How is boric acid used for foot odor and shoes?

What kind of remedy is this?

Boric acid is a weak reagent, odorless and colorless powder. For various products, it is dissolved in water, alcohol, glycerin and petroleum jelly. Found naturally in volcanic hot springs and mineral waters.

Important! The reagent gives the fire a green tint.

In pharmacology it is found in the form of ointment, alcohol or aqueous solution, powder. Used in agriculture for seed treatment, plant nutrition and insect control. Cosmetologists use it to combat acne and blackheads. Included in lotions for skin care for hyperhidrosis, in other words, excessive sweating.


Boric acid receives a lot of positive reviews. Many people, using the anti-sweating product, note a positive effect that occurs after a short period of time. An undoubted advantage is the minimal cost of the medicine.


Andrey ? . I am an athlete, so I know first-hand about sweating feet. They advised to use boric acid to get rid of the problem. I sprinkled the powder on my feet and between my toes. Sweating decreased after five days, and the smell also disappeared. Now I periodically use this treatment.

Elena ? . I noticed that with age I began to sweat more and more, especially in the summer. Wet armpits cause discomfort and clothes look untidy. I read about boric acid and decided to try it. I wiped my armpits with the solution morning and evening. A few days later, she noticed that the sweating became less. Now I repeat the procedure several times a week.

Oleg ? . I use boric acid for sweating on my feet. I mix the powder with talc and use it as powder. I sprinkle the mixture on my skin and put on socks, and wash it off in the evening. Helps great. But you can’t use it constantly so that acid does not accumulate in the body.

Properties of boric acid

The acid has received a wide range of uses in medicine for its antiseptic properties. It is used for skin diseases, treatment of wounds and eyes. For ear inflammation, a 0.5-3% alcohol solution will help. Boric ointment is also used to treat pediculosis.

This is an important trace element for the full life of plants. It improves the quality and quantity of the crop and prevents the occurrence of certain diseases.

Making lotion

Product with the addition of vinegar
If desired, boric acid lotion can be made at home without difficulty, you just need to purchase:

  • ordinary cologne;
  • 6% or 9% vinegar solution;
  • boric acid in 4% solution.

All components are taken in equal parts and mixed. The resulting mixture should be allowed to brew for a couple of hours and only then used. It is advisable to store the product in a dark and cool place.

After the procedure, you need to wait until your feet are dry, mix baby powder with boric acid powder and sprinkle them with this mixture. Mix a full jar of powder with two teaspoons of acid powder.

To use the lotion, take a cotton pad, moisten it, and treat all problem areas on the legs. Feet should be washed clean.

Does it help with foot odor?

Bad-smelling shoes do not always mean that a person is unclean. The smell of sweat is affected by lifestyle and some diseases. It is clear that in the second case it is necessary to identify the cause and begin treatment. But for now you still have to go to work, to visit, to the pool or on dates. Therefore, the odor problem must be solved, as they say, on the spot.

To answer this question, you need to understand where sweat comes from, because by itself it does not smell. It is a mixture of water and salt, ammonia, urea, sometimes toxic compounds and other impurities. Its composition is similar to urine. The smell comes from food, medications, and bacteria on the surface of the skin. With heavy sweating, favorable conditions arise for the growth of bacteria, and this is manifested by an unpleasant aroma.

Important! Boric acid does not affect the causes of hyperhidrosis; it helps eliminate its consequences, one of which is unpleasant foot odor.

So, boric acid is an antiseptic, which means it removes bacteria whose activity causes the odor. If it is caused by bacteria, the acid will help, but if the unpleasant aroma appears due to a malfunction of the internal organs, then the product will only reduce the richness of the aroma.

Reasons for appearance

  • People use shoes every day, regardless of the time of year. Over time, microorganisms appear on the insole and inner surface, releasing foul-smelling substances during their vital activity.
  • When buying a new pair, regardless of its type, purpose and material, a certain smell is already present - rubber, fabric, leather, glue, mothballs have their own characteristic “aromas”.
  • Every human body has the ability to sweat. This is clearly noticeable in the summer, when wearing a poorly ventilated model, or in the winter, when the boots are left on all day. Sweat is absorbed inside, and over time the product begins to smell bad, since it is impossible to wash them daily.

