How to hang a horseshoe correctly at home and which side so that it helps and does not harm

At first glance, the direct purpose of the horseshoe cannot be connected with magical rituals. Nowadays, most of those who use this symbol and hang it in their homes are not even aware of its sacred meaning. We give a horseshoe for good luck to relatives and friends because we heard somewhere that it brings good luck. Like the four-leaf clover, it is associated primarily with good luck.
But in fact, this item carries much more power and energy than one might think. The horseshoe amulet has become widespread throughout the world: it was used by the ancient Egyptians and Romans, the Slavs and many other peoples. Having found it on the road, people took the horseshoe with them and hung it at home. Our ancestors believed that in this way they could further attract the luck that had already fallen into their hands.

Why do they hang a horseshoe over the front door?

A horseshoe over the door helps protect the house from troubles and misfortunes of the most varied nature. By hanging a horseshoe over the entrance to your house, you will not only be freed from the influence of evil spirits that send diseases and hardships to the human race, but you will also receive protection from ill-wishers. Envious glances and conversations, bad wishes and witchcraft manipulations directed in your direction - all this will not have any effect.

Very often people get confused about how to hang a horseshoe. But here it is enough to remember that for protection it must hang with its ends down over the threshold and always on the street side. If you hang it the other way around, then it will no longer be a talisman against evil, but a horseshoe of happiness, the place of which is only inside.

Where did the tradition come from?

The tradition of using this sign as a talisman of good luck is lost in the mists of time. In past times, the horse was the main mode of transport, but not everyone could afford it. Families with little income bought old horses, and only rich people kept young, strong and fast horses.

Finding a horseshoe, often made of expensive metal, for a poor person meant not just luck, but real wealth. It could easily be turned into food or clothing by selling it at a profit. Perhaps this is why the horseshoe has become a symbol of good luck and prosperity, but this is only one explanation. There is something else, less prosaic.

The Slavs treated horses with respect, because they were not just improvised animals. They helped support the family and were its breadwinners. In addition, according to legends, it was horses that carried the chariot with the solar disk across the heavenly expanse.

This again brings us back to the Slavic cult of the sun and helps us understand why such a simple object acquired great significance for our ancestors, turning into a horseshoe of happiness.

Blacksmiths in Rus' have always been respected, because they subdued fire and metal.

There is an old story that tells how the devil himself came to a blacksmith asking him to shoe his sore leg. The master agreed to help, but drove in too large a nail, which caused pain to the evil one. While the devil was raging furiously, the blacksmith chained him. He agreed to let the horned one go with one single condition: if the devil does not come to houses on which a horseshoe hangs. The cunning master knew that there was one of these in his home.

Over time, such a talisman for the home was transformed into a personal amulet, and now on store shelves you can often find a horseshoe talisman that is hung on the refrigerator.

Magic semicircle

Why do people attribute the magical property of “attracting” wealth, happiness and well-being to the horseshoe? Probably, at the dawn of human civilization, when they first learned to smelt iron, it was believed that an object hardened in fire and cold water had extraordinary durability. But why not a nail, not a blade, but a horseshoe? Probably because when it is nailed to the horse's hoof it doesn't hurt at all. The animal rejoices in its ringing heels, which protect its feet from sharp stones.

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There is also a legend that in Ancient Egypt, golden horseshoes were put on the hooves of the pharaoh’s horses. And the man who found the dropped semicircle did not know the need for the rest of his life. Therefore, all nations have a belief that only a found horseshoe brings happiness. An item purchased or received as a gift will only be a souvenir, no matter how beautiful it may be. A stolen horseshoe will generally bring misfortune to the thief. Now there are few horses left, and you are more likely to find burst tires on the road. Therefore, people rejoice at the horseshoe much more than before. After all, this find is a clear sign that your life will change for the better. It is only important to skillfully manage the talisman.

Which horseshoe to choose

The modern magic market is filled with souvenirs. People began to forget how much one thing differs from another. Decorative horseshoes do not have magical potential, just like bags of happiness filled with padding polyester or plastic scooping spoons.

All these items are fiction, because they are not made of the correct, natural materials and are not charged. But this does not stop people, and they continue to purchase artificial amulets and hang them in their homes.

Only a real horseshoe can become a true protector, capable of turning into a talisman with certain manipulations.

Ideally, of course, not to buy a horseshoe, but to find it or receive it as a gift. At first glance, this is very difficult: nowadays, there are no horseshoes lying around on the road, especially in the city, because horses are no longer the main means of transport. However, you can visit a racetrack or riding school and ask to exchange the horseshoe for something other than money. They might even give it to you, which is even better.

The best amulet would be a real horseshoe worn by a horse.

