Checking popular myths about Coca-Cola: the best cleaner, enamel killer and stain remover?

There is no such person who would not know what Coca-Cola is. Doctors do not recommend drinking the drink regularly, considering it harmful to health. The composition includes orthophosphoric acid, which can harm the body and lead to the most unpredictable consequences. However, this same acid makes soda an indispensable assistant in everyday life, capable of removing not only scale and rust, but also other contaminants.

Can increase washing efficiency

Cola is irreplaceable when you need to wash towels, aprons, casual clothes or rags from:

  • grease stains;
  • fuel oil;
  • rust;
  • machine oil.

You just need to fill things with soda and leave them for several hours, and the acid will do its job - separate the fat from the fabric. Then you need to wash them - and the stains are gone.

How it works?

Many people are interested in the question of what is contained in cola that allows it to effectively deal with rust and limescale. The fact is that the drink contains a large amount of phosphoric and citric acids. Due to the huge amount of sugar, the sour taste is almost unnoticeable, but the level of acidity of soda is comparable to 3% vinegar essence, which is so often used as a cleanser.

A solution of citric, acetic or malic acid will clean a contaminated surface no worse than Coca-Cola, because the pH of these liquids is the same. But it’s expensive to clean plumbing fixtures or clothes with natural apple or lemon juice, and vinegar essence smells unpleasant. Perhaps the only worthy alternative to cola is citric acid, which is inexpensive and has no specific odor.

Removing stains from clothes

Coca-Cola is considered not only an effective, but also a cheap stain remover for clothes. To get rid of the stain, you need to pour the soda onto the stained area and give it time to absorb. After this, it is enough to wash the clothes in the usual way. This way you can get rid of even the most stubborn stains. When purchasing Coca-Cola, everyone must decide for themselves whether to drink it or not. After all, if it is able to cope with the problems listed above, then it is not difficult to guess what effect it has on the human body.

How does Coca-Cola clean gold?

Gold jewelry with many curls, rings and bends is difficult to clean mechanically. But cola copes with this job “perfectly.” It is enough to collect all the contaminated products, put them in a glass and fill them with soda. After 12 hours, rinse the rings and earrings with cool water - and they will shine like new.

This cleaning method is not suitable for products with precious stones, since the color of the stone under the influence of cola can change beyond recognition. In addition, you need to be sure that the product is really gold and not gilded. Phosphoric acid will easily corrode gold plating and the jewelry will lose its attractive appearance.

The benefits of Coca-Cola as a drink are very questionable, but cola as a cleaning agent will give a head start to many other chemicals. If you have a bottle of cola in the refrigerator, you will always find something to clean your plumbing fixtures, metal objects, or clothes.

Making the perfect barbecue sauce

Have you grilled kebabs and want to serve it with the perfect sauce? Then mix a medium bottle of Coca-Cola with tomato paste or ketchup. You will love the taste of this dressing, and if you wish, you can also add additional ingredients to it, such as chopped herbs or your favorite spices. In addition, any grilled meat or fish goes perfectly with this sauce, so you can’t go wrong.

Conducting fun experiments

If you don't want to drink Diet Coke, you can create a more creative drink out of it. Just add a mint candy to Coca-Cola, stir a little and enjoy! And if you wish, you can do an interesting experiment, for which you will need watermelon, cola and a couple of Mentos candies.

First, remove all the pulp from the watermelon, leaving the rind intact. This task will require some fiddling, but it's worth it. Then pour the drink into the crust, and add a couple of candies to it, and in a few moments there will be a huge explosion. It is advisable to stay away from the watermelon at this moment so that you are not caught in splashes and “splinters.”

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How to clean pipes with Coca-Cola?

A clogged drain is one of the most unpleasant problems in everyday life that any housewife has to face. There are many reasons for this, but most often the pipe becomes clogged with fat dissolved in the drained liquids. The fat hardens, settles on the walls of the pipe and completely blocks the passage.

There are many chemicals that can dissolve fat plugs. Traditional methods are also known, but they are not always effective. Oddly enough, regular Coca-Cola easily copes with fatty blockages. Pour 4 liters of carbonated drink into the sink hole and after an hour, rinse the system with hot water.


In order for rust removal with Coca-Cola to go well, you need to familiarize yourself with the advice of experts:

  1. If cleaning does not remove all the rust the first time, the action can be repeated.
  2. Objects soaked in Coca-Cola should not be stirred, removed or exposed to other influences during cleaning.
  3. Cola does not have disinfectant properties, so if, for example, mold is detected, it is worth using special targeted products.
  4. You cannot use cola to clean complex devices with built-in electronic components and other elements that are prohibited from being exposed to liquids.
  5. In addition to rust, cola is also effective in combating limescale, for example, on plumbing fixtures.

Coca-Cola will even help you unscrew a rusty bolt. To do this, wrap it in a rag soaked in a carbonated drink for several hours and leave it for several hours.

