The obvious is the incredible, or why they wash floors with salt

Many people have heard that floors are washed with salt, but not everyone understands why this should be done.

It is believed that this procedure allows you to get rid of evil spirits and improve the aura in the room.

However, this “ritual” has another side, which is understandable from the point of view of common sense.

Read the article about why salt is added to the water when washing floors and how to properly perform such unusual cleaning.

Why do you need to wash surfaces with water and salt?

Salt is one of the oldest substances available to man. The process of salt making was first mentioned in the 5th century BC. e. It is not surprising that over such a long history, people have tried to find uses for salt not only in cooking.

It is in ancient times that the roots of the superstition that salt helps cleanse a house from damage rest. It was believed that washing the floor with such a solution allows you to clear the space of negativity.

Moreover, to obtain the desired result, cleaning should be carried out only on Thursdays. Whether this method works or not is unknown. Only adherents of esotericism can judge this.

However, there are other, more rational explanations for washing the floor with salt , namely:

  1. Using salt you can disinfect surfaces.

  2. The solution allows you to get rid of difficult stains. It is susceptible to traces of rust and limescale. You can enhance the effect by adding a small amount of vinegar to the water.
  3. Salt destroys mold fungi. This allows you to use it for cleaning the bathroom floor. To achieve the desired effect, the solution should be made concentrated. In case of large-scale fungal infection, acetic acid is used as an additional remedy.
  4. Saline solution destroys unpleasant odors. It neutralizes peculiar odors, for example, the presence of animals in the house. If you want to not only eliminate foreign odors, but also freshen the air in the room, add a few drops of essential oil, for example, orange or pine needles, to a bucket of water.
  5. Salt helps get rid of insects. In particular, ants “don’t like” it. This problem is especially relevant for residents of private houses and lower floors. First you need to wash the floors with saline solution, and then sprinkle it along the ant trails.

Why wash floors with salt, from the point of view of esotericism and folk superstitions, the video will tell you:

When should this be done?

to wash floors with salt in the following cases:

  1. People with allergies, asthmatics or small children live in the house. For them, contact with household chemicals is extremely undesirable. Sometimes even environmentally friendly and safe floor cleaning compounds can provoke a negative reaction from the body. In this case, salt comes to the rescue.
  2. There is a person living in the apartment who suffers from a cold. Washing the floor ensures surfaces are disinfected. As an additional measure, you can spray the saline solution from a spray bottle.
  3. To combat stains from wine, coffee, grease, rust, cosmetics, whitewash, juice.
  4. To improve the quality of cleaning. There is an opinion that the saline solution gives the coating shine and renews it. In addition, after this procedure, less dust settles on the floors.
  5. There are pets in the apartment that can be poisoned by household chemicals. The saline solution is absolutely safe for pets, even if they lick it off the floor.
  6. If there are insects in the house.

Housewives note that with regular cleaning using salt, the quality of sleep of household members improves, nightmares stop tormenting them, and indoor plants grow well.

Why do “salt cleansing”?

Washing floors with the addition of regular table salt in order to cleanse an apartment or house of accumulated negative energy is necessary when:

  • children often suffer from colds;
  • suffers from insomnia or often has disturbing dreams;
  • indoor plants grow poorly or die;
  • electrical appliances often break down;
  • someone recently died in the apartment;
  • constantly lacking money;
  • things disappear unexpectedly and without a trace.

It is also time to clean the room when the relationship between husband and wife in the family has deteriorated, children have stopped obeying, pets leave or die.


Salt really helps to disinfect not only the floor covering, but also the air.

By evaporating, salty moisture destroys some viruses and microbes , which reduces the risk of infection and shortens the duration of illness.

Perhaps it was thanks to the disinfecting properties of salt that people began to believe that it was able to fight evil spirits. People noticed that after such cleaning, family members got sick less often and recovered faster.

Saline solution can be used for wet cleaning not only in rooms, but also in the bathroom , as well as in the kitchen. It is no secret that these are the places where the most bacteria live, so they require especially careful study.

In order for the solution to have a maximum disinfecting effect, hot water is used to prepare the salt. High temperature, steam and salt, working together, will destroy the maximum number of bacteria. In this case, the respiratory tract of a sick person will not experience additional irritation from household chemicals.

