How to remove odors from carpet: 7 simple and reliable methods

Most people, and many more than once, have encountered a problem in their lives when it is necessary to remove the smell from the carpet. Some, of course, may think that pets are to blame, however, there may be many more reasons for the unpleasant aroma on the rug.

Very often, when purchasing a new carpet, we realize that it has a repulsive chemical scent that will bring discomfort to all family members. As a rule, today, in order to reduce the cost, most coatings are made from low-quality materials; in addition, some production processes involve special chemical treatment of the fibers.

Also, carpet products can absorb foreign odors during transport. In any case, the problem should be solved immediately; it is enough to eliminate the “fragrant” pollution.


There are many tricks and methods that will help the housewife in the fight against stench, but before using this or that product to clean your carpets, it is important to identify its source.

Some of the most common causes of odor include the following:

  1. The smell of new carpet. This issue is resolved quite simply. After some time, the purchased rug dissipates on its own, and the specific aroma leaves the apartment (does not apply to economy option purchases). Often, manufacturers of inexpensive rugs use synthetic materials and cheap paints; to eliminate this odor, it will take both time and special tools.
  2. Pets. It is the ammonia secretions of pets that provoke a disgusting stench, which causes a lot of inconvenience to all residents. For example, cat hair is incredibly resilient, and it’s quite difficult to get rid of it.
  3. Humidity level. In rooms with high humidity, mold is usually found, and floor coverings smell damp. In such a situation, the first step is to create conditions for high-quality air exchange in the apartment, and then engage in cleaning activities.
  4. Smoking. If someone smokes in your home, tobacco smoke will certainly be absorbed into both the carpets and the upholstery. Over time, this will happen to other surfaces in the house, such as walls. Only repairs can get rid of such troubles.
  5. Wrong wash. Many people are faced with a situation where, after regular washing, the carpets acquire a repulsive musty smell. This can actually happen if the product is placed on the floor when it is slightly damp.

How to wash beer if the stain is too old?

You can remove even old stains, you just need to know the right way. Mix ammonia, glycerin and vodka in equal proportions. Soak a cotton swab or sponge in this mixture, then gently wipe away the trace of the alcoholic drink.

This procedure should be repeated until the stain completely disappears. Please note: glycerin is a fairly greasy substance, so it is best to remove it from clothes using dishwashing liquid.

Elimination methods

There are a large number of proven methods for dealing with the stench of carpets at home.
Often the actual reason for the odor of the path is obvious, but it happens that it is quite difficult to figure it out. As a rule, this refers to persistent chemical ambers that fill the entire apartment. Therefore, even the most effective methods will only work after identifying the origin of the misfortune. You should try to cope with the unpleasant aroma of the rug using the recommendations below:

  1. ventilate and dry in the fresh air (ideally, beat it out in the snow);
  2. treat with soda solution;
  3. use detergents;
  4. clean dirt with water and potassium permanganate;
  5. apply the quartz method;
  6. remove smelly stains using a solution of vinegar and hydrogen peroxide;
  7. use chemical treatments (dry cleaning).

Effective odor absorbers

There are also universal means to combat various kinds of unpleasant odors. In most cases, they are presented in the form of aerosols, household powders and soluble substances:

  • Popular neutralizers include products from the brands Line, STAIN&ODOR REMOVER, ORANGE-OXY. First, the surface is cleaned of the top layer of dirt and dust, after which they begin to treat the carpet with a composition diluted in water.
  • The natural odor absorber Bio-GM is perfect for removing mold and other fungi; in addition to its main function, it destroys pathogenic microorganisms without destroying the structure of the product.

  • If you prefer wet carpet cleaning, then pay attention to the Break Down product. This is a unique deodorant with enzymes that not only eliminates unpleasant odors, but also fights the root cause.

Such products are simply necessary when cleaning public institutions, smoking rooms or toilets. Their advantages include low price, high efficiency and the ability to be used in conjunction with a cleaning solution.

