Composition and instructions for use of finish tablets for the dishwasher

Dishwashing machines were invented by men who never learned the process from women. It’s a joke, but the point is that a dishwasher seriously makes life easier, and more and more people are purchasing such devices for their kitchens.

In addition to the machines themselves, you need to purchase special tablets for them. The most popular and effective of them is Finish. Also, they are most often advertised on TV.

Let's figure out what they are, what composition they have, and how to use them correctly.

What is Dishwasher Finish?

Finish tablets are, in simple words, compressed dishwashing detergent. Externally it is a capsule with a small “round” in the middle. These are two-layer capsules, which the manufacturer packed in a special film that dissolves in water.

As soon as the tablet enters the water, its packaging dissolves and the contents enter the machine system. This product will perfectly cope with greasy stains, food residues, and other types of dirt.

Almost all housewives praise these tablets because they are very easy to use. Moreover, any contact of the chemical with the skin of the hands is excluded. So, your hands remain clean and the dishes shine.

Composition of tablets

All Finish tablets for automatic dishwashers contain the following substances:

  • Non-ingenious surfactants that promote foam formation;
  • Enzymes, which are protein-type compounds that help speed up chemical reactions;
  • Oxygen-type bleaches act as the main substance for cleaning dishes. They help break down dirt. And leftover food;
  • Phosphonates, which neutralize impurities contained in water;
  • Polycarboxylate, intended for both cleaning and dishwashing;
  • Flavors.

It is worth noting that this particular composition of the tablets is the most effective, and significantly outperforms organic substances, because it does not contain chlorine or any other aggressive additives.

Thus, the optimal composition of all these substances allows you to deal with dishes and kitchen utensils as quickly and efficiently as possible. Moreover, each Finish tablet contains salt, which softens the water, which means there will be no sediment or residue on the dishes.

Comparison with competitors

It is not always advisable to rely on customer reviews when purchasing detergent. The frequency of use of the dishwasher and other factors play an important role. Some people wash dishes several times a day, others once every few days. The technical characteristics of dishwashers of different brands also differ. Washing in one machine allows you to achieve excellent results using a single tablet; in another case, to obtain an optimal result, you need to add additional fragrance, rinse aid, and softener.

Buy during promotions and sales - hypermarkets hold them regularly.

The best way to compare is the cost of one washing cycle. The Finish company adheres to one principle when releasing funds. Buying a large number of tablets always leads to a reduction in the cost of 1 piece. According to price comparison data, the Classic tablet is considered the cheapest of the Finish line; one dishwashing cycle will cost 13.18 rubles; the Quantum tablet costs 23.15 rubles; Finish All in 1 costs 21 rubles. Only Frau Schmidt “All in 1” (10.17 rubles) and Lotta All in1 Premium (12.20 rubles) are cheaper than Classic. Other dishwashing detergents in the dishwasher are more expensive than Classic, but cheaper than Finish All and Quantum.

When purchasing, check the manufacturer - for Russia, Finish brand tablets are officially imported from Poland.

According to data from a washing quality check carried out in 2016 by Roskontrol, Finish powder and Fairy tablets turned out to be the best. The test was carried out under the same conditions for all products (same machine, same contamination, etc.). It should be noted that Finish powder has an identical composition to the tablets, which also indicates their high quality.

As practice shows, Finish tablets wash any dishes cleanly and carefully.

Types of Finish tablets

The creators of this detergent have developed several types of tablets so that everyone can choose the most optimal option for themselves. Here they are:

  1. Classic. The most inexpensive and versatile option. It will be able to clean dishes without soaking, as it contains an additional component – ​​StainSoaker. The cost of one such capsule is approximately 20 rubles;
  2. Quantum. The most common type because when added to the dishwasher it has a triple effect: it quickly removes grease and grease stains, rinses kitchen utensils to achieve a perfect shine, and protects the washing machine from rust.

    Sold in two varieties - regular Finish Quantum, or with the addition of fruity scents. The cost of a tablet is from 30 rubles and above;

  3. All-in-One. The most powerful and versatile dish cleaning product. Contains special components that allow you to clean plates and pots from heavily dried fat, makes them as clean and shiny as possible, and also protects the machine from corrosion. You can safely clean silver and cupronickel cutlery with this substance. Also, this is the best option for quick cleaning. Cost – from 20 rubles.

Good to know ! If you just want to try out a new product for your washing machine, then the best purchase option is a pack of 14 pieces. And if Finish is an old “friend” of your kitchen, then take a larger box to save money. So, a pack of 100 will cost you 5 rubles cheaper for each tablet.

How to save money

Consumers often note that the cost of Finish tablets is too high. And despite the excellent washing results, they switch to cheaper brands. But you can save money! For example:

  • Buy all 3 types and then choose the one that suits the soiling of the dishes and their quantity. There is no point in washing several plates and mugs with the expensive Finish Quantum - it makes more sense to take Classic.
  • Buy large packages - they are more economical. For example, a pack of Finish All in 1 contains 100 pcs. you will pay 17 rubles for a cube, and there are 25 pieces in a package. — 22 rub.
  • Buy during promotions and sales - hypermarkets hold them regularly. For example, Okay always has some offers on dishwashing detergents with 30-50% discounts.

