Delicate work, or how to wash between the glasses in the oven

During use, grease, traces of detergents, dust and other contaminants settle on the oven walls, forming permanent stains.

And if cleaning the inner walls can be made easier with the help of steam, then cleaning between the glass doors is a task of increased complexity.

The method of processing the inter-glass space is chosen depending on the design of the oven, the degree of contamination and other factors.

We'll tell you later how to clean between the glass in the oven door.


Disassembling and washing the oven door is a labor-intensive procedure, so it is advisable to do it at the very end of cleaning.

Before you begin removing the glass, you must:

  • Cool the oven completely after cooking or hydrolytic (steam) cleaning;
  • wash the internal surfaces, completely removing traces of foam and cleaning sprays;
  • inspect the door for leaks, grease stains and other contaminants;
  • inspect the fasteners and, if necessary, treat them to remove grease or rust.

During general cleaning, you can remove the door before processing the internal surfaces of the oven in order to wash hard-to-reach areas at the joint.
To clean glass from all sides you will need the following tools:

  • thin or Phillips screwdriver (depending on the type of fastening);

  • soft sponge or microfiber cloth;
  • paper or cloth towels;
  • cover;
  • thin knitting needles or long bamboo skewers;
  • old toothbrush;
  • cotton wool or gauze;
  • protective gloves.

Some housewives use a steel wool or blade to scrape off dried grease, but this is not recommended. Sharp metal edges leave scratches into which dirt and detergent residues become trapped. In addition, a large amount of damage leads to cloudy glass.

The most stubborn stains can be removed from glass using a plastic scraper.

What products can ruin the appearance?

To clean the oven door, use only soft cloths, rags or foam sponges . Various brushes, hard-bristled brushes or steel wool will damage the glossy surface.

Microscopic scratches, in turn, will cause a large amount of dirt to accumulate in the cracks, which is difficult to wash out.

In addition, after using special preparations for cleaning glass surfaces, the substances are not completely washed out of the scratches, as a result of which they may get on the food being prepared in the oven.

Also harmful to the stove door are abrasive cleaning powders or products containing concentrated acids - these substances damage the top smooth layer of glass, making it cloudy and rough to the touch.

ADVICE! By devoting a maximum of 20 minutes to cleaning the oven door during the week, you can keep the stove tidy for a long time and save yourself from lengthy, tedious procedures for removing old grease stains.

Simply wiping the glass with a damp cloth after each cooking, without using special products, allows you to remove most of the fresh dirt.

How to disassemble the door?

The procedure for disassembling the door varies depending on the manufacturer and model of the stove. The panel pressing the glass can be attached in several ways:

  1. Several bolts in the corners or in the oven handle.
  2. Bolts holding the lower stop.
  3. Bendable clamps in the corners of the glass.
  4. Top bar with ventilation holes.
  5. With latches that snap off when you press a button.

To avoid damage to the structure, you need to study the operating instructions for the stove in advance. It is recommended to document glass dismantling step by step using photos or notes.

How to disassemble the door:

  1. Open the oven and find the fasteners that hold the inner glass in place. If the fixing bar is located at the bottom (for example, on Gefest slabs), then to gain access to the fasteners you need to open the drawer under the door.
  2. Place a blanket on the floor to cover the glass.

  3. Unscrew the bolts on the inner door panel, release the latches or buttons.
    If the fastener is blocked by clogged grease and carbon deposits, treat it with a small amount of diluted dish soap and remove the dirt using a toothpick or skewer.

    Lemon juice and “defrosting” for fasteners will help to unscrew rusted bolts.

  4. Remove the top strip with ventilation holes.
  5. Hold the door, remove the glass and place it on a soft surface. If the design of the slab allows you to remove both glasses, and not just the inner one, then dismantling is recommended to be done by two people. Since the door is held open by the weight of the glass, it may slam shut when removed.

If the bolts are located on the lower stop, then it is not necessary to unscrew them completely. It is enough to loosen the fastening and remove the glass from the grooves, picking it up with a toothpick.

