What to do if you over-salted potatoes: boiled, fried or mashed

Add an absorbent product

Some products have beneficial absorbent properties, e.g. able to absorb excess salt. Such products include potatoes, starchy cereals, pasta, and fresh herbs. So, in an over-salted soup, you can put a few chopped potatoes or add 100-150 g of rice - these ingredients will absorb excess salt. If you don’t want to spoil the dish with extra food, you can put the potatoes in whole so that they can be easily taken out later, and place the cereals in the soup in a fabric bag.

Vegetable garden and more

It’s very disappointing and unpleasant when you’re preparing food for your family and friends, and then suddenly it’s too salty! An over-salted dish spoils not only the dish itself, but also the mood of the hostess and everyone who eats it. If it’s just a quiet family dinner, it’s okay, but if it’s a holiday table, then it’s doubly unpleasant. But an overdose of salt can sometimes be corrected. We have already written about how to save over-salted dishes, now we will tell you what can be done to correct over-salted dishes.

By the way, there is a popular saying that if you oversalted it, it means you fell in love. This is not always the case, however.

The easiest way to fix over-salted rice. But if you have over-salted the rice , you should rinse it in cold water or boil it for a couple of minutes. Using the same principle, you can revive buckwheat, pasta and other cereals. But you just need to do everything carefully so as not to overdo it and get a shapeless mass on the plate.

And if I over-salted the cabbage , what do you think I should do? You can save over-salted cabbage from a jar using the same method - rinse it under cold running water. True, with this method, all the tasty and healthy brine will be washed down the sink forever. Over-salted pickles are simply soaked in cold water.

Do you know how to fix over-salted fish , not already fried, but initially salted? Also, soaking in cold water can revive over-salted fish. To do this, small fish (for example, sprat or sprat) should simply be filled with water, changing it from time to time, and large fish (herring) should be cut into pieces before soaking so that the salt comes out of it faster. By the way, you can soak not only in cold water, but also in milk. After 2-3 hours of such water procedures for fish, it should be washed and can be eaten.

You can also correct over-salted dough for dumplings and dumplings. To do this, knead another 1 portion of dough without salt and combine it with the over-salted version.

But what to do if you over-salted the salad , how to fix it? It's easy to fix an over-salted fresh vegetable salad - you just need to add more cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs to it. The result is an excellent and tasty salad.

What to do if you over-salted the soup and it’s time to serve dinner? But correcting the situation with over-salted soup is much more difficult. The soup can be diluted with unsalted broth without compromising its organoleptic properties. If you don’t have such broth on hand, you can correct the situation with over-salted soup by holding a bag of rice in it. Rice is considered an excellent absorbent, which will absorb excess salt from the broth. Some housewives use another technique - they use pieces of refined sugar to correct the taste. To do this, put such a sweet piece in a tablespoon and then immerse it in the soup. The melted sugar on the spoon is replaced with new one and the procedure is repeated several times until the taste is as desired. Potatoes and pasta are also considered good absorbents, so if possible, you can use them to reduce the level of salt in the soup. If there are no potatoes in the recipe for this soup, you should use this trick: you need to put several whole peeled potatoes in the soup for 15 minutes, and then remove them from the broth. Potatoes will absorb excess salt without spoiling the original taste of the soup.

But if the goulash and roast are too salty , only sour cream will help. For this, the meat should be placed in a deep and narrow bowl with sour cream and allowed to cool. You can also simply add an unleavened butter or flour sauce to the dish, or serve goulash with an unleavened side dish.

If you oversalt the minced meat , finely chopped cabbage, raw zucchini or potatoes, which should first be grated, will help and save you. With these rescuers, the cutlets will be even tastier and more tender. Or you can use minced meat instead of cutlets for meatballs or cabbage rolls.

A tasty but over-salted vegetable stew is quite easy to fix - just add more tomatoes and vegetables to it. Just finely chop them and add them to the dish while it is still cooking on the fire. Whole-cooked vegetables will release excess salt if you first pour boiling water over them and then boil them for a few minutes in unsalted water.

It is recommended to salt dishes a few minutes before they are fully cooked and it is better to even add a little less salt, this will be better for everyone, and those who lack a little salt can always add more salt to their portion.

Recycle over-salted foods

So, from over-salted meat or fish, you can prepare a delicious, hearty pie filling by adding additional ingredients (vegetables, cereals). Over-salted vegetables can be processed into puree by adding pureed vegetables boiled without salt.

