How to peel tomatoes easily and quickly: 4 ways. Is it necessary to peel tomatoes before eating them? Is it harmful or beneficial to eat tomatoes with peels?

Many recipes for cooking with tomatoes recommend peeling them. Sometimes this is required to comply with the cooking technology. Sometimes it is explained by the harmful effects of tomato peels on human digestion and health.

There are directly opposite opinions about the harm or benefit of eating unpeeled tomatoes, so it is better to focus on taste and aesthetic preferences. Thus, they claim that peeled tomatoes, if consumed raw, have a brighter and richer taste.

Making sauces or gravies from peeled tomatoes makes them more smooth and appetizing. But pieces of separated tomato skin in soup or vegetable stew look ugly and do not improve the appearance of the dish in any way. And the taste sensations, at the same time, are not the best. So, it’s better to peel the tomatoes! The purpose of this article is to tell you how to quickly, and without much difficulty, peel tomatoes.

How to easily and quickly peel tomatoes in boiling water, how to scald tomatoes correctly?

It is worth peeling the thin skins of tomatoes before adding them to soups, stews, or to create various sauces. This is necessary because, at a minimum, the skin of a tomato is poorly absorbed by the body; it is especially worth excluding this product from the diet of children or the elderly. And also, in terms of the appearance of the dish as a whole. When cooked at high temperatures, the skin of the tomato peels off and does not look very appetizing.

Cross cuts

You can remove the skin from a tomato in various ways, and the most common method is using boiling water. To do this you need:

  1. Heat water to 100°C
  2. Make a cross-shaped cut at the base of the tomato.
  3. Place the chopped vegetables in a deep saucepan
  4. Fill with boiling water completely
  5. Leave for 30 seconds.
  6. When the skin begins to curl, you need to fill the tomatoes with purified cold water, you can even add a few ice cubes. You can also simply place the tomatoes under running water. This process will not allow the tomatoes to cook, but all the vitamins will be preserved.
  7. After the vegetables have cooled, remove the skins, starting from the cut ends, using the blunt side of a knife.

Of course, there are cases when the skin is difficult to remove, for example, when the tomato is young. To do this, you need to repeat the procedure, while immersing it in boiling water for only 15 seconds. The main thing is not to let the tomatoes sit in boiling water for more than 1 minute, because... The cooking process will begin and the structure of the vegetable may change. Also, for greater confidence in an effective result, you can make cross-shaped cuts on the two poles of the tomato.

Criteria for choosing a cleaning method

You should consider just a few nuances to choose the method specifically for your case.

Quantity, maturity and purpose of cleaning matter when choosing a cleaning method

  1. Maturity . The skin of unripe tomatoes is more difficult to remove, so not every method will be suitable, but overripe ones are much easier to peel.
  2. Purpose of skinning . Some recipes require maintaining the shape, which requires some type of peeling or cutting.
  3. Quantity . If there are more than one kilogram of tomatoes, then heat treatment in batches is the best option. The number of tomatoes depends on the size of your pan.

How to easily and quickly peel tomatoes using the microwave?

One of the modern methods of peeling tomatoes is cleaning using a microwave oven. This method is perhaps the fastest of all; to carry it out you need:

  • Rinse the product under running cold water
  • Dry well using dry towels or napkins
  • Make small cuts, in this case, not only on the poles of the tomato, but also longitudinal cuts on the sides of the vegetable
  • Use a plate with a flat, level bottom. Place tomatoes on it and place in microwave
  • Heat vegetables for 30 seconds, depending on the power of the electrical appliance, you can heat them up to 40 seconds.
  • The peel simply begins to curl up and separate from the fruit on its own; all that remains is to peel off the shreds.

Clean in the microwave
These methods, although characterized by relatively quick results, in turn have a negative side, because... it is necessary to strictly adhere to the permissible time frame, and the procedure cannot be repeated. This can significantly affect the pulp of the vegetable, which begins to collapse after overheating, and also, the tomato may leak juice or burn. If you are unable to get rid of the peel the first time, you need to start peeling it manually using a dull knife.

Method five: baking

If you cook tomatoes by roasting them completely, you don't have to peel them first. It is recommended to add salt and your favorite spices to the tomatoes. Place the vegetables on a baking dish and place it in the oven. After heat treatment, the skin will become wrinkled and begin to separate on its own. You can peel the vegetable immediately before use. This method will preserve the taste of the product and the juice in it as much as possible, as well as all the beneficial properties.

It is better not to peel tomatoes cooked over a fire first. In this case, their peel becomes covered with a black crust and easily comes off on its own. It is better to serve vegetables prepared in this way in their original form, and peel them before eating.

How to easily and quickly peel tomatoes by blanching?

Blanching is a thermal method of processing food products, caused by short-term exposure to boiling water or steam. Thanks to this method:

  • Can preserve the color of vegetables and fruits
  • Remove bitterness or specific odor from a product
  • Remove the skin from the tomatoes without destroying the pulp of the vegetable.

