How to cook beef without beef smell

Fresh meat does not always have a pleasant smell. Odor appears for a number of reasons: improper slaughter, storage, etc. How to get rid of the smell from meat? Firstly, a rotten product should be thrown away immediately if you don’t want to get poisoned. After the procedures we suggested, slightly spoiled fillets or ribs will turn out to be quite a flavorful dish. The article also contains tips on eliminating the specific smell of lamb, pork boar, and goat meat.

Get rid of the rotten meat smell in the refrigerator

Why does meat go rotten even when it is in the refrigerator? This occurs due to improper storage. The fact is that the plastic bag in which we usually place the carcass provokes the appearance of a strange aroma even before the product goes rotten. To get rid of the rotten smell of meat that has been stored in the refrigerator, there is a proven method.

  • vinegar,
  • soda,
  • tea bags.
  1. Defrost the refrigerator.
  2. Wash with detergent.
  3. Apply baking soda to a piece of cloth and wipe the areas where the rotten meat was.
  4. If the smell persists, clean the refrigerator with a vinegar solution.
  5. Ventilate the room and refrigerator.
  6. Place tea bags inside (they absorb odors) and turn on.

Stress and meat refusal

In stressful situations or normal refusal of meat, other than nausea, no symptoms appear. And it can go away on its own as soon as a person appreciates the benefits of meat products or the stress passes.

If the disgust lasts more than three days, then it is better to consult a therapist. It is worth going to the pediatrician if your child has an aversion to meat, and it appeared suddenly, and occurs with additional symptoms.

The smell of lamb, boar or goat

Lamb is the favorite meat of Eastern nationalities, but Europeans do not always like its specific smell, even when fresh. The following measures will help eliminate meat odor.

Method 1. Take dried thyme - 2 sprigs.

What should be done:

  1. At the very beginning of cooking, add a couple of sprigs of thyme to the water.
  2. The smell of lamb will go away during cooking.

Method 2. Take:

  • garlic,
  • spices.

What should be done:

  1. Rub the lamb with spices and garlic.
  2. Leave in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.

Method 3. Take water and a saucepan.

What should be done:

  1. Pour water over the lamb and bring to a boil.
  2. Drain the water.
  3. Repeat 3-4 times. The smell should go away along with the water.

Advice! You can notice fatty patches on the ram. They are the ones who create the scent that not all housewives like. Cut these parts off and there will be virtually no smell left.

The smell of goat is also not for everyone. Soaking it in a solution of potassium permanganate (the method described above) will eliminate it. Another option is vinegar. Prepare the solution, immerse it or simply pour it over the goat meat pieces.

Boar meat is prohibited for sale, but if you are careless, you can purchase this product with a terrible smell. No amount of spices will cover it. The only way to eliminate the stink is to soak finely chopped fillets in milk for at least 10 hours. In this case, you need to replace the milk with fresh milk every 2 hours.

Shop or farmer

Large stores work with large manufacturers, where everything is impersonal. But a large complex also does not provide stable meat quality.

But turning to a small manufacturer does not guarantee you 100% quality. Because all manufacturers are different. I think you need to look for your own. Find the pork you like and buy it in one place.

This all applies to central Russia. Beyond the Urals there are more small-town shops. Everything there is smaller, home-made, good quality. Shops usually work with one manufacturer. So pork beyond the Urals and pork in the European part of Russia are completely different.

  • Author: Maria Sukhorukikh
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These tips will save you from mistakes in buying, storing and cooking meat.

  1. If the piece is large, cut it into pieces before processing.
  2. If the smell still remains, then throw away the product - it is completely rotten.
  3. In order not to make a mistake when purchasing and to purchase a product without foreign odors, always pay attention to the color: it should be even. Other signs of a good product are elasticity and a neutral aroma. If the fillet has a strong smell, you should refuse to buy it: this is a sign of a stale product or harmful additives.
  4. Store meat parts in the refrigerator, or better yet, in the freezer. Wrap them in parchment or paper towel, which has been pre-moistened with salt water.
  5. Do not refreeze meat.
  6. If you start cooking with meat that has a rotten smell, the taste of the dish will definitely deteriorate. Pre-treatment is necessary.

