Caring for plastic windows, lubrication and do-it-yourself adjustment

Do-it-yourself plastic window care

Knowing how to care for plastic windows, you can prevent many problems with the quality and period of their operation. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the constant cleaning of each element of the integral structure that requires maintenance.


Compared to its wooden predecessor, the plastic frame is much easier to clean. The main thing is to carry out all important procedures on time and systematically wipe the surface. In addition to dust and dirt, which are easy to get rid of, yellowing may appear over time, which will cause a lot of trouble for the owners.

Basic recommendations for caring for the frame:

  1. For cleaning, use only a sponge with a mild abrasive and regular dish soap. This combination will allow you to quickly and efficiently deal with stains.
  2. It is forbidden to take powders, which is often advertised by sellers, since the composition can scratch the surface. Do not use solvents, acidic or alkaline compounds, or acetone.
  3. The surface should be treated with a special cleansing milk that can remove both fresh and old stains, as well as yellowness. The composition must be applied to the frame and rubbed in a circle until it becomes shiny. There is no need to rinse off, the milk creates a thin protective film.
  4. Do not apply force or apply pressure while cleaning the frame. The material is fragile and can deteriorate or burst under strong pressure.
  5. Convex dirt, cement residues, and polyurethane foam must not be removed using a sharp object or spatula. It is better to get a professional reagent to remove such contaminants.

Each general cleaning should be accompanied by wiping the frame; even in a short period of time, a lot of dust and dirt accumulate on it.

Double-glazed window

Caring for the glass unit of a modern window is no different from what was needed in the old Soviet design. The advantage of the current mechanism is that it should not be washed from the inside, since it is tightly closed and does not accumulate dust and dirt during operation.

It is worth considering that a double-glazed window needs careful handling, which is why it should be protected from impacts and scratches in order to maintain strength and functionality for decades.

How to wash glass correctly:

  1. Remove dust and dirt from the outside of the opening using plenty of water. Wipe the glass with newspapers.
  2. Pieces of foam and cement that appear after repairs should not be scraped off with sharp instruments. Just moisten them with water, they will soften and come off on their own. You can arm yourself with a rubber scraper.
  3. It is forbidden to take dirty liquid for washing; it is important to change it more often during the procedure so that dirt particles do not scratch the material.
  4. Grease stains can be easily removed with a solution of shampoo and dish soap. After treatment, it is necessary to rinse the coating with water and wipe it with a cloth equipped with soft bristles.
  5. The material can be cleaned without water by using professional glass mixtures or wipes and monitor composition. At the same time, strictly adhere to the rules and precautions written on the packaging.

There are also time-tested folk methods for caring for glass. A weak solution of vinegar and ammonia will quickly clean glass. These affordable, gentle means available to every housewife are distinguished by their effectiveness and maximum safety.


There is a seal around the perimeter of the sash and the light opening, which requires regular maintenance. The function of this part of the structure is to ensure that the sash is tightly connected to the frame and does not allow frosty air, moisture, or noise to pass through.

In order not to compromise the strength and integrity of the entire mechanism:

  • wipe the seal with a soap-based solution;
  • Avoid contact with substances that contain alcohol on the surface of the material;
  • lubricate the rubber part with special mixtures 2 times a year in spring and autumn.

The following products are suitable for lubrication:

  1. Fenosol is a unique product that increases the elasticity and durability of rubber, allowing it to serve for a long time and not burst at low temperatures.
  2. WD-40 is a multifunctional lubricant for cars and doors, used in many areas. It creates a moisture-insulating film on the surface, which gives elasticity and strength to the rubber.
  3. BE Edel Weiss is a preparation made from excellent quality raw materials, is well absorbed by the sealant material, imparts durability and flexibility to the part.

Without proper care, rubber material quickly wears out, becomes damaged, ceases to fulfill its main purpose and needs to be replaced.

Drainage holes

Small holes located in the frame profile are needed to drain condensate and water that enters the structure after exposure to adverse weather conditions. They can be seen at the bottom of the case in those places where the windows open under the sealing rubber at the joint. There is a water-repellent hole on the inside and outside.

Over time, a lot of dirt accumulates in them, which flows down the glass along with moisture. Therefore, clean the drainage holes 1-2 times a year. Blockages cause moisture retention, which has a detrimental effect on the condition of the plastic in the future.

