How to clean a silver ring at home

  • How to clean silver with stones
      Soap solutions
  • Cornstarch paste
  • Laundry soap and ammonia
  • Cleaning Rhodium Silver
  • How to clean blackened silver
  • How to clean gold plated silver
  • How to save the result
  • A silver ring can tarnish and lose its brightness and shine, just like any other silver jewelry. And, unfortunately, no one will be able to avoid this. However, there is good news - cleaning silver rings from plaque is not a difficult task, even at home.

    It doesn’t take a lot of time or special expensive products to put your favorite ring in order and regain its luxurious shine. Because you can easily clean silver using available means that can be found in every home.

    Let's figure out how to clean a silver ring without damaging its surface, easily and quickly.

    Why do silver rings darken and lose their shine?

    Alas, the silver is darkening. Not immediately, but sooner or later you will notice a yellowish or black coating on your favorite ring. It is almost impossible to avoid this, since blackening on silver is a natural process, the result of the interaction of the metal with air, with the human body, with various cosmetics and household products, etc.

    The reaction of silver with sulfur dioxide, which is found in the air, in cosmetics, in medicines, and even in some foods, such as eggs and onions, is what causes the appearance of a black coating on jewelry.

    In addition to natural reasons why silver can lose its shine, there are also “industrial” ones, let’s call it that. If a ring, earrings or chain are made of low-grade silver, then such products will turn black much faster than 925 jewelry, for example. This depends on the percentage of copper in the alloy. The higher the percentage, the faster the ring will develop patina.

    And if it is almost impossible for low-grade metal to return its original shine, then for medium-grade and sterling silver this is not a problem. Because you can clean a silver ring even at home.

    Clean rings from rust: the best way

    If your ring is covered with rust, it means it is guaranteed not to be made of a noble metal or its content in the alloy is minimal. Metals containing iron are most susceptible to oxidation (which is what causes rust). And that’s not all: for example, stainless steel practically does not oxidize!

    But if the ring is of any value to you, you should return it to its presentable appearance. Under no circumstances should you try to remove rust from a ring by boiling, salt or exposure to any reagents. In principle, you can use WD-40 aerosol, colloquially referred to as “Vedashka” and known to all motorists, but it leaves behind oily stains and is not harmless for inserts.

    Gold ring in the SUNLIGHT catalog

    In this situation, it is best to remove rust mechanically, for example, using the GOI paste already mentioned today.

    What to do to prevent the ring from oxidizing

    As mentioned above, if the ring oxidizes, it means it contains a minimum of precious metals or none at all. Iron, when oxidized, gives the well-known rust, copper and its alloys give a blue-green coating called patina.

    To prevent such a ring from oxidizing, you need to protect it as much as possible from contact with water, salt and aggressive chemicals. You can, of course, take the jewelry to a workshop so that it can be covered with a layer of a more inert metal, but in the case of cheap jewelry, such expenses are definitely not justified.

    You can protect silver from the appearance of a dark sulfide layer or white gold from scratches by rhodium plating. The product is coated with a molecular layer of rhodium and becomes much less vulnerable to aggressive influences.

    Recommendations for cleaning at home

    Although metal is quite easy to clean, you still need to follow some rules so as not to damage your jewelry.

    • Use only mild cleansers for cleaning. No aggressive or abrasive substances.
    • Strictly observe the exposure time of products in slightly alkaline and acidic solutions.
    • Wear protective gloves when cleaning silver.
    • Rinse thoroughly in water and wipe the items dry.
    • Do not clean more often than once every 2-3 months.

    Now you can move directly to methods on how to clean silver effectively and without extra effort.

    Rules for wearing, caring for and storing silver rings

    In order for a silver ring to retain its shine and purity for as long as possible, you need to adhere to the rules of operation and storage:

    • When working with caustic/coloring substances, it is better to remove it. Also, you should not wear rings and chains to the gym, where you will have to sweat profusely;
    • Changes in climate, water and air composition can negatively affect your favorite jewelry. Therefore, it is better not to take them on vacation at sea or take them off before swimming in salt water;
    • try to protect silver from contact with decorative and skincare cosmetics;
    • You cannot store silver items with jewelry made from other metals; you should especially avoid contact with jewelry;
    • Do not store silver in direct sunlight. A separate box is the optimal place for rings and earrings.

