Fuel for the refrigerator, what does freon smell like?

When the refrigerator operates, a foreign odor may occur. If after checking it becomes clear that we are not talking about products, then you need to check how the cooling system works. The smell of freon in the refrigerator can create inconvenience and affect the stored products. The likely cause of the problem is a refrigerant leak. A faulty refrigerator creates discomfort for the family, so repairs must be performed as soon as possible. You need to know how to check this and what to do to solve the problem.

Characteristics of freon and its properties

Next we will tell you what freon is. This substance is a mixture of ethane and methane. It has no color. It is capable of boiling at temperatures below zero. The substance used in the refrigerator is not toxic when it comes to modern models. The equipment, which was created in Soviet times, contained phosgene, a gas that is harmful to human health. Since 2010, its use has been completely discontinued. Modern refrigerant is not similar in its properties to previous varieties.

Since the 20th century, more than 40 types of freon have been used in refrigerators. When studying their impact on the environment, it was found that some of them negatively affect the state of the ozone layer of the atmosphere. When heated above 250 degrees, some types of refrigerant release toxic substances. This is one of the reasons why it is not recommended to place the refrigerator next to a stove or heating appliances. What freon smells like depends on its type.

If the smell is still there and does not go away for a long time

If the unpleasant odor does not go away after a long time, there may be several reasons:

  • Air conditioner malfunctions.
  • The drainage system is clogged.
  • Incorrect installation of the air conditioner.

Important! To find out the reasons for the appearance of odor in the air conditioner, consult a specialist to eliminate any problems that have arisen.

Experts identify three main reasons for the appearance of unpleasant odors in the climate system:

  1. Accumulation of ambient aromas in filters. Many air conditioners do not use air from the street, but cool the air in the room. As a result, odors accumulate and are released back in concentrated form. For example, if your new furniture contains a large amount of formaldehyde resins, of course the cooled air will contain them.

Important! Materials such as plastic and synthetics can also be responsible for the odor.

  1. Mold and bacteria. If the device has not been turned on for a long time, it is possible that microorganisms have accumulated inside, because the device is an ideal environment for reproduction - it is warm and damp.
  2. Drainage without siphon. If a siphon was not used during installation, and moisture from the air conditioner is removed not to the street, but to the sewer, then the entire smell of sewage can escape and fill your apartment.


The internal chambers of the refrigerator have double walls. In the space between them there are pipes through which the refrigerant moves. It moves along a closed loop. The presence of a sufficient amount of freon guarantees effective cooling of the refrigeration chamber. The answer to what smell freon has depends on its type.

Freon is able to cool the contents of the refrigerator by absorbing excess heat. In the refrigerator it circulates through a closed system of pipes. Heating turns it into gas. The electric motor compresses it, forcing it to release heat to the environment. In the form of a liquid, the refrigerant is again transferred to the refrigerator, taking away heat from the food stored in it. At the same time, it again turns into a gaseous state. After this, it is compressed again, and the cycle repeats again.

Symptoms of poisoning

In the case of chronic poisoning with freons and decay products of this substance, the symptoms of the pathology are blurred and unclear. Possible symptoms of freon poisoning include:

The acute form of freon poisoning has more pronounced manifestations:

  • Primary nervous and muscular excitation, which is quickly replaced by slow reactions, apathy, lethargy, depression of consciousness,
  • Subjective feeling of intoxication with unsteady gait and decreased coordination of movements,
  • Headache and dizziness,
  • Nausea, vomiting,
  • Hyperemicity and cyanosis of the skin, mucous membranes,
  • Difficulty breathing, decreased intensity, severe paroxysmal cough,
  • Increased heart rate, sharp decrease in blood pressure.

In very severe forms of poisoning and the absence of immediate treatment, pulmonary edema forms within 5-10 hours and the likelihood of death increases significantly.

Freon is the conventional technical name for a whole group of carbohydrate derivatives (including up to 20 types of halogenated alkanes), used primarily as refrigerants for a number of technically complex household and industrial structures. Poisoning with this group of substances in some cases can cause serious harm to the body.

Is freon dangerous for the human body? What does freon smell like from a refrigerator and how dangerous is it for humans? What are the symptoms of intoxication? What first aid can be provided to the victim? You will read about this and much more in our article.

