Mold on the surface of the kombucha (moldy): what to do, reasons, how to cure

Why does kombucha become moldy? This question is often asked by kombucha growers (this is the name given to people who breed mushrooms). The product is usually grown in a jar or other container in a solution of sweet tea.

A healthy mushroom floats on the surface, producing enzymes that turn the tea infusion into a healthy and even medicinal drink. But suddenly the product owner sees that the kombucha is moldy. What to do in this case and how to prevent mold from appearing on the plate in the future.

Why does mold appear on kombucha?

In different cases, green or black mold appears on the surface of the tea jellyfish. Let's figure out why a recently healthy mushroom becomes moldy. There may be several reasons for this:

  1. Dirty container. This is the most common reason why mold appears on the surface of a mushroom. The jar that is used to propagate medusomycetes (this is the scientific name) must be thoroughly washed and, ideally, sterilized. Also pay attention to the cleanliness of the utensils used when brewing tea. All spoons, jars and other containers must be perfectly clean.
  2. Unwanted “neighbors”. There should be no plant pots, bird cages or animal bowls near the jar where the mushroom is floating.
  3. Non-sterile protection. During storage, the jar with the product should be covered with a thin cloth or gauze - they must be clean. Ideally, take sterile medical gauze and roll it into 3-4 layers.
  4. Tea with flavors. If all cleanliness conditions have been met, but the kombucha is still moldy, pay attention to what kind of tea was used to prepare the infusion. Flavored tea should not be brewed. It contains essential oils that can cause mold.

Is it possible to drink a drink if there is mold on the surface of the kombucha?

Mold fungi are insidious and dangerous. It is strictly forbidden to drink a moldy drink. At best, you can get away with gastrointestinal upset. In the worst case, allergic reactions and complex forms of digestive system disease will appear. At the first signs of mold, the entire drink should be poured down the drain.

The appearance of a moldy film indicates the unsuitability of the drink

Sometimes the surface of the mushroom is covered with a faint white coating. It is often confused with mold. In fact, the problem occurs when the jellyfish is washed frequently. In summer, the procedure should be carried out once a week, and in winter – once every two weeks.

How to remove mold

Of course, there is nothing good if mold appears when growing kombucha, but this problem can be solved. To put the medusomycete in order you need:

  • remove it from the jar and rinse with clean water;
  • remove the upper affected layers from the mushroom plate;
  • rinse it thoroughly in boiled water at room temperature;
  • pour all the tea kvass out of the jar;
  • Wash the container completely and then boil it.

Now you need to take a clean, sterilized jar, pour freshly brewed sweet tea into it and add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to the liquid. Place the washed tea jellyfish into the resulting solution.

These steps can be performed if the mold lesions are small and were detected at an early stage. If more than 20-30% of the entire area of ​​the plate has already been damaged or if mold has grown instead of kombucha, in this case you need to dispose of the product completely.

The mushroom has darkened: what to do

There are other external changes that may alert the kombuchevod. For example, a mushroom plate may darken. A healthy medusomycete has a milky tint, and if its surface becomes dark brown, then some changes are occurring in its environment.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with the fact that the mushroom has darkened - it is not a disease. A change in color indicates that the tea infusion has not changed for a long time. The longer it sits, the stronger it becomes, and the percentage of acetic acid in the drink increases.

Another reason why tea jellyfish may turn dark is due to lack of nutrients. Perhaps when preparing the infusion, weakly brewed tea was used or little sugar was added.

In both cases, you just need to change the tea infusion. All liquid should be drained, the mushroom should be washed and placed in fresh sweet tea.

If algae appears

Among other formations in a jar with a tea jellyfish that may alert its owner, you can find algae. As it turned out, they are not harmful to humans and tea kvass with algae can be consumed, but the mushroom itself loses its nutrients.

Typically, blue-green algae forms in a jar of kombucha for two reasons: the container is stored in direct sunlight or, conversely, the temperature of the infusion is too low (less than 18-19 degrees).

To get rid of algae, you need to rinse the medusomycete well and remove the algae fibers. Next, the mushroom must be placed in fresh tea infusion and stored at the recommended temperature.

Kombucha is consumed not only for its pleasant, refreshing taste, but also for the purpose of healing the body. Mold, in turn, can cause harm to health. Therefore, the owner of medusomycetes must maintain the product in conditions that will not lead to mold or other diseases.

Caring for the Kombucha Tea Jellyfish seems so simple. Just pour sweet tea into a jar and you’re ready for healthy homemade lemonade. But sometimes kombucha gets moldy. Dark veins cannot be washed off or cut out. Why does this happen and how to get rid of mold? Here's what the Kombucha Lovers Club recommends.

Kombucha is moldy: what to do if mold appears in the jar

Why does kombucha become moldy? This question is often asked by kombucha growers (this is the name given to people who breed mushrooms). The product is usually grown in a jar or other container in a solution of sweet tea.

A healthy mushroom floats on the surface, producing enzymes that turn the tea infusion into a healthy and even medicinal drink. But suddenly the product owner sees that the kombucha is moldy. What to do in this case and how to prevent mold from appearing on the plate in the future.

Why does mold appear on kombucha?

In different cases, green or black mold appears on the surface of the tea jellyfish. Let's figure out why a recently healthy mushroom becomes moldy. There may be several reasons for this:

  1. Dirty container. This is the most common reason why mold appears on the surface of a mushroom. The jar that is used to propagate medusomycetes (this is the scientific name) must be thoroughly washed and, ideally, sterilized. Also pay attention to the cleanliness of the utensils used when brewing tea. All spoons, jars and other containers must be perfectly clean.
  2. Unwanted “neighbors”. There should be no plant pots, bird cages or animal bowls near the jar where the mushroom is floating.
  3. Non-sterile protection. During storage, the jar with the product should be covered with a thin cloth or gauze - they must be clean. Ideally, take sterile medical gauze and roll it into 3-4 layers.
  4. Tea with flavors. If all cleanliness conditions have been met, but the kombucha is still moldy, pay attention to what kind of tea was used to prepare the infusion. Flavored tea should not be brewed. It contains essential oils that can cause mold.

How to remove mold

Of course, there is nothing good if mold appears when growing kombucha, but this problem can be solved. To put the medusomycete in order you need:

  • remove it from the jar and rinse with clean water;
  • remove the upper affected layers from the mushroom plate;
  • rinse it thoroughly in boiled water at room temperature;
  • pour all the tea kvass out of the jar;
  • Wash the container completely and then boil it.

Now you need to take a clean, sterilized jar, pour freshly brewed sweet tea into it and add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to the liquid. Place the washed tea jellyfish into the resulting solution.

These steps can be performed if the mold lesions are small and were detected at an early stage. If more than 20-30% of the entire area of ​​the plate has already been damaged or if mold has grown instead of kombucha, in this case you need to dispose of the product completely.

The mushroom has darkened: what to do

There are other external changes that may alert the kombuchevod. For example, a mushroom plate may darken. A healthy medusomycete has a milky tint, and if its surface becomes dark brown, then some changes are occurring in its environment.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with the fact that the mushroom has darkened - it is not a disease. A change in color indicates that the tea infusion has not changed for a long time. The longer it sits, the stronger it becomes, and the percentage of acetic acid in the drink increases.

Another reason why tea jellyfish may turn dark is due to lack of nutrients. Perhaps when preparing the infusion, weakly brewed tea was used or little sugar was added.

In both cases, you just need to change the tea infusion. All liquid should be drained, the mushroom should be washed and placed in fresh sweet tea.

If algae appears

Among other formations in a jar with a tea jellyfish that may alert its owner, you can find algae. As it turned out, they are not harmful to humans and tea kvass with algae can be consumed, but the mushroom itself loses its nutrients.

Typically, blue-green algae forms in a jar of kombucha for two reasons: the container is stored in direct sunlight or, conversely, the temperature of the infusion is too low (less than 18-19 degrees).

To get rid of algae, you need to rinse the medusomycete well and remove the algae fibers. Next, the mushroom must be placed in fresh tea infusion and stored at the recommended temperature.

Kombucha is consumed not only for its pleasant, refreshing taste, but also for the purpose of healing the body. Mold, in turn, can cause harm to health. Therefore, the owner of medusomycetes must maintain the product in conditions that will not lead to mold or other diseases.

Why does kombucha get moldy?

Often the owner notices a strange coating when the entire middle of the jellyfish is already damaged. Two forms of mold fungi settle on kombucha - green “Penicillum notatum” or black “Aspergillus niger”. Why do they appear? Kombucha lovers name 5 reasons:

  1. Lack of cleanliness. The mushroom must be cared for as carefully as a nursing baby. The jar and table should be washed with hot water and soap. You should not place dirty dishes near the mushroom, put fruits and vegetables from the market, place indoor plants, or cages with birds.
  2. Infection from under the nails. Women with acrylic nails should wear rubber gloves when caring for kombucha. Men and women with natural nails should wash their hands with antibacterial soap and brush their nails.
  3. Poor quality tea preparation. Ladles, spoons, and strainers must be clean. You should not take dusty old boxes of tea from the store. They may harbor mold invisible to the eye.
  4. Experiments with brewing. You should not experiment with flavored varieties of tea. They contain aroma oils, and this is the first step to the formation of mold.
  5. Dirty cloth. Mold infection often comes from a fabric cover that is not washed thoroughly enough. It is better to use paper towels or sterile gauze from the pharmacy.

