for all silk items. It is recommended to use a special detergent for delicate fabrics. Curtains: It is recommended to roll them up and place them in the bag provided. Use program 8. Jeans: Turn items inside out before washing and use liquid detergent. Use program 9. Linen balancing system Before each spin, to avoid excessive vibrations and to evenly distribute the laundry in the drum, the machine rotates at a speed slightly higher than the washing speed. If after several attempts the laundry is not balanced correctly, the machine will spin at a lower speed than intended.

Read in full: Operating instructions for the washing machine IWSB indesit 5085 CIS Installation…

How not to load the drum more than necessary

In the same instruction manual, which you have not yet let go of, there is data on the number of things per load. Weight is usually indicated.

Did you know? If the technical specifications say “5 kg”, this is calculated for 5 kilograms of wet things, not dry! Therefore, weighing everything down to the gram does not make much sense.

  • Cotton items for one full load fill the space completely. Just don’t push and compact! Put it in, fill the drum - and you're done.
  • Products made from synthetics fill the space by half (also without effort when laying).
  • Wool products need special care, including in terms of quantity: one full load of wool is a third of the drum.

The main rule is that it should be free inside, nothing can be pushed in. This, firstly, will keep the machine healthy, and secondly, it will allow it to wash perfectly!

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Life time

The warranty period for the Indesit washing machine is 1 year. If during this time the equipment breaks down or a manufacturing defect is discovered, then repairs are carried out at the expense of the manufacturer. To do this, you need to contact the service center.

As for the actual service life, it is designed for 10 years. The machine can last longer, it depends on many factors, including: washing frequency, care features, air humidity, water quality, etc.

According to service center technicians, without replacing parts under standard operating conditions, the equipment lasts about 5 years.

The body must be level

It is important not only to install the Indesit machine, but also to align it with the floor. This is the only way the machine will be stable, which will eliminate strong vibration, knocking and “jumping” around the room. If you ignore this step, even automatic imbalance control will not save you, and the unit will break down faster and require repair.

Leveling occurs with the help of adjustable legs, making straight lines possible even on curved floors. The fitting process looks like this:

  • put the building level on top of the washing machine and, using it as a guide, unscrew or screw in the legs;
  • we lower our hands to the corners and slowly pump the equipment (if there is no vibration or strong rocking, everything was done correctly, otherwise, we go back and repeat the adjustment);
  • tighten the fixing nuts on the legs using a suitable wrench.

The best test is to start the mode at maximum spin. Even at high speeds, the unit should not move independently in space. Special vibration-smoothing attachments, which are sold in service stores and supermarkets, will also come in handy.

How to care for a household appliance?

Lack of proper care for the Indesit washing machine is fraught with such troubles as: poor quality of washing, excessive consumption of electricity and water, rapid wear of all internal and external elements.

In order to operate the washing machine for as long as possible without repair, you must adhere to certain care rules:

  1. At least once every five days, wipe the body of the washing machine with a soft sponge and soapy water (helps maintain the whiteness of the plastic panels).
  2. After each wash, wipe the rubber cuff dry with a cloth. Once a month, the rubber is cleaned of dirt with a soap solution.
  3. After each wash, wipe the hatch door dry with a soft cloth.
  4. If there are dry powder particles left in the detergent tray after washing, they must be removed with a soft brush. Additionally, once a month, the powder receptacle is removed from the housing and cleaned under running water with a brush and soap.
  5. Do not accumulate dirty laundry in the washing machine drum (an unpleasant odor appears, which is very difficult to remove).
  6. Once every few months, check the integrity of the inlet hose.

To extend the life of the washing machine, it is recommended to run a “cleaning” cycle once a year (at a temperature of 90°C, without dirty laundry, with washing powder, the machine starts for the longest washing mode).

You can find out how to remove the tray from the Indesit washing machine (for example, to clean it) here.

Emergency situations

There are times when the machine door does not open either after draining the water or after stopping the program.

If possible, call a technician who can diagnose and open the washing machine.

Otherwise, you will have to force open it yourself. Several methods are known.

  1. Using an emergency opening cable. It is located in front behind the panel at the bottom of the car. The cable is usually orange. To open the door, simply pull it.