To carry out cleaning, you do not need rags or detergents; one vacuum cleaner is enough. It is necessary to apply the household appliance to the water-repellent holes from the outside and inside, it will instantly pull out all the dust. For more extensive cleaning, you can use wire or plastic fluff, inserting them under the plug and removing all dirt.


Metal-plastic and PVC structures are equipped with high-quality fittings, which require almost no attention. To increase the period of its operation and make work easier, it is important to follow the following rules:

  1. Avoid getting water on the fittings when washing the windows so that the mechanism does not oxidize or become rusty.
  2. Cleaning using petroleum jelly, resins, and acid solutions is strictly prohibited.
  3. Metal brushes and rags with hard bristles are not suitable for disposal of dirt and dust, as they can damage the anti-corrosion coating and lead to rust.
  4. 3 years after installing the window, the driving mechanism needs additional lubrication. Special oil is suitable, as well as BE products Edel Weiss and WD-40. Apply the product to the slots and mechanisms that are visible when the window is opened.

Damage to the fittings resulting from contamination or staining is not covered under warranty. Cleaning or replacement of structural elements will be at the expense of the owner.

Window handles

Window handles are short-lived and often require repair and replacement. To increase the service life, the structures must be used correctly. They are made of plastic, so they are more likely to wear out and may not withstand sudden, strong movements when turning in the desired direction. You should not hang various objects on them, lean your elbows, or allow your child to tug on them, otherwise the structure will become loose and stop working normally. In this case, you will have to contact a specialist or tighten the screw yourself, if you have certain knowledge and experience.

Instructions for troubleshooting:

  1. Raise the decorative strip under the window handle.
  2. Scroll it so that it is horizontal.
  3. Tighten the screws located underneath in rapid mode.
  4. Put the bar in place.

If the handle is difficult to turn or jams, the problem may not be with the screws at all. The fittings periodically become clogged, and dirt particles interfere with the normal operation of the handle. To solve the problem, you must disassemble it, eliminate the accumulated dust and install it in place.

mosquito net

A mosquito net will help prevent insects from entering the room, as well as protect against poplar fluff and dust getting inside. If you take proper care of it, it will last for many years. To do this, consider a few important tips:

  1. The net is needed in the summer. In winter, remove it, wash it, and put it away for safekeeping in a room with a warm temperature. This way it will be guaranteed to be protected from severe frosts and bird invasions.
  2. Wash the nets at least 2 times a year with soap and a dish sponge or a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth.
  3. It is better to put aggressive products, acidic, alkaline products and hard brushes aside. They can ruin the material.
  4. Dry only naturally; do not leave the wet mesh near radiators and other heating devices, otherwise the fibers will melt and collapse.

The material from which the mosquito net is made is quite durable. It can withstand severe temperature changes, high humidity, and prolonged exposure to sunlight.


Every owner of a translucent structure wants to have a beautiful snow-white window sill that is not immune to the appearance of stubborn stains, yellowness, rust, and dirt. To ensure that it does not lose its attractiveness from the moment of installation, it is important to adhere to the basic rules for its maintenance:

  1. Wipe off dust from the window sill during each general cleaning. It is better to remove contaminants in the form of stains immediately, before they have time to be absorbed.
  2. Before cleaning, test the quality of the cleaning product. Initially, try the cleaning mixture on an inconspicuous area, so as not to damage a large area of ​​the material with an incorrectly selected substance.
  3. Bleaching the window sill if necessary. You need to prepare a composition of ammonia (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water) and apply it for 5-7 minutes and rinse.
  4. Remove yellow spots. If yellowness appears on the windowsill, a solution of hydrogen peroxide and bleach will come in handy. This effective method will get rid of stains without effort and nerves.
  5. An old, stained window sill can only be restored to its original appearance by painting with acrylic or alkyd enamel of the desired shade.

Timely cleaning will preserve the shine, brightness and freshness of the window sill for a long time.

mosquito net

Mosquito net maintenance is essential – it is a matter of health and safety. Small particles of dirt and dust on the mesh additionally pollute the air.

It needs to be cleaned seasonally or whenever it gets dirty. Primary cleaning is carried out with a vacuum cleaner. To avoid damaging the canvas when cleaning corners and hard-to-reach places, use a soft-bristled brush. In winter, the nets must be removed for indoor storage.