What to do if cleaning your house with salt doesn't help

There are times when you cannot cleanse your home of negativity on your own. This may be due to the fact that the person has little faith in it or is doing something wrong. In this case, you can seek help from a specialist who has magical abilities.

You can also attract positive energy into your home by consecrating it; for this you will need to invite a priest to your home. He will read certain prayers, sprinkle blessed water on the walls of the house and bless all family members. Blessing an apartment will help heal a person from a serious illness.

After all the procedures, all negativity will go away, and all family members will easily live in the house.

How to prepare saline solution?

To prepare the saline solution you will need:

  • a bucket with a volume of at least 6 liters;
  • water – 5.5 l;
  • salt – 4.5 tablespoons;
  • if necessary, you can add 100 ml of table vinegar to the composition;
  • to add aroma - 3-5 drops of essential oil.

The water for preparing the detergent must be hot (in this case, add vinegar is avoided so as not to cause a chemical burn to the respiratory tract). This will allow the grains of salt to completely dissolve and not cause damage to the flooring in the form of scratches.

Salt against magic - the role of salt in protection

Both white and black salt are used against magic.

Here are the secrets that we pass on among ourselves - about the use of salt in magic, as they say, salt against magic. These are genuine techniques with amazingly effective results.

- After the deceased, the floor is washed only in one direction, towards the doors. They kept saying: “There is no mistress, there is no mistress.” So that she doesn't come. By the way, you can put an ax and a knife under the pillow, or on the threshold. Bread and salt under the dead man’s right armpit: “Drink and eat, don’t scare us.” One woman did not do this; she sat down on a bench at night - and her deceased husband sat down next to her. Although she was frightened, she rushed to the salt shaker, threw a pinch at him: “Here, eat, don’t scare us!”, and so he left, as if it never happened.

— One woman’s dead husband visited her. She had two children. And the old man comes here to spend the night. She says: “Grandfather, help.” He says: “When it’s evening, cover the table with a clean napkin, put some bread and salt, dress the boy and girl in clean clothes.” She did just that. So she hears: there was a rattle, a noise, the door opens, the husband says: “Where has this been seen, where has this been heard, for a brother to marry his sister?” And the old man replies: “Where has this been seen, where has this been heard, for a dead man to walk?” He will shout: “Oh, I guessed it!” - and left. The old man said: “It’s the last night, otherwise I would have strangled you.”

- And sometimes, where salt is poured, in the corridor or on the stairs, it also causes damage. There was one woman, she says this, she made water, sprinkled salt, came in the morning - there wasn’t a single piece of salt, all the little devils had been collected.

“Once we had a sheep grazing, it was about to lamb.” I wanted to take her home, and then some aunt walks by and says: “It’s too early, she’s not going anywhere!” And then the sheep didn’t come. No night, no two. They searched everything and couldn't find it. They sent me to Nikulkino to see Baba Fenya. She showed how to make marks. Grandfather did, yes, apparently, wrong. The sheep appeared to the neighbor girl. While they were running there, she disappeared again. We went to grandma Fenya again. I said: “Grandma, so and so, went for a ride and ran away again and was gone.” And she says: “That’s wrong, apparently your grandfather made the marks.” Then she said bread and salt, then she tied it up with a fuss and said: “When you go, put it on the first alder bush, a little to the right, and go don’t look back.. The field and the field won’t let her in.” I did everything as she said. That same day the sheep came out.

- It attacked me - one blew into the wind, and blisters appeared. I’m walking from the field, a woman is walking, she’s angry with me. I run, she shouts after me: “Ugh, red face, when you die, death will not take you!” I came home and I couldn’t get up, I started getting blisters. Somehow I became a knowledgeable grandmother. Grandmother says: “Spend the night with me. If you fall asleep right away, it will be easier, but if you don’t, that’s it.” She talked about the salt. In the morning I wake up - everything became easy, like something had been untied. On the way she also told me about salt, and a rag, and some coal. The third hex was accepted by nightfall. All the blisters have gone somewhere.

