How to melt chocolate at home: rules, recommendations, nuances

Do you still doubt that you can make chocolate figures or the perfect cake frosting at home? It's not as difficult as it seems. The main secret is to melt the chocolate correctly.

When baking a cake, the hardest part is often making the frosting. At this stage, many simply despair - the chocolate mass either quickly thickens or curls into lumps... These problems can be avoided if you do not act by trial and error, but by strictly following the instructions and recommendations of experienced confectioners. We talk about how to melt chocolate so that it is liquid in this article.

Which chocolate is best for melting?

Before going on to describe the many ways to transform chocolate from solid to liquid, it is necessary to consider which product is best used for this purpose.
The basis of traditional chocolate is the fruit of the chocolate tree - cocoa beans. The higher the percentage of their content in a product, the higher quality it is considered. Therefore, dark chocolate (other commonly used names are bitter or black), in which the share of processed cocoa beans reaches 70%, is deservedly considered the best. It is the one that is optimally suited to be used as a decoration for a cake or a raw material for preparing liquid desserts.

Milk chocolate contains up to 35-40% cocoa beans. It is almost as good in taste as its dark counterpart, but significantly inferior in beneficial properties. This is compensated by the more affordable cost of the product, which is the main reason for its widespread use both for decorating baked goods and for preparing drinks.

White chocolate contains virtually no cocoa beans. Otherwise, it differs little from milk and is also often used in home baking, in the making of figurines and for liquid desserts. Therefore, the question of how to melt white chocolate is also relevant for housewives.

Aerated chocolate deserves special mention. It can be bitter, milky, or white. It is quite possible to bring the product to a liquid state, but it melts worse than usual, so it will take much longer. As a result, it is not advisable to use porous chocolate for such purposes. As well as the one that contains various additives in the form of nuts, raisins, cookies, rice balls and other fillers. Any impurities interfere with the rapid melting of chocolate, so it is much easier to work with a pure and natural product.

Preparing chocolate icing for filling the cake

We offer to add to your home culinary collection with recipes for chocolate glaze made with cream, butter, milk and sour cream.

With milk


  • two bars of dark chocolate;
  • milk - 7 tbsp. l.


  1. Chop the chocolates into small pieces and pour milk at room temperature.
  2. Place the bowl in a steam bath.
  3. Stirring continuously, completely dissolve the product in the milk.

Place the cake or pastries in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours before pouring. Cool the melted glaze for a minute and pour it over the baked goods.

With cream


  • cream - 70 ml;
  • dark chocolate - 200 g;
  • powdered sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • liqueur or cognac - 2 tsp.


  1. Chop the chocolate, pour in the cream and melt in a convenient way.
  2. Add powdered sugar and whisk the icing.
  3. At the last stage, pour in the liqueur and stir.

This glaze is perfect for drizzling over a chocolate sponge cake.

With butter


  • butter - 80 g;
  • chocolate - 200 g.


  1. Remove the butter from the refrigerator and wait until it becomes soft.
  2. Mix it with chocolate chips and melt in a “bath”, stirring.

Never add chilled butter to hot or warm chocolate. Heat the products together and try to ensure that their temperature is the same before sending for smelting (18-25°).

With sour cream


  • sour cream with a fat content of 20-25% - 100 g;
  • cow butter - 40 g;
  • dark chocolate - 150 g;
  • powdered sugar - 3 tbsp. l.


  1. Mix the cream with sugar and bring to a boil in a water bath.
  2. Melt the chocolate and butter separately from the cream, as in the previous recipe.
  3. When the sweet creamy mass has cooled to 40-43°C, mix it with the melted butter-chocolate mixture.
  4. Cool slightly and you can pour over the cake.

Sour cream frosting can also be made with white chocolate. It is good to pour over cottage cheese pastries, sour cream, cakes with custard or creme brulee.

How to melt chocolate in the microwave?

Today, a microwave oven is found in almost every kitchen. It is actively used not only for heating, but also for cooking. It is logical that a microwave can also be used to melt chocolate.