Signs of a Leak

Modern refrigerator models use freon types R600a and R134a. If they leak, they cannot be detected by smell, since they do not emit one. Older models contained R12, which has a slightly sweet odor, a bit like chloroform.

NOTE! The type of freon used can be easily determined, as it is indicated on the tag attached to the motor.

The following is known about the type of refrigerants used:

  1. Refrigerant R12 is difluorodichloromethane. It is only used in old refrigerators that were made in the Soviet Union. This colorless gas is not a fire hazard and will not cause an explosion. It's easy to determine what freon smells like from a refrigerator - it has a slight ether smell. However, it is not so harmless to the environment. It has been established that when it gets into the ozone layer, it has a destructive effect on it. If its concentration in a room exceeds 30%, it can cause suffocation.
  2. Freon R22 has a chemical composition similar to R. It is also used in old Soviet refrigerators. This gas is colorless, but can be detected by the slight odor of chloroform. Unlike R12, it does not have a destructive effect on the ozone layer. Just like other types of freon. When heated to temperatures above 250 degrees, it can release substances harmful to health. If it breaks down, you can easily determine whether it smells like freon.
  3. R134a is tetrafluoroethane. This is the first type of refrigerant. In which the use of chlorine has been completely stopped. This non-toxic gas cannot be detected either by color or by the smell of freon from the refrigerator. This can only be done if there are indirect signs. This type of refrigerant is used in conjunction with synthetic oil, the use of which can lead to clogging of the pipes.
  4. R600a is disobutane, a fuel for the cooling system. This substance is the most common type of refrigerant. It is used in most refrigerators produced in recent years. Freon leakage in this case does not pose a danger to human health. On contact with air at high concentrations it becomes explosive. This occurs in cases where there is more than 35 g of substance per cubic meter of air. In practice, this level is unattainable. Equipment models using this gas are the least noisy during operation. There is no freon smell in the refrigerator.

In modern equipment, it is impossible to determine a freon leak by color and smell. The existence of such a problem can only be established by indirect evidence.

The cause of the smell may not only be the freon in the refrigerator. When determining a leak by the presence of an unpleasant odor (if you are using an old brand refrigerator), you need to check the following possible sources:

  1. There is a plastic smell in a recently purchased refrigerator. It can be harsh and unpleasant. In order to get rid of the problem. Before using it for the first time, it is enough to wash the refrigerator with warm water and wait until it dries completely.
  2. The presence of stains that include not only dirt, but also bacterial waste products. This occurs when the refrigerator has been used for many years but is rarely cleaned inside. This problem can also be encountered when turning on a refrigerator for the first time that has not been used for a long time. This happens, for example, when switching on at a dacha, when the owners arrived for the first time after a significant break.
  3. The result of the drainage system being clogged. When food is stored, crumbs and other small pieces may form. Once in the drainage system, they prevent water from flowing out. The presence of small puddles creates conditions that are well suited for the growth of bacteria.
  4. Presence of spoiled products. Their formation can be a consequence of several reasons: storage after the expiration date or insufficiently high-quality operation of the refrigerator. In the latter case, there is usually an increase in temperature, which violates the storage conditions of food.
  5. A burning smell may be due to a burnt-out wire or problems with the motor. This smell can be easily distinguished - its appearance indicates that you need to call a specialist for repairs.
  6. Faulty deodorizer. It may be damaged or clogged. Its presence is provided in some modern models. If it is working properly, it not only provides a pleasant smell inside the refrigerator, but also has an antibacterial effect. How to clean it is described in the operating instructions for the refrigerator.

Having determined the cause of the unpleasant odor, you need to eliminate it. It is recommended to defrost the refrigerator and wash the inside with warm water and a small amount of vinegar. Usually a ratio of 1 to 8 is chosen.

You can also use a hydrogen peroxide solution. To do this, just spray it on the walls using a spray bottle, then wait 2-3 minutes and wipe with a damp towel. If after the first procedure the smell still remains, you need to do the work again.

