13 ideas for storing pot and pan lids in the kitchen

Table stand

An excellent device that helps during cooking. No more searching for a place for a hot lid covered with condensation droplets. All moisture will drain onto the stand, and the heated elements will not damage the tabletop. It is also recommended to place a spatula or ladle here.

Homemade storage systems

There are options to create your own shelves and stands for storing lids. To do this you need a few available tools, strength and mood. You can make it from metal wire or wood.

Metal stands are more practical and convenient, they are easier to make and they will last a long time. But wood products can be a practical decoration and even become a full-fledged part of the interior. They can be treated with a special varnish to protect them from moisture. Metal can be painted.

How to make a lid holder with your own hands

It is very convenient to make holders in the form of containers with several compartments. They look similar to plate stands, but differ in the space between the shelves. Here, for example, are the steps to create a wooden utensil holder:

  • you will need a wooden box with holes;
  • you need to pick up wooden sticks with a pin at the tip;
  • We place sticks in the holes so that we get comfortable shelves.

It is important to make them at different distances from each other in order to accommodate more different utensils.

How to make a tabletop lid stand

Table stands can be used for vertical or horizontal placement. It is important to make holes for the handle on the lid in both cases. This is important so that the lids fit comfortably and do not slip.

Sliding stand

An interesting, versatile device that can be adjusted in length to suit your storage needs. For this reason, the stand can be used on a countertop, open shelf or wall cabinet. Reliable as it is made of stainless steel.

Suitable not only for storing boards and pot lids, but also frying pans, baking trays and baking dishes.

How to store pots in a closet?

If the containers are difficult to fold into a nesting doll, then make additional shelves. To do this, you can purchase a shelf with legs or make them yourself. By installing the product in a table drawer, you can get an additional tier for storing pots and pans.

A corner cabinet is often reserved for storing pots. It is not very convenient for small items, but large dishes will feel great there.

By purchasing a carousel or rotating system and installing it in a corner cabinet, it will be much more convenient for the housewife to find the desired item.

On the tiered shelf you can put different pots, pans and lids for them. When turning, you can easily reach the dishes in the depths of the drawer.

Wall holder

A budget solution for those who are not embarrassed by open storage of kitchen utensils. This product can be hung on a railing or fixed directly on the wall. An alternative option is to place the holder on the inside door of the cabinet or on its side wall. The height depends on the number of covers, and finding a suitable device is not difficult.

Devices and methods

It is worth noting that today there are a sufficient number of options for various solutions for storing kitchen utensils. And if in your case a suitable model has not been found, do not worry, it is only a matter of time.

Closed method

Perhaps the most popular option is closed, or inside a cabinet. The advantages of this method are obvious: everything is hidden from prying eyes and protected from dust. After all, not every housewife can boast of a modern set of pots (or pans) and their perfect condition (over time, chips or dirt inevitably appear that cannot be gotten rid of). A closed storage method will leave only the attractive façade of the kitchen cabinet for public viewing.

The closed type of storage is practiced by most housewives.

If you prefer a closed storage method, you just need to choose a suitable kitchen cabinet for this (it all depends on the number of pots and their sizes) and decide on the method of installing kitchen utensils. For example, someone prefers the “matryoshka” option, carefully placing smaller ones in a large pan in strict order. And the lids in this situation are usually arranged in random order between the saucepans. Let us immediately note that the option is not the most ideal, since, firstly, you will need a rather large kitchen cabinet, and secondly, the lids will be constantly “in motion”, even without your consent.

Its size, the volume of furniture and allocated funds for special departments for storing kitchen accessories are taken into account.

Another idea is to keep the lids strictly on the pans that belong to them. And again there is an obvious drawback: it will require even more space than in the previous case. And yet, for some housewives this is the most favorite option.

Sometimes you can find an even more interesting option - stacked lids. Then it is generally unclear how the structure remains stable, because the protruding handles do not allow creating even the remotest semblance of a monolith. And, as a rule, at the most inopportune moment such a pyramid ceases to exist and scatters in different directions. It becomes obvious that this option, alas, is also far from perfect.

To ensure a decent place to store dishes, it is important to consider the size of the cabinet and the amount of finance allocated.

Another type of closed storage method is on special rails inside the cabinet. Typically the device is attached to the cabinet door. The main thing is to make the correct measurements, and then, as they say, everything depends only on sleight of hand. If desired, such fastenings can be made independently, and instead of a purchased railing, use a metal rod or strong thread. And the result is a convenient and functional holder for pot lids with your own hands.

