How to bring freshness back to your home? Choose an air washer!

Nowadays, the climate in the house is not always favorable. This is facilitated by both external factors, for example, road dust or trees blooming around, as well as improperly created ventilation or recently carried out repairs from which the odors have not yet disappeared.

So, the climate in the apartment is disturbed. Heating systems dried out the atmosphere of the house. In summer it is difficult to breathe due to dust. It's time to solve the problem. Air washing, what is it, how to choose it correctly?

What is air washing?

The home climate greatly affects a person’s health and emotional state. So that the household can breathe freely, a number of companies have launched a special device for sale - an air washer.

These mechanisms work on two principles.

  1. The design of one contains a drum to which disk evaporators made of plastic are attached . Underneath there is a bath filled with water. The drum is in constant motion, and its blades are periodically washed. The flows forced by the fan, hitting the wet evaporator, are cleaned and humidified.
  2. An air dispersion zone is formed inside the second group of devices. The incoming masses undergo hydrofiltration. Such devices are less productive compared to the first ones, but more efficient.

The question arises: how are such procedures useful for the user? The polluted atmosphere of a room affects a person. Bacteria in the environment weaken the immune system, increasing the risk of colds and flu.

Dust and other substances surrounding a resident can cause severe allergies over time. They also constantly induce her to have attacks if the person is already sick. Insufficient humidity leads to dry skin and mucous membranes, fatigue, decreased immunity and discomfort.

Unpleasant odors negatively affect a person's mood. Combating these problems is the task of air washing.

The main advantage of this device, compared to purifiers and humidifiers, is its versatility. The buyer does not have to spend money on several devices. One is enough, which will perform all the necessary operations.

However, we must not forget about efficiency. The operating principles of other devices differ, mostly for the worse. A simple humidifier does not create circulation of air masses.

At the same time, although humidification occurs, the atmosphere becomes uncomfortable for breathing. also no consumables in air washers. You just have to clean and pour water into the device.

Air washers have one noticeable drawback. For proper functioning and to avoid the growth of bacteria, their internal parts must be washed. This procedure is best done once every 3 days using detergents. The task is complicated by the fact that not all devices are easy to disassemble. And the surface of the internal parts itself is difficult to wash.


Basically, the devices are presented with mechanical control, including 3 modes:

  • Day;
  • Night;
  • Turned off.

Models with touch controls are gaining popularity, making it easier to operate the device.

There are devices with a built-in hygrometer that displays humidity levels on the screen in real time.

How to choose if the air in the house is dry?

A device with additional functions is suitable for this purpose. Any device humidifies the atmosphere. However, only devices with the option of blowing space are aimed at solving the specific problem of dry apartment climate. Conventional car washes weakly spray the processed materials.

For good humidification, you need to have several devices to place them in each room. Devices with airflow can not only enrich the atmosphere of all rooms with moisture, but also cool the air.

The second method is less effective. It is necessary to purchase a device with disk evaporators. Choosing the device with the highest power . The area for which the device is designed should be 5-6 square meters. m exceeds the living room, in the room where the device will be installed.

Bay of water

According to their design features, the devices are filled with water by filling them from the top, or through a special tank.

The top option is considered more convenient, as, for example, with the Boneco W200: the lid is removed and water is silently poured directly into the pan, possibly directly onto the sponge. Capacity – 4.5 l.

In another option, the liquid comes from a separate tank, and to avoid gurgling sounds, good manufacturers use thick plastic that muffles possible noise.

If there is a lot of dust, wool, or allergies to pollen in the room

In this case, it is better to rely on devices that operate on the principle of hydrofiltration. Thanks to their design, they perfectly trap dust and wool particles. Anything larger than 2.5 microns will be securely locked inside the unit. They will also protect against common allergens, including pollen.

especially well if you include a special hygienic additive in the water . These liquids are sold in stores and are suitable for use with any device.

Another useful function when fighting dust is the ionizer. The dry climate causes dust to accumulate a positive charge. This causes particles to become airborne more frequently and in greater numbers.

