Switching on and using the Bosch dishwasher for the first time

Such a useful purchase as a Bosch dishwasher greatly simplifies housekeeping and ensures economical water consumption. You can install the equipment by a service center technician or yourself, strictly following the manufacturer’s recommendations. But it is equally important to use the Bosch dishwasher correctly.

  • Installing a Bosch dishwasher
  • How to turn it on
  • First use of the dishwasher
  • Control panel and modes
  • Required funds
  • Care for PMM
  • Bosch dishwasher catalog with reviews

Installing a Bosch dishwasher

While a compact dishwasher can easily find a place on the countertop, placing a larger built-in model requires some thought. The machine is installed taking into account the location of communications, namely: to the left or to the right of the sink. Some miniature devices fit directly under the sink.

When integrating the machine into an existing kitchen unit, it is necessary to dismantle the selected cabinet to free up space:

  • remove the door from its hinges;
  • remove all shelves;
  • remove the back wall and bottom panel.

If you can’t get rid of the back bar, you will have to make holes in it or the side walls necessary for the hoses to come out. Some modern manufacturers provide a niche for a dishwasher when making furniture. To protect the tabletop from moisture, a sheet of metal is attached to its inside.

Bosch dishwasher

To ensure proper operation, the device must be connected in accordance with the supplied instructions. To do this you should:

  • carry out installation of all parts provided in the package;
  • adjust the position of the machine using a building level;
  • connect the equipment to the drain;
  • provide cold water supply;
  • connect the machine to the electrical network.

To install the dishwasher you will need the following tools and accessories:

  • adjustable wrench;
  • pliers;
  • screwdrivers;
  • roulette;
  • building level.

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I work in the household appliance repair industry. Extensive experience in restoring washing machines and dishwashers.

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The machine's power cord may be short, in which case you will have to install a new moisture-resistant outlet. A professional can do this kind of work better.

What to do when an error code appears

When an error code appears, you need to refer to the instructions for the dishwasher to find its explanation and understand what the reason is and what exactly is wrong with the unit.

Contact VseRemont24 if:

  1. The instruction manual for your dishwasher “helper” is lost somewhere.
  2. You haven't fully understood the description of the error.
  3. You took independent actions to eliminate the problem, but they did not produce results.
  4. We realized that the dishwasher needs repairs, and you need the help of a professional and experienced technician.

Dishwasher malfunctions can be minor and can be fixed within a couple of minutes, but most of them require complex repairs.

Any external or internal part, as well as the entire unit of the dishwasher, can fail.

Failures of important components lead to the most common malfunctions:

  • water leak,
  • lack of dialing, draining water,
  • no heating/overheating of water,
  • insufficient amount of water,
  • inconsistency of electrical network parameters with the necessary ones,
  • program malfunctions,
  • failure to perform individual functions or complete failure of the unit to work, and so on.

A faulty dishwasher works worse and does not wash dishes well. From a technology that saves water and electricity, it turns into an expensive “pleasure”. What is most important is that using a faulty electrical appliance is unsafe for people’s health and lives!

How to turn it on

Many manufacturers, including Bosch, recommend conducting a dry test run of a new dishwasher. This action helps:

  • remove any remaining grease and dust from the device parts;
  • evaluate the correct installation and operation of the equipment.

In addition, if problems are identified, you will not have to remove unwashed dishes from the machine.

compartment for PMM products

The washing chamber should be empty, but you will need to use detergent and special salt from the starter kit. The salt compartment is located in the pull-out lower basket at the bottom of the machine.

After unscrewing the lid, add 2/3 of the contents of the pack. The reservoir must not be overfilled.

Then, on the inside surface of the dishwasher door, find compartments for products: powder, gel or tablets.

Now you can turn on the machine and set the type of detergent used on the panel. Salt consumption depends on the water hardness level specified by the user.

Is a dishwasher profitable?

Oh yes! No

Bosch devices come with test strips for determining this indicator. If you do not soften the water with salt, the walls of the chamber will quickly become covered with scale.