Caring for plastic windows in winter and summer

Depending on the time of year, the seal behaves differently: under the influence of high temperatures it expands, and in the cold it contracts. To extend the service life of the material, it is necessary to systematically adjust the sash pressure. The procedure minimizes the load on the fittings and increases the service life of the entire structure.

You can set up a PVC window based on the season with your own hands. To do this, it is better to take a flat screwdriver or a six-sided wrench. Instructions for preparing the structure:

  1. Find areas that need reinforcement of the narthex and core.
  2. In accordance with the marker applied to the locking element, turn the pin in the required direction.
  3. Winter is a period when a tight fit to the frame is required. To do this, turn the marker inward. Setting it up for summer involves twisting it towards the outside.

This important procedure will take a maximum of 15 minutes, this way you can avoid many breakdowns in the future. You can learn more about switching your device to summer mode by watching the video:

Window handles

These window elements are also made of plastic. You cannot lean heavily on the window handles; their mechanism will quickly wear out even without it.

If it does not turn well or jams, the fittings are most likely clogged. You need to disassemble it and remove particles of dust and dirt from the frame sash.

If you hang something on it, lean your elbows, or a child pulls the handle and it becomes loose, then you need to tighten the screws.

It’s better to call a professional, but you can do it yourself if you have at least a little knowledge and skills.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Raise the decorative strip under the handle.
  2. Rotate it from vertical to horizontal.
  3. Quickly tighten the screws, they are located under the handle.
  4. Then set the bar in place.

Window handles are very flimsy and break quickly. To prolong their performance properties and not break them, use them correctly.

Avoid leaning on the handle or using force when turning it into position.

Windows fogging in winter: how to deal with the problem

The resulting large drops on the surface of the glass can cause moisture in the entire structure, causing mold to appear on the sides, which will gradually spread to the walls of the house. The main thing is not to ignore such problems and immediately begin to take appropriate measures.

You can influence this process by changing the temperature and humidity level in the room. Basic recommendations for preventing fogging of Euro windows:

  1. Install gravity ventilation, which ensures the removal of vapors and carbon dioxide.
  2. Maintain room humidity at 50 percent.
  3. Ventilate the room: in summer, leave the windows open for the whole day, in winter only for 10 minutes 3-4 times a day.
  4. Use supply valves to warm the structure or use profile ventilation inside.
  5. Use a container to absorb moisture. It should be purchased at any hardware store.
  6. Treat glass with products in the form of aerosols and liquids. Such mixtures are produced for cars; they can be used to wipe PVC windows to get rid of fogging.

Timely decision-making when plastic windows fog up will extend their service life and protect against the development of fungus on the walls of the house.

Double-glazed windows

Caring for modern double-glazed windows is no different from washing Soviet windows. The only advantage of current windows is that you don’t need to clean the inside. Dust does not collect there, since single-chamber, double-chamber and three-chamber double-glazed windows are hermetically sealed.

First of all, caring for them is about protecting them from impacts and damage. The main thing is to prevent the appearance of cracks and scratches so that you can use them for decades.

How to care for plastic windows - glass washing:

  1. There is no need to wash the internal parts; they do not become dirty because they are hermetically sealed. But the outside needs to be cleaned regularly to allow more light into the apartment. To do this, first remove dirt and dust with plenty of water. Do not scrape off dried foam or cement, but moisten it well, and they will come off the glass on their own. Change water as needed. Don’t wash it when it’s dirty, because dirt accumulates in it and can scratch it. Finally, wipe the glass with newspaper. They polish perfectly to a shine.
  2. If there are greasy stains, wash the glass with soapy water. Use the cheapest shampoo or dishwashing detergent available. Finish cleaning by rinsing with clean water and wiping with microfiber.
  3. Buy a rubber scraper from the store. This is effective if the house is undergoing renovations and there are drops of paint and other products on the glass that are difficult to remove from the surface with water.
  4. Folk recipes are also used to care for plastic windows. To clean glass, use water with the addition of vinegar, salt or ammonia. You need to work with gloves.
  5. You can wash glass without water. Use Mister Muscle and similar professional reagents. Proceed according to the instructions and wear gloves.
  6. The last and most expensive window care product is wipes and monitor liquids. They are sold in small bottles, effective, economical, but too expensive.

Glass should not be cleaned using washing powder or other similar cleaning compounds. It is also prohibited to use iron scrapers and hard brushes.