Folk remedies can be used for cleaning:

  1. If you put a glass of black coffee inside, it will easily absorb foreign odors.
  2. A few crusts of black bread should be left until the unpleasant odor completely disappears.
  3. By placing a glass of activated carbon in the refrigerator, you can guarantee that there will be no unpleasant odor left in it.
  4. Half an apple or a piece of raw potato is left overnight. They will absorb unnecessary odors. After this they need to be thrown away.
  5. A slice of citrus fruit (from orange, lemon or tangerine) will not only purify the air, but will also leave its aroma.

To purify the air, you can purchase specialized products. They are small in size. When used, they are placed inside the refrigerator for a certain time.

IMPORTANT! If there is reason to suspect that the motor is broken, it makes sense to call a technician for repairs.

To detect leaks in modern refrigerators, you need to pay attention to the following:

  1. As a result, the efficiency of the cooling system is sharply reduced. This leads to defrosting and reduced quality of food storage.
  2. An increase in temperature promotes increased formation of condensation, which is deposited on the walls of the inner chamber.
  3. As a result of the leak, the engine is forced to work harder, which leads to increased wear and reduced service life. The risk of breakdown increases significantly.
  4. In older refrigerators, you can listen to see if the refrigerant smells.
  5. It may be that the motor starts running almost constantly. This occurs as a result of a drop in pressure in the system. Based on this sign, it is not difficult to determine whether freon is leaking.
  6. Sometimes a sign of the problem in question is that the refrigerator stops working. This happens after a significant part of the freon has completely leaked out.
  7. If there is automatic diagnostics of faults, an error with the corresponding code is displayed on the display. The instructions provide a description of all types of indications used in the unit.
  8. An alarming sign is that freon is leaking, icing of the evaporator or the formation of a snow coat on it.
  9. In some cases, the leaking gas forms a bubble that swells the back wall of the refrigerator. Here it is easy to detect whether freon is leaking by its appearance.

When freon leaks in the refrigerator, you can call a technician to your home. For this type of repair there is no need to take the refrigerator to a service center.

It is important to understand that freon leaks in modern refrigerators do not pose a danger to residents. After this, it is enough to ventilate the room. The refrigerant is not flammable and cannot cause an explosion. The presence of a leak is unacceptable because it reduces the quality of operation of the refrigerator for storing food and increases the risk of its breakdown.

What does freon smell like from the refrigerator?

This fact may surprise you, but you cannot smell the refrigerant from the refrigerator because IT DOESN'T SMELL! At least the one used in modern units (R600a and R134a). There is one exception to this rule: R12 freon has a characteristic sweetish odor, reminiscent of chloroform. But currently R12 is not used in household refrigerators. Moreover, since 2010, the production of refrigerators with this type of freon has been prohibited in Russia - so it can only be found in old Soviet models.

Remember! To find out which freon your refrigerator operates on, turn the unit around and look at the sticker on the motor. It should indicate the type of refrigerant the compressor operates on.

Possible reasons

Sometimes this problem can occur during defrosting. Some owners are not patient enough waiting for the layer of ice to melt. To speed up the process, they begin to pick at it using a knife or other metal objects. As a result, the risk of accidental damage to refrigerant pipes increases significantly. To reduce the likelihood of such problems, some models use automatic defrosting technology.

There are also other factors that increase the risk of injury. These include:

  1. Poor quality soldering during previous repairs. After some time, the damage reappears in the same place.
  2. Presence of defective parts.
  3. Damage during transportation.
  4. Problems that arose during the production of equipment: poorly executed assembly, unreliable connections and other similar reasons.
  5. Typically the evaporator is made of aluminum. It is susceptible to rust. When condensation forms during operation, this leads to increased corrosion processes. This increases the risk of cracks causing refrigerant leakage.

There are statistics on such damage. It is interesting to note that 95% of these occur where the evaporator tube and capillary tube are connected.

How to deal with the problem of air conditioner odor?

To combat the odor problem, you need to clean your air conditioner. All cleaning methods come down to the following steps:

  1. Wash away all dirt and mold.
  2. Disinfect all parts.
  3. Thoroughly dry all elements of the climate system.

Important! To disinfect the air conditioner, purchase special products. Usually they need to be sprayed where the device takes in air for cooling. Drops of the solution along with the air flow will penetrate the drainage system and destroy fungus and bacteria. Sometimes this is enough to completely get rid of the smell from the air conditioner.

