Anthurium flower (male happiness) - signs and superstitions

There are a large number of signs and superstitions associated with anthurium. It is noteworthy that they are positive and favorable in nature, and also have an impact on both men and women. The flower of male happiness is characterized by amazing attractiveness and striking appearance. It promotes success, material well-being and prosperity. In addition, this indoor plant is endowed with a number of magical and useful qualities, which allows a person to cope with some difficulties and improve their own life.

Signs and superstitions

For men

According to the signs and superstitions associated with anthurium, this flower activates in its owner such qualities as determination, determination and courage. Thanks to his influence, a person is not afraid to bear responsibility and does not avoid obligations. The flower of male happiness is able to cope with difficulties in intimate life. It helps to activate sexual desire. Men should definitely get one.

For women

Representatives of the fair sex who have not yet met their other half should purchase anthurium. With its help, masculine energy will appear in the house. In the near future, a woman will certainly meet her other half if she strives to improve her personal life.

Can I keep it at home?

Like many araceae, anthurium juice contains calcium oxalate, which causes irritation to the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth. For this reason, the plant is considered slightly toxic. It is safe as long as you do not taste the leaves. During flowering, an allergy to pollen may occur.

Do not allow children or pets to play with the flower or pick or chew the leaves. Its juice is poisonous and can cause harm.

Like most indoor flowers, anthurium cleanses the atmosphere in the house: dense leaves absorb harmful substances (toluene and xylene). The high air humidity necessary for the plant also benefits its owners.

When buying an anthurium, make sure that the selected specimen is not infected with greenhouse parasites. The leaves should be dense and elastic, without spots, growths or cobwebs.

Symbolism of the anthurium plant

among the people

Many signs and superstitions indicate that the male happiness flower tends to attract good luck and material achievements. In Colombia, it is customary to purchase it if you want to strengthen your wealth and success. There is an opinion that anthurium has positive energy.

There is a tradition among the people that many newlyweds adhere to. If they are aimed at building a strong and harmonious union, they should definitely have this plant. At the wedding ceremony they are presented with bouquets containing it as a gift.

As one of the many signs indicates, it is important that anthurium is not purchased independently. It is optimal for it to be given as a gift. It is in this case that it will protect the home from negativity and create a favorable atmosphere.

According to feng shui

This flower has a large number of positive qualities. It is capable of charging its owner’s biofield with the correct aura. Thanks to him, a person manages to overcome troubles and difficulties. Anthurium has a beneficial effect on consciousness. It helps clear thoughts and allows you to think clearly.

A flower with male happiness can fill a room with harmony. It helps to activate your inner sense and protects you from hasty decisions. Anthurium senses the situation in the home and sets the energy in a positive direction. The relationships between household members are filled with warmth and goodwill. It is worth noting that the plant does not tolerate bad people. With them, it begins to wither and hurt.

Description of the flower

The anthurium inflorescence is a spadix surrounded by a brightly colored dense blanket. The color ranges from white to red, sometimes even bicolor or changing from one to another, but most often yellow, orange. The flowers have a faint pleasant scent. From spring to early autumn, flowers appear on one plant one after another, which retain their beauty for a month or more. The plant should be located next to windows facing west or east

The original shape of the inflorescence suggested the name for the plant: translated from Greek, “anthurium” means “tail flower.” The nickname “flamingo” is justified not only by the soft pink color of the perianth, but also by the shape of the Anthurium Scherzer spadix, which gracefully curves like the neck of this bird.

Interesting: For the anthurium to bloom, water the plant several times in a row in February with warm water (+40-45ºC).

The inflorescences are so large that the flower stalks cannot withstand their weight and bend. In this case, you will need to tie it to a support.

If the flowers are not cut, the anthurium forms an ovary, and after 2-3 months the orange-red berries ripen.

Magical and beneficial properties of the plant

Since anthurium is also called “male flower” or “male happiness,” there are signs according to which an unmarried woman needs to place it in her home. It will allow you to meet your future partner, since it does an excellent job of attracting male energy.

There is an opinion that if a plant blooms, it means that life together will be strong and happy. The husband will definitely provide support to his chosen one if difficulties arise. He will become a protector and support for her.

