How to remove wax from a carpet: how to remove paraffin from a rug

Candles are often used as an attribute of home holidays, romantic evenings, and family events. A beautiful flame creates an unforgettable atmosphere of celebration, but one annoying moment can spoil the pleasant impressions - wax or paraffin getting on the carpet, rugs, paths. It is especially offensive if the product is new, expensive, with thick, long pile. There are several ways to remove wax from a carpet so as not to damage the textile backing and completely clean the resulting candle stain.

Features of removing paraffin from carpet

Paraffin is a type of wax formed as a result of the activity of bees. Melted paraffin falls on the rug and hardens. Such contamination is difficult to remove, since you cannot rub the carpet with hard brushes or scrape the stained area with sandpaper.

There are a sufficient number of gentle ways to remove paraffin from carpet. Such methods will not damage the pile; the coating will remain in the same condition as it was before the stain.

Attention! Carpets of dark shades with low pile or rugs with colored inserts are easier to clean. If the carpet is light (or delicate shades) and has a long pile, then it is better to entrust the cleaning of such a carpet to dry cleaning specialists.

We recommend reading: How to remove brilliant green from linoleum

Removal methods using improvised means

Most methods for removing wax from fabric require carefully removing the wax with a knife or spatula by scraping. This will help avoid increasing the area of ​​the wax mark. For some stains this may be enough, but more often greasy prints remain. For this reason, additional processing is required.

How to remove paraffin stains:

  • mechanical methods;
  • active liquid substances;
  • bulk substances.

Warming up with an iron

The traditional way to remove wax from clothes is with a hot iron. Clean up the influx and shake off the resulting crumbs. Place a white cotton napkin under the area to be treated and cover with the same one on top.

Apply a hot iron, move the napkin so that there is a clean area on the stain, and warm it up again. Do this several times. If there is a fingerprint left, you will have to additionally wash it with dishwashing detergent or to remove greasy marks. Then wash the item.

Steam and hot air

Instead of an iron, you can use a steam generator, a hair dryer, and even a pan with boiling liquid. The principle of how to wipe paraffin from a material: the remaining substance heats up, becomes liquid, and can be easily removed with a napkin

It is important to follow safety precautions and not spread the contamination further

Remove with turpentine

How to remove paraffin from clothes:

  1. Soak a cotton swab with turpentine.
  2. Gently remove the stain using blotting movements.
  3. When the dirt is removed, wash the item.

In this case, it is recommended to set the heat to the maximum possible and turn on the “Extra rinse” option. Turpentine is a mixture of fragrant essential oils, so light washing does not always remove its residue.


No preliminary scraping is required; it is easier to remove a large droplet after cold treatment.

The method is recommended for materials with complex textures. The contaminated item is carefully rolled up, placed in a bag and placed in the freezer for several hours. Paraffin becomes brittle after freezing and therefore crumbles easily when rubbed. Not every item can be placed in the freezer.

Instead, you can hold a piece of ice in a bag on the stain. When the paraffin hardens, remove it by friction.

Alcohol and salt

How to remove candle wax from clothes:

  1. Place cotton wool soaked in alcohol or vodka on the area cleaned by scraping.
  2. Leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Sprinkle with coarse table salt and rub.
  4. Wash with laundry soap.
  5. Rinse.

Hydrogen peroxide

How to remove wax from white things if not with hydrogen peroxide. The technique is not suitable for colored materials. Lay out the clothes on the table. Place polyethylene under the bottom of the blot.

Pour a little peroxide on top, cover with dark film and a thick towel. This will protect the liquid from rapid evaporation and exposure to sunlight. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated. Wash with powder.

Organic solvent

One of the options for dissolving wax to a liquid state is an organic solvent. To do this, apply the solution to the blot and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse in warm water.

Dishwashing liquid

It is used mainly after scraping, sometimes combined with other methods. Apply dishwashing solution to the prepared surface and rub a little so that the liquid penetrates deeper into the fabric. Leave for 5-10 hours, then wash.