If you can’t find a real one that fell off a horse’s hoof, try to ensure that the purchased item is made of natural materials. For example, made of wood. An artificial horseshoe will not become a serious defender.

It is also common to create a horseshoe from salt dough. It is decorated with ribbons, beads or beads and even bells, and then hung in the house. This craft will also help attract good luck.

What to do before placing a horseshoe at home

If you want an object you find on the road to really bring happiness and serve as a talisman, you need to perform a few simple manipulations. Clean the horseshoe from dirt, dust, soil and, if necessary, rust. There is no need to be particularly zealous. The horseshoe doesn't have to shine like a new penny, but giving the talisman a presentable look won't hurt.

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Water should be poured into an iron bowl, always from a well or spring. The horseshoe must spend three days there. Groundwater will wash away all negative energy. After this, the horseshoe is placed on the windowsill with its horns facing towards the apartment. So it should lie for three days, it is advisable not to touch it during this time. A horseshoe in the form of a magnet will “pull out” all the troubles and misfortunes from your home.

Where to hang the amulet correctly

People interested in the traditions of ancient peoples have regular discussions about how to properly hang a horseshoe over the front door. Expert opinions on this issue differ. Some say that I will protect the place only from the outside, others prove the opposite.

The only conclusion we can draw from all this is that there is no right or wrong way. Each of the options is important and has its own meaning, which must be correctly interpreted. In fact, places suitable for a talisman are not limited to just the door.

Where to hang:

  • at the entrance to a house or apartment;
  • in living rooms;
  • in front of the entrance or inside production premises;

The original correct place is the space at the entrance to the house or inside. This could be a threshold, porch or hallway. You should not hang a horseshoe in the bedroom, as well as paintings with horses in motion. This will negatively affect the intimate atmosphere of the room. You can even place the amulet in the kitchen, but under no circumstances in the bathroom or utility room.

The kitchen and other rooms are suitable for a good luck talisman, but the talisman against evil should only hang above the entrance doors from the outside.

Regarding the recommendations for the workspace, they are not much different from those listed above.

Which side should the horseshoe be placed on?

It’s not enough to choose a special place; you also need to figure out how to properly hang a horseshoe on the door. Some simply hang it on the very surface of the door, slightly below the peephole or apartment number. Such actions are not entirely correct, and, frankly speaking, completely unacceptable.

But this applies more to the outer horseshoe than the one that is hung inside. After all, the point is that the object filters through itself all the energy directed into the house, without allowing negative energy to pass through. And he can best do this if he hangs above the head of the person entering. There are three ways to hang a talisman, two of which are basic, and the third is an interesting combination of the previous ones. It’s up to you to decide how to hang it – one way or combining them.

Horseshoe for luck - horns up (according to Feng Shui)

Historically, the horseshoe has been closely associated with luck. This is not surprising if we remember where such associations came from. A horseshoe for good luck should be located inside your home or work space, and not outside. After all, this is the only way she can collect all the positive energy and “preserve” it in space, and not disperse it around.

Any debate about how a horseshoe should be hung, inside or outside the house, up or down, can be easily resolved. It is enough to understand the meaning of each of these methods.

Many peoples noted the similarity of the images, comparing a horseshoe hung with the arms up with a full cup of prosperity. They believed that in this position the horse’s “footprint” would become a horseshoe of happiness. Today this approach is most often associated with the teachings of Feng Shui.

A horseshoe with its horns facing up should be hung from the inside, then it will bring good luck.

When hung with the arms up, the horseshoe turns into a kind of magnet, attracting all good things into the life of its owner and his loved ones. Such a talisman can bring wealth, joy and happiness into your home, bestowing these benefits on you and your loved ones.

An even better effect can be achieved if you also use other talismans to attract wealth, for example, a scooping spoon or a purse mouse.

Such a horseshoe can only be hung indoors - in an apartment, house or office. It is still better for family people to hang a talisman at home. After all, they probably already have to constantly balance between business and family. And the amulet will help you find harmony.

Horseshoe for protection - horns down (Slavic method)

In the case when the ends of the horseshoe look down, the talisman is transformed into a talisman, the purpose of which is not to attract positive energy, but to repel negative energy. Forming a kind of arch, a barrier, the amulet will not allow bad thoughts and wishes to seep into the house. All the bad things will simply “roll down” down the arms - right onto the one who tried to come to you with such a “gift”.

The Slavs believed that a horseshoe with its horns facing down would protect from evil.

Nowadays, this method is often called “Slavic”; according to historical data, our ancestors used the amulet in this very capacity. Such a horseshoe should be hung only at the entrance from the outside.