If a representative of the fair half of humanity regularly feels unwell, anthurium will be able to help in such a situation. It helps strengthen the immune system and activate vital energy. In addition, thanks to it, it is possible to overcome depression and get rid of mood swings. This belief also applies to men.

Some people believe that the flower of male happiness helps overcome alcohol addiction. It makes it easier to get out of binge drinking. Of course, each plant has its own energy. Anthurium gives its owner joy and positivity. Moreover, it absorbs negative emotions and cleanses the aura in the home.

If a person has lost the ability to enjoy life, he should definitely acquire this plant. During the flowering process, its power becomes more pronounced. He manages to attract success, material well-being and sincere feelings. This flower allows its owner to achieve his plans and replenish energy reserves.

The main diseases of anthurium

Anthurium is often affected by fungus and virus. To combat them, folk remedies and industrially produced plant medicines should be used. Some diseases can be treated by changing the conditions of detention.


Anthracnose is a fungal disease that appears as brown spots on the leaves. To combat the disease, you should spray the bush with a solution of any fungicide for indoor plants.


With this fungal infection, the plant stops blooming, the leaves become covered with a whitish and brownish coating. Industrially produced fungicides are used for treatment. Prevention – control of temperature and humidity in the room.

Fusarium wilt

The root of the flower begins to rot, the stem dries, and the leaves fall off and turn yellow. For prevention, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil, avoiding stagnation of moisture. For treatment, the Trichophyte spray is used.

Root rot

Externally, signs of the disease appear in yellowing of the leaves and drying out of the trunk, as well as in the absence of flowers and berries. As a treatment, it is necessary to transplant the flower into another pot - where the soil is not infected.

Powdery mildew

This disease can lead to the complete death of the flower. Visually, it appears as a white coating on the leaves and stem. For prevention, you should regularly loosen the soil; treatment is by spraying with any fungicide for indoor flowers.


Flowers and berries do not form on the affected plant, the stem dries out, becomes brittle and becomes covered with brown spots. For treatment, it is necessary to reduce watering and, at the first opportunity, transplant the plant into another pot, having previously treated the soil in it with an antiseptic.

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With this disease, the leaves of the flower begin to turn yellow. If the leaves turn yellow and the flower dies, in order to stop the disease, you need to move the flower closer to sunlight and apply a complex fertilizer mix containing iron.

Plant pox

Yellow spots in the form of rings appear on the leaves, and the anthurium stops growing and developing. To combat the disease, fertilizing should be increased, then the plant will cope with the virus on its own without additional drugs.

Why does the flower of male happiness bloom and cry?

Anthurium will bloom if it is properly and carefully cared for. In addition, he needs a favorable environment. As a rule, the plant blooms in February – November. It can delight the owner with its attractiveness for a long time. Flowers amaze with their beauty and amazing appearance. It is worth noting that the cut plant may not wither for three or more weeks.

During flowering, the power of anthurium is activated. It has a positive influence on its owner. A person copes with any difficulties with ease and is in an excellent mood. He achieves success in every endeavor.

If drops of moisture appear on the leaves, it means the plant is trying to get rid of excess water. It's just a biological phenomenon. It often happens before it rains. After all, it is during this period that the air becomes oversaturated with moisture.

Anthurium care at home

The list of basic care activities includes:

  • regular watering;
  • fertilizing with mineral fertilizers;
  • transfer.

It is also necessary to carry out systematic prevention of diseases and pests.


In winter, the flower is watered once every three days, in summer - once every two days. But, if the soil dries out quickly, you can moisten it daily. In addition to watering, the foliage should be sprayed with a spray bottle.

Top dressing

The plant must be fed once every three months with complex mineral fertilizers for indoor flowers. Ash can be added monthly as a valuable source of potassium. At any time, fertilizing with eggshells and tea leaves from drinking tea gives good results.


It is strictly forbidden to prune during the flowering period. You need to cut from top to bottom at an angle. For highly branched plants, it is necessary to form a crown; for small compact bushes, it is enough to trim dry leaves.


Transplantation is carried out every three years. The main thing is not to damage the branched root system. Immediately after transplanting, the flower needs to be watered. You can put a layer of moss in a new pot to retain moisture.


If the flower is already old, it can be rejuvenated. To do this, you need to trim off the tops and side shoots. But it would be best to remove the top part and leave the trunk with roots in the same place. This method is quite effective.