Source: www.ogorod.ru

There is only half an hour left before the guests arrive, and having dressed up, you quickly try the salad prepared according to a long-proven recipe, but suddenly you realize that the dish is too salty... Tragedy? Catastrophe? Nothing like this! In no case should you panic, because food that seemed hopelessly spoiled can easily become not only edible again, but also surprisingly tasty. To fix everything, you just need to enlist the support of experienced chefs who will offer you simple tips, some of which are presented below.

What to do if you over-salted the soup?

It is known that even the most aromatic and richly flavored soup can lose its invaluable qualities if it is over-salted. However, in the case of this particular dish, there are three ways to cope with the problem.

1. Sugar is the best enemy of salt.

The simplest thing you can do is add a pinch of sugar to over-salted soup. No matter how strange it may look, it is sugar that can most quickly cope with the problem that has arisen, being a contrasting flavoring substance that can not only eliminate excess salt, but also enhance your taste sensations when eating the saved soup.

2. More liquid!

Another method, also widely used by cooks, is no less simple: you need to add unsalted broth or just boiled water to the soup. The best option, of course, would be broth, and not because adding it may just seem more natural, but for the reason that it is the broth that will mix with the other ingredients in a matter of minutes and you will immediately understand whether you need to continue adding to the soup liquid, or it no longer seems over-salted. Unlike broth, it will take some time for the soup to mix properly, and it is quite possible that after adding water and tasting the soup again, you will not notice any difference and decide to continue adding more. But in fact, you should just wait and only then take the sample. It is possible that much water will not be required.

Of course, this option is unlikely to suit those of us who like to fill the pot with soup to the very brim.

3. Potatoes, but not as an ingredient.

This third option, no less effective and simple, will suit everyone. The method is to peel a raw potato and place it in the soup. Keep the potatoes in the soup for as long as possible, until the time comes to pour it into plates. Potatoes will perfectly absorb excess salt.

What to do if you over-salt your mashed potatoes?

Of course, the simplest solution to this problem would be to add some more unsalted boiled potatoes, mashed into a puree, but if you don’t have the opportunity to increase the amount of the prepared dish, then unsalted butter will help you.

Most of us prefer to eat mashed potatoes with a piece of butter added to it, but few people know that this product not only makes the mashed potatoes more tender and thick in consistency, but also muffles the feeling of salty taste in it.

What to do if you over-salt the rice?

In this case, the best thing you can do is to rinse the rice with as much cold water as possible. The colder the water, the more effective this rinsing will be. Washed rice will become more attractive in appearance and fluffy, and at the same time will lose excess salt.

What to do if you over-salted porridge, buckwheat and other cereals?

If the porridge was cooked in milk, you can get rid of the problem very simply: just add a little more milk - and the problem is solved! But if we are talking about non-dairy porridges, or any other cooked cereal, such as buckwheat, then the best solution would be to use potatoes.

Unlike the measures taken in the case of over-salted soup, to eradicate this problem, you should cut the raw potatoes into large cubes. Only then will she be able to properly absorb the excess salt from the cooked cereal, which differs from the soup in being much thicker. When, after tasting the porridge, you are convinced that it is edible, simply remove the potato pieces from it and throw them away as unnecessary.

What to do if you over-salted meat, chicken or fish?

Undoubtedly, the case of over-salted meat is one of the most difficult, and most likely we will have no choice but to sacrifice the taste of the dish in order to save it from the trash can. You should remove the pieces of meat from the vessel in which they were stewed, remove them from the frying pan or from the baking sheet, and then rinse them with cold water and keep them on the fire for some more time. This is the only way to get rid of the feeling that the dish is too salty.

In the case of slightly over-salted fish that has been grilled, lemon can often help a lot. Pour lemon juice over the fish and enjoy its rich taste, forgetting about excess salt.

What to do if you over-salted the cutlets?

In such a situation, you can advise adding some kind of sauce to the cutlets, which would somehow brighten up their eating, and you can also use various herbs and spices, such as oregano, celery, dill, pepper, basil, cumin.

What to do if the salad is too salty?

The simplest solution is to double the amount of ingredients used. If for some reason this is not possible, then it makes sense to add onions and celery to the salad. It is these products, thanks to their texture and taste, that can overcome excess salt in any salad. A little lemon juice will also help, as will spicy ingredients like cayenne or mustard.