In addition, the mushroom may be infected initially if part of it was taken from friends who did not follow the rules of care.

List of reasons why kombucha becomes moldy

The main reason for the appearance of mold is non-compliance with the technology for growing tea medusomycetes. If we consider each nuance separately, there are quite a lot of them.

Mold first appears on the surface of the drink in small circles, and then grows throughout the liquid surface.

Violation of sanitary rules

Often the main reason why kombucha becomes moldy is unsanitary conditions. The drink should not be placed near dirty dishes, vegetables, fruits, open canned food, or in places of contact with pets. When pouring the drink or handling the tea jellyfish, your hands must be clean. The table, jar, and cutlery are washed with hot water.

Violation of the rules of care

It is optimal to care for medusomycetes while wearing medical rubber gloves. Only they can ensure sanitary cleanliness. This is especially true for women with long manicures. Many pathogenic bacteria collect under the nails, which lead to the appearance of mold. If you don't have a long manicure, you can do without gloves, but you should wash your hands with antibacterial soap. Even short-cut nails are cleaned with a brush.

Important! When servicing a mushroom without gloves, long nails can leave cuts on the body of the jellyfish, where spores of moldy fungi enter.

Violation of cooking rules

The kombucha drink is prepared according to a simple recipe. If you do not follow this rule, green or black mold will grow inside the jar instead of kombucha. When purchasing tea for refilling, you should not take old expired products or goods in damaged or dirty packaging. There will definitely be spores of moldy fungi inside. It is important to use clean cutlery when preparing a drink.

Contaminated air

Mold always multiplies in a favorable environment: humid and polluted air, temperature below + 18 ° C. If there is such an atmosphere in the room, the mushroom will definitely become moldy. You cannot smoke inside the room with the tea jellyfish. When the room is damp, there are spots of mold on the walls, the neck of the jar must be covered with a cloth, several layers of gauze or a napkin. It is important to wash the fabric cover more often, as mold spores accumulate on its surface.

Advice! The fabric lid will prevent insects from getting inside the mushroom jar.

Poor quality brewing

The tea jellyfish is sensitive to poor-quality tea leaves. You cannot use old teas, especially those flavored with different essences. Aroma oils contribute to the formation of mold, as they weaken the immune system of kombucha. In addition, such teas also contain a dye that has a negative effect on the fungus.

Important! You cannot use packaged products for refilling. Large-leaf tea without any aromatic additives is considered the best.

Unwanted "neighbors"

Kombucha does not like close proximity to animals, birds, aquariums, food and dishes of pets. You cannot place flowers near a jar with a tea jellyfish, either cut bouquets or crops growing in a flower pot.

Kombucha becomes moldy: what to do

Kombucha lovers have come up with and tested several ways to combat mold:

  • Drain all the liquid from the jar and rinse the jellyfish thoroughly with clean water. Then treat it with lemon juice or 10% wine vinegar. Place the mushroom in the prepared tea with the required amount of sugar and pour in 2 tbsp. l. vinegar.
  • If blue, green, red or black spots have formed on your kombucha, you need to drain the tea and tear off the affected layers of fungus. Place it under a cold water tap. Any layers that tear easily should be discarded. Healthy layers are thoroughly washed and brewing begins from scratch.
  • Remove and discard moldy layers, wash the mushroom gently, rubbing water in with your fingers, then rinse in pure apple cider vinegar.

With any method, the jar is sterilized with boiling water and covered with sterile gauze before filling.

A mushroom that is severely affected by mold should not be preserved. You should also not drink a drink made from diseased kombucha. This may cause gastrointestinal disorders and allergic reactions.

Hello, dear friends. Today I will talk about the most unexpected plant in our entire acquaintance - kombucha. It’s been at hand for so many years, and it only just occurred to me that I’ve never touched on this topic. And what prompted me to think about an article about kombucha was one unpleasant circumstance - he got sick. But let's talk about everything in order.

What to do if mold appears on kombucha

Kombucha growers have come up with several ways to save the fungus from mold:

  1. If mold appears on the surface of the kombucha, the entire drink from the can is poured down the drain. The jellyfish is removed from the container and thoroughly wiped with freshly squeezed lemon juice or 10% wine vinegar. Kombucha is placed in a sterilized jar, filled with fresh tea dressing, and 1-2 tbsp is added. l. vinegar.
  2. When the body of the fungus is affected by green or black mold, blue, red, and purple spots appear, these areas are removed from the jellyfish. The kombucha is thoroughly washed with clean water. All loose areas of the body are similarly removed during washing. The remaining part of the healthy mushroom is placed in a sterilized jar and filled with tea leaves.
  3. When kombucha becomes moldy, you can revive it with apple cider vinegar. First, traditionally, the jellyfish is washed with clean water. Damaged areas are removed. The mushroom is placed in a bowl with pure apple cider vinegar, washed thoroughly, and the acid is rubbed into the body of the kombucha with your hands. The reanimated tea jellyfish is sent to a sterilized jar and filled with new tea leaves.

A healthy tea jellyfish always floats on the surface

When the degree of mold damage is large, resuscitation of the fungus should not be done. Better to grow new kombucha.

Medicinal kombucha

I’m sitting here now and wondering if there’s any point in describing all the incredible properties of this amazing plant. And we are talking specifically about medicinal properties. I can say for sure: it works! And how. My family has experience in treating problems with the gastrointestinal tract - medicinal kombucha helped where even very serious medications could not cope. And this is not surprising: it contains a whole bunch of enzymes, vitamins, organic acids, alcohol and even caffeine. In addition, kombucha has natural antibiotic properties. Therefore, it is also useful to use for influenza, common colds and even conjunctivitis. And in general, it seems to me that this is a remedy for everything and everything. Wherever you poke it in the body, kombucha will come in handy.

The main thing is to properly prepare a drink from kombucha . But this is absolutely not difficult: even a small child can easily cope with such a task, not to mention an adult. So, take a 3-liter jar, pre-brewed tea, water and about 100 g of sugar. To brew tea, brew 3 liters of tea in a liter of water. Fill a 3-liter jar with water, add sugar and tea - ultimately, you should have at least 1/6 of it free. As soon as the water has cooled, you can transfer the medicinal kombucha there, naturally, pre-washed. It is important not to add anything else - extraneous additives can significantly reduce the beneficial properties of the drink. And don’t close the jar tightly! To prepare a full-fledged drink, a constant flow of oxygen is necessary, so the maximum protection from dust that you can afford is a gauze instead of a lid. Within three days the infusion will be completely ready.

Kombucha - care

Well, now let's go over the conditions of detention? If you contain kombucha incorrectly, all its beneficial properties will be lost. Once the drink is ready, be sure to drain it, rinse the mushroom and brew again. It is advisable that the temperature does not rise above 25 degrees, but it cannot be lowered below 17 degrees. Moreover, direct sunlight is simply unacceptable! If the top layer of kombucha turns brown, it means it can no longer be used - it is dead. In addition, holes may appear on the surface of the mushroom, or it may unexpectedly turn over on its side and lie on the bottom - this indicates a plant disease. And then he needs to be revived. And you know, this is exactly the situation I faced. Kombucha needs to be re-brewed every 3 days in the summer and at least once a week in the winter.

So, what to do if the top layers of the kombucha have turned brown or care for the kombucha. Remove the top layers immediately - be as careful as possible. Rinse the remaining healthy part of the mushroom and brew again according to all the rules. I warn you right away, it can hurt for quite a long time, but your patience and careful handling can overcome any illness.

By the way, brown spots can also appear on the mushroom if it comes into contact with sugar or tea leaves. Unfortunately, I had to remove most of the mushroom, since it was in a completely deplorable state - I had to leave for a long time, and there was simply no one to care for the mushroom. When I arrived, I found the plant in a very sad state. I had to remove 90% of the fungus, but the top still gave me hope, albeit faint, of successfully resuscitating the plant. Don't let the goodness go to waste! Moreover, should you and I give up on such issues, my friends?

How to Preserve Kombucha

I brewed strong sweet tea in a liter jar until it turned deep brown. I took not a 3-liter jar, but a liter jar, since the remaining piece was very small - you can see it in the photo. I filled it halfway with boiled water and added another quarter of the tea leaves. I let the resulting mixture cool a little, and then carefully placed the kombucha there.

