Carob coffee maker - what is it, types, principle of operation. Advantages and disadvantages of units

A coffee maker is an invaluable assistant in preparing invigorating drinks from coffee beans. She is able to prepare a delicious drink for the whole family in a short time, and there is no need to stand over it waiting and control the process, everything happens by itself.

When thinking about which one to choose, you should approach this responsibly; you need to familiarize yourself with their varieties and the advantages of popular models. Among the varieties of such devices used in everyday life, the carob coffee maker stands out, capable of satisfying even a professional barista.

How did the device appear?

The very first model was invented at the beginning of the 20th century by the Italian engineer L. Bezzer, who patented his device. It was distinguished by its fast espresso preparation speed, but the coffee in it was bitter due to overheating of the structure.

Soon, several more masters began to conduct experiments and one of them, D. Gadzhia, managed to place a piston inside, which helped the liquid pass through the ground tablet of grains without overheating them. The result was a prototype of a future coffee machine operating under pressure.

Possible problems and malfunctions

If water splashes out of the spout, it may be because the pressure is too high. To remedy the situation, you can disable the steam function.

If the coffee maker works intermittently, you need to check whether everything is fine with the voltage in the network. In addition, malfunctions can be caused by poor quality of connections and seals, this happens with cheap equipment.

If the milk does not froth well, most likely the problem is in its quality.

Try replacing it with something else. The problem may also be that it was not cooled enough, or the cappuccino maker was immersed too deep into it.

If your coffee smells like plastic, you need to run the water through the coffee maker several times and drain it.

How coffee makers with horns work

The device of a carob-type coffee maker can be automatic or semi-automatic. This does not change the principle of operation. Place a portion of coffee or pods in filter paper into the holder (horn), and then turn on the device. After a minute, the finished drink arrives in the cup.

To ensure a strong and rich taste, you need to add at least 7 g of grains and pass water at a temperature of 80 to 93 degrees. It is not recommended to use hotter liquid, as this worsens the characteristics of the drink.

The principle of operation of a carob-type coffee maker is the coordinated operation of the following mechanisms:

  • A boiler is a mandatory device in which water is heated, which is then used to prepare espresso and cappuccino foam. The boiler has a pressure gauge that monitors the pressure level and temperature of the liquid.
  • Switch. This mechanism starts the operation of the device and also turns it off. In automatic models, the machine itself measures the required amount of water, and the device does not turn off completely.
  • Pressostat is a device that protects the machine from overheating and excessive loads.
  • Brewing group is the unit in which coffee is brewed. The horn is screwed into one of the connectors.
  • The pump supplies water from the reservoir to the heating tank. Some models are connected to the water supply network, so that the water quality is consistent; a filter is installed in front of the heating element, purifying the liquid from hardness salts, iron and chlorine ions.
  • A heat exchange glass is an additional device that heats water faster.
  • The volumetric sensor determines the amount of liquid per serving as well as the number of servings.

It’s clear what a carob coffee maker is, how it looks and works. What does the brewing process look like step by step, and how to use a carob coffee machine:

  • Take a clean cone and fill it with ground grains - about 2 teaspoons.
  • Compact the grains with a tamper - a heavy device with a handle along the diameter of the holder.
  • Place the horn in the brew group and turn until it clicks into place.
  • Turn on the coffee machine and place a cup under the spout.
  • Wait until coffee flows into it.

The horn in the coffee machine must be cleaned and washed after each brew, throwing the grounds in the trash.

With single holder

The set may include a single or double holder, as the horn for a coffee machine is called, what does this mean: the coffee holder can be single or double, that is, the size of the device is larger in the double version. The design of the watering can is also different - in a single horn it is located on one side, in a double horn it is located on both sides.

For household appliances, a single holder is sufficient, since the coffee maker is quite capable of providing all adult family members with drinks.

For professional models, it is important to make several servings at once in order to quickly serve and not delay people in the coffee shop. In large units, a design with two double holders is possible, and the kit includes two double and one single.