Talc, starch, baby powder

How to clean the grease stain remaining after scraping:

  1. Sprinkle the contaminated area with baby powder, talcum powder or starch.
  2. Cover with white paper on top and place something heavy.
  3. Leave under pressure for 40 minutes.
  4. Clean the surface with a brush.
  5. Wash.

How to remove paraffin from carpet using traditional methods

Traditional methods help remove wax from carpet using products that every housewife always has on hand. The cost of materials for “folk” cleaning rarely exceeds one hundred rubles, so everyone can afford such a procedure.

How to Remove Wax from Carpet with Vinegar

This method is suitable for “fresh” stains that have not yet completely hardened. To create the cleansing mixture you will need:

  • vinegar;
  • salt;
  • soda.

We recommend reading: Baking soda: beneficial properties, uses, how to take

Substances must be taken in equal proportions based on the size of the contamination. Mix vinegar, salt and soda until smooth.

Apply the finished mixture to the contaminated area and leave until completely dry. After drying, carefully “remove” the mixture along with the stain using a soft brush. If you don’t have a brush, a toothbrush with soft bristles or a sponge will do (use a clean sponge so as not to stain the rug).

How to remove wax from carpet with salt

In order to clean paraffin from a carpet using this method, you need regular table salt. It is advisable to use fine salt, then the cleaning will be more efficient and in a shorter time.

Sprinkle a small amount of table salt onto the stain. Rub the stain area with a soft brush for 2-3 minutes (do not press). Then carefully sweep the table salt with the remaining paraffin onto a scoop.

Repeat the procedure until the wax is completely removed from the coating.

How to remove wax from carpet with alcohol

For this type of cleaning you will need:

  • cotton pad (bandage, rag);
  • medical alcohol.

Apply alcohol to a cotton pad and wipe the stained area until completely removed. Wipe the stain with soft, even movements. Under no circumstances should you vigorously rub the area of ​​contamination. Intensive cleaning can damage the pile and leave a “sleek” stain on the coating.

Instead of alcohol, you can use a soap solution (a few drops of dishwashing detergent or 50 g of soap shavings per 0.5 liter of water).

Important! Alcohol can remove the color coating. Therefore, before using alcohol on dirt, it is better to do a test. Soak a cotton pad with a few drops of alcohol and rub the corner of the carpet. If the color does not fade, then you can begin to clean the stained area.

How to remove wax from carpet by freezing

Freezing is the most effective and easiest way. Place ice cubes in a bag and apply to the stain.

Leave the ice on the paraffin until completely hardened. Then break the wax stain with a small hammer or the back of a knife. Remove large fallen parts with a vacuum cleaner or broom. Small parts are removed using a soft brush or rag (sponge).

How to Remove Candle Wax from Carpet with an Iron and Cloth

Remove the candle from the carpet using an iron and a napkin in stages:

  1. Place a napkin on the stained area.
  2. Turn on the iron to the minimum temperature (under no circumstances set high temperatures, they can damage the rug).
  3. Move the iron back and forth over the napkin (under the influence of temperature, the paraffin melts and is absorbed into the napkin) - carry out the procedure for 2-3 minutes.

If there is still paraffin left after cleaning, repeat the procedure. Remove residues with alcohol or soap solution.

How to Remove Paraffin from Carpet with a Spoon

You can use a spoon instead of an iron. Proceed according to the same principle:

  1. Place a napkin (thin cloth towel or paper) on the hardened wax.
  2. Heat the spoon (you can heat it with a stove, candle, lighter).
  3. Apply a heated spoon to the stain.

Remove any remaining dirt with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol or soap solution.

Instead of an iron and spoon, you can use a hair dryer.

Attention! There is no need to heat the spoon to maximum temperature. A warm (slightly hot) spoon is suitable for removing paraffin from the rug.