Where is it better to place it in the house?

To obtain the full range of positive properties of a flower for male happiness, it is important to place it correctly in your home.

Some guidelines need to be followed


  • The eastern part of an apartment or house is perfect for placing a pot with anthurium.
  • It is optimal for the flower to be in the bedroom.
  • You should not place electrical appliances near the plant. Otherwise, they will absorb his energy.

It is worth remembering the importance of proper care of anthurium


  • the flower does not need frequent watering, but it should be plentiful (no more than twice a week in the summer);
  • the room should be warm and bright (but it is worth remembering that anthurium is wary of direct sunlight);
  • the plant should be protected from drafts.

Popular varieties of anthurium

The list of the most popular and popular varieties includes the following:

  • Black Love;
  • Dynamite Red;
  • Majestic;
  • Rothschild.

These varieties are the most unpretentious and easy to care for. But there are other varieties that are less known to domestic lovers of indoor floriculture; They are also distinguished by their beauty and ease of maintenance.

Andre (Andreanum)

Andrianum is a popular and unpretentious variety. This plant will adequately decorate any interior. Distinctive features are thick leaves, small inflorescences and a bright scarlet cover. Sometimes the "sail" may be purple or white. The plant does not like high humidity, unlike other varieties.

Black Queen

This variety is often called "Black Queen" or "Black Prince". This species is one of the largest, more than a meter in height. The leaves are large, oblong. The flowers are dark purple, almost black. This species has good immunity.

Black Love

Tall plant with many branches, height 50 cm. Dark green heart-shaped leaves. The buds are beige at first, and then become purple, almost black. The plant loves a lot of light and does not tolerate shade.

Scherzer (Anthurium scherzerianum)

Scherzerianum is a rather rare variety of anthurium. The cob is twisted in the shape of a spiral, the cover is a rich bright orange color. The berries appear at the same time as the flowers. The plant loves warmth and humidity.

Dynamite Red

The bract is bright scarlet with a curved shape, and the flower itself is yellow. The flower is not tall, about 40 cm. The leaves are light green, heart-shaped, medium in size. This type of anthurium does not tolerate cold.


This is a hybrid variety with wide dark green leaves, which are decorated on the inside with an intricate pattern - longitudinal stripes. The blanket gradually changes its color; at the beginning of flowering it is pinkish, then gradually becomes purple. This species is often attacked by insect pests.

Princess Amalia Elegance

It is one of the four most popular varieties in Russia. The leaves are wide, heart-shaped, the large cob is dark pink. The round bract can be white or dark cherry. The variety does not like excessive soil moisture.


This variety has two more unofficial names - “Salmon” and “Spring Romance”. The height of an adult plant is 65 cm, the ear is bright yellow, small inflorescences are white. The inflorescence has the shape of a tulip. The flower loves heat and abundant watering.

Prince Orange

This is a medium-height hybrid anthurium variety whose dark green heart-shaped leaves, yellow bracts and orange spathe look beautiful and harmonious together. When caring, you should pay special attention to the temperature regime; the plant is afraid of cold weather.

Pink Champion

The variety was artificially bred in Holland. The pink blanket reaches 17–20 cm in length. Large pink flowers stay on the bush for a long time, after which red berries appear. The plant is often affected by rot, in which case watering should be reduced.

Majestic (Magnificum)

One of the most beautiful varieties, the heart-shaped dark green leaves are decorated with intricate, sinuous veins. The yellow bract stands out effectively against the background of the scarlet blanket. The plant is unpretentious and responds well to feeding.


The variety was developed by crossing the white and red Scherzer varieties. The height of the bush is 45 cm, the bright pink cover effectively sets off the dark green leaves without patterns. Visually, the flowers look a little like roses. This variety is one of the most moisture-loving.

Joli Peach

A hybrid variety up to 60 cm high, its distinctive feature is abundant flowering. The soft pink spathe and beige bract with small yellow flowers make this plant a favorite of domestic gardeners. However, to extend the flowering period, the plant needs feeding.


One of the most unpretentious varieties. However, if the room is cold, this plant will not bloom. The leaves are light green, rounded, with dark veins. The spathe and bract are purple, sometimes bright pink.