The ionizer deprives them of this charge, and the dust stops harming households. It also fills the room atmosphere with negative ions, which help strengthen the immune system.

Work process

To evaluate the result of the device, you need to compare how you breathe in the room before turning on the device and at the end of the cycle.

The room space is filled with dust, hair, dander and animal hair, fallen skin particles and other polluting allergens.

  1. The design of the device includes a fan that sets air in motion and supplies it to the humidification element or drum, onto which dirt particles stick and are washed off with water into a tray specially designed for this purpose.
  2. Thus, dry, dirty and allergen-containing air enters the device, and purified, refreshed and humidified air comes out back into the room.
  3. Moreover, the humidification process occurs according to the traditional type and, unlike forced humidification, for example, ultrasonic, no cloud of fog is observed at the output.

Of course, you can purchase a climate control system with deep cleaning and a whole filtration system, but its cost is far from affordable. It is designed for large areas, which is why it is sold at the price of industrial equipment.

If odors bother you: tobacco smoke, chemicals

If unpleasant “aromas” torment you, they try to ruin your mood. It is worth purchasing an air washer with aromatization function. A device of this type will not only clean and humidify the atmosphere in the apartment.

With the help of additives in water, it can hide bad odors. Choosing your favorite scent as a flavor will help you relax after a hard day. Will give peace and tranquility.

The device must cope well with bacteria. It is these microscopic pests that are often responsible for bad indoor odors.

Caring for the device

Any product requires proper care. In this case, it is necessary to carry out simple hygienic maintenance fairly regularly:

  • Wash the tray periodically, keep the moisturizing element clean, and wipe the fan blades approximately once every 2 months.
  • The sponge is easily removable and can be washed by hand, in the washing machine or dishwasher.
  • The discs are removable, can be disassembled without difficulty, and can be cleaned just like a sponge or washed under the pressure of a shower; even a few seconds are enough. If the disc cassette in the model is not collapsible, then the entire drum can be washed in the dishwasher without any problems.
  • Maintenance must be regular so that the efficiency of the device does not decrease; both professional products recommended by the manufacturer and ordinary household chemicals or citric acid dissolved in warm water are used as cleaning compounds.
  • It is useful to use an ionizing rod made of silver, which prevents water from blooming and removes possible unpleasant odors. Most models are equipped with a silver rod; with daily use, its service life is quite long - a year.

The tank should be washed with warm water, no more than 40 degrees, i.e. do not use hot water. It is recommended to remove contaminated water daily, rinse the tray and refill with fresh liquid.

When choosing a model, choose larger tanks; the humidifying elements should have optimal contact with water over their area. Pay attention to the ease of maintenance and the ability to adjust the fan speed (work in night mode).

The device is designed for year-round daily use, has a sufficient resource, effectively purifies the air, maintaining an optimal level of humidity, and generally has a beneficial effect on health.


If there are no special preferences regarding the specialization of the device, we will consider the usual criteria for choosing a sink.

  1. The first characteristic is power . It determines how much room the unit can handle. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the size of the apartment and compare this indicator with the instructions in the instructions.
  2. The level of noise produced directly depends on the design of the mechanism and cost . If the noise is very annoying, then you should buy more expensive sinks, or those that work on the principle of hydrofiltration.
  3. An important option for combating diseases is an ionizer . If there are children and elderly people in the house, it is better for the device to have this function.
  4. A built-in fragrance is needed for those who like to fill their home with pleasant smells. It's quite possible to do without it.
  5. The bacteria elimination function is very useful . It will help a person get fewer colds and reduce the risk of life-threatening diseases. An option worth considering.

Additional options

For the season of respiratory diseases, families with children and people with respiratory diseases, models with an aroma capsule are relevant, which allows you to add healing essential oils for disease prevention and aromatherapy sessions. The air is not only filled with a pleasant smell, but also suppresses the effect of viruses.

A useful feature in some models is a built-in hygrometer that measures humidity levels and a hygrostat designed to adjust parameters so that the microclimate does not become over-humidified.