I think another property of the mushroom helped me : it can heal not only us, but also itself. Moreover, as soon as it grows strongly, it is recommended to remove several layers. This is because a mushroom that is too large, no matter how you look at it, will be damaged when you squeeze it through the narrow neck of the jar. And the damaged parts will die off sooner or later anyway. That’s why I took the risk of cutting it off so much – and I was right.

In the photo you see the result of an already grown mushroom after resuscitation. It took a long time, but it was worth it. Now the whole family is enjoying a wonderful drink again, and this cannot but make me happy.

Now I want to say a few words about other potential problems with kombucha, because you may very well encounter these.

It happens, although very rarely, that mold appears on kombucha. The phenomenon is extremely unpleasant, but it is quite possible to cope with it in order to preserve the kombucha. If mold is found, all is not lost. Quickly remove the mushroom and rinse it under a gentle stream of running water. Depending on the degree of damage, the most hopeless areas can be removed. Before putting it back in the jar, rinse it with boiling vinegar - this will help disinfect the vessel, killing any tiny remnants of mold spores that may have clung to its walls.

When the mushroom grows layers of a whitish hue, there is no need to worry - you should rejoice! This means that the mushroom has begun to recover. So everything is going according to plan. This means that you will soon be able to drink delicious mushroom-based kvass, significantly healing your body.

Which is exactly what I wish for you! Write about your experience with kombucha and its uses. Bye bye.

PS: fellow girls, good news for you! Kombucha also promotes weight loss. If you regularly drink the drink, the metabolic process in the body will be normalized, which means that excess weight, which irritates us all so much, will slowly but surely decline.

Kombucha has a fairly powerful system of self-defense, self-regulation and regeneration. During its life, the fungus produces special substances (antibiotic substances or secondary metabolites) that suppress the activity of third-party (including pathogenic) organisms.

An important role in the protective functions of the fungus is played by the pH (acidity level) of the infusion, which changes throughout the maturation of the drink.

At the same time, kombucha, like any other living organism (and in this case a symbiotic colony of living organisms), is susceptible to various diseases. And in most cases, the cause of mushroom diseases is its owners, or rather mistakes or inattention to the mushroom during preparation and storage.

Main diseases of Kombucha:

Why does kombucha lie at the bottom of the jar and a white film appears on top?

Ahhhh. Well then, probably my advice will probably suit you ((you can, of course, try it. Leave a mug of weak sweet tea in a dark place for a couple of weeks, maybe it will work) in any case, post the results here or in a private message) I know that it’s easy to create a mushroom from scratch from the drink) simply by forgetting it in the glass for a couple of days)))

Add a teaspoon of natural apple cider vinegar to your tea, you should get

Hello, my kombucha fell to the bottom and a film formed on top, what should I do next?

Did the fat mushroom fall? As an option, add an air bubble so that the old one floats up. He shared it with me like this, they didn’t float up, I waited for 2 weeks and put the new one and the old one into two jars, both floated in 2 jars

Help. The mushroom was always healthy and always gave a wonderful drink.. But then I washed it under the warm water tap.. And horror, it stopped fermenting.. to make a drink it just lies in the sweet tea.. A few days and mold appears on the top of the tea and the mushroom lies quietly and rests like this, changed the infusion several times... And now such a film appears in the form of grains... people, help me with advice, write, I will be grateful, help me save the mushroom.

The film is a new mushroom, gradually these white dots should grow together into a new layer of mushroom. Wash only with boiled water, I aerate the yeast bacteria, which are washed off after washing, and it takes 2-3 days for the process to start, if the mushroom is young or older, I waited with the young one for a month, periodically washing it and changing/topping up the solution until it gained normal thickness, Now it turns out to be an excellent kvassik.

Hi all. My flu is creeping up the jar, where there is no longer any infusion. I dip it completely into the infusion again, and after a couple of hours it again runs along the walls of the jar above the infusion. What is this? I haven’t come across anyone with a similar problem on the Internet.

Manny sometimes comes out, it doesn’t harm him. There can be three reasons: there is no longer tea in the jar, but vinegar (a mushroom is formed from the vinegar and the liquid decreases due to the compaction of the substance); strong gas formation (usually the mushroom lifts, but does not lift off from the liquid); and the diameter of the mushroom is too big for a jar (here the reason again is gas formation, the air does not find a way out and accumulates under the mushroom, lifting it)

Three days have passed since I brought it home, is this how it should be?

After re-reading the Internet, I decided to drain the drink and rinse the mushroom and put it in a new solution, because these initially white spots turned green today and I came to the conclusion that it was mold

Add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to the tea solution, this will make it easier for it to adapt.

I have shrib in 2 jars, and one of them is always weird, it can float across for a week, a new layer will grow on top and only then will it float up.

Yulia, sorry for the question, this is my first mushroom. Did I put it upside down for the first time or does it not have where the top is and where the bottom is? Today, when I washed it, I noticed that one side (which I had previously laid down) was a little harder, and the other, correspondingly, softer. And there were some growths on it. Now I’ve turned it over, it’s still floating, but I’ve also poured less solution for now. And that solution with mold (that’s what I thought) was poured into a 0.5 liter jar

The top layer is smooth, the bottom seems to be a little rough, ribbed. Mushroom loves good tea without additives, Akhmad bought it especially for him, he doesn’t like tea from bags. Rinse the mushroom only with boiled water, pour in weak, sweet tea; to adapt, you can add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to the solution. Perhaps for the first week, or even 2, the mushroom will not carbonate the drink, it will get stronger, get used to the new conditions, yeast bacteria will grow in it and it will be an excellent kvass

Slowly add tea to his jar, after 3-4 days, taste it, he also doesn’t like to be cuddled often, he loves peace

Hello, has anyone had any experience with a mushroom turning upside down? After washing, as usual, it lay on the bottom, a day later it stood on its edge, and today it surfaced, but with its cap down.. Do I need to do something or is this the norm?

Kombucha diseases

Kombucha disease is much more dangerous than normal damage. If the pathogens are not eliminated in a timely manner, it will not be possible to revive the jellyfish. The kombucha brewer must know the common diseases of kombucha and their treatment, otherwise a spoiled drink can harm your health.

Algae infestation

If the technological process of growing tea jellyfish is violated, algae appears in the jar. They are usually blue or green in color. Algae spreads along the side of the jar or simply floats in the drink. The liquid becomes cloudy.

If the rules of care are not followed, green and blue algae grow in a can of drink

The cause of algae growth is one of three factors:

  1. The jar with the tea jellyfish was left on a window or table, where direct sunlight fell during the day.
  2. The kombucha was left in a cool room and the drink cooled. It is important to constantly maintain the temperature of the liquid above 18 o C.
  3. Algae are formed when the kombucha is not acidic enough, the nutrient medium is slightly alkaline with a pH of 7.5-8.5.

Algae will not cause much harm to human health. However, it is better not to drink such a drink. To prevent the appearance of algae, you need to follow the rules for caring for the mushroom.


Infection is introduced into a jar of drink by flies, midges, ants and other insects. They are attracted to the nutrients created during the fermentation of sugar with yeast. Insects penetrate inside the jar and lay eggs on the body of the mushroom. After a day they turn into worms. The larvae crawl along the walls of the jar and fall into the drink. You should absolutely not drink this tea infusion. To prevent insects from getting to the medusomycete, the neck of the jar should always be covered with a breathable cloth or napkin.

Kombucha diseases are often caused by insects

Advice! It is best to secure the fabric lid on the neck of the jar with an elastic band so that it is not accidentally thrown off by a draft. You can place insect traps in the tea room. They are made from an empty half-liter jar, placing bait inside and placing a paper lid on top in the form of a funnel with the top cut off.


The tea jellyfish produces secondary metabolites. They prevent mold from forming and spreading. However, if the technology for growing the mushroom is violated, the level of danger increases. Mold usually begins to form on young, thin-layered jellyfish when no starter was added during their establishment. Mushrooms do not have time to produce acidity. In a slightly alkaline environment, mold grows quickly.

Advice! When adding a new tea medusomycete to the jar, you need to add 10% of the starter taken from the old drink.

Mold never appears between the layers of tea jellyfish. It grows on the surface of kombucha in contact with air. Mold is a dangerous, tenacious and insidious enemy. You should not drink moldy drinks. If the mold is blue or black, it is better to discard the affected mushroom. When it is decided to cure the kombucha, if it is sick, the entire drink is poured out. The upper layers of the jellyfish are removed and washed with water. Purified kombucha is placed in a sterilized jar, filled with fresh solution with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. fruit vinegar.

Advice! It is reasonable to revive kombucha when there is a white coating on top of the kombucha, and not blue or black.

To keep the tea jellyfish alive, sugar is periodically added to the drink. However, dry crystals cannot be poured into a jar with mushrooms. Sugar settles on the body of the kombucha. High concentrations create pockets that form an alkaline environment. Colonies of beneficial bacteria die, which appears on the body as brown or brown spots. These are the same burns. If you continue feeding in the same spirit, over time the kombucha will completely die.