In conclusion, professional cleaning is best for most serious carpet stains. By asking a dry cleaner for help, they will choose the right cleaning method for you, which you can use if this problem arises in the future. The center's staff will carry out the cleaning without causing any harm to the structure of the carpet.

If you cannot afford professional carpet cleaning, then know that when cleaning at home, it is also not recommended to use large amounts of chemicals and concentrated detergents.

How to clean a carpet with home remedies (2 videos)

Specialized products for carpets (45 photos)

How to get rid of the stench

Now let's talk about how to remove the unpleasant smell from the carpet yourself. You should know that before choosing one or another method of eliminating the existing problem, you need to test the rug in an inconspicuous place so as not to completely ruin everything.

Important! Fresh stains on the rug are always removed better. For some, it is enough to brush with plain water and then dry with a hair dryer (this is within the apartment). If you wash the runner outside, make sure that it does not remain wet before bringing it indoors.

Sometimes people prefer to use a broom or brush to clean carpets; this is justified in a situation with natural carpets. If we regularly and thoroughly vacuum woolen coverings, and also with a washing vacuum cleaner, they will very quickly lose their aesthetics.

Tobacco smoke

To remove the acrid odor of tobacco from carpets, household chemicals are used, which remove the unpleasant odor and have an antiseptic effect. The most popular gels are “Belizna” and “Vanish”, spray “Odorgon”. A little product is applied to the carpet, then the foam is distributed over the entire surface with a mop. After drying, the product is vacuumed.

The smell of tobacco smoke can be easily removed by using a vacuum cleaner with special shampoos containing various adsorbents.

Getting rid of cat and dog odor

If you don’t know how to remove cat urine from your favorite carpet, and you are constantly haunted by the smell of a pet in your apartment, use a solution (1:1) of pharmacy hydrogen peroxide and liquid dishwashing detergent diluted with water. Apply this to the contaminated area, then rinse under running water.

Another good way to get rid of animal stench (well, what can you do if you already have cats or cats) is cleaning with soda. It is enough to sprinkle the product on the rug, let it sit for half an hour, and then vacuum it.

Problems associated with dogs can be easily solved using the same methods.

What are there

The odors emitted by the carpet are varied. According to their distinctive properties they are divided into 3 large groups:

  • odors emanating from new products;
  • aromas from spilled drinks or food;
  • residual odors left by detergents after dry cleaning.

New product

Most carpet owners notice that when purchasing a new product, strange, unpleasant odors emanate from it. This is due to the fact that before being sent to the shelves, the product is treated with various chemicals that increase its performance characteristics. In some cases, the reason for the appearance of a repulsive odor may be the lining of the product, made on a latex or adhesive base.

After something spilled

Situations often arise when some liquid is spilled on the carpet. Moisture is quickly absorbed into the structure of the fabric, and it can be extremely difficult to remove. Particular problems are caused by colorless liquids that do not leave characteristic stains. They are difficult to localize and eliminate using cleaning products.

Residual odor after cleaning or dry cleaning

Improper cleaning of carpets, using inappropriate methods and products, can cause the appearance of unusual aromas that irritate its owners. To avoid such situations, strictly follow the instructions of competent specialists or take the item to trusted cleaning services.

How to remove the effects of vomiting

Remove odors from your rugs and revive the contaminated area after vomiting, possibly with a solution of peroxide and detergent (see Getting Rid of Cat and Dog Odor). In addition, the stain itself can be easily removed with a soap solution (1 tablespoon of soap per 1 liter of water). To eliminate any trace of the problem, add a couple of drops of lavender or rosemary oil to the above components.

We use washing powder or a special stain remover

How to remove a beer stain? First, try using proven products - stain removers in the form of soap or powder, which can be bought at a specialized hardware store. In this case, you must follow the instructions indicated on the packaging.

Using this method, you will be able to remove fairly fresh beer stains. If the stains are old, it is better to use other, more radical tips.

Dry cleaning

As for dry cleaning services, it is advisable when you need to clean large areas or use a special absorbent that will help get rid of stubborn stains. Dry cleaning has in its arsenal more than one neutralizer that can permanently overcome the most persistent odors.

