TOP 10 best ways to clean silver with stones at home quickly and effectively, remove blackness to make it shine

  • How to clean earrings with stones
      With topaz
  • With amber
  • With turquoise
  • With cubic zirconia
  • With pearls
  • With amethyst
  • How to clean silver earrings without stones
  • How to clean gold plated earrings
  • Cleaning earrings with organic inserts
  • How to maintain the result after cleaning
  • Throughout centuries of history, women around the world have valued silver jewelry for its elegance and grace.

    A pair of silver earrings, when properly cared for and cleaned, is a good investment for many years to come. They will not go out of fashion and can be easily combined with both everyday and evening outfits. Silver jewelry remains timeless and is suitable anytime, anywhere. But silver is a metal with character. And if you don't care for it well, it will quickly turn black and lose its former shine.

    In this article, we will look at ways to clean silver earrings yourself and preserve their original attractiveness.

    Compatibility of silver with stones. What can cause silver to darken?

    Despite the fact that silver is an inexpensive metal, it is distinguished by its ability to be combined with various stones. At the same time, the finished products look noble; based on external features, they can be classified as a higher price category. This combination has been used for many centuries and remains relevant today. The stones that are best combined with silver are noted (taking into account color, esoteric beliefs and centuries-old folk traditions):

    • emerald;
    • rauchtopaz;
    • morion;
    • diamond;
    • sapphire;
    • cubic zirconia;
    • topaz;
    • lapis lazuli;
    • onyx;
    • nephritis;
    • agate.

    Preparing tools for stripping. The nuances of effective cleansing

    When planning to clean silver jewelry in your home, you first need to prepare. The choice of means depends on the method used. The tools are most often the same. You will need:

    • toothpicks;
    • container for mixing components and preparing a solution;
    • cotton buds;
    • Toothbrush;
    • lint-free rags;
    • polishing cloth.

    Cleaning a silver ring with toothpaste
    Rules that will help you quickly and effectively remove dirt from stones and additionally restore the shine of silver:

    • It is prohibited to use abrasives: dry powders, hard brushes for cleaning stones on jewelry;
    • do not use aggressive agents, this can lead to changes in the properties of organic and synthetic inserts - they will become cloudy;
    • sometimes glue is used to attach stones, in this case it is not recommended to abuse water;
    • if you need to process only metal using more aggressive solutions, you must first cover the jewelry inserts so as not to spoil them;
    • Temperature changes should not be allowed during basic manipulations;
    • After the procedure is completed, the products are polished using a special cloth.

    Arsenal 20 ways to clean gold

    To clean expensive products from fresh and dried dirt, please note that when using liquid products, you need to place foil at the bottom of the container. This will make your rings and earrings sparkle. Common cleaning methods to eliminate visible defects (plaque, dirt, fatty components):

    • an aqueous solution with ammonia or ammonia: hydrogen peroxide (30 mg), ammonia (1 tsp), 250 ml of water, rings and earrings should be soaked in the solution until they are clear of plaque;
    • hydrogen peroxide (40 mg), add ammonia (1 tsp) and water (1 glass), liquid soap (2 tsp);
    • toothpaste, powder: both products provide a cleansing effect; it is enough to apply a little substance (without abrasives in the composition) on a rag to remove dirt;
    • foil and soda: leave foil at the bottom of the container, pour in the prepared liquid (2 tablespoons of soda, 200 ml of hot water), leave the decorations overnight;
    • "Fairy" and other dish detergents: add 1 tsp. of this product in water without other additives, place in a water bath, place decorations in the container and boil for several minutes:
    • liquid soap with peroxide: take the components in a ratio of 1:2, add warm water, soak the gold for 20 minutes;
    • salt solution: you will need 3 tbsp. l., as well as hot water (no more than 250 ml), when the salt has dissolved, the decorations are immersed in the solution;
    • lens product: do not dilute it, use it in its pure form - soak the jewelry overnight, clean it with water without additives in the morning;
    • sugar syrup: the sweet component is dissolved in water (it is better to immediately use lukewarm liquid) - 2-3 tbsp. l. and 200 ml, soak gold for several hours;
    • vinegar 9-%: prepare a solution based on water and table vinegar - the recommended ratio is 1:1, the method is effective, but only if the decorations remain in the solution for at least 30 minutes;
    • citric acid and citrus fruits: citric acid (1/4 tsp) is dissolved in hot water (125 ml), gold is left in the liquid for a short time (5 minutes), and the acid can be replaced with lemon juice;
    • hygienic lipstick: applied to rags, rub gold jewelry with it until they begin to shine;
    • onion juice - take 1 piece, you need to dilute it with water (2 tbsp), soak bracelets and earrings for at least 3 hours;
    • baking soda solution: mix soda with water (the amount is determined at your discretion), then rub rings, gold bracelets, and then rinse;
    • “Coca-Cola” and other fizzy drinks: products become shiny when using the drink without additives, leave decorations in the container, fill them with Cola, after 2 hours they can be cleaned, this method is suitable not only for gold, but also for silver, with the exception of products with stones;
    • medical alcohol or vodka: there is no need to leave jewelry in an aggressive environment, moisten a woven cloth with alcohol and rub the product - this method is one of the fastest;
    • alcohol-containing perfume: it may seem that it helps with contamination of gold, but this is not entirely true, because it is upon contact with such substances that the external parameters of jewelry deteriorate, which means that perfume can be used to clean gold, which contains a minimal amount of additives;
    • beer and egg: you will need 1 chicken egg yolk, as well as no more than 50 ml of beer, the resulting mixture is used for mechanical cleaning;
    • glass care liquid - a concentrated substance, it is not diluted, but is used according to the standard scheme - moisten a rag in the liquid, apply it to a gold ring or other items;
    • pharmaceutical hyposulfite: you only need 2 tsp, the substance is dissolved in water (you can take 200-250 ml), and it is important to leave the jewelry in a container with liquid for 20 minutes.