Burns on the body of a kombucha can be easily identified by brown or brown areas.

Sugar in its pure form is never poured inside a jar. The solution is prepared in advance, and kombucha is already placed in it. If such carelessness has occurred, the burned area is removed from the jellyfish. In the future, adhere to the rules for preparing a sweet solution.

List of reasons why kombucha becomes moldy

The main reason for the appearance of mold is non-compliance with the technology for growing tea medusomycetes. If we consider each nuance separately, there are quite a lot of them.

Mold first appears on the surface of the drink in small circles, and then grows throughout the liquid surface.

Violation of sanitary rules

Often the main reason why kombucha becomes moldy is unsanitary conditions. The drink should not be placed near dirty dishes, vegetables, fruits, open canned food, or in places of contact with pets. When pouring the drink or handling the tea jellyfish, your hands must be clean. The table, jar, and cutlery are washed with hot water.

Violation of the rules of care

It is optimal to care for medusomycetes while wearing medical rubber gloves. Only they can ensure sanitary cleanliness. This is especially true for women with long manicures. Many pathogenic bacteria collect under the nails, which lead to the appearance of mold. If you don't have a long manicure, you can do without gloves, but you should wash your hands with antibacterial soap. Even short-cut nails are cleaned with a brush.

Important! When servicing a mushroom without gloves, long nails can leave cuts on the body of the jellyfish, where spores of moldy fungi enter.

Violation of cooking rules

The kombucha drink is prepared according to a simple recipe. If you do not follow this rule, green or black mold will grow inside the jar instead of kombucha. When purchasing tea for refilling, you should not take old expired products or goods in damaged or dirty packaging. There will definitely be spores of moldy fungi inside. It is important to use clean cutlery when preparing a drink.

Contaminated air

Mold always multiplies in a favorable environment: humid and polluted air, temperature below + 18 o C. If such an atmosphere is observed in the room, the fungus will definitely become moldy. You cannot smoke inside the room with the tea jellyfish. When the room is damp, there are spots of mold on the walls, the neck of the jar must be covered with a cloth, several layers of gauze or a napkin. It is important to wash the fabric cover more often, as mold spores accumulate on its surface.

Advice! The fabric lid will prevent insects from getting inside the mushroom jar.

Poor quality brewing

The tea jellyfish is sensitive to poor-quality tea leaves. You cannot use old teas, especially those flavored with different essences. Aroma oils contribute to the formation of mold, as they weaken the immune system of kombucha. In addition, such teas also contain a dye that has a negative effect on the fungus.

Important! You cannot use packaged products for refilling. Large-leaf tea without any aromatic additives is considered the best.

Unwanted "neighbors"

Kombucha does not like close proximity to animals, birds, aquariums, food and dishes of pets. You cannot place flowers near a jar with a tea jellyfish, either cut bouquets or crops growing in a flower pot.

Kombucha damage

Mechanical damage to kombucha is not a disease, but it will lead to this if resuscitation is not promptly addressed. Most often, the body of a jellyfish suffers from ruptures, punctures, and cuts.

Why do holes appear in kombucha?

A body with holes cannot be called terminally ill, but it also cannot be classified as a healthy mushroom. Punctures often occur if the jellyfish was carelessly removed from the jar with a metal utensil. Cuts on the body can even appear from nails. During care, it is advisable to wear medical gloves if you have a long manicure on your hands.

Common damage to medusomycetes are holes

Severe cuts, tears, and large holes occur when a can breaks. Kombucha is damaged by glass shards. Small things can even get stuck and remain in the body.

Important! An inexperienced kombucha grower may deliberately cut the tea jellyfish when it is not possible to pull the large “pancake” through the narrow neck of the jar.

Mechanical damage to kombucha

The structure of the formed kombucha is quite strong and elastic, thanks to the thin cellulose fibrils that hold the entire association of bacteria and yeast together. At the same time, during the care process, the mushroom may be subject to various types of mechanical damage (cuts, tears, punctures, through holes, etc.). Most often this happens if the container containing the mushroom breaks, or, for example, the mushroom has become too thick and it is almost impossible to remove it without injury (if the container has a narrow neck), etc.

Mechanical damage to kombucha in most cases does not have critical consequences for the fungus (regeneration function) and is only conditionally classified as a disease. However, if the area of ​​damage is significant, then it is recommended to place the damaged mushroom in a small amount of nutrient solution (so that it only slightly covers the mushroom) until the kombucha restores the damaged or lost area, or is formed on the surface of the solution. button.

Infection of kombucha with mold fungi (mold)

“Mold spores are ubiquitous. As soon as they find themselves in favorable conditions (nutrient medium + high humidity + suitable temperature), mold begins to develop.”

Mold on kombucha is quite rare (due to the production of secondary metabolites), but if the care rules are violated, it can still infect the mushroom. To a large extent, young, thin-layered mushrooms are susceptible to mold damage, when no starter was added and which did not have time to produce a “safe” level of acidity (pH) of the drink.

To eliminate the possibility of Kombucha being infected with mold, a number of rules must be followed:

— before you start working with mushrooms, wash your hands; - always use only clean dishes (do not use chemical dishwashing detergents); - do not allow gas pollution, smoke or cigarette smoke in the room where the kombucha is located (the kitchen is not the best place); — before adding a new batch of kombucha, add up to 10% of the volume from the previous “starter” (this is especially important for young kombucha); — do not allow dust to get on the surface of the mushroom (cover the neck of the container with a napkin, a “breathable” cloth or gauze folded in several layers, pressing it against the jar with an elastic band); - use quality ingredients: clean water, quality sugar, quality tea or herbs; - observe the temperature regime.

In addition, if you suspect mold, you need to consider that mold can only appear on the surface of the mushroom. Not between the layers, not from below, but precisely on the part of the kombucha that comes into contact with the air. That is, on the surface.

Many beginning kombucha growers are sometimes concerned about the threads appearing from the bottom of the mushroom. Don't worry, these are not molds, but so-called yeast threads. It is here that the process of fermentation and fermentation occurs most intensively.

Molds are quite “insidious” and tenacious. They can survive and develop in the most unfavorable conditions. Therefore, if your kombucha is affected by mold, I recommend replacing it (this is especially important if there are pockets of black or blue mold). If you do not have the opportunity to replace the mushroom, and mold has just appeared, you can try the following:

- pour out the contents of the container; - remove the top layers of kombucha; - boil the container; - place the cleaned mushroom in a fresh solution; - add a tablespoon of fruit vinegar.

But I still recommend simply replacing the affected mushroom. In addition, it is necessary to determine for what reasons mold appeared, eliminate them and then adhere to the rules for preparing kombucha.

Mold on the surface of the kombucha (moldy): what to do, reasons, how to cure

It is very rare for kombucha to become moldy, but if it does, something has gone wrong. Perhaps sanitation, care rules are violated, infection was brought in by insects, or the indoor air is simply dirty. In any case, you need to find the cause and eliminate it.

List of reasons why kombucha does not rise

The fact that kombucha sinks and sinks to the bottom of the jar while brewing kombucha should not in itself cause alarm. It’s another matter if it doesn’t surface for a long time. A mature medusomycete, consisting of several plates, should rise in 2-3 hours. If you follow all the rules and use high-quality tea leaves and water, it may not sink at all.

Advice! If an adult kombucha sinks for 1-2 days each time at the beginning of preparation, then floats up and starts working, the owners should reconsider their actions.

They do something wrong, which is why the medusomycete gets a shock and is forced to spend time adapting.

Any disturbances in the “working” of kombucha require careful study; perhaps the medusomycete is sick

Violation of the indoor microclimate

Kombucha should not be left in the sun. But it is also impossible to deprive him of access to light. If you put a jar of medusomycetes in a dark place, it will first sink to the bottom, as the yeast bacteria will stop working, then it will get sick and die. This will not happen immediately; there will be enough time to correct the situation.

The optimal temperature for keeping medusomycetes is 23-25 ​​° C; already at 17 ° C the gelatinous substance can die. If it's cold, it will definitely sink to the bottom of the jar.

Important! The temperature should be checked first.

Violation of the rules of care

Kombucha does not float in the jar because it is sick. Sometimes everything goes away on its own after a few days of adaptation, but this delays the preparation of kombucha. The body of the symbiont is lifted upward by bubbles of carbon dioxide released by yeast fungi during fermentation. The medusomycete does not work while it lies at the bottom.

