12 best fabric softeners according to user reviews and expert opinions

Updated: 04/22/2021 17:09:34

Expert: Anna Maslova

*Review of the best according to the editors of expertology.ru. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Just washed things will not satisfy every housewife. I want my laundry to be not only clean, but also soft to the touch and smell nice. Conditioner is an excellent option that not only adds aroma, but also has protective functions: preserves colors, prevents deformation, and increases wear resistance.

Manufacturers of household chemicals offer a wide selection of rinse aids for different types of washing at any price category. We'll figure it out which one is better to choose.

These products include the following components:

  1. Surfactants
    (surfactants). They soften the fabric, have an antistatic effect, making things easier to iron and increasing their service life.
  2. Silicone
    . It prevents the formation of pilling, makes the fabric soft and fluffy, covers it with a kind of dirt-repellent film, the clothes retain their bright color and their original appearance for a long time.
  3. Additional substances
    . These are fragrances that give a pleasant smell to linen, as well as substances that enhance antistatic and antibacterial effects.

How to choose the right fabric softener

What you need to pay attention to before purchasing in order to achieve maximum effect after washing, and at the same time, the product is safe for the health of household members.

  1. Compound
    . The conditioner should not contain petrochemical products, synthetic additives or dyes. Otherwise, the risk of allergies and other serious diseases increases.
  2. Type
    . Rinse aids are available for hand or machine washing. Many manufacturers have a universal type in their line.
  3. Package
    . It should fit in your hand, it is advisable to have a comfortable spout for pouring liquid. The lid with a dispenser will help you determine the amount for one wash cycle.
  4. Smell
    . Saturated heavy indicates that the composition contains artificial fragrances, which can irritate the sense of smell and even cause an allergic reaction. A conditioner with a light, unobtrusive aroma will give your laundry freshness throughout the day.

Our experts, based on comparative characteristics and customer reviews, have compiled a rating of the best fabric softeners, which will help you choose the right option in the future.

Answers to the most popular questions

What is the difference between fabric conditioner and fabric softener?

The basis for both products is a surfactant, so there is no significant difference between their compositions. The difference may be the number of additives, flavored fragrances, but the different names are nothing more than marketing gimmicks that increase the number of sales.

Is fabric softener safe?

This question can be answered unambiguously only by studying the specific composition of the air conditioner. Some products may contain chemical elements such as chloroform, benzyl acetate, terpineol, formaldehyde. These components are hazardous to health, so it is not recommended to purchase products that contain them. Don't forget about fragrance: artificial fragrances in large quantities can cause allergies, itching and redness of the skin. To avoid unpleasant consequences, choose products with the addition of natural plant extracts instead of artificial aromatic substances.

What things is it not suitable for?

The surfactant substances used in any conditioner cover the fabric fibers with a special film, and when silicone is added to the rinse aid, the clogging effect only intensifies. The protection obtained in this way provides a good antistatic effect, but also impairs the absorbency of the treated items. Therefore, it is worth remembering that the use of rinse aid for sportswear, towels, and microfiber products is not recommended.

Rating of the best fabric softeners

NominationplaceName of productprice
The best machine washable conditioners1Frosch Almond milk156 ₽
3BioMio286 ₽
4Lenor "Peaceful Mood"169 ₽
5Unicum167 ₽
The best conditioners for children's clothes1Umka Sweet dream149 ₽
2Frosch for baby clothes133 ₽
4Cotico Baby111 ₽
5Eared nanny130 ₽
The best conditioners for hand washing1Softa “Airy softness”
2Minel "Flower Feeling"196 ₽

The best machine washable conditioners

Machine wash conditioners are designed taking into account their use in automatic units. They do not harm the mechanisms, wash out well when rinsing, and impart silky softness and pleasant freshness for a long time. The product is poured into the compartment or directly into the drum of the machine. The exact amount per cycle is determined by the measuring cap or special marks in the rinse aid tray.

Fabric softener Frosch “Almond milk”

Rating: 4.9

Frosch is a popular German manufacturer of household products that are labeled ECO. This means that they are absolutely safe for health, do not harm the environment, and do not contain hazardous chemicals that can cause allergic reactions.

Almond extract adds a light aroma that lasts for several days. After using the rinse aid, the laundry is soft and gentle to the touch, and smells pleasant. It irons well and stays clean for a longer time.

The concentrated consistency helps reduce product consumption per rinse and significantly increase the lifespan of one bottle. The safe composition with herbal ingredients allows you to use the conditioner when washing children's clothes and clothes of people prone to allergies.


  • natural composition;
  • IVF product;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • biodegradable;
  • unobtrusive aroma;
  • concentrate;
  • affordable price.


  • not detected.

Where is the rinse aid dispenser located?

Most often, in the machine, the place where the detergents for the washing itself and for conditioning during washing are placed is a tray on the left side. Less often, the manufacturer installs it on the right. If the washing machine is designed for loading through a hatch that opens upward (vertical loading), then the tray is installed from the inside on the lid. The tray itself is divided into three compartments, different in width, and sometimes can be highlighted in different colors.

  • For washing powder (marked P or B). This compartment is the deepest; all washing substances go here.
  • For soaking (marking I or A). The compartment is smaller in size compared to the first one; detergents for pre-washing or soaking are poured here
  • For conditioning (marking – flower). This compartment is the smallest in depth and size. It is made so that the water in the conditioner compartment of the washing machine does not wash it out during washing.