Step-by-step instructions for the actions taken in this case are as follows:

  • first, the chocolate bar must be crushed in any convenient way - in a mill, blender or just with a knife;
  • the product is then placed in a microwave-safe container. In this case we are talking about containers made of heat-resistant plastic, porcelain, earthenware, ceramics without patterns or decorations;
  • The dishes are placed in the microwave at one of the low or medium temperature settings for a minute;
  • after this time, the container is removed and its contents are mixed;
  • if the product is not liquid enough, the dishes are put back into the oven, but for 30 or 40 seconds;
  • The described procedure is repeated until the chocolate of the desired consistency is obtained.

An alternative course of action is also allowed, which involves the use of a special “defrost” mode. In this case, the contents of the microwave are heated under more gentle conditions, so the container with chocolate pieces can be placed in it for 2 minutes at once. Then the dish is removed from the oven, its contents are mixed, and then returned to the microwave to obtain a more liquid product, or used for its intended purpose.

Advice. It is extremely important not to heat the chocolate too much. This will lead to its splashing on the walls of the microwave oven and, as a result, waste of valuable product. Therefore, for the first time or with a small amount of chocolate, it is advisable to choose the lowest temperature setting and a short heating time.

Choosing a container for using a microwave

To get high-quality hot chocolate in the microwave, you need to study all the details of the process. An important nuance of successful melting is choosing the right utensils. The operating mode and operating time of the furnace play a big role. But let's not rush. Let's look at each detail separately.

Dishes are selected following certain rules.

  1. The container must be glass or ceramic. It heats up less and does not cause the product to boil. The most secure.
  2. The spoon, spatula and bowl must be completely dry. Even a few drops of water can cause the tiles to delaminate when heated.
  3. The bowl should be in the oven without a lid. The condensation will evaporate freely rather than fall back into the mixture.
  4. There should be no gold, silver or any metal rims, lines or patterns on the cup or plate. Electric current flows through them and sparks occur. The oven may explode and become damaged.
  5. You cannot use metal utensils for the same reason.
  6. A thin plastic container may melt.
  7. You cannot melt chocolate in the packaging.

Important! The container in which the product will melt must be completely dry. Drops of water that get into the topping negatively affect its quality.

How to melt chocolate using a gas stove?

A modern gas stove is a universal piece of equipment that is both convenient and economical. She provides several options for answering the question of how to melt chocolate on the stove. The first involves the use of a gas burner, and the cooking method is called “water bath”. It involves performing the following operations:

  • a container of water is placed on the burner that is turned on with the lowest possible heat;
  • the crushed chocolate is placed in another pan, smaller in size;
  • the second container is placed on the first, creating the effect of a water bath when its contents are heated gradually and evenly;
  • During the melting process, it is necessary to constantly stir the chocolate to obtain a homogeneous product of the desired consistency.

The possibility of convenient and regular stirring sets this method apart from most other options for preparing liquid chocolate.


To melt chocolate, use only a dry container. Otherwise, the product will begin to burn, despite the gentle heating mode characteristic of a water bath.

An alternative option for using a gas stove involves creating a steam bath rather than a water bath. Its characteristic difference from the described method is that the second pan does not directly contact the water in the first container. As a result, heating occurs due to steam rising from below. This slows down the process somewhat, but makes the chocolate heat more evenly.

The fastest option for melting a sweet product using a gas stove involves directly heating the container with chocolate on the burner. In this case, it is necessary to carefully monitor its condition, constantly and thoroughly stirring. Otherwise the chocolate will burn very quickly.

Another cooking method involves using a gas stove oven. In this case, the chocolate melts as follows:

  • the sweetness is crushed using any of the above methods;
  • it is placed in a metal dish or mold made of another material and intended for baking in the oven;
  • the oven is turned on to the lowest heating temperature;
  • After performing the described operations, you will just have to wait until the chocolate melts, periodically visually checking its condition. This usually takes 7-8 minutes.

The main advantage of using an oven is the ability to prepare large volumes of liquid chocolate. Therefore, this method is often used as an answer to the question of how to melt chocolate to decorate a large cake.

Step-by-step instructions on how to heat in a water bath

Melting sweet treats in a water bath is one of the simplest and most popular methods at home. This requires a minimal amount of utensils, and the process itself is easy to control.