In this way, it is possible to maintain proper order, ensuring the concealment of objects thanks to the cabinet doors.

Wall rails

The principle of fastening is exactly the same as inside cabinets, only to the wall. The advantage of this method of storing pots is the ability to independently determine what size such fasteners will be and carry them out at the height you need. In addition, using ordinary roof rails, entire organizers for kitchen utensils are created. For example, by attaching two rails at different heights and providing them with additional hooks, you can easily place ladles, graters, potholders, a grater, as well as a slotted spoon and a ladle on them. And on top of all this splendor, lids can easily fit.

This is truly a budget and convenient option.

The only “but”: if you prefer wall rails, keep an eye on the condition of the lids (and other kitchen utensils), since everything is visible. And if it is not possible to constantly purchase new dishes, then let the existing one have a decent appearance.

To ensure a decent place to store dishes, it is important to consider the size of the cabinet and the amount of finance allocated.

Towel holders

Yes, there is no mistake here, the most ordinary towel holders will help you conveniently place lids from kitchen utensils. A kind of life hack of our time. The secret is this: for each lid you will need at least two hooks. The hooks themselves can be attached to the inside of the cabinet door. If the holders have Velcro, then the fastening process will not cause any problems at all.

Special stands

Here we are talking about stands made specifically for lids from pots or pans. There are a huge number of their varieties. They are made of metal or plastic, customized to fit a tiny kitchen set or created for huge kitchens. With such an assortment, the main thing is to understand what exactly you need and purchase your own option.

If you don't want to spend too much on additional furniture parts, there are some things you can do yourself.

As a rule, ready-made stands are designed for kitchens of impressive size, and then it is not surprising that you will have to allocate a whole drawer for lids.

The kitchen is replete with many little things, for which a special place is allocated.

Wall hanger

Also a very common model for vertical storage. It is a metal frame structure with several crossbars. This hanger is attached to the wall in any place convenient for you: above the desktop, near the wall cabinets or next to the sink.

It is important that they are organized - it makes cooking or cleaning easier.

The main advantages are considered to be budget cost, space saving and functionality - the necessary items are always at hand, you can take the right lid without additional effort, or, conversely, hang it up after washing.

The main principle is that everything is at hand, but not in the way.


It's kind of a box within a box. Everyone is familiar with the dividers for cutlery: knives, forks and spoons. Something similar exists today for frying pans and saucepans, as well as for their lids. A plastic (or wooden) structure is installed in a large compartment into which the items you need are placed.

Different sizes and dimensions do not allow them to be placed in a stack, as is the case with plates.

If you choose this option, the main thing is to guess the size. Firstly, the plastic structure itself must fit the size of your cabinet. And secondly, the items you need should fit in it.

By the way, such separators can be completely independent structures. Then, like wall hangers, they are simply placed in the most convenient place for the housewife. And for greater capacity, such a device can be “supplemented” with hooks if desired.

Many people store the lids directly on the pots, which is sometimes not very practical - this way the utensils take up more space.

Another life hack: you don’t have to buy a special divider, try to “organize” it yourself. To do this, in the large drawer where your pots are usually stored, separate two small compartments on the sides - this will be the place for the lids. The process of creating such know-how will take you no more than 15 minutes, and the convenience that will be provided to you will save time and effort when cooking or cleaning.

A stand designed for folding round and flat objects can help with placement.

Holder for one lid and spoon

More recently, spectacular spoon stands have become a part of our lives. Thanks to them, we were no longer tormented by the question: “Where should I put the spoon after stirring?” And their bright “appearance” brought a lot of positive emotions to the cooking process.

A pot lid holder is a fairly simple device.

However, over time, another question arose: “Where to put the lid when you open it to stir the dish?” Therefore, a completely logical continuation of the story was the appearance of a holder for one lid and a chef’s spoon.

The main advantage is that you don’t need to look for anything - they are always at hand and visible in one place.

Such a device can be purchased at a regular hardware store. Well, if you are looking for something bright and unusual, then there are numerous online stores at your service that offer a huge range of similar devices of various shapes, sizes and colors.

DIY lid holders

To create coziness in the kitchen, you don’t have to spend incredible amounts of money. Some elements can be easily made with your own hands, and make the kitchen not only comfortable, but also creative, unlike others.

This pot lid stand has a stylish look that complements any interior.

For example, using a pegboard and some metal hooks, you get a very stylish and functional kitchen. The hooks are inserted into the holes in any order. This “device” is quite spacious and simple.