The best conditioners for children's clothes

Children's skin does not yet have the protective properties that adults have. This is especially true for babies in the first months of life. Air conditioners for babies are designed taking into account the individual characteristics of a fragile body. They do not contain aggressive or chemically hazardous substances and are hypoallergenic. In our rating we included the best rinses that guarantee safety and at the same time become assistants to mothers in caring for their children.

Umka Sweet dream

Rating: 4.9

Conditioner “Umka Sweet Dream” is recommended for washing clothes of children from birth and clothes of people with sensitive skin. The product is hypoallergenic and will not cause discomfort or irritation on the baby’s skin. It does not contain synthetic additives, fragrances or dyes. The silver ions included in the composition have an antibacterial effect, destroy bacteria and prevent them from appearing again.

The rinse aid has a gentle effect on the fabric, makes it soft, and reduces static tension. It neutralizes odors well and has a light, unobtrusive aroma. Linen does not fade or deform even with frequent washing.

The concentrated composition allows you to reduce the amount of product for one rinse cycle. The volume of a bottle of 1 liter is equal to the volume of a regular product of 4 liters.


  • hypoallergenic;
  • for children from birth;
  • recommended by dermatologists;
  • concentrate;
  • nanosilver in the composition.


  • not detected.

Composition and release forms

Laundry softeners are available in liquid or gel form. The latter has a higher concentration of surfactants and lower consumption. There are several different types:

  • antistatic;
  • rinse aid;
  • for children's linen;
  • for colored things;
  • for white things;
  • stain remover

They all differ in their main function, but the composition of any type of air conditioner is almost the same:

  1. Surfactants or surfactants are precisely those components that perform the main tasks of the product.
  2. Silicone, which repels water from fabric, is not always found in the composition.
  3. Fragrances that give laundry a wonderful aroma and preserve it for several days.
  4. Thickeners give a gel-like consistency, which reduces product consumption.
  5. Dyes and preservatives.

Depending on the specific brand and purpose, the air conditioner may contain other components.

Attention! You should not buy products that contain benzyl acetate and terpineol, as they can cause allergies.

The best conditioners for hand washing

Hand wash conditioners are designed for final rinsing of washed clothes, which are soaked in a solution of water and detergent, left for several minutes and wrung out. They are not intended for use in automatic machines. Such rinses are suitable for all types of fabric, including delicate ones, not intended for machine cleaning and recommended for hand washing.

Softa “Airy softness”

Rating: 4.8

The Japanese product has a gentle effect on all types of fabric, including wool and silk. Thanks to the natural softening ingredients included in the composition, after use the linen becomes airy and smooth.

The special formula penetrates deep into the fabric, removes persistent odors of sweat and tobacco, and creates a fresh aroma that lasts for several days.

The conditioner relieves static tension, facilitates ironing, prevents the formation of pilling, and maintains color brightness. After regular use, things look like new. According to reviews, Softa “Airy softness” is the best product for delicate fabrics, which increases their wear resistance and prevents damage during washing.


  • careful care;
  • for all types of fabric;
  • removes persistent odors;
  • maintains color brightness;
  • economical consumption;
  • antistatic effect;
  • pleasant aroma.


  • not detected.

Do-it-yourself mouthwash: use 5 available products

Despite the availability of products and a large selection, some housewives are looking for something to replace fabric softener with. Some want to save money, others want to protect their loved ones from the harmful effects of synthetic components. We offer five home methods that help soften and dielectricize fabric using improvised means.

  1. Vinegar. A household softener known to housewives is added directly to the rinse aid compartment in the car. For one wash, 150-200 ml of vinegar is enough.
  2. Soda. Add 50 g of baking soda pre-diluted in water when washing automatically or manually. Soda softens water and whitens clothes.
  3. Salt. Dissolve three tablespoons of salt in a glass of water. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil.
  4. Hair balm. Mix 500 ml of water with 250 ml of vinegar and 150 ml of balm. Mix into a homogeneous mass. You can also grind five tablespoons of sea salt with three tablespoons of balm to make a paste.
  5. Mixture. Prepare a glass of soda and 9% vinegar. Pour half a liter of boiling water into a deep container. Dissolve baking soda in water, pour in vinegar. For aroma, it is recommended to add a few drops of essential oil. Pour the mixture into a bottle. Use 50 ml when washing.

It is recommended to prepare a gel paste from soap shavings (50 g), soda ash (50 g), glycerin (three tablespoons), borax (one tablespoon) and essential oil (three drops). Soda and soap are dissolved in boiling water, glycerin is added and mixed thoroughly. When the solution has cooled, add borax and oil.

Using fabric softener does not cause difficulties for modern housewives. The choice of a suitable rinse aid is up to customers. If you are intolerant to odor, it is better to use fragrance-free products or use self-prepared mixtures. Only by strictly following the instructions and dosages can you get soft clothes without any conditioner residues in the fabric.

Video on the topic

To use conditioner or not

To summarize, we can say that in a debate between supporters of using additional detergents and people who consider it an unnecessary waste of money, the former win. After all, the advantages of using air conditioners are obvious:

  1. soften the fabric and make it fluffy;
  2. reduce the static effect;
  3. facilitate the ironing process;
  4. prevent the formation of pellets;
  5. maintain color brightness;
  6. give a pleasant aroma;
  7. increase wear resistance.

Agree, these are strong arguments in favor of purchasing rinse aids. We wish you to choose a product that meets your requirements and enjoy the cleanliness and freshness of your laundry for a long time.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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