How to properly wash floors?

If the procedure is aimed not only at cleaning the room from dirt, but also at getting rid of negative energy, then you need to start cleaning in a good mood.

To wash floors with salt, perform the following steps:

  • carry out dry cleaning of the room, using a broom or vacuum cleaner to collect visible debris;

  • prepare detergent;
  • move furniture away;
  • begin cleaning from the window towards the exit;
  • wipe all accessible surfaces, including baseboards;
  • flush water into the toilet;
  • wash the rag and hang it out to dry.

Cleaning rules

Usually the ritual is performed on the waning moon, this helps to enhance the magical effect. You need to do this:

  1. Opening the windows wide is done so that negative energy is replaced by clean, positive energy.
  2. Pour water at room temperature into a bucket and dissolve salt there, about 1 tablespoon per 10 liters.
  3. Dampen a cloth and wipe everything that can be wet cleaned: cabinet doors, household appliances, window sills, bookshelves.
  4. The resulting solution is used to wash the floor. This must be done starting from the threshold and further throughout the room.
  5. To remove negative energy from carpets and sofas, sprinkle them with a small amount of salt. After 30 minutes, you will need to vacuum everything.

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It is best to pour the water remaining after the ceremony into the ground, but if this is not possible, then into the sewer.

If for some reason the floor covering does not allow for wet cleaning, then you can place small containers of salt in the corners of the room, and after a few days, collect and throw away.

Helpful information

Tips for using saline solution for cleaning floors:

  1. The product is not recommended for cleaning marble, granite and parquet floors. You can use it for laminate, the main thing is not to pour a lot of water.
  2. To keep the tiles clean longer and less dirt sticking to them, they should be wiped with a concentrated saline solution.
  3. It is better to work with saline solution while wearing rubber gloves. This is especially true if it contains additional components in the form of vinegar, citric acid or other substances that can irritate the skin of the hands.
  4. For cleaning, it is better to take salt, the packaging of which says o. It dissolves faster in water and does not scratch the floor.
  5. Salt with added iodine is available on sale. If you purchased such a pack, it can also be used to clean the floor.
  6. Saline solution can only be used for manual cleaning using a bucket and rag. It is not suitable for pouring into a washing vacuum cleaner, as it can damage the equipment.

Cleanliness and cleaning in the refrigerator according to Feng Shui

Another place where negative energy can accumulate is the refrigerator. Yes, oddly enough, the refrigerator itself was invented to keep food fresh for as long as possible, but many simply forget that they need to regularly take inventory of it and throw away spoiled food.

In general, according to Feng Shui, food should always be fresh and should not be prepared in advance, since only freshly prepared food provides exactly the energy our body needs for a full and harmonious existence.

When the use of salt is undesirable

Before washing the floors, it is advisable to first check whether the salt will harm the flooring material:

  • The use of salt is not always acceptable during the washing process due to the vulnerability of the material;
  • check the composition of the detergent for the presence of salts and its ability to damage surfaces in the house in a particular case;
  • You should not use industrial salt instead of food salt due to impurities.

There are many materials that are resistant to various influences, but it is salt that deprives them of this advantage. Let's take granite as an example. It decorates any room and is suitable for any interior; it is considered durable. If you wash it with salt, cracks or scratches will appear on the surface over time. The same can be said about marble, it is easily destroyed, and the damage caused cannot be repaired; the surface will have to be completely changed. It is better to wash all specific surfaces, avoiding the use of acids and alkalis.

How salt helps get rid of negativity

The amazing properties of salt have been known for a long time. This substance is active in terms of its connection with magic and witchcraft. Improper handling of salt can lead to negative consequences, while proper use of the substance helps people achieve quality results for a better life.

Miracle properties of salt:

And mystical rituals performed using this substance remove dangerous sorcery from a person.

Thursday salt is considered the most effective. It is obtained by heating it in a frying pan until it turns black. And they do this on Maundy Thursday before Easter.

If the house needs to be rid of accumulated negativity, a ritual performed between 11 and 12 noon will help:

During the ritual, you need to think about good events in order to attract good luck and prosperity to your home. If the housewife does everything correctly, not only will all the bad things leave the house, but a lot of good things will also be attracted.