    Cleaning a silver ring with home remedies quickly and effectively

    You can remove the patina from a silver ring either at home or take it to a workshop. Jewelers there will clean silver items using special pastes and compounds, polishing and grinding, if necessary. Of course, this method is easier than cleaning it yourself. But, we still recommend that you look at the methods below and make sure that cleaning a silver ring at home can be as simple and effective as in a workshop.

    Soda and foil

    How to clean a silver ring, if not soda? Soda is such a universal product that it is used everywhere: in cooking, for cosmetic purposes, in home treatment (getting rid of burns, abscesses, etc.), and, of course, in cleaning silver jewelry.

    Baking soda is perhaps one of the most effective cleaning products. Just don't use it dry. Mix with water to form a kind of paste and rub it on your blackened ring. Rinse with water and admire the sparkling result.


    Also one of the old methods of cleaning silver. Simple and effective.

    • Use a soft cloth or toothbrush with toothpaste to walk over the surface of the ring, massaging thoroughly.
    • Rinse under running water.
    • Wipe the jewelry dry and leave for a couple of hours.


    Vinegar is a more radical method that will help remove even stubborn blackness. To do this, heat the vinegar solution in a small container, but do not bring it to a boil. Place the rings there for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse well with plain water and wipe with a dry cloth.

    Be careful to use this method in a well-ventilated room, as vinegar fumes can be dangerous.

    Ammonia + hydrogen peroxide

    The “old-fashioned” way to clean silver yourself. You will need ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Mix the two ingredients in equal parts and lower the ring into the resulting solution. Leave for 10-15 minutes. Rinse well, dry and you're done - your ring will shine like before again.

    Here, too, be careful and do not inhale the strong ammonia smell; carry out these manipulations only in a well-ventilated area.

    Paste GOI

    At home, you can use not only “kitchen” products, but also professional ones to clean silver items. For example, GOI paste. This is a special product that will help remove blackness, dirt and plaque from rings, chains and earrings.

    But let’s say right away that this method is quite troublesome, difficult and time-consuming.

    Since cleaning silver with GOI paste can even be dangerous, you must strictly follow the instructions and safety precautions. This is all indicated on the packaging. You can purchase the product at any jewelry store, and the master will also tell you which paste option is best for you.


    A slightly darkened ring can be cleaned with a regular yolk. Soak a cotton pad with egg yolk and apply as tightly as possible to the product. Massage over the surface and then rinse thoroughly.

    Coca Cola

    Coca-Cola also has the ability to remove dark marks from a silver ring. The drink is considered an excellent solvent and absorbent, which is why cola will help cope with dark plaque. Place silver rings in preheated Coca-Cola and leave for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with plain water and wipe dry.


    An old, effective way to deal with blackness. If you have old or unwanted lipstick, try using it to clean your silver ring.

    Apply lipstick liberally to the product, rub with a brush or rag (you can use your fingers), then rinse with water and let dry. After this, the ring will regain its shine and shine. But this type of cleaning is not suitable for very patterned rings, with carvings and stones, since lipstick residue will be difficult to remove from small corners.

    Lemon acid

    Pour a packet of citric acid into a container, add a glass of water and put on fire. Bring to a boil and turn off the heat. Place the silver that needs to be cleaned into the solution and wait 15-20 minutes. For a better effect, you can place copper wire or a piece of foil at the bottom of the container.

    Acidic and alkaline solutions do a good job of removing blackness and dirt. But you need to be careful with them. Not every silver item is suitable for such methods, for example, jewelry with some stones; this can only cause harm.

    Methods for removing blackness from silver items

    Home remedies can also help get rid of tarnish on silver. To do this, peel the potato tuber and grate it on a fine grater. Dilute the resulting mixture with a small amount of water and place the silver jewelry there. After half an hour, rinse the ring under running water and wipe dry. To add shine, polish the surface with velvet or wool.

    For cleaning, you can also use potato broth , boiling the decoration with garlic peels or eggshells.