  • It often happens that when worn for a long time, dampness appears inside shoes, boots or sandals. This process is especially pronounced in people who sweat excessively. With constant contact of dampness with dirt, bacteria and fungus appear, which contribute to this “incense”.
  • Another reason may be pets that are not accustomed to order. We are talking about cats and dogs. Everyone knows how cat urine smells. If your pet is wearing sneakers or boots, then when all the components are mixed, something unimaginable is obtained, after which urgent treatment is needed.
  • Another reason is rarely washed clothes (socks), which the owner wears for 2–3 or more days in a row. They need to be changed daily so as not to worry about the close attention of others.

Let's look at ways to get rid of such stench and breathe deeply. First you need to carry out disinfection, treatment against mold, mildew and bacteria.

How to use it correctly for sweaty feet?

To eliminate the effects of sweating, acid is used in several courses over 5–7 days. It is important to undergo an examination and identify the cause of the smell, otherwise the remedy will only help for a while. The feet are treated with an alcohol solution. For this:

  • wash your feet with soap;
  • wipe dry;
  • soak a cotton pad in the solution and squeeze it out;
  • Wipe the skin, making lotions for a few seconds.

Important! Do not rub the acid into your feet, just blot it. There is no need to rinse off the solution after treatment.

If the cause of the smell is a fungus, make “ boron baths” . Wash your feet and steam them in warm water. Remove dead skin with a pumice stone and trim your nails. Pour 30 grams into a bowl of water. powder, stir and lower your feet for 10-15 minutes. Dry your feet with a tissue and put on cotton socks.

Important! With one-time use the smell will not disappear. It is necessary to process regularly, but not to exceed the permissible time limits and take into account contraindications.

Folk ways to remove unpleasant odors from ballet shoes, boots, sneakers

In most cases, getting rid of a bad odor is quite easy. Often simple ventilation can eliminate it. But if the cause of the pungent odor is the quality of the materials, then there is no point in fighting it and it is better to return such shoes or throw them away. Now let's discuss means and methods for eliminating unpleasant odors. On the Internet you can find a lot of advice on this topic, as well as videos with detailed descriptions and step-by-step instructions.

How to manually remove foreign odors using baking soda

The most popular means of combating unpleasant odors is baking soda. It is not only able to absorb unwanted odors, but also fight the microorganisms that cause them.

  1. Pour baking soda into your shoes and leave it overnight. You can do it longer - the effect will be better.
  2. After completing the procedure, pour it out and remove the residue with a vacuum cleaner.

Judging by reviews on the Internet, this method does not give a 100% effect. The light and barely noticeable smell still remains, but it no longer causes any concern. The disadvantage of this method is that the remaining soda cannot always be completely eliminated; you have to tinker with a vacuum cleaner.

If the smell is not strong, you can pour baking soda into a cloth bag or an unnecessary sock and put it in your shoes. Although the substance will not touch the inner surface of the shoes, where harmful microorganisms live, it will perfectly perform the function of an absorbent.

How to treat shoes with hydrogen peroxide

The most effective and praised remedy, judging by reviews on the Internet and stories on YouTube videos, is hydrogen peroxide. It does an excellent job of eliminating unwanted odors and all germs, as it is an excellent antiseptic.

  1. Prepare a cotton swab (you can take regular cotton wool or a cotton cloth) or a spray bottle.
  2. Moisten the swab generously with 3% peroxide or pour it into a spray bottle.
  3. Wipe or spray the inside of the shoes well.
  4. Leave to dry naturally for about a day.
  5. Dry with a hairdryer.

Hydrogen peroxide has excellent antiseptic and deodorizing properties and can clean shoes of unpleasant odors and refresh them.

Before using the product, you should test its effect on the material on a small area: hydrogen peroxide can whiten some materials.

Vinegar and vinegar essence are a quick way to disinfect and clean shoes from bad odors

Vinegar is an effective tool in the fight not only against microbes, but also for the prevention of fungus, which often causes an unpleasant odor.