Additional functions

Carob-type coffee cups may have additional options:

  1. An indicator that indicates the presence or absence of liquid.
  2. Overheating protection available.
  3. An additional pump with which you can prepare two types of coffee at once, which is good for a family where people prefer different types of this aromatic drink.
  4. A button that allows you to stop making coffee if necessary.
  5. The presence of an automatic heating option is necessary when coffee is prepared in advance.
  6. Heating cups - this function is quite rare and is equipped with expensive models of coffee machines. Note that this option can be replaced by a microwave oven.

Types of coffee machines

There are two most popular models of carob coffee makers - pump and steam, each model has its own pros and cons, as well as the distinctive properties of the coffee that can be obtained from them.

Steam - pros and cons, examples

What does a carob steam coffee machine mean:

  • This is a device in which water is forced through a coffee pill using steam. It is formed when liquid boils in a boiler.
  • The pressure does not rise above 4 - 5 bar, so the extraction efficiency is not high.
  • As the water is brought to a boil, the coffee tastes harsh.
  • There is no thermostat in steam models, since it is not needed due to design features.

Steam coffee makers are inexpensive, their cost can vary from 2 thousand rubles. They are small in size, so they fit wherever there is little space. The speed of preparing the drink is higher than in a drip coffee maker or French press.

The quality of work does not meet the criteria for delicious coffee, so they are purchased out of ignorance due to the low price. There are few recipes with the basic configuration - cappuccino and espresso. A manual cappuccino maker - pannarello - usually causes difficulties in use.

Which steam coffee maker can you buy:

  • Scarlett;
  • Polaris;
  • Rowenta Allegro;
  • Redmond;
  • Shinbo.

In first place in terms of the quality of drinks, cost and reliability is the Polaris RSM 4002 model. According to customer reviews, this device organically combines price and quality. All others have worse coffee characteristics after brewing.

Pump-action - advantages and disadvantages, models to choose from

Pump coffee makers have the same operating principle as all carob coffee makers. The water is heated not to the point of boiling - this is a positive quality, but only up to 93 degrees. Next, the pump is turned on with a total pressure of 15 bar (9 of which are working), pushing the liquid through the coffee tablet.

Advantages of a pump coffee maker:

  • The aroma of coffee is better preserved;
  • cooking speed up to 1 minute;
  • In addition to the basic configuration, the design includes many additional functions.


  • pump machines are much more expensive than steam engines;
  • The dimensions of the device are larger due to large water tanks.

It is better to buy and use pump coffee makers for those people who often brew espresso in large quantities, preferring the good taste, like in coffee shops. Machines require regular care and maintenance to maintain their stated performance.

The cappuccino maker in a pump machine can be automatic - remote or built-in. According to customer reviews, they do not really like milk containers that cannot be removed and washed, and the milk tubes cannot be cleaned.

Models to consider:

  • Saeko;
  • Bork;
  • DeLonghi;
  • Nespresso;
  • Yura;
  • Kenwood.

In first place in popularity is the Delonghi Esam - a miniature coffee machine, although it is difficult for non-professionals to accurately determine the difference between a coffee maker and a coffee machine. The guideline is a price of up to 20 thousand rubles.

Among pump-action carob coffee makers, there are models for home and professional use. This is an important indicator, since household appliances are designed for high loads and warranty repairs will not be carried out if the device breaks down quickly.

Interesting! There is another subclass of pump carob coffee makers that require high skill in preparing drinks - lever ones. These are rare models in which very fine settings are possible. Manual coffee maker. Water supply is carried out using a lever. Such devices are not very common and are designed for preparing coffee from unique varieties, which require their own method of extraction under pressure

Extraction: technologies for proper coffee.

Brewing coffee (extraction) is the process of transferring aromatic substances from beans to water.
The taste of the final drink will depend on the degree of grinding and extraction time: coffee will release more aromatic and flavoring substances if the area of ​​contact between water and coffee particles is larger and the extraction is longer. To get delicious coffee (regardless of the preparation method), the drink must contain 20% aromatic and flavoring substances. If there are more of them, the coffee will taste unpleasant, and if there are fewer, it will taste flat. To measure the percentage of aromatic substances, there is a special device - a refractometer. If you don't have one, you can base it on your own taste preferences, carefully balancing extraction time and grind size.