The devices are produced in various forms, all that remains is to choose the optimal one that suits your kitchen set.

Railings (wall-mounted or attached to the kitchen cabinet door) are also an excellent hand-made option that does not require large financial investments and super skills.

A budget “analog” of roof railing is twisted copper wire and self-tapping screws. Even the housewife herself can attach such a “device” to the door of a wooden cabinet.

All of them have the main goal - to bring order to the kitchen.

Obviously, the question: “How to store pot lids in the kitchen?” must have its own answer. Lid holders are a must. Thanks to them, there will be no chaos in the kitchen, and the housewife will quickly find the necessary “accessory”. And although such devices may seem unnecessary to some, for most they will be a worthy addition to the interior. It’s up to you to decide which holder to buy (or make).

Compartment in the cabinet drawer

If you are the owner of wide and deep kitchen cabinets, then the question of how to place the lids can be solved without difficulty. A spacious compartment should be provided inside the roll-out box, which will allow you to ergonomically organize its filling. Compartments can be built-in or purchased separately.

Tips from housewives

A review of advice from experienced housewives allows us to draw important conclusions. All dishes that need to be placed in an open space should be purchased in the same style, as a set. It is better to put containers for cooking food of improper type in closed drawers.

Dishes and other utensils should be placed at hand for the convenience of the housewife. But the space should not be cluttered.

Ovens and gas stoves cannot be discounted. If the space in them is free, you can conveniently place the containers inside the equipment.

Hanging holder

A clever way to store lids is to string them onto the handles of saucepans and frying pans and hang them on special hooks. It’s convenient that everything is sorted immediately and does not require time to search and select a set. The method is suitable for those who cook a lot and have a whole collection of pots, ladles and other utensils.

Non-standard methods

For those who are not looking for easy ways, there are some interesting and non-standard ideas for storing pots and pans. They are very diverse, which is even amazing. By resorting to some tricks, you can put kitchen utensils in order even in a small kitchen without having to renovate.

Cabinet doors

Very often, space on cabinet doors remains unoccupied simply because it is undervalued. Everyone is accustomed to the rational use of shelves, but the doors remain free. But you can easily place the lids on them on special slats or hooks. You can also place even shallow frying pans and ladles. It is very important to take into account the degree of load so that the doors do not sag.

Lids on the cabinet door.

Ends and external walls of kitchen furniture

Using the same principle, you can adapt an improvised organizer for dishes on the end parts of kitchen furniture and even on the front side. And it is not so important what to attach and lay out pots, pans or lids, the main thing is that it is convenient for them and the owners. And there can be many assistants in this matter: unique slats, roof rails, heated towel rails, hooks, shelves and other devices.

The lid on the end of the furniture.

Internal walls of cabinets

You can conveniently place dishes on the walls inside cabinets so that they do not disturb others and are at hand. You can screw the hooks on, or you can buy them with suction cups. The main thing is to conveniently calculate the space so that both the dishes that are on the shelves and those that will be suspended fit.

Method of storing lids on the inside wall of a cabinet.

Under wall cabinets

Almost all kitchen sets are designed in such a way that they have upper wall cabinets and lower cabinets that stand on the floor. But if the distance between them allows, you can attach shelves to the hanging ones, even those that will accommodate pots. This will combine business with pleasure, and the stylish appearance will not be spoiled, and the dishes will be in order.

Wall cabinet in the kitchen.

Drawers in the plinth

There is kitchen furniture in which special small drawers have already been prepared for lids and pans. But there are no such people, so don’t despair. They can be made from fairly inexpensive materials and placed in a plinth. And if this design is made on wheels, it will be much more convenient.

Plinth for storing lids.

Additional shelving, consoles and carts

If you have space in the kitchen, you can conveniently adapt additional pieces of furniture that can accommodate any utensils. These can be small mobile carts or convenient tabletops. The stores have these devices for every taste and budget.

Rack for lids.

Engage the window

If you really have a hard time with space or really want to experiment, you can place the dishes on the window. There is already room for imagination. They can be placed vertically, horizontally, on shelves, hooks or even on the windowsill itself. The main thing is that the creation of a utensil fixture is pleasing to the eye.

A kitchen with a window is an additional option for storing lids.


The simplest solution for large-scale storage of dishes and cutlery on the wall. You can hang everything you need for cooking on the rails: items will always be at hand, and the worktop will remain free. It is worth considering that the surface underneath must be resistant to mechanical stress and easy to clean.

Life hack: small roof rails can be placed on the inside of the facades.