When it is not possible to place the amulet at the entrance to the house, some simply change its location, hanging it not outside, but inside - in the corridor or hallway. At first it may seem that such a rearrangement does not play a special role, but this is not so. If you changed the place, but forgot to turn over the horseshoe, it will not bring happiness, but will contribute to the fact that all this will quickly begin to disappear from the family nest.

Third option: for the most powerful protection, use two horseshoes. Hang one from the entrance, with the horns down for protection, the other from the inside, with the horns up, for well-being.

How to attach a horseshoe

Few people would want to carry a real horseshoe with them as a talisman. Its shape and size suggest fastening. This is the only optimal option when the amulet will not just lie there, taking up space in your home, but also fulfill its purpose.

There are several mounting methods:

  • hang with one nail;
  • fasten with many nails according to the number of holes in the product;
  • hang on a nail previously driven into the wall using twine;

You can nail a horseshoe or tie it with twine.
Each of the listed options has its own characteristics. First of all, it is worth mentioning that the owner of the house himself must nail the amulet. Horseshoes were made by blacksmiths who worked with metal and fire, and they had very powerful energy. By personally nailing a horseshoe with a hammer and nail, you will demonstrate that you are able to subjugate it and it will “recognize” you as its owner.

The number of holes in the product may differ, so a person who decides to hang a horseshoe is faced with the question of the number of nails. From a rational point of view, one is enough. Some people, for safety reasons, hammer nails into each hole. But in this case, it is important to take into account the meaning of the numbers. Seven will fit most harmoniously here. It was this number that the Slavs identified with luck.

Choose any of the methods, but do not forget that the horseshoe is a magical attribute. They need to be cleaned of accumulated dust and negative energy, and also charged with fresh energy. If the amulet is nailed, then this will have to be done without removing it. You can rinse it with living water from a spring or hold it nearby with a lit candle. But if you leave it in the sun to charge, or put it in salt, you will only get a removable horseshoe.

In addition, amulets tend to “go away” when they fulfill their purpose. They may break or even get lost. Usually a horseshoe shows this by suddenly, without any reason, falling from its usual place. By nailing it, you deprive it of the chance to signal that its service life has come to an end. Having taken upon itself a powerful negative blow inflicted by an ill-wisher, the weakened amulet will neither be able to escape nor adequately protect its charges.

Materials for attaching the amulet

The following options for attaching the amulet are common:

  1. For 1 nail . Classic fastening method. You can screw a screw into the hole in the middle of the amulet, thereby nailing it to the wall. An alternative is to drive a nail in first, then hang the talisman on it.
  2. For 7 nails . This option is considered the most acceptable from the point of view of magicians. If you drive a nail into each hole of the talisman, you will be able to greatly enhance its effect.
  3. On the rope . This method was used by the Old Believers. It is more suitable if you use a horseshoe as a talisman. If the rope comes undone, it means that the amulet has protected you from some great misfortune. After this, the amulet loses its properties and needs to be replaced.

How to enhance the magical properties of the amulet

The magical properties of the horseshoe, as in the case of other amulets, will begin to appear only after activation. There are a considerable number of special rituals and conspiracies that help awaken the power contained in a magical attribute. There are both more universal ones and specialized ones - suitable only for certain artifacts and no others.

You can charge the amulet with the energy of the sun by leaving it in the garden for the day.

Horseshoe requires an individual approach. The horseshoe conspiracy must be carried out by the head of the family. But at the same time, everyone living in an apartment or house can and should take part in it. To charm a horseshoe for good luck and wealth, invite your loved ones to hold it in their hands, and then walk around the apartment clockwise three times.

It is advisable that this day be sunny. While walking around the rooms, do not be silent, tell us out loud about your home, about each of the relatives living here. And then ask for peace, happiness and prosperity for all of you.

If an atmosphere of warmth and mutual understanding already reigns in the family, but it noticeably lacks financial support, you can perform a ritual to attract wealth. To do this, during the full moon, place the thing on the windowsill, pointing the arcs inward, towards the walls. You should choose a non-residential room and make sure that moonlight falls on the object. The next day, the amulet can be immediately hung in the hallway.

Do not forget, if possible, to remove the amulet from time to time and cleanse it with fire. You can also leave it in the garden in the sun - in this way it will absorb not only the life-giving power of the sun, but also the energy of the earth.


It is unlikely that you will be able to buy a real horseshoe in a souvenir shop; it is best to ask for a gift or sell it in a stable , where the horses live. Such a gift will definitely bring good luck; all you have to do is decide for yourself which side of the door to hang this priceless item.

If it is not possible to purchase an item from the stables, then you can buy it in a souvenir shop, but only if the talisman is made of metal. In addition to the talisman, there must also be faith in luck, you can’t live without it, and soon she will definitely smile.

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