This process is very similar and the dough is related to the peeling method using boiling water. The technology of the process itself is as simple as with the boiling water treatment method:

  • Prepare a pan of boiling water and a container of ice water
  • In the area of ​​the stalk you need to make an incision in the form of a cross.
  • Place the tomatoes in a colander and place in a pan of boiling water.
  • After 30 seconds, remove the vegetables and place them in a saucepan with cold water for literally 5 seconds.
  • Peel the skin immediately after blanching while the tomato is still warm

The procedure for scalding a tomato with steam is the same, only you need to pour less boiling water into the pan, and the scalding process takes a little longer. This method is considered one of the most useful, because... After processing, tomatoes retain all their beneficial substances and nutritional properties. The vegetable perfectly retains its pulp structure after using this method, so in the future you can use the product for preparing salads or cold soups, baby food, etc. With this cleaning method, the tomatoes come out much neater than with others, especially if you scald the product with steam.

Useful properties of tomatoes

It is known that tomatoes consist almost entirely of water. But they also contain a lot of vitamins and microelements that are beneficial to humans. In addition to all this, the tomato is considered a low-calorie vegetable. So, per 100 g of pulp there are only 20 kcal. Tomatoes also contain the following beneficial substances:

  1. Proteins – promote proper metabolism.
  2. Fiber – removes cholesterol and harmful toxins from the blood.
  3. Carbohydrates – contribute to good protective function of the body and the formation of new cells.
  4. Organic acids remove harmful toxins from the body.
  5. Vegetable fats – normalize the functioning of the liver and intestines.

In addition, tomatoes contain vitamins A, C, B and others. When studying individual varieties, it was revealed that these vegetables have a large amount of vitamin C, along with oranges and lemons.

Tomatoes also contain a small list of beneficial microelements:

  1. Copper is responsible for the normal functioning of the body’s nervous system and motor function.
  2. Iron – prevents the development of anemia.
  3. Iodine – gets rid of excess fat deposits and makes blood vessels more elastic.

What are the benefits of tomatoes?

  1. Due to the fairly high content of vitamins and microelements, tomatoes help our body fight the aggressive environment and prevent the influence of various bacteria and microbes.
  2. Eating tomatoes helps strengthen the immune system. They normalize overall digestion and promote good absorption of food.
  3. Tomatoes are an excellent substitute for fatty foods, which is why they are often recommended for people suffering from chronic hepatitis or diabetes.
  4. Daily consumption of this amazing vegetable promotes good functioning of the cardiovascular system; the vegetable is especially useful for people with chronic heart or vascular diseases.
  5. Eating tomatoes also helps normalize blood pressure and reduce various types of edema.


benefits and harms of tomatoes Expand

How to easily and quickly remove the skin from a tomato by baking?

Most chefs prefer the method of peeling tomatoes by baking. This method is considered the most “gentle” for vegetables and fruits:

  • First you need to preheat the oven to 180°C
  • Wash and dry the fruits thoroughly
  • Make cuts at the base
  • Place in the oven for literally 2-3 minutes.
  • While the vegetable is still hot, you need to carefully remove the dried peel from the fruit; this action is performed with the blunt end of a knife.

Remove the skin from baked tomatoes
. Using this method, you can also prepare stuffed tomatoes and peel them just before serving. The aroma and color of the fruit becomes brighter and richer than after using other methods. It is worth emphasizing that thanks to this method, all nutrients and beneficial substances are preserved in the product, thus the baking method is equal to the blanching method.

When baking, you don’t have to worry about the juice leaking out or the texture of the product deteriorating. This method is suitable not only for tomatoes, but also for peeling many other vegetables and fruits, for example, bell peppers, beets, etc.


The most labor-intensive, but does not require additional equipment, method.

  • Wash and dry the tomatoes, cut into quarters.
  • Carefully place the knife at the junction of the pulp and the skin and cut it off with a knife. Take care of your hands!

This method is suitable for those cases when, in addition to the skin, you also need to peel the tomato from the seeds.

An alternative option is a vegetable peeler. But it is convenient to work only with dense and not overripe tomatoes.

The tender pulp of a tomato without skin is an excellent ingredient that is a pleasure to work with. Here are a couple of wonderful recipes.

How to easily and quickly separate the skin from a tomato with a knife?

The least common method is to use a knife to remove the skin. This is justified by the fact that this method is most suitable for ripe tomato fruits, or if after heat treatment the product begins to taste a little bitter, and this can completely ruin the taste of the intended dish.

The method of peeling tomatoes with a kitchen knife belongs to the “cold” cleaning methods, and therefore is quite useful for the body, because the product is not exposed to high temperatures and does not lose its properties.

Of course, for cleaning, you can purchase a special knife for peeling vegetables, with its help it is very easy to separate the peel from the pulp. If this is not the case, you can use any kitchen knife, having first sharpened it well. However, when using ordinary vegetable peelers, there is a risk that the tomato may release juice, because... Along with the peel, part of the pulp is also removed.