    A mixture prepared according to the following recipe will help remove strong blackness :

    1. Mix ammonia, soda and toothpaste (powder) in equal proportions.
    2. Apply the mixture to the product using a napkin, cotton pad or toothbrush.
    3. Treat all surfaces well and then rinse with cool water.
    4. Wipe the jewelry dry and rub it with a piece of velvet.

    A mixture of soda, alcohol and ammonia is very effective, but quite aggressive, so do not use it too often, and follow safety rules when using it

    The following method will help remove blackness :

    1. Mix 500 ml of water and 1 tbsp in a container. l gel dishwashing detergent, soda and salt.
    2. Dip silver jewelry into the solution and simmer over low heat for half an hour. During this time, the products will lighten and acquire their original shine.
    3. Rinse the ring under running water and wipe dry.

    How to clean silver with stones

    Rings with precious stones require special attention and treatment. If you decide to clean a ring with a stone yourself, then first you must know exactly what kind of stone it is. The choice of cleaning method will depend on this.

    If you are in doubt or do not know at all what kind of stone is set in your ring, take the jewelry to a salon for cleaning. Jewelers will carefully and very effectively clean, polish and return your piece to its original condition. For example, it is better to take rings with amber and coral straight away to professionals. These stones are extremely sensitive to any chemical influences.

    If you still want to try it yourself, then choose wisely the methods and means for this matter. Glycerin is considered the most universal remedy that does not harm either stone or metal. A few drops of glycerin are applied to a cotton pad and passed over the surface of the jewelry, then rinsed and left to dry. But there are other ways to clean silver at home, depending on the type of stone.

    Soap solutions

    A soap solution is the most gentle method that will allow you to carefully remove dirt and dust from silver with precious and semi-precious stones. Suitable for almost all types of stones and minerals, except amber and coral.

    • Place a soapy solution in warm water. Almost any detergents are suitable for this: shampoos, gels, soaps.
    • Place the rings there and leave for 10-15 minutes. Afterwards, you can walk a cotton pad soaked in soapy water over the surface of the ring, rubbing lightly.
    • Then rinse the ring in running water so that no soapy streaks remain.
    • Dry and polish with a flannel cloth.

    Sapphire, emerald and aquamarine lend themselves well to cleaning using this method, but rings with garnet, topaz, ruby ​​or blue sapphire do not react well to warm water, so you should only use cold water.

    Cornstarch paste

    Not the most obvious way, and not everyone has corn starch in their home. Still, this is a great way to remove blackness, dust and grease from pearl or turquoise jewelry. Here's what you need to do: Make a paste of cornstarch and water. Rub the ring with the mixture and rinse well with water.

    Laundry soap and ammonia

    Malachite, moonstone, carnelian, agate react well to laundry soap and tolerate ammonia. Therefore, rings with these stones can be cleaned in the following way:

    • Grate the laundry soap and pour into a container;
    • Add ammonia (a few drops);
    • Melt the resulting mixture until smooth;
    • Cool;
    • Rub the mixture onto the ring;
    • Wash thoroughly and let dry.

    And don’t forget about safety precautions: wear gloves and a mask, ventilate the room in which you clean silver using this method.

    Nuances of cleaning white gold

    Silver, nickel or palladium are added to white gold rings. They are covered with a layer of rhodium on top, which enhances the shine and color of the precious metal.

    White gold needs to be handled more carefully than regular gold. It is very susceptible to mechanical stress.

    Features of caring for white gold include the following nuances:

    • Do not use chlorine-containing liquids, vinegar, thinner or gasoline. It is recommended to use ammonia, any shampoo or gel for these purposes.
    • Do not leave the product in the cleaning composition for a long time.

    Sometimes, after cleaning, dark spots and scuffs remain on the jewelry. In this case, you need to contact a jewelry workshop. A specialist will tell you how to properly clean gold rings at home or carry out machine cleaning.

    Cleaning Rhodium Silver

    Rhodium plated silver differs from regular silver in its rhodium plating (hence the name). Jewelers apply it to their jewelry just so that the silver remains bright and shiny longer. But over time it begins to darken.