A delicious meal starts with fresh ingredients. Buy only meat that you are one hundred percent confident in, store it correctly, and, if necessary, process it using the suggested methods. Many of them not only eliminate the rotten smell, but also serve as an excellent marinade and enrich the taste of the product.

I came across a post in which a girl bought steaks at an Austrian Spar, opened them, smelled them, the steaks stank, she threw them away.

And she did it in vain.

It was also in vain that I started posting my sad story on social networks, instead of going back to the store with a complaint (but that’s not what I’m talking about).

The fact is that most likely the meat was packaged with a Cryovac or similar system, which, similar to vacuum packaging in a gas environment, replaces the atmospheric air in the package with atmospheric gases. This prolongs the freshness of the product by two to three times due to the lack of oxygen, but it has a couple of disadvantages:

1 The meat may change color - become dark red. (as you can see in the photo in TS’s post)

2 There may be an unpleasant odor when opening the package.

In this case, you can, as some manufacturers claim, remove the meat from the packaging, rinse, dry, and put in the refrigerator for 25 minutes. During this time, the meat will return its color and smell.

I usually don’t bother; I take it out of the package and let it sit for five minutes.

By the way, the packaging should be washed and thrown away. It shouldn't stink after that.

But, at the same time, if after these manipulations the smell does not disappear, the meat is either sticky or gray fat, then it needs to be thrown away.

No duplicates found

Of course, I don’t know how fashionable steaks are packaged, but damn when you open the packaging and smell rotten meat. Well, why the hell put it in the refrigerator, wait for something.

Fuck you in the trash and never take this.

Apparently this is why they sent her not steaks but coffee as compensation)

“replaces atmospheric air in the packaging with atmospheric gases” what the fuck? Did you understand what you wrote? Should meat stink? Well, well, happy weekend in the hospital.. No words

Nonsense. Why would it stink when vacuum packed?

Vacuum packaging of products in a gas environment -

This is a modern way to preserve the quality and freshness of food; it allows you to increase the shelf life without freezing several times, and also eliminate the use of chemical additives and preservatives. The essence of packaging in MGS is to replace atmospheric air with a mixture of atmospheric gases, which suppresses the proliferation of microorganisms. The gases that make up atmospheric air - nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide - are used in the required proportions to produce a gas mixture in which fresh food is perfectly preserved.

We are not talking about absolute vacuum, but about vacuum packaging with a mixture of gases in order to remove most of the oxygen from it.

Some crazy copywriting bullshit. If the packaging is vacuum, then there are no gases.


Products that partially replace meat:

  • peas and legumes;
  • mushrooms rich in protein (for example, russula does not contain many useful substances);
  • various seeds (sunflower, sesame);
  • various cereals;
  • nuts of different types;
  • fermented milk products;
  • If a person is not a vegetarian, then you need to eat eggs and fish.

The main thing here is to follow the rules of use. Otherwise, there may be an overabundance of some important elements and a lack of others. If you have an intolerance to certain foods or a person has severe allergies, then you need to consult with the right specialist.

Steaks. Continuation. Alternative.

Let's continue the topic of steaks.

In the previous post we looked at classic steaks. It's time for alternative steaks. What are alternative steaks? Alternative steaks are steaks that can be cut from almost any part of the animal.

You can use a shoulder blade, a rump, or a flank. Such cuts may have veins running throughout the entire structure of the meat, and there may be a complex fat pattern. In such steaks, the fibers can be located both lengthwise and crosswise. Such steaks are more difficult to work with. They have a different cooking technology from the standard one.

Let me remind you that I have a telegram channel of the same name and I will be glad to see you there too.

1. Top blade steak.

The steak is interesting because of its vein in the center, it gives a rich taste and wonderful aroma. The value of this steak is in this vein. She distinguishes him from others. This steak is cut from the very bottom of the shoulder blade. Soft, juicy, aromatic due to the lovely vein in the middle. Relatively cheap, which is also important.

Recommended doneness: Medium.

2. Picanha steak.

Most popular in Brazil, it is produced from the upper thigh. A distinctive feature is an elastic strip of fat running along the edge. The meat is soft with a beautiful texture. The shape of the steak itself is rather triangular. This steak is ideal for grilling and skewering.