Cleaning vegetables and fruits

Before using a knife to peel a tomato, you need to remember some rules:

  • First, wash and dry the fruits.
  • If the tomato is ripe, then removing the skin is not difficult; you must first make cuts at the base, and even begin the peeling process. If the peel does not come off, it needs to be trimmed slightly.
  • For unripe tomatoes, a slightly different technique is suitable: to do this, you need to divide the vegetable into 4 slices, then place one part skin down and cut off the pulp using a very sharp tool. This method is only suitable if chopped tomatoes are included in the recipe. For example, when preparing “Caesar”, “Greek” and other salads and appetizers.
  • When working with large tomato fruits, you need to make several thin cuts not only on the poles of the tomato, but throughout its entire surface. It is important to do this with a hot knife, and to use a cold one for cleaning itself. This process may take some time, but you will be pleased with the results.

It is worth remembering that this technique is completely unsuitable for dense and unripe fruits, because Pieces of pulp may come off along with the peel, which can significantly spoil the appearance of the fruit.

How to choose seeds

Tomato seeds are removed because they are bitter, get stuck in the teeth, or are not recommended in the recipe. Cherries are cut in half and the pulp is scooped out with a teaspoon. A small elongated fruit is cut into 4 parts, a large and round one is cut into more parts. The main thing is that the surface of the slices has a flatter shape. Place the slice with the flesh side up and use a knife to separate the skin, pressing it to the table. The knife blade is held almost parallel to the table surface.

Peeling tomatoes is not a whim. Naked tomatoes are not only ideal for some dishes. They can be given to children without fear.

  • Author: Tina Bliznyuk
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In the microwave

The tops of clean dry fruits are cut with a cross, and longitudinal cuts are also made on the sides.
Do not put whole tomatoes - they will explode. Violation of the integrity of the product shell for microwave processing is mandatory. I remember the first time I boiled eggs with whole yolks. In general, the entire inner surface of the oven had to be washed. This was especially difficult in hard-to-reach places. I am sure that tomato pulp has a large “kill radius”.

The tomatoes are placed on a flat dish so that there are gaps between them. Baking time is 30 seconds at maximum mode. Then they are taken out, cooled in the air or doused with a cold shower, and cleaned. Advantage or disadvantage: suitable for vegetables intended for soup or stew because they soften.

Using fire

Tomatoes peeled this way are only cooked for a few seconds. Thanks to this, they retain most of the vitamins and beneficial microelements. Only large and slightly unripe tomatoes are suitable for this peeling method.

  1. The washed vegetables are left on the table so that all excess moisture drains from them.
  2. Then the tomato is pricked with a fork.
  3. Turn on the gas or electric stove on maximum heat.
  4. Bring the tomato and hold it over the fire for 15-20 seconds. In this case, you need to constantly rotate the vegetable so that it is evenly exposed to heat.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with How to remove grease from kitchen cabinets: household chemicals, folk remedies for greasy deposits

You can remove the skin from vegetables not only on the stove, but also in the microwave. The latter option is popular among housewives, as it allows you to simultaneously process up to 10 tomatoes.

Correct sequence of actions:

  1. Tomatoes are washed from dirt and wiped with paper towels.
  2. Use the tip of a knife to make a shallow longitudinal incision.
  3. Vegetables are placed on a microwave-safe dish or plate.
  4. The container is placed inside the device.
  5. Using the control buttons, the maximum power and processing time are set (40 s will be enough).
  6. Turn on the microwave and wait for a sound signal indicating the completion of the process.
  7. After this, carefully remove the tomatoes and remove the peeling skin.

Why peel tomatoes?

In many recipes it is written: “Tomato pulp is required,” the reason is not that the cook is meticulous. Incomparable taste, excellent piquancy and weightless acidity - this is what a tomato gives to any dish in which it ends up. In order not to lose these gifts, the first thing you need to do is remove the skin before cooking, as it makes the taste of the dish bitter .

In addition to the above, the properties of the skin are not entirely beneficial for the body. We'll tell you why below.

Another reason is preference . Not everyone likes to find bundles of peel in their plate, try to remove it from the roof of their mouth with their tongue when eating soup, or even when the skin gets stuck between their teeth, so peeled tomatoes are a great option to avoid such problems.

Most importantly, heat treatment with the hope that the skin will lose its density is useless, so it’s worth knowing about several techniques for peeling a red fruit and choosing the one you like the most.

Why peel tomatoes?

  • Remove the stem and use a sharp knife to make cuts from it to the opposite side. Depending on the size of the tomato, make 4 to 6 cuts, being careful not to catch the flesh.
  • Place the tomatoes on a plate and microwave for 30 seconds, setting the power to about 600 W.
  • After the end of the program, cool slightly and remove the skin.

Boil the pasta in salted water until done. Remove the skin from the tomatoes using a convenient method and cut the pulp into small cubes. Combine the finished pasta with tomatoes, grated cheese and mix. Add herbs and spices to taste.

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