  1. Moisten a cotton swab with the product and squeeze lightly.
  2. Place inside shoes.
  3. For best results, wrap the couple in a bag and leave for a day.

The evaporation of acetic acid will kill all microbes, which will help you forget about the bad smell for a while. For severe fungal infections, it is recommended to use 40% vinegar essence, which is much more effective at destroying the fungus.

  1. Moisten a cotton swab and put it in your shoes.
  2. Place the pair in a plastic bag for 1-3 days.

When using 40% essence, you must be as careful as possible, since it can cause burns if it gets into the eyes and mucous membranes. You should not use it on rubber boots.

How to eliminate terrible odors with alcohol, boric acid and other antiseptics

Alcohol, like hydrogen peroxide, has good antiseptic properties, but is significantly inferior in effectiveness. We moisten a cotton swab with alcohol and wipe the entire inner surface of the shoes or use a spray bottle. Alcohol does not harm shoe materials, eliminates bad odors, but leaves its light aroma for some time. Instead of alcohol, you can use vodka.

An excellent folk remedy for mold is boric acid. It has mild toxicity, is quite safe for people, but is capable of destroying fungi and other microorganisms.

  1. Damaged surfaces should be lubricated with an aqueous solution using a swab and, if necessary, treated with a stiff brush.
  2. To prepare the solution, it is enough to dilute boric acid with water in a ratio of 1:10.

You can also use other antiseptics to eliminate unwanted aroma - a solution of potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate (6 crystals per 1 liter of water), furatsilin (3-4 tsp per half glass of water), 1 percent chlorhexidine.

How to get rid of the stench inside children's, women's or men's shoes using aromatic oils

Many aromatic oils are known to have antimicrobial and bactericidal properties. Clove oil, for example, destroys fungi, while tea tree, lemon, pine, fir and juniper oils kill bacteria. Therefore, the use of oils is quite rational. It is enough to apply a small amount of the product on a cotton sponge and treat the inside surface of the shoe with it. You can leave the sponge inside the shoe and hide it in a plastic bag overnight. The result is not only a wonderful aroma, but also a germ-free environment.

Will freezing help eliminate the stinky smell, mustiness?

If it is winter outside and the air temperature has dropped below zero, the shoes can be taken out to the balcony or placed on the windowsill from the outside. Frost is harmful to most microbes.

  1. For the best result, the pair should be opened as much as possible, that is, all the zippers should be unzipped and the laces should be untied, and then taken outside.
  2. The time spent in frosty air is at least 12 hours.

If you can’t take your shoes outside or the temperature outside is above zero, you can use the freezer.

  1. Wrap the shoes in a plastic bag and place in the freezer for 12-24 hours. The bag will not allow the smell to spread throughout the chamber, so such manipulation will not affect the quality of the products.
  2. After being in the cold, the pair should be placed near a source of heat for a while to dry and simply warm up.

Of course, this method will not really appeal to squeamish people, since in addition to frozen food products, the chamber will contain shoes with a not particularly pleasant smell. The fact that the pair is wrapped in a package does not change the essence.

Do not forget that low temperatures can adversely affect soles made of rubber, patent or artificial leather. Low temperatures may cause it to crack.

Other ways to clean sneakers, sneakers, and boots from the smell of sweaty feet

  1. If the smell is not strong, then you can use folk remedies such as green tea and coffee. Naturally, it is better to take tea in bags, and coffee in beans.
  2. You can also use any herbs with a pleasant aroma. They are used to make sachet.
  3. Peels of orange and lemon, cotton swabs with a few drops of your favorite aromatic oil or perfume will help remove the smell of chemicals. Such products act as a natural deodorant for shoes and are in no way suitable for combating fungi and bacteria.
  4. Activated carbon or charcoal can also be used as absorbents. To do this, you need to crumble them, pour them into bags or socks and then place them inside your boots, leaving them overnight or for a day.

What products will help remove bad odors - gallery

How to treat shoes with boric acid?

For shoes, the product is taken in powder form. Before the procedure, they are treated : washed with soap or other detergent, dried. As a preventive measure, shoes are dried in a special dryer, and artificial insoles are replaced with natural leather. They are also washed with soap periodically.