  2. Door opening thanks to a thin cord. Take a cord in accordance with the circumference of the hatch, maybe a little longer. You need to put a thread between the body and the hatch. Pull it until it presses against the latch. Failure may occur if the lock is of a different design.
  3. You can use a spatula. It is inserted between the door and the body and pressed onto the latch.
  4. A universal way to open any machine. To open the lock using this method, you will have to remove the top cover by unscrewing the bolts. The lid moves back and the door latch is pressed by hand.

Having this information, you can open the machine in any situation, but if you have doubts about your abilities, it is better to contact a specialist.

General recommendations

An Indesit brand washing machine is traditionally not burdened with unnecessary electronics - touch panels, remote and voice control, wide color displays. On the one hand, this makes it somewhat old-fashioned and unattractive for lovers of modern gadgets, but on the other hand, it makes it much cheaper, and therefore potentially more attractive to consumers.

The lack of newfangled electronics does not lead to the fact that the washing machine begins to wash worse; rather, on the contrary, its control module is simpler, and therefore more reliable

But the quality of washing depends not only on the equipment, but also on the users who turn it on and set it up, so to get the best results it is very important to use the Indesit washing machine correctly. To begin with, here are some general recommendations that it would be nice for everyone to know:

  • When placing laundry in the drum, be sure to sort it. It is necessary to take into account not only the color (white/black), but also the fastness of the paint, the type of fabric, and the presence of loose elements.
  • Before putting new items into the drum of your Indesit washing machine that have not yet been washed, check their identification labels. Usually, if an item cannot be washed or can be washed, but in a special mode, the manufacturer makes appropriate notes on its label. You can read more about this in the article Markings on clothes for washing.
  • Always check the pockets of clothing items you place in the drum. Any needle, pin or paper clip that gets inside your Indesit washing machine can seriously damage it. Not many people will feel better if you wash your passport or credit card in the machine, so it’s up to you whether you want to start such a healthy habit or not.
  • Always check that the buttons on the clothes you are going to wash are secure and fasten all zippers. And clothes with plastic zippers are generally best washed in a special bag.
  • For best washing results, it is better to turn T-shirts, shirts, sweaters, jackets, pants, socks and other clothes inside out.
  • To better balance the drum, do not wash many large items at once, divide the wash into two or even three batches and mix large items with small ones.
  • Do not use hand washing powders as they will cause excessive foaming.
  • Place detergents in the tray correctly. Each type of detergent has its own powder receptacle compartment: the first compartment for pre-wash, the second for the main wash and the third for rinse aid.
  • If you wash clothes without heating the water, then you need to put in half as much powder. Otherwise, it will not dissolve and will be removed along with waste water - money down the drain.
  • The choice of washing program is carried out only when the Indesit washing machine is stopped. Violation of the rule may result in damage to the control module.

Popular programs

Like any other washing machine, the Indesit washing machine has quite a few modes in its arsenal, which people use quite rarely. This always happens, we use some modes 2-3 times over the entire life of the machine, and some we use constantly. Our Italian partners conducted a survey of users of Indesit washing machines and found that they most often use the following programs:

  1. heavily soiled white clothes (number 1 on the program selector);
  2. mixed things (number 3);
  3. colored things (number 4);
  4. moderately soiled non-fading synthetics (number 9);
  5. wool (number 14).

Let's make sure the machine is ready

The first wash will go “like clockwork” if you follow the instructions strictly. Be sure to read the user manual with the basic rules for operating the automatic machine. It is also better to immediately understand the icons on the dashboard by reading what each symbol is responsible for and finding out what modes and options are provided in the washing machine.

After the new washing machine is delivered from the store, you must:

  • remove the transport bolts;
  • connect the machine to communications;
  • level the washing machine;
  • wipe the inner surface of the drum with a damp cloth;
  • remove the factory stickers and run a test cycle.

It is important not to forget to unscrew the transport bolts holding the washing machine drum.

Transport bolts are provided to secure the SMA drum. It is important that during transportation the “insides” of the machine do not hit each other. It is forbidden to start the machine with the screws not removed - the engine will spin the stationary “centrifuge”, it will resist, so not only the container itself will suffer, but also the bearings, shock absorbers and other elements.