Additional care products for plastic windows

All window products must have the following characteristics:

  1. Purchase compositions for cleaning glass units in liquid form without solvents, and purchase a sponge exclusively from melamine to remove dirt using an abrasive method.
  2. Treat the seals with waterproof glycerin-based silicone lubricants to protect them from drying out.
  3. To lubricate the fittings, use machine oil to minimize friction, as well as agents that prevent the development of corrosion.

You can purchase an already formed kit from the developers, arranged based on the characteristics and features of the models. Only under this condition will the structure last a long time and delight you with warmth and comfort.

Drainage holes

Drain holes are drainage holes. They remove water from windows that gets there due to bad weather conditions.

Drains are located at the bottom of the housing. They are located in places where window sashes open. Open it up and look down below the rubber seal at the joint and there is a water repellent hole, as well as on the outside.

Drainage holes are prone to blockages. Over time, a lot of dirt accumulates in them, which flows down the glass and falls into this hole. Therefore, cleaning should be done occasionally.

To clean the drainage system, you only need a vacuum cleaner. There is no need to use special cleaning compounds.

First, wipe the window from dust and remove dirt from the drainage hole with a brush. Then take a vacuum cleaner, apply it to the drainage hole, and suck out all the dust.

Water-repellent holes need to be cleaned from the inside and outside; they are hidden under plugs.

If the drainage system cannot be completely cleaned, use a wire. Push it into the hole under the plug and pull out all the dirt.

Important advice from professionals on caring for plastic windows

In order for the window to be beautiful for a long period and not require replacement or repair, it must be cleaned of dirt in a timely manner. In this case, take into account the advice of professionals:

  1. Remove the protective film after installation. It is better to remove polyethylene immediately from new windows, since it is only necessary during transportation and installation. In the future, the coloring pigments of the film may change the shade of the plastic, and the connecting agent will become so ingrained that no solvent can solve the problem.
  2. Avoid harsh household chemicals. For cleaning, a soap solution and a soft fiber cloth are sufficient. The content of alcohol, acid, alkali, abrasive, chlorine, and acetone in the products is unacceptable.
  3. Use professional care products offered by the developers. When purchasing windows, it is more convenient to immediately purchase additional cleaning mixtures designed for this model, taking into account all its features.
  4. Sand minor damage. Even careful care of PVC windows does not exclude the occurrence of scuffs and cracks. Such defects must be eliminated at home in a timely manner by selecting the appropriate compounds and tools. For colored plastic, purchase pencils containing varnish and retouch. A feeling of uncertainty about the quality of the procedure with your own hands is a sign that it is better to entrust the restoration of the surface to a master.
  5. It is important not to forget about systematic ventilation. Under the influence of excess humidity, the structure will begin to deteriorate and become loose. It is necessary to ventilate the room, improve the ventilation system, and not fill the window sill with flowers or an aquarium, which will humidify the air.

Following practical care tips will allow you to enjoy comfort and the absence of street noise and frosty air for many years.


Cleaning a plastic frame, unlike a wooden one, is much easier. This material is easy to clean and does not need to be treated with protective compounds.

Caring for plastic windows with your own hands first of all involves washing this component.

The frame can not only get dirty, but over time a yellowish tint appears on it, which is a little more difficult to get rid of than dirt and dust.


  1. To remove dirt, use a sponge with a soft side. Regular dishwashing detergent is sufficient. It copes well with any stains except yellowness.
  2. Do not use powdered products, no matter how the seller advertises them. Such compositions scratch the surface. Do not use Pemolux, acetone, solvents, acidic or alkaline solutions.
  3. Do not use too much force when washing the frame. Polyvinyl chloride is a fragile material; you cannot put too much pressure on it, as it may burst.
  4. Pieces of dirt, foam or cement should not be scraped off with sharp objects or anything else. You will need to buy a professional reagent that can remove such contaminants.

When caring for plastic windows, the frame is cleaned first. This is where most of the dirt accumulates.

PVC surfaces and aluminum profiles can be washed with cleansing milk. For example, from .

This product easily copes with dust, fresh and old stains. It will also remove yellow stains.

Mode of application:

  1. Cockpit Milk is applied to a soft, lint-free cloth.
  2. The material is passed over the surfaces of the frame.
  3. Cockpit Milk should be rubbed into the PVC in a circular motion until it becomes shiny.