    Summary table of silver cleaning products

    If you have accumulated quite a lot of jewelry with various inserts at home, it is recommended to keep on hand a table that contains ways to care for silver with different types of stones:

    Insert typeMethod of care
    Topaz, ruby, garnetBarely warm water, sponge (glycerin is acceptable)
    Emerald, aquamarine, sapphirePaste containing laundry detergent or toothpaste
    PearlStarch with water or sea salt
    Turquoise, malachite, opalAmmonia or glycerin
    AmberA weak solution containing detergent
    CoralDry processing


    We invite you to watch a video on the topic of the article and learn three more ways to clean tarnished silver:

    A young housewife, she is immersed in raising children and running a household. Like a mother, she can quickly figure out what to do with her child, like a wife, she can cook a delicious three-course meal, like a housewife, she can create coziness and comfort in the house. I’m glad to share with readers life hacks that can make household work easier and save time for your favorite work and travel.

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    Fresh lemon is not only suitable for tea: clean dirt from the surface of an acrylic bath by rubbing with half a cut citrus, or quickly wash the microwave by placing a container of water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt can simply be wiped off with a sponge.

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    Threads made of gold and silver, which were used to embroider clothes in the old days, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with pliers to the required fineness. This is where the expression “to drag out the rigmarole” came from - “to do long, monotonous work” or “to delay the completion of a task.”

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    Semi-professional cleaning products for silver with stones

    The following products are available for sale:

    • paste;
    • solution.

    Dry substances are most often not used to care for jewelry, as there are many restrictions. If you don’t have time to prepare homemade solutions, a special product will clean your jewelry. It is distinguished by its versatility. A special preparation is intended for the care of any jewelry: earrings, bracelets, rings, etc., made of silver, gold. It provides quick results.

    Types and causes of contamination of gold earrings

    The main reasons for the appearance of dirt on gold earrings can be divided into groups:

    • mechanical contamination;
    • chemical pollution;
    • improper care and storage.

    Mechanical contaminants include those that appear during the daily contact of gold earrings with the owner’s skin. These are skin secretions, dust and cosmetics that settle on gold earrings.

    Chemical impurities include those that appear on jewelry as a result of oxidation processes.

    In its pure form, without admixtures of other metals, gold cannot be used in the manufacture of jewelry in general and earrings in particular. Because it is thanks to the addition of silver, platinum, palladium, copper and nickel that it is possible to prevent their deformation.

    But the addition of other metals reduces the mass fraction of gold used to make earrings and reduces its fineness. Accordingly, the lower the standard of the product, the faster the appearance of an oxide film on gold earrings.

    Table: cost of known funds

    Semi-professional special preparations are relatively inexpensive. Moreover, you can choose the appropriate option for your jewelry, taking into account their shape and type of material. Available types of drugs:

    NameCost, rub.
    Sano Silver500
    Town Talk220

    Jewelry cleaning products

    What are the prohibitions in the process of cleaning silver with stones?

    One-size-fits-all products should not always be used. While some jewelry can be cleaned in this way, the stone inserts darken and become stained. Prohibited practices when caring for such products:

    • Do not boil; it is better to use lukewarm water or liquid at room temperature;
    • sharp, hard products should not be used to remove old stains;
    • dry powders are first diluted with water to make a paste or solution;
    • Equipment should not be used; manual processing is safest.