The instructions tell you how to properly remove the transport bolts. Their number and location on a specific Indesit model are also indicated there. After removing the screws, special plugs that come with the washing machine are inserted into the holes.

If you run the first wash without removing the shipping bolts, you can’t count on warranty repairs. Since the breakdown occurs due to user negligence, the service center will refuse free service.

The next step is installing the washing machine. Ideally, specialists should handle the connection. It is important to level the housing, position the drain hose correctly, connect the device to the communications, and securely fasten the clamps to the pipes. The machine will vibrate during operation, and a loose connection may cause a leak.

After installation, you need to clean the washer drum with a damp cloth. Dust and dirt are also removed from the body of the machine. Carefully remove all stickers provided by the manufacturer. Then the machine is wiped dry.

The washing machine is now ready for its first wash. Of course, it’s too early to load things into the machine. To begin with, a technical launch is carried out. Let's tell you what it is and why it is needed.

First launch of the Indesit washing machine

The Indesit washing machine was delivered, unpacked and installed. The crucial moment comes - the first turn on and start of the wash. It helps to identify hidden defects, as well as get rid of the unpleasant odors of rubber, metal and plastic inherent in new household appliances.

The first “idle” wash takes place at maximum water temperature (90°C), an empty tank, with a small amount (no more than 10% of the norm) of washing powder.

For the first start, set the longest wash mode (as an option, you can use the “auto-cleaning” mode). How to connect an Indesit washing machine to communications, read here.

Tips for caring for your washing machine

Finally, a few tips on how to properly care for your laundry assistant so that it lasts longer and you no longer need repair recommendations.

  1. Wipe the exterior and interior of your machine regularly to remove water stains. You can use a solution of dishwashing detergent on the outside; just wipe the inside of the drum with a damp cloth.
  2. After each wash, leave the hatch door open for a while to allow any remaining water from inside to evaporate.
  3. Periodically wash the conditioner container without using household chemicals.
  4. If the quality of the wash has deteriorated, and an unpleasant odor appears in the machine, then deep cleaning is necessary. To do this, you can purchase a special product in the store, or prepare it yourself. Simply mix 1 tablespoon of powder with ¾ cup of bleach. The resulting mixture must be poured into the machine and run a pre-soaking cycle, and then turn it on for rinsing. After completing the process, make sure that all the solution is removed from the drum.
  5. If you use the top surface of the machine as a shelf, cover it so that it does not get scratched or dirty. Do not place sharp objects on it and avoid contact with corrosive substances.
  6. It is advisable to change the connecting hoses for draining and collecting water every 5 years and regularly inspect them for wear and cracks.

By following these simple rules, you will be able to keep your machine in working condition for a long time.

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Errors (on screen) and what to do about them?

Modern Indesit models display fault information on the display in the form of a digital code. This self-diagnosis system greatly facilitates the process of restoring the functionality of household appliances.

Decoding error codes for Indesit washing machines:

  1. F01 - signal that there is no engine rotation. It is necessary to check the voltage in the network, test the motor winding and tachometer.
  2. F02 - signals that the drum rotation is blocked. It is necessary to check the motor brushes, electric motor contacts, tachometer, and control module.
  3. F03 - indicates the absence of a signal from the water temperature sensor. Diagnosis or replacement of the sensor is required.
  4. F04 - signal about a malfunction of the pressure switch. Most often, the problem is solved by cleaning the filters and the water drainage channel (in especially severe cases, the drain pump must be replaced).
  5. F05 - signal about problems with drainage. The drain filter needs to be cleaned and the drain pump needs to be diagnosed.
  6. F06 - problem with control buttons. It is necessary to check the button contacts.
  7. F07 - signal of lack of heating of water in the tank. The control module needs to be checked.
  8. F08 - appears when the heating element malfunctions. The problem can be solved by replacing the heating element.
  9. F09 - signals a failure in the control module. The machine may turn off a few minutes after the wash starts and interrupt the process at any time. In such a situation, professional diagnostics of the control module is required.
  10. F10 - signal that the tank is not filled with water. The pressure switch needs to be replaced.
  11. F11—indicates a malfunction of the drain pump. The faulty element needs to be replaced.
  12. F12 - occurs when there is no connection between the display module and the power module. A professional diagnosis by a technician is required.
  13. F13,14,15 - drying fan is faulty. Diagnostics and possible replacement of the faulty element is required.
  14. F16 (displayed only on the display of top-loading washing machines) - the error is due to a breakdown of the device that fixes the movement of the drum.
  15. F17 - signal about a malfunction in the hatch locking device.
  16. F18 - loss of communication between the microprocessor and the digital signal processing device. The corresponding board needs to be replaced.
  17. F20 - a signal about problems with water (insufficient or, on the contrary, over-filled tank). The fill valve filter needs to be checked.