There is no need to rinse off the cleansing milk. It creates a thin film on the surface, which prevents dust from settling again for a long time.

Setting winter and summer periods

Plastic windows require periodic adjustments to help establish a comfortable climate in the room. Few people know that there is a “winter-summer” mode, which is regulated by the tightness of pressing the canvas to the frame. In winter, when temperatures drop lower, it is important to eliminate any possibility of blowing. But in summer, air from the street can circulate more freely.

We regulate winter/summer.

To set windows to “winter” mode, you need to adjust the locking mechanisms (trunnions), which are located on the side and upper ends of the sashes. This can be done using pliers or a hex wrench. How can I tell what mode a window is currently in? On round axles there is usually a point or mark by which you can determine how tightly the sash is pressed against the frame. In the summer mode, the risk is usually turned towards the street, and in the winter - inward.

First steps

  • Remove the protective film with the manufacturer's logo from the PVC window using a brush or scraper, eraser, Schumanite, White Spirit, RP-6, hot air from a steam generator or hair dryer. Carefully lift the film and pull it so that the paper layer rises. Gradually pulling back the film, remove it completely from the window and wash the surface with a sponge moistened with a cleaning solution. Remove the Velcro in the same way.
  • Wash the seals and window frame with a special window cleaner and wipe dry with a soft cloth.

Tips from REHAU

  • To remove the protective film from the window, use a scraper for hobs and glass ceramics - it does not leave scratches on the surface of the window.
  • You can remove traces of glue remaining with acrylic solvent or acetone.
  • Clean window protective film and adhesive as soon as possible because they become much more difficult to remove over time.


RUB 5,255 Single-leaf window of the basic standard with a tilt-and-turn sash (500*1200mm) profile: ULTRA (62 mm) fittings: ULTRA double-glazed window: single-chamber

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RUB 2,820 Single-leaf window of the basic standard without opening (600*1200mm) profile: ULTRA (62 mm) fittings: ULTRA double-glazed window: single-chamber

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RUB 7,650 Basic standard double-hung window with tilt-and-turn sash (1000*1200mm) profile: ULTRA (62 mm) fittings: ULTRA double-glazed window: single-chamber

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RUB 9,799 Basic standard three-leaf window with tilt-and-turn sash (1500*1200mm) profile: ULTRA (62 mm) fittings: ULTRA double-glazed window: single-chamber

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RUB 11,410 Balcony block of the basic standard with a tilt-and-turn door (1300*1900mm) profile: ULTRA (62 mm) fittings: ULTRA double-glazed window: single-chamber

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Eliminating drafts and blowing

The most common problem that owners of plastic windows turn to specialists with is drafts. There can be many reasons for blowing:

  • If there is a draft around the entire perimeter of the window, then most likely the window was not switched from summer to winter position.
  • Is the cold felt in the slope area? This was probably caused by a poor-quality installation seam. To correct this problem, you will have to completely rebuild the slopes.
  • If it shows through from the hinge side, then you need to carefully inspect the entire profile and make sure that there are no unsealed holes in the window. You can eliminate drafts using silicone for window frames.
  • Sometimes the cause of a draft is the misalignment of the sashes. This problem can be solved by adjusting the window.

    Adjusting the window when there is a draft.

Rules for operating the window sill

Window sills for windows made of PVC profiles can be made not only from plastic. Today, artificial stone and other composite materials are actively used for their production. The rules for operating window sills largely depend on their type. For example, the Möller and Werzalit models, thanks to their improved cladding coating, are able to withstand high temperatures and are wear-resistant. However, most windows are still equipped with inexpensive PVC window sills. Such products have several disadvantages:

  • change color and become covered with yellow spots when exposed to direct sunlight;
  • easily scratched if heavy and hard objects are moved over them;
  • melt on contact with hot objects, for example, with smoldering ash from cigarettes;
  • crack when hit hard.

You need to be prepared for all this when choosing inexpensive window sills and their further use. The only way to improve the situation is not to save money and choose products from well-known brands. Reputable manufacturers use an improved PVC composition, which withstands external influences much better.

Before washing plastic windows and window sills, you need to take into account that the same products are suitable for cleaning them from dirt. The list of prohibited compounds has already been published in this material in the section on PVC profiles. There is no need to purchase anything additional to clean window sills.

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