Baby Purple

This is a low-growing variety, the height of the bush is no more than 30 cm. However, the flowers are quite large, up to 6 cm in diameter. The leaves are dark green, the bract and spathe are purple. The leaves have an unusual triangular shape. The plant needs regular loosening and frequent watering.


The height of an adult bush is up to 40 cm, the leaves are oblong, slightly elongated, elliptical in shape. The color of the leaves is light green, the cover is bright scarlet, the bract is pink. Distinctive features are abundant and long flowering. The plant needs regular mineral feeding.

Crystal (Crystallinum)

This variety blooms very rarely at home and is sensitive to temperature changes. Indoor gardeners plant it because of its beautiful patterned leaves. The plant can climb like a vine and requires support in the form of a stick or slate to grow.

Sierra Maqic

This variety is distinguished by fleshy large light green leaves without veins or patterns. The spathe is bright pink, the bract and flowers are dark red, this spectacular contrast immediately catches the eye. Flowering is short-lived; to prolong it, it is necessary to increase watering and feed the flower with mineral fertilizers.

Sweet Dream

The plant is not tall, the bush is up to 40 cm in height. Distinctive features are abundant and lush, but short-lived flowering. The leaves are graceful, oblong in shape, with light veins. The spathe is pink, the bract is yellow. The flowers are small and do not fall off for a long time; they appear after the berries. The flower is sensitive to cold and lack of light.

Karma Purple

It is a low-growing plant, the height of an adult bush does not exceed 20 cm, but the flowers are quite large and can reach 8 cm in diameter. The plume is fuchsia, the bract is lilac, the leaves are light green without patterns, heart-shaped. The flower does not tolerate shade and loves the sun.


This species got its name due to the fact that the color is similar in appearance to a lily. This is a dwarf variety, the height of an adult bush is no more than 20 cm. The train is narrow, ribbon-like, pale pink in color. The leaves are oblong, monochromatic, without veins. The plant is unpretentious.

Princess Alexia Jade

This variety rarely blooms, but lush greenery performs a decorative function. Heart-shaped dark green leaves are decorated with an intricate pattern of light specks. The plume is light green, the bract is yellow. The flower is unpretentious, but is afraid of drafts.

Rainbow Champion

Medium-sized bush, up to 40 cm in height. The leaves are two-colored: dark green on the outside, light green on the inside. Flowers can be orange, brown or pink, with a purple or fuchsia plume. This variety loves abundant feeding.

Black Beauty

Tall variety, bush height up to 55 cm. The cover is dark brown, almost black. The leaves are fleshy, juicy, heart-shaped, with raised veins. Heat-loving and moisture-loving variety.


The flowers are not very large, the plant blooms rarely, the cover is beige. The decorative function is performed by foliage; dark green heart-shaped leaves are decorated with a light green pattern. The plant loves high humidity, but does not tolerate direct sunlight.


A high variety, the average height of an adult specimen is up to 60 cm. The leaves are leathery, dense, dark green, with prominent veins. The plume is light pink, with pink stripes, the bract is orange. The plant tolerates heat well, but does not tolerate cold well.


The leaves are dark green without patterns, the trail is two-colored - beige and yellow. The bract is orange, small flowers are brown. The height of the plant is no more than 40 cm. The main requirements are abundant watering and loosening.

Sierra White

The bush reaches 50 cm in height, the heart-shaped leaves are dark, without patterns or veins, dense and leathery. The cover is snow-white, the bracts and small flowers are yellow, the berries are orange. The variety is unpretentious and tolerates drafts well.


It blooms rarely, the height of an adult bush is up to 40 cm. The leaves are oblong with pointed ends, decorated with openwork veins and perform the main decorative function. Abundant flowering is possible only with regular watering.

Fantasy Love

The bush is medium in size, up to 40 cm, the cover is white with splashes of pink, dark veins stand out effectively on the light leaves. The buds and berries are larger than other varieties. The basic care requirements are no shade and plenty of sunlight.

Violet Heart

Fleshy triangular leaves without patterns are dark green; the lilac-colored cover is decorated with raised veins, which are slightly darker than the plume itself. The height of the bush is up to 40 cm, the diameter of the flowers is up to 5 cm. This species loves frequent watering.


A beautiful variety that will effectively decorate any interior. The plume is red, the bract is yellow, the small flowers are beige. Large heart-shaped leaves are dark green, without patterns. The plant does not require care and feeding.