He can get stressed for the following reasons:

  1. If it was washed with tap water rather than boiled water, which is, in principle, possible to do, but not recommended due to the high content of chlorine, lime and other impurities. It takes time for the medusomycete to recover from the shock of contact with these substances.
  2. When carrying out hygiene procedures, cold or too warm liquid was used. Short-term exposure to inappropriate temperatures will not have time to cause serious problems, but will “incapacitate” the medusomycete for several days. You need to use water at room temperature.
  3. The infusion did not drain for too long. All the sugar has been processed, the kombucha has turned into vinegar. First, the medusomycete will sink, then the upper plate will become covered with dark spots, holes will appear, and the process will move to the lower layers. The mushroom will die.
  4. If you prepare a drink in a dirty container, nothing good will come of it. The jar needs to be washed regularly and scalded with boiling water. Whether the kombucha will die, simply drown and will not work, or the drink will turn out to be of poor quality, depends on the degree of contamination and the chemical composition of the substances that have entered the body of the medusomycete.

Violation of cooking rules

Kombucha does not rise if errors were made during the preparation of the drink. The most common:

  • too little or too much sugar, it should be from 80 to 150 g per liter of liquid;
  • use of low-quality tea leaves;
  • the water must be clean, boiled, filtered or spring; tap water is not suitable as it contains unwanted impurities that cause the kombucha to drown for several hours or days;
  • You cannot sprinkle sugar on the body of the medusomycete or the bottom of the jar undissolved;
  • The temperature of the liquid should be room temperature; cold water will definitely drown the kombucha, and hot water will kill it.

How to understand that kombucha is dying

To easily determine if a tea jellyfish is spoiled, you need to know what it looks like when healthy. The appearance of any deviations from the norm already indicates the beginning of a negative process.

Healthy kombuchas resemble jelly pancakes

A healthy tea jellyfish has a homogeneous body that resembles elastic jelly to the touch. It is often pancake-shaped. The body color is similarly uniform. It comes in milky or beige color. Sometimes dark and light shades appear.

First of all, a change in color makes it clear that the kombucha has disappeared or is just beginning to deteriorate. The problem is indicated by pronounced symptoms in the form of mold, holes on the body, cloudiness of the liquid and a change in taste.

Important! If you suspect that the mushroom has been damaged, you should not drink the drink.

What to do if kombucha does not float for a long time

What to do if the kombucha sinks and is not going to float up after correcting the errors depends on the duration of its stay in this state. Usually he needs help.

In a young medusomycete, the volume of fluid is first reduced. If less than 150 g of sugar per liter was added, add syrup.

Check the conditions of keeping adult kombucha. When temperature and lighting meet the body's requirements:

  1. Take out and wash the kombucha with boiled water at room temperature.
  2. They inspect it carefully. If the outer part is darkened, remove it. If the medusomycete is too thick, 1-2 upper plates are removed.
  3. Wash the container and return the mushroom there. Fill with a liter of nutrient solution sweetened with the maximum amount of sugar (150 g).
  4. Place in a dimly lit place with a temperature of about 25 °C.

If the medusomycete still does not float up, drain off some of the liquid. Even after an illness, the mushroom should rise within a maximum of 1-2 weeks. Then it is placed in the usual volume of nutrient solution.

Why does kombucha grow moldy in a jar?

A sign of healthy kombucha is when a jellyfish floats on the surface of the liquid inside the jar. If a mushroom gets sick or starts to disappear, it sinks to the bottom, but not always right away. Mold may appear first. It grows on the surface of the medusomycete, which, while still floating, is in contact with the air. There are many reasons for the onset of the disease, but most often it occurs due to dirty air with cigarette smoke or a drink cooling below the permissible temperature of 18 o C.

The appearance of mold on the surface of the drink indicates deterioration of the tea jellyfish.

When kombucha becomes moldy, you can give it resuscitation. The area with mold is removed, the jellyfish is washed with warm water, and kept overnight in apple cider vinegar. In the morning, the medusomycete is placed in a sterilized jar, filled with prepared tea syrup with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. vinegar.

What kind of mold appears in a jar of kombucha?

Mold is insidious and can even be dangerous to your health. White plaque is considered the safest. However, most often, when a tea jellyfish disappears, two types of mold settle on it:

If black or green mold with blue tints has formed on the kombucha, it is better to throw it away and grow a new jellyfish.

Why is mold growing on kombucha dangerous?

Molds survive in the worst conditions. You can't just get rid of them. It is not reasonable to revive a tea jellyfish on which formations of blue, green or black flowers have appeared. It is not a fact that after washing the kombucha in a new jar, the jellyfish will grow without mold. Fungal spores are difficult to remove, and the remaining ones multiply quickly.

However, if your kombucha grows moldy with a white coating, it is worth saving. You can try to revive kombucha affected by green or black mold, but at the initial stage, when the first signs have just appeared.

Advice! When mold appears, it is important to identify the causes, eliminate them and then grow the mushroom, following the technology for preparing the drink.


It is not so difficult to understand that kombucha has gone bad based on its changed appearance. It is more difficult to resuscitate him, and sometimes it is simply impossible if the care technology is broken.

Can kombucha go bad?

If the rules of cultivation and sanitation are observed, the tea jellyfish rarely disappears. Sometimes the shoots hanging from the jellyfish, reminiscent of a cobweb, are mistaken for depravity. This is actually a normal growth process for kombucha. The web is formed by yeast threads, due to which fermentation and fermentation occur.

If the drink was poorly cared for, the water was not changed on time, or sanitary rules were ignored, it can go to waste. Sometimes this happens not due to human fault, but from harmful insects. The degree of deterioration determines whether it is possible to revive kombucha at home or whether it is already useless to do so.

Most often, tea jellyfish deteriorate due to human fault. In the process of careless care, cuts and tears appear. The organism of the medusomycete is weakened. He is more vulnerable to pathogens of various diseases.

If you add sugar or brew incorrectly, particles settle on the body of the kombucha. Burns appear in the form of brown or brown areas. To resuscitate the jellyfish, they urgently need to be removed.

Failure to maintain temperature conditions or frequent exposure to sunlight contributes to the development of algae. The tea jellyfish will disappear if it is not washed under running water in time.

Mold is the worst enemy of kombucha, leading to death. It is formed when the environment is not acidic enough. Mold affects only that part of the tea jellyfish that periodically comes into contact with air.

There are many other reasons why kombucha can go bad. You need to know them in order to prevent danger in time.

Video of growing medusomycetes:

Damage to kombucha by blue-green algae and other heterogeneous organisms

“Blue-green algae are a diverse group belonging to a heterogeneous group of organisms (the oldest organisms on earth. About three billion years old).”

The appearance of blue-green algae in kombucha is a signal that your technological process is disrupted. Algae may coat the sides of the jar or float in the depths, giving the drink a cloudy color.

The main reasons for the appearance of algae: - the container with the mushroom is located in direct sunlight. - the temperature of the solution is significantly lower than recommended (For the most part, blue-green algae does not pose a threat to human health (some of them are even eaten), but they should not be in kombucha. To prevent the appearance of blue-green algae or other heterogeneous organisms, follow the rules Preparing and caring for kombucha: Use clean water.

Prevention measures

Kombucha growers adhere to seven basic rules to prevent jellyfish disease:

  1. The mushroom needs a constant favorable microclimate. Jellyfish are kept in liquid at a temperature of 18 to 25 ° C. Do not pour hot dressing into the jar. The neckline is always tied with breathable fabric.
  2. Choose a warm place in the room for the jar, away from the window, dirty dishes, plants and pets. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight.
  3. The air temperature in the room should not fall below 17 ° C. Under such conditions, the mushroom does not grow.
  4. Maintaining sanitation is a surefire way to success. You cannot handle the tea jellyfish with dirty hands. For washing use warm boiled water.
  5. It is unacceptable to pour undissolved sugar into the jar. The grains form burns on the body of the kombucha.
  6. Always leave a glass of liquid for fermentation from the drained drink. It is poured into a new gas station.
  7. The fermentation process cannot be increased. The finished drink must be drained in a timely manner.

All seven rules are simple. It is easier to comply with them than to revive the mushroom later.

Compliance with preventive measures will prevent the tasty and healthy drink from becoming moldy.

From the video you can learn about growing kombucha:

Kombucha and insects

“Fruit flies are a family of the order Diptera, which includes more than 2,000 species. It has a worldwide distribution. The most famous genus is Drosophila. Life cycle – 10-30 days.”

Another problem that kombucha owners may encounter is insects (most often in the warm season). Ants, mosquitoes, flies - they can all end up in a jar of kombucha. And if ants and mosquitoes may turn out to be “accidental guests,” then flies (especially fruit flies) purposefully strive to penetrate the jar. They are attracted to substances that are produced during the fermentation of sugar by yeast. If the flies have access to the jar, they lay eggs (about 0.5 mm in length) on the surface of the mushroom. After a day, larvae hatch from the eggs and feed intensively on the waste products of the kombucha. After 4-5 days, the larvae crawl onto the walls of the jar - the pupation stage begins. They become motionless, significantly decrease in length and acquire a barrel-shaped shape. After about another five days, adult individuals emerge from the pupae.