Prevention measures

To prevent the carpet from being damaged by candle wax, it is recommended to adhere to the following precautions:

  • use high-quality candles that contain only wax (paraffin), stearic acid (allows you to minimize waste when burning a candle), fragrances and dyes;
  • place candles in candlesticks with a large bowl, regularly remove wax residues from them;
  • Do not place candles near a fan or an open window.

It is better to remove wax from the carpet immediately after it appears, since this stain can penetrate deeply into the fibers of the product and collect dirt. And then you won’t have to figure out how to clean the carpet from wax. Additionally, removing old stains can be difficult and damage the carpet, which can be costly to restore.

How to remove wax from a carpet using household chemicals

If folk remedies do not help remove the stain from a church (decorative) candle, then household chemicals come to the rescue. Such products help to effectively remove wax from carpeting. You can find them at any hardware store.

Dr. Beckmann PreWash

The stain remover has a high bile soap content. Thanks to this, it acts on the difficult stain from the inside and corrodes it. Effectively cleanses stains from wax, alcohol, and grease. Has a pleasant lemon scent.

Apply the stain remover to the contaminated area using a brush (included with the product). Rub with small, gentle movements. Then leave the “medicine” on the stain for 20 minutes.

Remove any remaining wax from the carpet using a cotton pad soaked in soapy water.

Cost of Dr. Beckman PreWash: from 200 to 350 rubles. The price varies depending on the region of residence and the chain of stores.

Medera Anti-Wax

Sold in large containers (1.5 thousand rubles for 5 liters of product). Medera Anti-Wax cleans tough stains. Has no smell.

To ensure quality cleaning, it is recommended to open the windows. The room temperature should not exceed 20 degrees.

Proceed according to the principle described above. Apply to stains and leave for 20 minutes. After this, remove the product from the coating using a cloth soaked in soapy water.

Important! The product can only be removed with soap solutions. Medera Anti-Wax cannot be removed with water.

Stain remover Frosch

The cost of the stain remover starts from 150 rubles for 75 ml. Apply to the carpet and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then remove the contaminated area with a soft brush.

Remove the product with plain water.

How to properly remove specific contaminants yourself at home?

Often unexpected dirt remains on the carpet. In each case, there are tricks that allow you to restore the beautiful appearance of the coating. This article will tell you about removing various old stains.


Has the consistency of jelly. A fresh stain from a toy can be removed using various traditional methods:

  • peroxide,
  • soda,
  • laundry soap and the like.

Dried dirt is first carefully scraped off with a knife. Next, you will need to treat with special powders or shampoos for cleaning carpets with active ingredients.

Read about ways to remove slime from carpet here.


To harden the stain, you need to use ice cubes. They are wrapped in film and gently moved over the plasticine until it becomes hard. Now it can be easily removed using a plastic knife.

The remaining greasy trace can be removed by any means such as:

  • "Vanish"
  • “Selena Kovrol” and so on.

The main thing is that they are strong enough to break down fat molecules. Methods for removing plasticine from carpet are described in more detail here.


It is necessary to close the door to the room and open the window. Collect mercury balls using a rubber bulb or syringe and release them into a glass jar. Treat the carpet with bleach or potassium permanganate.

To avoid damage to the pile, you can use a solution of laundry soap (2 tablespoons) with soda (1 tablespoon) + 1 liter of hot water.

Read about how to properly and safely remove mercury from a carpet here.


Fresh stains should be removed with a paper towel or cotton wool soaked in hydrogen peroxide. Ammonia (tbsp / 500 ml of water) will help to completely discolor the marks.


You can quickly deal with fresh contamination:

  • regular alcohol
  • ammonia,
  • peroxide.

You can also use a stain remover. Another tip is to expose the rug to the sun. The brilliant green itself becomes discolored from ultraviolet light.


They are easy to deal with:

  • vinegar,
  • lemon juice,
  • coarse table salt,
  • Various aerosols can be sprayed periodically.

You will find effective recipes for removing various odors from carpet in this article.