  1. For melting, you will need two containers - heat-resistant pans, bowls or sauté pans. Moreover, one should be smaller than the second and fit easily into it.
  2. Fill a large container with water and bring it to a boil. Place a small bowl with crushed treats in a container of boiling water. It should float in the water but under no circumstances touch the bottom. Reduce heat to low.
  3. Stir the melting mass until a homogeneous consistency without lumps is obtained. If necessary, add additional ingredients.
  4. When the mixture acquires a shiny and homogeneous structure, remove the container from the water bath.

Melting chocolate in a fondue pot

A fondue pot is a small container in the form of a kettle or pot, which is installed on special legs. A burner or small candle is placed under it. The product that needs to be heated and melted is placed inside the fondue pot. In the original, cheese was used in a similar capacity.

Today, instead of it, various types of butter are actively used and, which is important for the topic under consideration, chocolate. Melting of the latter should occur under the control of the housewife and with constant stirring of the product. Considering the low heat of the burner or candle, this is quite enough to prevent the chocolate from burning. Often, to improve the taste of the resulting liquid product, cream, cognac, berries, nuts or fruits are added to chocolate.

Advice. Using a fondue pot is very convenient if liquid chocolate is immediately consumed as food, for example, with some baked goods. The design of the device allows you to maintain the product in the desired condition for any required amount of time.

How to melt chocolate in a slow cooker?

One of the common answers to the question of how to melt chocolate without a microwave is the use of another type of kitchen appliance - a multicooker. This simple and very convenient device provides the housewife with many additional options. One of them is the hassle-free preparation of liquid chocolate.

This occurs using the water bath already described above. For this:

  • the chocolate is crushed and placed in a pan that is the size of the multicooker bowl;
  • water is poured into the latter, after which a container with a sweet product is placed inside;
  • the device is switched on to the water bath or steam cooking mode, provided in most modern models;
  • The chocolate is constantly stirred.

The equipment automatically turns off after 5-7 minutes, depending on the settings selected by the user. If necessary, the water bath mode is turned on again, as a result of which the chocolate is brought to the desired state.

What to do if the chocolate has curled and why

Curdled chocolate mass can be corrected using the following method:

  • the container is removed from the stove;
  • Ghee butter is added to the composition in a ratio of 1 tbsp. l. by 160-170 g;
  • Cow butter can be replaced with sunflower butter, cream or heated milk.

The composition can be used for kneading dough or preparing sauce. It is not recommended to use the reconstituted mass as a topping for dessert.

Melting different types of chocolate

The methods and temperatures for melting different types of products differ, which include:

  • chocolate bars;
  • chocolate candies;
  • chocolate drops, etc.

They determine which chocolate is best to melt in accordance with the tasks at hand (basting the cake, making glaze). The temperature regime, timing, and quality of the resulting solution differ depending on the type of confectionery chocolate.


Determine whether aerated chocolate can be melted in accordance with the composition. Use natural products in the absence of milk or dark chocolate bars. Tiles with artificial additives and aromatic components are not recommended for preparing glaze. The porous dessert is grated and melted on an electric or gas stove, in the microwave or in another way.

Bitter, dark

For melting, confectioners advise using dark chocolate bars with a cocoa content of at least 70%. When using high-quality products, a homogeneous glaze with a glossy sheen or fondue mass is produced. The melting temperature for dark tiles is about +46…+50°C.

It is not recommended to exceed the melting temperature; a special thermometer is used for this work. You can add a delicate taste to the composition by adding a milk bar (up to 20-30% of the total volume).


Milk chocolate is in demand for melting the glaze. However, it must be taken into account that the product has low fluidity. Confectioners recommend adding high-fat cream or milk to the glaze composition. The melting temperature of the tiles is about +43…+46°C. During the cooking process, the product is divided into pieces or grated. The mass is melted in a suitable manner with regular stirring.


This type of chocolate is melted in a steam bath at +40...+45°C. First, the tiles are taken out of the refrigerator to soften. Before melting the chocolate so that it is liquid, the product is grated or divided into slices. Cooled products are not used for melting.

In a steam bath, the composition is mixed with a wooden or silicone spoon. Overheating is not allowed, because the mass will become bitter.

How to melt chocolate in a silicone mold?