Coffee will brew stronger if its particles spend more time in the water. At first glance, it may seem that the contact area will be larger if the grind is coarser. However, this is not true: the coarser the grind, the smaller the contact area.

The image below clearly demonstrates why this happens:
Because small coffee particles have more sides in contact with the water, they brew faster. Just like salt, which dissolves in water more quickly when finely ground, finely ground coffee brews stronger and faster than coarsely ground coffee. When brewing coffee in a cone, a grind that is too coarse will draw water through the coffee too quickly, so it won't have time to brew. A grind that is too fine will not allow water to pass through well and the coffee will be too rich.

How to choose a model

It is recommended to choose a carob coffee maker after preliminary testing of drinks brewed on any device. If you are satisfied with the taste and strength, you can buy it. Usually, you like the model that costs more than the average buyer can afford financially.

It is not recommended to compromise, since you will have to use the coffee machine every day. If it has any defects, inconveniences, and the taste does not meet the criteria, the coffee maker is forgotten. Money will be thrown away. Therefore, the best choice is to save up the required amount and buy the model that meets all the indicators.

Housing material

The material of the housing is not particularly important, since the device usually stands in one place at home and is not subject to mechanical stress. Manufacturers produce high-quality devices, but save on case material. Professional models for cafes are usually made in a stainless steel case. This is more of a design element than a protective function.

Horn material

A metal horn is preferable - it is more reliable and easier to clean. Material: brass coated with stainless steel or chrome. Filters and inserts are made of the same material.

To avoid burns, the handle can be wooden, ebonite or plastic.

Plastic horns are typical for cheap models. According to consumer reviews, the taste of coffee in them is different due to weak extraction, since the plastic does not maintain the required temperature. If the body can be plastic, then the horn needs to be bought metal.

The horns may vary in diameter. This is not an important indicator, just a design feature of the model to protect the device from the use of cheap parts.

Water container

A lot of water is poured into large containers at once. If the container body is made of plastic, this may affect the taste, although only high-class professionals can notice the difference. The average amateur won't notice the difference.

It is believed that borosilicate glass or fiberglass is better for a coffee maker, but such materials increase the cost of the devices. In fact, this is not a very important indicator. The size of the container is important; if the coffee maker is used frequently, then it should be larger in volume.

Pump pressure

The marketing ploy of manufacturers who offer coffee machines with a pressure of 19 bar is a ploy designed for inexperienced buyers. In fact , 8–9 bars for the espresso to be tasty and “correct.” The remaining pressure remains in potential and is not used during operation of the device. Putting on a powerful pump to use half of it is not the best way to attract customers.

Additional functions

Additional functions of a carob coffee maker include:

  • A cappuccino machine is a device for heating and frothing milk. Can be built-in or attached as needed. Its principle is the injection of hot steam and whipping milk foam.
  • An additional heating element means the carob coffee maker will be more stable in terms of water temperature. For example, a thermoblock heats a large amount of liquid at once, but as it is consumed, the temperature decreases, not providing the required degree of extraction. The presence of both a small boiler and a thermoblock allows you to make high-quality coffee.
  • The two pumps in the carob coffee maker create enough steam pressure to brew espresso and cappuccino at the same time. This function is needed for productive models installed in a cafe.
  • Cup warming is a trendy but expensive feature. You can easily get by with steam from a cappuccino maker to heat up the coffee utensils.
  • Automatic shutdown is a necessary option for the safety of the device if it overheats or is close to breakdown.
  • Automatic cleaning of the coffee maker from scale and oil deposits. Follow the instructions, but require manual intervention.

If you have the opportunity to see the model in action before purchasing, this will be a good motivation for purchasing a particular coffee machine.