Recommended doneness: Medium.

3. Chuck Roll Steak.

At the very beginning of my journey with steak, I loved it. I adored it for its similarity to its dear older brother, ribeye. Both from the neck, both juicy and soft. True, it is inferior in aroma. But in terms of price it clearly wins. the key difference is how the muscles are positioned. In a ribeye they are tightly set, which means the overall impression is of a monolithic structure, which cannot be said about a chuck roll. Very doughy and sometimes not so appetizing looking. But he's good. Really good.

Recommended doneness: Medium

So. Now it will be difficult. No one noticed this steak for a long time and in general it was not pretentious. He even got on this list almost through connections. This steak is hidden in the bowels of the bull and only a master butcher can find it correctly and without damaging it. The bottom line is that it is located between the cervical spine and the scapula. This is an extremely “lazy” muscle. Not like filet mignon, but close. It has a medium level of fat content, a good level of aroma, which is facilitated by the active flow of blood around.

Recommended doneness: Medium well

5. Butcher's steak.

There may be four steaks hidden under this name. But the essence is the same, they are all from the abdominal part. These are Skert, Flank, Onglet and Machete. Since they are from the abdominal part, the fiber structure is completely different from all steaks. The fibers here will run along. They have a bright, rich meaty taste. Personally, my favorite is steak. Or steaks. All four are the same in taste, in appearance, and in their aromas. Their only difference is their location on the goby’s abdomen.

The flank is made from the central part, the flank.

The skert is located at the transition point from the sternum to the peritoneum.

Onglet has one trick. He is always alone. This is the only steak that does not have a pair and is usually sold whole (1.2-1.6 kg piece).

The machete is cut from the bottom of the ribs.

All such steaks love marinating and generally a sea of ​​spices. But even without this they are self-sufficient and good.

Meat is a perishable product, so if stored incorrectly and for a long time, it develops a rather persistent and unpleasant odor. When meat has spoiled, it is better to get rid of it immediately, so as not to harm yourself and your household. In this article we will tell you what to do when a fresh piece of meat has been sitting in the refrigerator for a long time and begins to smell unpleasant; below we describe in detail how to remove the smell from meat.

Let's learn everything about meat

As you already know, meat contains a lot of vitamins and microelements, so it is very beneficial for the human body, and simply very tasty. It is worth noting that the freshness of the meat affects the taste and aroma of the finished dish.

Why does the pulp smell bad or look ugly:

  • If meat is stored incorrectly, then microbes and putrefactive bacteria multiply, and it is these bacteria that cause the foul odor.
  • It is better to eat ripened meat; it has a delicious aroma and lends itself well to cooking. Unripe pulp will be tough and without a characteristic taste and aroma.

The dangers of pink

If you choose ham or ham and see the pork cut pink and beautiful, you should know that the meat has been chemically processed. There is, for example, potassium salt. You can marinate meat in it for two hours, and then boil or bake, in which case the meat will be pink. Potassium salt in large quantities is harmful. And here everything depends on the honesty of the manufacturer; if he took not very good meat, he will marinate it in a huge amount of salt to give it at least some kind of marketable appearance. The baked ham should be gray. It doesn't look too pretty, but the taste is natural.

How to choose the right meat

In order not to buy a spoiled piece of meat at the market, and then think about how to get rid of the unpleasant smell of meat, you need to know how to choose it correctly:

  1. Before buying, smell the pulp - it should not smell unpleasant.
  2. Pay attention to the color. The shade should not be very dark, no matter what it is: pork, beef, lamb.
  3. Check the texture of the meat; the piece should be firm and firm and the color should be consistent throughout.
  4. During cooking, the flesh never wrinkles and the weight remains almost the same.

How to check whether meat is of high quality at home

  • Heat the knife;
  • Cut the piece down to the bone;

Important! Meat always starts to spoil in the middle, right next to the bones.

  • Pull out the knife and smell what it smells like.

Important! If the meat is not fresh and begins to spoil, the knife blade will stink. The hotter you heat the knife, the stronger the smell will be.

  • Place the piece in boiling water for a while, then smell it.

Important! Spoiled pulp will smell terrible.