Silicone molds of various sizes and configurations are often used to make chocolate figures. In this case, the melting of the product occurs directly in them. To obtain the required result you must:

  • chop chocolate;
  • place it in a mold that should be clean and dry;
  • place the molds on a baking sheet or in a large baking dish;
  • place the baking sheet in the oven;
  • turn it on to the lowest heat;
  • melt the chocolate for about 8-10, less often – 15 minutes, depending on the characteristics of the oven;
  • remove the baking sheet or mold from the oven, then let the product cool slightly, and then move the silicone molds to the refrigerator;
  • At the final stage, the housewife will only have to carefully remove the delicious figurines from the baking dishes.

Advice. To improve the taste of the final product, you can add nuts, cookie pieces, raisins, etc. to the chocolate.

Useful tips and recipes from pastry chefs

And finally, we will share with you some culinary secrets borrowed from professional confectioners.

How to pour melted chocolate over a cake

At home, the finished cake is most often poured with icing on a large plate, parchment paper or board, and after hardening, it is carefully transferred to another, clean dish. But there is also a professional trick:

  1. Place the cake on a wire rack.
  2. Place a dish underneath to catch any excess glaze.
  3. Slowly baste the baked goods in a circular motion.
  4. If desired, you can pour two layers over the cake, leaving the first one to harden.

On a note!

Confectioners recommend applying the coating to baked goods that have been pre-chilled in the refrigerator. And mirror glaze is poured over cakes kept in the freezer.

Another filling option is to place the cake on a plate and cover it with parchment underneath. Pour in the glaze, let it harden, then remove the paper. This way the dish will remain clean and you won’t have to do any unnecessary steps.

How to melt chocolate for fondue

For this dessert, the product is melted using any of the methods we have discussed (in the microwave, in a “bath”, etc.). For fondue, the mass is given a creamier or more delicate taste by adding heavy cream (1:1) or milk and butter (150 and 50 g, respectively, per 100-gram slab). For flavor, you can pour liqueur or syrup (orange, strawberry) into the already melted mixture.

Methods for melting chocolate in combination with other products

Often it is necessary to melt chocolate not in its pure form, but together with other products. Most often, in such a situation we are talking about cream, milk or butter. To prepare such a mixture, almost any of the methods described above can be used. In this case, it is necessary to take into account several important nuances:

  • First, the chocolate is melted, and only then cream, milk or butter is added to it. When using a water or steam bath, simultaneous melting of products is allowed;
  • the mixture must be constantly stirred, with a dry and clean spoon;
  • the pan for preparing the liquid mixture must also be dry and clean;
  • The lower the heating temperature, the more uniformly and efficiently the mixture is heated, which allows you to obtain a homogeneous product at the output.

Mastic with marshmallows

Good housewives prepare delicious and beautiful desserts. They will probably need a story about how to make mastic from chocolate and marshmallows using a microwave.


  • dark chocolate – 110 g;
  • marshmallow – 100 g;
  • butter – 15 g;
  • heavy cream – 15 ml;
  • rum – 30 ml;
  • powdered sugar – 130 g.

Cooking instructions.

  1. Place the crushed chocolate bar with warm butter in a deep glass plate in the microwave. Let's melt, following the rules described earlier. Be sure to stir every 20-25 seconds, turning off the device.
  2. Add marshmallows to the liquid mixture and mix. We put it back into the oven.
  3. Periodically turn off the oven and stir the contents of the dishes.
  4. Pour rum, cream into a homogeneous mass, add sweet powder with dessert spoons. Knead for 5-7 minutes.
  5. We keep the finished mastic, smooth, shiny, pliable, like plasticine, for 30 minutes in the cold.

We decorate cakes and pastries with fondant. They turn out perfectly smooth and beautiful. Causes an incredible appetite! Friends get their heads completely blown off!

How to keep chocolate shiny and liquid?

The simplest and most obvious answer to the question posed in the subtitle of the article is this: you need to choose high-quality chocolate for cooking. It is highly desirable that it be bitter, that is, with a high content of cocoa beans.

It is extremely important not to bring the chocolate to a boil, as this will cause it to become loose and harden very quickly once it has cooled slightly. Naturally, it is necessary to take into account the shelf life of the original product, which should not expire. Another fundamental rule is to prevent the ingress of water, the presence of which leads to a sharp increase in temperature, burning and loosening of the chocolate.

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