When purchasing, check the manufacturer - for Russia, Finish brand tablets are officially imported from Poland. Counterfeits are common, and little-known online stores are especially guilty of selling counterfeits.

If possible, buy tablets made in Finland for European consumers. There is an opinion that such products are of better quality.

  • Cut the Classic and All in 1 tablets. If you don’t have a lot of dishes, or you have a compact dishwasher, half a cube is enough, everything will be washed.

Important! When cutting, your hands must be dry, otherwise the shell will stick to them and become deformed. The detergent will remain on wet hands, but it is very allergenic and causes irritation on the skin, eye burns if you rub it with unwashed hands, and poisoning if it gets into the mouth.

Keep the product out of the reach of children!

It is best to divide the tablet with gloves - this way there will be no chemicals on your hands.

As practice shows, Finish tablets wash any dishes cleanly and carefully. They are convenient to use and even, as described in the article, profitable. Try different types to make your choice.

Instructions for use

To get the maximum effect from washing, you should listen to several useful secrets from experienced housewives:

  • The tablet compartment must be absolutely clean and dry so that the coating of the product does not dissolve prematurely. Otherwise, the Finish will get wet, and its remains will remain in the tray, and the dishes will not be washed well;
  • It is also important to monitor the loading of kitchen utensils. They should not touch too closely so that the substance from the compartment is distributed evenly. Otherwise, the tablet will encounter some “obstacle” and the substance will not completely enter the washing compartment. As a result, the sink will have to be restarted;

  • If after washing you see stains from tea or coffee on the cups, then the culprit is not the tablets, but the hardness of the water. That is, there were not enough substances to soften the water in Finish, and you will have to add a little table salt to the sink;
  • Many housewives recommend adding vinegar or citric acid to the car for more shine. But you won’t have to do this with Finish, since it already contains more effective substitutes for these components, and all the glasses will shine like new;
  • To ensure that your dishwasher serves you faithfully for as long as possible, thoroughly clean it at least once every six months with running water, or use Finish tablets for this purpose in the “idle” washing mode without dishes.


If we take into account all the factors - the composition, properties and capabilities of this product, then we can be convinced of the fact that Finish dishwasher tablets are the most suitable choice. They will help keep your dishes clean and at the same time allow you to save on the purchase of additional detergents and cleaning products. Using these products will not harm your health, your dishwasher or your cutlery.

Let your dishes sparkle and squeak from cleanliness with Finish tablets for dishwashers!

Advantages and disadvantages - what consumers say

Most housewives respond positively to Finish tablets. They note this product as effective and powerful, since after washing you can pull perfectly clean dishes out of the machine. Some of these reviews are written about the Finish all in 1 option.

Of course, there are a number of buyers who are negative about Finish, because it is very expensive. Of course, there are a lot of such funds, and cheaper ones will not be difficult to find.

But the main advantage of Finish is that it has confirmed its effectiveness under any conditions of use. So, it doesn’t matter how hard the water flows in the pipes, how many salts and impurities it contains, etc.

Organic substances of low and medium quality cannot boast of such advantages. What can we say about versatility? Moreover, Finish has been sold for more than half a century, and has confirmed its effectiveness through scientific research.

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Tools Overview

Finish Quantum

Finish Quantum

The tablets consist of three active components:

  • Power Gel, which softens water;
  • enzyme powder that copes with stubborn stains;
  • red Powerball, which eliminates traces of fat.

The product also contains softening salts and water purifiers. Each tablet is in organic water-soluble packaging, which allows you to reveal its properties in stages.

Finish Quantum is available in bags of 10-80 pieces. Flavor options: lemon, apple and lime.

Finish All in 1

Finish All in 1

The products from the “All in One” series are in greatest demand. This multifunctional product not only removes burnt-on grease from pans, but also protects the metal parts of the dishwasher from corrosion.

The composition includes salts and antifoaming agents. It is only necessary to add additional regenerating salt if the water hardness exceeds 21°dH.

Tablets can be used to treat utensils made of different materials:

The package includes from 14 to 100 pieces and has a long shelf life (2 years).

Finish All in 1 Turbo

Finish All in 1 Turbo

A distinctive feature of this type of tablet is its effectiveness in short periods. In this case, it is advisable to activate the option of pre-soaking dishes.

Therefore, if you prefer classic long programs, Finish All in 1 Turbo is not for you. Its active substances act during the first 30 minutes, then the effectiveness of washing decreases. In stores there are packages with 14-100 tablets.

Finish Classic

Finish Classic

The budget representative of the brand's line of products is Finish Classic. When creating tablets and the powder of the same name, identical components are used. The difference is dishwasher convenience.

The main active ingredient is Stain Soaker - a patented development by Finish. The component is an oxygen bleach that breaks down complex stains.

Expert opinion

Irina. Housewife.

The product does not contain salt and rinse aid; they will have to be added additionally. Packages include 14-90 tablets, the average price of one piece is approximately 15 rubles.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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