To avoid troubles associated with insects, you need to take care to block their access to the jar with the mushroom. — the neck of the container should be covered with a napkin or “breathable” fabric and covered with an elastic band at the bottom. - exclude the presence of sources of fermentation and decomposition in the room with the mushroom. - use insect traps.

The simplest traps for midges Glass jar 1. Place bait (pieces of fruit or a little kombucha) in a glass jar. 2. Roll a funnel out of paper. 3. Cut off the tip of the funnel. 4. Insert the funnel into the jar, tip down. Tape the joint area with tape. Plastic cup 1. Place midge bait in a plastic cup. 2. Place cling film on top of the glass. 3. We make small holes in the film (the size of the hole should be such that a midge can get through). 4. Place the glass next to the kombucha.

Kombucha diseases

Kombucha has a fairly powerful system of self-defense, self-regulation and regeneration. During its life, the fungus produces special substances (antibiotic substances or secondary metabolites) that suppress the activity of third-party (including pathogenic) organisms.

An important role in the protective functions of the fungus is played by the pH (acidity level) of the infusion, which changes throughout the maturation of the drink.

At the same time, kombucha, like any other living organism (and in this case a symbiotic colony of living organisms), is susceptible to various diseases. And in most cases, the cause of mushroom diseases is its owners, or rather mistakes or inattention to the mushroom during preparation and storage.

Main diseases of Kombucha:

Mechanical damage to kombucha

The structure of the formed kombucha is quite strong and elastic, thanks to the thin cellulose fibrils that hold the entire association of bacteria and yeast together. At the same time, during the care process, the mushroom may be subject to various types of mechanical damage (cuts, tears, punctures, through holes, etc.). Most often this happens if the container containing the mushroom breaks, or, for example, the mushroom has become too thick and it is almost impossible to remove it without injury (if the container has a narrow neck), etc.

Mechanical damage to kombucha in most cases does not have critical consequences for the fungus (regeneration function) and is only conditionally classified as a disease. However, if the area of ​​damage is significant, then it is recommended to place the damaged mushroom in a small amount of nutrient solution (so that it only slightly covers the mushroom) until the kombucha restores the damaged or lost area, or is formed on the surface of the solution. button.

Infection of kombucha with mold fungi (mold)

“Mold spores are ubiquitous. As soon as they find themselves in favorable conditions (nutrient medium + high humidity + suitable temperature), mold begins to develop.”

Mold on kombucha is quite rare (due to the production of secondary metabolites), but if the care rules are violated, it can still infect the mushroom. To a large extent, young, thin-layered mushrooms are susceptible to mold damage, when no starter was added and which did not have time to produce a “safe” level of acidity (pH) of the drink.

To eliminate the possibility of Kombucha being infected with mold, a number of rules must be followed:

– before you start working with mushrooms, wash your hands; – always use only clean dishes (do not use chemical dishwashing detergents); – do not allow gas pollution, smoke or cigarette smoke in the room where the kombucha is located (the kitchen is not the best place); – before adding a new batch of kombucha, add up to 10% of the volume from the previous “starter” (this is especially important for young kombucha); – do not allow dust to get on the surface of the mushroom (cover the neck of the container with a napkin, a “breathable” cloth or gauze folded in several layers, pressing it against the jar with an elastic band); – use quality ingredients: clean water, quality sugar, quality tea or herbs; – observe the temperature regime.

In addition, if you suspect mold, you need to consider that mold can only appear on the surface of the mushroom. Not between the layers, not from below, but precisely on the part of the kombucha that comes into contact with the air. That is, on the surface.

Many novice kombucha growers are sometimes concerned about the threads appearing from the bottom of the mushroom. Don't worry, these are not molds, but so-called yeast threads. It is here that the process of fermentation and fermentation occurs most intensively.

Molds are quite “insidious” and tenacious. They can survive and develop in the most unfavorable conditions. Therefore, if your kombucha is affected by mold, I recommend replacing it (this is especially important if there are pockets of black or blue mold). If you do not have the opportunity to replace the mushroom, and mold has just appeared, you can try the following:

– pour out the contents of the container; – remove the top layers of kombucha; – boil the container; – place the cleaned mushroom in a fresh solution; – add a tablespoon of fruit vinegar.

But I still recommend simply replacing the affected mushroom. In addition, it is necessary to determine for what reasons mold appeared, eliminate them and then adhere to the rules for preparing kombucha.

Damage to kombucha by blue-green algae and other heterogeneous organisms

“Blue-green algae are a diverse group belonging to a heterogeneous group of organisms (the oldest organisms on earth. About three billion years old).”

The appearance of blue-green algae in kombucha is a signal that your technological process is disrupted. Algae may coat the sides of the jar or float in the depths, giving the drink a cloudy color.

The main reasons for the appearance of algae: – the container with the mushroom is located in direct sunlight. – the temperature of the solution is significantly lower than recommended (For the most part, blue-green algae does not pose a threat to human health (some of them are even eaten), but they should not be in kombucha. To prevent the appearance of blue-green algae or other heterogeneous organisms, follow the rules Preparing and caring for kombucha: Use clean water.

Kombucha and insects

“Fruit flies are a family of the order Diptera, which includes more than 2,000 species. It has a worldwide distribution. The most famous genus is Drosophila. Life cycle – 10-30 days.”

Another problem that kombucha owners may encounter is insects (most often in the warm season). Ants, mosquitoes, flies - they can all end up in a jar of kombucha. And if ants and mosquitoes may turn out to be “accidental guests,” then flies (especially fruit flies) purposefully strive to penetrate the jar. They are attracted to substances that are produced during the fermentation of sugar by yeast. If the flies have access to the jar, they lay eggs (about 0.5 mm in length) on the surface of the mushroom. After a day, larvae hatch from the eggs and feed intensively on the waste products of the kombucha. After 4-5 days, the larvae crawl onto the walls of the jar - the pupation stage begins. They become motionless, significantly decrease in length and acquire a barrel-shaped shape. After about another five days, adult individuals emerge from the pupae.

To avoid troubles associated with insects, you need to take care to block their access to the jar with the mushroom. – the neck of the container should be covered with a napkin or “breathable” fabric and covered with an elastic band at the bottom. – exclude the presence of sources of fermentation and decomposition in the room with the mushroom. – use insect traps.

The simplest traps for midges Glass jar 1. Place bait (pieces of fruit or a little kombucha) in a glass jar. 2. Roll a funnel out of paper. 3. Cut off the tip of the funnel. 4. Insert the funnel into the jar, tip down. Tape the joint area with tape. Plastic cup 1. Place midge bait in a plastic cup. 2. Place cling film on top of the glass. 3. We make small holes in the film (the size of the hole should be such that a midge can get through). 4. Place the glass next to the kombucha.

Kombucha burn

A common mistake newbies make is adding undissolved sugar directly to the kombucha jar. Sugar crystals, falling on the surface of the mushroom, create mini-foci around themselves with a highly alkaline environment, which leads to the death of the bacteria forming the kombucha colony. Specific brown spots appear. The so-called "burns". If this “method” of feeding is systematically used, the kombucha may die.

I think everything is clear here. – you need to stop adding sugar to the container where the mushroom is already located. – The mushroom should be placed in a prepared solution with sugar previously dissolved in it. – if you have already suffered a burn, you must remove the affected layers and continue to adhere to the rules for preparing the nutrient medium.

Remember, kombucha, if you follow the simple rules for maintaining and preparing the kombucha drink, will provide you with not just an excellent drink for many years, but also an excellent preventative against many diseases.

Kombucha burn

A common mistake newbies make is adding undissolved sugar directly to the kombucha jar. Sugar crystals, falling on the surface of the mushroom, create mini-foci around themselves with a highly alkaline environment, which leads to the death of the bacteria forming the kombucha colony. Specific brown spots appear. The so-called "burns". If this “method” of feeding is systematically used, the kombucha may die.

I think everything is clear here. — you need to stop adding sugar to the container where the mushroom is already located. — The mushroom should be placed in a prepared solution with sugar previously dissolved in it. - if you have already suffered a burn, you must remove the affected layers and continue to adhere to the rules for preparing the nutrient medium.

Remember, kombucha, if you follow the simple rules for maintaining and preparing the kombucha drink, will provide you with not just an excellent drink for many years, but also an excellent preventative against many diseases.

Kombucha, also known as kombucha, is easily propagated by division. a mini-factory for the production of this miraculous remedy in her kitchen. So, we stock up on patience, loose leaf tea, sugar and a viable medusomycete plate. Accessories you will need: a glass container, gauze cloth, a funnel and a sieve.

In this article we will tell you in detail how to properly grow kombucha at home.

Clean hands are the key to success

An important condition for obtaining a quality drink is preparing the workplace and ensuring cleanliness. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and make sure there is no street dust or dirt on your clothes. All utensils must be sterilized with steam. To do this, you can use an open kettle with boiling water, a double boiler or a saucepan. Pour boiling water over spoons and other utensils you plan to use. Prepare all ingredients in advance.