In case of almost all errors, a reboot will help restore normal operation of the Indesit washing machine. The appliance is turned off from the network for ten minutes, after which the washing program is started again. If the reboot does not help, you need to contact a technician for qualified help.

What does error H20 mean for an Indesit washing machine can be found here.


Built-in models fit perfectly into any interior and can successfully highlight the design of not only the bathroom, but also the kitchen or any other part of the living space.

At the same time, the functions of other free-standing household appliances are preserved.

Such models are always compact in size, but despite this they have a large volume.


Indesit BI WMIL 71252

Large drum volume with small dimensions for any interior.

This option will be a great helper in the house. The large volume of BI WMIL 71252 allows you to immediately load the laundry of the whole family.

The high level of energy savings allows you to trust this household appliance with daily washing.


  • built-in - yes;
  • dimensions – 60x54x82 cm;
  • possibility of additional loading – no;
  • volume – 7 kg;
  • spin – 1200 rpm;
  • energy class: A++;
  • electronic control.


  • capacity;
  • “easy ironing” function;
  • simple controls.


  • spinning noise;
  • high price.

Selection of programs for SMA "Indesit"

The Indesit washing machine has a wide range of convenient modes. The selection of what you need is carried out using the selector switch handle, along the circumference of which there are corresponding inscriptions or icons.

Before setting up, it is recommended to sort your clothes by fabric type, degree of soiling and color. Based on the results of assessing the condition of the laundry, a decision is made on choosing a ready-made program or setting up an individual one.

In the first case, it remains possible to additionally add the following special functions:

  • delayed start, it is indicated by a clock icon;
  • soak;
  • rinsing, indicated by a drop and a basin;
  • spin, a twisted spiral is depicted;
  • easy ironing, if such a function is available in this model, is indicated by the iron sign.

Are you using citric acid?

Oh yes! No

Of the ready-made programs in everyday use, the following options are most often used:

  1. For heavily soiled white laundry, use the selector to select mark number 1. Next, use the temperature toggle switch to set the value to 60-90° or MAX.
  2. Mixed things. The most popular option due to its versatility is located at number 3. It is performed at 40° and provides care for non-fading colored or white products.
  3. Colored fabrics. The corresponding mark is at number 4. The mode is characterized by excellent results and a short cycle time at a temperature of only 40°.
  4. For synthetics use position 9.
  5. Wool products. For them, the switch should be stopped at 14. But only if there is no prohibiting sign on the label.

Program switch to "Indesit"

The user has the opportunity to change at will:


washing duration,

rotational speed.

The Indesit brand SMA provides for independent program selection. It can consist of several modes, the main of which are:

  1. Cotton fabrics. Designation – T-shirt sign. The temperature range ranges from 40 to 90°, while the load and process duration will differ. For 90-95o the processing time is 3 hours, the drum can be fully loaded. At 60°, soaking is excluded from the cycle and the time is reduced to 2.5 hours. This option is good for heavily soiled white items. Heating to 40° is recommended for colored fabrics, duration is 2.5 hours.
  2. Synthetics. Designation – the sign of a chemical flask. At 60° the working process takes 1 hour 25 minutes, and at 40° – 1 hour 11 minutes. This is a more gentle wash with a load of 2.5 to 3.5 kg.
  3. Silk items. The index is an image of a T-shirt. Suitable for lightweight viscose items and underwear. The process continues for 55 minutes at 30°.
  4. Wool. The corresponding symbol is a skein of thread. The drum rotation speed during spinning is reduced, the cycle lasts 55 minutes at 40°.