Repairing the leak

During the repair process, the technician will look for a leak in the pipe through which freon flows. This is usually done using a special device - a leak detector. When a crack is detected, it emits a beep. Depending on the nature of the damage, spot soldering is performed or the faulty section of the pipe is replaced.

Before starting work, freon is removed from the system using vacuum removal. When the repair is completed, the refrigerant is pumped into the system and the compressor is turned on. After completing the repair work, the technician must make sure that the refrigerator is working properly. One of the important signs is the high-quality operation of the freezer.

Fixing the leak yourself is not recommended. At the same time, it is almost impossible to accurately determine the location of the damage and reliably eliminate it.

Why is there an odor in the refrigerator compartment?

  1. Food storage standards were violated. Any product, from milk to smoked meat, has its own shelf life and storage standards. By forgetting about any product, you are guaranteed to give the green light for such unpleasant aromas to appear. Any spoiled product fills the entire space of the refrigerator; some odors are extremely difficult to get rid of.

Prevention in this case will be to regularly check products for compliance with the expiration date, getting rid of those pieces that have already been sitting for the allotted time.
Owners of new units may also encounter an unpleasant odor. The fact is that the so-called “plastic dust” settles on the walls of the refrigeration unit for a long time and fills all the chambers with the smell of plastic. In this case, it is enough to thoroughly rinse the refrigerator cabinet with diluted vinegar or a special refrigerator cleaner. Another manifestation of odors in new cooling devices is the smell of oil, which is used to lubricate the bolts and nuts in the device system. Over time, this smell disappears. The fourth cause of an unpleasant odor can be defrosting. Everyone is familiar with an all-day power outage and the consequences of that outage. The refrigerator is defrosting and there is a smell from defrosting a large amount of food in the freezer.

Not only modern remedies, but also folk remedies, such as lemon juice, will help remove the smell.

Smell from the drain. The drain hole may also give off an unpleasant odor that leaves you wondering where to go. It is enough to rinse the refrigerator compartments, paying special attention to the drain hole. Sometimes you have a question: does freon smell? Yes, some types of this gas have a specific smell, similar to the smell of acetone. The smell of freon in a normally freezing and working refrigerator is rare. If you feel it, there is a leak.

What to do if there is a smell? How to remove foreign odor?

First check the cameras for spoiled food

Remove them, defrost the unit if possible and rinse thoroughly. When defrosting, pay special attention to the chamber drain hole. When the drain is clogged, bacteria form from particles of dirt and crumbs, which are the cause of this very aroma.

It is enough to rinse the drain hole with a syringe and warm water. In some units, for example, with the No Frost system, you cannot get to the drain hole yourself. In this case, contacting the service will help.

What repairs will be required if there are foreign odors in the refrigerator?

  • Cleaning drain holes;
  • General cleaning of the unit;
  • Using modern cleaning products;
  • Washing the camera using folk remedies.

As an example, here are some of the available means that you can easily use to remove odors from cells.

  • Vinegar essence. Vinegar is diluted in water in a 1:1 ratio and the shelves and chamber walls are covered with this solution.
  • Ammonia. Ammonia is diluted as follows: for 1 liter of water - 1 teaspoon of ammonia. The resulting solution is thoroughly mixed and the refrigerator is washed with it.
  • Among the products that simply mask odors, but do not eliminate the growth of bacteria, we can name: coffee beans, baking soda, activated carbon.

Products that help eliminate odors:

  • Lemon juice. A couple of drops are enough - drop into a saucer of water, wipe the refrigerator cabinet with the resulting solution. As an option: you can put a couple of lemon slices on a saucer, remembering to regularly replace them with fresh ones.
  • Other odor absorbers are foods such as rice, sugar and salt. Uncovered containers with bulk products are placed on shelves and left for a while. Naturally, these products are not used as food, but must be disposed of.

Modern products that are used for washing units are available in different variations. These can be sprays for washing cameras, and odor absorbers in the form of balls, bags, and much, much more.

Important: for repairs, contact only trusted services that have all the necessary licenses to provide services. We guarantee quality and will quickly solve your problem

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Now your refrigerator does not “smell”!
Dear Clean! Surely your refrigerator is now sparkling clean, because you have tips from “Chistyuli” in your hands! I want to be proud of a clean refrigerator filled with delicious aromas. When you open the door, look proudly at the guests: this is what kind of hostess I am!