  • When cooking the broth, pay attention to its transparency; if the pulp is spoiled, the broth will be cloudy.

Important! How to determine whether synthetic dyes have been added to meat, take a white sheet of paper and wrap a piece of pulp in it. Next you will see the presence of dyes, they are clearly visible on white paper.

Watch out, boar

Choosing pork is, in principle, easy, the main danger is: you can accidentally buy boar or uncastrated boar meat from unscrupulous producers and sellers. It stinks when heated. While raw, it is exactly the same as regular pork. Until you start frying, you won’t understand. Therefore, experienced buyers, this was especially common back in Soviet times, went to the market with a knitting needle. They heated it with a lighter and pierced the meat - this way it was possible to determine whether it was a boar or not.

No amount of marinades or other tricks can take away the smell of a boar. It’s especially disappointing if you take a large batch and it contains 1 kg of boar - everything is ruined. But this is more of a restaurant story.

How to get rid of unpleasant odor from meat?

If meat is not properly stored in the refrigerator, then even a fresh piece may develop an unpleasant aroma over time. There are two reasons for this: first, the meat absorbs all the odors in the refrigerator, second, it began to gradually deteriorate. At an early stage, the meat can still be eaten, but you need to urgently remove the unpleasant smell of the refrigerator from the meat. For this you will need some food items.

  • Mustard;
  • Wine;
  • Rosemary;
  • Thyme;
  • Potassium permanganate;
  • Chamomile decoction;
  • Salt;
  • Sugar.

How to use these products to remove odor from meat:


Any type of pulp has a short shelf life, so when left in the refrigerator for a long time, it develops a rotten aroma, which is easy to get rid of. To remove rotten smell from meat, do this:

  • Grease a piece of meat with prepared mustard;
  • Place in a saucepan and refrigerate for 2 hours;
  • When the time is up, remove it from the pan and rinse with cold water;
  • You can cook.

Wine, rosemary and thyme will help you easily get rid of the unpleasant smell of meat. You need:

  • Place the meat in a saucepan and fill it completely with wine, add thyme and rosemary;
  • Leave it like this for 1 hour;
  • You can start preparing the dish.

Important! After this procedure, it is better to fry the meat; the dish will be spicy and very tasty.

Potassium permangantsovka

Potassium permanganate will remove any aroma. This method is used by unscrupulous traders of spoiled meat, because potassium permanganate will improve the color, appearance and aroma of the product.

How to revive meat and remove the unpleasant aroma from it, you need:

  • Prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • Pour the solution over the spoiled meat and leave it for a couple of hours;
  • Remove meat from solution and rinse with cold water;

The unpleasant odor will disappear.

Chamomile decoction

How to use chamomile decoction, do the following:

  • Brew a chamomile decoction and cool it;
  • Strain the broth through cheesecloth and dip the meat into it;
  • Add a little sugar and leave for 20 minutes;
  • Rinse with lightly salted water.

Saline solution

Saline solution is a very effective remedy in combating unpleasant odors, especially since it is always at hand, follow the instructions:

  • Prepare a strong saline solution in a saucepan;
  • Place the meat in the solution for several hours;
  • Rinse the pulp with cold water.

If you need to very quickly return a pleasant aroma to the meat and start cooking, then this method will help you out a lot:

  • Rub a piece of pulp first with sugar and then generously with salt;
  • Rinse well with water.

It is best to eat fresh meat. But if a piece of pulp that has been sitting for a while begins to smell, then natural products that cannot harm you will best help remove the unpleasant smell from the meat. And you already know how to do this.

When meat “stinks” or tips on how to reduce the smell.

When meat “stinks” or tips on how to reduce the smell.

Hello people, I’ve often heard about the fact that meat “stinks”, I don’t mean about rotten meat, but about fresh meat, since childhood I cut lamb and didn’t pay attention, as I got older I started buying and cooking it myself, then the meat became fanit)) and the lamb both beef and veal may have an odor specific to this or that breed, but it turned out to be more often associated with breeding (upbringing))) or rather feeding and veterinary care. I already wrote here on the forum somewhere, but here I would like to share how to remove this odor and what methods do you know) So, cattle that are fed with compound feed often have unpleasant odors, and cattle that are not castrated also have an unpleasant odor.