You can put salt in small containers in different rooms and leave it for a while. Then change to another. It is advisable to take sea salt to cleanse the room of negativity.

Magic Application

Many people carefully monitor the state of the internal energy and aura surrounding their home. Negative energy in the apartment has a negative impact on household members and family relationships. This can lead to frequent illness among family members and pets, loss of money, irritability and regular quarrels. You can cope with a bad aura and cleanse your apartment using salt. It is considered a powerful magical product, which is often used in many rituals.

Before cleaning, it is recommended to open the windows so that there is a draft in the room. It is advisable to get rid of things that have not been used for more than a year. To enhance the effect, a repeat procedure is necessary, which is carried out after 3 days.

After regular cleaning, the final step is to wash the floors with a saline solution. The floor is washed from the window to the threshold, thereby driving away negativity from your home.

Finally, you should wash under running water and wash the clothes you wore for cleaning.

To maintain positive energy in the apartment, it is recommended to carry out a similar procedure several times a year.

If for some reason it is not possible to wash the floor with a saline solution, you can replace this ritual with another option.

Scatter 3-4 tablespoons into small bags and place them open in each corner of the room. Leave for 3 days. Salt will “absorb” all the negativity in your home. According to custom, “dirty” salt must be burned or “infused with water.” Of course, you don’t need to burn anything, just tie up the bags and take them out with the trash.

When should you not wash your floor with salt?

Not every type of flooring is suitable for this use. Before carrying out, it is recommended to make sure that washing floors with salt will not harm the material.

Important: When cleaning a laminated surface, salt may cause streaks. Such stains will not cause significant harm, but will spoil the overall appearance of the room. Therefore, when preparing the solution, it is important to ensure that the product is completely dissolved.

Proper preparation of the solution

An important point in cleaning is the correct preparation of the cleaning composition. When using a solution to cleanse from negative effects, any amount will do, even a small pinch. Add salt to warm water until it completely dissolves in the container. This will help avoid streaks.

Advice: to cleanse yourself of negative energy, you should purchase a separate package of the product, which will be used exclusively for these purposes.

When preparing a solution for disinfection, a tablespoon of salt is suitable. The product must be thoroughly mixed in a bucket of warm water. A mop or soft foam sponge is useful for cleaning.

How to clean an apartment with prayers

Prayers read sincerely will also help cleanse your home of negative energy. The simplest option is “Our Father.” You need to read prayers with deep faith. You should first prepare the apartment that needs to be cleaned: tidy, ventilate, sprinkle with holy water.

The most effective prayers:

Prayer to God for deliverance from evil in the house and for the well-being of the household: “To the Creator and Maker of the human race, the Giver of spiritual grace and eternal salvation, Lord Himself, send Thy Holy Spirit with the highest blessing to this house, and bless Thy servants [names of those living in apartment], intercede for their souls, O Christ our Lord. Amen".

“Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who is coming to judge the living and the dead. Protect the house of your servant [name follows] from the intrusion of enemies and envious people. Deliver me from all evil, forgive my sins, and keep me in Your mercy, save my house from destruction, my soul from sinful thoughts. Thy will be done, Amen."

Prayers will be especially powerful if you supplement them with a very effective means of cleansing the apartment using a candle from the church.

Ritual with a church candle

Before you clean your apartment of negativity, you need to make sure that no one interferes with the procedure: it is better to turn off the power to electrical appliances, turn off the telephone and the doorbell.

If, however, during the procedure someone knocks on the door, this can also serve as a sign of a large accumulation of negativity. In this case, the ritual does not need to be interrupted, but calmly completed.