All that remains is to select any operating mode and press the “Start” button. Don't forget to open the water tap.

Restrictions on cookware material

Not all dishes can be washed automatically. It is not recommended to load antique-style wooden products, spoons, ladles, cutting boards and other wooden utensils into the PMM. Excessive exposure to water causes fibers to swell and products to lose their shape.

There are also restrictions on washing plastic dishes. Do not place items made of plastic, which cannot withstand high temperatures, into the dishwasher. They can become deformed from hot water. Copper, pewter or silver utensils and appliances are not loaded due to exposure to detergents. From contact with them, such dishes fade, become stained and oxidize.

Aluminum pots, pans and other utensils become coated and darkened from such washing. Long contact with moisture is generally contraindicated for such dishes. The same applies to objects made of cast iron. Prolonged washing destroys the protective layer of such utensils and they become covered with rust.

First use of the dishwasher

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After the dry test wash, allow the car to cool slightly. Excessive use will overload the heating element and pump.

When the device has cooled down, load the chamber with dishes that have been cleared of food particles and add detergent to the compartment. The salt and rinse aid left over from the test run will last for a couple of months.

Don't underestimate the importance of properly storing dishes and cutlery in baskets and holders. High quality of cleaning is achieved if the movement of the rocker arms occurs without interference, and water access is provided to all areas of the washing chamber.

Having laid out the dishes, select a program and run it. As you continue to use the dishwasher, these actions will become automatic and will not take much time.

Bosch Silence SMS24AW01R

Correct loading of cutlery

Such products should be laid out in a small tray or basket in the inside of the hopper. It is correct to place such dishes in the dishwasher, alternating forks with spoons so that they do not mix into a common lump. Knives should be placed with the blades pointing down.

More modern PMM models are equipped with a special tray for cutlery, located in the upper part. Then spoons, knives and forks are laid horizontally. This saves space inside the unit and allows for high-quality cleaning.

Important! Ceramic or sharp knives, as well as items with wooden inserts, are not allowed to be washed in the dishwasher. Such items should only be washed by hand.

Control panel and modes

The location of the dishwasher control panel depends on the type of device. For the built-in model, buttons and indicators are located at the end of the door. Freestanding machines have a panel on the front of the cabinet.

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I work in the household appliance repair industry. Extensive experience in restoring washing machines and dishwashers.

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In most cases, the user is able to understand the meaning of the symbols on the buttons intuitively. If a problem arises with this, you can always find clarification in the instructions.

Bosch offers customers a wide variety of models with various modes and great functionality. When choosing a program, you should focus on the number of dishes and the degree of soiling. As a rule, the machine is equipped with the following modes:

  • standard;
  • fast;
  • delicate;
  • intensive;
  • economical.

The more intensive the cleaning, the greater the consumption of water and electricity. The use of multi-stage processing, including pre-soaking, washing, several rinses and drying, is justified only when the machine is fully loaded with very greasy dishes. The standard program is suitable for everyday use.

Delicate modes are included for items made of thin glass, or in the case of joint loading of dishes made of different materials.

The presence of several types of drying is of no small importance. PMMs in the mid-price segment are equipped with condensation drying, its action is based on creating a high temperature in the chamber. Expensive models are equipped with a powerful fan, which ensures quick drying of dishes without streaks.


Useful tips

Below are tips that will help ensure high-quality washing and high performance of the device:

  • It is not advisable to place dishes in the device whose height is greater than the height of the lower compartment, as it will prevent the door from opening after the washing is completed;
  • It is advisable to put plates that are too dirty after eating in the car, where food residues will not dry out and can be easily removed;
  • if the dishes are heavily soiled, it is recommended to first soak them in water with the addition of baking soda;
  • if there are too many dishes, it is recommended to wash them gradually, loading identical items;
  • when there are few dishes, it is better to place them in the middle, since some dishwashers have one rocker (spray), which often cannot wash the entire compartment with the same quality;
  • fragile dishes are placed so that there is a distance between the products. The vibration that occurs during washing can harm them;
  • plastic objects should be placed away from the heating element, with the inside facing down (that is, if the heater is at the bottom, then the plastic should be placed at the top, and vice versa). This arrangement minimizes the effect of high temperature on the object and prevents it from melting;
  • collapsible dishes should be loaded in parts: each element separately;
  • in one cycle you can wash from 6 to 16 sets of dishes. It all depends on the specific model of household appliances and the contents of the set (as you know, many sets differ not only in the quantity, but also in the size of the dishes);
  • if the machine filter becomes clogged, it is better to wash the dishes by hand;
  • eliminating the drying function will save energy;

Removing dishes begins from the lower box so that water flowing from the upper dishes does not fall on the lower tier, otherwise drips will remain.

Required funds

As a rule, along with the machine, buyers purchase a starter kit, which includes all the necessary tools to operate the device for the first time.

Bosch dishwashers use any detergents that are available today in specialized stores:

  • powder;
  • liquid;
  • compressed tablets.

When purchasing, it is important to make sure that the product is intended specifically for machine washing of dishes, and not for hand washing.

Depending on the components in the composition, there are 3 types of substances:

  • with phosphates and chlorine;
  • with chlorine and without phosphates;
  • with phosphates, but without chlorine.

If there are no phosphates in the composition, a white coating will appear on the surface of the chamber and even on the dishes. If faded plates and cups require bleaching, it is better to use a product with chlorine.

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I work in the household appliance repair industry. Extensive experience in restoring washing machines and dishwashers.

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Using a rinse aid will help add shine to glassware and prevent water marks on washed plates and cups. Change the volume of rinse aid depending on the desired result. But its excess can lead to the appearance of rainbow stains.

Combined products contain all the necessary components. Their disadvantage is that it is not possible to adjust the salt content. It is recommended to do this.

You can find out which compartments are used for different products and the order in which they are loaded from the instructions for the dishwasher.

What problems can you fix yourself?

If your Bosch dishwasher fails, you need to contact your nearest service center for help. But sometimes the breakdown is so minor that it makes no sense to hire specialists to fix it.

The unit independently monitors the health of its own systems and, in the event of a problem, displays an error code on the display . The meaning of the codes can be found in the instructions for your machine.

A system that constantly tests its own operation, if a malfunction is detected, displays the following error codes:

Let's talk about those that you can eliminate on your own:

  • E4 – there is a problem with switching the flow. This error can occur when the hose is clogged. If the hoses have been checked and the display still shows E4, contact service.
  • E6 – there is a problem with the aquasensor, which is responsible for recognizing the level of contamination of the dishes. This error is typical for the Bosch Silence Plus . It appears if the intensive washing program is selected for dishes with minor stains.
  • E15 - aquastop is turned on, that is, a reaction to a water leak has occurred. It is necessary to check all hoses and fix the problem.
  • E17 - an error occurred in filling the liquid. This situation may arise if increased pressure has formed at the point where the water supply is connected to the dishwasher.
  • E24 is a signal that waste water is poorly drained or not drained at all. The cause may be a clogged drain that will have to be cleaned, or a clogged hose. Perhaps the hose is simply pinched.
  • E27 – power supply has deteriorated due to a drop in voltage in the electrical network. The cause of this phenomenon may be a peak load on the network. If you install a voltage stabilizer, this type of trouble can be avoided.

It happens quite often that the machine does not turn on. Most likely there is a problem with your network connection. Check the fuse, if it is blown, replace it.

It is possible that the dishwasher is blocked. Make sure to close the washer door properly. Check the sprinkler nozzles, water supply hoses and drain filters for clogging.

Care for PMM

In order for electrical equipment to function properly over a long period of time, it must be properly cared for. Full information about caring for a specific model of Bosch dishwasher can be found in the manual that came with it.