How I saved kombucha

Hello, dear friends. Today I will talk about the most unexpected plant in our entire acquaintance - kombucha. It’s been at hand for so many years, and it only just occurred to me that I’ve never touched on this topic. And what prompted me to think about an article about kombucha was one unpleasant circumstance - he got sick. But let's talk about everything in order.

Medicinal kombucha

I’m sitting here now and wondering if there’s any point in describing all the incredible properties of this amazing plant. And we are talking specifically about medicinal properties. I can say for sure: it works! And how. My family has experience in treating problems with the gastrointestinal tract - medicinal kombucha helped where even very serious medications could not cope. And this is not surprising: it contains a whole bunch of enzymes, vitamins, organic acids, alcohol and even caffeine. In addition, kombucha has natural antibiotic properties. Therefore, it is also useful to use for influenza, common colds and even conjunctivitis. And in general, it seems to me that this is a remedy for everything and everything. Wherever you poke it in the body, kombucha will come in handy.

The main thing is to properly prepare a drink from kombucha . But this is absolutely not difficult: even a small child can easily cope with such a task, not to mention an adult. So, take a 3-liter jar, pre-brewed tea, water and about 100 g of sugar. To brew tea, brew 3 liters of tea in a liter of water. Fill a 3-liter jar with water, add sugar and tea - ultimately, you should have at least 1/6 of it free. As soon as the water has cooled, you can transfer the medicinal kombucha there, naturally, pre-washed. It is important not to add anything else - extraneous additives can significantly reduce the beneficial properties of the drink. And don’t close the jar tightly! To prepare a full-fledged drink, you need a constant flow of oxygen, so the maximum protection from dust that you can afford is gauze instead of a lid. Within three days the infusion will be completely ready.

Kombucha - care

Well, now let's go over the conditions of detention? If you contain kombucha incorrectly, all its beneficial properties will be lost. Once the drink is ready, be sure to drain it, rinse the mushroom and brew again. It is advisable that the temperature does not rise above 25 degrees, but it cannot be lowered below 17 degrees. Moreover, direct sunlight is simply unacceptable! If the top layer of kombucha turns brown, it means it can no longer be used - it is dead. In addition, holes may appear on the surface of the mushroom, or it may unexpectedly turn over on its side and lie on the bottom - this indicates a plant disease. And then he needs to be revived. And you know, this is exactly the situation I faced. Kombucha needs to be re-brewed every 3 days in the summer and at least once a week in the winter.

So, what to do if the top layers of the kombucha have turned brown or care for the kombucha. Remove the top layers immediately - be as careful as possible. Rinse the remaining healthy part of the mushroom and brew again according to all the rules. I warn you right away, it can hurt for quite a long time, but your patience and careful handling can overcome any illness.

By the way, brown spots can also appear on the mushroom if it comes into contact with sugar or tea leaves. Unfortunately, I had to remove most of the mushroom, since it was in a completely deplorable state - I had to leave for a long time, and there was simply no one to care for the mushroom. When I arrived, I found the plant in a very sad state. I had to remove 90% of the fungus, but the top still gave me hope, albeit faint, of successfully resuscitating the plant. Don't let the goodness go to waste! Moreover, should you and I give up on such issues, my friends?

How to Preserve Kombucha

I brewed strong sweet tea in a liter jar until it turned deep brown. I took not a 3-liter jar, but a liter jar, since the remaining piece was very small - you can see it in the photo. I filled it halfway with boiled water and added another quarter of the tea leaves. I let the resulting mixture cool a little, and then carefully placed the kombucha there.

I think another property of the mushroom helped me : it can heal not only us, but also itself. Moreover, as soon as it grows strongly, it is recommended to remove several layers. This is because a mushroom that is too large, no matter how you look at it, will be damaged when you squeeze it through the narrow neck of the jar. And the damaged parts will die off sooner or later anyway. That’s why I took the risk of cutting it off so much – and I was right.

In the photo you see the result of an already grown mushroom after resuscitation. It took a long time, but it was worth it. Now the whole family is enjoying a wonderful drink again, and this cannot but make me happy.

Now I want to say a few words about other potential problems with kombucha, because you may very well encounter these.

It happens, although very rarely, that mold appears on kombucha. The phenomenon is extremely unpleasant, but it is quite possible to cope with it in order to preserve the kombucha. If mold is found, all is not lost. Quickly remove the mushroom and rinse it under a gentle stream of running water. Depending on the degree of damage, the most hopeless areas can be removed. Before putting it back in the jar, rinse it with boiling vinegar - this will help disinfect the vessel, killing any tiny remnants of mold spores that may have clung to its walls.

When the mushroom grows layers of a whitish hue, there is no need to worry - you should rejoice! This means that the mushroom has begun to recover. So everything is going according to plan. This means that you will soon be able to drink delicious mushroom-based kvass, significantly healing your body.

Which is exactly what I wish for you! Write about your experience with kombucha and its uses. Bye bye.

PS: fellow girls, good news for you! Kombucha also promotes weight loss. If you regularly drink the drink, the metabolic process in the body will be normalized, which means that excess weight, which irritates us all so much, will slowly but surely decline.

How to grow kombucha at home

The easiest way is to find people willing to share a piece of this invaluable producer of a tasty and healing drink. Kombucha kombucha is a living organism; it constantly multiplies and increases in volume. The overgrown medusomycete is divided, and the excess, as a rule, is shared with others who want to improve their health. But if you don’t have such acquaintances, don’t despair. You can easily cope with this task yourself.

A complete living culture can be made from a variety of ingredients. As a basis you can use:

Let's look at each option.

The most famous way

  1. Take a three-liter jar and rinse it thoroughly with water and soda. The use of any other chemicals is strictly prohibited, as their effects will have a detrimental effect on the formation of the fungus. Rinse the container thoroughly and sterilize.
  2. Brew strong tea. It is not necessary to buy elite varieties; the only important thing is that the tea leaves do not contain impurities and aromatic additives. Not many people know that not only black, but also green tea can serve as the basis for the development of medusomycetes. Experiment and choose the option that suits your taste the most. You can put 4-5 tablespoons in a half-liter teapot. We wait for the tea leaves to cool a little, add 5-6 tablespoons of sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved.
  3. Strain the solution and pour it into a jar prepared in advance.
  4. Cover the jar with gauze and send it to a warm, dark place for 1-1.5 months.

After 10-15 days, you will notice a slight smell of vinegar coming from the jar. After the formation of the medusomycete, it will disappear, and you will see a transparent film on the surface. Sometimes it has white or gray spots. Don't be alarmed, it's not mold. The film consists of strains of microorganisms that are formed during the fermentation of tea and the interaction of yeast and acetic acid bacteria. This is our long-awaited mushroom!

Now you need to carefully remove it with clean hands, rinse it and move it to another container. The young medusomycete is still weak and needs special attention and protection. He is now extremely sensitive to any adverse effects of the environment, dust, insects. In order for it to gain strength, you need to constantly feed it with cooled sweet tea. Don't worry if the mushroom lies at the bottom of the jar at first. Bubbles of carbon dioxide released as a result of the vital activity of yeast colonies will gradually push it to the surface, and after two days the medusomycete will emerge.

Medusomycete from rose hips: even more benefits

  1. Preparing rosehip infusion. Pour 4 tablespoons of fruit into a half-liter thermos, pour boiling water, close tightly. Leave to infuse for 3 days at room temperature.
  2. Wash the jar of soda well. Pour the rose hips out of the thermos.
  3. We make tea. For a glass of water you will need a tablespoon of tea leaf. As soon as the brew has cooled, pour it into a jar with rose hips.
  4. Add 5-6 tablespoons of sugar there, mix thoroughly and leave for a day.
  5. We filter the resulting solution, cover and wait 1.5-2 months.

How to properly grow kombucha from vinegar

  1. We buy high quality apple cider vinegar in the store, without additives or preservatives. This is important, since the desired result cannot be achieved with cheap chemical raw materials.
  2. Open the bottle and leave it warm for 2-2.5 months. During this time, a sediment forms at the bottom of the bottle.
  3. Prepare sweet strong tea and pour it into a jar. Pour vinegar from the bottle there and leave this mixture for about two more weeks. During this time, a jelly-like substance should form on the surface.

Why does kombucha foam: diseases and their treatment with photos, what to do and how to revive

It’s easy to tell that kombucha has gone bad by looking at it. However, in order to prevent it from reaching such a state, you need to know the first signs. If they occur, timely measures taken will help cure kombucha.

Is it possible to drink a drink if there is mold on the surface of the kombucha?

Mold fungi are insidious and dangerous. It is strictly forbidden to drink a moldy drink. At best, you can get away with gastrointestinal upset. In the worst case, allergic reactions and complex forms of digestive system disease will appear. At the first signs of mold, the entire drink should be poured down the drain.

