How to clean a gold diamond ring yourself

Gold jewelry with diamonds requires special attention and special care. They must be removed when doing household chores, or when visiting a bathhouse or sauna. When gold comes into contact with the human body, it becomes covered with a greasy coating, and if it comes into contact with household chemicals or dust, the product may be damaged. You can clean a gold diamond ring at home using affordable household products.

Reasons for tarnishing

Gold is a fairly soft precious metal. To create jewelry with diamonds, the highest quality material is used. To give strength and hardness, a small amount of copper or silver is added to the alloy. However, over time, the product may fade and change color.

The main reasons for this include:

  • constant contact with human skin, where there are secretions of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • interaction with cosmetics used by the owner of the ring;
  • city ​​street dust;
  • home dirt.

Under the influence of these unfavorable factors, the metal becomes dark, and the diamond loses its brightness and transparency.

Necessary equipment and funds

To properly clean diamonds in gold at home without causing harm, the jewelry must be prepared first. To prevent traces of fat from the skin from getting onto the surface of stones and metal, it is advisable to clean the products using rubber gloves.

To clean the jewelry without leaving scratches, you will need:

  • soft fabric - velvet, flannel;
  • small container for detergents;
  • a special brush for cleaning precious stones;
  • mild detergent.

You should not try to clean stones with a regular toothbrush. Even the softest bristles can leave scratches on the stone. It is better to choose neutral detergents - baby, liquid or cream soap. You should not take the first dishwashing detergent or laundry soap you come across. Their high alkali content can have a detrimental effect on the condition of stone and metal. Before purchasing, it is advisable to read the composition of the drug on the packaging.

Additional recommendations

Preventing pollution is much easier than eliminating it. Following simple rules will save money and preserve your decoration.

How to save the result

Over time, sweat particles, dirt from the environment and traces of cosmetics remain on the product. If you do not clean the product regularly, it will begin to oxidize. After a few years, it will appear as if the gold has turned black. It will lose its shine, become dull and inconspicuous. This can be avoided by following the rules of prevention:

  • Wear rubber gloves when washing dishes and cleaning. They will protect not only the jewelry, but also your skin.
  • Remove earrings and rings before swimming in the sea or going to the pool.
  • During active physical activity, it is also better to get rid of diamond jewelry.
  • Do not apply cosmetics to gold. Even hand cream contains substances that can cause oxidative processes.

If a recently purchased piece of jewelry turns black, this indicates low quality metal. The product should be taken for examination.

Alcohol and gasoline

You can clean a gold ring with diamonds at home using alcohol and gasoline. These products do an excellent job of removing dirt and grease on the surface of precious jewelry.

To restore the product to its original purity and shine, take a soft cloth and soak it in gasoline, ethyl alcohol or vodka. You can also use a solution of ammonia. Gently wipe the frame with a napkin, being careful not to put too much pressure on the metal. Next, you will need a special brush or cotton swab. It is moistened in liquid and the stone is carefully cleaned.

After this, the ring is washed in warm water and soap, rinsed and wiped with a soft, dry cloth. The diamond is treated with a piece of velvet to give it shine.

You should not wash the stone in hot water - this will cause it to lose its natural radiance. The product must be cleaned and wiped carefully so as not to damage the frame fastenings.

Preparatory work

Precious metal oxidizes in air upon contact with water. Plaque formed on a gold product worsens its appearance, sometimes provokes inflammation of the skin, and causes allergies. If you decide to clean your jewelry yourself, you need to:

  1. Wear gloves for work.
  2. Select a container that will completely fit the item.
  3. Prepare the composition.

Do not soak gold in an acid or alkaline solution, allow it to interact with abrasive materials, aggressive substances, heat it to high temperatures, or keep it in hot water.

Toothpaste and liquid soap

When cleaning diamond rings, it is important to be careful to avoid accidentally damaging the gemstone. The easiest way is to prepare a warm cleaning solution. It helps well in cases where it is not possible to clean the ring with a soft cloth. Pour 5 ml of liquid soap (about a teaspoon) into a glass of water. Mix the liquid thoroughly until an airy soap foam appears. The decoration is lowered into it and left for 1.5 hours.

Once the dirt and dust on the surface of the gold softens, it will be easy to remove. The ring is removed and carefully washed with a brush. After processing, the diamond should shine. If this does not happen, you can repeat the procedure. At the end, the product is thoroughly rinsed with warm running water and wiped dry.

