How to wash things without fading: basic rules

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Published: 05/31/2021

Reading time: 3 min



Who is not familiar with the situation when, during washing, one thing stained everything that was nearby. What to do if the fabric fades a lot? Resign or try to fix the dye. There are inexpensive home remedies that can help with this difficult task. How they work and how to handle them is discussed below.

  • 1 How to determine whether a product is shedding
  • 2 Ways to fix the dye
  • 3 Caring for things that are dyed
  • 4 Conclusion

Checking color strength

How to wash things so they don't fade?
If you bought a new item, immediately check whether it is fading or not. This way you can avoid unpleasant surprises and maintain the rich color of your new item. Most often, natural fabric and new clothes fade. There are several methods that can help determine paint durability:

  1. Dampen a small piece of cloth with warm water, wring it out and iron it through paper or a white cloth. If there are traces of paint on the white, the item needs color fixing. Such clothes must be washed separately.
  2. Add a little soap to a bowl of water and leave for 15 minutes. place the product there. Then the item is wrung out and wrapped in white cotton fabric. If the water is colored or stains remain, the material is susceptible to shedding.
  3. Pour cool water into the container, lower the dress, and after half an hour look at the liquid. If it is cloudy, it is worth fixing the color of the product.
  4. On some underwear, the manufacturer sews a small patch on the reverse side. It is designed to assess the degree of shedding. This piece needs to be soaked for 10 minutes. in ammonia, then rinse and apply to clothes to see if the shade has changed or not. If there is no flap, simply cut off a small piece of fabric near the seam and carry out the procedure.

How do you wash things?

Remember, even a bright collar, stripe or flower can cause other things to stain. Clothes can dye themselves, for example a polka dot dress, a black and white blouse, etc. It is better to wash such items separately or pre-fix the paint.

Note! Before buying a new item, check it for shedding with a regular damp cloth. Wipe the product and evaluate the result.

Choosing a stain remover

Sometimes even the most effective home remedies are not able to cope with stubborn stains. In this case, you can try purchasing an industrial stain remover. Now there are many such tools, here are the best of them:

  1. Frau Schmidt (cost about 220 rubles). This is an Austrian product that, as manufacturers claim, can correct any stains. Grease, blood, wine, oil - this stain remover can handle even the most hopeless situations. It can be used for both colored and white fabrics. The product contains bile soap, which effectively fights impurities and does not harm the skin.
  2. Vanish for colored linen (costs about 150 rubles). Manufacturers promise that this product can easily wash faded colored items and rid them of any stains in a short time, giving the fabric freshness and cleanliness. It is recommended to apply the stain remover locally, specifically to stains.
  3. ECOVER (cost about 230 rubles). This Belgian product is suitable for both white and colored fabrics. It is based on plant and mineral ingredients and copes with even the most difficult stains (grass, grease, blood, dirt, etc.). The product does not harm the environment, as it decomposes without residues or fumes.
  4. Amway Pre Wash (costs about 250 rubles). The product removes grease, oil, grass and other stains. It does not require long exposure. The product comes in spray form and is easy to use. Contaminants are removed immediately after spraying the product.
  5. Sarma Active (cost about 65 rubles). The product removes traces of grease, oil, fruit, wine, tea, pasta, etc. It improves the quality of washing in the machine. The product can even cope with old stains. It is suitable for both white and colored fabrics.
  6. “Minute” (costs about 30 rubles). Removes fresh stains from varnish, paints, grease, etc. In addition to washing clothes, it can be used to clean car seats.
  7. “Antipyatin” (costs about 20 rubles). The product copes with stains on colored and white fabrics. It must be used when soaking clothes before washing. In addition, the product can be added to another powder to enhance the effect.

Preparing for washing, basic rules

The first rule is to sort the laundry.
Fabric that can fade requires special care, which consists of fixing the color, proper washing and rinsing with special preparations for colored clothes. First of all, things are sorted:

  • White items are washed separately;
  • Black pants or a T-shirt can be washed with gray and blue laundry;
  • Blouses with prints or embroidery are placed separately;
  • It is allowed to combine warm shades - pink, yellow, orange, red;
  • Together they throw green, blue, purple and light blue products into the drum;
  • Do not put wool with cotton or linen in the machine.

If a dress that has been washed more than once has faded, you may have exceeded the permissible water temperature. Too hot water provokes molting and the final loss of color. To avoid this, use warm water, no more than 40%.

Why do clothes fade?

Who is to blame if the item fades after washing? There are many candidates: manufacturers of fabrics, clothing, washing machines, laundry detergents, the housewife herself. Purity of color disappears for several reasons.

  • Gray, yellowish, brown, blue stains are formed from excess powder during washing.
  • An incorrect washing mode results in dirt being smeared onto the fabric rather than being removed.
  • Rust in the soaking container, washing machine or drying line.
  • Washing colored laundry together with white.
  • Printing, ink printing, or hand-painting on fabric may bleed if the water is too hot.
  • During production, the paint on the fabric is weakly fixed or the fabric is saturated with it in excess. This often happens with jeans.
  • When sewing clothes of combined colors, fabrics with different dyeing methods are combined.
  • Decorative elements are made of low-quality materials and cannot be washed. Piping, cords, fabric buttons, and seam finishing with threads of contrasting colors sometimes create problems.
  • Bad dye on some parts of clothing.
  • Wrong choice of bleach or stain remover. If you pour bleach into the washing machine when washing, there is a possibility that you will end up with items that are the same dirty brown color.
  • The washing temperature is high.