Interesting storage ideas

In addition to the already listed options with simple slats and hooks, there are several interesting ideas:

  1. Telescopic hoses can be conveniently placed in the cabinet to divide it into sections.
  2. Hang the pots on hanging stands, which are hung in all convenient places.
  3. Purchased retractable modules that are installed in any corner of the cabinet.
  4. Zoning drawers to divide into compartments separately for lids and pans.
  5. Lid racks hung on the wall.
  6. Self-tapping screws and wire will help you create a primitive stand.
  7. Lid stands can be used to decorate stairs and cabinets.

There are a lot of options, the main thing is to turn on your imagination and desire in time. With the right approach, you can intelligently place all kitchen utensils in convenient places.

DIY string holder

A simple way to store pot lids in the kitchen to make with your own hands - you need to measure the diameter and fasten several strings or pieces of copper wire of a suitable length to two self-tapping screws inside the cabinet. They should sag a little so that the weight is distributed evenly along the entire length and ensures reliable fastening.

Instead of a string, you can stretch a rubber band that stretches and can support a pan lid of any size. When installing rails or strings, you need to take into account that the protruding handle does not interfere with closing the door. It should be located at the same level as the internal shelf.

Knives - convenience and safety

The first thing to remember is that if you have a child at home, you shouldn’t just leave knives in a drawer:

  • First of all, it's simply not safe for him.
  • Secondly, from such treatment, even a high-quality chef’s knife made of good steel (you can see the best models in our article) receives micro-damage, which has a bad effect on their sharpening and service life.

There are several convenient ways to store knives that will help save space and make them easier to care for:

  • The most popular, perhaps, is a special stand. It's easy to do it yourself. Just decorate porous softwood beautifully and stick knives into it. They are also sold in stores, often with sets of knives. If you have somewhere to put a stand, consider this option.
  • Small kitchen and every centimeter is expensive? Everything can be solved - buy a magnetic hanging board. This could be a narrow strip specifically for a knife, or it could be a wide structure on which you can also place jars of spices (you can read more about storing them in a separate article).
  • Another interesting solution is a retractable panel. Install a special board with recesses for knives under the kitchen countertop. The implementation of the idea is quite expensive, but the effect is worth it.

Special shelves and divide in kitchen furniture

This option is practical and convenient, but it is not suitable for everyone. Ideal when ordering a new kitchen. The interior of the cabinets is “stuffed” with various designs that provide efficient and convenient storage of kitchen utensils. Often, above the large drawer where the pots are placed, there is a lower drawer in height, where the lids from these dishes are folded. Convenient to store and take out - everything is included and in one place.

Another option: You can make a wooden grid-separator in a ready-made box yourself, into which the lids are placed in a row. This separator eliminates the problem of storing them, if, of course, the width and height of the cabinet allows it to accommodate such a structure.


Lid stands for modern pots are made from materials whose texture and quality vary significantly. Models available:

  1. Made of wood - suitable only for dry, clean dishes. They look noble, expensive, and decorate the kitchen.
  2. Made of glass - they are rare, they fit perfectly into the interior of any style.
  3. Made of metal - suitable for both dry and wet dishes, practical, reliable in use. They require periodic cleaning and drying. Stainless steel retains its attractive appearance for a long time; rust may appear on structures made of other alloys when exposed to high humidity.
  4. Made of plastic - they decorate the interior with rich colors and fancy shapes. They do not last long due to rapid mechanical wear.

Models of any design require regular care. Stands, except for wooden organizers, should be periodically washed, deposits removed, wiped dry, and kept clean.

Wooden Metal Plastic

General recommendations

The convenience of your work depends on how you arrange dishes, kitchen utensils, food supplies and all sorts of little things. Before you start sorting your inventory, think about whether you have organized your storage locations correctly? We will give you some general recommendations. They will help you arrange your workspace as efficiently and ergonomically as possible.

Everything you are used to using in everyday cooking should be at your fingertips. It is best to place dishes and kitchen utensils in cabinets at the bottom of the unit - this way you can get everything you need as quickly as possible. In a small kitchen, organize the storage system in such a way as to make maximum use of the walls. Use hanging cabinets or open shelves.

Place items that you use more often closer to the edge of the shelves. Use it a couple of times a month - go deeper. If you get something once a year, it’s a reason to think about whether you need it - perhaps it’s easier to free up space from an unnecessary food processor or a set that has been gathering dust since the moment of purchase.