How to clean glass inside an oven: a review of proven methods

  1. Remove the rack from the oven: Remove and set aside the rack, as well as the baking sheets, pizza stone, oven thermometer, and anything else that is inside.
  1. Make a baking soda paste: In a small bowl, mix 1/2 cup baking soda with a few tablespoons of water. Add water until the mixture becomes paste-like. In our case, 3 tablespoons of water were used.

Dishes cooked in the oven are in a confined space. All fumes and splashes, grease and food particles remain on the cabinet walls. Under the influence of high temperature, they instantly harden, turning into a solid coating. This is especially noticeable on glass.

What to clean with?

Both industrial and home remedies are suitable for cleaning glass from grease and carbon deposits. The selected product must meet the following requirements:

  • used for glass, enamel and plastic, if the rear panel of the door is enameled and the latches are made of plastic;
  • contains a small amount of aggressive surfactants and is easily washed off from the surface (as a rule, such products are marked “Eco”);
  • has a liquid or gel form and does not contain abrasive particles.

The most effective oven door cleaners include:

  • Amway Oven Cleaner;
  • Grillnet Extra Pramol;
  • Synergetic for slabs;
  • Reinex for ovens.

For fresh stains and light stains, it is recommended to use household chemicals based on alcohols rather than alkalis (potassium and sodium hydroxides).

If there are no old stains, you can wash the glass with a detergent for children’s dishes (“Eared Nanny”, “Honey Bunny”, etc.), which can be easily removed from the surface.

The following cleaning tools are used:

  • foam rubber and cellulose sponges;
  • wet rags;
  • plastic scrapers for washing glass;
  • microfiber cloths.

Melamine sponges, which are good at removing old stains and carbon deposits, should not be used to clean all internal surfaces of the oven.

Folk remedies

Home remedies remove stains from the oven no less effectively than household chemicals, although they act less quickly. The following products are used to clean the surfaces between glass:

  1. Baking soda, baking powder .
    The powder must be diluted to a thick paste, applied to the surface and left for 1-2 hours, periodically moistening with water. The action of soda is based on the formation of a weak alkaline solution, which reacts with fats.

    It is recommended to use this method when there is a large amount of fat, so soda paste is mainly useful for cleaning the glass on the oven side.

  2. Laundry soap . Soap-based products remove not only grease, but also other stains and streaks. To clean the glass you need to rub 2-3 tablespoons. soap, add warm water, beat into foam and apply. The most stubborn stains can be scrubbed with a mixture of soap and soda. The disadvantage of this method is the stains that remain after washing.
  3. Mustard . Mustard effectively emulsifies grease, allowing it to be washed off the surface with a soft sponge or rag. To remove stains, you need to moisten the surface, sprinkle a little mustard powder and rub. This method is suitable for greasy stains and drips that formed when washing the stove with a mixture of household chemicals and dirt.
  4. Acetic and citric acid . Acids have a weak effect on fat, only slightly softening it, but they remove stains well and add shine to glass. Lemon juice or table vinegar in a 1:1 ratio with water will help to achieve transparency of the glass.
  5. Ammonia and ethyl alcohol . Ammonia solution (ammonia) is used for the most stubborn stains. For cleaning you will need to dilute 1-2 tbsp. product in 200 ml of warm water and wipe the surface. To remove streaks, drips, fingerprints and other stains, alcohol-based glass cleaners or concentrated alcohol are suitable.

Where to begin

Before starting the main procedure, the following sequential manipulations are first required:

  1. Cooling the oven.
  2. Wiping the outside of its door with a towel.
  3. If plaque appears, use a razor to thoroughly scrape it off.
  4. Cleaning glass using conventional means.

After these steps, you can begin cleaning the inside of the door. The outer surface, as a rule, does not cause any difficulties, but it is much more difficult to reach the space between the glass.

There are 2 ways to deal with this task. The first, most optimal way out is to unscrew the top glass, secured (which depends on how the particular oven is designed) with 1-2 bolts. It is used when the structure is well understood. When the door is removed, the carbon deposits and stuck-on grease are washed off.

The second method is used otherwise , it is to get to hard-to-reach places. Read more about each of them below.