How to fix paint if a red and white dress has faded

If a red and white dress has faded
It is difficult to return a painted product to its original appearance, so it is better to avoid such situations. Brightly colored linen almost always fades, especially during the first wash. The same goes for jeans. In order not to encounter a situation where the dress has faded, how to wash it, pre-soak the product. There are several methods for fixing color:

  1. Saline solution. Clothes are soaked in cold water with two tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of liquid. The product is kept for at least an hour, then washed in the usual way.
  2. Vinegar. Take 3 tbsp. l acid and 10 l water. Mix and soak the item for half an hour.
  3. Turpentine. The method is suitable for cotton material. You need to take 70 ml of the substance and 5 liters of water, soak the product in the resulting solution for half an hour. The method is effective for pink, blue and yellow shades.
  4. Getting rid of excess paint. If the item does not shed much, first soak it in warm water, then rinse in cold water. After this, soak the product again for half an hour and continue until all the paint is gone.

In cases where there is only a small amount of dye, rinse the clothes under the tap and wash as usual with powder. To eliminate the unpleasant smell of vinegar or turpentine, rinse your laundry with added conditioner. If you don’t want to bother with soaking, use special washing cloths that absorb excess paint and do not release it.

Washing wool and jeans

It is recommended to wash woolen clothes that are prone to shedding using glycerin. First, you should wash the clothes by hand, then soak them in a glycerin solution (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). You can add a mild detergent. Rinse, gently wring out without twisting.

Jeans that stain your legs require special attention. The fact is that the further the color of denim clothing is from their native blue color, the more likely it is that these items will be dyed. If the clothes are of high quality, then the dark dye will come off from the jeans only when washed (during the first two or three washes). But there is always the possibility that you will get caught in the rain, and then you are guaranteed blue knees. If you want to save the color of faded jeans, wash them only by hand, in cool water and laundry soap. Add vinegar when rinsing. It will fix the color and protect the jeans from dirt.

How to properly wash faded items

When washing faded items, be sure to take into account the type of fabric, water temperature, and color of clothing. Colored linen is washed at 30°C. Do not wash individual areas with soap; it is better to use a powder or chemical product marked “Color”. Do not wash with products that contain soda or bleach. Delicate and silk items should not be wrung out. Do not rub clothes, turn off the spin mode if washing in a machine.

When cleaning woolen items, add mustard powder. If you need to wash a mohair item, place glycerin (2 tbsp) in water. Silk clothes are washed with soaked bran. Beige or cream-colored cotton fabric is kept in tea leaves for a couple of minutes after rinsing. Heavily shedding items are most likely of poor quality, so they can cause itching, allergies, and irritation. Return the similar product back to the store.

Washing in a washing machine

Follow the rules that are indicated on the product label.
If you are using an automatic machine, the main condition for washing is to follow the rules that are indicated on the product label. If not, follow these recommendations:

  • Do not set the water temperature to more than 40 degrees;
  • Press at 200-800 rpm;
  • If you are sure that the item will fade, buy napkins to absorb excess paint and put 3 of them in the drum.

Do not neglect the choice of washing powder or gel. The quality and safety of washing depends on it.

Linen bed sheets or brightly colored towels are washed in hot water. To preserve and protect fabric fibers, use washing bags.

Wash by hand

To avoid the question of what to do if your dress fades during washing, strictly follow the recommendations below. Typically, everyday clothes are machine washed. If you need to clean a faded dress or jacket, do it manually:

  1. First, dissolve the gel or powder in cold water.
  2. Then immerse the product there for 15-20 minutes, rub heavily soiled areas.
  3. Change the rinse water and add a little vinegar.
  4. Rinse and spin the laundry.
  5. Don't wring it out, hang it over your shoulders.

The vinegar will set the paint and also remove any remaining dirt. The product effectively removes stains. If the stains are old, pre-soak the product in a vinegar solution for 30 minutes.

How to remove stains from faded fabric?

Did you find streaks on your white clothes after washing? This happened due to the fact that particles of paint were washed out of the colored fabric and settled on the light one. Such stains can be removed if you act immediately. To wash them, use regular laundry soap 72%. Rub it onto areas where the fabric has faded and leave for 30-40 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and the stains will disappear!

Aggressive agents and bleaches should not be used, as this can ruin the item. For example, “Whiteness” is applicable only to natural cotton and linen fabrics; it must be dissolved in water in a certain proportion, otherwise the fibers are destroyed and holes appear. Chlorine bleach is not suitable for removing faded stains.

Good quality fabrics are dyed according to the regulatory requirements of the standard, so dye leaching is acceptable only to a small extent. If you purchased a product that sheds heavily, you can safely file a claim with the seller.