  • pour 1 packet of boron powder into your shoes;
  • shake the shoes so that the product is evenly distributed inside;
  • put on your shoes and walk around during the day.

Suitable Essential Compositions

How to remove sweat odor from shoes? Prepare a homemade spray and spray inside your boots or sneakers daily.

Table - Essential compositions for shoes

MeansThe basisEssential oilsNumber of drops
From the smell0.5 liters of waterOrange3
From sweatingSosnovoe1
From germsGvozdichnoe1
From fungiLavender1

Are there any contraindications?

Despite the usefulness of boric acid, its solutions cannot be used on an ongoing basis . This is a toxic element, it accumulates in the body and affects all cells. Poisoning causes poor health and can provoke a number of diseases affecting the functioning of the brain, mucous membranes, skin and hematopoietic cells.

Boric acid is contraindicated:

  • children;

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • patients with bronchial asthma;
  • people with kidney pathology.

If symptoms of poisoning or adverse reactions appear, stop using it and immediately go to the hospital. Side effects include: headache, nausea, gastrointestinal disturbances, convulsions and anaphylactic shock.

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Pros and cons of use

Washing with a medicinal product has a number of advantages, including:

  • high-quality bleaching of fabrics;

  • removal of grayness and yellowness;
  • wash in cold water;
  • bleaching delicate fabrics, including underwear;
  • the possibility of using acid for hand and machine washing, for boiling;
  • minor financial costs;
  • high-quality disinfection of things.

The product has virtually no disadvantages if used correctly . The only downside is the need for precise dosing.

If recommended concentrations are exceeded, tissue damage may occur. This is especially true for delicate fabrics, for example, lace, satin, wool, silk.

special instructions

When using Boric acid, you should adhere to several rules:

  • Boric acid is a chemical substance , so it should not be allowed to come into contact with mucous membranes, so as not to “burn” the mucous membrane;
  • Do not use the substance on large areas of skin. This can lead to signs of intoxication: allergies;
  • eczema;
  • swelling;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle in women;
  • The drug provokes dryness of the epidermis with prolonged use. To prevent this, the skin must be constantly moisturized with face masks.
  • Let's look at the most effective moisturizing masks.

    Herbal mask


    • St. John's wort;
    • Yarrow;
    • Chamomile;
    • 2 yolks;
    • Half a teaspoon of honey;
    • A teaspoon of lemon juice.

    Mode of application:

    • we carefully grind the herbs;
    • leave in boiling water;
    • wait for the broth to cool down;
    • add 2 egg yolks and lemon juice with honey;
    • This mask can be applied once every 7 days for half an hour.

    Carrot mask


    • Carrot;
    • Egg yolk.

    Mode of application:

    • grate carrots;
    • mix with egg yolk;
    • apply the mask to dry areas of the dermis;
    • wash off after half an hour;
    • This mask will perfectly moisturize and refresh your face.

    Cucumber mask


    • Cucumber;
    • Cream;
    • Rose water 20 ml.

    Mode of application:

    • grate the cucumber;
    • we use only the juice that remains from the cucumber mixture;
    • mix the juice with cream and rose water;
    • apply to dry areas of skin for half an hour;
    • a fabric mask will moisturize and soothe the inflamed epidermis.

    Tomato mask


    • Tomato;
    • Olive oil;
    • Starch 5 g.

    Mode of application:

    • chop the tomato, having previously peeled it;
    • To make the mask thicken, add starch and a few drops of oil;
    • mix everything and apply to the skin;
    • wash off after 15 – 20 minutes;
    • This mask can be repeated once every 7 days.


    Indicators of overdose due to unintentional ingestion:

    • General poisoning: vomiting;
    • stomach ache;
    • diarrhea;
    • erythematous rash;
    • diseases of the central nervous system;

    With prolonged use, chronic intoxication is observed:

    • Eczema;
    • Stomatitis;
    • Anemia;
    • Convulsions;
    • Kidney and liver diseases;
    • Jaundice.

    In case of overdose, consult a doctor immediately.

    The use of the drug internally is prohibited, it is very toxic.

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