Cleaning sequence

to wash the oven in this order:

  • prepare tools and work surfaces;
  • apply cleaning product to the inside of the oven;
  • dismantle the fasteners, remove the top bar and retaining panel;
  • take out the glasses, rinse them with warm water and moisten them with household chemicals;
  • wash the interior surfaces of the oven;
  • if possible, remove the fasteners and soak them in a soapy solution, clean the permanent fasteners with an old toothbrush;
  • wash the glass and dry it by placing it on a clean cloth;
  • Wipe dry glass surfaces with an alcohol-containing product and a lint-free cloth;
  • install glass in the door.

When cleaning, it is important to thoroughly wash the glass seats and fasteners, otherwise, during assembly, breakage or a violation of the tightness of the structure may occur.


What products should I buy to clean my oven?

Everyone has different preferences. To find “your” remedy, it is better to try several popular ones. For example: Amway Home, Reinex, Top House, Sanita. To make a quality comparison, try to test them under equal conditions. You can even keep a journal where you can make notes about the success of a particular product.

Can you tell me the best cleaning product at hand?

1. Pour soapy water into a baking tray and place in the oven for 15 minutes at 110 degrees. 2. Wait for the carbon deposits to soften from the water vapor. 3. Apply the baking soda solution with a rag for 15 minutes. 4. Rinse off. 5. If the dirt remains, you can also wipe it with a vinegar solution.

How to put it back?

To install glass in the door you need:

  1. Open and hold the door. If necessary, bend the clamps.
  2. Install one or both glasses depending on the oven design.
  3. Replace the strips with ventilation holes or stops under the glass.
  4. Screw in the fasteners holding the side strips or back panel.

You need to install the glass into the grooves without effort, keeping the sides parallel.

Household chemicals

There are many products that can help solve the problem of how to clean grease from the oven glass from the inside. Some housewives prefer household chemicals. In order to remove grease from oven glasses, you can choose store-bought products from this range. There are several compositions that have long proven their effectiveness in cleaning oven glass. This:

  • Amway;
  • SanitaR;
  • Faberlic;
  • Schumann;
  • Mister Muscle Expert.

It should be noted that when working with such substances, it is necessary to use gloves to protect the skin of your hands. Since such household chemicals may contain alkali or acid. As a rule, household chemicals always cope excellently with the problem of how to clean glass in the oven. But after this procedure, repeated rinsing of the oven surfaces is required.

Is it possible to clean the inside of the door without disassembling it?

If disassembling the door is impossible or complicated, you can try to clean the glass without dismantling it.

For this you will need:

  • thin skewers or plastic knitting needles;
  • wet wipes for cleaning kitchen surfaces;
  • pieces of cloth or gauze.

Cleaning without disassembly occurs through the ventilation holes at the top and bottom of the door. This method is suitable for removing dirt from end openings, but if there are large stains on the glass it will not be effective.

The video will show you how to clean the inner glass of the oven without dismantling the door:

Cleaning between glasses

Glass is an important part of the oven. Keeping glass in a clean condition will allow it to perform its main function - the ability to monitor the cooking process.

How to wash the oven glass inside and out and clean between the glasses? These questions are very relevant during the procedure of competent and proper cleaning of the oven.

In many oven models, the inner glass can be removed. It is this function that is created for convenience when washing it. You should check the oven model. Find instructions for it, which will contain clear instructions on how to remove one of the glasses. Cleaning between glass panes is a normal process that should be done periodically.

If the oven is under warranty, then you should not carry out the process of removing the glass. In this case, the warranty is most often void.

Tips and tricks

make cleaning easier and avoid the appearance of new stains :

  1. When baking food, use a sleeve, foil or parchment that prevents fat from splashing.
  2. Immediately after the oven has cooled, thoroughly wipe the inside of the door to remove fresh dirt and condensation.
  3. When treating the main part of the oven with anti-grease agents, seal the ventilation holes on the door with construction tape or wide electrical tape.
  4. To soften fat and quickly remove stains, you can use a steam generator or steamer.
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