Urine marks

You can remove a stain without a trace only if it is fresh. With old marks, it is better to go to dry cleaning.

To remove a stain, you need:

  1. Collect all liquid with napkins.
  2. Then prepare a solution of vinegar (1 part) with water (3 parts).
  3. Water the area generously with this liquid, open the windows and leave for a couple of hours.
  4. After this period, sprinkle the stain with regular soda.
  5. When the soda has absorbed all the moisture, you can simply sweep it away with a broom, brush, or suck it in with a vacuum cleaner.

Finally, spray a small amount of your favorite fabric softener diluted with water.

Read about ways to remove traces and smell of cat urine here, dogs - in this article, left by a child - here.

How to remove wax without causing harm

Removing wax from a carpet seems like a simple and easy task at first glance. But it is important to follow several rules, then the palace will not be harmed.

Firstly, under no circumstances should the procedure be carried out using the following means:

  • bleaching agents;
  • chemical solutions intended for cleaning cars, interiors, floors;
  • means for cleaning bathrooms.

Palace is a delicate covering. Cleaning can only be done with a soft brush. If you don’t have a soft brush, you can use:

  • toothbrush;
  • a rag;
  • sponge for washing dishes;
  • other soft materials.

If cleaning is done using “dry” cleaning, it is recommended to remove residual wax and cleaning agent (salt, soda) using a vacuum cleaner or a regular broom. Do not leave dirt residues on the carpet, as they can be absorbed into the pile.

After “wet” cleaning, immediately dry the wet area. Dry using traditional methods - newspapers, napkins, paper towels. Soak the wet area with napkins until completely dry.

When cleaning a colored coating with alcohol, first carry out a test. Blot the corner of the carpet with an alcohol-soaked napkin. Alcohol can “erase” the color coating, so it should be used with caution.

Attention! If the carpet has a long pile or the dirt covers too large an area, take the carpet to the dry cleaner. Specialists will thoroughly clean the carpet from wax (paraffin) without damaging the carpet itself.

How to clean stains left after waxing?

In addition to paraffin, depilatory wax contains synthetic and wood resins and various oils. It would seem that it is impossible to remove such a composition from the carpet, but if you use some tips, cleaning will go quickly and you will be pleased with the high quality of the result.

The most important thing is not to let the paraffin saturate the carpet pile. Cleaning must begin immediately after a stain appears.

After the depilatory agent has been applied to the carpet, it must be covered with ice packs (you can use frozen products), thereby stopping the process of absorption and spreading of paraffin over the surface.

Already frozen wax particles are scraped off with a blunt object (you can use a wooden ruler). If after cleaning there are tiny particles of depilatory wax left on the carpet, ironing them through a paper napkin will help remove them.

Types of brushes

Various devices are used to clean carpets. As for brushes, you can choose the following models:

  1. Manual. It is easy to use and accessible. You can choose brushes with optimal stiffness and bristle length. They help get rid of stains and pet hair.
  2. Mechanical. With the help of rollers, the brushes move and collect small debris from the carpets. It accumulates in a special compartment. A good alternative to a vacuum cleaner.
  3. Vacuum cleaner attachments for cleaning hair. Quickly and effectively copes even with stubborn hair and is suitable for most types of carpets.

What do you need to know to become a real guru?

To begin with, it is important to understand that the profession of a manicurist is a very serious type of employment. It requires increased attention, accuracy, perseverance, and creativity.

Moreover, such work requires permanent investments of money in order to stay afloat and not lose clients, but only expand their base: qualifications, courses, exchange of experience, etc.

Surely, when you undergo training at a manicure school, you will be taught how to hold the tool correctly, they will “position” your hand, and they will give you models to practice. But after completing the training program, you have to move on on your own, and this is where the difficulties begin. The main thing to remember is that difficulties are temporary, and professionalism comes with experience.