Since my arrival in Belgrade, I often buy beef, well, the meat is fresh, but there’s a specific smell of musk, not that it smells like fanit, you open the package and it hits your nose)) In principle, when you put it in soup, there’s no need to do anything after cooking, there’s nothing left) but stewing it is just like a disaster, the fun for the first 15-20 minutes is unreal)) and when you eat it’s also not a fountain. Well, I think you need to marinate the meat somehow, otherwise you’re tired of eating soups all the time). So I cut the meat (about 1 kg), as if roast in cubes about the size of a thumb, made a marinade, 100 grams of vodka, 100-150 grams of olive oil, salt, threw in peppercorns (I don’t like ground), added basil (dried and ground), mixed it all and coated the meat)) after 30 minutes of idle time in the solution, the smell was unprecedented)) Then I extinguished it with potatoes, well, like in the best houses in Paris and Landon)) I once talked to my mother, asked how she deals with such things)) it turned out that 100 grams of cognac, basil, cilantro also solves the issue of smell.

Do you have any tips?)

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Re: When meat “stinks” or tips on how to reduce the smell.

Knowledgeable people say that you should only buy meat from females, so to speak) Male ones have just such an unpleasant smell. If you buy at the market, ask if it was a bull or a heifer, a lamb or a lamb)

In addition, you are right - a lot depends on what the poor animal was fed. It grazed on meadows and fields or received all kinds of mixed feed.

When you buy meat, look at the color of the meat: it should not be dark red or pale scarlet. The dark red color indicates that the animal was not killed, but died of disease, retaining all its blood; pale scarlet - that the killed animal was sick. Good meat should have a “marbled” appearance, due to the branches of small strips of fat between the muscles, and feel firm, elastic, moist, but not wet to the touch.

When cooked, good meat never shrinks much or loses weight.

To determine whether meat is spoiled, you need to do this:

1) Heat a knife, cut the meat to the bones (the meat begins to spoil in the depths, near the bones), then remove the knife and immediately smell it; if the meat begins to deteriorate, the surface of the blade will have an unpleasant, slightly putrid smell. The hotter you heat the knife, the stronger the smell will be.

2) Immerse the meat in boiling water for a short time and then smell it; spoiled meat will smell a little unpleasant.

3) Try boiling a small piece of meat (finely chopped) and boil it in a small amount of water for 30 minutes in a covered pan; if there is spoilage, the broth will turn out cloudy and will again smell unpleasant.

4) Synthetic dyes, which can sometimes be used to “ennoble” meat, easily transfer to white paper if a piece of meat is wrapped in it for a while.

Many housewives do not like beef because this meat, even after long cooking, turns out to be quite tough and rubber-like in structure. This usually happens when choosing the wrong meat, if instead of young veal you bought the meat of an old, already aged animal.

But even in these situations, you can make tender and soft beef, you just need to know the basic secrets of cooking.

How to choose the right beef

Before you start cooking beef, you need to choose it correctly. The final taste of the prepared dish will depend on how it is chosen. When choosing beef meat, you should pay attention to the following qualities:

  • color. Fresh beef has a bright red color. The color should not have any greenish or dark tints. If the beef has a dark texture, then this will mean that it comes from an old animal, and old meat takes a long time to cook and turns out rubbery. Therefore, it is worth choosing beef that is bright red in color;
  • fat. The fat should have a soft white structure and be quite dense. These qualities indicate that the beef is fresh and of high quality. In young beef, the fat may crumble a little. If the fat has a yellow tint, this will mean that the beef is old;
  • fresh meat should have a dry surface; slight weathering of the surface is allowed if it was cut several hours ago. But in any case, there should be no stains or hard crusts on the surface. Fresh beef feels dry and rubbery;
  • The smell should be exactly like beef. The smell should be pleasant without additional unpleasant odors;
  • elasticity. To check this quality, you need to press your finger on the meat; if a hole is formed, which immediately smoothes out, this will mean that the meat is fresh.

Is the minced meat spoiled?

Inexperienced housewives are often lost when it comes to minced meat. How can you tell if meat has gone bad if what you see is not a whole piece, but a chopped semi-finished product? However, the freshness of minced meat is determined by the same indicators.