Sierra Maqic

The height of the bush is average, up to 45 cm, the triangular leaves are large and leathery, with raised veins. The bright pink blanket harmonizes effectively with the orange bract and red flowers. To prolong flowering, it is recommended to feed the flower with nitrogen fertilizers.


A small, dwarf variety, the height of the bush is no more than 20 cm. The flowers are small, purple in color, the bract is the same, but slightly darker. The train is lilac, monochromatic, very wide. The flower does not like temperature changes and is afraid of drafts.

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A real giant among anthuriums, reaches 70 cm in height. The leaves are uniform, but lighter on the inside than on the outside. The bright red blanket effectively sets off the small yellow flowers. This plant blooms for a long time if watered once every two days.

Jaguar Green

The plant rarely blooms, the foliage is light green with pale pink veins. The leaves are elliptical, dense and leathery. The blanket is light green or light green. The flower is often affected by diseases and pests.


The height of an adult plant reaches 35 cm, the leaves are dark green on the outside, light green on the inside, with relief light veins and picturesque specks. The spathe is brown, the bract is yellowish, the flowers are small brown or green.

Which flower makes a pair

Surprisingly, Anthurium has a couple. We are talking about a related flower - spathiphyllum, or “female happiness”. There are similarities between these plants. They create a beautiful and harmonious tandem. Spathiphyllum is more elegant and delicate in comparison with anthurium. The latter, in turn, resembles a heart that is pierced by an arrow. Together, these flowers become a symbol of balance and sincere feelings.

According to existing legends, superstitions, omens and Feng Shui, a pair of spathiphyllum and anthurium has magical qualities. Of course, a person independently manages his own life and makes decisive decisions. And the plant becomes a reflection of his behavior and actions.

Many people plant these flowers together to achieve balance. However, it is worth considering that although they are similar, they require different watering and care. That is why it is better to refrain from the idea of ​​planting these plants together. As experienced flower lovers note, spathiphyllum and anthurium have a difficult time together. They advise not to plant them in the same pot. It is optimal for them to be located nearby. Then their positive influence will certainly be activated and will be as favorable as possible.

Spathiphyllum is popularly called female happiness, and anthurium is called male happiness. If each of the lovers has their own plant, they will soon begin to notice that their union has become easier and happier. Over time, quarrels occur between them less and less often. Not a trace remains of the previous grievances.

Features of Anthurium propagation

The most popular methods of propagation are cuttings and dividing the bush. In order for the plant to take root, you must follow the watering schedule and monitor the temperature in the apartment.

Growing from seeds

Growing anthurium from seeds is a rather labor-intensive and time-consuming method. Usually it is used only by professional breeders to develop new varieties. The seeds do not germinate well at home.


A small shoot is cut from the green part of the plant and planted in a new pot. You can also use a leaf or aerial roots as a cutting. Immediately after transplanting a young plant, it is necessary to water it, and the next day add mineral fertilizer. The cuttings take root well.

Dividing the bush

The mother bush is watered abundantly before propagation. When dividing, you need to make sure that each part has at least one leaf and a growing point. Shoots should be planted at the same depth as they were previously.


To propagate by leaf, you need to take an adult plant and cut a large leaf from it; the recommended cutting length is up to 4 cm. The leaf is rolled into a tube and planted in pre-moistened soil with a drainage layer. Exactly a third of the leaf should remain on the surface.


Anthurium can be propagated by children. To do this, you need to carefully separate the small shoot from other children and plant it in a pre-prepared nutrient mixture. The soil should be slightly moist and loose. Usually the kids get along well.

How to improve your personal life with the help of male happiness

Many beliefs indicate that anthurium is capable of endowing its owner with luck. A person's life becomes positive and successful. It is extremely important that the plant is given as a gift. Then it will certainly increase courage and power in a person. With its help, people discover their strengths and more often demonstrate their own strengths.

Thanks to anthurium, relationships between married couples are filled with understanding, balance, trust and sincerity. The partners strive to strengthen and harmonize their union.

If a representative of the fair sex has to constantly face problems in building her personal life, she should acquire anthurium. It facilitates a quick acquaintance with a partner, as it fills the home with masculine energy. A woman will be able to overcome previous difficulties and forget about them. She will definitely meet her other half.