Share useful information with your friends:

Tips from "Chistyuli"

  1. When packing food in plastic, make sure there is no condensation on it. Condensation flows down unnoticed and dries on the shelves, causing an odor.
  2. When installing the unit on a permanent residence, make sure that there is about 5 cm of free space around it. This is necessary for ventilation and cooling of the compressor.
  3. If you have a heated floor at home, place the refrigerator where there are no heating pipes.
  4. Regularly remove dust and dirt from the back wall of the refrigerator.
  5. When choosing a “white friend” in a store, pay attention to the volume of the unit:

In what cases is it impossible to independently repair and pump in refrigerant?

Almost always, refrigerator repairs require refrigerant charging. Doing this yourself is difficult and not always safe. If a leak occurs, topping up with gas will make little difference until the problem is corrected.

It is important to determine the cause of the malfunction and only then begin to eliminate the freon leak in the refrigerator and refill it

Most of the new cameras operate on explosive gases - R600, R134 and R12

You need to work with these substances carefully, observing all safety requirements. In addition, you cannot remove freon from an old refrigerator and fill it with another brand of refrigerant, since they are not interchangeable

You must also remember about the refueling rate, since an excess of gas also harms equipment. If there was excess filling, it will have to be bleed to the required levels.

You can find the place where the gas is escaping without a technician, but it is best to carry out repairs by a specialist. Cleaning the refrigerator system from freon R12, R134 or R600 is carried out by vacuuming the evaporator mechanisms. All this is done before refilling the gas and helps to completely remove the remnants of the previously used refrigerant.


  1. Do not put hot or still warm food in the refrigerator.
  2. You should not cover the shelves with anything.
  3. Do not allow the freezer to become covered with a thick layer of frost. Ice or a layer of snow more than 5-6 mm thick impairs the operation of the refrigerator and leads to excessive energy consumption.
  4. You should also not scrape off ice or dirt with hard, sharp objects.
  5. There is no need to place the refrigerator near heating appliances or stoves. The minimum distance is 50 cm.
  6. The refrigerator is not exposed to direct sunlight.

The best refrigerators according to customer reviews

ATLANT XM 4214-000

Autonomous cold storage – up to 16 hours;

compact but roomy;

quiet work.

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ATLANT XM 4208-000

Retains cold during power outages;

reversible doors;

price-quality ratio.

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ATLANT XM 4011-022

low noise level;

keeps cold up to 17 hours;

build quality.

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Bosch KGV36NL1AR

“Super Freeze” mode


designed to operate in conditions from +10 to +38 0С.

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LG DoorCooling+ GA-B509CQWL

silent operation;

installation close to the wall;

total volume – 384 l.

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Samsung RT-22 HAR4DSA

No Frost in both chambers;

energy consumption class A+;

Ice maker included.

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Samsung RB-30 J3000WW

freezing capacity – 13 kg/day;

suitable for operation under conditions from +10 to +38 0С;

combination of compactness and spaciousness.

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Hotpoint-Ariston HF 9201 B RO

operation in regions with any climatic conditions;

availability of necessary functions;

build quality.

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ATLANT ХМ 4426-000 N

convenient internal equipment;

quality of materials;

modern design.

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LG DoorCooling+ GA-B509 PBAZ

zero clearance;

operation in conditions from +10 to +38 0С;

control from a smartphone.

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Liebherr CN 4015

quiet operation;

thoughtful interior equipment;

reversible doors.

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Liebherr CUel 2831

stainless steel housing;

Autonomous cold storage – up to 25 hours;

build quality.

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Stinol STS 150

reversible doors;

quiet operation;

cools well.

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Biryusa 649


powerful cooling;

convenient internal equipment.

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The refrigerator is considered one of the dirtiest household appliances. It is home to many microbes, including those hazardous to health. Therefore, it is important to keep it clean and not let the food in it become rotten. Regular hygienic cleaning helps get rid of unpleasant odors and protect against diseases caused by bacteria. It is advisable to clean the refrigerator compartment once a month, and do not forget to defrost the freezer. The rubber seal deserves close attention, the dirty folds of which serve as a favorable environment for the proliferation of microbes.

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