Additional buttons indesit

Some machine models offer separate washing modes without reference to types of fabrics:

  • Daily. Standard option for quickly processing lightly soiled laundry.
  • Preliminary. Used for soaking. Rotation occurs slowly at 30°.
  • Intense. Suitable for cotton and linen items. Water heating is possible up to 95o.
  • Delicate. Similar to program number 14. Used for items made of organza, lycra, wool and other materials that require careful handling.

Additional programs that can be set for certain items, taking into account the degree of contamination and type of material:

  1. Express mode allows you to process things in 15 minutes when heated to 30°. The permissible load is no more than one and a half kilograms.
  2. Shoes. The program was created for sports shoes and is indicated by a symbol with an image of a sneaker. A maximum of two pairs are allowed per cycle, which lasts 50 minutes.
  3. Jeans. The program has a corresponding icon and is specially designed for denim products. Operation occurs at 40° and reduced rotation speed. Permissible load: 2.5 kg.
  4. Sportswear. The operating cycle time is 1 hour 20 minutes, and water heating reaches 30°.

Most popular programs

Indesit washing machines have many modes. Some modes are used much more often than others.

Users of Indesit washing equipment most often use the following programs:

  1. Mixed things (the program is indicated by number 3 on the selector);
  2. Wool (indicated by the number 14);
  3. Moderately soiled non-fading synthetics (indicated by the number 9 on the selector);
  4. Heavily soiled white items (number 1)
  5. .Colored things (number 4);

To wash heavily soiled white items, select washing mode 1. This is done using the program selector. Use the temperature selection toggle switch to select MAX or 900C. If you don’t need to boil the laundry, you can set it to 600C. There is no need to choose a lower temperature.

The number 3 on the toggle switch indicates the “mixed things” program. This program is the most universal and is used most often than others. It is chosen when washing faded colored items or white, non-fading colored laundry. In the first case, the temperature is set to 400C, and in the second – 50-600C.

The number 4 indicates the “colored things” mode. This mode is necessary for washing lightly and moderately soiled items. The water temperature is 400C. However, this mode can be used to wash not only colored but also white items.

For synthetic items it is better to use the mode number 9, and for woolen items – number 14.

You should be careful when washing woolen items. Such an item can only be washed if permitted by its manufacturer. In other words, if the label of a wool item contains a symbol prohibiting machine washing, then it cannot be washed in a machine.

Starting the wash

First, let's figure out how to use the Indesit washing machine. It should be noted that operating washing equipment of this brand is quite simple. However, it is better to study the instructions first. It contains the following items:

  1. Open the hatch of the machine and add laundry. In this case, the amount of laundry should not exceed the maximum permissible load of the drum.
  2. Make sure that the washing equipment is connected to the power supply. Then you need to press the power button.
  3. Select the required washing mode by setting the program selector to the required position.
  4. Adjust the washing temperature. This is done using the temperature selection toggle switch.
  5. Change the washing program at your discretion using the buttons that will be described below.
  6. Press the “start” button. After this, the washing process will begin. You can also choose to simply spin or rinse and spin separately.

How to properly reboot the machine

Before restarting the product, carefully study the instructions for your particular washing machine model, since each brand of machine has its own design features and certain methods for urgent stopping. We will look at general recommendations for properly rebooting the machine.

How to stop the program: options

Most washing machines have two unified options for urgently resetting the installed program.

First option

If the “Start” button in the unit also serves as the “Pause” button, then you need to press it once to stop the wash and wait a couple of seconds. After this, the door lock should unlock. Now you can load additional laundry into the drum or take out an item that accidentally got into it, forgotten in your pocket. Before opening the door, make sure there is no water inside, otherwise it will spill out.

Healthy! If water has already accumulated in the washing machine, drain it manually using the drain filter (a small hatch at the bottom of the machine).