Spouses who regularly argue and have conflicts should put anthurium in the bedroom. It will help a man and a woman find common ground and mutual understanding. But it is best that they also acquire spathiphyllum, which is rightfully considered a female plant. It is important that partners carefully care for the flowers. Then the number of disagreements and problems will be noticeably reduced. The atmosphere in the house will become harmonious and calm.

Common pests of anthurium

Anthurium is often affected by scale insects, aphids and other dangerous insects. Affected leaves and stems should be removed and burned to completely destroy the parasites. There are several varieties that are most resistant to insects, such as Black Queen and Pink Champion.

Spider mite

Spider mites can be recognized by a peculiar thin coating on the leaves; In the soil, when loosened, you can find the insects themselves and the eggs they lay. To remove mites, you need to wash the plant with a special insecticidal soap.


If the leaves have turned yellow and the flower is not growing well, there is probably an aphid in the anthurium and eating its leaves. To combat this insect, you should use the systemic insecticide “Malathion”, spraying according to the instructions.


Thrips is an insect that bites into the thickness of leaves and practically does not crawl to the surface. The pest can be recognized by small black dots on the leaves. To combat thrips, it is necessary to increase watering and spray the plant daily with a spray bottle.


If a flower is affected by scale insects, it has sticky leaves that are unpleasant to the touch; up close you can see the pest eggs on them. For treatment, it is necessary to replant the plant and spray it with a solution of the drug "Aktar".


When whitefly infests, the leaves become sticky and yellow. Up close you can see the small yellowish larvae of the pest. Treatment is cutting off the affected leaves and treating with Iskra.


When infected by a nematode, the leaves and stem dry out and the plant quickly begins to wither. For treatment, it is necessary to transplant into a pot with pre-disinfected soil and spray the flower with Inta-vir.


The leaves become sticky and holes gnawed by the pest are visible on them. In order to destroy the scale insect, you can use any industrially produced insecticide and spray the anthurium according to the instructions. A transplant is also recommended.

Impact on financial well-being

Anthurium attracts cash flows and other benefits to the home. If it is difficult to find a job or you lack the determination to open your own business, you can purchase arrows of love at a flower shop.

It is recommended to buy several representatives of the flora at once, then carefully monitor their growth. As soon as large flowers appear on the plants, this will be a sign of impending financial improvement.

Plants in the house are not only beautiful, but also good for health. Anthurium has a beneficial effect on all areas of human life, so do not put off purchasing this wonderful flower.

Who should I give it to?

Anthurium is a wonderful gift not only for a representative of the stronger half of humanity, but also for a girlfriend and even parents.

It is magicians who recommend giving this flowerpot to people with a melancholic type of nervous system or those whose work involves constant nervous exhaustion and overstrain.

These flowers give joy and good mood to all household members.

Anthurium has a particularly positive effect on male strength and potency.

Meaning and placement tips

The ancient eastern teaching of Feng Shui recommends keeping potted plants in every room. Representatives of the flora have a positive impact on people and their homes, adjusting habits and character. The male anthurium flower has signs associated with this Taoist culture.

In Feng Shui, the flamingo flower is considered a wise and beneficial plant, which has a number of positive characteristics. To get to know this home flower better, it’s worth studying in more detail how male happiness affects others and the environment:

  1. Anthurium senses the aura of the room, transforms it into positive waves, and enriches the hearts of the residents with kindness.
  2. Arrows of love help a person fight depression. The plant allows you to calm down and tune in to a positive mood.
  3. Anthurium has a powerful effect on intuition, opening the third eye.
  4. The flower helps protect against unexpected guests. To do this, place it in the hallway.
  5. The plant is most powerful when it blooms with large scarlet flowers.
  6. If the anthurium is surrounded by a large accumulation of negative energy, it may die. It will not take root with bad people. If the flower has withered, the owners should think about their behavior and, perhaps, change it for the better.

In order for a flower to delight with its external beauty and magical properties, it must be placed in the east: in the living room or bedroom. It is not recommended to place the plant near electrical appliances, otherwise they will “take away” the positive energy from it.

Origin and other names

Male happiness - this is what anthurium has been called for many centuries. Anthurium is translated from Greek as “flower with a tail.” Its homeland is considered to be tropical forests in South America. Bright, distinct heart-shaped petals with a protruding stamen are associated with male libido.