General recommendations

Let's start with the fact that wax and paraffin are different substances. It is an organic material that bees use to create honeycombs and is yellow-cream in color. It does not burn completely, does not smoke and does not leave stains. Paraffin is of synthetic origin (based on carbon molecules); flavors, dyes and additional components are used in its production. Painted white or transparent, burns completely, crumbles when cut, and leaves marks when it gets on carpet or other materials.

The best method of dealing with paraffin wax is carpet cleaning at home, which effectively combats any type of contamination: juices, food, cosmetics and others. However, you can try to remove such traces yourself, keeping in mind a number of tips:

  • You should not heat paraffin with a hairdryer, because as a result, as when cleaning plasticine from a carpet, an even larger stain will form;
  • you should not tear off the paraffin, because such an approach will lead to deformation of the pile and the appearance of bald spots;
  • do not use water to remove this substance;
  • You should not apply various products without first checking: treat a small area of ​​the coating with the selected composition, wait 5-10 minutes, assess the condition of the material.

Remember that silk carpets, as well as oriental rugs and handicrafts cannot be cleaned yourself. Delicate materials cannot withstand heat treatment, freezing, and cannot be treated with non-professional chemicals. In this case, you need to order carpet washing and take it to a factory or home dry cleaner.


Method 1 of 2:

Method one: Freezing

  1. 1

    Place an ice pack on the stain.

    This will harden the wax stain and make it stronger, making it easier to remove. Once the stain has completely hardened, remove it and set it aside.

  2. 2

    Take a table knife and break off the wax stain.

    Removing as much of the stain as possible before actually cleaning it will ensure greater success of the process. The less wax you have to deal with later, the better.

  3. 3

    If the wax is removed, spray the surface with cleaner.

    Carpet spray or dry cleaning solvent will work. If there is a small stain left by the dye, wipe it off with rubbing alcohol. After applying the solvent, blot the area with water using a clean cloth.

  4. 4

    Vacuum the area.

    The carpet has just been subjected to significant scratching. Vacuuming will help restore the texture to its original state.

  1. 1

    Place a folded brown paper bag (not plastic) over the stain.).

    A grocery bag or lunch box will do. Place the bag on the edge of the stain.

  2. 2

    Set the iron to warm setting.

    DO NOT overheat it as this will melt the bag. Also, do not use the “steam” function. All you need is warmth.

  3. 3

    Iron the paper bag slowly.

    The wax will soak into the paper, lifting up from the carpet. As it becomes saturated with wax, pull the paper onto a towel, providing a fresh, unsaturated area of ​​the bag for the wax.

    • Once the stain is absorbed, move to a clean part of the paper bag. Don't leave the iron on any area for too long unless you want to make the problem worse by leaving a burn mark on the carpet. When the stain stops appearing on the paper, carefully lift it up and see what happens there.
    • If wax remains, repeat. Eventually it will rise completely.

  4. 4

    If a new problem arises - a stain, wipe the area with rubbing alcohol.

    Then place a piece of fabric on the stain and place the iron again, but with the steam function turned on. The dye will be absorbed from the carpet into the fabric.

  5. 5

    To be sure, spray carpet spray or chemical cleaning solvent over the area of ​​carpet to be cleaned.

    You can then either blot the area to be treated with a clean cloth, or place the cloth over it and iron it with an iron on the steam function, as described in the previous step for rubbing alcohol.


  • As an alternative to the iron, you can use a hair dryer. This will be especially true if you use paper towels instead of a bag, since the amount of heat generated by the device is less and easier to control. Be careful not to hold the hair dryer too close, otherwise it will overheat.
  • If you are dealing with colored wax, then on a multi-colored carpet, dyes can give a permanent color. In this case, follow all the steps and then use a carpet cleaner to remove the stains.

What you will need

Method one: Freezing

  • Ice/ice pack/something frozen
  • Table knife/plastic card/scraper
  • Carpet cleaner or dry cleaning solvent
  • Rubbing alcohol (if necessary)
  • Vacuum cleaner (if necessary)
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