Video: Operating principle of a carob-type coffee maker

Recommendations for selection

  1. The first thing you should pay attention to is the material used to make the horn. It is best to purchase a model with a metal horn, as it is more durable and produces tastier coffee.
  2. The higher the pressure, the stronger, thicker and richer the coffee will be.
  3. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the number of filters. This is an important indicator if coffee will be prepared for a large family.
  4. For a large family, you can consider options with two horns, so that you can prepare coffee for two family members at once.
  5. Many models can work with capsules. If this is important, then you should choose models with this function.

Watch a video about how a carob coffee maker works

What drinks can you prepare?

The main drinks prepared in a coffee machine are espresso and cappuccino. Also available:

  • Latte, which differs in different proportions of milk and the way it is poured into the glass.
  • Americano with double water. Can be prepared with warm or cold milk. Essentially - diluted espresso.
  • Glace – espresso or Americano with the addition of ice cream.
  • Irish coffee - double strong espresso with cream and alcohol - Irish whiskey.

Medium-ground green coffee, loose or in pods, is also suitable for extraction. Its strength decreases slightly when prepared using the espresso method, but the caffeine is noticeable.


Sergey A.: “I like German technology for its reliability. I have been using the Melitta coffee maker for several years now, and during this time there has not been a single malfunction. It is made of very durable materials. And the coffee turns out excellent.”

Lisa G.: “I have used Delonghi appliances before, and recently bought a Delongi EC 685 R coffee maker. Looks great in the kitchen. And what an espresso it turns out! We have a fancy Smeg coffee machine at work, with different functions, and my coffee turns out just as good.”

Olga K.: “I wanted to choose something original and functional for the kitchen, and I bought an Ariete Cafe Matisse coffee maker. It is named after Henri Matisse. You could choose black or beige, but I liked the red one better. Like “Red Fishes” (this is his painting). The coffee maker has a transparent water container on the back, it is very convenient to control how much water is left in it. In general, everything in the coffee maker is thought out, every detail. Very convenient."

Application of carob machines

The places of application of machines of this type are immediately clear. Homemade ones are used at home, of course. But for professional machines, the range of installation locations is more extensive, it could be: a coffee shop, bar, restaurant, canteen, and sometimes there are even gas station points where similar devices are installed.

It is worth understanding that when installing such equipment for staff, you should take care of training the barista, because high-quality coffee depends on the hands of the master. And then it depends on the quality of the grains. At the point, it is necessary to have running water or bottles of water, because the machines need a constant supply of it. Stable voltage, since power fluctuations have a negative impact on equipment. You need a professional coffee grinder, since the beans are supposed to be freshly ground, and not using already ground raw materials. Already ground coffee, packaged in bags, according to statistics, loses 15% of its aroma. And of course, there is a place for the barista’s car and equipment: pitchers, tempera, knock box, tempering mat, refrigerator for milk, bar syrups.

After completing the preparation of the premises, purchasing all the necessary related accessories, and obtaining the necessary skills by the staff, you can begin to delight visitors with aromatic coffee.

History of origin

The first industrialist who began producing carob coffee machines, Desiderio Pavoni, launched mass production of carob coffee makers in 1905. The first machines prepared very bitter coffee, since the coffee grounds overheated too much, the design was far from perfect. However, it was a commercial success. Therefore, over the next 50 years, on the wave of popularity of the drink and coffee equipment, companies appeared:

  • Simonelli (Italy);
  • Faema (Italy);
  • Gaggia (Italy);
  • La Marzocco (Italy) and a number of other companies.

Through experimentation, the first standards for the production of “classic” espresso are formed:

  • pressure in the working chamber is about 9 bar;
  • water temperature is in the range from 86 to 93 ºС.

These parameters are still used as the basis in professional horn machines.

Homemade horn machines appeared later, in the second half of the 20th century. The development of technology made it possible to replace massive parts with more compact and less reliable ones; electrical elements were widely used: heat exchangers, rotary pumps, and so on. As a result, the cars have become more modern and more compact compared to their ancestors, but their reliability has dropped significantly.

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