  • Oddly enough, even high-tech machines need to be cleaned inside and out, scale and grease removed, sprinklers and filters washed.
  • In some cases, it will be enough to switch on the intensive program with detergents, but with an empty chamber. This will help clean the rocker arms from accumulated grease and scale deposits.
  • If you do not monitor the condition of the filters, dirt can block the drain pump. In such a situation, you will have to take the car in for repairs. Therefore, after each work process, it is necessary to manually clean the filters using running water.
  • In a similar way, sprayers are washed from food residues. When they are dirty, the quality of the wash decreases.

According to statistics, problems in the operation of the machine arise as a result of operating errors: improper loading of dishes and the use of low-quality products. Careful use and proper care of equipment will eliminate the need to wash dirty dishes by hand every day and free up time for relaxation and more exciting activities.


“Homemade” cleaning recipes

If you do not use the above substances, the internal elements of the device will eventually become covered with rust, fungus, and mold. Along with store-bought ones, you can use “homemade” products. For the mixture you will need:

  • Soda - 200 g;
  • Peroxide - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • Essential oil - 10 drops.

Balls are made from the resulting mixture and placed on the shelf below.

Mix 400 g of vinegar and a spoonful of washing gel. This composition is placed on the top shelf and the washing program is started. You need to use the vinegar mixture occasionally, otherwise a vinegar smell that is difficult to remove will stick to the car.

And yet, experts recommend using special equipment; fortunately, there are plenty of them on store shelves. For example, Finish Rinse or Calgonit Fusion Power. After pouring the dose into the appropriate compartment, turn on the wash for at least an hour and a half. The temperature should be 60 °C.

Tip 2. Decide on capacity

Sometimes on the Internet you can find advice to choose the most spacious dishwasher - so that as many dishes as possible fit in. This is justified if you host guests every day with several courses or you have a large family of at least eight people.

The capacity of the machine should be chosen according to your needs

For the rest, use common sense: the more spacious the dishwasher, the more space it takes up in the kitchen and the more expensive it is.

Therefore, compare your needs with the size of the kitchen - why buy a large unit that will take up all the available space?

A compact model may be enough for you

Capacity is the number of sets of dishes that can be washed in one cycle. In turn, the set is: three plates, a cup and saucer, a glass, and a set of cutlery.

The following categories of dishwashers are distinguished by capacity:

  • Full-sized, sixty centimeters wide. They can wash 11-17 full sets of dishes at a time. This device is suitable for a large family where guests often come. However, keep in mind that it will take up a lot of space in the kitchen.
  • Narrow machines with a width of forty-five centimeters can easily fit 6-10 sets. This dishwasher is ideal for a family of three or four people. Unlike the previous model, it is quite compact, so it can easily be placed in a standard kitchen.
  • Small tabletop dishwashers with edges of 45 centimeters on all sides are most often placed directly on the countertop or built into cabinets. They can wash no more than four sets of dishes at a time. An ideal option if you live alone, or at most two of you, or you have a very small kitchen.

Tip 11. Find a convenient package

In addition to the technical characteristics, it is worth looking at the filling of the dishwasher. It can be equipped with various accessories. In some places it is two or three shelves, in others it is a complex structure.

We analyzed numerous reviews and chose the optimal configuration that is convenient for almost everyone.

This configuration is considered the most convenient

First of all, avoid dishwashers with racks. It is most convenient to use models with wire baskets. Moreover, the height of the latter should be adjustable - this way you can comfortably wash dishes of any size.

One of the baskets must be equipped with special holders for cups, and ideally also with vertical compartments for saucers. If such elements are missing, you risk losing a large number of dishes - it is cups and saucers that break most often.

It is important that there is a special compartment for spoons, forks and knives. Firstly, this will prevent breaking and chipping on more fragile dishes

Secondly, this way you significantly reduce the risk of cutting yourself when taking out washed utensils.

Pay attention to the materials: nets for baskets should be strong, but at the same time flexible. In addition, make sure that there are no sharp protruding elements on the baskets - they can scratch both you and the dishes

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