A good home remedy for cleaning jewelry is regular toothpaste. It should be chosen without any solid particles so as not to scratch the surface of the ring. Toothpaste contains soft substances that perfectly remove any plaque and dirt. After cleaning in this way, the gold begins to shine much brighter. You need to clean the jewelry within 10 minutes.

How to clean diamonds: tools

The first rule is that you should use gloves to clean diamond jewelry. This is because diamonds are very sensitive to fat, even the small amount found on our hands. If this is not possible, try not to touch the stone itself with your fingers when cleaning.

The next thing you will need is a soft cloth for wet cleaning and a velvet cloth for dry cleaning. You will also need warm water, which will cope better with dirt and dust than cold water.

Diamond Care

Baths for jewelry

To remove plaque, you can use special cleansing baths. It is important that the cut stone is carefully secured in the setting.

You can prepare baths and clean jewelry in them using the following recipes::

  • Mix a 10% ammonia solution with clean water in a 1:1 ratio. The diamond jewelry is immersed in the bath for 15 minutes, after which it is thoroughly cleaned with a brush.
  • Add 8-9 drops of ammonia to a glass of water and immerse a diamond ring in the resulting solution. Leave the jewelry in the cleaning mixture for several hours.
  • If the jewelry is heavily soiled, more serious treatment will be required. A teaspoon of hyposulfite is dissolved in a glass of warm water. Place the ring in the resulting mixture for 25 minutes. Clean the stone and frame with a cotton swab or soft brush, and then wash it in a soapy solution.
  • You can dissolve a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water. This composition is used to wipe the stone, but not to apply it to gold.
  • Stir 2 teaspoons of sugar in 200 ml of warm water and dip the decoration in the syrup for 3 hours. The liquid should completely cover the ring. Then the surface of the metal and stone is cleaned with a brush and rinsed.

After such baths, the product is rinsed with warm water and dried thoroughly. The stone is rubbed with a piece of velvet. To enhance shine, you can lightly moisten the fabric with ammonia.

How to clean a gold chain, bracelet and earrings at home

How to clean your gold at home using an ultrasonic cleaner? The technology is simple - pour water, put the products in the device’s bath, and plug it into the network. This device can perform quite complex tasks of removing any organic matter. Using this method, you can both clean a gold chain and restore the original appearance of bracelets and earrings of various configurations. This is mechanically difficult, but high-frequency exposure is the only way to get rid of contaminants in the links.

You can watch how to clean gold items in the video below:

There are some rules by applying which you can use jewelry for a long time without losing its appearance.

  1. Protect from shock and mechanical influences.
  2. You need to remove jewelry when doing household chores or while in the gym. There is no need to take a bath with jewelry or wear it while sleeping.
  3. Thermal changes, light sources, and high temperatures are undesirable for jewelry.
  4. Contacts with mercury and active oxidizing agents are extremely undesirable. This can cause stains and loss of gloss.
  5. Skin care cosmetics and deodorants can negatively affect the integrity of products.
  6. Sulfur and sulfur compounds cause blackening of the silver in the alloy. For this reason, contact with cardboard and sulfur preparations is undesirable.
  7. Photo reagents are dangerous for jewelry.
  8. Sea water, healing mud, and hydrogen sulfide springs are not the place to carry gold.
  9. Halogens contained in medical preparations (iodine, bromine) should not be in contact with precious metals and inserts
  10. Chains should not be bent or folded repeatedly to avoid deformation.

There are also some guidelines used for inserts.

High temperatures cause grease and dust to stick to diamonds and topaz crystals. This causes the stones to lose their shine.

Pearls, turquoise, corals fade in the sun. It is advisable to store such products without lighting.

Highly durable stones such as emeralds and sapphires, due to their crystalline structure, can be broken. They require delicate handling. It is easy to preserve their shine in the same way as cleaning gold - with ammonia (a few drops in a glass of water, clean, rinse, then dry).

Pearls can be preserved by rubbing with starch.

Other home remedies

You can clean gold and restore its bright shine with the help of the Coca-Cola drink. It contains a large number of active chemicals, which makes it easy to remove any stains, dirt and dust. Using Coca-Cola you can clean not only the frame and diamonds, but also remove rust stains from clothes. To remove plaque, the ring is filled with liquid, left for half an hour and washed with water. Wipe clean jewelry with a dry soft cloth.

Onion juice is good for cleaning jewelry . To do this, you will need to cut the onion in half and rub the surface of the ring. It is left in this form for 3 hours. During this time, the juice corrodes and removes dirt and fatty deposits. At the end, the product is washed under running water and dried.