    How to extend the brilliant life of a product with stone

    So that you don’t have to look for a way to clean silver earrings with stones or other jewelry with mineral, organic inserts, you need to properly care for them:

    • items are stored separately, it is important that they do not come into contact with other jewelry, for which they use boxes with velvet inside and suede cases;
    • periodically rub silver jewelry with dry flannel or purchase special napkins for this purpose;
    • before cooking (especially when you plan to use vinegar or other oxidizing products), jewelry should be removed;
    • Do not wear jewelry with stones when jogging, in the pool, sauna, or gym.

    What they say on the forums

    1. Egg yolk . A folk version that has been used for centuries.


    The best way is with an egg yolk. Apply an egg yolk to a cotton swab and rub the silver, then let it dry and wash off... Your silver is clean and protected from oxides (The method is known from ancient Rus', where silver was valued more than gold)

    Source ©

    2. Student eraser . Cleans the surface well. In this case, the stones are rubbed with glycerin.


    Guys, With the Eraser 100% sat and rubbed for a couple of minutes and the product is already shiny - the easiest way))

    Source ©

    3. Ammonia. Just place the products and leave for a couple of hours.


    put the silver in a solution of ammonia for a couple of hours, and then rinse with a large amount of cold water. Believe me, this is how we were taught at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Russian State University. And most importantly, don’t even think about spending money on special napkins, this is for those who have a lot of extra money!!

    Source ©

    Category: question-answer

    What tricks are there for cleaning silver with stones from blackness at home, if these are earrings?

    Expert opinion

    Pribrezhny Gennady Valentinovich

    Jeweler 6th category

    The choice of method depends on the type of insertion. You can use a universal option - a weakly concentrated soap solution. In most cases, glycerin is suitable; difficult areas are rubbed with it using a cotton swab. The remaining methods (ammonium, toothpaste, starch) are highly specialized - they can clean one product but ruin another if different stones are used in both cases.

    How to clean jewelry with Swarovski crystals?

    Expert opinion

    Grishanov Mikhail Petrovich

    Jeweler, director of the Grishanov and Co. workshop

    Dry cleaning recommended. For this purpose, prepare lint-free rags, jewelry napkins, microfiber or flannel. To keep your new Swarovski crystal sparkling, some people use soap or toothpaste. This is not recommended, since even plain water can lead to clouding of the inserts, which is due to a change in the properties of the special coating. It is better to stick to the dry cleaning method, because... chemicals are contraindicated in this case.

    How to clean silverware at home quickly and effectively with stones?

    Expert opinion

    Andrey Seleznev

    Chemist-technologist, Volgograd

    The principle of care is the same as for silver jewelry. Products of these types are made of the same standard of silver – 925, and are equipped with the same types of stones (amber, malachite, etc.). Most often they use a soap solution, much less often - ammonia and toothpaste.

    Silverware with stones

    Is it possible to use regular silver cleaners without touching the stone?

    Expert opinion

    Pribrezhny Gennady Valentinovich

    Jeweler 6th category

    It happens that the silver darkens, but the insert remains crystal clear. Then it is not necessary to clean the entire product. Just pay attention to the silver frame. To do this, use any of the suitable means. However, it is important to first seal the stone or clean the silver with a cotton swab dipped in the product.

    What can cause a stone to become cloudy during wear?

    Expert opinion

    Grishanov Mikhail Petrovich

    Jeweler, director of the Grishanov and Co. workshop

    There are many reasons for changes in the appearance of inserts on jewelry: heat, exposure to aggressive substances, certain foods, and sweat. Such consequences can occur if jewelry is handled carelessly.

    Why do earrings get dirty?

    In ancient times, it was believed that blackening silver jewelry meant bringing damage or the evil eye to a person. In the modern world, magical rituals are a thing of the past, and scientists have discovered a completely logical reason for the darkening of silver. It's all about oxidation . Under certain conditions, a chemical reaction occurs on the surface of the product and the silver darkens. Among the reasons are the following:

    • contact with the human body. Constant contact with skin causes oxidation of the metal. There can be many reasons for this: sweating, breathing, wet skin, sebum secretion, etc.;
    • storage in conditions of high humidity;
    • contact with certain cosmetic products and other household chemicals;
    • low metal standard.

    Many have noticed that silver items darken even when they are kept in a dark bag and not worn for a long time. Even in such conditions, they are exposed to humid air, so from time to time we advise you to clean all the jewelry in your collection .

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