Second option

By pressing the "Start/Pause" button, the program is completely reset. In this case, turning off is not done by pressing it once, but by holding the button for a long time (5-6 seconds). Further events will develop depending on the modification of your device:

  • in more modern models, after holding the “Start/Pause” button for a long time, the machine will drain the water on its own and the door will unlock;
  • In older models, automatic drainage of water is not provided; it must also be drained manually through a drain filter.

If the power is out

In the event of a sudden power outage, first of all, disconnect the device from the network. To do this, you need to remove the cord from the outlet so that the washing machine is not subject to a sudden voltage drop.

When the power supply is restored, plug the device into the mains. If the previously installed program has not been reset, the automatic machine will simply continue to operate. Some models will drain the water when turned on and stop washing. In this case, you will need to select the desired mode again and start it.

Recommendation! To return the automatic machine to its factory settings, you may need the help of an electronics technician; do not try to cope with this task yourself without the appropriate training.

Errors (on screen) and what to do about them?

Modern Indesit models display fault information on the display in the form of a digital code. This self-diagnosis system greatly facilitates the process of restoring the functionality of household appliances.

Decoding error codes for Indesit washing machines:

  1. F01 - signal that there is no engine rotation. It is necessary to check the voltage in the network, test the motor winding and tachometer.
  2. F02 - signals that the drum rotation is blocked. It is necessary to check the motor brushes, electric motor contacts, tachometer, and control module.
  3. F03 - indicates the absence of a signal from the water temperature sensor. Diagnosis or replacement of the sensor is required.
  4. F04 - signal about a malfunction of the pressure switch. Most often, the problem is solved by cleaning the filters and the water drainage channel (in especially severe cases, the drain pump must be replaced).
  5. F05 - signal about problems with drainage. The drain filter needs to be cleaned and the drain pump needs to be diagnosed.
  6. F06 - problem with control buttons. It is necessary to check the button contacts.
  7. F07 - signal of lack of heating of water in the tank. The control module needs to be checked.
  8. F08 - appears when the heating element malfunctions. The problem can be solved by replacing the heating element.
  9. F09 - signals a failure in the control module. The machine may turn off a few minutes after the wash starts and interrupt the process at any time. In such a situation, professional diagnostics of the control module is required.
  10. F10 - signal that the tank is not filled with water. The pressure switch needs to be replaced.
  11. F11—indicates a malfunction of the drain pump. The faulty element needs to be replaced.
  12. F12 - occurs when there is no connection between the display module and the power module. A professional diagnosis by a technician is required.
  13. F13,14,15 - drying fan is faulty. Diagnostics and possible replacement of the faulty element is required.
  14. F16 (displayed only on the display of top-loading washing machines) - the error is due to a breakdown of the device that fixes the movement of the drum.
  15. F17 - signal about a malfunction in the hatch locking device.
  16. F18 - loss of communication between the microprocessor and the digital signal processing device. The corresponding board needs to be replaced.
  17. F20 - a signal about problems with water (insufficient or, on the contrary, over-filled tank). The fill valve filter needs to be checked.

In case of almost all errors, a reboot will help restore normal operation of the Indesit washing machine. The appliance is turned off from the network for ten minutes, after which the washing program is started again. If the reboot does not help, you need to contact a technician for qualified help.

What does error H20 mean for an Indesit washing machine can be found here.

With a large load of laundry

Such washing machines are extremely popular as a family option . For a large amount of laundry, it is indispensable.

You should know! Among other things, the large capacity allows you to wash blankets, bed linen, curtains and other items that require a large drum volume.


Indesit BWSE 81082 LB

Ideal for families or for regularly washing large amounts of laundry.

Despite the large volume of the Indesit BWSE 81082 LB drum, the machine uses water and electricity quite economically, which is especially important with a load of 8 kg.

A large number of modes allows you to choose the optimal and effective washing option for each type of fabric.


  • built-in - no;
  • dimensions – 60x54x85 cm;
  • possibility of additional loading – no;
  • volume – 8 kg;
  • spin – 1000 rpm;
  • energy class: A+;
  • touch control;
  • protection against leaks;
  • protection from children.


  • large capacity;
  • powerful spin;
  • a large number of options;
  • There is an “odor removal” function.


  • as the temperature increases, the washing time also increases;
  • noisily draws water;
  • short hose for draining water.