Heavy stains can be removed with a solution of borax or sodium tetraborate. You can purchase such a reagent in jewelry workshops or stores. The pharmacy sells borax mixed with glycerin. A cotton pad or swab is soaked in the liquid and the jewelry is thoroughly wiped. It is then rinsed in water.

What kind of soap can I use?

Oil released from the sebaceous glands of the skin forms an oily coating on gold and diamonds. Dust settles on the surface and the object begins to darken. The wedding ring is wiped with soda, but the abrasive material scratches the precious stone on the ring, and boiling water changes color. The soap is gentle, removes plaque from pearls and coral, topaz and diamonds, and leaves no marks on gold.

See also

How to quickly erase a marker at home, the best cleaning products and methods


To restore shine to jewelry or remove stains on earrings or a pendant, heat water, fill a bowl with it, add a little baby soap, and whisk into foam. Gold items are dipped into the solution, wiped with a soft brush, after an hour, removed from the container, rinsed and placed on a napkin.


This type of soap consists of synthetic substances that have antibacterial properties. The detergent produces a small amount of foam, but disinfects and removes plaque that forms on gold jewelry.

Self made

The jewelry is cleaned of dirt with a paste prepared from water, chalk and grated soap, which is made from olive or castor oil and wax. Rub the stone and gold with the mixture and polish it to a shine with a dry cloth.


Jewelry retains its beauty and sophistication when it is cared for regularly. You don’t have to seek help from a professional for a long time if you soak gold objects with an attached stone in a liquid soap that forms a thick foam. The plaque dissolves, and the dirt is easy to wipe off with a soft brush. The product is rinsed and dried with a napkin or cloth.

Cream soap

Rings and signet rings with loose diamond inserts should not be soaked in liquid composition. Such jewelry is cleaned with a special paste or wiped with a swab and soaked in cream soap.

White Gold Cleaning

Cleaning white gold and diamond jewelry at home requires great care. This type of precious metal is more susceptible to chemical oxidation than others. To protect the jewelry from corrosion, it is coated with a thin layer of rhodium. Over time, it can wear off, so such jewelry should not be machined.

You can clean a white gold ring with diamonds by dipping it in sugar syrup . Dissolve 3-4 teaspoons of sugar in 300 ml of warm water. The jewelry is immersed in liquid for 12 hours, after which it is washed under running water and wiped with a soft cloth. The diamond is polished with a velvet rag.

To clean your jewelry faster, you can mix 200 ml of water with a spoon of ammonia and the same amount of shampoo. The ring is placed in the mixture for 30 minutes. You should not keep the jewelry in liquid for too long, as the metal may react with the components of the detergent.

Precautionary measures

Diamond jewelry must be cleaned with great care. It is not recommended to clean gold frames with products containing soda - this can reduce the shine of the metal. This product is more suitable for silver items.

Should not be used for gold purification:

  • products containing iodine (they can leave dark spots on the gold);
  • solutions containing chlorine - they make the metal surface dull;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • table vinegar;
  • strong detergents with a lot of alkali.

These chemicals cause cloudiness in the stone and can oxidize the metal. To ensure that gold jewelry with diamonds lasts as long as possible and maintains its beauty, it is advisable to regularly show it to a jeweler. This should be done at least 2 times a year, especially if the owner wears the ring constantly.

In a jewelry workshop, the jewelry will be processed using ultrasound. This procedure not only removes dirt particles, but also kills germs. In addition to cleaning, the specialist will check the fastenings and repair any possible damage.

You can clean the ring at home every 2-3 months. It is not recommended to leave diamond jewelry in rooms with high humidity - a bathroom, etc. Do not use a hairdryer to dry jewelry - high temperatures are harmful to metal and stones. Diamonds should be stored separately from other gemstones. It is better to place each decoration in a separate bag or box. This way the stones won't scratch each other.

Main conclusions

  1. Be careful when choosing diamond cleaning products.
  2. The stone can be cleaned with alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, soda, Coca-Cola, ammonia and other substances.
  3. To care for gold jewelry, use gentle solutions, for example, soap solution.
  4. The beauty of the mineral is harmed by high temperature, abrasives, chlorine and other aggressive substances.
  5. If you are not sure about the properties of the chosen cleanser, it is better not to use it. Entrust the care of your jewelry to a professional.
  6. Store your favorite pieces in jewelry boxes away from direct sunlight.

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