The appearance of a moldy film indicates the unsuitability of the drink

Sometimes the surface of the mushroom is covered with a faint white coating. It is often confused with mold. In fact, the problem occurs when the jellyfish is washed frequently. In summer, the procedure should be carried out once a week, and in winter – once every two weeks.

Why doesn't kombucha float after splitting?

How long it takes for kombucha to rise to the top depends on several factors. The main body of the medusomycete, after successful division, when placed in the usual nutrient medium of water, tea leaves and sugar, may not drown at all. It is considered normal if it lies at the bottom of the jar for up to three hours.

After separation, kombucha does not float for a long time if two or more plates were taken, or the operation was carried out carelessly. This is a significant injury and can remain at the bottom for up to three days. The medusomycete is sick, there is nothing good about it, but it’s too early to sound the alarm.

The young thin plate should not float up immediately. It will begin to work when it gets stronger; shoots will appear in the lower part, processing the nutrient solution into kombucha. Before this, the kombucha lies at the bottom of the jar. For successful adaptation, the amount of liquid should be minimal.

The time when you should pay attention to the symbiont of yeast fungus and acetic acid bacterium that does not want to float up from the bottom of the jar directly depends on the method of division and the thickness of the body of the medusomycete:

  1. An old kombucha with 5-6 plates should rise immediately after a carefully performed operation. If it does not pop up, the alarm should be sounded after 2-3 hours.
  2. When the owners know that negligence was made when separating the records, for example, the hand trembled, the parts were forcibly torn, or a knife was used, it will take more time to adapt. You may have to wait 3 days.
  3. Young kombucha can lie at the bottom of the jar from 3 days to 2 weeks. The nutrient solution should barely cover the body of the medusomycete.

Grow it yourself - share it with others

If you are lucky enough to have friends or acquaintances who are ready to share with you the priceless layered substance, then you just need to take even the smallest piece from them. With proper care, it will very quickly become a powerful medusomycete.

Kombucha can grow to incredible sizes. Over time, he will no longer fit in his house, and the quality of the drink he produces may deteriorate. In addition, the fungus has a limited life cycle. Therefore, sooner or later he will need to be divided and distributed among several banks.

How to do this correctly and not damage the mushroom?

It is worth remembering that division is a traumatic process for the fungus, so this issue should be approached thoughtfully and carefully. It is undesirable to touch a young medusomycete, but if its thickness has reached 7-8 cm, then you can safely begin to reproduce it. You shouldn’t divide kombucha often either. It takes time for it to build up new layers and fully saturate the infusion with vitamins and microelements.

The rules for dividing a mushroom are simple:

  1. Drain all the liquid from the container and carefully, with clean hands, remove the medusomycete;
  2. Place it on a wide plate;
  3. By touch, determine the places where the plates are separated and, using smooth movements, separate them from each other;
  4. Rinse each separated layer with warm water;
  5. Return the lower part of the medusomycete to the original container, and place the upper part in another vessel with ready-made sweet tea.

The lower part of the mushroom, on which the thread-like processes are completely preserved, will immediately begin producing a new portion of the healing drink. But the top one will need 2-3 weeks to increase the growth zone.

Is it possible to cut kombucha?

This is one of the common questions that new kombucha growers ask. No way. Medusomycete is a living organism, and such a surgical operation using metal knives, wire cutters or scissors can harm it. The plates are carefully separated with your fingers and only where they come off on their own most easily.

Usually the plates come apart easily. If you see that significant effort is required, then leave the mother mushroom alone, do not pick it, let it still grow.

Sometimes a medusomycete can reproduce on its own, without outside help. It happens that the mother mushroom descends to the bottom of the container, and soon a transparent film appears on top of the liquid. Transfer the newborn “baby” to another jar of nutrient solution and provide her with proper care.

Preparing a healing drink

Knowing how to grow kombucha is half the battle. The main thing now is to get a high-quality healing elixir.

The medusomycete works most productively in glass containers. For example, in a three-liter jar.

First, the substrate for the future infusion is prepared. Pour boiling water over 3-4 teaspoons of tea and let steep for 15-20 minutes, that is, a little more than when normally brewing tea. This time is necessary for the solution to become maximally saturated with nitrogen and mineral salts involved in further transformations.

Strain the tea through a sieve, watching carefully so that no tea leaves leak through. Add sugar (you will need 80-120 g per 1 liter of water) and stir well. Remember: you can adjust the amount of sugar to your own preferences, but be sure to adhere to the minimum norm. Pour the completely cooled sweet brew into a glass container. Under no circumstances should you pour sugar directly into the jar where the mushroom lives, as you can burn the mucous membrane and it may die.

You can bring it to the required volume by adding cooled boiled water. It is important to use boiled water, since raw water contains a large amount of calcium salts. Then immerse a piece of mushroom in the resulting solution.

Keep in mind that the jar should not be completely filled, but only 2/3 full. If your piece of mushroom is very small, then you should start with 1 liter of liquid, and then, as the substance grows, increase its volume.

If you want to get a truly healthy product, then try to maintain the indicated proportions. The most important thing is not to overdo it. An excessively large medusomycete or a very strong brew will not enhance the beneficial properties of the drink , but, on the contrary, will worsen its taste and reduce its healing properties.

You cannot cover the dish with the mushroom, only with several layers of gauze. Oxygen is essential for his life, otherwise he will suffocate. Secure gauze to the neck of the jar to prevent flies or other insects from getting into the infusion.

Experienced connoisseurs of the taste and benefits of kombucha advise having two jars: in one of them the medusomycete will develop, and in the other you can pour the finished strained infusion. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 180 days. The drink will not spoil due to the high content of gluconic and lactic acids and, on the contrary, will become even tastier as it continues to develop.

The timing of receiving a healing drink depends on many factors:

  • amount of liquid;
  • volume of dishes;
  • age and size of tea jellyfish;
  • ambient temperature in which the container with the solution is located.

As a rule, after 3-7 days the infusion is completely ready and can be eaten .

How to grow kombucha from scratch without mold

Almost every housewife used to have kombucha, but today it is not so often seen. But it has many useful properties. What are these properties and what is kombucha used for? You will now find out.

What is kombucha, where does it come from, where can I get it? Kombucha is an amazing living creature. If you think about the question of what it is, then we can say with confidence that it cannot be classified as either a plant or an animal.

By their nature, these are colonies of microscopic organisms that exist in friendly symbiosis. In appearance they look a little like a mushroom. They also have a small but amazing feature. It lies in the fact that depending on the dishes chosen for the mushroom, it takes on the same shape.

Now let's talk to you about where he came to us from. No one can accurately name the place of its origin. But what is known for sure is that it was brought to Russia and neighboring countries at the beginning of the 20th century.

Kombucha can be bought or prepared yourself. It is believed that it first originated in Ceylon, and later spread to countries such as China, Japan, and India. And only after that kombucha came to Russia and Europe. Many people want to have such a fungus in their jar, but do not know where to get it. Basically there are not many options. You can either buy it or make it.

The benefits and harms of kombucha, what it helps with, medicinal properties and contraindications Many people drink a drink made from kombucha, considering it a storehouse of useful substances. And some, on the contrary, believe that it can harm a person. Therefore, let us try to decide what is more in it, beneficial or harmful effects on a person.

Let's start, perhaps, with the positives. Due to its composition, which includes vitamins and minerals, and acids, it can be used as a remedy for the following health problems:

Gastrointestinal diseases Constipation High blood pressure Atherosclerosis Cosmetic problems But, like any product, it also has disadvantages. It is contraindicated for people suffering from:

Diabetes mellitus Diseases of a fungal nature If you are allergic to its components With a high level of stomach acidity Video: Kombucha: harm and benefit

How to grow kombucha from scratch at home? If you want to get some kombucha but don't know where to get it, you can simply grow it. This activity, although long, is quite easy. To grow mushrooms at home, you only need sugar, tea and vinegar.

So how to grow it? You need to take an ordinary three-liter jar and pour half a liter of tea into it, brewed in advance. It should be neither too strong nor too weak. After this comes the turn of sugar. You will need 4-5 tbsp per 1 liter of water.

After this, you will need to put it in a place where the jar will not be exposed to direct sunlight. But it doesn't have to be a closet. There is no need to cover the container with a lid; it will be enough to cover it with gauze.

Which side should you put the mushroom in the jar?

The medusomycete has a homogeneous structure consisting of several elastic layers. The upper part of its body is denser and smoother, while the lower part is loose and fibrous due to the accumulation of a colony of acetic acid bacteria and beneficial microorganisms. It is here that the synthesis of organic acids occurs and the transformation of sweet tea leaves into a healthy infusion. It is prohibited to touch the growth zone so as not to disrupt its normal functioning.

Thus, it is necessary to lower the medusomycete into the container with the lower fibrous side to ensure its full interaction with the nutrient solution.

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