The product must be carefully inspected, smelled and definitely touched with your hands. Only then can a final decision be made regarding its suitability. Take, for example, minced beef. It doesn't have to be cherry red. During storage, beef gradually begins to darken from the inside. This is caused by the lack of direct access to oxygen. In the middle, over time, the minced meat may even turn brown. But that's quite normal. The semi-finished product should not smell bad. This is a clear sign of a spoiled product. Here we must always remember that even fresh products contain bacteria. Therefore, if there is any suspicious aroma, it is better not to take risks. In conclusion, you should definitely touch the minced meat with your hands. If it is sticky, slippery or too wet, then no amount of heat treatment will correct such a product.

How to make tough beef soft: methods

How to make beef tender? There are many ways to make this type of meat much softer and juicier. If the meat is young and fresh, it usually does not need additional softening; it is enough to properly prepare it for cooking. The following conditions must be observed during preparation:

  1. If the beef is frozen, it should be defrosted properly. Defrosting should be gradual. To begin with, the meat should be transferred to a container and placed on the middle shelf of the refrigerator for several hours, then it is removed and left to defrost at room temperature. You should not defrost it using a microwave oven or hot water, in these cases even young meat will become rubbery and tasteless during the cooking process;
  2. A piece of meat should be cut into thin pieces with a thickness of 1.5-2.5 cm. Next, they are rubbed with black ground pepper, but not with salt. Then they are laid out on a cutting board and beaten on all sides with a kitchen hammer;
  3. You should cut the meat only across the grain. The degree of softness of the cooked meat depends on the direction of the cut. Long fibers become tough during cooking, this is due to the coagulation of the protein.

You can make meat tender using marinades. To prepare marinades, you can use kiwi, kefir, wine, garlic or onion.

For frying or for soup

The softest and fattest part is the neck ; it is used for barbecue.

The spatula is also suitable for barbecuing or baking.

The carbonate should be fried, but not in thick chops, but in small medallions.

Tenderloin is a specific meat, not everyone likes it, it is too dense. But it is also used only for frying.

The loin is on the bone and is used to make chops. Essentially, this is the same carbonate, but with uncut bone.

The back part is suitable for baking and stewing.

How to make beef tender when boiling

In order for the beef to be tender and soft after cooking, it must be cooked correctly. To do this, you can use the following important recommendations:

  • In order for the beef to be soft during cooking, it should be immersed in already boiling water;
  • It is recommended to boil it in one piece. You can cut it into small slices after boiling;
  • To add additional aroma and taste, you can additionally boil vegetables and add spices. A good option would be carrots and onions. To do this, vegetables need to be washed, peeled and cut. It is necessary to lay out vegetables an hour after the meat starts boiling. Spices are added 15 minutes before the end of boiling.

How to make bran bread - take note of the recipe for a tasty and healthy dish.

Read how to cook aromatic pilaf in a cauldron over a fire - a recipe for Asian cuisine.

How to cook boiled sausage at home - try this recipe and forget about store-bought products forever.

How to Roast Beef Tender and Juicy

Beef is often used for frying. All famous steaks, fillets, and chops are cooked in a frying pan. It’s just that it’s when beef is fried that it’s easiest to spoil it.

In order for the beef to be soft and juicy when frying, it must be cooked correctly:

  1. For cooking, use a heavy cast iron frying pan with a thick bottom;
  2. Before frying, it is recommended to preheat the pan over high heat;
  3. Next, pour a little oil onto the surface of the frying pan; it should only slightly lubricate the frying pan;
  4. We lay out pieces of meat that have been previously beaten. The meat must be placed in a very hot frying pan with oil;
  5. Fry the beef steaks quickly on both sides. Each side should be fried for no more than half a minute;
  6. Once the steaks are crusty, they can be removed from the pan.