Although, even without such additional options, any model of the device, by its operating principle, maintains an optimal level of moisture in the premises, so the absence of such additional functionality is not critical.

What to pay attention to

At a young age, immunity is not fully formed. If there is a child in the house, especially a small one, you should choose a sink with the following functions.

  • Ionizer. Strengthens the teenager's immune system .
  • you avoid seasonal colds , which can, over time, turn into a chronic disease.
  • It would be good to rid the house of pollen , wool and dust. Constant contact with these irritants will cause allergies.

Prices and popular models

Let's look at the 5 most popular models of air washers. Let's find out what the features are and what their price is.

  • VENTALW 15 cost – 17500 rub . This device is capable of purifying and humidifying the air in a room of 20 square meters. m. It has small dimensions, 280x310x260 mm, and a low noise level, less than 32 dB. The device is controlled electronically and has a low water level indication. The speed of liquid evaporation intensity is adjustable.
  • PanasonicF-VXH50 – 25 thousand rubles . A “smart” model that evaluates the air quality in the apartment. “Remembers” temporary peaks when the level of pollution increases and adjusts its work accordingly. Works on an area up to 40 square meters. m, maximum noise level 51 dB. Its dimensions are 360x560x230 mm.
  • Boneco W2055DR – RUR 30,773 Easy to use device. Has a display showing the current humidity level. It has the functions of bactericidal protection, ionization and aromatization. Covers 50 sq. m, while working very quietly, up to 25 dB. Indicates low water level and the need to replace the filter. Dimensions 360x360x360 mm.
  • VENTALW 25 – 26220 rub . The older sister of the first wash. Works on an area of ​​40 sq. m, noise level up to 42 dB. It has the same capabilities as the previous VENTA device, but is more powerful and voluminous, 300x330x300 mm.
  • AIC XJ-860 – 20 thousand rubles . Working area 60 sq. m, noise level 29 dB. Capable of destroying bacteria and ionizing air. Quite bulky, 252x440x438 mm.

Do-it-yourself ventilation in a private house, diagram, wiring tips and recommendations from craftsmen. Read the benefits and harms of humidifiers in our article.

How to install an air conditioner with your own hands, step-by-step instructions and recommendations here.

Alternative options

There are other devices that can make the air in an apartment better . However, they have their drawbacks.

  • Humidifiers are not capable of purifying the air . And they can provide it with moisture only in small areas.
  • Purifiers need to replace the filter element . The cost of which is high, but the service life is the opposite.
  • Climate control systems are a combination of the first two devices. Accordingly, their shortcomings add up.

Watch the video review comparing the air washer and humidifier:

Read how to make a dehumidifier with your own hands here. Which humidifier is best for a child? Read tips and tricks.

Read how to properly make ventilation in the bathroom and toilet at

Moisturizing elements

Manufacturers offer a large range of devices such as air washers. One of the main indicators influencing the choice is the performance of the device.

Not every product has a maximum of 500 g/hour, and the design features of the body and the moisturizing elements have a direct impact:

  • Disks. Presented in different modifications from various brands, for example, Boneco, Electrolux, Venta.
  • Sponges. A relatively new solution, for example, from the manufacturer Boneco. There are no fundamental differences, they differ in size.

Schematically, the operating principle is as follows:

  • The moisturizing element (sponges, discs) is immersed in water (there are 2 trays in the device) to an optimal depth, which allows it to wash away dirt during rotation and retain moisture without drying out.
  • Those. Due to the special structure of the synthetic material and textile upholstery, the sponge always remains wet.
  • Water also does not drain from the disks, thanks to the presence of a number of lamellas and other retaining elements that focus centrifugal force. The number of disks is sufficient (cassette), their total area exceeds 2 sq.m., allowing you to quickly ensure sufficient performance and optimal moisture levels.

Such a large area cannot be moistened by traditional methods, such as hanging a wet cloth around the apartment or on radiators, heating radiators and placing containers with water.

Only modern household appliances can purify the air, evenly humidify it throughout the entire room and maintain an optimal microclimate in the house.

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