Did you oversalt? Don't be upset, this is a good omen

Anyone can over-salt a dish, and even if it is popularly considered a sign that the cook has fallen in love, such an oversight can lie in wait not only for romantics and newbies at the stove who decide to create a culinary masterpiece based on their grandmother’s cookbook. This trouble happens to both experienced cooks and chefs of gourmet restaurants. Often the cause of the problem can be the usual change of salt in your kitchen, namely the purchase of packaging from another manufacturer. Also, using salt of a different grind, which you have not yet had time to adapt to, can lead to a similar problem. Of course, in the vast majority of cases, increasing the amount of ingredients will help cope with the problem. For example, there is nothing easier than saving over-salted minced meat by adding some more of the same minced meat, but without salt. At the same time, we cannot exclude situations in which it may be necessary to prepare a dish from scratch, because it is unlikely that over-salted pilaf or paella can be helped with anything.

Source: www.FoodBest.ru

What can you cook from over-salted potatoes?

If boiled or fried tubers cannot be saved from oversalting, they are used as an ingredient in vinaigrette, other salads and appetizers, and vegetable stew.

From boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes make:

  1. Casserole with minced meat, egg, cheese, spices. This dish is also prepared with mushrooms, chicken fillet, fish, tomatoes or eggplants.
  2. Fillings for dumplings, pies, pies. Potatoes are combined with mushrooms, cottage cheese, fried carrots, green and onions, dill, and parsley.
  3. Cutlets. The puree is combined with spinach, fried onions, and garlic. Add unsalted grated cheese, egg, lemon juice. Before frying, the semi-finished product is rolled in breadcrumbs.
  4. Dumplings. The dough, prepared from salted puree (500 g), flour (250 g) and one egg, is rolled out into a sausage, cut into equal pieces and boiled in a large volume of boiling water. Ready dumplings are served with butter, onions or sauce.

Potato dough is used to prepare zrazy with cabbage, mushrooms, sweet dumplings with berries or pieces of fruit, rolls with vegetable filling, and Ossetian pies.

How to fix over-salted potatoes

In fact, the main thing is not to panic; what happened is a reason to be resourceful. If the housewife has over-salted the potatoes, the only way out is to mix the dish with something bland. There are different options and recipes depending on the cooking method.

Boiled potatoes. The easiest way to fix undercooked potatoes. If you notice your mistake in time, you need to transfer the tubers to a pan of boiling fresh water and cook until tender.

Fully cooked, salted potatoes are cut into mugs or slices, placed in a frying pan, poured with sauce and simmered for 15–20 minutes over medium heat.

  • Fry diced onions in vegetable oil until translucent and mix with 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream. The sauce will be tastier if you replace the onions with leeks. Adding champignons to the sauce will turn the dish into a delicacy;
  • the taste of heavily salted boiled potatoes will be significantly improved by sweet and sour tomato sauce, which is prepared from a mixture of tomato paste or fresh tomatoes, onions fried until transparent, stewed carrots and bell peppers. In winter, bell pepper is replaced with a pinch of ground sweet paprika. Grated apple will add a piquant sourness to the dish. The sauce is seasoned with sugar, hot pepper, and, if desired, ginger and cinnamon.
  • It is possible that the potatoes with sauce will again seem under-salted to the hostess. In this case, you need to salt very carefully. It is better to let each guest use the salt shaker independently. It also makes sense to serve chopped, unsalted fresh vegetables and herbs.

    Stewed potatoes. To correct the taste of over-salted stewed potatoes, just dilute the sauce with sour cream or tomato paste, add fried carrots, for piquancy - grated sour apple, a little sugar, 1-2 tablespoons of wine to taste. About 15–20 minutes in the “updated sauce” - and the dish will become even tastier than originally intended.

    Mashed potatoes. If the puree is not too salty, adding 2-3 tablespoons of boiling milk and 50 g of butter will “salt” the dish a little. This puree can be topped with unleavened sour cream and onion sauce with mushrooms.

    To correct a very salty puree, add a few mashed potatoes boiled in fresh water. While additional potatoes are being cooked, cover the pan with the already prepared mashed potatoes with a lid and wrap it with a towel: otherwise the dish will cool down and become tasteless.

    Mashed potatoes can be saved with butter, milk or mixed with a new portion of fresh potatoes

    Fried potatoes. The fastest way to correct the taste of over-salted fried potatoes is to beat 3-4 eggs with 100 g of milk or 2 tablespoons of sour cream, pepper, pour this mixture over the potatoes and put the dish in the oven for 15 minutes. The result is an original omelet.

    If there is time, potatoes are added to the stew: mixed and stewed with canned beans or green peas, zucchini, carrots, bell peppers, and cabbage.

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