Washing burnt dishes

If food is burnt on your frying pan or porridge is stuck to the pan, and you just can’t clean the kitchen utensils, then Coca-Cola will come to the rescue. Just pour the bottle of drink inside the container and leave it to sit for a while. The acid present in Coca-Cola will help dissolve burnt food stuck to utensils. and all you have to do is wash the frying pan or saucepan under running water.

Rust removal

You can also remove rust from a metal surface using cola. To do this, the surface needs to be soaked overnight and simply washed under clean running water in the morning. This unique drink can easily clean chrome surfaces. A few circular movements with a sponge soaked in the drink are enough to remove brown deposits.

Does cola clean silver?

Silver items require cleaning from time to time. Cup holders and spoons, figurines and even decorative inserts in furniture sets become covered with dust, green deposits, and rust. Coca-Cola perfectly cleans silver, and when heated, it can remove any old stains.

For cleaning you will need 1/2 liter of soda and a deep metal container. To restore the shine and purity of silver products, you need to do the following work:

  1. pour cola into a container;
  2. put items that require cleaning there;
  3. place on a gas or electric stove;
  4. bring the liquid to a boil;
  5. boil for 5 minutes;
  6. remove the products and wait until they cool down;
  7. rinse in clean water;
  8. wipe dry with cotton cloth.

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This is how you can easily and inexpensively remove any stains from silver items.

Soda as a cleaning agent: expensive and not very effective

Despite the fact that cola does indeed successfully function as a cleaning agent, it is not very wise to use it as a household chemical.

The authors of the “MythBusters” program on the Discovery Channel at one time specifically conducted experiments, testing the effectiveness of Coca-Cola in cleaning, and came to the conclusion that the drink does indeed have cleaning properties, but its effectiveness is still significantly lower than from specialized means. And this is understandable: after all, the content of the drink is extremely small. By the way, it is no coincidence that all “folk methods” of using cola involve very long contact with the drink - the chemical effect takes time.

The cost of a bottle of soda is comparable to the cost of a bottle of specialized household chemicals, which will last for a long time. At the same time, drinks, in addition to cleaning additives, also contain a lot of ingredients that are unnecessary for a cleaning product - such as sweeteners or food coloring.

And fans of home remedies can use solutions of food acids - for example, acetic or citric - instead of soda. Or wipe the stains with half a lemon - the concentration of citric acid in lemon juice is much higher, so the cleaning effect will be much more noticeable. It is both more environmentally friendly and much cheaper.


How to clean a bathtub with Coca-Cola?

You can see the wonderful effect of soda when cleaning the bathroom. Cola will clean the bathtub, toilet, sink and tiles equally well.

To get a sparkling clean toilet, you need to pour 1/2 liter of cola into the drain hole for 1 hour (before this, you should remove the water in it - using an empty shampoo tube or simply vigorously poking the drain with a brush). If possible, it is better to wait longer until the acid completely dissolves the hard plaque. Then you need to clean the toilet as usual. Along with the dirt, the unpleasant odor will also disappear - after cleaning the bathroom will smell like cola.

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To clean the bathtub and sink, simply pour a carbonated drink over their internal surfaces and wipe with a damp cloth after 5-10 minutes.

If rusty smudges or stains from salt and lime appear on a tiled wall or floor, Coca-Cola can easily deal with them. You just need to pour the “life-giving” drink into a small container and, dipping a napkin, rub the contaminated area.

Many cleaning products contain chlorine, which irritates the respiratory tract. Cola has a pleasant aroma and does not emit harmful substances, so it is an excellent option for allergy sufferers.

Advantages and disadvantages

Having discovered a problem, everyone wants to descale the kettle as quickly as possible. Coca-Cola is perfect for this - just buy the drink and boil it.

On numerous forums and websites with useful advice, housewives unanimously praise “fizzy drink” over other means.


  • cheapness of the product. A 1.5 liter bottle costs about 70-90 rubles, which is quite affordable for every consumer;
  • efficiency. The drink copes with both recent and old deposits, removing scale from the walls, bottom and heating elements;
  • the ability to use the product for any model - plastic, stainless steel, enameled, glass, ceramic. The only exceptions are plastic cases of a light shade, since after boiling and cleaning brown spots may appear inside the container;
  • no strong odors during cleaning. Unlike vinegar, when Coca-Cola is heated, specific vapors and aromas are not released;
  • gentle cleaning. The drink has a destructive effect only on salt deposits, but does not affect the surface of the dishes;
  • ease of use.

When intending to clean the kettle with Coca-Cola, you need to remember the disadvantages of the method :

  • the presence of pigment in the composition leads to the appearance of spots on light walls. It is advisable to use the drink only for dark-colored teapots;
  • it will take more time to remove old scale (re-boiling);
  • not recommended for electric models with open heating elements. Can be used for disc kettles.

Despite the effectiveness of the method, it is still better not to let the matter lead to the appearance of old deposits. It is advisable to regularly clean the kettle by periodically boiling Coca-Cola, citric acid or soda solution in it.

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