Indesit BWSA 71052 LS

A machine with a large load capacity and minimal energy consumption at an affordable price.

An excellent washing machine BWSA 71052 LS, which fully corresponds to its price.

Large volume, high energy savings and relatively small dimensions allow you to install it in a standard bathroom and not feel embarrassed.


  • built-in - no;
  • dimensions – 60x44x85 cm;
  • volume – 7 kg;
  • spin – 1000 rpm;
  • energy class: A++;
  • electronic control;
  • protection against leaks;
  • protection from children.


  • relatively low cost;
  • excellent quality;
  • large loading hatch;
  • range of programs;
  • quiet operation even during the spin cycle;
  • small dimensions.


  • there is no time until the end of the wash;
  • rough design;
  • difficult setup.


Indesit IWE 7105 B

High-quality washing with energy and water savings, regardless of the volume of items.

An excellent household option for daily use.

High-quality assembly with the ability to load up to 7 kg of laundry.

Spin at high speeds, does its job perfectly, even when fully loaded.


  • built-in - no;
  • dimensions – 60x54x85 cm;
  • volume – 7 kg;
  • spin – 1000 rpm;
  • energy class: A;
  • electronic control;
  • protection against leaks.


  • large loading volume;
  • affordable price;
  • ease of installation;
  • efficiency;
  • removable top cover.


  • noisy when working;
  • long programs;
  • inconvenient access to the filter.

General recommendations

An Indesit brand washing machine is traditionally not burdened with unnecessary electronics - touch panels, remote and voice control, wide color displays. On the one hand, this makes it somewhat old-fashioned and unattractive for lovers of modern gadgets, but on the other hand, it makes it much cheaper, and therefore potentially more attractive to consumers.

The lack of newfangled electronics does not lead to the fact that the washing machine begins to wash worse; rather, on the contrary, its control module is simpler, and therefore more reliable

But the quality of washing depends not only on the equipment, but also on the users who turn it on and set it up, so to get the best results it is very important to use the Indesit washing machine correctly. To begin with, here are some general recommendations that it would be nice for everyone to know:

  • When placing laundry in the drum, be sure to sort it. It is necessary to take into account not only the color (white/black), but also the fastness of the paint, the type of fabric, and the presence of loose elements.
  • Before putting new items into the drum of your Indesit washing machine that have not yet been washed, check their identification labels. Usually, if an item cannot be washed or can be washed, but in a special mode, the manufacturer makes appropriate notes on its label. You can read more about this in the article Markings on clothes for washing.
  • Always check the pockets of clothing items you place in the drum. Any needle, pin or paper clip that gets inside your Indesit washing machine can seriously damage it. Not many people will feel better if you wash your passport or credit card in the machine, so it’s up to you whether you want to start such a healthy habit or not.
  • Always check that the buttons on the clothes you are going to wash are secure and fasten all zippers. And clothes with plastic zippers are generally best washed in a special bag.
  • For best washing results, it is better to turn T-shirts, shirts, sweaters, jackets, pants, socks and other clothes inside out.
  • To better balance the drum, do not wash many large items at once, divide the wash into two or even three batches and mix large items with small ones.
  • Do not use hand washing powders as they will cause excessive foaming.
  • Place detergents in the tray correctly. Each type of detergent has its own powder receptacle compartment: the first compartment for pre-wash, the second for the main wash and the third for rinse aid.

  • If you wash clothes without heating the water, then you need to put in half as much powder. Otherwise, it will not dissolve and will be removed along with waste water - money down the drain.
  • The choice of washing program is carried out only when the Indesit washing machine is stopped. Violation of the rule may result in damage to the control module.

Popular programs

Like any other washing machine, the Indesit washing machine has quite a few modes in its arsenal, which people use quite rarely. This always happens, we use some modes 2-3 times over the entire life of the machine, and some we use constantly. Our Italian partners conducted a survey of users of Indesit washing machines and found that they most often use the following programs:

  1. heavily soiled white clothes (number 1 on the program selector);
  2. mixed things (number 3);
  3. colored things (number 4);
  4. moderately soiled non-fading synthetics (number 9);
  5. wool (number 14).
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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