Immediately pour all cereals into sealed containers - this will prevent the appearance of food moths. If cracks appear on the dishes, throw them away immediately. This is not only a bad omen, but also a direct way to clutter your kitchen.

And, of course, think about the most ergonomic working triangle - such that you can easily reach any item in the kitchen. These seemingly simple rules will make cooking and maintaining order in the kitchen area much easier. Now let's move on to more specific recommendations.

Advantages and disadvantages

Order on the work surface and inside the cabinets ensures the correct placement of dishes. Storing pots and pans with lids has its supporters. This method provides a certain convenience in using utensils, but the free arrangement of closed dishes will occupy all the cabinets, even in a spacious kitchen. Cluttering the shelves doesn't look very attractive, and it's unlikely that you'll be able to get the pan out silently. Most housewives choose to store lids and dishes separately, which is practical and advisable. Each option has advantages and disadvantages. The second one is easier to optimize with the help of special stands.

Modern devices help to rationally distribute utensils and avoid stacking lids in a small kitchen. The housewife will not have to waste time choosing the appropriate element. In such a process, it is difficult to avoid the noise created by falling or touching covers. Stands of various shapes, textures, and styles add order to the space. From a variety of models, you can always choose the optimal design for any kitchen.

Most stands are inconvenient for storing different-sized lids. If structures are made of metal, they are susceptible to corrosion.

On shelves along the walls

A stylish small open shelf for plates and cups can take on the additional load of several pans. A place for such a shelf can be found above the cutting table or above the sink if you prefer not to clutter up the kitchen with massive storage systems.

A kitchen combined with a living or dining room requires a special design - it must be in perfect harmony with the space to which it is connected. The role of dishes in this case is also important. Pans here can be placed on shelves that will blend in color with the wall decoration. This effect of lightly floating in the air will visually reduce the load on the furniture.

We place lids on the shelves of wall-mounted or floor-standing cabinets

Do you need to free up your countertop and increase your work space?

Then transfer ideas for table top lid storage to floor or wall cabinet shelves. Another convenient option is a special wooden box with holes in the bottom. The lids are placed in any order, with special separating cones inserted into the holes. In addition, IKEA and other furniture manufacturers offer a wide range of folding organizers for such utensils.

Matryoshka principle

The storage method is the simplest, used everywhere. The pots are stacked according to the matryoshka principle, from largest to smallest.

If the space in the cabinets allows, fold them with lids. If not, the lids are placed separately.

The matryoshka principle is suitable for pans of the same shape. Most often, this method is used for storing plastic containers and boats. This method is not suitable for pans with deep lids. They will stand unsteadily.

The method is suitable for deep and tall cabinets.

The method is suitable for deep and tall cabinets.

The bag of bags is a timeless classic.

It is probably impossible to find a person who does not have such an artifact at home. The bag of bags can truly be considered a national invention.

They are periodically thrown out, but after a week they are reborn in the kitchen, taking up space as before and making it difficult to find the right bag.

Undoubtedly, there are situations when you cannot do without a plastic bag: for example, when you need to pack food in the freezer or fold something.

However, be honest - you forget to take them with you to the store, often because it is inconvenient to look for the right size?

There are many tricks for storing packages. We will show you some of the most convenient ones:

  • Just fold them neatly into a cardboard tissue box. It doesn’t take up much space and looks neater than a stuffed bag, and you can take out the bags through a slot.
  • For the same purposes, you can use a plastic tray, in which you need to fold the bags into squares, placing them vertically.
  • Another good way is hanging nets for children's toys. Conveniently place one or more (for different sizes) on the wall. Problem solved!

A little advice: throw away anything that doesn’t fit!

As you can see, optimizing package storage does not require a lot of cost or effort. What about other, larger items?

Ladles, forks, spoons...

It is simply impossible to do without a variety of cutlery and kitchen utensils. However, you need to know how to organize their storage conveniently and wisely.

In a specially designated box they are quickly mixed and finding something the first time becomes a real problem. Increased accuracy will help, but let's be honest: not everyone has this quality.

You can come up with many methods for rationally storing forks and cooking utensils. Let's tell you more about the most convenient ones:

  • A hanging structure with hooks for kitchen utensils and containers for the dining area can be a real lifesaver. Everything is visible and easy to reach. And it’s immediately clear where a certain thing belongs.
  • The already mentioned magnetic panels can also be a great help. Just divide them into several sections with colors to make it easier to navigate.
  • Use a special stand. Make it yourself or buy it at the store. It will take up less space than a separate cabinet, and choosing the right device will be easier and faster.
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