All ways to dye suede. A guide for dummies.

Shoes made of suede textures are in great demand. It adds special charm and sophistication to a women's ensemble, and adds elegance and style to a men's outfit. The disadvantage of this material is its low resistance to damage. With inappropriate care and regular use, shoes are often exposed to aggressive environments, which negatively affects their structure. Many damages can be repaired yourself using a few simple methods.

We'll tell you how to update suede shoes at home.

What happens to suede shoes during use?

Suede fabric is a rather capricious material, and therefore requires special attention.

  • With regular use, the pile begins to roll off, which leads to the formation of so-called bald spots. They significantly worsen the appearance of the product, and are more difficult to deal with than other defects.
  • Rain or slush outside the window are the main enemies of suede. Humidity causes water stains to appear on boots, which can only be removed by moisturizing. When moisture penetrates deep into the structure, it becomes difficult to get rid of stains.
  • Suede high boots are especially popular among fashionistas in the winter. However, experts recommend abandoning this style during the cold season. Reagents that cover roads and protect against ice formation contribute to the appearance of stains and salt stains.
  • Long-term use and lack of minimal care can cause abrasions that occur on the inside of the product during walking. Such spots need timely correction. This will help avoid serious damage to the structure and length of the villi.

Delicate suede reacts to many things and at the same time needs care and maintenance.

Just whims!

Suede is a very thin and delicate velvety leather that absolutely does not tolerate walking through dirt, dust or in rainy times. At the same time, she won’t like the dazzling summer sun either! How to care for such capricious material?

5 stages of suede care.

  1. After each walk, suede shoes should be cleaned with a special suede brush.
  2. Dirt that the brush cannot remove can be removed with a special suede eraser. It will also return the velvety feel to the material that was crushed during wear.
  3. Serious stains can be removed with a foam suede cleaner.
  4. Moisture-repellent sprays and gels help avoid unnecessary contamination.
  5. Suede paint can restore the color of shoes.

Cleaning from contaminants

Contamination is one of the most common defects of any product. It may not be

not only stains, but also wool, lint, threads or dust.

You can deal with these types of problems using a special brush. It has two surfaces. The first one has a special hard bristle that removes surface impurities and properly smoothes the material. The second side has a rubberized brush that will help remove stubborn dirt and revive shoes or boots. After treatment with rubber material, shoes should be smoothed with a soft brush.

A similar procedure should be carried out on a regular basis, after each use of shoes.

ADVICE . When purchasing boots or boots made of suede fabrics, it is recommended to immediately purchase this brush. Regular treatment will help extend the life of products.

How to care for suede shoes

After each walk, it is recommended to clean the surface with a brush, even if traces of dust are invisible on the pile.

Suede shoes are recommended to be worn only in dry weather. Velvety leather absorbs moisture well, so it can become deformed if it comes into frequent contact with water.

How to dry suede shoes

It will take about 20 hours for the product to dry completely. If you need to speed up the process, which is not recommended, a hairdryer is considered the most gentle method. The air flow that will be supplied to the material should not be hot. To prevent the product from losing its shape, there must be paper in it during drying.

Shoe care tools

When purchasing suede shoes, you should immediately buy special tools that will be used to clean and protect the product:

  • brush with rubber teeth;
  • special sponge brush without impregnation;
  • brush with metal bristles;
  • foam for surface cleaning;
  • water repellent spray.

The Silver brand suede restorer has proven itself well. It allows you to carry out daily care and restore old shoes.

How to store suede shoes

Shoes that have a long shaft should not be stored in a folded (curved) position. Creases will form at the kinks. To avoid having to deal with restoring the suede before putting it away for storage, it is recommended to insert plastic pads inside the boots. If they are not there, then cardboard rolled into a tube will help to give the boot the correct position. Another option is to fill your shoes with newspapers.

Shoes must breathe, so velvety leather should not be stored in plastic bags. Also, products should not be constantly exposed to direct sunlight. Ultraviolet light is not only capable of disrupting the structure of the material, but also leads to discoloration of suede.

Getting rid of stains

Stains appear on every item of clothing, regardless of the fabric used and the style of the item. Suede is one of the most stain-sensitive materials. They can be formed from reagents that cover sidewalks, due to carelessness from food or dirt.

Soap + ammonia

The easiest way to solve the problem is a soap solution. A few drops of ammonia should be added to the resulting mixture, which will help maintain the length and location of the pile. The shoes are carefully wiped with the prepared solution. A soft cloth is suitable to remove excess moisture.

ADVICE . When choosing soap, use a liquid product. Soap can also be replaced with powder, which is designed for washing delicate fabrics.