Order of conduct:

  1. They take holy water, wash their face and hands with it, and then sprinkle it in turn on each corner of the house.
  2. To protect hands and the floor from dripping wax, paper mugs are placed on candles brought from church.
  3. They start cleaning from the front door: first from its reverse side, facing outwards.
  4. Light a candle and make 3 circles in a clockwise direction.
  5. Carry out a cross-shaped movement over the eye, bell, handle.
  6. Move to the inside of the door and repeat the steps.
  7. Then from the front door they continue to clean the apartment along its entire perimeter from left to right, completing the circle again at the front door.
  8. Make wave-like movements with a candle near the walls.
    At sockets and door handles - draw a cross. Important! To avoid fire, all actions must be careful, at a safe distance from objects.
  9. Smoking, crackling, or fading of a candle is a signal that this area needs to be treated especially carefully until the unusual phenomenon stops.
  10. Particular attention should be paid to cleaning mirrors, bathrooms, and restrooms.
  11. After completing the procedure, you can make a second circle with the candle to make sure that everything is cleaned well and the flame burns evenly everywhere. If the result is a state of peace and harmony, you can be sure that the ritual was carried out successfully.
  12. After the procedure, it is important to remove all candle stubs from the apartment, wash your hands thoroughly, wash the clothes you used to clean the apartment, and take a shower.

Advice! To increase the duration of the ritual, you can hang an amulet charged with prayer on the door, place cacti or a “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower on the windowsills. It is necessary to keep the house clean, throw away all old unused things, and when receiving new ones from strangers, it is also useful to clean them with a cross using a candle.

Strengthen your inner energy

If your energy potential is small, big money will never come to you - you will not be able to cope with it. It is because of this that there are very frequent cases when a person who has won a large sum is not able to keep the money and quickly loses it.

To enhance your energy, do meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises. In addition, the energy level is increased by engaging in art and favorite hobbies, communicating with nature and animals. Give up self-criticism and underestimating your abilities, help other people, avoid negative emotions and conflicts.

Pay special attention to the kitchen in your home.

Yes Yes! Exactly the kitchen! After all, in the kitchen in your home, according to Feng Shui, as a rule, there is that very money corner, in which many people may have something old, covered with dust, lying around. And there is also a magical place in the kitchen - the stove. Any housewife should keep the stove in the house perfectly clean, wash it with love and gratitude every day, because it is thanks to the stove that you give your household fresh food.

And it is also believed that in order for your husband or your business to do well, the stove should always be clean. In addition to the stove, as we wrote above, pay special attention to the refrigerator in your home, the sink so that it doesn’t get clogged and sparkles, and of course the trash can!

Is it enough to vacuum the house once a week and wipe the dust according to Feng Shui? Just vacuuming the house, according to Feng Shui, is not enough for cleaning. A vacuum cleaner tends to disperse dust even more throughout the house. In order for your vacuum cleaner to be useful during cleaning, change the bags and filters in it more often, and then dust from the vacuum cleaner will not fly out. After the vacuum cleaner, wet cleaning should be carried out, but not immediately, but after an hour, when the dust has settled. It is good to moisten the air with a humidifier. Don't forget to wipe down your cabinets, behind your furniture, and most importantly, don't forget to wipe down your flowers!

Improve your relationship with money

To improve your relationship with money, perform a special ritual. Take a new bill, sit down and try to achieve maximum detachment and relaxation. You should feel only the ringing emptiness that surrounds you. When you reach this state, begin to scrutinize the bill with your eyes and fingers, try to remember all its roughness, the smallest drawn details, etc. Then imagine that you and money are one whole: where you are, there they are, where they are, there you are. Carry out this ritual every day until you feel that the attitude towards money towards you has changed.

Seven-day ritual to remove the evil eye

Removing the evil eye and damage with salt on your own within 7 days will give the most noticeable result. With this ritual you can remove the strongest evil eyes. You can use this method to remove witchcraft influence from yourself or any other person.

Take an old frying pan (you shouldn’t mind throwing it away) and pour a little salt from a new pack onto it. Wait until the product becomes very hot and glowing.

If you remove damage from yourself, then if there is a cloud of negative energy around you, the salt will begin to turn black, smell bad and crack . While it heats up, repeat regularly:

What goes with the wind goes with the wind. What went from the forest went to the forest. What happened to the people went to the people. What came from the earth went into the earth.

Then place the product in a container, which you place in front of the photo (your own or the rest of the victim). For better effect, the container can be installed next to the patient’s bed. The ritual is repeated in the evenings for 1 week. On the 8th day, throw away the product along with the unused salt from the pack and the frying pan.

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