    If you notice a black coating on your rhodium-plated silver, special means will help you get rid of the blackness at home. Use either professional cleaning products or soapy water baths. Alternatively, you can also walk over the surface of the product with a cotton pad soaked in glycerin.

    Other methods may harm rhodium plated silver jewelry. The rhodium plating is very thin and scratches quite easily. Therefore, if home remedies do not help, the best solution would be to take the jewelry to a workshop for cleaning.

    Types and causes of contamination of silver rings

    Why did the silver item turn black?

    There are several reasons:

    • low sample. People often complain that “Save and Preserve” silver rings bought in church shops turn black. This can be explained by the high content of impurities (copper) in the composition;
    • due to mechanical contamination;
    • from contact with chemicals.

    Several factors can cause discoloration and contamination of a silver ring:

    • most often, silver turns black from contact with sweat;
    • contact with sulfur and sulfur-containing substances causes darkening of silver items;
    • cosmetics (creams, lotions, decorative cosmetics);
    • detergents;
    • composition of water and air (the more sulfur, the faster the decoration darkens);
    • improper storage of silver items.

    The rate of contamination of a silver item depends directly on the sample; the higher the percentage of silver in the jewelry, the slower it will darken.

    Many manufacturers use rhodium plating on their silver rings. Rhodium is a precious metal of the platinum group (itself very fragile, but very expensive).

    The use of rhodium as a coating on silver rings can add additional shine and protect them from environmental influences. This does not mean that rhodium-plated silver does not darken at all, but it happens much more slowly.

    How to clean blackened silver

    Blackened silver can rarely be found in jewelry stores, but there is plenty of this goodness at flea markets. Products made from blackened silver are preferred by true connoisseurs of the classics, because such jewelry always attracts the eye with its noble and majestic appearance. But this impression may well be destroyed by dirt and dust on rings and rings made of blackened silver.

    Soap solution, soda slurry and even ammonia are excellent ways to clean silver at home, including blackened silver. Some people use a school eraser or chalk to clean and shine the surface of the product. The main thing is not to use harsh products with abrasive particles.

    Negative factors

    Among the factors that most strongly influence the condition of our jewelry are the following:

    • sweat, fat and other secretions from our body;
    • high humidity and water;
    • household and other chemicals;
    • cosmetics and hygiene products;
    • physical contamination and damage.

    The noble metals that suffer least from the effects of negative factors are gold, silver, platinum, as well as other elements of the platinum group - ruthenium, osmium, palladium, iridium, rhodium. In their pure form, they are practically insensitive to all of the above influences.

    Precious metals in their pure form are not used for the production of jewelry for various reasons. For example, pure silver and gold are soft metals. Rings made from them would bend under the slightest pressure and literally scratch with a fingernail.

    All kinds of additives (ligatures) make precious metals harder, which is especially important in the case of gold and silver. But platinum in its pure form can be used (its physical characteristics allow it), but such jewelry would be incredibly expensive.

    The more precious metal there is in a jewelry alloy, the less often the rings need to be cleaned, because it is the ligatures that react most strongly to negative factors.

    How to save the result

    When you have cleaned the ring from blackness and polished it, it is important to think about maintaining the shine for a long time. To do this you need:

    • In the storage area, separate silver accessories from other metals. Silver is best stored in a padded box or in flannel bags. It is advisable to store it so that the jewelry does not scratch against each other.
    • Remove all accessories when cleaning, working out at the gym, or going to the pool or sauna.
    • Avoid contact of silver with creams, lotions and body oils.
    • Carry out regular cleaning once every 2-3 months.

    Silver Prevention Measures

    Silver does not need to turn black if you care for it properly. During use, wipe with alcohol wipes, wash with soapy water and store in the correct place.

    Silver should be stored in special boxes so that sunlight or moisture cannot penetrate there.

    • Also, each product needs its own place, or at least a place. If you put all the silver in one pile, then it may oxidize against each other.
    • You need to make yourself a new habit - constantly remove jewelry before coming into contact with water.
    • This may seem strange, but silver is very susceptible to oxidation. Before taking water procedures, you need to put your jewelry in the box.

    Perfume is one of the most influential substances on silver. Perfume contains a large number of chemicals that oxidize silver and can ruin the structure of the product.

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