Universal household chemicals

Industrial household chemicals have a proven effect and can cope with the most persistent odors.

Important! Before using household chemicals, you should read the care instructions from the carpet manufacturer and make sure that the products do not contain prohibited substances.


This is one of the most popular and effective means for cleaning all types of carpets and eliminating odors from them.

The product is available in several forms, each of which is used in certain situations:

  • Active foam Vanish . It is used to regularly clean the carpet or eliminate odors from the entire area of ​​the product. The product is available in the form of a concentrated liquid, which must be diluted with water according to the instructions. Abundant foam is applied to the carpet, left for several minutes and completely removed with a vacuum cleaner;
  • Spray Vanish . This drug is used to eliminate fresh stains that have a strong odor: fish, urine, vomit or other organic matter. The spray is applied pointwise, only to the contaminated area and transforms into foam upon contact with the fabric. After the time specified in the instructions, the remaining spray is washed off with a sponge and clean water.

Important! Despite the relative safety, work with all Vanish products is carried out only with gloves. With prolonged contact, the chemical causes irritation of the skin.

Selena Carpet

This is a universal, liquid, concentrated product that is used to clean fabric, upholstery, carpets, and also to eliminate unpleasant odors. Before starting work, Selena Carpet is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 and thoroughly mixed until foam forms.

The soap solution must be applied to the carpet, without rubbing it into the pile, and left to act for 15-20 minutes. Remove excess with a clean sponge. When working, avoid excessive wetting and rubbing the product into the pile.

Important! According to users, this product has only one significant drawback - a strong artificial flavor that takes several hours to disappear from the carpet.


This network company produces a special concentrated product for cleaning carpets and upholstery. In addition to eliminating dirt, this drug is effective against unpleasant odors. Although this liquid is intended for synthetic fabrics, it can be used (after testing on an inconspicuous area) on natural wool carpets.

Application : before use, 0.5 liters of Amway must be mixed with 5 liters of water. Beat until a dense foam forms and apply it to the surface.

For work it is convenient to use a brush with hard bristles. Let the foam dry a little, brush again with a dry brush and vacuum. This product will help get rid of the smell of mold, mustiness, food or spilled alcohol.

Removing beer using lemon and soda

The following advice can be safely used on light-colored things (for example, on a snow-white tablecloth). To remove stains, you can use a paste of lemon and soda. You need to mix a small amount of warm water with baking soda and a couple of teaspoons of lemon juice (if you don’t have lemon juice on hand, you can use citric acid). The paste must be stirred to a fairly thick consistency, and then applied to the stain.

Leave the mixture for 40 minutes. Then all that remains is to wash the item in a regular soap solution and enjoy its cleanliness.

Preparatory stage

Important! Before cleaning, you need to assess the scale of the work. Find all the stains that are on the carpet

Usually, after emptying, there are no visible marks left on the carpet. Therefore, you will have to identify “evil” places by smell, or... we offer several options for action:

  1. buy a UVA lamp (rental options are available);
  2. turn it on at night, walk over the entire surface of the carpet, illuminating every square meter with it;
  3. at one point an orange spot will become noticeable or a pronounced light green color will appear.

Using a UV lamp you can reveal invisible stains.

Since dogs are not very selective, there will most likely be traces among the room. Therefore, you immediately need to explore visible and easily accessible places.

First you need to find all the stains that are on the carpet.


Often, after a stormy feast, the entire palace is saturated with various aromas, for example, from fish dishes. In this case, ordinary kitchen salt will help the housewife. You need to generously sprinkle the floor with it, leave it for a while, then vacuum it.

It copes well with stubborn food residues and perfectly absorbs unpleasant odors.

The salt should absorb all the unpleasant aromas. If this does not help, you can additionally use a mild soap solution. It is rubbed into the surface using a cleaning brush.

For this purpose, you can also use a soap solution, which has the mildest effect.

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