Talc + alcohol

Owners of a personal car may experience the formation of oil stains.
In this situation, talc comes in handy. The powder is applied to the contaminated area. Waiting time is about 20–30 minutes . Afterwards, carefully shake off the product from the surface.

A soft cloth soaked in alcohol is suitable for removing residues.

Finally, the shoes must be brushed to ensure the correct distribution of the fibers.

REFERENCE : instead of alcohol, many users use kerosene.

Special means

Modern manufacturers have developed a wide range of care products for fastidious materials. They are special foams or sprays that are applied to the contaminated surface.

After the time indicated on the package, the excess must be removed with a paper napkin.

Drying is an important aspect of cleaning suede.

Pay special attention to drying products.

Placing shoes near heating appliances is strictly prohibited - suede must dry naturally.

For faster results, use newspapers that are tucked tightly inside the shoe.

Restoration of pile and elimination of scuffs

Violations in the structure of the correct arrangement of villi lead to the fact that on the surface of products

abrasions and shiny areas appear. Such stains significantly spoil both the appearance of the shoes and the entire image of their owner. They also make you think: will you really have to say goodbye to comfortable shoes, is it possible to restore them to their original form?

We answer: you can! Putting suede items in order and returning shoes to their original appearance is not so difficult.

Eliminating shortcomings in this case is more complex compared to the methods described above. When working, special care and attention should be taken so as not to worsen the situation.

Milk and soda

To restore the natural location of the pile and remove abrasions, milk and soda are useful. Add a teaspoon of soda to a glass of dairy product. Use the resulting solution to treat problem areas using a soft cloth. Upon completion, treatment with a brush is required, which will give the pile a natural arrangement. After carrying out such a procedure, the shoes should dry naturally.

Steam treatment

If the villi have just begun to lose their stability, steam treatment is suitable. A steam generator is useful here, which carefully processes the product over the entire surface. After which the bald patches disappear.

If you don’t have a steam generator, a more familiar and common method is suitable - a steam bath.

ADVICE . To maintain the structure after cleaning, treat your boots with fine table salt. Brush off any remaining residue with a brush.

Restoring color

Loss of color always reduces the attractiveness of any product. On black suede shoes they become

The slightest damage or dirt is noticeable. Colored shoes lose their brightness and aesthetic appearance.

To maintain a natural color palette, it is recommended to use special professional products. Many of these solutions also create a kind of protective layer that prevents the penetration of moisture, reduces the occurrence of contamination and preserves the natural shade.

Restoring brown suede

In an emergency, when there is no opportunity to purchase a special product, proven folk methods will do.
You can restore the deep brown shade using coffee grounds. The product is applied to the surface of the shoes. An important step is drying. In the case of using grounds, it should be at least 24 hours.

After time, the products are thoroughly combed with a brush. It will help remove coffee residues and lift the pile.

Returning whiteness to suede

Restoration of white tone is carried out thanks to a special milk mixture.

To make it you will need milk, turpentine and talc . All ingredients are mixed in equal quantities and applied to the surface. The holding time is at least an hour. After the expiration date, be sure to brush your shoes.

REFERENCE . For quality results, it is recommended to choose a dairy product with a high fat content.

How to restore suede at home?

If for some reason you do not want to use dry cleaning services, you can try restoring suede at home.

To do this you will need:

  • soap solution;
  • baking soda;
  • milk;
  • semolina;
  • ethanol;
  • special paint for suede;
  • suede brush;
  • water-repellent impregnation;
  • soft cloth;
  • talc;
  • synthetic sponge;
  • magnesia;
  • turpentine.

Prevention and care

  • Suede shoes are not suitable for use in wet weather. If necessary, be sure to treat boots or boots with a special impregnation with a water-repellent effect.
  • Cleaning from dirt is a mandatory procedure after each use of shoes. Even if the surface appears clean, brushing with a double-sided brush is recommended. This will help avoid stubborn stains and scuffs.
  • When storing, use special packaging from the manufacturer. If this is not available, a clean cardboard box will do. Storage in bags should be avoided. This can cause mold, which is very difficult to remove.
  • During cleaning or protective treatment, carefully ensure that the applied product dries completely. Each layer must dry thoroughly. Only after this can you begin repeated actions.
  • A school eraser can be useful for removing surface stains on boots, shoes or sneakers.

Suede shoes are deservedly the most popular. Despite the difficulties that arise during care, she never ceases to please modern fashionistas and fashionistas with a variety of styles. Following a few simple rules and recommendations will help maintain the attractive appearance, bright color and structure of the shoe fabric.

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