The dress has faded, what to do at home

how to wash a faded dress or other wardrobe item. Soaking will help you with this matter. Special solutions restore color and return things to their original appearance.

Popular recipes:

  • Natural material can be washed repeatedly with powder and salt in hot water;
  • Something bad happened, my dress faded, what should I do? The red and white product is rinsed in a soda solution;
  • Dark and black things are saved by soaking in water with salt;
  • The blue and bright red color is restored by soaking in cold water with the addition of 5 drops of ammonia.

Now you know how to wash a faded dress, as well as what methods to prevent shedding and how to properly wash colored items. If the above tips do not help, you can dye your clothes with a special substance, then rinse and check for shedding.

How to save a stained colored item?

If colored items or items of faux fur outerwear have faded, you can restore their original color using ready-made or improvised means. When choosing store-bought stain removers, you should choose those whose packaging is marked “Color” - they are specially designed to remove stains from colored clothing.

Efficient means of industrial production

To remove a stain from a bright or black item that has faded during washing, you can use one of the following stain removers:

"ACE OXI MAGIC". This powder is affordable, has a pleasant aroma and does not contain chlorine. This product cannot be used to remove stains from silk and woolen items.

"Udalix Oxi Ultra". The stain remover effectively fights even complex stains, is affordable and safe. However, this product can not be purchased in every household chemical store, and it only works in water whose temperature exceeds 60 degrees.

"Astonish OXY PLUS". This stain remover, included in the “luxury” category, can be used to clean not only wardrobe items, but also tarpaulins, furniture, and tiles. This product has an organic composition. Among its main disadvantages are wasteful spending, high cost and difficulty of acquisition.

How to return things to their previous appearance using improvised means?

If after washing it turns out that the product has been dyed, first of all you need to find out the origin of the material from which it is made. Restoring faded items made from natural, synthetic and delicate fabrics requires a different approach.

The table provides information on how to do this effectively and safely.

Restoring faded colored itemsMethods for rescuing products that have undergone shedding
Main ingredientsPreparing the CleanserApplication
Made from natural fabricsRepeated intensive washing in water at the maximum permitted temperature
Ammonia1 tbsp. l. dilute ammonia in 10 ml of water Soak the item in the solution for 20 minutes, and then boil it in the same liquid for 10 minutes. Rinse the product thoroughly.
Washing powder, hydrogen peroxideMix 50 g of powder and 15 ml of peroxide. Dilute the mixture with a small amount of water. Soak the item in soapy water for 1 hour, then rinse.
Made from syntheticsLemon juice, Antipyatin soap, starchMix the ingredients in such quantities to make a paste. The soap should first be grated. Treat the stained area with the mixture. After 2 hours, wash the product.
Made from delicate fabrics9% vinegar, sodaRedeem 1 tbsp. l. soda vinegar Apply the product to the faded area. After 2 hours, wash the item.

General recommendations

Always wash your laundry correctly
Experts recommend washing and storing your laundry correctly in order to preserve the original beauty and color of the product for a long time. Follow these tips:

  • Do not treat dyed clothes with soda solution;
  • When hanging an item, turn it inside out. The liquid should flow from the collar to the hem;
  • When washing, put cotton with linen, velvet with corduroy, nylon with synthetics. Woolen and silk items are washed with delicate powder;
  • Shedding clothes are wrung out carefully and dried in a dark place with good ventilation;
  • Avoid exposure to sunlight, as ultraviolet radiation damages things in the same way as washing.

When washing colored, fadeable items, choose powder or gel marked “Color”. For white things there is a special marking - “White”.

What to do if dye comes out of clothes?

The instructions look like this:

  1. Dissolve the powder in hot water and soak the clothes for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Wash by hand.
  3. Pour vinegar (4-5 tablespoons) into a bowl of clean water.
  4. Rinse the washed item in this solution.
  5. Without wringing, wrap in a towel and hang to dry (not in the sun!).

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Which detergent to choose for fading items?

Laundry detergents come in dry, gel and liquid forms. There are many types of preparations on sale that effectively preserve the color and original appearance of colored products.

The most commonly used means are:

  1. Laska gel removes any dirt. Depending on the complexity of the stains, take half or the whole lid for one wash.
  2. Gloss is a powder for colored items. 0.5 scoop is enough if the contamination is light.
  3. Faberlic is a liquid product for colored people. For severe contamination, take 40 grams.

Tide and Persil also have good effectiveness. Which drug to choose is up to you.

If you were not aware of the intricacies of washing colored items, your dress has faded, and you don’t know what to do, use the tips provided. Often these recommendations help prevent shedding and avoid staining other things.

Useful tips

To avoid disappointing washing results, you need to immediately study the care information. If the item has faded, you should not delay re-washing, otherwise you will not be able to return the item to its original shade. Before bleaching, you should test the chosen product on an inconspicuous area or on a piece of fabric that is usually sewn to clothing.

What you should not do is mix household chemicals with each other or dilute them with solutions prepared according to folk recipes. If you want to experiment with the selected means, then do this one by one.

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