Most often, anthurium is given to representatives of the stronger sex. It symbolizes:

  • fortitude;
  • brave disposition;
  • passion;
  • life goals;
  • Love.

The plant has other names:

  • pig tail;
  • damn tongue;
  • arrows of love;
  • flamingo flower.

Common problems when growing

Problems when growing anthurium are most often caused by insufficient feeding and incorrect temperature conditions. You should also check the humidity in the room.

With leaves

If the leaves of the plant dry out or turn yellow, you should increase watering and carry out emergency feeding. These measures will help compensate for the lack of nutrients. You should also inspect the flower for pests.

Turn yellow

If the leaves turn yellow, the plant does not have enough potassium. You can add ash as an organic fertilizer or feed the flower with a complex composition for indoor plants. Additionally, loosening should be carried out.

The ends are drying out

It happens that the edges of the leaf plates of a flower begin to dry out very much. In this case, you should check the humidity in the room. If it is insufficient, you should purchase a humidifier, and the problem will be resolved. It is not difficult to revive the plant.

Curl up

Curling leaves is a sign of lack of heat. This often happens in winter. In this case, you should turn on the heater in the room or place a table lamp for heating next to the flower. In summer you need to move the flower closer to the sun's rays.


Brown and rare yellow spots on buds or leaves are signs of rust. At first, the leaves simply become dark and dry, then, if the problem is not addressed, black spots appear and rust moves from the leaves to the roots. The reason is excess moisture. The solution is to reduce air humidity and watering.


The leaves and stem turn pale from lack of nutrients. The solution is comprehensive and regular feeding. You can also transplant it into a more spacious and suitable pot, then you will be able to save the flower.

With roots

Antorium has a developed and powerful, but vulnerable root system. If you touch the root during transplantation, the flower may die. Any problems with roots are very dangerous.

Aerial roots

If the flower has aerial roots under the leaves, then it is time to transplant and propagate the plant. The top of the stem with aerial roots needs to be rooted, it is cut off and transplanted into another pot. After this, be sure to water thoroughly.

The roots are rotting

Root rot is often the result of a fungal infection. To solve the problem, spraying with fungicides is used. Replanting to remove the rotten part of the roots also helps.

With barrel

You can determine the condition of a flower by its trunk. If the trunk becomes brittle and fragile, and the leaves on the trunk fall off, then the flower is sick and needs treatment.

The trunk is exposed

Bareness of the trunk is a sign of a lack of iron and sunlight. Comprehensive feeding and moving the anthurium to a window that faces the sunny side will help.

The trunk stretched out

It happens that the trunk stretches disproportionately. In this case, the plant lacks potassium and calcium. As a top dressing, you can use complex fertilizers, as well as tea leaves and eggshells.


Wilting of the trunk is a sign of a fungal or viral infection. To solve the problem, spraying with a fungicide or antiviral agent for indoor plants, for example, Inta-vir, is required.


It happens that moisture appears on the leaves of the anthurium. When such drops of water appear, it seems as if the flower is crying. This is normal after heavy watering; the reason is that the plant gets rid of excess water. There is no need to treat this condition. If the room has dry air, the plant will not cry.

Myths and legends about the flower

Anthurium is a representative of the Araceae family, which is valued for its bright colors and rich smell. The legend about the flower originated in its homeland - Colombia. According to an old legend, a long time ago the leader of one tribe, a terrible and tough man, saw a beautiful girl and was blinded by her beauty. Having fallen in love, he wanted to make her his, but the stranger refused him. Enraged, the leader ordered the girl to be brought by force, threatening that he would ruin her village and kill all civilians.

Shedding bitter tears, the girl, not wanting to marry without love, made a desperate decision and jumped into the fire. The gods, seeing such sacrifice in the name of bright feelings, took pity on the stranger and turned her into a beautiful and proud anthurium flower, and the devastated settlement into dense thickets, completely covered with drops of moisture, which symbolized tears.

Since then, there has been a belief in Colombia: if a scarlet anthurium sits in the newlyweds’ bedroom for a month, their marriage will be strong and happy. In Latin America, it is customary to give bouquets of this plant at weddings as a sign that the husband must protect and protect his wife.

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