How to tenderize beef when braising

Beef is almost never juicy when braised, but it can be made soft and tender. The main thing is to follow a few important rules:

  • for stewing, the beef needs to be cut into small pieces of 3-4 cm in size;
  • then you need to fry in a frying pan for 60 seconds, the pieces should be covered with a dry crust;
  • after this, the beef is placed in a cauldron or stewpan, hot water is poured onto it;
  • simmer over low heat for 1.5-2 hours;
  • In addition to the meat during stewing, you can add various spices and vegetables - bay leaf, peppercorns, onions, garlic and other vegetables;
  • you need to add salt at the very end, 15 minutes before the end of stewing;
  • When cooked, the meat fibers should easily separate from each other.

beef -800 grams
onion -100g
carrot root vegetables -2-3 pcs.
flour -60 grams
tomato paste -30 grams
sour cream -1 large spoon
seasonings -to your taste
Cooking time: 150 minutesCalorie content per 100 grams: 220 Kcal

How to do it:

  1. The bulbs should be peeled and washed;
  2. Rinse and peel the carrots;
  3. Chop the vegetables into not very large pieces;

  4. Add vegetable oil to the frying pan, heat it up and add vegetable pieces;
  5. Fry the vegetables, stirring occasionally;
  6. Wash the meat and cut into small cubes;

  7. Add pieces of beef to the vegetable frying;

  8. As soon as a crust appears on the surface of the meat, you need to pour in one and a half glasses of water, reduce the heat, cover the lid and simmer until the meat is cooked;
  9. In half a glass of water you need to dilute sour cream, tomato paste, flour. Add seasonings to the finished mixture and stir;

  10. As soon as the beef is almost ready, pour the spicy mixture over it;
  11. Leave to simmer for about 15 minutes and turn off the heat.

How to make soft beef shish kebab: marinade recipes

Marinade with kiwi

For a kilogram of meat you will need 1 large kiwi. Kiwi should be cut into small pieces with a knife or grated. The meat can be cut into medium pieces, placed in a container and grated kiwi is distributed on top. Marinate for no more than 30 minutes, otherwise the appearance and taste of the beef can be greatly spoiled.

Cooking time – 30 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​85 kcal.

Kefir marinade

For 1 kilogram of beef you will need:

  • low-fat kefir - 1 liter;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • three onions;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • a little ground black pepper.

Cooking time – 30 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​78 kcal.

Let's start cooking:

  1. The meat must be washed, cut into pieces across the grain;
  2. Place some of the meat on the bottom of a deep cup, sprinkle with salt and ground black pepper;
  3. The onions should be peeled, cut the peeled heads into rings;
  4. Place onion rings on top of beef pieces;
  5. Next, lay out the second half of the meat, sprinkle with salt, pepper and place a layer of onion rings on top;
  6. Pour vegetable oil over everything, add kefir;
  7. We put pressure on top and put it in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours.

Wine marinade

For the marinade you will need:

  • dry or semi-dry red wine – 1 glass;
  • virgin vegetable oil 100 l;
  • fresh lemon – ½ part;
  • ground black pepper – 5 grams;
  • allspice - a pinch;
  • a few sprigs of dill and parsley.

Cooking time – 25-30 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​86 kcal.

  1. Pour wine into a cup;
  2. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and pour it into the wine;
  3. Add vegetable oil and mix the liquid ingredients;
  4. Then add two types of pepper and distribute it over the liquid marinade;
  5. The greens need to be cut into small pieces and poured into the marinade;
  6. Cut the meat into medium pieces and place in the marinade;
  7. Place in the refrigerator to marinate for 4-5 hours.

Garlic marinade recipe

For 1 kilogram of meat you will need the following components:

  • large lemon – 1 piece;
  • garlic cloves – 3 pieces;
  • onion - head;
  • red chili pepper - a pinch;
  • water – ½ cup.

Cooking time – 35 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​89 kcal.

Let's start cooking:

  1. The lemon needs to be washed and cut;
  2. Squeeze the juice from each part of the lemon and pour it into a cup;
  3. Add water and dilute;
  4. Peel the garlic cloves and cut into small pieces;
  5. Peel the onion and chop it into small squares;
  6. Wash the meat, cut into portions;
  7. Mix garlic with onion and red pepper;
  8. Add the garlic and onion mixture to the meat and stir;
  9. Next, put the meat in a bowl and pour in the marinade of lemon juice and water;
  10. Place in the refrigerator to marinate for 3-4 hours.
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